When is the first leave due after getting a job and the procedure for granting it. Calculation of maternity leave if you worked for a year after the first maternity leave. How are payments calculated?

Year of work. Congratulations!
We don’t want to slow down the pace,
And work and try,
Advance your career.

Only up! Only forward!
May you be lucky in business
Let your colleagues respect you
Let your superiors trust you.

Congratulations! First year -
The right step, and the path leads
To prosperity in destiny.
So good luck to you!

The year flew by unnoticed
You've been working for a year now
Maybe there will be a promotion
Happiness, joy to you!

And also patience for you,
Faithful, devoted friends,
And the salaries are high,
To make it more fun!

And good luck to you too,
You can't live without her,
Happy anniversary,
Conquer all the peaks!

Congratulations on your first year of work and I would like to wish you to confidently and courageously continue your journey through the expanses of your career, without slowing down, overcoming all obstacles, embodying all ideas, conquering all the heights of success. I wish you to come to work in a great mood and with full readiness to work with dignity, I wish you to return home with a feeling of satisfaction and a feeling of happiness that your family and a delicious dinner are waiting for you at home.

Congratulations on your little date,
Anniversary of hard work,
We wish you a huge salary,
Well, holidays are only in Mallorca.

Let work not be a burden to you,
My head doesn't hurt from tasks.
Let only joy reign in your heart,
And there will be a sea of ​​desires in your soul.

Happy work anniversary!
Happy day worthy of praise,
We simply congratulate you,
So that everyone knows
What is it like to work?
To love your business
Respect your team
Hurry to work.
May there always be joy,
Let there be no barriers.
Let about your work
Only actions speak!

You've been at work all year,
Everything is going well
Respect, honor
And income, of course.

Flew unnoticed
First year of work.
On this date we want you
I would like to congratulate you.

This is the first step
On the way to success,
Don't let them slow you down
Various interferences.

Let the ideas come
Three times a day,
So that your career goes up
She jumped up immediately.

Happy anniversary
Friendly team
And we want to be in life
Successful and happy.

1 year of your work
Flew by in an instant
Celebrate your anniversary
In a great mood.

You're no longer a newbie
There is also a first experience
And with my work
You're doing well.

You're on the career ladder
Go forward easily
On every step
Good luck awaits you.

A whole year has passed since that very date
How did you come to work here?
That's a difficult and responsible day
Will always be in your memory.

Congratulations on your first year
Stormy activity, labor,
Keep up the good work
You are definitely one of us now!

A whole year of difficult work
It flew by like a quick moment.
Congratulations on this date,
I'll give you a high five in your diary.

May your career be bright
Let experience come to you.
The labor impulse will open
There is a new turn in life.

You've been working hard for a year
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
Your workdays
Let them just be good.

Salary is increased
The experience is only yours to accumulate.
I want to be in the team,
Like behind a stone wall.

Never lose heart
Don't be afraid of difficulties.
Let him give you a boost in your career
Life is not easy for you.

The employee worked for the organization for 1 year, 11 months and 1 day. During the work period, there were no unpaid leaves or other excluded periods. The employee was on vacation for only 19 days. How to correctly calculate the number of days of vacation compensation that an employee is entitled to upon dismissal? Which calculation is correct: 56-19=37 or 53.67-19=34.67. The main question: how many days of vacation compensation is due to an employee who has worked for 1 year and 11 months: 56 or 53.67? The data is provided as an example only.

In this case, the number of unused vacation days is 34.67 (28 days: 12 months × 23 months - 19). The formula for calculating the number of unused vacation days is provided in the recommendation in the full answer.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Glavbukh System

Important: there are cases when an employee must be paid compensation for a full year of work, even if in fact he was registered with the organization for a shorter period. In particular, this should be done when an employee leaves who has worked in the organization for less than 12 months, but at least 10.5. The fact is that for 11 months full compensation is due, and the 10.5 months worked must be rounded up to 11.

Also, full annual compensation is also due to those who have worked in the organization from 5.5 to 11 months, if the reason for such early dismissal was:

  • staff reduction;
  • liquidation of the organization;
  • conscription;
  • recognition of an employee as completely incapable of work according to a medical report.

An example of calculating the number of unused vacation days for which compensation must be paid upon dismissal. The employee has worked for the organization for more than 11 months

A.S. Kondratyev has been working in the organization since April 15, 2014. He is entitled to annual leave of 28 calendar days.

On October 16, 2015, Kondratiev resigned. He never took annual leave, so he is entitled to compensation for unused leave.

The accountant determined the number of unused vacation days as follows.

From January 12 to January 25, 2015, Kondratyev was on leave without pay (14 calendar days). These 14 days must be taken into account when calculating the length of service for vacation and compensation for unused vacation (). This means that in the first working year the employee worked all 12 months and for this year he is entitled to full compensation. That is, the number of unused calendar days of vacation for the first working year is 28.

During the second working year, the employee worked less than 12 months (from April 15 to October 16, 2015). Therefore, the accountant calculated his proportional compensation for this year. To calculate the number of unused vacation days this year, the accountant determined that the number of full worked (working) months in the period from April 15 to October 16, 2015 is six:

  • from April 15 to May 14, 2015;
  • from May 15 to June 14, 2015;
  • from June 15 to July 14, 2015;
  • from July 15 to August 14, 2015;
  • from August 15 to September 14, 2015;
  • from September 15 to October 14, 2015.

The remaining number of days before the employee’s dismissal is two (from October 15 to October 16, 2015). This is less than half a working month. Therefore, they are not taken into account when calculating compensation.

The accountant determined the number of unused vacation days for the second working year as follows:
28 days : 12 months ? 6 months = 14 days

The total number of days for which compensation must be paid to Kondratiev for unused leave upon dismissal was:
28 days + 14 days = 42 days

The employee has not been working since the beginning of the month

Situation: how to determine the number of full months worked in order to calculate compensation for unused vacation upon dismissal if the employee was not hired from the beginning of the month

Take into account not calendar months, but working months. For example, if an employee was hired on January 23, then his full working month expires on February 22. The next working month begins on February 23, and ends on March 22, etc. Indirectly, this procedure is confirmed by the provisions of paragraph 1 of the Rules approved.

Moreover, if an employee quits before the end of a full working month, then it is necessary to be guided by paragraph 35 of the Rules approved by the People's Commissar of the USSR on April 30, 1930 No. 169. That is, when an employee has worked exactly half a month or more, take this month as a full one. Do not take into account the month in which the employee worked less than half.

Let’s say an employee worked for the organization from January 23 to March 14 before being fired. In this case, the number of working months will be:

  • from January 23 to February 22 - one full working month;
  • from February 23 to March 14 - 20 days, which is more than half the working month from February 23 to March 22 (28 days: 2).

Thus, rounding is done up to two months.

If calendar months were taken into account, the number of months worked would be reduced to one. January (from the 23rd to the 30th) and March (from the 1st to the 14th) would not be included in the calculation, and one month would remain - February (from the 1st to the 28th). This option is unprofitable for the employee and does not meet the requirements of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, set out in letter No. 4334-17 dated December 7, 2005.

Rounding fractional days

Situation: to how many digits after the decimal point can the fractional number of days for which compensation must be paid for unused vacation associated with dismissal?

The more, the more accurate the calculation will be. An organization may round to two decimal places, or to three, or even to four.

When calculating the number of unused vacation days for which compensation must be paid, you may end up with a fractional number of days. For example, if an employee needs to be paid compensation for five months worked, it turns out 11.6667 days (28 days : 12 months ? 5 months).

The law does not say how to correctly round up the number of unused vacation days. Therefore, the organization can decide how to round such results independently.

However, most accounting programs provide for rounding the fractional number of days to two decimal places according to the rules of arithmetic. An organization can be guided by this order, or it can establish its own.

Ivan Shklovets,
Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

Read more about calculating average earnings and paying benefits from the Social Insurance Fund in the articles:

  • Temporary disability benefits in 2016;
  • Benefits paid from the Social Insurance Fund in connection with pregnancy and childbirth in 2015 and 2016;

About calculating vacation pay and average earnings during a business trip:

  • How to calculate vacation pay and compensation for unused vacation upon dismissal
  • Average earnings during a business trip: we calculate without errors

Try working in Kontur.Accounting - a convenient online service for maintaining accounting and sending reports via the Internet.

Calculation and payment of sick leave in 2018

To calculate sick leave in 2016, 2014 and 2015 are taken as the calculation period. There are no excluded periods; when calculating in 2016, you need to take the number of days as 731.

These rules have been in effect since the beginning of 2013. (Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006, Art. 14, Parts 1 and 3). An employee has the right to replace 2 years with an earlier one only in one case: if during these two years he was on maternity leave or child care leave.



Calculation of the total amount of earnings for 2 years The amount of earnings for 2 years includes all payments and rewards for which insurance premiums received by the employee for a given period are calculated. Payments from previous employers are also taken into account.

To do this, the employee brings to the place of his last job income certificates from previous employers.

Sick leave calculator

Its size, as well as other guaranteed payments to the employee, are indicated in the contract, along with this, the types of deductions are also indicated. There are situations in production when wages are paid not for actual time worked, but based on the average monthly wage (AMS).

SWP is the ratio of the actual accrued salary for a period of time to the actual time worked for this period. Often you may be required to provide a certificate of FFP. It can be provided:

  1. To social protection authorities;
  2. To the labor exchange;
  3. To the pension fund for calculating labor pension;
  4. To the bank, when applying for a loan;
  5. To the courts, to calculate compensation for absenteeism due to the fault of the director of the enterprise.

In these cases, an indicator such as the average monthly salary is required.

This indicator is usually calculated over three or six months.

How to calculate sick leave (calculation example)

If an employee does not have more than 6 months of experience, then his estimated amount for 2 years is calculated at the minimum wage rate (from July 1, 2016 - 7,500 rubles per month). The remaining calculations are made according to the scheme described above. Example.

Pavel never worked, was not registered with the employment center and did not receive unemployment benefits. He worked at the new place for 3 months and went on sick leave for 10 days.

For the calculation, the current minimum wage indicator is taken and multiplied by 24 months. 7,500*24=180,000 is Pavel’s total income for 2 years. Divide the number by 730. 180,000/730 = 246.6 rubles - average daily earnings.

Because Pavel worked only 3 months, his sick leave will be paid at 60%. 246.6/100*60=147.96 rubles. Pavel spent 10 days on sick leave. 147.96*10=1479.6 rubles.

How to calculate average earnings for all benefit payments


Payments that are taken into account in the calculation In order to correctly calculate average earnings, it is necessary to take into account the following payments that were made to the employee for the previous year of calculation:

  • all types of payments, rewards, bonuses, fees and other income that an employee receives for performing work and services that are established by the employer. Salary in non-monetary terms is also taken into account;
  • payments to state and municipal employees;
  • supplements to salaries, tariff rates;
  • regional coefficients and other additional payments required by law (for example, for work in difficult climatic conditions).

2014. Salary per month - 28,475 rubles. Regional coefficient - 1.3. In the period from 08/25/2013 to 09/17/2013 - vacation.

How to calculate sick leave? benefit calculation example

If the sick leave is issued for the employee himself, then all days of the sick leave certificate for loss of ability to work are calculated taking into account the specified dependence. If a child or another close relative falls ill, and sick leave is opened due to the need to care for him, then only the first 10 days of sick leave are paid for the specified dependence; 50% of the payment is applied to the remaining days. Number of days of sick leave If an employee falls ill, then all days of sick leave, including holidays and weekends, must be paid. If a child or another family member is sick, there are some restrictions.
Sick family member Child under 7 years old. Child from 7 to 15 years old. Child from 15 years old.

How can an employee calculate sick leave?

  • Payment for checking notebooks and written work;
  • Payments to state and municipal employees;
  • Regional coefficient, northern allowances;
  • Payment in kind.

The following are not included in the calculation of the SWP:

  1. Sickness benefit;
  2. Payment of vacation pay;
  3. Vacation payments for the time you are on a business trip;
  4. Bonuses paid at the end of the year (it should be noted that the annual bonus is included in the calculation of the average salary, in proportion to the number of months worked);
  5. Payment for maternity leave;
  6. Material aid;
  7. Payment for meals during a business trip;
  8. Payment for utilities;
  9. Payment for training and advanced training.

Calculation of the average salary in 2018 In case you were asked for a certificate of the SWP.

Average daily earnings for calculating sick leave in 2016 - 2017

Example: An employee is on sick leave from 02/25/2014 to 03/05/2014. His average earnings at the time of going on sick leave were 2,365 rubles.

From March 1, there was an increase in wages by 1.12. Therefore, 3 days in March are subject to recalculation. The employee will receive “in hand” (4 * 2,365) + ((2,365 * 1.12) * 3) = 17,406.4 rubles. Do not forget that you need to calculate average earnings very carefully.

If this is done incorrectly, the employer may thus distort the tax base for income tax and the base for contributions to all funds.

Average earnings: when is it used and how is it calculated

How is it calculated Earnings for 2 years are divided by 730 Earnings for 2 years are divided by the number of calendar days minus the days of excluded periods Earnings for the billing period are divided by the average monthly number of calendar days in this period (for 1 full month - 29.3) Earnings for the billing period are divided on the number of days actually worked in this period Retained for All calendar days of the period of incapacity All calendar days of maternity leave, parental leave up to 1.5 years (40%) Calendar days of vacation, except for the official holidays listed in Art. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Working days according to the employee’s schedule * The employer may establish a different pay period in the collective agreement if this does not worsen the situation of the employees.

Hello! In this article we will talk about the algorithm for calculating the average salary. Today you will learn:

  1. What is meant by average salary?
  2. In what situations is it necessary to calculate the FFP;
  3. Which payments are accepted for calculating the FFP and which are not;
  4. How is the FFP calculated per month and per day?
  • In what situations is it necessary to calculate the average salary;
  • What does the SWP consist of?
  • Calculation of average wages in 2018;
  • Average salary for calculating sick leave;
  • Calculation of average daily earnings for accrual of vacation pay;
  • Conclusion.

In what situations is it necessary to calculate the average salary? When concluding an employment contract, the employee and the employer negotiate wages corresponding to the position held.

How is the average salary for sick leave calculated? Worked for 1-5 years

Average earnings per day should be calculated for a certain pay period. Formula for calculating average daily earnings for sick leave: Average daily earnings.

Salary for calculated per. / number of days in calculated per. That is, you should add up all payments made to the employee over 2 years. If the employee did not work in this place of work during these years, then you need to obtain certificates from previous places.

It is better to take care of such a certificate in advance and receive it upon dismissal. Income certificates will allow the current employer to take into account all payments made to the employee in the accounting years.

The law provides for an income limit; payments above the limit are not included in the calculation. In 2014, the limit was 624,000 rubles, in 2015 - 670,000 rubles, in 2016 - 718,000 rubles. When calculating benefits in 2016, the maximum possible income that can be taken into account in the calculation is 624,000 + 670,000 = 1,294,000 rubles.

“How long do you need to work to get maternity benefits?” is a pressing question for all expectant mothers.

According to Art. 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all women have the right to social benefits, regardless of whether they work or not.

However, when calculating the amount of social guarantees, a number of factors are taken into account, including the length of work experience.

Let us consider each case separately in detail.

In legal terminology there is no concept of “Maternity leave”. This is what we say when a woman plans to take maternity leave or parental leave before the child reaches the age of 1.5 years (3 years).

The right to go on maternity leave is granted only to working women.

The entire period of incapacity for work is 140 calendar days (in case of pregnancy with more than one fetus - 194 days, in case of complicated childbirth - 156 days), payment of social insurance benefits is provided.

An employee working part-time is provided with the same rights and guarantees as an employee working in one place.

It should be clarified that a one-time maternity benefit is paid to employees working in several organizations, at all places of work where an employment contract was concluded.

As for monthly payments, they are made only at the main place of work.

Every woman is entitled to maternity benefits in 2019. Among them:

  • officially employed;
  • received the legal status of unemployed;
  • female students;
  • military personnel.

Unemployed women who have not confirmed their social status with the employment service are not entitled to maternity benefits.

Leave granted to care for a child can be used by employed citizens (father, grandmother, grandfather or other relative).

A woman’s insurance experience does not affect the fact of receiving benefits, it affects its size.

Since when calculating maternity benefits, the two previous calendar years are taken into account, we can say that this insurance period is quite sufficient. The size of wages also plays a significant role.

If a pregnant woman’s work experience is 2 years, before the year of pregnancy, the amount of her one-time benefit will correspond to 100% of the average salary. The monthly benefit amount will be 40% of the average salary.

There are cases when a woman has worked only partially for 2 pay years, then the question arises: “How are maternity pay calculated if she has worked for less than 2 years?”

If the total work experience is less than 2 years (less than a year), the calculation is also based on the average salary.

If the work experience is less than 6 months, the amount of the benefit will be calculated based on the minimum wage (in 2019 - 11,280 rubles).

Unemployed women who have confirmed their status with the employment service can count on payments based on the amount of unemployment benefits.

According to the labor code, in case of unofficial employment, maternity leave is not paid.

This situation can be corrected in several ways:

  • independently make contributions to the social insurance fund;
  • confirm your unemployed status.

Independent deduction of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund involves the payment of a standard or desired amount. Even a one-time deduction gives a woman the right to receive maternity benefits. To apply for benefits, you must contact the FSS.

Having received official unemployed status, a woman will receive monthly unemployment benefits until she goes on maternity leave. In this case, a minimum amount of maternity payments is provided, based on the minimum wage in a particular region.

Calculation examples

A woman’s monthly salary is 25,000 rubles.

Before becoming pregnant, she worked for a full 2 ​​years. There are no deductible periods, singleton pregnancy, and childbirth was without complications.

Calculation of one-time benefit:

  • salary – 25,000 rubles;
  • settlement period – 24 years (24 months);
  • number of days in the billing period – 730 (in a leap year – 731);
  • vacation period – 140 days.

(25,000 * 24)/730*140 = 115,068.49 rubles.

Calculation of monthly benefits. P = SZ × 30.4 × 0.4, where:

  • P – amount of monthly benefit;
  • C3 – average daily wage based on the two previous years;
  • 30.4 – (365 days/12 months).

(25000*24)/730*30.4*0.4 = 9,994.52 rubles.

If the work experience is 1 year (1.5 years), the calculation is based on the average salary.

(25000*24)/730*140 = 115,068.49 rubles – one-time benefit.

(25000*24)/730*30.4*0.4 = 9,994.52 rubles. – monthly allowance.

If the experience is less than 6 months

If a woman’s work experience is less than 6 months, the calculation will be based on the minimum wage – 7,800 rubles.

(7800*24)/730*140 = 35 901,36

Monthly allowance:

(7800*24)/730*30,04*0,4 = 3081,36

If you have official unemployed status, maternity benefits will be calculated taking into account the minimum amount of unemployment benefits (850 rubles):

(850*24)/730*140 = 3912.33 rubles.

The monthly benefit will be:

(850*24)/730*30.04*0.4 = 335.78 rubles.

Benefit limit in 2019

If your income is too high, the amount of maternity benefit is limited to certain limits.

The maximum base for calculating insurance premiums in 2017–2019 is 755,000 rubles, in 2016 – 718,000, in 2015 – 711,000.

Thus, if a woman went on maternity leave in 2017, having worked 2016 and 2015, and her total income for these 2 years amounted to an amount higher than indicated, the amount of maternity leave will be calculated as follows:

(711000+718000)/730*140 = 274,054.79 rubles.

The amount from the calculation is paid in a lump sum and is relevant only if the woman was not on maternity leave or sick leave in 2015 and 2016.

In the event of an extended maternity leave, the amount of the benefit will be calculated based on the period indicated on the sick leave certificate - 156 or 194 days.

The minimum amount of maternity leave is paid to a certain category of women:

  • working less than 6 months;
  • officially unemployed.

In the first case, the benefit is calculated based on the minimum wage; in the second case, the calculation base will be unemployment benefits.

The law regulates the minimum amounts of maternity payments:

  • for the first child – 3065.69 rubles;
  • for the second child – 6131.37 rubles.

Neither the Social Insurance Fund nor the employer has the right to pay benefits of the following amounts.

If several children are born at the same time, payments increase. For example, at the birth of twins, the minimum amount of maternity leave will be calculated as follows:

3065,69+6131,37 = 9 191,06

Full-time students can count on receiving maternity benefits on a paid or budget basis.

The payment amount is set at the amount of the scholarship at the time of leaving the academic leave.

Part-time students are not entitled to social benefits for pregnancy and childbirth.

Is study included in the experience?

Studying at a technical school or university does not count as work experience. The exception is cadets of educational institutions belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In this case, the insurance period is accrued from the moment the cadets are enrolled in the university.

If a woman goes on maternity leave, the employer is responsible for timely payment of benefits.

The period for transferring funds is regulated by law and is 10 days from the date of application by the copyright holder.

If a woman applies for maternity benefits after 6 months, the benefits will be paid by the social insurance fund. The reasons for missing the deadline for applying for benefits must be valid.

In the absence of insurance experience, the payment of unemployment benefits and maternity benefits is carried out by the employment center.


A woman’s lack of insurance coverage does not deprive her of the right to receive benefits. The amount of payments depends solely on the following factors:

  • length of work experience;
  • salary amount;
  • duration of vacation;
  • current minimum wage;
  • maximum base for calculating insurance premiums.

Thus, you must:

  1. sum up all payments to the employee during his work at your enterprise (which are subject to insurance contributions), with the exception of payments for periods excluded from the calculation of the average.
  2. count the number of calendar days during the work period. At the same time, it is important to take into account that days and the amounts accrued for these days are excluded from the calculation if they were paid according to the average or if these were, for example, days without pay.
  3. Divide the amount of payments by the number of days and get the average daily earnings
  4. Compare average daily earnings with the maximum value = 4,150,000/365 = 1,136.99.

Not found

Law No. 180-FZ “On certain issues of calculation and payment of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth and the amount of insurance coverage for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases in 2006”). When determining the time of actual work of an employee during the last 12 calendar months before the onset of temporary disability, the period of his work at previous places of work is taken into account. The time spent working for the previous employer is confirmed by entries in the work book.
The calculation period may include the entire period of work with the previous employer: from the date the employee was hired to the date of his dismissal. This period is determined on the basis of an entry in the employee’s work book or on the basis of a copy of his employment contract.

How is sick leave paid if I worked for 1 year?

Regulations on the specifics of calculating average wages, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 11, 2003 No. 213). Before the onset of temporary disability in March 2006, the employee worked 12 working days, for which he was accrued 12,000 rubles. (RUB 22,000: 22 days x 12 days). His average daily earnings are 1000 rubles. (RUB 12,000: 12 days).

The amount of the daily benefit, taking into account the employee’s continuous work experience, is the same amount - 1000 rubles. The maximum daily benefit in March 2006 was 681.82 rubles. (RUB 15,000: 22 days). The amount of benefits payable to the employee for 5 working days will be 3,409.10 rubles.

(RUB 681.82 x 5 days). Consider the following situation, when an employee has worked at the enterprise for less than three months. The employee joined the organization on January 11, 2006, and had not previously worked anywhere.

How can an employee calculate sick leave?

Thirdly, income received in kind must also be taken into account. Guided by paragraph 5 of Regulation No. 375, take into account the market value of the goods issued (finished products, etc.). Let us recall that the market price is the cost of the goods prevailing at the time of payment of wages in the region where the organization is located (clause
54 resolutions


Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 No. 2). Fourthly, when determining earnings, income received in foreign currency must be recalculated in rubles at the Bank of Russia exchange rate valid on the day the benefit is calculated. This is stated in paragraph 5 of Regulation No. 375. After counting all payments, see if the limit has been exceeded.

After all, for each year you can take payments that do not exceed the maximum amount for which contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation are calculated. In other words, for 2012 you can take a maximum of 512,000 rubles, and for 2011 - 463,000 rubles.

Calculation and payment of sick leave in 2018

The rules for calculating and confirming insurance experience were approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated February 6, 2007 No. 91. The general rules are quite simple. Determine the length of service on the day of the insured event. That is, the last day when calculating length of service is the day preceding the onset of the illness.


The length of service includes periods of work under an employment contract during state civil or municipal service. In addition, when calculating length of service, take into account the time of service in the army, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations and other law enforcement agencies. Be careful: the time of leave to care for a child up to three years must be taken into account when calculating the length of service.

But do not take into account periods of full-time study at an institute, academy or university.

How is sick leave calculated - calculation rules

Including those who have a part-time working week, part-time working day or summarized recording of working time (clause 16 of Regulation No. 375). At the same time, the maximum average daily earnings is 1335.62 rubles ((463,000 rubles + 512,000 rubles) : 730 days). If actual earnings are higher, take the amount of 1335.62 rubles for calculation.
Step No. 4. Determine the length of insurance To correctly calculate the amount of benefits, you need to know one more indicator. This is insurance experience. If the employee’s work experience is more than 8 years, then he is entitled to a benefit in the amount of 100 percent of average earnings. If the length of service is from 5 to 8 years, the benefit amount is 80 percent of average earnings.
With up to 5 years of experience – 60 percent. If the length of service is less than six months, pay benefits in an amount no more than the minimum wage (more on this below).
For those who have received injuries or occupational diseases, sick leave benefits - rules for calculation and payment, terms, amounts and conditions for receipt. If the employee himself is sick or injured:

  1. the remainder of the period is financed by the Social Insurance Fund.
  2. The first 3 days of sick leave are paid from the profits of the company in which the benefit recipient works;

The benefit for caring for a sick child or other relative is fully paid from the Social Insurance Fund. How is sick leave paid? Let's look at the nuances of paying sick leave in some special cases. We will consider each case separately. For clarity, we will give an example.
Nadezhda worked for the company for 10 years. I stayed for 14 days. Over the past 2 years, her total earnings amounted to 1,000,000 rubles. 1,000,000 / 730 = 1369.8 rubles. This amount is the average daily earnings. Because

How to calculate sick leave if an employee has only worked for one year

This is stated in Part 2 of Article 13 of Law No. 255-FZ. Limit of 512,000 and 463,000 rubles. (the maximum earnings that can be included in the calculation for 2012 and 2011, respectively) do not need to be distributed in any way between the companies in which the employee currently works. When paying benefits for each place of work, a part-time worker will be required to provide several sick leaves.

The reason is that the basis for paying sick leave is solely the original certificate of incapacity for work - different for each employer. The employers of the part-time worker have changed in whole or in part. At the time of illness, the employee is employed by several insurers, and in the two previous calendar years he worked in other companies. Then the benefit will be paid to the employee at one of the last places of work.

At the same time, a person has the right to choose where he wants to receive benefits.
The list of documents that the employee is obliged to submit to the employer when concluding an employment contract is established by Art. 65 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. No other documents (for example, certificates) from the previous place of work other than those listed in this article are required to be submitted. In connection with the amendments made to Art. 65 of the Labor Code (Federal Law dated July 30, 2006 No. 90-FZ “On amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, recognition of certain normative legal acts of the USSR as invalid on the territory of the Russian Federation and invalidation of certain legislative acts (provisions of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation”) added the next part: “If a person applying for work does not have a work book due to its loss, damage or for any other reason, the employer is obliged, upon a written application of this person (indicating the reason for the absence of a work book), to issue a new work book.” Example.
It is also issued with subsequent payment in the following situations: a child falls ill; care is required for an adult close relative; for pregnancy and childbirth; for the patient’s recovery after surgery; during quarantine, when it is assumed that the employee is infected. How to calculate the correct payment for sick leave? disability due to illness is carried out by the organization, further funds come from the Social Insurance Fund. Summary of the article Calculation of sick leave when an employee has no work experience Today, when calculating sick leave in accordance with current legislation, the minimum wage is taken into account in the following situations: Absence from work. How long and in amount is sick leave paid? At the moment, the certificate of incapacity for work is paid not only by the employer, but also by the Social Insurance Fund.