Railway college profession. Colleges for training as an electric train driver. What are the specialties in the railway technical school

Railway transport is still considered one of the most reliable and convenient, and the situation in this industry will not change in the near future. For those people who want to help her in development, a railway transport college has been created in Moscow. What specialties can you get here? Let's find the answer to this question for applicants wishing to enter the Russian Railways College in Moscow after grade 9, and also get to know the educational organization better.

History of the educational institution

The modern college operating in Moscow was founded a long time ago. Its history began in 1872. Emperor Alexander II ordered the opening of a technical railway school in Moscow. The educational institution was named after Baron A.I.Delvig. This man was a well-known leader and organizer of the construction of many large engineering structures on the lands of the Russian Empire.

During the years of its existence, the educational institution was independent. It changed its name several times. It is currently called the Moscow College of Railway Transport. The educational organization is a structural subdivision of the Institute of Applied Technologies, which, in turn, is part of the Moscow University of Railways of Emperor Nicholas II.

Introducing College: Open House Day

The Metropolitan College of Railroad Transport has an official website. It contains all the information about the college and training in it. However, the Internet resource is often not enough for applicants to make a decision on admission to this college. So that applicants can learn about the advantages of the college and the peculiarities of studying in it, its employees organize an open day every year. At this event, future students and their parents get acquainted with the management, members of the selection committee, teachers, ask them questions of interest, learn about the offered specialties, and consult on preparation and admission.

On the open day, everyone is given the opportunity to walk through the Russian Railways College at Alekseevskaya, see its audiences, material and technical support. Guests are also invited to go to the museum of the educational institution. Here are a huge number of photographs and documents related to the history of the college. Only having been here, one can understand what obstacles and events the educational organization has gone through in its development, what it has been able to achieve over the years of its existence.

About the level of education

Moscow is part of the structure of the university, but it does not offer applicants for higher education programs. The secondary school provides training for mid-level specialists. The college is open to grades 9 and 11 alumni. Also, graduates of other colleges and universities who want to get a new specialty for themselves can enter here.

Each student of the Metropolitan College of Railway Transport studies many disciplines. After successful completion of all subjects and practices, education is issued. With this document, you can easily find a job. If you wish, you can enroll in a university for a specialty that was acquired at a secondary school, and continue your studies on an accelerated program in order to obtain higher education.

Specialties related to the transport industry

And now let's talk about the areas of training that the Russian Railways College in Moscow offers to applicants after grade 9. All available specialties can be divided into several groups. One of them relates to the transport industry. This group includes specialties related to:

  • with the technical operation of transport radio-electronic equipment;
  • construction of railways;
  • maintenance and repair of vehicles;
  • organization of transportation and transport management;
  • automation and telemechanics in railway transport, etc.

Each of the specialties is relevant and in demand. For example, the direction "Organization of transportation and management in transport" is technical, but at the same time and creative. On it, students learn to organize the movement of trains, effectively and competently manage this process, and look for the fastest and most economical solutions.

Specialties related to computers

Another group is related to computers. One of the specialties in the metropolitan college of railway transport is "Computer networks". On it, graduates are awarded the qualification of a technician. With this specialty, they can participate in the design of network infrastructure, organize network administration, operate network infrastructure objects.

The second specialty from the group is "Information systems (by industry)". It also qualifies as a technician. Students are prepared for the operation and modification of information systems, participation in their development.

The most demanded specialties

Some applicants enter the railway college in Moscow because of the presence in it of the most in-demand specialties in the modern world, which allow them to work in various organizations, enterprises, and individual entrepreneurs.

One of the areas of training - "Economics and accounting (by industry)". In college, in this specialty, students study all the necessary disciplines for future practical activities. The training allows you to prepare for accounting, documenting business transactions, performing inventory of property and financial obligations of the organization, drawing up reports, making settlements with budgetary and extra-budgetary funds.

Another of the specialties at the Russian Railways College is Operational Activities in Logistics. By entering it, applicants plan to become in the future.This profession allows you to plan and organize the logistics process in organizations (departments), manage logistics processes in procurement, production and distribution, optimize the organization's resources related to the management of intangible and material flows, evaluate the efficiency of logistics systems and control logistics operations.

Logistics support

A high-quality educational process is implemented in all specialties. The Railway College in Moscow has the necessary material and technical base. There are auditoriums in which general disciplines are held. There are specially equipped rooms for practical training. Laboratories are equipped for technical disciplines.

For example, there are laboratories:

  • computing systems architecture;
  • technical means of automation;
  • electrical engineering and electrical measurements;
  • telecommunication systems, etc.


The high quality of education at the Russian Railways College in Moscow after the 9th grade is provided by highly qualified specialists. The teaching staff have higher education in the profile of the discipline taught. Many of them have teaching experience and practical work experience, which is a very important advantage.

Teachers periodically undergo internships. So they update their knowledge, receive information relevant to the modern world. For internships, employees are sent to specialized organizations. This procedure is carried out at least 1 time in 3 years.

The Russian railway industry, and the Russian Railways company in particular, constantly needs new specialists with the necessary knowledge base for work. Therefore, many young people decide to connect the future with the Russian railway. Railway technical schools and institutes are located throughout Russia and constantly accept new students for training.

Railway transport specialties

When choosing a direction of study, applicants are primarily interested in what specialties in the railway technical school are offered for study. In total, technical schools offer 7 typical specialties for subsequent work at Russian Railways.

Training in railway specialties

The duration of study is also of great interest among applicants. The term of study varies from 3 to 5 years. For admission to any faculty, the applicant must pass exams in Russian language and mathematics.

Railway technical school (college) - specialties

After the 9th grade, the specialties in the railway technical school are quite diverse. After grades 9, you can enroll in most technical specialties, saving a year on training.

The technical school of railway transport, the specialties of which are mainly service, obliges the student to undergo practical training at the end of the training, with a total duration of 25 to 40 weeks in the relevant position.

Traditionally, the organization of transportation by rail is ranked among the popular faculties among technical schools - a specialty according to the classifier 02.23.01 (previously 190701). Education on the basis of 11 classes will take 3 years, and after 9 classes - 4 years. If we talk about qualifications, then obtaining a diploma in this specialty will give the right to work as a dispatcher, operator, forwarder, signalman and station attendant. The practice will take 29-38 weeks.

Railway colleges - list

  • Taiginsky railway technical school;
  • railway technical school Chelyabinsk;
  • railway technical school Chita;
  • Kursk railway technical school;
  • railway college Omsk;
  • railway technical school Yaroslavl;
  • Rostov railway technical school;
  • railway technical school Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Tyumen Railway College;
  • Krasnoyarsk railway technical school;
  • railway college Perm;
  • Saratov railway technical school;
  • Tomsk railway technical school;
  • railway technical school Samara;
  • Bryansk Railway Technical School;
  • railway technical school Novosibirsk;
  • Voronezh Railway College;
  • tula Railway College;
  • ryazan Railway College;
  • Michurinsky Railway College.

Railway Institute - faculties

The institutes of railway engineers in Russia offer the same typical specialties for study as colleges, but according to a more in-depth program.


  • Railway construction;
  • Management of transportation processes;
  • Management of transport and technological complexes;
  • Industrial and civil construction;
  • Bridges and tunnels

At the same time, the training period is increased by a year, but the qualifications allow you to occupy higher positions. One of the specialties that students prefer to study at the institute is automation and electrical engineering.

The qualification of an electrician-railwayman can be obtained by enrolling in the specialty "Automation and telemechanics in railway transport". The duration of the study of the in-depth program is from 4 to 5 years, and the practice takes 27-33 weeks. Also, the qualification of an electrician can be obtained in the specialty - "Power supply", having passed the exam in physics instead of mathematics.

Railway Institute - specialties

Training at the railway institute also gives the right to work as a manager. One of the specialties, which can be obtained only at a university, is "Railway Engineering".

"Passenger complex of railway transport" is a specialty, mastering of which will take 5 years and will give the qualification of a communication engineer. For admission to this faculty, you must additionally pass the Unified State Examination in Physics.

Railway specialties for men

Russian Railways are considered purely male specialties " Technical operation rolling stock of railways "," Construction of railways, track and track facilities. "The first specialty gives the right to hold the position of an assistant driver, inspector and operator for wagons, conductor, as well as work at Russian Railways as a mechanic. The second specialty allows you to get a job as a signalman or track fitter ...

Railway specialties for girls

The most simple to study and wide enough when choosing a possible job, the specialty "Service on transport" is considered among girls. The specialty gives the right to work as a conductor in any civil transport, including rail and aviation.

Military Railway Institute

The Military Railway Institute of St. Petersburg in 2016 celebrated its 90th anniversary. In total, the institute has 3 faculties and 11 departments. Education is conducted in 5 areas of higher and 6 - secondary education. Mainly engineers of railway construction directions study at the military institute of St. Petersburg.

Distinctive feature Institute is training in the specialty "Bridges and Transport Tunnels". In recent years, there has been a significant shortage of specialists in it, which means that students in this direction will receive one of the most demanded professions in Russian Railways.

Railway institutes of Russia

The Moscow Railway Institute, like the St. Petersburg Institute, also has a construction focus. In total, 14 directions are taught at the Moscow Railway Institute. The specialty, which can be obtained only in cities of administrative significance, is the technical qualification "Construction and operation of engineering structures". Its full study will take 3-4 years of study.

Moscow Railway University also offers to obtain the qualification "Technical operation of railway equipment".

Railway institutes of Russia - list

  • Krasnoyarsk Railway Institute;
  • railway Institute - Yekaterinburg;
  • railway Institute - Samara;
  • railway institute in St. Petersburg;
  • railway Institute - Khabarovsk;
  • Kurgan Institute of Railway Transport;
  • Irkutsk Railway Institute;
  • Perm Railway Institute;
  • Transbaikal Railway Institute.

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The Maroseyka Pedagogical College is a structural subdivision of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, which implements a wide range of educational programs for the preparation of secondary vocational education... The mission of the educational institution is to ensure the entry into the market of educational services of a highly qualified, competitive specialist in the field of preschool, music and additional education; the carrier of humane ideas in the process of development, education and upbringing of the child; able to act as a teacher, consultant, defender of the rights and freedoms of the child, parents and family; owning effective personality-oriented technologies of education and upbringing.

Currently, 140 teachers work in the College, among them 54 people were awarded the high title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Culture and Arts of Russia, Honored Teacher of Russia, 24 people have the academic degree of Professor. Teachers use non-standard pedagogical developments to develop the individuality of each student, thanks to which young musicians have their own face. The upbringing of morality and high culture among students is a priority area of \u200b\u200bthe College's work, this is facilitated by the introduction of disciplines into the curriculum based on moral, psychological, pedagogical and cultural aspects of the general education of future musicians.


There are many and few railway technical schools in our country at the same time. But what is precisely predetermined in them by the standards of education is the profession. What professions and specialties do they have after grades 9 and 11? Let's find out.

To begin with, however, you need to decide which technical schools and colleges will be discussed. Most of them are concentrated in the capital and large metropolitan areas of the country, and a smaller part is literally scattered throughout Russia.

They are united by one thing - specialties and professions that are associated with the railway and which you can go to study for boys and girls after grade 9 or 11.

What specialties are there in the railway technical school?

Since there are enough railway technical schools and colleges throughout the country, they train there not only for specialists for the railway. There are even those that are applicable on the railroad, but it is not at all necessary to study at a railway technical school after the 9th and 11th grade - for example, a lawyer, economist, accountant.

To begin with, we will analyze the most railway areas of study.

  • Service in transport is a real profession after the 9th and 11th grade for applicants entering the railway technical school. Based on the results of the training, the graduate is awarded the qualification of a specialist in transport service.
  • Power supply - this name hides not just a specialty that is in the railway technical school, but also the profession of an electrician, which is needed not only in Russian Railways, but in all sectors of our life.
  • The technical operation of the rolling stock of railways is another specialty that is in the railway technical school in almost any city. Its essence is that it is purely railway. The great news is that assistants to the train driver, rolling stock repairmen and even train conductors study in this specialty.
  • Organization of transport and transport management is perhaps one of the most important specialties. Train coordinators are trained in it - dispatchers, signalmen, forwarders and even duty stations.
  • Technical operation of transport radio-electronic equipment is the direction of training at the railway technical school for those who would like to become a communications operator, electrician, fitter-assembler of devices or radio mechanic.
  • Automation and telemechanics in transport is another area of \u200b\u200bstudy for those who are interested in specialties in a railway technical school after the 11th and 9th grade. Graduates of this direction are assigned profiles of an electrician, an electrician, a specialist in the repair and maintenance of signaling devices
  • Construction of railways, track and track facilities - this specialty is studied exclusively for working on the railway, and the resulting profile allows you to work in the professions of a signalman, operator of a flaw detection trolley and a track fitter.

Railway technical school - professions after grades 9 and 11

In railway technical schools and colleges, as a rule, there are no specialties that are not available for graduates of grade 9, but available for grade 11. Almost any educational profile can be mastered by both. The only difference will be in terms of training. After grade 11, the period of study at the railway technical school will be reduced by a year, and after grade 9 it will be about 3 years.

The list of professions is varied. Here are the most popular ones.

  • A locomotive driver is a dream, not a profession available to a graduate of a railway college or technical school. They accept to study for a locomotive driver at a railway technical school after 9 and 11, but only young men can study. After the 9th grade, it will take 3 years and 10 months to study, after 11 - 2 years and 10 months.
  • Electrician - a specialty available for both girls and boys will be in demand not only in Russian Railways. On the railway, graduates will be able to work in the profile of an electrician for signaling, centralization and blocking devices. The term of study is from 3 to 4 years.
  • An assistant train driver is a very promising specialty in a railway technical school, available to young men after grades 9 and 11.
  • A dispatcher is the most difficult profession available for those entering railway colleges and technical schools, which will allow you to literally manage trains and machinists, coordinating the work of each. The dispatcher is always behind the scenes of passengers, but always in touch with those who carry these passengers.
  • The station attendant is both a leader and a guide, and even a compiler in one person. He controls every train passing by his station. This is an honorable profession, which in the railway technical school after the 9th and 11th grades is available to both boys and girls, so whether to act or not is up to you, there are no gender restrictions. The terms of study are the same - from 3 to 4 years.
  • A train builder is one who can share responsibility with the station attendant. The profession is available for both boys and girls. It can be mastered after grade 9 or 11, and this specialty can also be studied in courses.
  • Track fitter is another profession that can be mastered in a railway technical school after grades 9 and 11 during courses. When there is no time to study for a long time, this is a good option.

What other specialties are there in the railway technical school?

In addition to the main railway directions, Russian Railways also needs other specialists - and these are not only builders or mechanics, but also legal directions, economists, cooks, service specialists. Therefore, if after the 9th or 11th grade you choose a railway technical school, then it can be suitable both for obtaining a railway specialty, and for many other areas. The choice is yours.