What is body detoxification how to cleanse. We clean the body correctly: why is detox in reality a pseudoscientific myth - who benefits from lying to you? What is detoxification

There is practically no person left who has not heard of detox. It's a buzzword - detox - means nothing more than detoxification. In this case, our body.

What is it and what is it eaten with? How not to get lost in the sea of \u200b\u200binformation and not harm yourself with promising programs for cleansing the body, which often cost a lot of money? I offer information on who needs it, why and how to conduct a detox program at home yourself.

What's the point

The modern concept of "detox" is based on therapeutic fasting. When we take a break from eating, several things happen:

  • The body has time and the opportunity to throw all its strength into its recovery, because it does not need to spend colossal energy on processing food, which we so diligently push into ourselves from day to day. Hardly anyone of modern people in the civilized world knows how real hunger feels.
  • When food is refused or when it is limited, the intestines become empty after some time (this process is individual, depending on the metabolic rate and on the presence or absence of diseases of the digestive system). After all, all the content comes out, but nothing new comes in. The entire “population” of the intestine also begins to starve (by population we mean numerous microorganisms). Moreover, the bacteria that inhabit the intestines, unlike us, cannot live without food for 30 days. Therefore, they die. Not all, of course, but many. To simplify things, the good bacteria we need feed on fiber, and the bad bacteria feed on sugar and yeast. If neither one nor the other substances arrive, then everyone perishes. If we eat a lot of fiber-rich vegetables with gentle detox, the good bacteria survive.
  • By limiting the calorie intake of the diet, fat is burned. And fat, as you know, is a store of toxins in the body. Therefore, with a decrease in adipose tissue, the level of toxins also decreases.

It is on these three principles that the healing properties of detox courses are based.

Types of detox programs

  1. Fasting on plain water - the most effective, but also the most difficult. The maximum period that I have met in professional literature is 21 days. Not everyone can tolerate this type of detox, and I do not recommend resorting to even one day on the water without first consulting your doctor or nutritionist.
  2. Vegetable fasting with the addition of anti-inflammatory spices (turmeric, parsley, ginger, lemon). At the same time, unlike water starvation, the volume of the vegetable broth is strictly regulated in terms of quantity: no more than 150 milliliters three times a day. Water and herbal tea can also be drunk in unlimited quantities. I myself went through such a detox course for four days. A detailed report can be found on my blog. I would also not recommend this method without first consulting a specialist. There are contraindications, and not everyone can tolerate the lack of food.
  3. Juice detox.There are varieties: with a limitation in volume and without limitation. There are also options: only fruit juices, only vegetable juices, or a mixture of both. I would not recommend a detox using only fruit juices: they contain too much sugar, which means that such a course will not only be difficult to tolerate due to surges in blood sugar, but it can also seriously harm the intestinal microflora. After all, harmful bacteria love sugar! Therefore, it is better to choose the option on vegetable or fruit and vegetable juices.
  4. Smoothie detox.The principle is roughly the same as that of the juice detox. Only in this case, you also get fiber from vegetables and fruits. In this case, smoothies are prepared in a blender and diluted with plain or coconut water to the desired consistency. This is a more gentle option than juice detox. The main thing is to choose a smoothie with a low acidity. Otherwise, even a healthy stomach will not survive. Ideally, there should be three different smoothies in three different colors per day. After all, different colors carry different microelements. You can also vary smoothies and vegetable puree soups. For example, in the morning you drink a portion of smoothies, and for lunch and / or dinner, eat a soup made from grated vegetables. Anti-inflammatory condiments are also great.
  5. Detox on cooked vegetables. This is a very gentle type of cleansing. In this case, you eat only cooked vegetables for several days. No cereals, bread, potatoes and corn (due to the high starch content), nuts, legumes. Only that which is easily digested and does not burden the digestive system. In this case, I would recommend limiting the amount: three times a day, 200-300 grams of vegetables. The more varied the menu, the better. Plus, you can and should fill vegetables with cold-pressed vegetable oil. Salt is allowed in small quantities.
  6. Vegan detox. Provides nutrition for a certain period only with plant foods, but already without restrictions in volume. Yes, I know that many people consciously eat this way all their lives. But still they are a minority. Most of us eat everything. And although, judging by the photos on social networks, we are all so correct, always smiling, with a lot of money and fans / female fans, reality is reality. We want to appear better. But excuse me! If most of us eat right, then who buys all these convenience foods at the supermarket, donates donuts and grilled chicken tents? Based on the prosperity of companies like Burger King, Starbucks and others like them, the world has a lot to get sick and fat. Therefore, for many of us, even such a gentle "vegan" detox will be of great benefit. Even in just 7-21 days.

It should be noted that the more lethal the program, the stronger the cleansing mechanisms are triggered. When fasting on water and on vegetable broth, most of the microflora and toxins die, and the largest amount of fat is burned. After such a program, it is necessary to get out of it very competently, and it is important to prepare your body for cleansing with the help of a special diet before it (coffee, sugar, dairy, cereals, meat and fish with chicken are excluded in a certain sequence).

During a detox, almost everyone has different negative reactions (headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, weakness, poor sleep). But! This is not a rule.

When I was taking a course of fasting, we had people in our group who, on the contrary, experienced an extraordinary surge of energy. They couldn't even sleep more than 3-4 hours a day!

Someone, on the contrary, was very bad. Someone was forced to urgently switch to vegetable detox, and someone simply replaced the vegetable broth with water and protein powder.

When planning to cleanse your body, be prepared for anything. Including a change in strategy. The main thing is to listen to your feelings.

Options 4, 5 and 6 will suit absolutely everyone. They have no contraindications. The only condition for cleansing on smoothies: be sure to add plenty of plain water and at least one vegetable to them to reduce acidity and balance blood sugar.

  • people taking medications;
  • nursing mothers;
  • pregnant women;
  • minor children;
  • too thin people (in this case, there are exceptions to the rule).

During the detoxification course, I recommend minimizing the harmful effects on the body, which means limiting the use of cosmetics, detergents and cleaning products, and perfumes. It will also not be superfluous to remove all food supplements and vitamin complexes during the detox. Even the ones you cannot live without for the last 50 years.

At the end of the course, you yourself will feel what you were missing and missing. For example, I had vegetable oil and vitamin C.

Note: the detox program is not a weight loss product. Anything discarded this way usually comes back with interest some time after you return to your normal diet. Another question is that you can not return to it, but start listening to your body. Then only a fraction of the kilos will return.

On the other hand, if, for example, you lose 15 kilograms and then they return in a month or two, then this means only one thing: you eat a lot. And, apparently, the wrong products. After all, it is very difficult to eat the right food in such quantities.

How to get out of detox properly

You can write a separate article about this. But in short, it will be like this: give preference to foods that are rich in fiber (vegetables, especially rough ones) in order to nourish the beneficial intestinal microflora. Plus, for at least a week, hold out without cereals, bread, yeast, sugar (in all forms) and alcohol. Otherwise, the detox program will be of little use. The point of the program is to change the intestinal microflora for the better after cleansing.

If you nevertheless chose one of the first three programs, then the food should be introduced gradually and in small portions. It is not recommended to pounce on raw vegetables, nuts, meat, legumes, as they are difficult to digest. Introduce all this gradually. If you went through a detox program with vegetable broths, then in the early days it is best to make the vegetables from which you made the broth the basis of your diet.

In other cases, there is only one advice: do not rush to everything at once. Especially bad things like cakes, burgers and beer and chips. Otherwise, what was the point of your detox?

What is the optimal duration of a detox

At least one day. And no more than 21. Optimally - 3-7 days. The duration depends on how you feel. If you feel good and energized, you can continue. If the headache and other unpleasant sensations persist for more than 3-5 days, then I would advise you to interrupt and try again after a certain period of time, or switch to a more gentle option.

Good health to you!

Before you take your first careful steps towards the miracle detox ... ahem ... cocktail vendor, read this article.

It is a pity, but for many "detox" today is almost synonymous with health. It is difficult not to get infected with this idea of \u200b\u200b"cleansing the body" - it is everywhere, and just like slices of lemon, cucumber floating in beautiful water bottles and happily smiling skinny models with a jar of vegetable smoothie in hand beckon.

There are many different detox diets, but the most popular are herbal teas and fruit / vegetable juices based nutrition programs to be consumed in place of meals throughout the day. The goal, as a rule, is the same: to arrange for the body to be cleansed at home from mysterious toxins for weight loss, and to improve health.

Why do doctors shudder, read this article!

Does it exist?

In official medicine detoxification- This is the treatment of a person with poisoning with drugs, alcohol or endogenous toxins. The real detoxification is carried out in the hospital (we can vaguely imagine how the doctor gives an alcoholic who has come out of a weekly binge a set of jars of banana and strawberry smoothies and says: "Well now, brother, you will cleanse yourself and heal!") And in those cases, when there is a threat to life.

The term "cleansing the body" does not exist in official medicine: there is no such diagnosis in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), therefore, there is no corresponding therapeutic scenario in the standards (protocols) of treatment.

This is because over the years, a huge number of medical specialists, from pathophysiologists to pathologists, have studied the human body and came to the conclusion that it is a self-regulating system. By the way, she is very unloving when she is interfered with without an important reason.

When a really harmful substance enters the body in such an amount that it cannot remove it on its own, "Food" cleansing will not help... The idea of \u200b\u200bcleansing the intestines / skin / face / body from toxins (as if we are a cluttered blast furnace) is pseudo-medical concept, created to sell us what the red price is three kopecks for three rubles.

The medical term "detoxification" is misused by fraudsters and charlatans to sell fake drugs that are supposed to rid you of the toxins that have accumulated in your body. "

Very "realistic" slag image

Let's think logically. Detox sellers shout to us that we are mired in toxins, poisons and slags, and only one step separates us from the grave. BUT: if there were so many toxins in the body that the excretory system could not cope with them, then you would already understand this, since you would need serious treatment.

During evolution, the human body has developed an excellent defense system against harmful substances. Skin, kidneys, liver, lungs, lymphatic system, gastrointestinal tract constitute a very complex and well-coordinated system of "cleaning" that works quite well in a healthy person.

There is no place in traditional medicine for detox programs, and term "slags"against which the detox diet is directed, is pseudoscientific... In a healthy body, kidneys and liver remove toxins from cells, and such "cleansing" can in no way help the excretory system to cope with this function (in case of diseases, even more so, this is a reason to visit a doctor, and not to practice dubious detox diets).

We think you've noticed that in the subject of cleansing (detox) "toxins" take pride of place: the poisonous substances that you eat, drink or inhale. But it is not entirely clear what exactly these toxins are.

Wastes and toxins in the body: myth or reality

Go to Yandex and try to find a normal article with links to scientific research and some kind of theoretical basis about slags. Only an unverified Wikipedia article without any links that confidentially informs us that these are very dangerous poisons.

A lot of questions remain. What kind of poisons? Where do they come from and what do they poison? What are their norms? What unit of measurement to determine their number? How are they excreted from the body and where are they stored in it? How can you determine the effectiveness of detox activities, read: how can the content of toxins and waste products be measured before and after treatment?

In 2009, a group of scientists assembled by the British charity Sense about Science contacted the manufacturers of 15 products sold in pharmacies and supermarkets that claim to cleanse toxins, from dietary supplements to smoothies and shampoos. In response to a request for specific evidence confirming the claimed properties, none of the manufacturers could even determine exactly what is meant by cleaning from slags and toxins, let alone what to call these substances.

However, the shelves of health food stores are still littered with products that have the word “detox” or our more familiar “cleansing” on their packaging. This is just a breakthrough in marketing! Add more "for a slim figure" and craft paper packaging - voila, the product will be swept off the shelves. You can buy cleansing tablets, infusions, teas, face masks, bath salts, combs, shampoos, shower gels, and even hair straighteners. Yoga, various spas and massages also promise the coveted detox and cleansing.

Cleansing procedures

Nutrition and diet

Detox food is usually based on juices, which supposedly will restore your strength and health and give you all the benefits on the planet. In practice, the magic of cleansing lies in the fact that a person experiences all the symptoms of diarrhea due to the abundance of fluid and fiber contained in plant foods, a diuretic effect is added to the top.

This means that the same kidneys experience a double load - they need to remove even more fluid (by the way, the chic "plumb lines" are water, not fat), along with which the much-needed salts leave the body (you cannot salt food during detox, and how do you salt the juice).

We are aware that for many, the lost kilograms are more important than health, but only no one canceled supercompensation: "plumb lines" are replaced, lightness in the body - with constipation and a belly from the usual products. Irritability, apathy, lethargy - the companions of any low-calorie diet - impose restrictions on physical activity (so as not to provoke the growth of stress hormones - "They don't feed, so you also need to run somewhere"), which means that power loads are also excluded.

In short, hello, non-stop farts aunt with a flabby bottom and an angry expression, how are you?

Specific Effects of Fruit Detox:

    The high concentration of fruit acids destroys tooth enamel and leads to the formation of tooth decay.

    It is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, first sharply increasing and then sharply lowering blood sugar levels, which affects health. Vigor and burst of energy quickly give way to lethargy and decline.

    The juice is not satiating, but it contains a decent amount of calories.

    Acidic juices increase the acidity of the gastric juice and can cause painful sensations.

As a result of such detox nutrition on juices, not cleansing occurs, but depletion of the body... If you go on a weekly detox diet, you will probably be able to lose weight, but it has nothing to do with toxins, it has to do with a weekly fast.

Colon hydrotherapy

Let's do without photos красив This beautiful word hides the usual enema, but more impressive in size and cost. Its proponents will tell you that some of their familiar faecal plaques can lurk on the walls of the intestines, promoting the penetration of disease-causing toxins back into the body.

However, for a modest fee, you can kindly put a hose in the back and get it cleaned up. One caveat: no doctori have never seen these mythical plaques, and many of them even warn against this procedure, claiming that it can damage the intestines.

Foot patches, shampoos, toothpastes and whatever your heart desires

This item is our favorite. Let's take a look at patches. Just listen, read: “Promotes the proper functioning of internal organs. Eliminates toxins that can cause serious problems. Improves the patient's condition with varicose veins. "

Only cancer is not directly treated. These patches turn brown overnight, which "proves" the removal of toxins from your body. But the substance in their products has nothing to do with slags, it simply turns brown from water from sweat.

Special baths work according to a similar system. You need to pour water into them, put your feet in and after a few minutes * lo and behold * the water becomes an incomprehensible color - toxins leave your body !!!

After alcohol

After the holidays, many try to get rid of the consequences through a certain nutritional system aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and toxins and losing weight. Special detox preparations, also designed to cleanse and heal the body, serve as helpers to the diet.

Dr. Simon Strasser from the Society of Gastroenterology of Australia, studying this problem, came to the conclusion that such diets have a negative effect on the liver. He believes that no diet can cope with fat, which has been deposited in liver cells for a long time.

According to Dr. Strasser, no accumulated toxins in the liver, and in order for this organ to function normally, it is necessary to take care of it constantly, monitor your diet and, of course, adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

A detox diet is especially dangerous for people with liver disease, since a sharp weight loss increases the concentration of fat in this organ, which significantly aggravates the disease. The result of such experiments can be cirrhosis or liver cancer, and such diseases can also be provoked by excessive alcohol consumption.

Detox diets and nutritionists in the United States are considered harmful to health. A cleansing diet involves eating as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible, and drinking plenty of water, but eliminating high-calorie foods from the diet. As a result, the concentration of glucose in the body drops sharply, which is extremely necessary for the brain.

In addition, glucose is a kind of building material for muscle tissue. Therefore, a lack of glucose caused by a reduction in the intake of high-calorie food has a negative effect on the brain and muscles. As a result of the detox diet, the tissues of this organ suffer as a result.

Our doctors do not make loud statements, but agree with their colleagues.

“There is definitely no harm in abstaining from alcohol for a while,” says Catherine Collins, nutritionist at St. George, - “On the contrary, it will give you the opportunity to reconsider your habits if you drink too much. But the idea that the liver needs to be ‘cleansed’ is strange. ”

The process of splitting alcohol in the liver takes place in two stages. First, enzymes convert alcohol into acetaldehyde, an extremely toxic compound that damages liver cells. Therefore, it is almost immediately converted into carbon dioxide and water, which are released from the body. If you drink too much, then no enzymes are enough - acetaldehyde accumulates and destroys the liver.

However, if drunk occasionally and in moderation, it can even have a positive effect. “According to our information, it seems that alcohol in small doses is even useful. Maybe because of the sedative effect, which helps to relax, or because it keeps the liver and its enzymes 'on alert' so it can better deal with other toxins entering the body. A bit like the principle "what does not kill us makes us stronger."

BUT: optimal DAYthe dose of alcohol for women is 150 ml of wine; 330 ml of beer; drink with a share of ethyl alcohol about 40% - 30 gr. You can drink a maximum of 3-4 days a week the above amount of alcohol 🙂

Why do we believe this?

Yes, because we are promised the key to what everyone would be happy to receive - a simple recipe that will free us from our mistakes: unhealthy diet, alcohol or smoking abuse, giving up sports and much more. It's nice to hope this secret exists, but alas, it doesn't.

Until you understand this, you will be doomed to waste your time searching for "mysterious knowledge", while remaining the same and gaining excess weight and health problems.

Why cleansing is the plague of the 21st century

Why do we so want to be cleansed? Maybe we have an innate craving for detox, given that cleansing is practiced in most religions?

Suzanne Marchent-Haycox, a psychologist from London, doesn't think so. “The idea of \u200b\u200bdetox has the same relationship to ancient religious practices as the button accordion to a goat. Just look at the trends in society over the past decades. In the 70s, all these fitness clubs appeared, from which the craze for diets, fears about certain foods and so on began to spread. The detox industry is just a logical development of these ideas. You can make money from this, and there are many people who make this money. "

Peter Ayton, professor of psychology at City University London, agrees. He says that we tend to fall for these tricks because our lives are filled with information, so we are happy to shift some of the responsibility on those who, as it seems to us, understands a certain area better than us.

“Even in order to understand the shampoo, you have to have a degree in chemistry,” he says, “But most do not. If something seems reasonable, believable and associated with familiar concepts, for example, detox, we may well agree with that. "

We, as consumers, are not very literate, many of our decisions are based on premises that we rarely question and test. “People believe that the world around us is controlled by all sorts of organizations that protect us from making mistakes of any kind. A variety of marketing strategies are slowly fueling this idea. So a person with authoritative papers, certificates (and sometimes a white coat is enough) automatically inspires our confidence, we believe that the advice of a physician is worth heeding. "

Ernst is not so lenient: “Let's ask the trade control organizations what they do. Anyone offering a detox program is, by definition, a scammer. And the prosecution of fraudsters should not fall on the shoulders of charities and academics. "

How to clean properly?

Most people naively believe that if you limit certain food groups, then excess weight will go away by itself, health problems will disappear, the sun will shine brighter. But alas and ah, this is impossible.

The most effective detox - is a healthy lifestyle, smoking cessation, physical activity and a balanced diet, such as the Mediterranean diet. As a rule, such recommendations irritate the reader, since all the same tips are listed: "do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, do not eat sweets, drink water, move more, etc. ..."

Well, what to do? There is simply no other way. People very much underestimate the importance of nutrition and the scale of the harm that they do to themselves, of course, no one wants to be guilty of their problems.

Another problem is that we know a lot about the relationship between nutrition and health, but real science is buried in a mass of unnecessary and even harmful information: this is pseudoscientific research paid for by food companies and propaganda carried out by the food industry.

Close your eyes and imagine a red checkered tablecloth on the table with meats, fish, olive oil, cheeses, salads, whole grains, nuts, and fruits. All of these foods - sources of protein, unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals - help the body, and in particular the immune system that protects you, to function at its best.

Do you still want to eat smoothies from the jar for a week?

To summarize the above, let's add a couple of simple things. If you feel unwell, see your doctor. If you are feeling well, congratulate yourself and have a general examination once a year.

All people have at least once in their life faced poisoning, when immediately after taking certain substances or when inhaling chemical compounds they became ill. Such intoxication of the body is usually acute, and not only health, but also a person's life depends on timely assistance. To be able to provide first aid to yourself or your family, you need to know how the body is detoxified. This procedure includes different methods, each of which is aimed at the earliest possible removal of toxic compounds from the body.

Concept and methods of detoxification

Detoxification is the diagnosis and elimination of toxins from the human body, which is intoxicated with harmful and dangerous substances, by means of physical, chemical and biological methods of purification. Such methods are intended to accelerate the natural process of cleansing the body in chronic and acute poisoning.

The purpose of detoxification is:

  • complete or partial cleansing of the patient's body from harmful and dangerous substances in the form of toxins, toxins and poisons;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • establishing the functions of internal organs;
  • restoration and strengthening of immunity;
  • alignment of the central nervous system.

Methods for cleansing the body are characterized by an extensive classification. All of them can be summarized into types:

  1. Natural detoxification is also called natural.
  2. Artificial detoxification.

Artificial cleansing methods are divided into:

  • physical ways to detoxify;
  • chemical methods of detoxification;
  • biological methods of detoxification.

In addition, each of the cleaning methods is subdivided:

  • drug detoxification with the use of drugs: antioxidants, sorbents and antidotes;
  • non-drug detoxification, such as plasmapheresis and hemodialysis;
  • combined detoxification - a combination of the above methods.

Depending on the conditions of the purification methods are divided:

  • detoxification of the body at home;
  • detoxification of the body in a hospital setting of a medical institution.

All these types of cleansing are effective, but doctors most often use them in a complex manner..

Natural body detoxification

The body's natural detoxification processes are continuous, non-stop and daily... During these processes, toxic substances are determined by the internal systems of a person, bind and are removed from the body.

There are these types of natural cleansing:

  • The cytochrome oxidase barrier is a natural system for cleansing and protecting the liver with its enzymes. Such cleansing enhances the process of splitting harmful drugs, spicy, fatty and spoiled food.
  • Determination, enveloping and elimination of bacteria, viruses and other dangerous constituents from the body by the cells of the immune system;
  • Natural excretory detoxification of the body, which consists in the complex functioning of internal organs and systems at the same time.

Natural detoxification of the body, as can be understood from the above, carried out in familiar conditions, throughout a person's life.

Reasons for home detoxification

Home cleansing of the body is carried out in such cases:

  1. The consequences of poisoning, which are eliminated by removing toxins from the patient's body.
  2. The consequences of diseases after taking a large number of drugs, especially antibiotics.
  3. Hangover after regular daily drinking, since the human condition will be very painful when the body is poisoned with a large amount of toxic substances.
  4. Overweight, which is being combated through a variety of weight loss diets.
  5. Allergy requiring identification and elimination of a food allergen.

Before starting the course of detoxification of the body at home, each person should choose a method for themselves, then it is necessary to consult with your doctorto determine the individual characteristics of the patient, to determine the timing and programs of detoxification of the body.

Artificial detoxification of the body

For artificial detoxification using special medicines, organ washing and filtration techniques the patient is placed in a hospital in a medical institution.

In the hospital, a detoxification course is prescribed, which includes an individual body detoxification program.

Physical cleaning methods

Every adult should know how to cleanse the body at home. Indeed, sometimes you need to provide first aid to yourself or a loved one. Before the arrival of doctors, the poisoned person is given the following medical measures:

  • Rinsing with clean water or a weak salt solution of the mucous membrane of the eyes and skin.
  • In a conscious state to a poisoned person it is necessary to urgently empty the stomach with a large volume of water with the call of the gag reflex... To do this, at home, you need to drink from 3 to 5 liters of warm liquid; in a medical institution, 12 to 15 liters of warm water are injected through a probe.
  • In case of poisoning by inhalation procedures, detoxification therapy consists in the urgent removal of the poisoned patient to fresh air. After the victim must be placed on a flat surface, unfasten the buttons of a shirt or blouse, remove a tie, that is, give freedom to the respiratory tract. Upon the arrival of an ambulance, paramedics will, if necessary, make an incision in the neck in the area of \u200b\u200bthe trachea and insert a tube to prevent suffocation in case of severe laryngeal edema, and can also conduct oxygen inhalations.

In the event that the victim is unconscious, health workers should provide assistance. Within the walls of hospitals, an enema can also be given to flush out the intestines.


Plasmapheresis is a common, highly effective blood purification method. In the course of such purification, blood is taken and through special medical devices it is divided into plasma and shaped particles. After separation, blood cells are injected back into the body, and the plasma is replaced with saline. Thus, can be replaced from one and a half to two liters of split plasma.


The method of blood detoxification using artificial kidney devices is called hemodialysis. This method is used to detoxify the body both in acute intoxication and in renal failure.

The patient is placed horizontally and connected to the "artificial kidney" apparatus using two systems. Human blood enters the apparatus through the system, is purified through a special membrane, after which all harmful elements are retained in the dialyzer, and the purified blood is poured back into the human body through the second system connected to the apparatus.


In a medical institution, such a method to remove toxic substances is carried out at a rapid pace. This method of detoxification at home is impossible. This method is indicated for severe poisoning... To do this, a fistula tube is attached to the abdominal wall for injecting a special solution, due to which a purified (dialyzing) fluid is injected into the abdominal cavity.


This method repeats hemodialysis, but differs in that the infected blood is purified in detoxifiers, which are unique columns. Such columns are filled with a filler in the form of activated carbon or another sorbing substance that attracts harmful substances. Hemoperfusion is also called detoxification hemosorption..

Biological cleaning methods

Disinfection of the human body is performed using the following substances:

  • vaccines;
  • blood serum.

In biological detoxification, a biologically active material is involved in the body cleansing process.


For the preventive purposes of most infectious diseases, vaccination is used. In case of intoxication into the patient's body, it is allowed to inject a weakened vaccine to increase immunity.


Serum, like blood plasma, without fibrinogen protein is used:

  • after traumatic reptile bites (anti-snake polyvalent serum);
  • to neutralize botulinum toxin.

This method of cleansing takes place due to the active action inside the bloodstream and lymph flow of substances that are part of the injected serum or vaccine.

Chemical cleaning methods

The elimination of toxic compounds using antidotes, the so-called detoxification drugs, refers to the chemical methods of cleansing the body.

Protocol for prescribing antidotes by the attending physician:

  1. Determination of the degree of exposure to toxic substances on the patient's body.
  2. When prescribing an antidote against a toxin, it is necessary to carry out an accurate diagnosis of a toxic substance that has got on the human skin or inside, otherwise the antidote can become a poisonous element.

The course of such cleaning is more effective at the initial stage of poisoning, with a small content of toxic substances in the patient's body.

Types of antidotes and toxic substances for the withdrawal of which they are prescribed:

  • Activated carbon, which is available in any pharmacy. Such a drug adsorbs hypnotics and potent drugs.
  • A solution of atropine at a concentration of 0.1% will cope with poisoning with mushrooms, pilocarpine and cardiac glycosides.
  • Unithiol is prescribed to fight the toxic toxins of iron, lithium, copper, methanol, lead, heavy metals, zinc, as well as cardiac glycosides and cardiotoxic compounds.
  • Glucagon and glucose are used for severe overdose of antidiabetic drugs.
  • Ascorbic acid is an assistant in the fight against reptile bites.
  • Methionine and acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bdeactivate paracetamol;
  • A solution of thiamine at a concentration of 5% is prescribed after intoxication with ethyl alcohol.

The above list of medicines is the most common anti-toxic drugs... You can find activated charcoal, glucose and ascorbic acid in any pharmacy.

If you cannot independently diagnose the cause of intoxication, then you should urgently seek qualified medical help.

During normal operation of all internal systems of a person, toxic substances and toxins are removed from the body with the help of the liver. This digestive organ disinfects harmful substances and removes them with sweat, urine and feces through the intestines. Such cleansing takes place in a natural way, but when a person is feeling unwell, then he resorts to accelerating this process with the help of artificial ways of detoxifying the body. Before undergoing such treatment, it is imperative to consult with a specialist.

The bulk of toxins are fat-soluble molecules. While water-soluble molecules are eliminated from the body

One of the reasons for the serious impact of the environment on human health is exposure to a huge amount of toxic substances. Toxins are exposed to humans through inhaled air, food and water intake, and through the skin. Huge amounts of money are spent on the treatment of diseases caused by the effects of toxic substances on the human body. Intoxication can provoke the development of diseases such as various types of cancer, syndromes characterized by chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, impaired mental function, and many other conditions.

Environmental toxins include substances such as heavy metals, organic pesticides, medicines, industrial substances that our body must "neutralize" and remove. The most important biochemical process for processing toxins and removing them from the body is the process of biotransformation or detoxification. This process involves Phase 1 cytochrome P450 enzymes and Phase 2 conjugation enzymes. Optimal functioning of the detoxification system is highly dependent on the body's nutritional support. Therefore, it is not surprising that nutrients that support the biotransformation process also reduce the symptoms of many diseases and slow the progression of conditions associated with exposure to toxins.

Effects of toxins on chronic degenerative diseases

There is growing evidence of a link between toxin exposure and the etiology of a number of chronic conditions, such as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), fibromyalgia (FM), and atherosclerosis. Most often, these conditions are accompanied by symptoms such as persistent fatigue, myalgia, arthralgia, and impaired mental abilities. Moreover, research from the Science Academy of New York has shown that individual responses to toxins vary and are a major predisposition to these conditions.

The relationship between the effects of environmental toxins on the body and the development of CFS, MCS, and FM syndromes is becoming increasingly evident. Even more striking is the relationship between environmental exposure and the development of many chronic degenerative diseases (Table 1). For example, there has been renewed interest in the role of environmental factors in the development of Parkinson's disease in old age after studying twins. The study found no strong evidence of the influence of genetics on the development of Parkinson's disease in patients who developed the disease after 50 years.

It is known that exposure to organic substances with low molecular weight can trigger the development of symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Epidemiological studies have shown that exposure to pesticides, chemicals used in agriculture, consumption of well water, proximity of housing to industrial plants, long-term industrial intoxication with chemical elements such as manganese, copper or lead, especially in combination with iron, are also associated with the development of the disease. Parkinson's. Although the exact mechanisms of action of these toxins are not known, the body's ability to eliminate them is a major factor in the development of the disease.

Table 1. Typical clinical symptoms and conditions associated with exposure to environmental toxins.

Fetal malformation
Severe mood swings
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic immunodeficiency
Contact dermatitis
A history of hypersensitivity to exogens, odors, or medications
Kidney dysfunction
Learning impairment
An imbalance in minerals (in particular zinc and calcium)
Multiple chemical sensitivity
Muscle pain and weakness
Recurrent yeast infections that are refractory to treatment
Panic attacks
Parkinson's disease
Noise in ears
Unusual reactions to medications and supplements
Worsening symptoms after using anesthetics or during pregnancy

A large number of studies have focused on the risk of initiation and development of various forms of cancer due to prolonged exposure to toxins. Cancer is the third leading cause of child mortality, after injury and domestic violence, and cancer deaths are on the rise. For example, childhood cancer deaths increased 13% between 1973 and 1977, and the incidence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and brain cancer increased by 30% and 21%, respectively, over the same period. There is a close relationship between these cancers and exposure to various toxins, including organochlorinated pesticides, which destroy chromosome DNA.

What are toxins, toxicants and toxic substances?

The word "toxin" itself does not imply a specific class of substances, but rather means something that can harm the body. In other words, a toxin or toxic substance is a chemical or mixture that can harm the body or pose a health risk when exposed to the body. By some definitions, the word "toxin" can only be used for toxic substances of animal and vegetable origin, so to avoid confusion, the Environmental Protection Organization (EPA) and other government agencies use the word "toxicant" to refer to toxins. Each toxic substance has a certain concentration or toxic dose, upon reaching which the toxic effect of the substance begins. However, most of the substances considered to be environmental toxicants are harmful even at low doses. The following is a short list of the most common classes of toxicants.

Industrial chemicals and combustion products.

One of the broadest categories of toxicants: virtually everyone experiences some degree of exposure to halogenated hydrocarbons such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) throughout the day. Volatile organic toxicants fall under a broad category of toxins that include halogenated hydrocarbons. These toxicants are especially dangerous because of their ability to be airborne.


More than 800 different chemicals belong to this class of toxicants. Many industrial chemicals are designed to be toxic to certain living organisms and are sold as pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides. Although manufacturers of these agents try to selectively target certain types of organisms - hoping to reduce their toxic effects on the human body - full specificity of action is practically impossible and most pesticides are to some extent toxic to humans.

Disruptors (disintegrators) of the endocrine system.

Common endocrine disruptors include phthalates in plastics, certain types of pesticides, synthetic steroids in meat, and dichloro-diphenyl-trichlorethane (DDT). Biologists have long noted the relationship between the presence of these chemicals in the environment and infertility or deformity of the genitals in animals. It is important to note that not all estrogen-active substances are considered endocrine disruptors. For example, substances such as soy isoflavones and flaxseed lignans are beneficial to health and are associated with the normalization of estrogen balance, and are considered selective estrogen receptor modifiers (SERMs) rather than endocrine disruptors.

Toxic metals.

Toxic metals, including lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic, are ubiquitous in the environment and often slow down as they build up in the body. For example, lead can be sequestered in bone, displacing calcium, and has a half-life of 62 years. The results of lead toxicity include DNA damage, suppression of immune system function, anemia, depression, hypertension, kidney disease, and increased tooth decay.

Preservatives and medicines.

The most toxic effects are those that we consume through the mouth. Foods, medicines and water containing toxic substances move through the digestive tract into the intestines, where they can be absorbed. Medicines enter the body not only with those medicines that we purposefully consume. In fact, some drugs - including growth hormones and antimicrobials - are considered to be one of the main contaminants in food.

Concern about long-term exposure to low doses of toxins is increasing due to the large amount of epidemiological evidence that exposure to even low doses may be associated with the development of a variety of diseases and conditions. It becomes obvious that the effects of individual toxins cannot be considered, since we are exposed to their complex effects. Moreover, the action of toxins can complement each other if the toxic effects are carried out through the same pathways. Of even greater concern is the fact that many toxic substances are fat-soluble, so they can be deposited in tissues and remain there for many years. Thus, toxins can continue to accumulate in the body and affect tissues at higher concentrations than they are present in the environment.

How does the body remove toxins?

The bulk of toxins are fat-soluble molecules. While water-soluble molecules are excreted from the body in the urine, fat-soluble molecules cannot enter the urine directly; instead, they are attracted to the lipids of the cell membranes. This allows toxins to easily move inside the cell, where they can accumulate and be toxic.

To remove these diverse toxins, the body has a complex, integrated system to convert fat-soluble toxins and water-soluble molecules, whereupon the converted toxins can be directly excreted through the renal tubules or gallbladder. This system is called a detoxification or biotransformation system, and includes 2 stages: Phase 1 bioactivation and Phase 2 conjugation. In the initial stage of metabolism, biotransformation reactions occur to convert fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble molecules before entering the circulation system. Sometimes toxins are detoxified even before they enter the liver by the same biotransformation reactions in the intestinal tract. About 25% of biotransformation processes in the body occur in the intestinal mucosa, which makes the mucous membrane the second most actively involved tissue in the detoxification process. All cells in the intestine have the same detoxifying capacity.

Phase 1 and 2 biotransformation reactions work in concert. Phase 2 detoxification converts fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble molecules by attaching the toxin to another molecule that is water-soluble (i.e., conjugation reaction). This looks like a simple one-step process, but it is complicated by the fact that most toxins do not have a reactive site to which a water-soluble particle can easily attach. Therefore, the toxin must form a reactive site for the attachment of the water-soluble particle. This is done by exposure to Phase 1 enzymes.

Bioactivation Phase 1

Phase 1 reactions are catalyzed by a variety of different enzymes; the largest number belongs to the cytochrome P450 (CYP450) family of enzymes. CYP450 enzymes have broad specificity and use the reduced form of nicotinamine adenosine dinucleotide (NADH) as a cofactor in converting oxygen to a hydroxyl group for fat-soluble toxicants. The result of this reaction is the formation of a reactive site in the transformed toxicant. This reactive hydroxyl site is similar to that on reactive oxygen species (ROS), and can easily attach to other molecules such as DNA and proteins. Sometimes products after passing this stage of detoxification become water-soluble by the addition of hydroxyl groups and can be excreted. This is the case, for example, with caffeine, which is only exposed to Phase 1 prior to excretion. However, not all toxins undergo this direct one-step excretion, and most activated toxicants or reactive intermediates require conjugation with larger, more water-soluble particles to effectively alter their lipid characteristics. Over 10 families of cytochrome P450 enzymes have been identified in humans. Each of these families has several subfamilies.

Many food ingredients support CYP450 reactions, including niacin, which is required for NADH formation. In addition, ROS are often formed as by-products as a result of activation reactions. Dietary antioxidants can help protect tissues from ROS damage that can occur with this reaction.

Phase 2 conjugation

One of the results of Phase 1 activation is that a substance called a reactive intermediate is often more reactive and potentially more toxic than the parent molecule. Therefore, it is important that this molecule is converted to a non-toxic, water-soluble molecule as early as possible. Conjugation of reactive intermediates to water-soluble molecules is accomplished through Phase 2 conjugation reactions that include glucuronidation, sulfation, glutathione conjugation, amino acid conjugation, methylation, and acetylation.

These reactions require not only water-soluble particles that will bind to toxicants - for example, sulfate upon sulfation or glucuronic acid upon glucuronization, but also large amounts of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). In addition to storing energy, Phase 2 reactions require a sufficient, constantly replenishing number of cofactors, as these cofactors are attached to toxins and then excreted. Several nutrients and phytonutrients support Phase 2 responses.

Role of energy production and oxidative stress in the realization of toxicity

As can be noted, the production of ATP is a prerequisite for adequate biotransformation. To produce enough ATP, healthy mitochondria are needed, which are supported by nutrients. Unfortunately, many toxicants can inhibit mitochondrial function, which can provoke a decrease in the biotransformation capacity of other toxins. For example, the MPTP toxin inhibits respiratory chain complex I and mitochondrial DNA replication. ROS production is also a result of energy production, and excessive levels of these harmful molecules are called oxidative stress and are associated with intoxication. The nutrients that support mitochondrial function include essential energy production cofactors: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, magnesium. In addition, nutrients that help in the body's defense against oxidative stress, such as vitamins C and E, zinc, selenium, copper, are beneficial.

Digestion and excretion during intoxication

The normal digestion process can have a critical impact on detoxification. Food intake is known to affect the absorption of chemicals through gastric emptying, intestinal transit, pH, and bile production. Since medications are examples of how toxins enter the body, it is reasonable to assume that toxins are affected in the same way. In particular, toxins and drugs that are conjugated in the intestinal tract at the first stage of metabolism are excreted mainly through bile, and therefore excreted in the feces. To completely remove them, regular bowel movements are necessary. Dietary fiber contributes to normal excretion, which is important for the elimination of biotransformed toxins. It binds some toxins, thereby providing a pathway for them to be removed once they enter the body. In addition, adequate water intake is necessary to maintain normal kidney function and to allow for the excretion of toxins from the urinary system.

In addition to supporting excretion, nutrients support biotransformation in many other ways. Adequate blood glucose levels are required to maintain glucuronidation factor production. Interestingly, diabetes is one of the diseases associated with impaired Phase 1 activity.

Supporting energy production and the formation of new enzymes (protein synthesis) are also important for the detoxification process. Therefore, an adequate intake of carbohydrates, energy-sustaining fats and high-quality proteins is essential to maintain defense mechanisms against toxic damage. Fats can be a problem as many people consume excess amounts of unhealthy fats. Moreover, when exposed to toxins, the intestinal tract does not sufficiently absorb nutrients (including fats) due to impaired intestinal permeability. Therefore, a highly bioavailable source of fat will be beneficial, which directly supports energy production. Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) are fatty acids that fit this profile. Interestingly, olive oil, in contrast to sunflower, corn, or fish oil, has protective properties against chemically-induced liver fibrosis in rats, and therefore may be a good source of fat in a detox program.

Balance and normal detoxification

Depletion or lack of any cofactors required for the detoxification process is a serious prerequisite for the development of intoxication. In Phase 1, the toxin prepares for conjugation in Phase 2, in which a water-soluble group is attached to the toxin, making it non-toxic and promoting its excretion. These two phases must work in harmony and balance. In particular, Phase 2 processes must proceed at the same rate as the formation of reactive intermediates in Phase 1, otherwise there will be an imbalance in the production of reactive substances. If a reactive intermediate is formed in Phase 1 that is not immediately conjugated and cleared, it can act as ROS and bind to DNA, proteins and RNA, causing irreversible cell damage.

There are many Phase 2 processes that must be maintained to achieve balanced, normal, and complete detoxification. Many phytonutrients that have protective properties against toxin damage can induce the expression of genes that regulate the synthesis of Phase 2 enzymes, which promote the production of conjugated enzymes and lead to an increase in the activity of Phase 2. Phytonutrients useful for inducing Phase 2 activity include: ellagic acid (found in pomegranate and many berries), catechins from green tea and grapes, glucosinolates from cruciferous vegetables such as watercress and broccoli.

As mentioned earlier, Phase 1 bioactivation is required to form an active site for the attachment of a water-soluble group. However, Phase 1 bioactivation "activates" the toxin to a more reactive substance. A double-edged sword means that some activity is needed, however, over activity can lead to the formation of reactive intermediates, producing too many of them and therefore reducing the body's ability to neutralize these reactive substances into non-toxic molecules ready for excretion in Phase 2.

Several phytonutrients help maintain Phase 1 activity, such as indole-3-carbinol from broccoli, which provides some support for the CYP1A enzymes. However, over-activation of Phase 1 is of concern as it is associated with persistently high levels of toxins that effectively induce Phase 1 activity. For example, smoking, heterocyclic amines in frying meat, and dioxins over-induce CYP1A enzymes, and even low levels of these substances induce CYP1A in more than the moderate support provided by indole-3-carbinol.

Bifunctional Detoxification Support: Achieving Balance

As the name implies, the substances that provide bifunctional support for the detoxification process maintain the optimal activity of the enzyme systems of both Phases. Normal Phase 2 activity is associated with the induction of these enzymes, i.e. higher activity and the formation of the corresponding cofactors are provided.
Since there are many Phase 2 enzymes, an effective bifunctional modulator will increase the activity of several enzymes at the same time. Bifunctional modulators include ellagic acid, catechins and glucosinolates, some of which will be described in more detail.

Maintaining normal Phase 1 activity requires maintaining a balanced level of Phase 1 enzymes. Bifunctional modulators are often able to inhibit Phase 1 enzymes, if present in large quantities, without completely inhibiting their production. For example, while ellagic acid can inhibit the induction of CYP1A when exposed to a mutagenic benzopyrene, possibly through direct linkage to the mutagen, it does not inhibit the beneficial and necessary CYP1A activity.

Many bifunctional modulators also promote optimal balance through their ability to act as antioxidants and bind to reactive intermediates and ROS byproducts in Phase 1 reactions. Therefore, bifunctional modulators help maintain an optimal detoxification balance by modulating Phase 1 processes, inducing some Phase 2 processes and minimizing damage by reactive intermediates.

These properties of bifunctional modulators are one of the reasons for the relationship between a diet high in vegetables and fruits and a decrease in susceptibility to developing diseases such as cancer, since vegetables and fruits are the source of many bifunctional modulators.

Table 2. Clinical background for biotransformation maintenance programs

Reducing the overall toxic load and exposure to toxicants
Providing complete balanced support for biotransformation and conjugation reactions
Supports Healthy Digestion and Excretion
Providing support for energy production during a detox program
Maintenance of endogenous antioxidant mechanisms of biotransformation and detoxification of heavy metals
Donor provision of methyl groups to maintain methylation pathways

Water fasting and detoxification

Water fasting can interfere with the body's ability to maintain detoxification. Fasting and alcohol consumption over-induce the enzymes of the CYP450E family, resulting in an imbalance in detoxification. in addition, fasting leads to a predominance of muscle catabolism over fat, which is extremely harmful to health. Fasting also leads to a decrease in the consumption of essential cofactors, which provokes a decrease in sulfation, a decrease in glutathione levels and a decrease in the amount of conjugation cofactors necessary for glucuronidation. Experiments with animals have shown that fasting on water leads to a decrease in glutathione levels and an increase in the likelihood of developing intoxication when exposed to toxins. Therefore, Phase 2 reactions are slowed down and reactive intermediates accumulate in the body.

Nutritional Support for Biotransformation

Providing the body with macronutrients is very important to a detoxification program. Fasting has many side effects for the body, including decreased energy production, catabolism of lean tissue, over-induction of certain Phase 1 processes with concomitant increases in oxidative stress, and decreased levels of Phase 2 cofactors. Detoxification requires energy and is a metabolic burden on the body. Instead of diminishing nutritional support, the body needs an effective source of nutrients. However, this nutrient source must have a low allergic potential to reduce the body's inflammatory load and levels of potentially allergenic toxins. In general, protein, carbohydrate and fat are essential nutrients to maintain normal metabolism during detoxification.

The benefits of fiber

Fiber can be beneficial for the detoxification process for a variety of reasons. Fiber supports the cellular barriers of the intestinal mucosa and contributes to the maintenance of colon health, which leads to a decrease in toxic burden and the implementation of the protection of the first line of the system. Fiber promotes the elimination of conjugated toxins in the bile and may reduce the absorption of certain toxins. Importantly, fiber is directly attached to toxins, thereby removing them before they interact with the body and cause damage at any level. Fiber from rice bran is preferentially attached to mutogens, unlike fiber from wheat, corn, barley and oats.

High quality proteins

In addition to nutrients and fiber, Phase 2 conjugation requires high quality proteins that provide the body with methionine and cysteine \u200b\u200bin a highly absorbable form, since these amino acids can be used to form sulfation cofactors and glutathione synthesis. High-quality proteins can also be beneficial for mercury intoxication, as exposure to mercury depletes specific amino acids that are precursors of neurotransmitters. Methionine is also a component of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and is required for methylation.

Sulfation support with N-acetylcysteine \u200b\u200b(NAC) and sodium sulfate

Sulphate donors such as NAC and sodium sulphate are essential to a detoxification program. Oral NACs increase the levels of glutathione, which is activated in the body. Glutathione is not only a cofactor for conjugation with glutathione, but is also the main pathway for detoxifying heavy metals due to the ability of metals to bind to the sulfur of glutathione. Due to the use in the synthesis of glutathione, cysteine \u200b\u200b- the main factor in overcoming the toxicity of metals - is depleted in the case of accumulation of toxic metals in the body. To support the status of sulfation cofactors and glutathione production, it is recommended that sulfation cofactors be replenished with cysteine \u200b\u200b(in the form of NAC) at a dosage of 200 to 500 mg per day.

Methylation Support with Vitamin B12, Folate, Methionine, and Choline

Methyl donors - choline, methionine and folate are called “labile methyls” because they are used in the metabolic process and therefore must be replenished. Interestingly, nutritional deficiency of labile methyls is the only nutrient deficiency that is itself carcinogenic. Food deficiency of free methyls is also capable of inducing the activity of CYP1A enzymes in animal experiments. Part of the health-promoting role of dietary free methyls is to maintain detoxification balance by providing cofactors for Phase 2 conjugation reactions. Vitamin B12 and folic acid support normal homocysteine \u200b\u200bmetabolism, allowing SAM to be remethylated. The biologically active natural form of folate is 5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate.

Choline replenishment is essential. Since choline can be synthesized endogenously from methionine, it was concluded that food sources are not required to replenish it. However, a lot of experimental evidence has questioned this and showed that dietary sources of choline are essential. For example, choline deficiency leads to fatty liver disease and other liver diseases. Recently, the National Academy of Sciences' Committee on Nutrition and Medicines has classified choline as an essential nutrient.

Ellagic acid from pomegranate

In experiments with animals, ellagic acid contributed to a significant decrease in the incidence of tumor development during chemically-induced oncogenesis of the lungs and liver, protection from liver damage by carbon tetrachloride, improved production of glutathione and a decrease in lipid peroxidation. Ellagic acid can also directly neutralize the toxicity of certain metals (e.g. nickel) through chelation and promote their elimination, thereby protecting the liver from additional damage and oxidative stress.

Ellagic acid is a bifunctional modulator and helps to maintain the balance of detoxification through several mechanisms: 1) induces the production of glutathione S-transferase and other processes of Phase 2 at the gene level, 2) modulates the activity of CYP1A enzymes (reduces their activity in the case of excessive synthesis), 3) directly attaches to some toxic substances (for example, benzopyrene) in the environment, making them non-toxic and promoting their elimination. Ellagic acid can directly affect DNA, protecting it from carcinogenic mutations.

Green tea catechins

There are many publications regarding the health benefits of catechins. Evidence suggests that catechins (a class of flavonoids that are found abundantly in green tea extract) are bifunctional modulators that positively affect Phase 2 detoxification by inducing glucuronidation reactions and conjugation with glutathione. Experiments with animals have shown that green tea catechins have antitumor and anti-mutagenic potential. These substances are powerful antioxidants and bind directly to many toxic substances.

Epidemiological data indicate that catechins may protect against many types of cancer, although other data suggest that consumption of beverages containing catechins such as tea is inversely related to the incidence of Parkinson's disease. This prompted scientists at the National Cancer Institute to study the potential of green tea extract containing catechins as a chemotherapeutic agent.

Interestingly, catechins induce some of the Phase 1 processes; however, newer evidence suggests that catechins also selectively inhibit certain Phase 1 processes. A recent study in cell cultures showed that some catechins inhibited toxic-induced over-induction of Phase 1 processes and were able to moderately induce Phase 1 activity in the absence of toxins. This ability to modify Phase 1 levels, causing moderate induction and inhibition of over-induction, is associated with some of the properties of catechins. In addition, this study showed that this effect requires a full spectrum of catechins and that different catechin molecules function as a differentiated CYP450 antagonist and agonist.

The powerful antioxidant effects of catechins also allow them to bind to reactive intermediates that are formed in Phase 1 and are not immediately conjugated in Phase 2 reactions. This is another reason why this class of flavonoids may help maintain a detoxifying balance. One cup of tea contains between 100 and 200 mg of catechins, which provide at least 90% of the beneficial effects of green tea. Green tea catechins also contribute to the maintenance of beneficial intestinal flora, pH, and normal bowel function - 3 aspects that are important for the initial phase of optimal detoxification.

Watercress glucosinolates

Watercress (Nasturtium officinale), like other cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, is high in glucosinolates. Glucosinolates are precursors of several bioactive isothiocyanates, including phenylethyl isothiocyanate (FITC). Studies have shown that in humans, glucosinolates can be effectively converted to FITC by the intestinal flora following consumption of watercress.

Watercress also contains very high doses of FITC. FITC from watercress is able to inhibit chemically induced lung and colon carcinogenesis in rats and promote excretion of carcinogens in humans. The positive mechanism of this action includes selective inhibition of Phase 1 processes with the corresponding induction of glucuronosyl transferase and glutathione S-transferase in Phase 2. Epidemiological data show that the biochemical activity of watercress isothiocyanates is considered one of the reasons why crucifers have protective properties.

Milk Thistle Silymarin

Several recent reviews have discussed the traditional use of silymarin as a hepatoprotective agent, while recent studies have reflected more specific liver-protective functions of silymarin. For example, silymarin at a dosage of 400 mg per day improves liver function in patients with various etiologies of diseases, including toxic hepatitis as a result of exposure to industrial phenols such as toluene. Silymarin also increases blood levels of glutathione and glutathione peroxidase in patients with liver disease and induces glutathione peroxidase activity in animals. Silymarin glycosides have potent antioxidant effects, so silymarin can act as a bifunctional modulator.


Traditional medicine has long used artichoke extract (Cynara scolymus) as a liver-protecting agent. Several other bioactives have also been identified, including chlorogenic acid, cynarin, caffeic acid, and luteolin. Consumption of artichoke extract in capsules increases the absorption of these bioactive substances in the human body, leading to the production of beneficial metabolites such as ferulic acid. Ferulic acid, chlorogenic acid and cynarin provide powerful antioxidant protection, reflecting the health benefits of these substances. Moreover, in studies of liver cell cultures, artichoke extract not only provided antioxidant protection against toxic chemically-induced stroke, but also reduced the loss of cellular glutathione reserve.


Optimizing the body's ability to process and excrete toxins is essential to maintaining optimal health.

Toxins that travel through the air are especially dangerous, as they enter the body through the nasal sinuses and can cross the blood-brain barrier. They can travel along the olfactory nerve directly to the brain. However, reducing toxicity is only part of a successful strategy to reduce susceptibility to toxicity-related disorders. Low-allergenic targeted nutrition with a full spectrum of cofactor precursors, maintenance of excretion and bifunctional modulators to balance Phase 1 and Phase 2 biotransformation contribute to balanced detoxification and maintenance of optimal health throughout life.published

The term "detoxification" means the removal of toxins and toxins from the human body by force, that is, with the help of special means or techniques, accelerating the process, which usually takes place naturally.

During normal operation of all internal human organs, slags and toxins are excreted through the liver. It disinfects harmful substances that later leave the body with feces, urine and even sweat. But if they feel unwell, many patients decide to speed up this process, then the body is detoxified. How to cleanse the body at home, doctors or nutritionists can advise, there are many folk recipes.

  • Hangover Syndrome. If a person decides to stop drinking alcohol every day, then in the first days his condition will be extremely painful due to the large amount of toxins in the body. Detoxification can help solve the problem.
  • Excess weight. Diets have always been successful in helping you lose weight. And this is also a kind of detoxification.
  • The consequences of poisoning. Here, the elimination of toxins from the body is necessary.
  • Consequences of serious illnesswhen required to take various antibiotics.
  • Allergies. Removal of the food allergen is necessary.
  • Chronic fatigue. In this case, the benefits of detoxification have not been proven.

The decision on how to cleanse the body at home, and the way to detoxify the body, each person can choose for himself. However, first you need to consult a doctor, so that he can recommend the most optimal method, knowing the individual characteristics of the patient, and set a time frame for how long the cleaning process can take.

Detoxification rules or how to cleanse your body at home

Detoxification of the body at home should be carried out taking into account such rules:

  1. Detoxification at home not can last more than five days .
  2. Be sure to use at least two liters of water per day .
  3. Follow a clear daily routine, a lot of being outdoors, exclude active physical activity, stress, be sure to get enough sleep .
  4. Monitor your emotional well-being.

Usually, a whole program is developed according to which the body is detoxified. How to cleanse the body at home correctly. the nutritionist will tell you. But the first stage of cleaning is fasting, when only water is consumed, and the second is a balanced nutrition system, which includes a large intake of vitamins, some types of protein foods, an extremely low amount of fat... It is possible to use herbal infusions for greater intensity of the detoxification process.

Purification of the body

There are many ways in which the body can be detoxified. How to cleanse the body at home, you can choose depending on the tasks that this process must solve. What is it for:

  • Conduct liver cleanse ... Remove accumulated toxins, thereby getting rid of the effects of binge drinking or other health problems.
  • Just give rest to the digestive system after a long period of improper nutrition.
  • Get a significant dose of beneficial micronutrients during the period of getting rid of stress or chronic fatigue, or even simple vitamin deficiency.
  • Improve the functioning of the circulatory system and solve the problems with pressure surges.

Depending on the tasks set, the detoxification program of the body is also selected. It is important for the patient to decide how to cleanse the body on their own at home: by fasting or simply facilitating the daily diet.

Stages of cleansing the body

Vegetable and fruit juices, smoothies, purees must be on the menu for detoxification

The process of cleansing the body takes several days and sometimes weeks. If we are talking about detoxification in order to reduce weight, then after the main stage of the minimum amount of food taken, a more gentle method should be used - diet. Meals according to a certain system can last up to 21 days.

Having established the main task of carrying out detoxification of the body, steps on how to cleanse the body at home:

  • Starvation. This process takes no more than 2 days... There are tough fasting methods, when you can use only warm water, or you can choose the fasting method, when it is still allowed to eat one food during the day. Many women, deciding to quickly get rid of a couple of extra pounds, consume only kefir or apples during the day. A popular diet is buckwheat. The groats are boiled in water and eaten in small portions throughout the day. The same method can be chosen during the period of binge recovery. But it is not recommended to leave the body without food for a long time .
  • Drinking juices and other liquids. This home detoxification method involves gentle detoxification. It is assumed frequent meals throughout the day, but the diet includes only juices, fruit and vegetable purees, smoothieswhere may be present dairy products... Teas are also permitted, preferably herbal or green teas.

This method is chosen to cleanse the body after serious illnesses and a long intake of antibiotics. Also, fortified food can be a stage in the program of complete cleansing of the body after fasting.

  • Vegetarianism. Avoiding meat, fish, milk, and eggs can be part of a detoxification program. This is not a way to cleanse the body at home, but an opportunity to temporarily not replenish it with slags and toxins that are contained in a meat product. Therefore, more often vegetarianism is used in conjunction with other stages of cleaning.
  • Reception of medicines and folk remedies. This is a gentle method, it can be followed after fasting and used in parallel with one of the diets. Herbal infusions or teas accelerate the release of toxins and toxins in feces or urine. So the easiest way to clean it can be to take a lingonberry leaf infusion. Many women, wanting to lose weight, reduce volumes by getting rid of fluids stagnant in the body, take lingonberry leaf in bags, adding it directly to the cup when brewing regular tea twice a day. This agent gently removes toxins and does not have a pronounced diuretic effect.

Herbal infusions and teas will help not only restore the normal functioning of the body, but also cleanse it of toxins and toxins
  • Removal from the diet of foods that can provoke allergies. This cleaning step is important even for those who have not previously experienced the effects of allergens. Cleansing the body greatly weakens, especially after the first days of the course. Therefore, unpleasant reactions can cause unexpected attacks. Allergy patients are well aware of the composition of foods that can cause unwanted reactions. But there is also a whole list of things that are catalysts for allergies. For example, honey, chocolate, red berries, sometimes seafood and some other protein products, herbs and vegetables. In the last stages of detoxification, when the diet is already becoming more common, it is better to refrain from dangerous foods for now.
  • Active lifestyle, physical activity. At the end of the program of detoxification of the body, knowing how to cleanse the body at home, you can not greatly reduce your usual diet, remove toxins and toxins by increasing the load. Many women, wanting to lose those extra pounds, begin to intensively engage in fitness or go to the gym. Any increase in load leads to increased sweating, which means that toxins and toxins during exercise will leave the body. Instead of fitness, you can choose the most common morning jogging and gymnastics... This cleaning method is also good for those who decide to get back to normal after a serious illness or a long intake of antibiotics. At this stage, the weakening of the body no longer occurs, on the contrary, an active lifestyle will strengthen the immune system.
  • Rejection of bad habits. This stage starts from the first day of the program and continues throughout the entire period. When detoxifying the body, it is very important to completely abandon bad habits. After all, how to cleanse the body if new toxins are constantly entering it? There is the whole process in order to get out of the binge, in no case should you drink alcohol, even in the smallest quantities, no matter how bad a person feels without a "new dose".

When cleaning takes place in order to give the body rest or nourish it with useful trace elements, about coffee, strong tea, chocolate and smoking also better to forget. At the very least, try to keep the habit to a minimum. It is also better to do without alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks and cigarettes if you decide to achieve weight loss. Returning to bad habits will imbalance the weakened body, can cause disruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the first stages of cleaning.

Human sensations during the detox program

When the decision to detoxify at home is made, you need to be prepared that the process does not immediately start bringing positive emotions. In the first week, you should expect a deterioration in both physical and emotional state. What awaits people who decide to undergo body cleansing:

  • Forcing yourself to voluntarily starve is extremely difficult. The first day will be constantly tormented by a feeling of hunger, possible unpleasant sensations of hungry stomach cramps, dizziness, slight uncoordination of movements, headaches, loss of strength.
  • With limited food intake, it is felt weakness, loss of appetite, drowsiness.
  • Unpleasant sensations cause frequent need to go to the toilet... Since toxins and wastes will be released naturally, you have to empty yourself much more often than usual.
  • The emotional state will be very unstable. Attacks of despair and tearfulness can be replaced by irritability and even sudden outbursts of anger. The patient will constantly experience a feeling of physical discomfort, which is psychologically depressing. Refusal from habitual food and some habits also has a strong negative impact.

In the second half of the program, feelings will begin to change. A person begins to gorge himself, lead an active lifestyle, visit the fresh air more often, the daily routine becomes clearer, insomnia disappears, which tormented at the beginning. There is a positive attitude, a sense of satisfaction with the result, a certain pride in the work done. The mood rises, the person feels better physically.

In a mild form, you can cleanse the body with a simple home diet. You should choose a diet that does not use initial fasting and does not critically limit the diet, it is important to monitor the timing of its passage. In the last week of such a diet, dizziness, loss of strength, and spikes in blood pressure may begin. You must immediately stop restrictions and return to your normal diet. The body is sufficiently cleansed, and then a dangerous phase is already underway, when the body, instead of toxins and toxins, began to leave useful substances.

Contraindications to home detoxification

Health and a beautiful figure depend on proper nutrition.

Like other methods of influencing the body, detoxification at home can have serious consequences for human health. For some, the process of detoxification of the body causes many negative emotions and deterioration in physical condition. Therefore, such programs are not allowed for everyone who wants to clean up. Self-detoxification is contraindicated:

  • Children and adolescents, their body has not yet matured and the experience of such stress can negatively affect the work of internal organs.
  • For pregnant women... During detoxification, not only toxins and toxins are removed, but also useful substances that may be necessary for the fetus. The stress experienced in general can lead to miscarriage.
  • Elderly people... Usually this category has a number of chronic diseases, and detoxification can lead to a sharp deterioration in the condition and relapse of the disease.
  • With a lack of weight... Stress and dietary restrictions that are part of the cleansing program lead to an additional loss of several pounds of body weight. So you can earn hormonal disruption and anemia.

Exercise is of great importance in detoxifying the body.

In the case of a number of serious diseases, detoxification of the body at home is also not safe. Do not cleanse the body yourself if you have:

  • Diseases of the digestive system... With such diseases, a strict diet is prescribed, deviations from it lead to exacerbations and a sharp deterioration in health.
  • Blood pressure and heart disease... Even if you know well how to cleanse the body at home, remember that detoxification of the body in the early stages leads to a deterioration in well-being. Dizziness and pressure surges in the presence of chronic diseases can lead to medical examination with a heart attack or simply to fainting.
  • Kidney and liver diseases... While the natural course of the work of these organs is disrupted, cleaning will not give the desired result, and the state of health will worsen.
  • Hormonal disruptions... The immune system is weakened, the work of all organ systems is disrupted, and cleaning can result in a serious illness.

If you have any chronic illness, you should consult your doctor about detoxifying your body at home. If the specialist decides that the use of cleaning is possible, then he will create a light, gentle program. Also, the doctor will prescribe a suitable diet, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Home detoxification of the body when getting out of binge

It is recommended to cleanse the body when fighting alcohol addiction. When, when the diagnosis of "alcoholism" has already been made, detoxification in case of withdrawal from hard drinking is carried out in the hospital using droppers... But if the addiction is not so strong, then cleaning can take place at home. The rules here are simple:

  • There is no long fasting period. You can go without food for a maximum of 12 hours.
  • Drinking plenty of water. Drink at least 3 liters of water per day, not counting other liquids.
  • On the second day: frequent meals. Eat in small portions every 3 hours. Use a lot of juices, vegetables, fruits.
  • Diet from the third day. The diet includes oils rich in fats. Sunflower, olive, coconut or flaxseed oil. The food should be eaten with light proteins: legumes, chicken meat, cottage cheese ... Be sure to eat vegetables with green skin: cucumbers, zucchini, pepper .
  • Refuse coffee, strong tea, chocolate.
  • Don't use sugar.
  • Never return to drinking alcohol even in the smallest doses.

In the early days of the body cleaning program, lead calm lifestyle, sleep a lot , try refrain from exertion ... From the fifth day, on the contrary, gradually increase the pace of life, spend more time outdoors, start playing sports and increase daily workloads. All these measures must be agreed with a specialist.