Gleb Arkhangelsk LJ. Gleb Arkhangelsky - LiveJournal. Expansion of the area of \u200b\u200bactivity

Gleb Arkhangelsky is known as the founder of the Russian school of time management. Gleb Arkhangelsky's corporate clients include the Presidential Administration and law enforcement agencies, Gazprom and Sberbank, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Microsoft.

Gleb Arkhangelsky is one of the few Russian entrepreneurs who have gone through the full cycle from a business idea to selling a business to a strategic investor. He skillfully prepared his first business for sale and “packaged” correctly for six years. I chose the timing well, successfully completed the deal, made more money than in my entire previous business life. Gleb Arkhangelsky's business achievements were recognized by the prestigious world award "Entrepreneur of the Year" from Ernst and Young in the category "Education and Business Development".

Having sold the business, Gleb became a private investor with projects in five European and two Asian countries, practically in all asset classes. Gleb's portfolio includes residential and commercial real estate, conservative and aggressive instruments of the global stock market, physical gold and agricultural land. Seminar - concentration of business experience of Gleb Arkhangelsky and hundreds of his clients, successful entrepreneurs and private investors.

The very concept of time management in Russia appeared quite recently, and Gleb Arkhangelsky made a significant contribution to the spread of a rational, measurable approach to business.

Gleb Alekseevich Arkhangelsky, who is considered the founder of the Russian school of time management, was born on February 2, 1979 in St. Petersburg (Leningrad).

At the moment, Gleb Archengelsky is rightfully the leading Russian expert in the field of time management.


  • St. Petersburg State University (applied mathematics);
  • Project Management Institute (PMI);
  • time Manager course at Time Management International.

Gleb Arkhangelsky became the first person in Russia who clearly formulated the problem of lack of time in business and proposed a system for effectively managing this resource.

All entrepreneurs know the thesis “time is the most valuable resource that cannot be replenished”, but in practice it is very difficult to allocate time rationally. “Time eaters” constantly appear, on which the lion's share of the day is spent.

Life is a one-way road.

Gleb Arkhangelsky collected all common business problems and converted them into time units - and this is a very correct approach to improve work efficiency in any conditions.

The first book was written in 2005 - it was Time Drive. How to manage to live and work ”. Subsequently, 7 more books were written in which the author revealed his views on maintaining a balance between business and leisure.

This is a special philosophy and system of values \u200b\u200bcharacteristic of young people with an active life position, who dreamed of simultaneously earning money and relaxing as they wanted. Doing business, active self-development, hobbies, personal life perfectly fit into this concept - if you know how to manage your time, all this can be combined.

Information business

The beginnings of the information business appeared in Russia in 2002-2003 - then no one knew what it was and how to work with it. Now, 15 years later, everyone understands that the main value is information, and the person who has it has tremendous power.

"If you work 14 hours a day, then luck and luck will not keep you waiting"

Gleb Arkhangelsky stood at the origins of the information business in Russia and he created very high-quality, unique content that is still relevant today. Most foreign publications devoted to time management do not take into account Russian realities, while Arkhangelsky's books were initially "sharpened" specifically for use in Russia, and this explains their success.


  • Time drive. How to manage to live and work. - 2005 g.
  • Gleb Arkhangelsky. Time to rest: For those who work hard. - 2013
  • Gleb Arkhangelsky. Work 2.0. Breakthrough to free time. - 2009
  • Gleb Arkhangelsky. Corporate time management. Encyclopedia of solutions. - 2010
  • Gleb Arkhangelsky. Weekly. The method of Gleb Arkhangelsky. - 2011

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Time is not money, as some people think. Time has a much greater value in a person's life. Time is the most valuable resource that only a person can have, and it will not be possible to replenish it, if it is already spent or lost, unlike money.

It was this position that became the basis for the life and work of one of the leading experts in the field of t in Russia - Gleb Arkhangelsky. And speaking today about time management, it is simply impossible not to mention this person. It is for this reason that we decided to devote one of our articles to the personality and the main ideas and concepts of this interesting person and a true professional in his field.

Who is Gleb Arkhangelsky?

Gleb Alekseevich Arkhangelsky, as already noted, is one of the brightest specialists in time management in Russia. He is currently a renowned business coach, the author of several popular books on time management, including Bestseller Corporate Time Management and Time Drive, as well as the CEO of his own company, Time Organization, editor of the Internet portal "", head of the time management department of the Moscow Financial and Industrial Academy and a candidate of economic sciences.

Gleb Arkhangelsky was born in Leningrad. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University, studying where he began to take an interest in time management issues. this was required by combining study with work.

After graduating from university, Arkhangelsky began working in a bank, but his activity was not connected with the organization of time. The management instructed him to deal with a mushroom production project. But it was such a dreary and boring occupation that Gleb went to the leadership and honestly admitted that this occupation, as they say, was not his, but. Quite a common situation, which was supposed to be followed by dismissal. But it was at this moment in the life of Gleb Arkhangelsky that an event took place that can be called fateful.

The head of Gleb asked him what he would like to do. Gleb replied that he was interested in the time tracking and analysis system. And the desire of the future professional to deal with the presented issue in the most excellent way coincided with the needs of the bank c. So Gleb Arkhangelsky began to do what he really likes, gradually establishing and improving his relationship with the most valuable resource that is in his life - time.

Having subsequently left his job at the bank, the hero of our article decided to found his own consulting company "Organization of Time", the head of which he is to this day. The result of this man's efforts was his reputation as the founder of the Russian school of time management.

It is impossible, of course, to say that the issue of organizing a temporary resource was not relevant in our country - domestic businessmen and managers of various categories were always interested in it, but it was Gleb Arkhangelsky that this problem was localized and began to be investigated at the most serious level. Today the seminars and master classes conducted by Gleb Arkhangelsky on the subject of time management are incredibly successful.

Let us remind here that time management is generally a special technology that allows absolutely any person to master and achieve, ultimately, maximum personal efficiency and productivity in any business, whatever he does. This is precisely what determines the relevance of time management that we can observe today.

Ideas by Gleb Arkhangelsky

In general, the essence of Gleb Arkhangelsky's methods is based on two basic principles:

  • Know about smart time management techniques
  • Introduce these methods into your life gradually, but daily

"Eat frogs in the morning"

One of the most effective methods of time management is to eat frogs in the morning. The "frog" here refers to the most unpleasant thing that you need to do during the day. "Eat the frog" means to do the job. Solving the most unpleasant task at the beginning of the day, you can not only save yourself from unpleasant worries, but also charge yourself with positive energy for the whole day ahead.

"Cutting an elephant for steaks"

The next great time management method is "slicing an elephant into steaks." "Elephant" is some kind of global business that cannot be completed in one go. To do this, you need to split it into smaller parts, i.e. "Cut into steaks." A step-by-step solution to a complex problem is the path to its final solution.

Step by step execution of cases

Another effective advice from Gleb Arkhangelsky is to perform only one step at a time. This concerns. Of the entire volume of cases that need to be done and the tasks that need to be solved, one or two should be chosen, and all your efforts should be directed towards their solution within the next few weeks. Moreover, it is recommended to choose tasks that are achievement-oriented.

Expansion of the area of \u200b\u200bactivity

Here's another tip: as soon as you have successfully completed a number of small projects in any one area, you need to start expanding the coverage area, i.e. start planning things in a new area, and then start implementing these plans, having previously broken them down into several components. Such a simple maneuver will allow you to achieve high results in the area to which you are accustomed, as well as gradually leave, doing more and more new things.


In addition to all of the above, there is another significant point regarding time management - this is analysis. In the course of his activities, a person must pay due attention to analytical work, which, in turn, can be divided into two components:

  • Analysis of their activities
  • Analysis of your inclinations

Analysis of your activities implies an analysis of what exactly your time is spent on, where most of it goes, whether it is present in your life, etc. It is very convenient to use traditional methods of analyzing the use of time, such as recording the time spent for several weeks, keeping a diary, analyzing completed tasks at the end of the day, and some others.

And analyzing your inclinations involves asking yourself questions about your time habits. These questions are:

  • What activities that take more than 30 minutes a week can I do?
  • What tasks that take more than an hour a week can be done in half the time?
  • Can I delegate something that takes more than 30 minutes a week to someone else?
  • Which of my activities during the day were most effective, and which were the least?
  • How much time did I spend on during the day?
  • How much time do I spend on and self-improvement?
  • How much time do I spend on routine and emergency tasks?

In addition to these questions, there are also a number of others.

Having analyzed the expenditure of your time using this technique, you can see how your time resource is distributed throughout the day, and what inclinations you have in this matter. This will help you eliminate the completely familiar, but ineffective organization of personal time, replacing it with a more productive one.


  • "Corporate time management: an encyclopedia of solutions"
  • "Formula of Time: Time Management for Outlook 2007"
  • "Time management: from personal efficiency to firm development"
  • "Time Management: A Study Guide"

In addition, you can visit the resource of Gleb Arkhangelsky - "", as well as sign up for his trainings and seminars (information is available on the Arkhangelsky website).

If you are interested in learning about other time management professionals, you can do so by clicking on. Don't forget to read the.

Good news for all Outlook users - we're launching Outlook Task Organizer, a personal version, in the fall. Let me remind you that this is an add-in to Outlook that allows you to work with the task tree, which we previously sold only in the corporate version.

The second good news is that the personal version will be absolutely free. In addition to decomposition of tasks, it will contain automatic formatting of the calendar, some additional useful functions, and a systematized set of tips "from Gleb Arkhangelsky" (as now in the paper Diary), in fact, a self-instruction manual on TM.

The third good news is that we are looking for the head of the relevant direction of the "Organization of Time" company, with the prospect of growth to the head of a business unit.

Requirements: higher technical / mathematical education; at least 2 years of experience in managing software projects. Will be a plus: experience in corporate sales; fluent English.

Functions: 1. Planning the development of a software product, collecting and analyzing user requirements, interacting with a software development company. 2. Management of the infrastructure of communication with users, technical support. 3. Interaction with corporate customers, participation in product presentations in leading Russian corporations, participation in software exhibitions, conferences.

Conditions: salary based on the results of the interview, a system of monthly and quarterly bonuses. Competitive selection. Work in an office near metro Tretyakovskaya, registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Career growth in accordance with the corporate grading matrix. Career perspective: As the IT direction grows, the head of the relevant business unit. Send CV with a cover letter to [email protected] with the note "Vacancy: Head of IT department".

  • April 28th, 2010, 05:11 pm

One of the blog readers asked a sensible question a while ago - "What is the most useful unknown thing in Outlook?"

For me, one of these mini-openings was the ability to open multiple Outlook windows so as not to jump between sections. Now I do this: Outlook opens, the Inbox folder is the first main working window. I work with mail a lot.

A second Outlook window opens, with a calendar (in which I have the taskbar displayed on the right, as described in the book The Time Formula). It becomes very convenient to work when you need to answer your mail - I go to one window, when to make an entry in the timing in the calendar, or check the meeting schedule - in another window. In both windows, everything is saved as it was during the previous call.

Do you have any non-obvious "tricks" in working with Outlook?

  • August 23rd, 2009, 07:33 pm

When awarding the MVP status, the quantity and quality of books, articles, conference presentations and other forms of activity that help people learn the subtleties of the practical application of a particular technology, in this case Outlook, are taken into account. I would like my blog not to be left out of my activity as an Outlook MVP either. Anyone who actively uses Outlook can ask me a question in this post or at [email protected] ... I will answer interesting questions with great pleasure in the issues of the blog.