Open the production of plastic products. Business plan for organizing the production of plastic containers (packaging). Determination of the wholesale selling price

From the moment of its creation to the present day, plastic products have not lost their popularity. Plastic is cheap, ideal for mass production, and is now used in huge quantities. So, polymer cases for high-tech gadgets, interior trim parts for cars and even artificial organs for humans - all these are the realities of today.

Manufacturing plastic products is more than profitable. Let's discuss why this business is extremely profitable to this day, despite the fairly decent competition in this segment.

Business outlook

As we said before, the competition in this segment is quite strong. This is especially noticeable in the example of the interaction of our retail chains with the Chinese market, which supplies our country with a huge amount of such products.

To compete with the nimble Chinese, your production of plastic products must be focused on the most promising and dynamically developing market segments. For example, in recent years more and more individual entrepreneurs have appeared in our country. Many of them are engaged in food production.

Accordingly, they always have a need for cheap and high-quality packaging, for the release of which it is plastic that is ideal.

Don't forget about agriculture too. In recent years, livestock breeding in household plots has become increasingly important. People need buckets and animal care items, plastic drinkers and feeders, basins and other utensils. In a word, when establishing your own production of plastic products, always focus on the needs of the population in your region.

One-stop solution

When organizing your own business, you have to focus on many factors, each of which can have a significant impact on the profitability and overall "vitality" of the business.

But there is also a universal solution that suits almost all regions. This is jewelry. We will consider the business plan for its production today.

World manufacturers

It is believed that only unknown companies of Chinese and Indian origin are engaged in the production of cheap jewelry, but this is far from the case. Confirmation is the list of world famous companies that also do not hesitate to release jewelry intended for the widest range of buyers.

These include such "monsters" of world fashion as Yves Saint-Laurent and even Christian Dior, Ted Lapidus and Kenzo. You can often see jewelry from Valentino on the shelves of Western stores. And these are not cheap handicrafts of the Chinese, as is the case with our retail chains, but real jewelry from the most famous companies. As you can see, brands of expensive jewelry are recognizable all over the world.

Famous Chinese firms

Despite all the above facts, you should not assume that all cheap fakes are produced in the Celestial Empire, which flood our markets. Not at all.

Among the huge number of handicraft industries and enterprises, Kiel James Patrick and Gold Filled are doing well. These jewelry manufacturers in China have also earned worldwide fame, and therefore their products can be seen today even in expensive boutiques.

If you want to organize a business selling the products of these companies, we advise you to cooperate with China directly. It is often possible to meet a paradoxical situation in which local handicraft industries copy the products of their own compatriots. Such ersatz often go to our country, forming a negative attitude towards Chinese jewelry in general.

Advantages of the production of domestic jewelry

It is generally accepted that products of this kind are the lot only of young people and people with not too high incomes. Unfortunately, this opinion has taken root by the fact that the shelves of our stores are literally littered with low-grade jewelry from India and China. Their cost is low, and the quality is even lower.

Typically, the manufacturing of plastic products is in the hands of the Chinese, Turks and Indians. They do not have a special idea about any design delights, and therefore are mainly engaged in rough copying of products from the world's leading brands in the field of high fashion.

Accordingly, the resulting decorations are such only formally. But in the world it is precisely high-quality expensive jewelry that is becoming increasingly important. There will always be a demand for it. This is confirmed by the world jewelry manufacturers: according to their information, high-quality and beautiful jewelry is a fashion trend that is becoming more and more widespread.

Plastic for production

Let's go back to the topic of cheap Chinese jewelry. It does not enjoy the recognition of buyers also for the reason that materials of the lowest quality are used in its manufacture. It often happens that the brooch smells sharply of some kind of chemical components.

The danger here is not in the smell itself, but in how all these substances can affect human skin. Accordingly, the most stringent requirements are imposed on the polymers used: plastic can only be food grade, not contain any substances that could negatively affect health.

Raw materials

By the way, where can you get such high quality raw materials? We'll grieve you right away: in our country there are plastic production facilities of the appropriate quality, but there are not so many of them, and the cost of production is high.

Many manufacturers prefer to buy granular raw materials from South Korea and China. It is very cheap there, and customs duties are low.

Important! Be very careful when buying plastic in China. The fact is that the cheapest is processed products made from recycled materials. You cannot use such materials for making jewelry.

Equipment and its approximate cost

First, you need to purchase an extrusion line. The simplest model with a load of up to 150 kg of raw materials will cost approximately 1.5 million rubles. Such equipment for making jewelry is currently produced not only in China.

Secondly, a plastic thermoforming line will be required. In addition, you will need to buy a vacuum loader. Finally, it will not be possible to do without a large number of molds in which the finished product will be formed.

A finished line for the production of high-quality jewelry will cost 5-7 million rubles.

Production technology

If we talk specifically about plastic jewelry, then molding and stamping is the most widespread and cheap technology. In the first case, the molten plastic is simply poured into pre-prepared molds and cooled. After that, excess material is removed from the surface of the products, the decorations are brought to the required form.

When stamping, almost everything happens, but the plastic is not brought to a molten state. The material is simply heated, and then the necessary products are stamped on the molds.

We should also mention sketches for production. Most of the manufacturers just buy sketches from some famous designers. If you have the opportunity, you can hire an in-house designer. We do not recommend engaging in illegal copying, since the fines for such activities have been very serious in recent years.

Production room

In principle, there are no incredible requirements for the premises in which it is planned to establish the production of plastic products.

First, you need an electrical network that can withstand 380 V. The presence of a fire alarm and an automatic fire extinguishing system is mandatory.

Since the manufacture of jewelry is a potentially hazardous activity to human health, the workshop should be located no closer than a kilometer from the nearest residential buildings.

In addition, water supply and sewerage are required. Water is rarely used directly in production, since in the manufacture of bijouterie, ready-made raw materials are often needed, but it is extremely needed to cool the workpieces and when organizing workers' rest.


To service the machines, you will need to hire three or four handymen, a couple of movers, a freight forwarder, a production technologist and a designer. In addition, staff will be required to clean the premises. Do not forget that it is necessary to deduct interest from their salaries to social funds (about 30%).

The fast pace of modern life, which is constantly increasing from year to year, requires from humanity the maximum return of physical and moral strength. It is difficult to stay afloat sitting on a soft sofa at home. So people have to hurry, run and hurry, not looking around and sometimes not having time to dine on time.

Snacks are a popular fast food

An active lifestyle has shaped the need for foods that you can eat on the go without spending a lot of time on it. This is how snacks (from the English Snak - light snack) appeared and quickly gained popularity. They are small dry food packaged in small portions in convenient packaging.

Fast food products include potato chips, cereal flakes, a variety of nuts, salted fish, dried fruits and, of course, croutons. This snack product did not become a big discovery for the Russian consumer. He just moved from domestic cuisines to the civilized market, where he very quickly gained popularity and love of a large number of fans.

Making snack rusks is a profitable business

The technology for the production of crackers is not very complex and provides a high economic effect. The raw material for the production of snacks is bread baked from wheat or rye flour. Depending on the initial product, the production of one hundred grams of ready-made crackers will require about one hundred and forty grams of bread, a little spices and vegetable oil. Even for an uninitiated person, it is quite obvious that the benefits from the production and sale of crackers are quite large.

Equipment for the production of croutons is affordable for any novice entrepreneur. A start-up capital of one hundred thousand dollars and a production facility of up to one hundred square meters will be sufficient for successful work. It is very important that the enterprise has a technologist for the production of rusks. The quality and taste of the products produced largely depend on his experience and skill level.

Having established regular sales of goods, constantly supporting an aggressive advertising campaign, you can return the money spent in six months.

Consumer demand orientation

Any bakery is faced with a constant problem - the need to process unsold or low-quality products. Equipment for the production of croutons is the best way out of the situation. The basis for the production of this popular product is prepared bread. Dried baked goods are best suited for this purpose.

The disadvantage in the large-scale production of demanded products is the laboriousness of improving the technological process. Consumer tastes are highly variable, and therefore, to be successful, manufacturers need to constantly focus on changing taste preferences.

Large enterprises are not very agile in operational changes in production orientation. Regularly researching demand and quickly responding to new trends in food fashion is within the power of small mobile enterprises.

The croutons production line consists of a bread slicing machine, oven for drying semi-finished products, equipment for the introduction of food additives and a packaging machine.

Stages of the technological process

To cut pieces in the form of cubes or small cubes, a bread slicer is used to produce crackers. By repeatedly passing bread slices through knives, you can achieve semi-finished products of the desired shape and required size.

Heat treatment of crackers is carried out in frying ovens, maintaining the temperature within two hundred degrees.

In order for snacks to get a specific taste and smell, they must be processed with food additives. In order for the spices to better fix on semi-finished products, the surface of the bread is first sprinkled with vegetable oil. If the production is small-scale, the aromatization process can be carried out manually. In spacious containers, with the help of special spatulas, croutons are mixed for uniform enveloping with flavoring seasonings.

For large volumes, a special dragee machine is used for the production of croutons. It is a deep, spacious container or drum in which bread snacks are mixed with the help of wide blades.

The finished product cools down to room temperature, after which it is sent to the packaging machine.

What are crackers

By the type of flour, snacks are:

  • light - wheat;
  • dark - wheat-rye;
  • black - from Borodino bread.

The rapidly growing interest in crackers required manufacturers to constantly search for fresh ideas and develop new recipes. The product range is due to the variety of flavoring additives. Here, the search for food addictions and interests is limitless. Today, croutons with the taste of meat products, fish, caviar, cheese, sour cream, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, fruits are in great demand among consumers. Snacks can be salted or sweet.

Who buys crackers

Salty snacks are highly respected by lovers of a foamy drink. The production of beer croutons required the development of a separate line of popular products, aimed at people spending their free time on vacation with family and friends.

Business idea in the garage. Centrifugal casting of jewelry, key chains and other small items

The consumers of snack products are equally women and men of the most different age categories. But most of all, fast food is in demand among young and active people.

Today, such products that were made from plastic are beginning to enjoy particular popularity. They can be used in almost any area of \u200b\u200bhuman life. In this regard, in the industry of this direction, only the latest equipment for the production of plastic products and only high-quality raw materials are used.

Why exactly such products began to enjoy popularity?

Plants that are engaged in the production of plastic that are so popular today show the following products in the list of their products: buckets, troughs, film and many other products that are used in everyday life.

Plastic has a number of advantages, among which are practicality, convenience, environmental friendliness. In addition, it can be sold for a decent price.

Basic equipment

The equipment for the production of plastic products, which is popular today, is one processing line. Of those units that are part of its complex, a vacuum forming device can be distinguished. It is necessary in order to be able to manufacture parts from the corresponding sheet.

The work of the machine is based on the use of thermoplastic raw materials, which are easily processed and formed into the future product. This procedure is accompanied by heating the starting material.

Where can such a setup be used?

Equipment for the production of plastic products of this type is in high demand when creating outdoor advertising (the formation of logos and volumetric letters), in trade and refrigerated display cases, etc.

This unit has the ability to engage in the production of POS materials, and it can be useful in the automotive industry.

It should be noted that even in garden pools there is a fairly large number of plastic parts. Actually, as in construction with design. Therefore, the profitability of the business will be quite high.

What modern installations can be purchased?

The machine for the production of plastic products is designed for a wide range of tasks. We are talking about all kinds of conveyors, conveyors and separators. If you start to consider the equipment with which you can engage in the production of plastic, then you should highlight the main installations and all kinds of profiles.

The technological line includes an extruder. Typically, this machine is a twin-screw (with tapered augers), with a vacuum calibration table, a pulling device, special saws and a table-shaped receiving device. In addition, the line can be equipped with all the necessary devices that are capable of producing plastic panels.

The technological line includes an injection molding machine. Such an installation for the production of plastic products has a plumbing fitting, adapter, tray, cap, lid and housing, which has a rather complex shape. Polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene and nylon can be used as raw materials.

The machine for the production of plastic products is designed to provide an entrepreneur with a full cycle of manufacturing the required products. In addition, the technological line is characterized by the presence of separate units, with the help of which specific tasks are performed. You can make plastic products of different shapes, regardless of complexity and size.

Optional equipment

In a special place is the technological line, which is engaged in the production of plastic plates and numerous profiles. Such products are usually used in a wide variety of areas of human life. The equipment includes an extruder equipped with conical screws, broaching devices and receiving tables. To trim to a specific size, you will need to use a specialized saw.

Equipment purchase costs

It will take about 300,000 Russian rubles to purchase all the necessary equipment to start production. However, do not forget that when expanding your enterprise, you will need to purchase the necessary installations. Otherwise, it will make no sense to engage in entrepreneurial activity in this area.

The popularity of plastic

Plastic products are very popular at the moment. Life without them is now almost impossible. Naturally, the demand for products is quite high, especially if the products are made at a sufficiently high level. Plastic can now be seen everywhere. These are numerous buckets, and various boxes, and flower pots, and bowls, and much more. Materials such as wood and metal began to be gradually replaced by plastic from everyday life.

Material advantages

Plastic products are characterized by resistance to a variety of natural precipitation and other influences. They do not corrode, besides, they are easy to use, hygienic and highly durable. In addition, modern plastic can retain all these properties for a fairly long time. In addition, each person will be able to repaint a product made of such material in any color without much effort. And with all these advantages, plastic, as a rule, does not differ in high cost.


All of the above parameters speak for one thing. Regardless of how high the price of equipment for the production of plastic products is, such an entrepreneurial activity will pay off pretty quickly. Especially if the approach to the technological process is competent and correct enough. I wish you success in organizing your own enterprise for the manufacture of plastic products!

The annual volume of the sunflower oil market in Russia is ≈2.5 million tons of finished product. And far from the entire assortment presented on store shelves is offered by large corporations - about half of the market is occupied by small enterprises and even farms. A mini plant for the production of sunflower oil can be an excellent source of constant income for a novice entrepreneur. What will you have to think about when launching your own plant for the production of vegetable oil?

Our business valuation:

Initial investments - from 2,500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

Difficulty starting a business - 7/10.

The relevance of the sunflower oil business

Many investors have already turned their gaze to this production niche, which is understandable - the costs of organizing a workshop are relatively small, and the sales opportunities are huge. Competition in this market segment is quite strong, but with competent management and a well-thought-out marketing campaign, mini sunflower oil production will not be left without profit.

Products can be sold not only to customers in supermarkets and shops, but also to private enterprises that use oil as the main raw material. This component is used in many areas - soap making, canned food, paint and varnish, cosmetic and medical industries. But if you fail to find “your buyer” (which is very unlikely), the oil can be supplied abroad - for example, in Turkey it is in great demand.

The next advantage of starting the production of vegetable oil is its wastelessness. In the process of manufacturing the product, production wastes are generated that are suitable for subsequent use - husk, cake, meal. These related products can be marketed to third parties.

Husk is often sold to brick factories, and cake and meal - to farms.

The sale of waste can be counted as an additional profit for the company. But more often their sales are clearly reflected in the cost price, reducing the final price of the product.

Which oil is more profitable to produce?

Having decided to start your own business for the production of vegetable oil, you should decide which oil to produce - refined or unrefined. The main differences between these 2 types are in the degree of product purification.

The production of refined oil is a more laborious process. It is purified using many chemical-technological methods, so that the output is a product of a certain degree of transparency, with no extraneous taste and smell. And the production of unrefined oil is based only on mechanical filtration of the product, which gives it a specific smell and taste.

And despite the fact that the production of unrefined oil will require less costs, you should not rely only on it - the profit will decrease significantly. To promote your brand and get more income, you should expand the range of products offered to customers. In addition, modern technologies make it possible to produce several types of oils at once on one production line.

Sunflower oil production technology

Sunflower oil production flow chart

This is not to say that the technology for the production of sunflower oil is easy. Technologists here have to choose the most optimal product manufacturing scheme.

Without going into details, the flow chart looks like this:

  • Sifting seeds.
  • Seed collapse (peeling).
  • Grinding of seeds.
  • Heat treatment of seeds.
  • Spin.
  • Filtration.
  • Refining.
  • Filling and packaging.

This is a general technological production process, and at a particular enterprise, some of the stages may be omitted. For example, no refining is needed to make an unrefined product. The same is with heat treatment - this stage is often eliminated to reduce the cost of purchasing equipment. Therefore, it is important that the business plan for the production of sunflower oil must contain a detailed description of the selected technology. The choice of the necessary equipment depends on this in the future.

It is better to invite a qualified technologist to draw up the practical part of the business project.

What equipment is required to run the workshop?

Line for the production of sunflower oil OVOR - 450

When the manufacturing technology of the product is thought out, it is necessary to buy equipment for the production of sunflower oil. There is a huge selection of equipment on the market - from low-power household appliances to high-performance automated lines. Which option to choose depends on the planned output of the finished product.

If you plan to produce more than 30 tons of oil / day, it is more expedient to think about buying a fully equipped line (pressing + refining). With a lower capacity (up to 10 tons / day), it is better to buy all equipment separately.

Average price of equipment for sunflower oil production, purchased separately:

  • Separator for cleaning seeds - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Roll-and-blow machine - from 70,000 rubles.
  • Roller machine - from 500,000 rubles.
  • Brazier - from 400,000 rubles.
  • Wringing machine - from 650,000 rubles.
  • Filter for squeezing oil (2-3 pieces are required) - from 90,000 rubles.
  • Refining device - from 700,000 rubles.
  • Filling machine - from 300,000 rubles.

As a result, it turns out that at least 2,300,000 rubles will need to be spent on equipment. The figure will increase significantly if the line is expanded with additional units and automated. And equipment with a capacity of more than 25 tons / day of finished oil will cost an entrepreneur at least 7,000,000 rubles.

Without a large investment available, you can at first abandon the brazier. Also, in order to save money, the shop for the production of sunflower oil can be equipped with supported equipment. But such transactions are always risky.

But private home production will not require such impressive equipment costs. The price of household appliances is not so high, but they do not differ in high power either. For example, a mini churn for the production of sunflower oil with a capacity of 5 l / h costs from 100,000 rubles today. But here, of course, we are not talking about big profits. As a family business - yes, there is such an option, but as production equipment in a full-fledged workshop - it is unlikely.

What premises should you rent?

The main difficulty in launching food enterprises is the stringent requirements for workshop and warehouse facilities. There should be electricity, water, sewerage. In addition, the city's sanitary services will definitely check the premises for compliance with lighting and cleanliness standards.

As for the area of \u200b\u200bpremises, then here you can focus on the following norms: for 1 ton of raw materials processed per day, there should be at least 40 m 2 of free space. And the storage facilities should be even larger, since according to the rules, sunflower seeds cannot be stored in bulk too thick. Moreover, the production stock rate is considered immediately for 1-1.5 months. On average, warehouse space should be twice the size of production halls.

Separate premises will also be required for storing husk and meal. If there are none, then in good weather, the waste products can be stored outside (under a canopy).

What kind of staff do you need to hire?

The sunflower oil production line must be serviced by specialists. And the more automated the enterprise is, the less maintenance personnel will be needed.

From qualified employees with appropriate diplomas, masters and technologists (2-6 people) will be required. Low-skilled personnel (loaders, drivers, cleaners) are recruited based on the needs of a particular enterprise.

At food enterprises, as a rule, a shift work schedule is established - 2 * 2. Salary - piece-rate bonus.

Well, even one person can make a product at home using a churn.

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Financial justification of the project

Each business plan should include a section on all costs and projected profits. Without these data, no bank and no investor will give a start-up entrepreneur a business loan.

Taking into account how much an oil press for the production of sunflower oil and other equipment costs, one can calculate the fixed costs of organizing a small workshop with a capacity of 5 tons / day:

  • Premises rental (from 500 m2) - from 100,000 rubles.
  • Premises preparation - from 300,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - from 2,000,000 rubles.
  • Paperwork - from 50,000 rubles.

It turns out that an entrance ticket to this area of \u200b\u200bbusiness will cost an entrepreneur at least 2,500,000 rubles. And the figure will be significantly higher if the plant is equipped with vehicles to deliver products to customers.

There is no such money and nowhere to take it? Then you should seriously think about starting a home production. Choose your production methods, buy an inexpensive churn and get to work.

  • Salary for employees - from 400,000 rubles / month.
  • Premises rental - from 100,000 rubles / month.
  • Taxes - from 70,000 rubles / month.
  • Advertising, transportation and utilities costs - from 100,000 rubles / month.

If we take as a basis for calculations that the workshop will work daily (8 hours each) and produce ≈50 tons of finished oil per month, then the profitability table can be presented as follows:

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The recycling of PET bottles and other plastic products became relevant immediately after the start of their mass production for household needs. Under natural conditions, plastic decomposes for a very long time, so sooner or later the question arises before society: what to do with waste from this material - to dispose of or recycle it into raw materials that are in demand for various production purposes. As statistics show, the profitability of plastic processing enterprises is quite high. This is due to the insignificant costs of setting up enterprises, the simplicity of the processing technology and practically inexhaustible sources of raw materials.

This business is much more promising in the Russian Federation than in European countries. This is eloquently indicated by the figures: in Russia, only about 6% of plastic bottles and other types of packaging are recycled annually, while in Europe this figure is 80%. The recommended business plan for plastic processing with calculations is a project for organizing a small plant, which will be in demand in almost any region of the country, especially in small towns and near places of public recreation.

Market Review

Over 3 billion tons of waste from various materials are generated worldwide every year. Of this amount, at least 11-12% falls on the share of plastics. Most of all plastic waste is "supplied" by the USA - about 77 kg per person. In our country, this figure is 25 kg. Mostly polyethylene and polypropylene are recycled. Waste of the combined type is practically not processed. Recyclable materials obtained from plastic waste are sent to enterprises engaged in the production of various structures, composite building materials, packaging products, etc. An important advantage of modern recycling technologies is that during the recycling process, many of the original properties of plastic materials are lost and the scope of their reuse is narrowed, thereby reducing the re-generation of waste.

In Russia, the annual volume of waste from plastic is estimated at about 40 million tons, of which only 35% are suitable for recycling. As noted above, only 6% of this amount is sent for processing. The rest is transported to numerous landfills, which grow in size from year to year.

The main obstacle to the organization of a civilized approach to plastic recycling in our country is the lack of a separate collection system. Only such activity can become the main one for deep processing, because sorting of mixed waste makes it possible to extract only 10-15% of recyclable raw materials from them.

Despite all the difficulties, the plastic waste processing industry is developing in Russia. The number of factories for the production of flex from used plastic is gradually increasing in the country, their profitability is growing, the cost of primary raw materials is increasing, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the use of recyclable materials.

It is gratifying that new laws are being adopted at the state level and attractive economic conditions are being developed for market participants. At this time, the main players on it are:

  • 11 thousand landfills and dumps.
  • 4 incinerators (all located in the metropolitan area).
  • 5 waste recycling plants.
  • 39 sorting bases.
  • More than 1 thousand transport organizations involved in waste disposal.

A specific feature of the domestic market for plastic processing is its predominantly local character, which leads to a constant increase in the area occupied by landfills. According to the FAS Russia, the market is characterized by an extremely low level of competition, especially in the regional context. An example of this is city statistics, which depend on population size. In particular, 45% of cities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants are served by one waste collection company. Significantly more organizations are involved in processing

In general, according to Research.Techart, the domestic refining market is estimated at $ 1.5-2 billion. There are quite a few "clean" processors on it, most of the enterprises prefer to engage in the production of flex products.

In addition, the Russian plastic processing market is underdeveloped technologically, as evidenced by the following statistics:

  • The country's landfills contain 36-38 million tons of waste (i.e. 90-92% of their total).
  • The country burns only 1.8% of solid waste.
  • 1.2-1.6 million tons (3-4%) undergo industrial processing per year.

Thus, opening a small plastic processing plant is a socially significant and economically attractive line of business.

Organizational and legal form

A plastic processing enterprise is created within the framework of the legal form of a limited liability company (LLC). This choice is due to the advantages that the plant will have in production and commercial activities. First of all:

  • The possibility of concluding contracts for the supply of products abroad.
  • Granting the right to cooperate with legal entities.
  • Broader prospects for the development of the enterprise.

In accordance with the chosen form of business organization, taxation is carried out according to the general system.

The main taxes paid and their amount are indicated in the following table:

Tax Applicable tax base Periodicity Rate value
By the amount of profit Received profit M-c 20%
VAT Amount of charged VAT M-c 18%
On property The amount of the purchased property According to the schedule 2,2%
Income Payroll M-c 13%
Social payments Payroll M-c 34%

Description of the object

The new plastic waste recycling plant will produce flex as an end product. This material is in the form of granules, which can later be used for the manufacture of disposable plastic dishes, packaging containers, films and tapes from plastic and other products.

It is planned to implement the main stages of this project in the following terms:

Stage / month, decade 1 2 3
Dec 1 Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 1 Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 1
Registration of LLC, enterprise + + +
Registration with tax authorities, opening a current account + +
Signing a lease agreement for production areas + +
Purchase of production and technological equipment + + +
Repair of industrial premises + + +
Registration of permits and conclusion of contracts for the supply of raw materials for the enterprise + +
Installation, commissioning and testing of a production line for plastic processing + + + +
Conclusion of contracts with consumers of final products (flex) + +
Staff recruitment + + +
Enterprise launch +

Selection of production facilities

For the normal functioning of a plastic processing enterprise, an unused premises of a plant or a large warehouse with a total area of \u200b\u200bat least 120 sq. m. The object must have a connection to the power supply, water supply and sewerage networks. The most preferable location of the plant is near the waste collection and storage sites. This will reduce the cost of transporting the project.

The facility is equipped with premises for:

  • Enterprise office.
  • Warehouses for raw materials and finished products.
  • Factory workers.
  • Workshops with an installed plastic processing line.
  • Sanitary and hygienic needs of staff.
  • Storage of spare parts for equipment and tools.

On the territory of the plant, a parking lot is being equipped for vehicles delivering raw materials for processing and exporting finished products.

The best solution for choosing a room is to lease it by the city administration as part of a regional environmental program.

Production and technological equipment

The preparatory stage for plastic processing includes the following operations:

  • Collection of PET bottles and other types of plastic packaging.
  • Sorting of raw materials by classes (colors).
  • Rejection of products made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

After their completion, the raw materials are sent to the technological processing line, consisting of the following units:

  • Band conveyer.
  • Rotary machine.
  • Auger conveyor with Archimedean screw.
  • Machine for removing caps and labels from bottles.
  • Crusher.
  • Boiler.
  • Screw.
  • Washing machine.
  • Rinsing machine.
  • Dryer-water separator (centrifuge).
  • Air drying equipment (pneumatic dryer).
  • Flotation baths.
  • Storage bunker.

The capacity of the purchased equipment is 700 kg of flex per hour. The line is serviced by two workers.

Staff recruitment

At the initial stage of the project, 18 employees are employed to work at the plastic waste recycling plant. The staffing table and labor costs are shown in the following table:

Position name (specialty) Number of full-time employees Salary per month Pay per month
Director 1 30 000 30 000
Collectors-sorters 15 12 000 180 000
Plastic Recycling Line Maintenance Workers 2 20 000 40 000
TOTAL 18 62 000 250 000

Accounting services at the initial stage of the company's operation are outsourced.

Financial plan

The total investment in the project is distributed as follows:

Directions of project financing Total
Equipment purchase 3 500 000
Working capital 155 000
Organizational expenses 610 000
Total (in rubles) 4 265 000

It is planned that plastic bottles will be purchased mainly from the local population at a price of 15-18 rubles per 1 kg (the price of 18 rubles per 1 kg is used in calculations). Considering that about 800 grams of flex is obtained from 1 kg of plastic waste, technological losses of the line will amount to 20% of the total waste mass. The average cost of flex pellets is 35 rubles / kg. Transport costs are accepted in the amount of 20% of the cost of raw materials.

Under these conditions, the plant's proceeds from the sale of products for the first year of its operation will amount to 17,248,000 rubles.

The total project costs for 1 year of operation of the enterprise are shown in this table:

The forecasted volume of proceeds of the plant for 1 year of operation will amount to 17,248,000 rubles at the value of the production cost of 18,651,000 rubles. Taking into account the payment of taxes in the amount of 172,480 rubles, the net profit of the enterprise will be 1,575,480 rubles. Thus, with the planning horizon of the enterprise's activities of 1 year, the projected costs and incomes, investments in the creation of a plastic processing plant will pay off no later than 8 months from the date of its opening. The profitability of the enterprise for this period will be 27%.

Business SWOT analysis

A clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe potential risks and benefits of a given business is provided by a SWOT analysis.


  • Availability of versatile international experience in the activities of enterprises in this industry.
  • Availability of standard design and estimate documentation for the creation of plastic processing facilities.
  • High social significance of the type of activity.
  • The presence of public environmental organizations that support the creation of processing enterprises.
  • Availability of environmental programs implemented by local government authorities.
  • Simplicity of raw materials processing technologies.
  • Constant availability of raw materials for processing.


  • Insufficient development of the regional regulatory framework for the operation of factories for the processing of plastic waste.
  • Possible limited sources of raw materials in some regions of the country.
  • Insufficient level of organization of separate waste collection.
  • Poor development of the industry in the country.
  • Low social prestige of the activity.

As a result, a business may face the following risks:

  • Market fluctuations in the cost of final products.
  • Decreased investment attractiveness.
  • Changes in the field of state regulation of waste management rules.


Starting a plastic waste recycling facility is an economically viable and profitable business. The profitability of the production process is ensured by low costs for the purchase of raw materials, low current production costs and a high level of profit after the enterprise reaches the breakeven mode.

A plastic recycling business, if properly organized, can generate a decent income. At the same time, such activities help save the environment, clearing landfills from non-degradable waste and preventing the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere during its incineration.

Advantages and disadvantages of a business idea

Even a small home recycling business for the same empty bottles is economically viable. This is facilitated by the low cost of raw materials - you can get it for free if you negotiate with enterprises that dream of getting rid of unnecessary waste.

The purchase of plastic waste from the population will require approximately 9 thousand rubles. per ton. If you choose the production of granules, then from 5 tons of waste you can get 4 tons of product. With properly organized sales, their cost will be about 200 thousand rubles.

For a month, taking into account weekends and work in one shift, an average enterprise is able to produce about 40 tons of processed product.

Profit excluding taxes and other expenses comes out to about 2 million rubles.For such an enterprise, the equipment will cost about 4 million rubles. If you subtract the costs of rent, wages, utilities, transportation, it will pay off in about six months.

The plastic bottle is the most common type of container at the present time.

It is necessary to take into account the scale of production and the selected business technology. If you recycle a small amount of plastic at home and produce plastic flakes instead of granules, then the income will be much less, but the equipment costs will be reduced. Here the average income is about 300 thousand rubles. per month, and reaching the break-even point occurs in about a year.

When organizing a plastic recycling business, it is necessary to take into account its possible disadvantages:

  • a large number of permits, which will have to spend both time and money. In general, starting a business will take 4 months and at least 50 thousand rubles. excluding the cost of equipment and rent;
  • difficulties in finding sales and rather high competition;
  • the need for manual labor, which expands the staff and costs of salaries, payments to insurance funds and tax.

But with a competent approach to the plastic recycling business, these shortcomings are leveled by a good profit, which will become stable in a year, and a fairly quick return on the initial investment.

Types of plastic processing

In order to properly organize a plastic recycling business, you need to decide which specific plastic waste will be sent for recycling, and what end result you plan to receive. The choice of technology, the scale of production and the cost of equipment depend on this.

The simplest way is to process single-grade scrap without serious contamination - the same PET bottles.

But with good financial investments, it is possible to organize a mini-plant for the processing of various plastic materials or plastics with the inclusion of impurities. In this case, additional cleaning equipment will be required.

The processing process at enterprises is carried out mechanically or using chemical and thermal methods. The first method is used to obtain secondary raw materials for sale. Chemical methods (hydrolysis, glycolysis, methanolysis), as well as thermal destruction (pyrolysis) require expensive equipment, special laboratory conditions, it is extremely difficult to organize such production independently.

The main types of recycled plastics:

  • polymer granules;
  • polymer-sand mixture;
  • flexes.

The granular form of polypropylene is the best fit for combining it with other components

The plastic recycling business involves more than just pellets, which are used to create plastic bottles, polymer fibers and packaging.

If you purchase the appropriate equipment - melting and heating devices, you can organize the production of polymer-sand composition.

It can be sold to enterprises engaged in the creation of shingles, paving slabs and other similar products.

The processing technology includes five main stages:

  1. Sorting of plastic by type and level of contamination.
  2. Initial grinding.
  3. Secondary sorting.
  4. Rinsing and drying.
  5. Melting the plastic to a homogeneous state and forming in a pellet press.

You can get from 35 to 40 g of flakes from one bottle

When creating flexes, the last stage is skipped, so you just get crushed plastic of a fine fraction of different colors. Granules have the same weight and size and are of higher quality. It is more profitable to produce them, but the equipment is more expensive, since a special extruder is required.

The main challenge in mechanical recycling is pre-sorting and cleaning. Contaminated plastic is brought from landfills - removing labels, debris and impurities takes time and manual labor.

Where to begin

To implement this business idea, you first need to analyze the market for the presence of competitors. If in a city with a population of less than 100 thousand people there is already a similar production, it is unprofitable to open a new one. Or you need to change the direction of sale - to negotiate with buyers in the nearest large settlements, choose a different type of finished product. But in any case, the first step is to draw up a business plan for plastic recycling in order to take into account the likely costs and risks.

Drawing up a business plan

Even if you are planning to start a home plastic recycling business, you need to start by writing a business plan. Ideally, three options are best: realistic, optimistic, and pessimistic. This will allow the production to vary depending on the situation. When drawing up a plan, consider the following:

  • Availability of potential suppliers of raw materials and potential distribution channels for finished products. It may be more profitable to spend money on equipment for the independent production of blanks for bottles or polymer fiber.
  • Required permits for starting production. First of all, this is official registration with the tax authority as an LLC or individual entrepreneur with the purchase of an online cash register and its configuration.
  • Choosing a suitable room. If you are organizing not a tiny production in a personal garage, but a mini-factory, it is economical to rent a non-residential workshop on the outskirts of the city. But all communications must be connected.
  • Selection and purchase of equipment. The kit depends on the final product. At the initial stage, you can save money by buying handheld devices.
  • Calculation of staff and salary costs, transport.

Don't forget about the advertising campaign. If preliminary sales agreements have already been concluded, a small website with product prices is sufficient. But you will probably need to spend money on flyers to attract potential suppliers of raw materials and organize containers in the yards for separate waste disposal.

Recycling of plastic bottles belongs to the sphere of hazardous industries, so you will need to issue a license to operate and obtain an environmental certificate

Find plastic suppliers

A continuous flow of raw materials is required to keep a processing line running continuously. To do this, it is necessary to establish not one, but several channels of its receipt:

  • purchase from the population;
  • organization of environmental clean-up activities;
  • use of containers for separate waste collection;
  • collection of unnecessary plastic containers in cafes and restaurants.

With the right approach, most of the raw material base will come for free, which will reduce the cost of production and increase the likelihood of its quick sale.

It is not enough to install containers, you need to purchase at least a cargo GAZelle

Search for premises and equipment

A mini-plastic processing plant will require an industrial building with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 60 sq. m with additional departments for storing raw materials and finished products. All communication lines must be connected to it.

You will need to obtain permits from the fire and environmental services of the village.

The set of equipment depends on the types of processed raw materials, but you will definitely need:

  • automatic devices for feeding raw materials;
  • cleaning devices;
  • shredders for preliminary crushing;
  • crushers for final grinding;
  • bunkers;
  • dispensers.

For cleaning plastics, both liquid and dry modules can be used. The latter type is more convenient, economical and environmentally friendly.

The line consists of several units connected by belt conveyors

To process plastic bottles into flakes, a perforator and a specialized line are enough, which already includes cleaning devices and shredders.

If you intend to obtain pellets, an additional pellet press is required. It consists of an extruder equipped with one or two screws, a slide filter, as well as an electric heater and an air or water cooler. Twin screw extruders produce better products, but these are more expensive. Low-cost extrusion machines are manufactured in China, Russia and Ukraine, and more expensive and high-quality ones are imported from Western Europe.

Modern models assume remote control of work. If you don’t skimp on an expensive automated line that carries out a full cycle of washing, separation from foreign bodies, grinding and granulation, you can subsequently save a lot on salaries for staff.

Homemade equipment for plastic recycling on video

Personnel search

The staff of the processing complex depends on the scale of the enterprise and the automation of production. For a home business, two family members will suffice, but a small factory will require four workers per line, as well as a truck driver.

Possible mistakes

An optimistic business plan assumes that the plant operates without interruption, there is always enough raw materials, and the finished product does not lie in stock. In this case, it is possible to obtain a consistently high profit. But reality does not always coincide with the desired result. In order to establish the most profitable production, you need to consider possible problems:

  • lack of raw materials to fully load the line;
  • geographic proximity of a competing enterprise;
  • lack of equipment capacity;
  • the risk of breakage of equipment units, due to which production will stop;
  • human factor - negligence or alcohol abuse of workers.

If you control these moments, you can avoid production errors and achieve the stability of the enterprise.

In this article:

Disposable plastic dishes are no longer a novelty. It is an affordable and convenient way to reduce cleaning time and luggage weight while on vacation or during transportation. Despite the periodically uproar in the press about the harm of plastic containers, it is in wide and constant demand. Because this is comfort for little money, and the "danger" of plastic for food is easily neutralized by its correct use. This product will always have a customer. But will its production be profitable? Let's consider in stages.

Areas of application and possible marketing

Plastic products on the market today for disposable tableware: plates, cups, wine glasses, skewers, drink mixers, spoons, knives, forks, trays and containers for storing food of various shapes and sizes. Cookware is made of simple and expanded polystyrene (for cold foods) or polypropylene (for high temperatures, microwave ovens).

Scopes of plastic tableware:

  • catering points operating on the principles of "fast food" (pancakes, pizzerias, children's cafes, canteens);
  • enterprises for the delivery of ready-made meals to your home or office;
  • grocery stores;
  • food production enterprises;
  • retail outlets with bulk goods (confectionery, dairy products, ready-made salads).

A huge segment of the disposable tableware market is occupied by plastic cups - they are used almost everywhere: in offices, sanatoriums, children's and sports facilities (for coolers, in vending machines for hot and cold drinks, in public catering). Of course, the level of competition is much higher here than in the manufacture of other plastic dishes.

To start production, you need to decide on the product range. To do this, you need to assess the presence of competing enterprises in the region, their range and pricing policy. Despite the large number of offers on the market of plastic products, there may not be any worthy competitors, since a huge amount of plastic dishes is brought from China, and, as practice shows, the buyer is more loyal to the domestic manufacturer, even if the price of his products is higher.

Organizational issues of registering a business for the production of plastic dishes

The choice of an organizational form for legal registration of a business depends on the size of the planned profit. It can be either an individual entrepreneur (for a small enterprise) or an LLC. The latter, despite the greater amount of paperwork, it is much easier to agree on cooperation with large enterprises both when purchasing a raw material base, and when concluding contracts for the supply of finished products. Traditionally, there is more trust in a legal entity. And the VAT refund is important in the procedure for optimizing taxation. Therefore, the optimal organizational form for starting a production is LLC on the general taxation system, including VAT.

The following code should be specified as the main activity:25.24.2 manufacture of plastic tableware, kitchen utensils and toilet articles

The activity for the production of plastic dishes is not licensed, but it will be necessary to issue certificates and technical specifications for the compliance of finished products with SanPiN standards and the requirements of GOSTs.

Pay attention to the following regulations:

  • GOST R 50962-96 - “Dishes and household products made of plastic. General technical conditions ";
  • GOST 15820-82 - "Polystyrene and styrene copolymers";
  • GN - instead of SanPiN No. 42-123-4240-86 "Permissible amounts of migration (DKM) of chemicals released from polymeric and other materials in contact with food and methods for their determination";
  • SP - "Hygienic requirements for the organization of technological processes, production equipment and workplace";
  • GN - MPC of harmful substances in the air of the working area.

The nuances of choosing a production facility

If you plan to manufacture a full cycle with the operation of the extruder, the following requirements must be met:

  • the height of the room is not lower than 4.5 m;
  • floor - concrete or tiles;
  • walls - 1.5-2 m from the floor surface are finished with non-combustible material;
  • good ventilation; - the ability to connect to the water supply system;
  • connection to a 3-phase power supply.

If ready-made film is used as a raw material (in fact, work is carried out on a heat press and packaging), the ceiling height is permissible lower, but not less than 3.5 m.

According to its functional purpose, the production room should be divided into the following zones:

  • Workshop for the production of plastic dishes;
  • Administrative and utility room;
  • Warehouse for storing raw materials;
  • Warehouse for storing finished products;
  • Changing rooms for staff;
  • Bathroom.

Raw materials - we choose high quality

Technological process for the production of plastic dishes

Depending on the type of product, there are two technologies for the production of plastic tableware: molding and casting. The injection molding method is used to make thick-walled dishes (cutlery, premium goods: glasses, wine glasses, glasses according to individually made forms). The casting process is rather slow, the production cost is high, since here the weight determines the quality and strength of the finished product. For example, the weight of a standard 200 ml glass is 3 g, made by the injection method - up to 10 g.

The production of tableware by the molding method is more promising for mass consumption. The automated molding line can produce up to 30 million cups (13-18 million plates) per month.

Let's consider step by step the technology of making plastic dishes in this way:

1. Raw materials in the form of residual polyester (recycled) or finished pellets are fed into the extruder. If the production of colored dishes is planned, colored ones are added to the white granules.

2. In the extruder, the pellets are heated to the melting point, the melt is constantly mixed using a screw press. Having reached the desired consistency, the mass passes through the press, forming a plastic sheet with a thickness of about 2 mm. Basic requirement - uniform thickness of the resulting product.

3. Ready the roll of film enters the thermoforming machine, where, depending on the type of product, molds of various configurations are used.

4. But before forming blanks for future dishes, the film must be warmed up. To do this, it is directed through a 3-meter furnace, which heats the material to a plastic state.

5. In the thermoforming machine, the web is tightly sucked into the mold.

With the help of a press, finished products (cups, plates, packages) are squeezed out row by row.

7. The resulting film scraps are disposed of for future use. Thus, the production process is waste-free.

8. The trimmer transfers the products to the machine, which stacks the products and transfers them to the conveyor belt.

9. The tape transfers products to packaging... Or for further modification (heating and rolling the top edge of the cups to form rounded rims; applying prints and logos), and then onto the packaging.

We draw up a business plan for the production of plastic dishes

1. Enterprise LLC "X" plans to produce the following product

  • cutlery (spoons, knives, forks);
  • glasses (with a capacity of 200 ml);
  • plates.

2. Raw materials and materials

  • for the manufacture of cutlery and plates - polypropylene;
  • for cups - polystyrene.

The manufactured products will be transparent (cups) and white (the rest of the product), since colored additives contain harmful dyes-chemicals. Waste-free production (the remains of the film are remelted in the extruder for further use).

3. Sales

  • stationary catering points (50%);
  • population and offices (20%) - seasonal outdoor outlets (20%);
  • cafe (5%);
  • enterprises for the delivery of meals, the production of baked goods and confectionery (8%).

4. Premises

Rented industrial premises - 500 m 2 * 1400 rubles / m 2. The cost of rent - 700 000 rubles / month. (8 400 000 rubles / year)

5. Capital investment

A) Technological equipment (the price includes delivery of the line to the production workshop, installation, commissioning, personnel training):

  • Extruder - 1,048,950 rubles,
  • Thermoforming machines - 2 pieces * 672,000 rubles \u003d 1,344,000 rubles,
  • Molds - 5 pieces * 241 710 \u003d 1 208 550 rubles,
  • Compressor - 600 600 rubles.

B) Additional equipment:

  • 2 computers and office equipment - 65 100 rubles,
  • transport (Gazelle car) - 3 * 82 950 \u003d 248 850 rubles.

Total - 4 516 050 rubles.

6. Calculation of production capacity

M \u003d production rate (according to technical data) * equipment operating time

It is planned to work in 2 shifts of 8 hours with a lunch break (Saturday, Sunday, official holidays - weekends).

Predicted equipment operation time \u003d (calendar days - days off - holidays) * number of working hours * number of shifts \u003d 249 * 7 * 2 \u003d 3486 hours / year

Less 60 h / year of downtime for maintenance and repair work - 3426 h / year.
Production capacity \u003d productivity rate * number of equipment in operation * equipment operation time

In accordance with the characteristics of the equipment, we will calculate the production capacity for each type of product:

M (glasses) \u003d 20,000 pieces * 1 * 3426 h \u003d 68,520,000 pieces / year

M (plates) \u003d 18,000 pieces * 1 * 3426h \u003d 61,668,000 pieces / year

M (knives) \u003d 21,000 pieces * 1 * 3426h \u003d 71,946,000 pieces / year

M (plugs) \u003d 21,000 pieces * 1 * 3426h \u003d 71,946,000 pieces / year

M (spoons) \u003d 21000 pieces * 1 * 3426h \u003d 71,946,000 pieces / year

7. Calculation of material costs

Material costs for the production of 1 unit of production \u003d quantity of consumables * purchase price of material.

Plates (0.005 kg x 61 668 000 pieces) x 40 rubles \u003d 12 333 600 rubles.

Cups (0.004 kg x 68520000 pieces) x 36 rubles \u003d 9 866 880 rubles.

Cutlery - (0.002 kg x 71,946,000 pieces x 3) x 40 rubles \u003d 17,267,040 rubles.

Other material costs (packaging, fuel, etc.) - 9,866,880 rubles.

Total material costs - 49,334,400 rubles / year.

8. Personnel and payroll

The number and total payroll for the year (taking into account vacation pay and bonuses in the season) to ensure 2-shift work of the enterprise:

  • Director - 435 600 rubles,
  • Accountant - 382 800 rubles,
  • Technologists (2 * 211 200 rubles) - 422 400 rubles,
  • Equipment adjusters (2 * 204 600 rubles) - 409 200 rubles,
  • Workers (20 * 198,000) - 3,960,000 rubles,
  • Movers (4 * 184 800) - 739 200 rubles,
  • Chauffeurs (4 * 171600) - 686 400 rubles,
  • Cleaning ladies (2 * 165,000) - 330,000 rubles

Total general payroll - 7 365 600 rubles / year

Payroll taxes (UST) will amount to RUB 1,915,056 / year

During the high season (April-September) it is planned to create additional places and flexible working hours for handymen (students).

9. Calculation of production costs

The unit cost is calculated as the sum of material costs, costs of wages and social needs (UST), depreciation and other costs (rent + advertising).

Plates - 14,309,976 (material costs) + 1,473,120 (salary) + 383,011.2 (UST) + 1,578,821 (depreciation) + 1,741,000 (rent + advertising) \u003d 19,485,928.20 rubles

The cost of 1 plate - 19 485 928.20 rubles / 61668000 pieces \u003d 0.32 rubles

By analogy, we calculate the cost of the remaining products:

  • cups - 0.25 rubles / piece,
  • cutlery - 0.18 rubles / piece

10. Determination of the wholesale selling price

Unit price \u003d Cost of 1 piece + Profit rate (according to standards - 25%)

We calculate the minimum threshold for the wholesale price:

  • plates - 0.32 + (0.32 * 25%) \u003d 0.40 rubles.
  • glasses - 0.25 + (0.25 * 25%) \u003d 0.31 rubles.
  • cutlery - 0.18 + (0.18 * 25%) \u003d 0.23 rubles.

11. Calculation of the production program

Sales proceeds \u003d number of products / year * price per piece

Glasses - 68 520 000 pieces / year * 0.31 rubles \u003d 21 241 200 rubles / year

Plates - 61 668 000 pieces / year * 0.40 rubles \u003d 24 667 200 rubles / year

Knives - 71,946,000 pieces / year * 0.23 rubles \u003d 16,547,580 rubles / year

Plugs - 71 946 000 pieces / year * 0.23 rubles \u003d 16 547 580 rubles / year

Spoons - 71,946,000 pieces / year * 0.23 rubles \u003d 16,547,580 rubles / year

Total revenue for the year: 95,551,140 rubles / year.

12. Calculation of balance sheet and net profit

Based on the calculated data, we draw up a financial plan for the production of plastic dishes in value terms:

  • Sales proceeds - 95,551,140 rubles / year,
  • The cost price of dishes - 75 217 160 rubles / year,
  • Profit from sales (balance sheet) - 20 333 980 rubles / year, (Revenue - Cost price)
  • Income tax (20%) - 4,066,796 rubles / year, Net profit \u003d Balance sheet profit - Income tax \u003d 16,267,184 rubles / year.

13. Calculation of profitability

Product profitability is calculated using the formula: P \u003d (Book profit: Cost price) x 100% P \u003d 20 333 980: 75 217 160 * 100% \u003d 27%

Output: The plastic tableware business is profitable with a large scale distribution. Subject to the estimated load of production capacities, the initial investment in a business project can be recouped within 2-3 months.

The Polygon Plast company, in addition to having a wide range of technological capabilities for the production of plastic products, is always interested in our customers getting maximum profit.

Expansion or diversification of an existing business is always a potential success in business. Starting a new business is always a new opportunity. The main thing is to choose the most promising economic niche.

We propose to pay attention to the extrusion line that allows the production of cellular polycarbonate, and if supplemented with accessories, then monolithic polymethyl methacrylate and polycarbonate.

Why this particular extrusion line can be your step into new business opportunities:
firstly: the demand for cellular polycarbonate will remain constant for a long time, since these products are used almost everywhere: advertising structures, greenhouses, roofs, canopies, windows, fences, floor doors and so on,
secondly: the automated line is easy to operate,
thirdly: raw materials for extrusion production are currently one of the most affordable in Russia, because the material is produced by the KazanOrgSintez plant.
fourthly: it is profitable, it can be seen from the calculation - the price for polycarbonate raw materials is 160 rubles / kg; the cost of finished products is 235 rubles / kg; the cost, which includes the wages of line operators, electricity, raw materials, rental of premises, equipment support and packaging film, product advertising is approximately 42 rubles / kg; thus, the approximate profitability for 1 kg will be 33 rubles. With the declared line capacity of 100,000 kg per month, the line pays off in four months without much effort.

We can safely say that the extrusion line will be a constant source of income for your company at minimal cost. This kind of industrial equipment is categorized as “set and make a profit” due to low maintenance costs and inexpensive raw materials.

To launch and operate an extrusion line for the production of cellular polycarbonate, only 14-16 people are enough: director, accountant, secretary, sales manager, technologist, three line operators, six assistant operators / loaders, storekeeper.

The extrusion line, in the context of the constantly growing demand for cellular polycarbonate and the existing crisis in the supply of similar imported products, is an ideal option for import substitution and development of your business.

Line characteristics:
length 27 m + 12 m sheet,
line height 3.5 m,
line width 5 m,
product width 2100 mm
two nozzles (calibrator plates 4-6 mm and 8-10 mm)

The line is equipped with all the necessary equipment, is located in Russia, fully cleared by customs, modified and adapted to work in Russian conditions.

At the end of production, the sheets are immediately ready for loading:
packed on both sides in a protective film,
painted (12 colors available),
applied a layer of UV protection (from ultraviolet rays) if necessary.