Terms of enrollment of applicants. We submit documents to universities on time and correctly. Post-College Admission Rules

The 25th is the last day of submission of documents to universities. Ahead is the most nervous period: enrollment in students. In order for it to pass without particular harm to health, applicants must clearly understand both the enrollment procedure itself and the intermediate stages of this process.

So, on July 25, the admissions committees of Russian universities on the last day accept documents from late applicants. The next day they will process the received data, and already on July 27 at the information stand of the admissions committee and on the official website of the university, in accordance with the established procedure, a complete list of applicants will appear. In this case, the lists will be grouped into several conditional groups. At the very beginning, there should be the names of applicants eligible for admission without entrance tests (winners and prize-winners All-Russian Olympiads, as well as winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren included in the established). They must be followed by the names of applicants entering out of competition. Further, the names of those who are going to the target enrollment, and at the bottom of the list are applicants entering on a general basis (based on the USE results). At the same time, universities are obliged to form lists in each of the conditional groups in descending order of the points scored by applicants.

The next stage starts on July 30th. On this day, the stand of the admissions committee should be replenished with new information - an order for admission to the first year of those who have the right to admission out of competition, admission without entrance tests and target places. Also (if there are vacancies), a list of persons recommended for admission on a general basis should appear at the stand. Similar information should be duplicated on the official website of the university. From this moment until August 4, inclusive, applicants recommended for admission can bring the originals of educational documents to the educational institution. This stage ends on August 5, when an order is issued for admission to the first year of those who provided the originals. Applicants who have not done this will automatically drop out of the competition and are considered to have refused admission.

If there are free places, further enrollment should be carried out from the remaining number of persons included in the full surname list. At the same time, the scheme will look like this: on August 5, on the website of the university and on the information stand of the selection committee, a list of persons recommended for admission to vacant budgetary places is published. These applicants are given 5 days to provide original documents, until August 9 inclusive. The stage ends with the fact that on August 10, on the official website of the university and on the information stand of the selection committee, the following order should appear on the admission of persons who have successfully passed the entrance tests and submitted the original document on education.

As for the payers, on August 5, a surname list of applicants, ranked in descending order of the number of points scored (with their indication), with the allocation of lists recommended for admission in each area of \u200b\u200bstudy (specialty) to commercial places, should also be announced. At the same time, the actual enrollment of payers will take place only after all budget places have been filled, but it will be completed, however, no later than 10 days before the start of training sessions. At the same time, the enrollment of applicants entering the correspondence form of study ends.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. This article talks about the procedure for admission to universities in 2016, the deadlines for admission to universities in 2016 and about Consent to enroll in a university, what is it all about. Previously, all this was much easier, so I didn't want to write an article, well, what should I write there? "See the names of those enrolled on the website of the university on August Nth", so what? In general, it seemed that there was nothing to write about, but then I decided to see if something had changed in the order of enrollment in universities in 2016, and found so many new things that I immediately wanted to figure it out myself and tell others.

Okay, enough sophistry, let's get down to business.

Terms of admission to universities in 2016

Unlike previous years, enrollment now takes place in several stages, and on what dates students should be enrolled:

  1. July 29, universities must issue an order on the enrollment of students applying for. Of course, not everyone will be enrolled, but only those who passed the competition within the quotas, for more information about admission in the target direction, read the link.
  2. 3.08, an order must be formed for admission to budget places of those students who got into the first stage of enrollment and did not forget to submit an application for Consent to enroll in a university, read about the application deadline below. The number of students enrolled in the first stage is different for different universities.
  3. 8.08 the last day of the formation of the order for the admission to the university of students. Moreover, on August 8, an order should already be issued, which allows you to fill all the vacant places for training available at the university.

Here's a multi-stage reception system. Why it was done and who needs to be told is difficult, but since we decided to do this, we will live like this.

Everyone find their last name in the list of enrolled

Consent to enroll in a university

And here we will try to figure out what did not exist before and answer the question “Consent to enroll in a university” what is it. The document is completely new and was introduced only in 2016, therefore its essence is still a little incomprehensible, if I understood correctly, then it is needed in order to save universities from unnecessary trouble and add it to applicants.

Why do I say that? And here everything is simple, now admission to the university is as follows:

First, you can submit documents to 5 universities for 3 specialties, everything is as before, nothing new.

Then it is necessary 2 days prior to the release of the enrollment order, in no case, not later, submit Consent for admission to the university. And here it is already necessary to indicate only one specialty, and not three.

What's wrong with that for the applicant? The need to choose one specialty and hope that the USE points will be enough for admission, whereas before it was possible to indicate the specialty in the application as the third priority, which you will definitely enroll in, and then.

For those who enroll in a targeted direction, you must immediately submit the original document of education, an application for admission and Consent to enrollment.

Terms of submission of applications for enrollment:

  1. 28.07 The last day for accepting documents and Consent to enroll in a university for those who enroll in the target direction.
  2. 1.08 Deadline for submitting Enrollment Consent Applications for those who wish to be enrolled during the first stage of enrollment.
  3. 5.08 Deadline for submission of Enrollment Consent applications for those who were not enrolled during the first stage of enrollment and wish to be enrolled during the second stage of enrollment.

In conclusion, I would like to say a lot, but in short, then apparently this was done so that the applicant entered the place where he definitely wants to study. But it is far from the fact that you will choose the specialty that will really be of interest to you, the link to the transfer to another specialty was at the beginning of the article. I so "tried on" the new system and I did not like it much, but this is a personal opinion, perhaps this system is somehow good and someone will like it.

I hope I didn’t lie anywhere in the article and put it all right.

If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to answer in the most detailed and clear way.

If the article seemed useful to you, please share it using the buttons located just below.

This year's admissions campaign started two weeks ago, but the applicants are still asking questions. What is the best way to deal with the originals of the certificates? Do they affect the priority of admission? Should we be afraid that all the budget places will be occupied by the Olympiads? Who are “invited applicants”? These and many other questions are repeatedly encountered at the selection committee. The Vice-Rector of the Higher School of Economics answered the questions of the greatest concern to applicants.

This year, the role of originals of documents has significantly increased when applying to universities. How to properly dispose of originals to increase your chances of admission to HSE?

This year's innovation is that enrollment will now take place in two stages. I'll demonstrate it with a simple example. Let's take an educational program, where the number of budget-funded places at the Higher School of Economics is 160 people. First, all applicants submit documents before July 24. There is a category of applicants that enters without entrance tests, for example,. If they want to take advantage of their benefits, it is important that they bring the original of their certificate by July 29th. Another category of applicants, whose originals must also go to us before July 29, is a social benefit, that is, children without parental care, and so on. The same applies to target people applying for a target enrollment quota. All these three categories must submit the originals of the documents by July 29, and on July 30 we will conduct their enrollment.

- If the beneficiaries bring the originals after July 29, will they be credited on a general basis?

Yes, in this case they will already lose the benefit.

We took as an example the "Economics" program, where there are 160 budget places. Suppose that 50 Olympiad students, 5 orphans and 5 more target students wanted to come to us for this program. That is, out of 160 budgetary places, 60 places have already been taken (provided that all of them brought the originals of documents by July 29). This means that we have 100 places left for a free competition based on the results of entrance examinations. These 100 places are enrolled in two stages. On the first stage, 80% of the places put up for the competition are filled. In our example, 80 people should be enrolled in the first stage.

- That is, it is only those who brought the original documents, and they have the highest scores?

That's right, those who want to get into the first wave must bring the originals of the documents before August 3. We have one ranked list of applicants by the number of points scored, but some of them have original documents, and some do not. Those who do not have originals, we simply do not count in this 80%, which will be credited at the first stage.

- They are not taken into account, even if they have more points than those who bring the originals before August 3?

Yes, we only count those who have originals. If the second has more points than the fourth, but he did not bring the original documents, he will not get into the first wave. And here the first emphasis should be made. If you are determined to apply for this program, then you need to bring the original documents before August 3. On August 4, 80 applicants with the highest total of competitive points will be enrolled, but only from among those who submitted the original certificates.

- What happens in the second wave, in which the significance of the originals is just as great?

Yes, a short period of time is allotted for the second wave. Those who, for some reason, did not get into the first wave, but want to get into the second, must bring the originals by August 6, so the places left after the first wave are filled.

- And if those who brought originals are less than 80%, in our example - less than 80 people?

At the first stage, we fill 80% of the seats, at the second stage we get 20%. But this is provided that those who were enrolled in the first stage, for some reason, did not take their documents. If they took it away, or the original number of submitted originals was less than 80, let's say 75, then the number of competitive places in the second stage increases by this delta - that is, in our case, there will be 25 places in the second stage, not 20.

- And if the number of applicants on the basis of benefits is greater than the number of budget places?

This is the second most urgent question that worries many applicants. On July 30, the enrollment of persons with special rights upon admission is held - these are Olympiads who enter without entrance examinations; applicants for social benefits and targeted admission. And, if social benefits are quoted and cannot exceed the announced quota, then the number of Olympiads who can choose one or another program is impossible to predict. All olympiads whose originals of documents for July 29 will be in the selection committee (remember that they are enrolled before the start of the first wave) will be enrolled. Even if their number is equal to the number of budget places or exceeds them. At the same time, the university made a decision that the university adds 25% of the places from the initial admission target for the free competition - admission based on the results of the exam. In other words, if there were 100 places on the program, and all of them are occupied by the Olympiads, then another 25 places are put up for free competition.

There is currently no requirement to publish featured lists. Therefore, the HSE has developed the appropriate admission regulations and we will publish the lists of those invited to enroll. We conduct annual surveys of applicants and make a predictive assessment, highlighting the green wave. This wave includes all those who, according to our estimates, will enter HSE if they provide the original of their certificates. Thus, uncertainty is removed, the applicant will not have to rush between universities, not understanding their chances of admission. He will see that HSE invites him.

- At what stage does the applicant know that he is invited to enroll?

The list of invitees will be determined on July 30, when it becomes clear how many Olympiads and other preferential categories have already been enrolled. This does not override the 80% - 20% system. As I said, at the first stage, we enroll no more than 80%. But even if the "invited" applicant does not pass in the first wave, but he got into our list, he will be enrolled in the second stage.

- How does the applicant know that he has received the status of "invited"?

All "invitees" will be highlighted in the lists on the website of the admissions committee.

What about those who were a little less fortunate and still did not have enough points to enter the first and second waves?

There is no need to despair. We have a sufficient number of paid seats and are large and flexible. From July 1, contracts for paid seats are being concluded. We already have points corridors that correspond to a certain discount. Quite funny - we do not yet know the passing score for the program, but we already know how much discount an applicant with his number of points according to the USE results - he gets into the corridor of points that give him 25%, 50% or 70% discount.

A student can hedge himself and apply for a paid place, and in case of admission to a budget place, pick them up?

Yes. If for some reason the applicant is worried that his points will not be enough for admission to the budget, you can immediately apply for both the budget and paid. And before summing up the results of admission to the budget, be sure that you entered the university. In this case, the applicant concludes an agreement on paid education, pays for it. If this applicant eventually goes to the budget, then the contract is terminated, the money is returned in full.

- Have there been such cases in previous years?

Last year, about 100 people who signed and paid for the contract ended up in the budget.

Another important thing - for all those applicants who fall under certain discounts - we guarantee that they will be accepted regardless of the availability of vacant paid places. The point is that admission numbers have been announced for paid seats, as well as for budgetary ones. And if we, for example, recruited 50 students for 50 paid places, and then an applicant comes to us who has the opportunity to study with us at a discount, then we take him, because these are strong applicants with high USE results.

And if he comes not after the conclusion of contracts with those 50, but together with them, then those who have less points will simply be cut off?

Yes, that's right.

- At the same time, you can take a special educational loan for studying at a paid department, right?

Yes, those who understand that they will apply for a paid place should remember about the educational lending system. At the moment, this is a unique chance to take money from the state at a very low interest rate and start giving it away after you graduate from university, get an education and go to work. We have quite detailed the advantages of an educational loan and the conditions for its provision, all this can be studied and a decision can be made.

University admission rules will not change

Schoolchildren and their parents are accustomed to the idea that the rules for admission to higher educational institutions change every year. Starting in 2016, permanent rules have been established that will not change every year, which means that graduates will be able to collect all the necessary information about admission in advance: prepare for a specialized subject, pass the required exams, collect the necessary documents in a timely manner and submit them on time.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1147 of October 14, 2015 established the procedure for admission to study at universities for educational programs of bachelor's, specialist's, master's degrees for subsequent years. In accordance with the order, all comprehensive information on admission must be posted on the official websites of universities no later than October 1, including information on admission to correspondence courses.

Opportunity to apply without USE results

As before, the new procedure preserves the opportunity to enter universities based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently. This applies to applicants with secondary and higher vocational education, foreign citizens and those who, for health reasons, missed the deadline for passing the unified exam. Moreover, for "specialized" applicants who have received secondary vocational education, the university may establish entrance tests not in general school subjects, but offer tests in accordance with the profile.

An opportunity to get up to 10 additional points

In the admission procedure, innovations of the last year have been preserved - the opportunity to receive up to 10 additional points for individual achievements, and universities independently establish the rules for assigning additional points. The changes affected the recognition of diplomas with honors in secondary and higher vocational education and medalists who graduated from school in previous years. Previously, additional points were awarded for an "excellent" certificate of secondary general education of the last year of graduation.

Results are recognized for 4 years

The admission rules retain the special rights of the winners and awardees of the final stages of the Olympiads included in the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Of course, the profile of the Olympiad must match the chosen direction of training at the university. Winners and awardees will still be treated as applicants who have received the maximum 100 points per subject, but now they will be able to exercise this right for 4 years.

New document - "Enrollment Consent"

The main change in the procedure for the admission campaign in 2016 concerned the admission procedure. As before, the applicant has the right to submit applications to no more than five institutions of higher education and in each application can indicate three areas of training (specialty). However, no later than two days before the issuance of the enrollment order, the applicant must submit another document to the admissions office, indicating only one direction of training (specialty). This new document was named "Enrollment Consent". It is required for admission to any educational program, it specifies the conditions for admission and the grounds for admission.

An applicant within the target enrollment quota, simultaneously with the application for admission, submits an application for Consent to enrollment with the attachment of the original document of education in the established form.

Main terms of enrollment in 2016

July 26 - the end of the acceptance of documents required for admission (from persons applying for studies without entrance examinations conducted by the university).

No later than July 27 - placement of lists of applicants on the official website of the university and on the information stand.

Priority enrollment stage (no entrance examinations, within a special quota, target admission).

July 28 - completion of acceptance of applications for "Consent to Enrollment"; July 29 - order for admission within quotas.

First stage of enrollment for the main competition places (80% of budget places).

Until August 1 - completion of acceptance of applications for "Consent to Enrollment"; August 3 - an order for admission to competitive budget places.

Second stage of enrollment for the remaining competition places (20% of budget places).

August 6 - completion of acceptance of applications for "Consent to Enrollment"; August 8 - an order for admission to competitive budget places up to 100% filling.

Alumni advice

If you are going to participate in the general competition for budget places, then after submitting the documents, carefully follow the surname rating lists. Starting from July 27, the lists are posted on the websites of universities and are regularly updated. Your chances of being admitted may be increased if competitors with a higher score do not submit original documents. If you did not pass the competition at the first stage of enrollment, then there is a great chance of being enrolled in the second - the passing score in the second wave is usually lower. Assess the situation soberly, react in a timely manner and you will succeed! Good luck!

"posted detailed information on the admissions campaign in 2018. Here you can also find out about the passing scores, the competition, the conditions for providing a hostel, the number of vacant places, as well as the minimum points that were required to score to get it. The base of universities is constantly growing!

New service from the site. Now it will be easier to pass the exam. The project was created with the participation of specialists from a number of state universities and experts in the field of the USE.

In the section "Admission 2019" using the service "", you can find out about the most important dates associated with admission to the university.

"". Now, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with the admissions committees of universities and ask them your questions. Answers will be posted not only on the site, but will also be sent to you personally by mail, which you indicated during registration. Moreover, fast enough.

Olympiads in detail - a new version of the "" section with an indication of the list of Olympiads for the current academic year, their levels, links to the organizers' sites.

A new service "Remind me about the event" has been launched in the section, with the help of which applicants have the opportunity to automatically receive reminders of the most important dates for them.

A new service has been launched - "". Join our group! Install any calculator application on your personal page, then you will receive all updates to it before everyone else and automatically.

How is the first and second wave of enrollment going?

... or how the admissions mechanism works.

For simplicity, let's imagine that there is a specialty for which 100 budget places are allocated. This is the so-called recruitment plan. On June 19, universities started accepting documents and forming a list of applicants for admission, ranked in descending order of points. Thus, applicants with higher results than the rest will be at the top of this list.

Suppose that by the end of the acceptance of documents (July 24), there will be a total of 500 people, some of whom brought the originals of the documents, and the other part - copies. On July 30, the university announces: if you want to be enrolled - until August 3, inclusive, bring the original documents, otherwise you will be left out. But, as a rule, not everyone responds to this call, because some of the applicants do not consider this university as a priority.

In this case, a situation may arise in which only 90 people will bring the originals of the documents by August 3. But will they all be credited? It turns out that no. The reception mechanism works in such a way that no more than 80% of the recruitment plan can be accepted in the first wave, i.e. no more than 80 people. Thus, in the end, it turns out that 90 people brought the original documents, and only 80 of them will be enrolled in the university, who have higher scores compared to others. And all this will become known not earlier than August 4, when the enrollment orders will be issued for those who entered the 1st wave.

A reasonable question is, what will happen with the remaining 20 vacant places? In total, 100 budget places have been allocated. The answer is simple - they will be transferred to the 2nd wave of enrollment, which begins immediately after the end of the first and will last until August 7. At the same time, on August 4, the university will again invite ALL those who remain from the list who have not been previously enrolled to bring the originals in a timely manner (up to August 6 inclusive), and if this condition is met, then on August 7 an order will be issued to enroll them in the 2nd wave. But again, only those applicants who will have better results compared to the rest will become lucky.

What do we end up with? In fact, a lottery in which even in 1 wave applicants can be enrolled with a total of both 290 points and 150 points. And all this is only because many others from the list of applicants, corny, did not bring the originals. But these are the general rules of the game that will have to be reckoned with.

And, nevertheless, how to be in such an uncertain situation? There can be no single recipe here. Nevertheless, we note a number of important points to which you should pay attention.

First, you must have a complete understanding of the number of budget places for the specialty you are interested in for each of the admission conditions.

Second: it is necessary to understand that part of the budget places will be taken by target groups, preferential categories of applicants and Olympiads. The order on their enrollment will be issued on July 30, and therefore by the evening of the same day you will know the exact number of budget places that will remain for the general competition, i.e. for those who apply according to the results of the exam.

Third: keep in mind that there are quotas for target-oriented and preferential categories of applicants, and if they are not filled, the vacant places are transferred to the general competition. Thus, the total number of budget places is increasing.

Fourth: after receiving an accurate picture of the number of budget places, it is necessary to monitor the situation with the competition lists on a daily basis. Especially in the period from July 30 to August 2, when the ranked list of applicants with their scores will already be known, the number of originals submitted will be seen, it will be clear how many applicants were enrolled earlier. To do this, you can make tables in EXCEL for each university (specialty), and enter the relevant information into them on a daily basis. This will allow us to view the movement within the competition list in dynamics.

Fifth: it must be remembered that August 3 is the last day for accepting original documents from persons included in the competition list and who wish to be enrolled in the 1st wave, and, therefore, if you have not brought the originals yet, then it should be understood that the final the choice must be made before the end of the day.

Sixth: you should not think that nothing depends on you in this situation. Painstaking and careful analysis of competition lists, in most cases, bears fruit.

In full measure, all of the above applies to the 2nd wave of enrollment, where it is important to know: how many budget places are left free after 1st wave, how is the movement with the originals within the competition list, what place do you occupy in the rating.