Raw materials for the building materials industry. Building complex. The composition of clay minerals is taken as the basis for the mineralogical classification of clay rocks.

  • 1.3. Raw material base of the building materials industry
  • Chapter 2. Basic properties of building materials
  • 2.1. The relationship of the composition, structure and properties of building materials
  • 2.2. Classification and characteristics of the main properties of building materials
  • Density, porosity and thermal conductivity (average values) for some building materials
  • Characterization of the most important properties of building materials
  • Section 2. Natural materials
  • Chapter 3
  • 3.1. General information about rocks
  • Classification of rocks on a genetic basis
  • 3.2. Technical requirements for stone materials
  • 3.3. Extraction, processing and types of natural stone products
  • Chapter 4. Materials and wood products
  • 4.1. Composition and structure of wood
  • 4.2. wood properties
  • 4.3. Protecting wood from decay and fire
  • 4.4. Types of materials, products and structures made of wood
  • Section 3. Materials obtained by heat treatment of mineral raw materials
  • Chapter 5. Ceramic materials
  • 5.1. General information
  • 5.2. Raw materials for the production of ceramic materials
  • 5.3. Fundamentals of technology of ceramic products
  • 5.4. Types of ceramic materials
  • Nominal dimensions of wall ceramic products
  • Product groups according to thermal characteristics
  • Chapter 6
  • 6.1. General information. Classification
  • 6.2. Air binders
  • 6.2.1. Gypsum binders
  • 6.2.2. air lime
  • 6.3. Hydraulic binders
  • 6.3.1. Portland cement
  • Setting time of cements
  • Sample Strength Requirements
  • Heat generation of clinker minerals
  • The ratio of brands and classes of Portland cement
  • 6.3.3. aluminous cement
  • 6.3.4. Expanding cements
  • Special types of Portland cement
  • Section 4. Materials based on inorganic binders
  • Chapter 7
  • 7.1. General information, classification
  • 7.2. Concrete materials
  • Classification of sands by size
  • Requirements for the grain composition of coarse aggregate
  • 7.3. Properties of the concrete mixture
  • Classification of concrete mixes by workability
  • 7.4. Fundamentals of concrete technology
  • 7.5. concrete properties
  • 7.6. Varieties of concrete
  • Types of concrete
  • Section 5. Organic binders and materials based on them
  • Chapter 8. Bitumen and tar binders and materials based on them
  • 8.1. General information, classification
  • 8.2. bitumen
  • Physical and mechanical properties of petroleum bitumen
  • 8.3. tar
  • Chapter 9
  • 9.1. General information
  • 9.2. Composition of plastics
  • 9.3. Fundamentals of the technology of plastic building products
  • 9.4. Properties of building plastics
  • 9.5. Application of polymeric materials and products
  • Section 6. Building materials for special purposes
  • Chapter 10
  • 10.1. General information, classification
  • 10.2. Ways to create a highly porous structure:
  • 10.3. Properties of thermal insulation materials
  • Properties of thermal insulation materials
  • 10.4. The main types and features of the use of heat-insulating materials
  • Conclusion
  • Practical part Examples of control task options
  • Recommended reading
  • 1.3. Raw material base of the building materials industry

    raw material - initial substances or mixtures of several components (raw mixtures) that are processed to obtain products.

    The building materials industry receives raw materials from 3 main sources:

    Inorganic natural raw materials (the vast majority) are extracted from the bowels of the earth or its superficial alluvial layers: rocks;

    Organic natural raw materials - substances containing hydrocarbons or carbohydrates and their derivatives: various coals, wood, peat, vegetable matter, oil, gas;

    Waste and by-products of industry, which are generated in huge quantities, but are still used in Russia is extremely insufficient. At the same time, it has been established that the use of industrial waste would cover up to 40% of Russia's construction needs for raw materials, reduce the cost of manufacturing building materials by 10-30%, and significantly reduce anthropogenic impacts on the environment.

    The following types of industrial waste are used for the production of building materials: slags from ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, ashes and slags from thermal power plants, overburden, waste from coal mining and coal preparation, waste from the chemical industry, waste from wood and wood chemistry, waste from the building materials industry itself, etc.

    It should be noted that the building materials industry is the only industry that is able to process these large-tonnage waste and create effective materials on their basis. This is the way to create low-waste and waste-free industries.

    Chapter 2. Basic properties of building materials

    2.1. The relationship of the composition, structure and properties of building materials

    Structure and properties. The properties of a material largely depend on the characteristics of its structure. The structure of the material is studied at three levels:

      macrostructure - a structure visible to the naked eye,

      microstructure - a structure visible in an optical microscope;

      the internal structure of the substances that make up the material - the structure at the molecular-ionic level.

    The macrostructure of building materials is of the following types:

    Conglomerate (for example, various types of concrete);

    Cellular (foam and aerated concrete, cellular plastics);

    Finely porous (specially porous ceramic materials);

    Fibrous (wood, mineral wool, fiberglass);

    Layered (plastics with a layered filler and other roll, sheet, plate materials);

    Loose-grained (powdery - various fillings, aggregates for concrete, etc.).

    conglomerates- materials that are tightly connected (usually with the help of some kind of cementing agent) separate grains. For example, in concrete, grains of sand and coarse aggregate (crushed stone or gravel) are firmly connected into a single whole with the help of a binder - cement.

    According to modern ideas, most traditional building materials can be attributed to the so-called composites. Composites(composite materials) - materials with an organized structure. In composites, a component is distinguished that forms a continuous phase, called matrix and playing the role of a binder, and the second component, discretely distributed in the matrix, - hardening component. In the role of a matrix in building composites, polymeric and mineral binders are used, as a strengthening component - fibrous (glass fiber, pieces of metal wire, asbestos fiber, etc.), sheet (paper, wood veneer, fabrics) materials, fine powder particles.

    The matrix "forces" the discrete component to work as a whole, providing high strength of the material. In composite materials, a set of properties is achieved that is not a simple sum of the properties of the initial components, a new quality of the material appears (“synergistic effect”).

    Materials with fibrous and layered macrostructure have different properties in different directions, that is, they have anisotropy properties. An example of an anisotropic material with a fibrous structure is wood, which along and across the fibers has different strength, thermal conductivity, shrinkage, and swelling.

    The microstructure of the substance constituting the material can be crystalline And amorphous. Often the same substance can exist in both forms, for example, crystalline quartz and various types of amorphous silica in the form of volcanic glass, the mineral opal, and so on.

    In crystalline substances, molecules, atoms or ions are arranged in an orderly manner, forming the so-called crystal lattice. A feature of crystalline substances is a certain melting point and the geometric shape of crystals, which is characteristic only for a given substance. Amorphous substances are characterized by a random arrangement of particles. Possessing unspent internal energy of crystallization, amorphous substances are chemically more active than crystalline ones of the same composition. The amorphous form of a substance can change into a more stable crystalline form.

    The internal structure of the substances that make up the material determines the strength, hardness, refractoriness and other important properties of the material. The crystalline substances that make up the building material differ in the nature of the relationship between the particles that form the spatial crystal lattice. covalent bond is carried out by an electron pair when there are atoms in the "nodes" of the crystal lattice. These are simple substances (diamond, graphite) and some compounds of two elements (quartz, carborundum, carbides, nitrides). Materials with such a bond are characterized by high mechanical strength, hardness, and refractoriness.

    Materials from ionic bond(there are ions in the "nodes" of the crystal lattice) have low strength and hardness, as a rule, they are not waterproof (gypsum, anhydrite). In relatively complex crystals, such as CaCO 3, there are both covalent and ionic bonds. Inside the complex ion CO 3 2- is a covalent bond, and with Ca 2+ ions it is ionic, so calcite has high strength, but low hardness.

    Crystals of substances with molecular bond are built from whole molecules that are held near each other by weak van der Waals forces of intermolecular attraction (for example, ice, some gases). When heated, bonds between molecules are easily destroyed.

    metal connection occurs in metal crystals and gives them specific properties: high electrical and thermal conductivity, malleability, malleability, metallic luster. Malleability and ductility are explained by the lack of rigidity in the crystal lattices of metals, their planes are rather easily shifted relative to each other. Electrical and thermal conductivity are due to the high mobility and large "freedom" of electrons in the spatial structure of metals.

    Composition and properties . Building materials are characterized by chemical, mineral, material and phase compositions. Sometimes to characterize the material used elemental (elementary) composition, showing what chemical elements and in what quantity are included in the material. For example, the elemental composition of bitumens ranges from: C - 70-80%, H - 10-15%, S - 2-9%, O - 1-5%, N - 0-2%.

    Chemical composition allows you to judge a number of properties of the material: mechanical, biostability, fire resistance and others. Usually it is expressed as a percentage of oxides, for example, Portland cement clinker includes CaO - 63-66%, SiO 2 - 21-24%, Al 2 O 3 - 4-8%, Fe 2 O 3 - 2-4%.

    Mineral composition shows what minerals and in what quantity are included in the stone material or binder. For example, in Portland cement clinker, the content of the main mineral - tricalcium silicate 3CaOSiO 2 is 45-60%, and with a larger amount, hardening is accelerated, and the strength of the cement stone increases.

    In building materials, which are a mixture of various substances, the properties largely depend on the percentage of these components, that is, on material composition material. So, for Portland cement, the material composition is characterized by the percentage of clinker, natural gypsum, as well as the type and amount of active mineral or organic additives.

    Phase composition shows the ratio between solid, liquid and gaseous phases. The solid phase is the substances that form the “framework” of the material, the liquid and gaseous phases are water and air, respectively, filling the pores of the material. When water freezes in the pores of the material, the phase composition changes, ice is formed, which changes the properties of the material. An increase in the volume of water freezing in the pores causes internal stresses that can destroy the material during repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

    The programs of work in the field of construction require for their implementation, along with the further development of the industry of building materials, the search for new reserves to increase the efficiency of their production. In modern construction, there is a sharp increase in the need for high-strength building materials that have a developed raw material base and are manufactured using advanced technological methods.

    In the technology of building materials, works are known that show the technical feasibility and economic feasibility of producing cementless binders. Mineral raw materials for production are large-tonnage wastes of metallurgical, thermal power, mining, chemical and other industries.

    On the basis of these binders, various building materials can be produced, such as: dry mixes, concrete blocks and slabs, concrete for monolithic construction, bricks, paving slabs, etc.

    Experimental introduction of cement-free binders in construction began in 1958, and production - in 1964. During this time, high technological and operational properties of such building materials have been proven, which have passed the test of time in the structures of various areas of construction. For example, in 1989 a 22-storey building was built in the city of Lipetsk.

    The development of building materials based on the integrated use of large-tonnage industrial waste is primarily due to environmental and economic factors. Firstly, a significant increase in prices for cements, natural aggregates, energy carriers and, secondly, the aggravation of the environmental situation in the country as a result of the continued build-up, formation and accumulation of industrial waste.

    Minimizing the environmental impact of industrial waste can only be achieved by their complete utilization. Therefore, many developed countries have taken the path of using not natural, but technogenic materials as mineral raw materials and manufacturing fundamentally new types of high-quality products from them. Russia, in this regard, is significantly inferior. So, for example, ash and slag waste from thermal power plants is used only by 8%, steel and ferroalloy slag by 50%, ultrafine silica, which is a waste in the production of silicon-containing alloys, by 10%, mining industry waste by 27%. Studies show that the widespread use of industrial waste would expand the mineral resource base of the construction industry by 15-20%.

    The chemical and mineralogical composition of the listed wastes, for the most part, is perfectly suitable for the production of cementless binders. In addition, their distinguishing feature is the ability to be chemically activated by substances, which in turn can also be waste products from other industries.

    Industrial waste should be considered not as traditional industrial landfills, but as a stable and renewable raw material base for the production of high-quality cheap building materials.

    Features of building materials technology are as follows:

    • -use of industrial waste;
    • - use of chemical hardening activators from local waste;
    • -simple hydrothermal treatment at atmospheric pressure;
    • - technology allows to produce volume-colored building materials.

    The main stages and directions of development of the building materials industry. In the Russian Federation, over the past few years, it has been possible to achieve a constant increase in the volume of industrial production, but although the annual increase in the production of building materials averaged about 10%, the volumes achieved do not fully satisfy the needs of modern construction, which is mainly due to the low technical level of enterprises and wear and tear of technological equipment.

    The production of certain types of building materials is characterized by high capital intensity of production capacities and requires a significant amount of time for construction, which reduces their investment attractiveness.

    In the cement industry, the base industry for construction, the volume of investments per 1 ton of cement will increase from $5-6 per ton of capacity per year with the maintenance and repair of existing capacities to $250-300 per ton with the construction of new plants.

    The degree of wear of technological equipment of the cement industry is 70%. As a result, the capacity of 45 operating cement plants is officially estimated at 71.2 million tons, but in fact - according to independent estimates - the plants in their current state can produce a maximum of 65 million tons of cement per year.

    In order to provide the building complex with cement sufficient for the commissioning of 80 million sq.m. housing per year, the industry should reach the level of 90 million tons of cement per year in 2010, which will require the commissioning of additional production capacities. Large one-time capital investments in the industry are estimated at 5.1 - 6.3 billion dollars in total.

    Production of thermal insulation materials. Currently, the domestic industry produces about 9.0 million cubic meters. m of thermal insulation products of all kinds.

    The main type of heaters produced in Russia are mineral wool products, the share of which in the total production volume is more than 65%. About 8% are glass wool materials, 20% - foam plastics, 3% - cellular concrete.

    The need for heat insulators has increased dramatically after the introduction of new requirements for heat loss of building envelopes. The total demand for heaters for all sectors of the country's economy, according to calculations, will amount to 50-55 million m3 by 2010, including 18-20 million m3 for housing construction.

    Natural mineral materials include rocks and minerals from which artificial building materials are obtained based on binders - cement, gypsum, lime and some others.

    Natural mineral materials are divided into two groups:
    - mining and technical;
    - mining and chemical.

    Mining materials include kaolins, refractory clays, quartz sands, carbonate rocks, gypsum, chalk, quartzites and other rocks.

    Mining and chemical materials include phosphorites, saltpeter, chalk and others. They are not used for foundations.

    Clay is a sedimentary rock consisting of tiny particles about 0.001 mm in size. This quality of clay determines its high dispersion, that is, good miscibility with water. Clay also has plasticity - the ability to take any form when diluted.

    There are several types of clays:
    - kaolin, or white clay, which serves as a raw material for the manufacture of porcelain dishes;
    - molding clay, from which molds for casting metals are made;
    - cement;
    - brick.

    Cement clays, differing in color and mineral composition, are used in the production of Portland cement, brick clays mixed with sand are used to make bricks.

    Depending on the sand content, clays are oily or lean. In greasy clays there is little sand, but in lean clays there is a lot.

    In ancient times, raw brick was used for the construction of buildings. They made it as follows: they knocked down a wooden box-shaped and filled it with clay, after which they dried it in the sun and coated it with bitumen.

    The Egyptians noticed that after firing, the clay acquired the properties of a stone. This is how brick production arose, which has survived to this day.

    Fired brick appeared in Russia in 1476. It was then that the architect V. Yermolin restored one of the old churches with “burned bricks”.

    Separately, there is a group of building materials for special purposes - clinker brick, clay brick and acid-resistant brick. For the construction of foundations of special strength, acid-resistant bricks are used, adapted to protect building structures from the action of an aggressive environment.

    Burnt, or building, bricks are of several types:
    - ordinary;
    - facing;
    - road;
    - fireproof.

    Lightweight hollow, longitudinally perforated and vertically perforated bricks (Fig. 6), which are distinguished by high thermal insulation properties, are used in the construction of light internal walls.

    Rice. 6. Types of bricks: a - longitudinally perforated; b perforated (dimensions are given in mm)

    The dimensions of massive and hollow silicate bricks practically do not differ from the dimensions of ordinary fired bricks. Massive bricks may have through holes (Fig. 7).

    From the b faces of the brick, two large, so-called beds are distinguished, when laying - the upper and lower. Other large faces are called spoon faces, and two small ones are called bond faces (Fig. 8).

    Rice. 7. Massive brick (dimensions are given in mm)

    To perform this or that type of dressing during construction, it is often necessary to divide a brick into parts that have specific names. So, for example, a part of a brick, the lower and upper "three-quarters"; a brick split in half along the entire length forms long halves. A part of a brick, chipped across its long part, with a size equal to the height of the brick, is called a quarter.

    Rice. 8. Edges of a brick: a - whose beds have a bed; b - spoon; c - bonded shape of a square, called

    Page 3

    Lecture 2 on the discipline "Building materials" for the 1st year (bachelor's degree)

    Subject. Raw materials for the production of building materials. natural stone materials

    1. Natural raw material base for the production of building materials and fishing.

    The raw materials for the manufacture of all inorganic building materials (stone and metals) are rocks.

    Building materials from rocks can be obtained in two ways: mechanical processing and chemical processing (most often by firing).

    Natural stone materials in construction are called stones obtained by mechanical processing of rocks - crushing, sawing, splitting, textured surface treatment. Natural stone materials retain the structure of the rock. Some rocks, destroyed by nature itself, can be a ready-made building material (sand, gravel, etc.).

    Stone-casting products are obtained by melting stone, followed by pouring the melt into molds. The technology of stone casting is called peturgy (the word "petr" means stone). Petrurgiya is used to obtain non-porous stone products or products of complex shape.

    By chemical processing of rocks, such common materials (binders) as lime, cement, building gypsum, etc. are obtained. One of the most accessible rocks for mining - clay - has been subjected to chemical processing - firing since ancient times. From clay, as is known, bricks and ceramics, including building products, are obtained.

    Metals are also obtained from rocks called ores. Ore is a rock containing a significant percentage of metal. At the same time, it should be technologically acceptable and economically feasible to extract metal from such a rock. For example, ores containing iron oxides in a free state are the main raw materials for metallurgy. And widespread rocks called ferromagnesian silicates are not used to extract iron or magnesium. There is a small percentage of metal in them, and it is difficult and expensive to extract it from the rock.

    The main raw materials for organic materials oil and coal can also be attributed to rocks. From oil and coal, bitumen and tar are obtained, which are used for roofing materials and road construction. Oil and coal processing products are used to produce building plastics

    The oldest building material of organic origin is wood. By mechanical processing of wood, materials are obtained that preserve its structure. These are not only well-known logs and boards, but also, for example, decorative and finishing material fine wood veneer.

    2. Secondary raw materials in the production of building materials and fishing.

    Along with natural raw materials, the so-called man-made waste is used in the production of building materials. The industry produces much less finished products than it consumes raw materials. For example, for the production of 1 ton of cast iron, 1.5 ... 2 tons of raw materials are consumed. Therefore, 0.5 ... 1 t is production waste.

    Man-made waste can include gaseous, liquid and solid products. Many of them pollute the air and water. It is known that they began to engage in the capture and neutralization of hazardous waste only in connection with the rapid development of industry in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This problem has not been completely solved yet.

    Technogenic wastes, including those obtained during the treatment of industrial effluents, gas and dust emissions, can be reused as raw materials in the same or another production. Of the industries that consume industrial waste, the building materials industry is the most capacious. It has been established that the use of industrial waste can cover up to 40% of the construction needs in raw materials. The use of industrial waste allows to reduce the cost of manufacturing building materials by 10 ... 30% compared to their production from natural raw materials. In addition, new building materials with high technical and economic performance can be created from industrial waste.

    Waste is conveniently classified by industry.

    Ferrous metallurgy slags. Among them, blast-furnace slag, a by-product of iron smelting in blast furnaces, is of the greatest importance for the construction industry. In the blast furnace, as you know, the ore is melted. The melt is divided into two layers metal at the bottom and slag at the top. Thus, slag is a molten stone. In metallurgical regions, solidified slag heaps occupy a lot of usable land (the yield of slag is about 0.5 tons per ton of pig iron). The construction industry consumes both monolithic slag after crushing into crushed stone, and specially prepared granulated slag. The simplest method of granulation is dry: a thin stream of molten slag pours from a great height, separating into drops, which, solidifying, form slag granules. There are also wet and semi-dry methods of granulation. The purpose of granulation is to obtain a non-crystallized (amorphous, vitreous) stone, chemically more active than slag crystallized in dumps. The granules are ground into powder and used in the production of cement. Crushed stone obtained by crushing dump slag is used as a filler for concrete. For lightweight concrete, slag pumice is produced - porous slag. The essence of the production of slag pumice is that the molten slag with a temperature of about 1300ºС is treated with cold water. Due to the instantaneous evaporation of water and the associated rapid cooling of the slag, the viscosity of the latter increases. Vapor bubbles cannot overcome the plastically viscous state of the melt, get stuck in it and swell it. The result is a light porous material resembling natural pumice.

    Slimes the general name of sediment suspensions obtained in metallurgical and chemical industries during liquid processing of various materials. For example, from nepheline when obtaining alumina from it ( Al2O3 ) a sludge is obtained containing white Ca2SiO4 . Belite is part of Portland cement, so belite slurry is used in the production of binders. when aluminum is washed out of clay using acid treatment, a sludge rich in SiO2 (sishtof), which is also used as an additive to cements.

    The given examples of sludge are wastes of non-ferrous hydrometallurgy. Sludge is also generated in many other industries. For example, in the pulp and paper industry, mechanical wastewater treatment produces sludge containing cellulose fibers and kaolin particles, which can also be used in the production of building materials. During the enrichment of ores by the flotation method, slimes (flotation tailings) are also formed, which contain the so-called "waste" rock (the name is in contrast to the concentrate, which after enrichment contains a lot of metal). For builders, "waste rock" is a crushed stone that can be used in the production of non-fired materials.

    Ashes and slags of thermal power plants (TPPs)mineral residue from solid fuel combustion. One thermal power plant of medium capacity throws into dumps about 1 million tons of ash and slag per year. Fuel ash and slag contain all bound or free oxides that are present in building stone materials. Therefore, they can be used in the production of almost all building materials and products.

    overburden rockswaste from the extraction of various minerals in an open way (in quarries). This, as they say, is up to 3 billion tons per year (for the whole country) of all the same stones, i.e. essentially an inexhaustible source for the building materials industry.

    Waste wood, formed at cutting areas, at sawmills, in the production of furniture, i.e. during the mechanical processing of wood, amount to about 500 million m3 per year 3 . Of this huge amount of waste, only 1/6 is used in the building materials industry (as well as in the pulp and paper industry). For the production of building materials, wood chips, shavings, and sawdust are used. Large sawmill waste (croaker, for example) and wood logs from cutting sites are crushed and used as a filler in chipboard, fiberboard, cement board, wood concrete and other materials on binders.

    Listed here are just some of the types of waste used in the production of lubricants. The use of man-made waste is an integral feature of all resource-saving technologies. When using waste, as a rule, the environment improves due to the reduction of dumps, landfills, harmful emissions of sewage and gases.

    All subsequent lectures, except for metals, adapted to the first course only in the process of reading. Materials from the first chapter of our textbook (Andreev et al. Materials Science) are not repeated here.

    The Central, North Caucasian, Ural, Volga, West Siberian, Volga-Vyatka, North-Western, Far Eastern regions are best provided with raw materials for the production of building materials. However, on the territory of many regions, the most important deposits of raw materials often do not coincide with the centers of its mass consumption. This necessitated long-distance mass transportation of cheap and generally low-transportable products of the industry.

    The production facilities of the construction complex are distributed extremely unevenly. There is a gap between the Central region of Russia and the regions of Siberia and the Far East. The reasons for this gap are the harsh climatic conditions in Siberia, which make it difficult to develop this territory; large geographical distance from the central regions; insufficient transport equipment. All this makes it difficult to develop the construction complex, which is necessary here, since Siberia has a huge oil and gas potential, which determines the economic policy of the region. Regional Economics: A Textbook for High Schools / T.G. Morozova, M.P. Pobedina, G. B. Polyak and others; Ed. prof. T.G. Morozova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI, 2002. - 472 p.

    A high concentration of building materials industry is observed in the Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth, Ural, North Caucasus regions.

    More "old" in terms of mining, the Ural region has an established construction complex, which mainly consists of the production of wall materials and reinforced concrete structures.

    Large in territory, well endowed with natural resources, the North Caucasian and Volga regions have a highly developed structure of the construction complex. Reinforced concrete structures, building materials are produced here, the cement industry is operating Kerashev M.A., Vetrov A.P. Economic Geography and Regional Studies: Textbook. - Krasnodar: North Caucasus, 2002. - 178 p.

    In the central part of the European territory there are three economic regions - Central, Central Black Earth and Volga-Vyatka, where one third of the country's population lives. They are historically developed areas, and the building complex is no exception in this sense.

    Production of thermal insulation materials. The solution to energy supply problems cannot be provided without the use of highly efficient thermal insulation materials. Despite the fact that in recent years considerable attention has been paid to the issue of expanding the range and improving the quality of thermal insulation materials, there is a shortage of them in the construction market. Currently, the domestic industry produces about 9.0 million cubic meters. m of thermal insulation products of all kinds and about 0.7 million cubic meters. m exported1. Economic Geography of Russia: Textbook - Ed. revised and additional / Under the general editorship. acad. IN AND. Vidyapina. - M.: INFRA - M, Russian Academy of Economics, 2009. - 568 p. - (Higher education)..

    The classification of thermal insulation materials is as follows: - materials based on mineral fibers and glass fibers; - construction foams; - heat-insulating concretes; - other materials (based on perlite, vermiculite, etc.).

    The structure of output volumes of heaters in Russia is close to the structure prevailing in the advanced countries of the world, where fibrous heaters also account for 60-80 percent of the total output of heat-insulating materials.

    Distribution of volumes of production of heaters across the country is characterized by significant unevenness. A number of large regions, such as Arkhangelsk, Kaluga, Kostroma, Orel, Kirov, Astrakhan, Penza, Kurgan and other regions, the Republic of Mari El, the Chuvash Republic, Kalmykia, Adygea, Karelia, Buryatia and others, do not have their own production of effective heat-insulating materials . Many regions of the country produce heaters in clearly insufficient quantities.

    Relatively prosperous is the North-West region, and the greatest problems with heaters of own production in the Northern, Volga, North Caucasus and West Siberian regions.

    It should be recognized that the quality and limited range of domestic heaters produced by many enterprises of the Russian Federation do not fully meet the needs of housing construction. This allows leading firms in Western countries to successfully sell their products in the markets of Russia. Regional Economics: A Textbook for High Schools / T.G. Morozova, M.P. Pobedina, G. B. Polyak and others; Ed. prof. T.G. Morozova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI, 2002. - 472 p.

    With the seeming abundance of fibrous thermal insulation, the output of competitive products that most fully meet the requirements of modern construction is insufficient. Basically, such products are produced by enterprises equipped with imported equipment.

    The most common way for all factories in the country to bring the production of fibrous insulation to a new qualitative level is the transfer of the process of obtaining fiber from blast-furnace slags to mineral raw materials with the introduction of modern methods of processing the melt into fiberKistanov V.V., Kopylov N.V. Regional Economy of Russia: Textbook. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2003. - 584 p.: ill..

    Production of wall materials. In recent years, there has been a dynamic development of housing construction in Russia, which requires expanding the range of production of wall materials, increasing their efficiency in terms of heat conservation, reducing costs and the ability to use local raw materials in their production.

    For the production of small-piece wall products, local widespread raw materials and components are used - clay, quartz sand, ash, slag, waste from the extraction and enrichment of solid fuels, ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, etc. For the production of cellular concrete blocks, cement, lime and sand.

    The raw material base for the development of the production of wall materials is available in almost any region of the country. Significant stocks of raw materials provide an opportunity to increase output in regions where there is a shortage of wall materials.

    In recent years, there has been a steady upward trend in demand for small cellular concrete blocks and ceramic wall products. From the product range of ceramic brick factories, facing bricks are in especially constant high demand.

    At present, scientific and technological progress in the production of wall materials is based on modern domestic research and development. Technologies and equipment for the production of semi-dry pressed ceramic facing bricks, small foam concrete wall blocks and expanded polystyrene concrete correspond to the world level. The consumer is offered a full range of services, including equipment installation and commissioning.

    Prospects for the development of the market depend on the pace of construction, primarily on housing.

    The emerging trends in the stabilization of the economic situation in the country and the growth of incomes of the population predetermine a further increase in the volume of housing, including individual constructionKistanov V.V., Kopylov N.V. Regional Economy of Russia: Textbook. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2003. - 584 p.: ill..

    The volume of import deliveries will obviously not increase, since the already produced domestic products meet the level of world standards at a lower price compared to foreign ones.

    Development of large-panel housing construction. At present, the share of large-panel housing has increased to 30 percent. This indicates the demand for modernized energy-efficient large-panel houses and their competitiveness in terms of "price - quality" in large settlements, where it was possible to maintain and carry out the necessary reconstruction of the industrial construction base.

    The transition of large-panel housing construction enterprises to the production of wide-frame houses based on the processing of standard series has almost been completed. At the same time, most construction industry enterprises are mastering the production of products for buildings of combined architectural and construction systems, focused both on the production of new types of structures and on the rational use of prefabricated housing construction products. At the same time, they organized the production of materials and products for low-rise and individual construction using local raw materials1. Economic Geography of Russia: Textbook - Ed. revised and additional / Under the general editorship. acad. IN AND. Vidyapina. - M.: INFRA - M, Russian Academy of Economics, 2009. - 568 p. - (Higher education)..

    Monolithic and prefabricated-monolithic construction of buildings for various purposes is developing mainly in large cities, and the volume of such construction has reached 5 percent. It is carried out using new types of lightweight concrete, both removable and fixed formwork.

    The mining sub-sector of the building materials industry is one of the largest in terms of production volumes and the number of developed deposits in the Russian Federation. The state balance of mineral reserves takes into account about 8 thousand deposits of 34 types of minerals, the reserves of which have been explored as raw materials for the production of building materials. In addition, deposits of certain types of raw materials explored for other purposes are used, as well as raw materials from a number of man-made deposits.

    The volume of extraction of mineral raw materials for the production of building materials has significantly decreased in recent years.

    Russia continues to import crushed stone from durable igneous rocks from the CIS countries (Ukraine and Belarus). There is an unjustified passion for granite rubble. In some cases, for prefabricated reinforced concrete, road construction and railway ballasting. paths, it is advisable to use crushed stone from carbonate rocks and gravel, the cost of which is approximately 2 times lower. This possibility is confirmed by the experience of developed countries.

    The technical level of the industry's equipment lags behind the world, the degree of automation of production processes is low. There is a constant shortage of equipment in the industry, a number of progressive machines and equipment are not produced in our country.

    Enterprises do not have the funds to purchase new equipment, create new production lines, or replace the failed main equipment, although its depreciation is at the level of 70-80 percent.

    Mechanical loosening of rocks is not used, although several types of special equipment have been developed that are capable of mining rocks without explosive preparation.

    Cement production. The cement industry in Russia is the basic branch of the construction complex, which determines the state and development of the country's economy as a whole, solving the problems of reproduction processes, social issues, in particular, the construction of housing, healthcare facilities, education and culture.

    The largest enterprises are located in the Central Black Earth (Belgorod, Stary Oskol) region, in the Volga region (Volsk, Mikhailovka, Shtulevsk), in Siberia (Novokuznetsk, Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk) Regional Economics: A Textbook for High Schools / T.G. Morozova, M.P. Pobedina, G. B. Polyak and others; Ed. prof. T.G. Morozova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI, 2002. - 472 p.

    To obtain cement, different types of raw materials are used - limestone, chalk, marl, waste from blast-furnace and alumina production. Their reserves are available in almost all regions of the country. The quality of raw materials and the methods of firing them determine the production of various types and grades of cement. It consumes a significant amount of fuel to produce it.

    The geography of the cement industry largely coincides with the geography of construction and installation works. Currently, cement is produced in all economic regions.

    The main areas for the production of cement - Central, Ural and Volga - work on natural mineral construction raw materials. In the Urals, the cement industry makes extensive use of ferrous metallurgy waste.

    All regions are provided with raw materials for the production of binders. Gypsum deposits are widespread, especially in the Central region. The reserves of clay for producing ceramic products are concentrated in Siberia, in the Central, Central Black Earth regions, refractory clay - in the Ural region. Everywhere there are raw materials for the production of the most massive concrete aggregates - crushed stone, gravel, sand.

    Depreciation of fixed assets in the main activity of cement enterprises in Russia, according to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, is constantly growing. The production capacity of existing cement enterprises has decreased due to the deterioration of furnace and grinding equipment. Seventeen million tons of capacity lost mainly as a result of falling demand for cementKistanov V.V., Kopylov N.V. Regional Economy of Russia: Textbook. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2003. - 584 p.: ill..

    There are 18 unprofitable cement enterprises operating in the sub-sector, the amount of receivables and payables, including overdue ones, is large.

    The prime cost and selling price of cement are growing, the profitability of production is on average 10.1 percent, which is clearly not enough to accumulate funds necessary for updating technology and introducing new modern equipment.

    One of the important tools for improving the quality of cement and its competitiveness is the standardization and certification of products.

    glass industry. The location of the glass industry differs from other sectors of the building materials industry. It is much more tied to the deposits of pure quartz sand, depends on the supply of a number of chemicals, requires a large amount of fuel, and the transportability of the finished product of the industry is much less than in other industries of building materials. The structure of the glass industry includes the production of sheet (window), polished, table glass, glass for fiberglass. Along with diversified enterprises, specialized plants for the production of certain types of products have developed in the industry.

    The glass industry is characterized by a relatively high territorial concentration of production. The leading region in Russia is Central (Gus-Khrustalny, Bryansk), where about 50% of glass in the country is produced. In the Volga, North-Western regions, more than 20% of the industry's products are produced. Many regions, such as Volga-Vyatka, are experiencing a shortage of glass products.

    Precast concrete industry. This is a relatively new branch of the construction industry. Its products are used in capital construction, so it originated and continues to develop in areas and centers of concentrated construction. The most important areas where the industry of prefabricated reinforced concrete is developed are Central, Volga, North-Western, Ural. They account for 75% of all production1. Economic Geography of Russia: Textbook - Ed. revised and additional / Under the general editorship. acad. IN AND. Vidyapina. - M.: INFRA - M, Russian Academy of Economics, 2009. - 568 p. - (Higher education)..

    Prefabricated reinforced concrete products are widely used in modern housing, civil, industrial and transport construction.

    Crisis phenomena in the development of the economy in recent years have led to a reduction in the volume of capital investments, a contraction of the domestic market for equipment, building materials, and contract work.

    The economic entities forming the construction complex found themselves in an extremely difficult situation.

    The transition in recent years to a more stringent financial and monetary policy, including control over the budget deficit, has to a certain extent led to an increase in the size of non-payments in the construction industry1. Economic Geography of Russia: Textbook - Ed. revised and additional / Under the general editorship. acad. IN AND. Vidyapina. - M.: INFRA - M, Russian Academy of Economics, 2009. - 568 p. - (Higher education)..

    Construction organizations lack new construction machines and mechanisms.