Decking technology. Incorrect installation of a terrace board - how to avoid mistakes? Drawing up a laying scheme

WPC structures are very different from ordinary wood in terms of strength and resistance to external environmental factors. The wood composite also does not rot and cannot be damaged by pests such as fungus, insects, etc., which makes the maintenance of the material impossibly simple.

Installation of a terrace board can be carried out even without the help of specialists, the main thing is that the necessary tools are available.

Preparation for installation and rules of work

Before proceeding with the direct installation, it is recommended to put the wood-polymer composite for two days where the repair will be carried out. This action is necessary so that the WPC is at the same temperature with the future environment. It is highly not recommended to carry out any installation work in winter, at temperatures below zero division.

In order for the material to be well ventilated and serve many times longer, small indentations should be made between the coating and the base at a level of 2-3 centimeters.

Before mounting the deck board in dirty areas where there is sand, grass, earth, they must be thoroughly cleaned. The base for the composite is best concrete, and the components are certified.

When installing a composite decking board, there is no special meaning for the sides, however, you can choose which one will be laid on top, smooth or corrugated.

Arrangement of logs and surfaces for flooring boards

Mounting Tools:

  • Logs 40*27 mm
  • Staples (initial and intermediate)
  • Self-tapping screws
  • end strips
  • Stubs
  • corners
  • Level
  • Roulette, pencil
  • Screwdriver
  • Drill
  • Drill

Foundation preparation

To maximize the life of the wood-polymer composite, good drainage is essential. The concrete base for laying needs at least 10 centimeters thick. For a trouble-free withdrawal of precipitation, it is desirable to make a slight slope (1-2 degrees will be enough) parallel to the lags. After the concrete has dried, check if the water is running. Otherwise, the liquid will begin to accumulate, create unnecessary trouble. If the base design does not need to install a log along the course of the drain, then leave small spaces between the logs (2-3 centimeters will be enough). Water will flow through it.

Watch the video, step-by-step work on laying the decking board:

When installing a wood-polymer composite on a roof, take a closer look at the water-resistant layer. Fasteners should have minimal contact with it. If the base was already prepared and the drain path was not followed, cut channels 2 centimeters deep.

Installation lag

Using anchor bolts, install the log on the concrete base. The maximum distance between two lags is 40 centimeters. Keep an expansion gap between the obstacle (wall, threshold, etc.) so that the material can expand in the warm season.

When installing the log in a diagonal position or at an oblique angle (1 degree of inclination is not taken into account), the distance between the pair must be reduced to 25 millimeters.

Please note: it is forbidden to use logs or WPC as a supporting structure!


The installation of decking decking is quite simple and obvious:

  1. The board is placed on the log
  2. The initial clip is placed on the log with a self-tapping screw
  3. The WPC is inserted into the groove of the clip.

Each next decking is mounted in the same way. If you reach the point where the length of the boards is less than 0.8 meters, it is recommended to stabilize the structure using at least three support logs. The edges should not go beyond the level of the lag by more than 5 centimeters. The distance between the WPC and the barrier should not be less than 10 millimeters. Otherwise, with temperature changes, the material will expand, rest against the barrier and deform.

We watch the video, mounting the board on the logs, detailed instructions:

If you have plans for mounting a terrace board for a large terrace, you have already purchased long boards, make sure that the ends of both sides rest on the log and are well secured with clips. Do not forget about the gap between them.

Completion of installation

After the installation of the larch terrace board is completed, and all the elements are well fixed, it is worth taking care of the little things that will smooth out all the existing “jambs” and give the structure a more attractive look.

Watch the video, the tips of the masters:

The first step is to deal with the stubs. Installing end caps will give the structure a more harmonious look and close all the cracks at the edges.

If you consider it unnecessary to buy special plugs, you can get by with a cheaper option - end strips. Planks can be easily matched to any color. The strips and plugs are fixed with self-tapping screws.

Another option for hiding gaps after installing a WPC decking board is a composite corner. It is very similar in design to the plinth. But do not forget about the gap compensation when installing them. When using elements of this type, a little more clearance should be left between the barrier and the end of the board.

After installing the plugs, remove chips, dust and other elements, wipe the surface of the coating with a slightly damp cloth.

Please note: improper assembly and operation of terrace boards greatly reduces their service life. An ordinary board with proper care will last more than 25 years.

Terrace boards in most cases are painted with high quality pigments. Due to the use of lingin, like any natural product, they will slightly lose color in 3-4 months, but they will remain the same original and textured. After this time, the color will remain and will no longer succumb to the weakening of color for many years.

Buy components from one manufacturer

Terrace board made of wood-polymer composite, after installation by a professional, resists bad weather, sun, precipitation, insects very well. No special care is required for this technique.

The rough side of the material is not able to drive a rolling pin or anything else into the leg. Wood with building material is used as flour, and wood textures are created artificially.


  • Persistence. WPC tolerates scratches, chips, household chemicals, stains, precipitation, warm and cold air, water, etc. well.
  • Strength. The floor of this material can withstand a weight of one ton per square meter. So much strong structure was achieved by modifying the composition of the material.
  • Durability. The minimum guaranteed life span is 25 years, taking into account temperature conditions within -50 + 70 degrees.
  • Flexibility. During installation, the wood-polymer composite can easily take the desired position. To sheathe stairs, ledges, corners, etc.
  • Care. There is no need to paint the material or clean them with special tools. They are perfectly cleaned with a slightly damp sponge or microfiber.
  • Simplicity. Easy installation, which even a person who has never held a construction tool can handle.
  • Appearance. A huge palette of colors and texture solutions can satisfy gourmets with a broad design outlook.

And among the huge number of pluses, there is at least a small, but minus. In this case, the disadvantage is the high cost of the finishing material. If we compare decking and ordinary wood, then the difference in price can be 3-5 times.

Care rules

The composite board must not be flooded for more than 4 consecutive days.

When washing serious stains that will not be wiped with a regular floor cloth, use cleaning products without bleach. Brushes can only be used with soft bristles. Absolutely avoid the use of spatulas and metal, as there is a chance to damage the surface and spoil the appearance.

Small bumps or scratches can be rubbed with fine-grained sandpaper.


Any person who knows how to hold a tool can cope with the installation of a terrace board, but it is necessary to observe the gaps and take into account the placement of additional devices. Do not forget to hide the cracks after installation. The cladding of the walls of the site is perfect for those who so lack nature around them, and always want to be in an atmosphere that creates relaxation and tranquility.

WPC terrace board is a durable modern finishing material. Perhaps it is the fault of manufacturers who tout the benefits of WPC that many have come to believe that the material is ideal and unpretentious in laying. Often, installation workers do not take into account how important it is to follow the technology when laying a WPC decking board. Yes, high-quality wood-polymer composite is an expensive, strong and durable material, but without the right base and maintained gaps, WPC flooring will not last long and may begin to collapse, wave or crack. This, however, happens with any material if the installation instructions are not followed - with wood, stone, and tile, but it is from WPC that many expect a special effect.

Incorrect installation is a non-warranty case

We have often heard that the installation of SAVEWOOD decking is difficult, and many have asked us if it is possible to deviate from our instructions and skip one or two steps, such as installing rubber pads under the joists or pre-drilling holes for self-tapping screws in the board and lags. Also, many are interested in whether it is possible to lay a terrace board end-to-end without gaps, or whether it is possible to fasten a WPC board directly to concrete. Perhaps nothing bad will happen. But in this case, unfortunately, we will not be able to guarantee the presentation of your terrace for 15 years. We, as a manufacturer, are confident in the quality of our material and give a guarantee of 15 years in case of correctly carried out installation in accordance with on our website. Installation of the WPC according to the instructions is not at all complicated, but it is important to follow a few instructions. Below are the basic installation rules and photographs of the consequences of the most common mistakes.

Preparing the base for flooring

It is extremely important to properly prepare the base for the decking. It must be even and strong. The logs need to be laid in the same plane without sagging, placing rubber cushions under them to absorb possible noise in the structure, and for additional ventilation, since in this way the logs will not fit snugly to the base.

The foundation was incorrectly prepared and leveled: the flooring led and it fell apart without standing even for two years.

Drainage device from under the deck

Air access and water runoff from under the future flooring should be provided, since the accumulation of rain and melt water under it can lead to its swelling and deformation. Even if the board is laid on logs in compliance with all the rules, and water drainage has not been ensured, we can observe constant high humidity under the flooring, or even worse, in rainy times, the lower part of the board may even be in the water. And as a result, such defects as deformation of the board, change in geometry, as well as its destruction can occur. For water to drain, the base must have a slope of about 1 degree and / or channels for drainage. If you plan to install your decking near water or in places where moisture often accumulates, and you are not sure how to properly arrange water drainage, we recommend that you consult SAVEWOOD technical specialists before installation.

Seamless decking in an open area after the snow melted: from excess moisture and lack of water runoff, the decking swelled and rose.

Compliance with expansion gaps

WPC contains about 60% natural wood, therefore, like a wooden board, a WPC board has a linear expansion, that is, over time it can expand or elongate by approximately 1 mm for each linear meter of the board. Therefore, when installing a WPC decking board, it is important to provide for gaps, and not only between the ends of the board, but also to retreat from the walls and other objects to which the flooring adjoins. Otherwise, the boards, having lengthened, will rest against each other and the flooring will swell, go in waves or crack.

The board was laid without a gap against the walls: after two years of expansion, the terrace board rested against the wall and cracked.

Compensation gaps at the ends of the decking board are not observed. Over time, there was an expansion in length and the boards, having met, began to squeeze each other out and heave.

Floating mount for outdoor decking

Many people ask us why we do not recommend rigidly fastening the joists to the base, but recommend using perforated tape. This allows the floor elements little movement. Thus, when the material expands and contracts due to temperature changes, a small play in the fastening reduces the likelihood of deformation of the flooring. That is why we also recommend pre-drilling slightly larger holes for self-tapping screws.

Excessively rigid fastening of the decking: after several winters, the decking board will be pulled out of the fasteners.

Deck load: choosing the right type of decking

WPC terrace board, like any hollow material, has limited resistance to point loads. If you put heavy furniture with thin legs on the decking, it can damage the board. Also, having got between the stiffeners, an inexpensive thin-walled decking can be broken through with a heel. All this should be taken into account when

What is known about the characteristics of the composite board?

  1. Materials, tools for installation
  2. Preparation Tips
  3. Installation steps
  4. Common mistakes in the process

One of the best materials that can be used for decking is WPC board. It is a composite, namely the combination of wood flour with a polymer, which allows it not to be inferior in appearance and performance to wood, but even to surpass it in some ways. Do-it-yourself WPC decking with details.

What are the advantages of composite material?

The appearance of products is determined by the content of wood flour in their composition, and due to polymers, they are provided with functionality. Wood-polymer composite is superior to natural wood or PVC in many ways. One of the most important features is that the lamellas do not lose their original color, shape, and the appearance is rated as resistant to external factors, such as atmospheric phenomena. The material is also not attractive to various kinds of bugs that like wood, and to rodents. Characteristic for products is durability, but this is not the whole list of their positive properties.

Other benefits include:

  • flexibility - WPC products can bend, taking various forms depending on the conditions. When heated, the physical connection between the constituent elements is broken, and when the material cools, it resumes. This characteristic allows the use of boards for the purpose of sheathing stairs, reliefs, and, of course, for the construction of flooring;
  • strength - the lamellas can easily withstand a load of 1000 kg per 1 m 2, all this is due to the presence of modifying additives in the composition. Positive properties are not lost even with a decrease / increase in air temperature within minus 50 and plus 70 degrees Celsius;
  • resistance to various types of damage, staining.

For many years of practice of using the material, it was possible to conclude that it is easy to install and maintain, and is resistant to moisture. Well, and most importantly, the products are offered in various colors, which allows you to easily realize any design idea, choosing the best option.

As for the shortcomings, it could not do without them. To be more precise, decking has only one, this is its cost. It is at a high level, if you compare it with ordinary wooden boards, then WPC is 4-6 times more expensive.

Laying a WPC decking board: what is needed for installation?

The key to successful laying of WPC decking is competent preparation. Consumables you will need , in the selection process, pay attention to the ratio of components, the performance properties depend on this parameter. For operation on the territory of our country, taking into account the peculiarities of the climate, it is recommended that the ratio of wood and polymer in the composition of the material be approximately 50% to 50%.

Always take boards with a margin, because some may turn out to be defective, damaged during installation. You can quickly repair and, if necessary, replace the element.

In the work you can not do without composite logs, they are used for the construction of the crate. These can be used for home installation, where the load on the flooring is not planned to be the highest. These elements are rated as resistant to negative external factors, for private use they are strong enough.

Logs can be used from various materials, but the flooring structure will last much longer if it is built from elements of similar composition. The reason for this is the different indicators of thermal expansion of wood and composite.

You can’t do without fasteners either, for this purpose clamps are used, and if it is necessary to ensure a minimum gap, it is worth using metal clips, they are made of stainless steel. If the size of the gap is unimportant for you, it is better to give preference to plastic fasteners, so you will improve the underground ventilation of open-type terraces. Fixing fasteners is carried out using stainless steel screws. The elements that are used at the stage of decorative finishing are end strips, finishing corners.

As for the working tool, everyone will surely find the necessary one for work. For example, for longitudinal sawing of boards, you will need an electric saw. You can also not do without a drill, screwdriver, level, , carpenter's hammer with a rubber head. To make the tool convenient to use, take care of the presence of an extension cord.

Laying a decking board from WPC: getting ready for installation correctly

Terrace board installation

Experienced specialists recommend that before starting work, make sure that the surface on which the material is planned to be laid is even. The best option are transverse boards that are in contact with the decking elements along the entire length. It is not recommended to allow the surface of products to come into contact with construction debris. If you do not have the slightest experience in such work, it is better to entrust them to professionals.

Especially important is the adaptation, preparation and verification of decking. He needs to be allowed to adapt to the environment, which happens within 1-2 days. To do this, the material is pre-delivered to the place of its installation. Installation work is carried out by at least two people, the air temperature should not be below 0 degrees Celsius. Remember that terrace products cannot be the only supports, the basis for balconies / flights of stairs.

We must not forget the need

Laying a decking board made of WPC ensures proper ventilation for complete drying of the space under the decking. In the products of all manufacturers there are slight differences in the elements in color. This is due to the presence of wood components in the composition.

To make the finished coating look good, try to use boards from the same batch in your work. A natural process is the change in color characteristics during the first weeks. This happens under the influence of moisture, ultraviolet, over time, the changes disappear.

As you can see in the photo of laying a WPC decking board, compensatory gaps, namely longitudinal seams, are always striking. They are made so that water flows quickly from the surface, and it is also convenient to take care of it. The same can be said about the fact that a slight thermal contraction / expansion is provided under conditions of temperature fluctuations.

You can use one of two laying methods, these are suture and seamless. For the formation of seams, you will need stainless steel clamps / plastic clips. The closed method is relevant if the surface finish is carried out indoors. The appearance of the finished flooring will be more attractive, clogging of the internal space is excluded.

Installation of a terrace board from WPC: main stages

  1. First of all, a log structure is installed, their recommended length is 3 m, and the interval is 28-40 cm. A small gap of 20 mm should be made at the ends. Please note that the joists themselves are not a supporting structure, they must be installed on a solid foundation. Their grooved side should be on the bottom, and the groove on top, this part provides a central location for the screw and clips. From walls, fences you need to leave a free space of at least 10 mm. And between the lags themselves, the gap is at least 20 mm. Hard fixation is not required in this case.
  2. Next, we proceed to the direct assembly of the terrace. To fix the screws, you must first make holes for them, the drill is used with a diameter smaller than the fastening element itself. The most dense, uniform fixation is ensured using a mallet, the entire length is tapped with it. At the junctions of elements, it is better to use support logs in two rows so that each end has its own support. At the end of the row, where it is impossible to fix the product with a clip, a self-tapping screw is screwed in, a nail is driven in from the side of the profile. From the edge you need to retreat 2-3 mm. At the end of the described process, edging is done using special corners; these can also be end strips installed around the perimeter. For fastening it is better to use self-tapping screws.

Major mistakes to avoid

The cost of laying a WPC decking board cannot be called low, so if you decide to save money and do everything yourself, you must learn some rules so as not to spoil the expensive material, to avoid the need for an early replacement of the flooring.

  1. If the surface is not properly prepared, the ideal level of coverage may not be maintained. Over time, irregularities may appear, and over time they will become more and more noticeable.
  2. The use of wooden logs is not recommended, even if you are aiming to save money. If you neglect this rule, then in a year or two you will have to spend money on dismantling the coating, purchasing composite products, replacing deformed elements of the terrace.
  3. A serious mistake is also non-observance of the distance between the base elements recommended by experts. By strongly pushing them apart, you contribute to an increase in the load on the finish coating, this inevitably leads to sagging and deformation.
  4. You also need to be able to properly fix the fasteners. The fact is that if it is not tightened, then over time the fastening will weaken, which will lead to loosening. Too strong fixation is also not a positive thing, because the point load increases, as a result, cracks may appear during the installation phase or during operation.

Always try to follow the installation technology, and your terrace will turn out not only beautiful, but also durable.

The installation of a terrace board is carried out in several stages: designing a terrace, calculating the material, preparing the base, installing mounting logs, fixing the decking, and finishing. It is recommended to order an inexpensive installation of a turnkey deck board from the professionals of the Polov salon, however, on simple objects of a small area, do-it-yourself laying is allowed according to the instructions and recommendations that are described below.

Preparing the base for the frame for decking

Foundation types

Terrace decking is laid on a prepared base, which is designed together with the main building or completed later. A clean, even and solid foundation is the key to the durability of the terrace. The most practical types of bases for decking:

  • Strip foundation made of monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete or brick. The tape base is arranged along the perimeter (width from 58 cm), as well as under partitions (width from 38 cm), if they are provided for by the project.
  • Monolithic or brick columnar foundation. Columns (at least 58x58 cm) are installed in the corners, as well as over the entire area of ​​the terrace with a step of no more than 2 m. Intermediate poles - at least 38x38 cm.
  • Screw or stuffed pile foundation. The foundation on piles with a strapping with a beam or a channel is arranged on any soil, however, the softer the soil, the deeper the piles need to be installed. The supports are poured with concrete and reinforced if high loads on the terrace are expected.

For dry, non-rocky soil, a shallow base is sufficient. For frozen soil, the foundation must lie below the freezing level.

drainage system

Regardless of the chosen foundation, it is necessary to arrange a drainage system to avoid flooding the base and protect the soil from heaving. A slope of 1-1.5% is carried out from the building in the length of the flooring, the water should freely leave and not accumulate.

Frame for decking

To enhance the bearing capacity of the terrace, a frame is assembled:

  • Metal carcass. Welded steel frame of the required shape or metal beams with anti-corrosion treatment. Ideal for curved structures.
  • wooden frame. For lightweight structures, it is allowed to use a wooden frame made of timber with protective treatment.

Adjustable feet

For the installation of a terrace board, especially from a wood-polymer composite, adjustable supports are also used, which make it possible to raise the structure to the required height, as well as build a perfectly flat surface by adjusting each element separately. Adjustable supports are indispensable for laying decking on uneven terrain and on exploited roofs, as well as as a temporary deck.

A solid foundation has been prepared, the piping has been completed, the drainage has been arranged correctly, the area has been cleared of construction debris - you can proceed to the next stage of laying the decking board: installation of mounting lags.

Installation lag laying

The first thing to consider - mounting lags are not a supporting structure, they are necessary for even and accurate installation of the decking, as well as to create a ventilated space between the flooring and the foundation.

Types of lag for decking

  • Glued laminated timber from larch and other hardwoods.

✔ Our catalog contains all types of mounting logs for laying deck boards.

The ideal choice is mounting logs made of a material identical to that of which the terrace decking board is made.

Mounting technology

The supports are fastened to the base using anchor bolts or dowels with the mounting recess upwards. Logs are laid in parallel with a step of 40-60 cm, depending on the thickness of the decking: 20 and 27 mm, respectively. It is allowed to reduce the installation step to 20 cm if the calculated loads exceed 350 kg / lag.

The lags are set, the next step is deck board installation.

Terrace decking

Concealed installation

Decking is installed perpendicular to the mounting lags. Instructions for laying decking boards on special clamps:

  1. Installation starts from any fixed structure, for example, from a wall.
  2. The initial clip is fastened with a self-tapping screw, taking into account the compensation gap between the decking and the wall from 20 to 30 mm.
  3. The first board is inserted into the groove.
  4. A clip is installed.
  5. The second board is fixed with a mallet into the groove.
  6. Similarly, the flooring is assembled completely.

The catalog of our online store presents high-quality and stainless steel or plastic.

It is allowed to protrude the terrace decking board beyond the edge of the log by no more than 5 cm. When laying a long terrace, the boards are joined with their ends on the mounting log and fixed with clips.

Concealed installation is a universal method suitable for mounting all types of decking boards:

Open mounting

Terrace boards are laid on self-tapping screws with anti-corrosion treatment. The flooring is assembled in a seam or seamless way, the holes are drilled in advance. Self-tapping screw heads are visible on the surface, but in some cases it looks stylish. The open mounting method is suitable for laying wooden decking with a straight profile..

The flooring is assembled, the last step is deck board finish.

decking finish

After the laying of the terrace board is completed, all sections are decorated with end elements made of WPC or aluminum. Universal corners, strips, special plugs for the size of the end and the color of the polymer board, as well as F-shaped profiles are used. End elements are fastened with self-tapping screws or glue.

End elements not only give the terrace a finished look, but also protect the flooring from moisture, temperature changes, UV radiation and damage.

  • Before installing the decking board, it must undergo acclimatization on the site for 2-3 days.
  • The ideal air temperature for work is at least 5ºС.
  • Ventilation is required between the flooring and the soil - a gap of at least 25 mm.
  • When mounting on the roof, make sure that the self-tapping screws do not deform the waterproofing.
  • Compensation gaps are necessary for the linear expansion of boards: at least 20 mm from walls and other adjacent structures.
  • Holes for self-tapping screws are pre-drilled with a drill of a smaller diameter by 3 quarters of the length.
  • At the junction of the ends, it is recommended to lay 2 mounting logs at a distance of 3-5 mm from each other.
  • For uniform fixation of the decking, a mallet is used, which excludes damage to the board.

How to care for the flooring to extend the life of the decking - in a separate article.

Video - device of a WPC terrace on a screw foundation

Video - installation of a terraced polymer board

According to manufacturers, one of the most important advantages of composite decking is ease of installation. However, in practice, it turns out that when working, including strictly according to the instructions, one or another error is almost always made. And any flaws, as you know, eventually lead to the appearance of defects and damage to the finishing material.

From a mixture of wood flour, polymers and pigments, composite floorboards are produced, designed to form flooring on terraces, adjacent areas, garden and park paths, around pools, etc.

WPC is made on the basis of polyethylene, polypropylene or other PVC-forming components. Moreover, the higher the percentage of wood content, the better and more expensive the finished coating. IN virtues material:

At the production stage, pigment is added to the mass, so the decking is already tinted. This greatly facilitates the choice of coverage.

But it must be taken into account that any polymer-containing material laid in the open air turns yellow over time and loses its color saturation under the influence of direct sunlight. This applies to both cheap products and premium products. The only difference is that WPC from a well-known manufacturer, due to the use of expensive raw materials, will last much longer in an unchanged state than its cheap counterparts from a small-town workshop.

In addition to this, in cons polymer terrace board:

  • The instability of the material to damage, the formation of dents, chips;
  • Own coefficient of change in geometric dimensions, which is why during installation it is necessary to use only original components (logs or lining beams made of WPC, brackets, etc.). For example, wooden slats cannot be used as supporting elements, since the expansion index of materials is different, durable fixation will not work.
  • The need to equip the base of concrete, sand and gravel bedding and / or metal structures, organization of drainage and much more. Because of this, laying a WPC decking board is significantly more complicated;
  • High material cost.

How to distinguish high-quality WPC from a fake? First of all, pay attention to the packaging. A serious manufacturer will provide full protection of products during transportation, so there is always a multilayer cardboard and a protective film. Each pack contains an insert with a description of the product and instructions on how to pack it correctly.

The next criterion is the condition of the slats. They should be even, symmetrical, without waves, bends. The surface is evenly dyed, smooth to the touch, without burrs or swelling. There should be no deformed areas, irregularities, color variations, extraneous inclusions.

When choosing, the seller is obliged to draw the buyer's attention to the operational index of the product (similar to the load classes of laminate, LVT tiles and linoleum). WPC is available in three categories:

  • Home- for domestic use (adjoining territories, balconies, podiums, gazebos);
  • professional– objects of commercial purpose (restaurants, hotels, decks around swimming pools, playgrounds, etc.);
  • Expert- designed for areas that are characterized by serious foot traffic (city parks, recreation areas, commercial and commercial facilities).

And the last - when buying high-quality products, certificates of compliance with Russian standards, fire safety and a sanitary and hygienic conclusion are provided. All documents must be valid, have several seals, including blue - from the seller.

Tools and materials required for the installation of the WPC

To lay a deck board, you will need:

  • Construction materials for laying the foundation for laying: bulk materials (ACG, gravel, crushed stone, sand), concrete for pouring the foundation, concrete blocks, paving slabs, adjustable supports and other means for forming the base for laying;
  • Geotextile or roofing material to prevent the growth of weeds under the flooring;
  • Special pipes for drainage;
  • A set of WPC-lag, initial and finishing guides, fasteners, rubber "pillows" and other fittings;
  • Drill;
  • Circular saw or grinder;
  • Hydraulic level;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • Roulette and pencil;
  • Mallet.

Installation of WPC terrace board

Work does not begin with leveling the base. Experienced craftsmen recommend that you first carefully prepare for work. And the first thing should be the plan-project.

Therefore, the process of laying a decking board is as follows:

Drawing up a laying scheme

For an accurate calculation of the required number of terrace floorboards and accessories, as well as the choice of the optimal solution, form a drawing. It is better, of course, to use special programs that each dealer has, but you can draw a scale diagram on paper yourself. After all, installation does not need to be done strictly perpendicular or parallel to the walls, other enclosing structures. You can also make diagonal laying at an angle of 30 ° or more. An important point is to take into account the correct interval between lags in the calculations:

The distance between the lags also depends on the width of the board and its fullness. If the planks are full-bodied, an interval of 50 cm can be made. Hollow ones with such a gap will spring, sag, so the maximum distance between the support beam is up to 40 cm, for floorboards up to 22 mm wide - no more than 30 cm.

The choice is important mounting method:

Foundation preparation

The base must be clean, strong, dry, even and frost-resistant. You can not put the planks just on the ground or asphalt. There should be a gap under the flooring for air circulation, as well as for the flow of melt or rain water.

The basis for the flooring can be varied. Including:

  • Concrete screed with a thickness of 8 cm or asphalt with a mandatory slope of 1 cm per linear meter (or 1 - 1.5 °) from static buildings or structures. Potholes, pits, loose areas are not allowed. If the base is already ready, and there is no slope, you can cut grooves 3 cm wide and up to 1.5 cm deep in the concrete at an angle.
  • Sand-gravel or crushed stone-sand "cushion", which is formed by vibrotamping the soil, followed by backfilling of bulk materials and their compaction. The total base layer is 8-10 cm. Geotextiles or roofing material can be laid over the prepared base to prevent weeds from sprouting. Then, with a gap of 40-60 cm, support beams or concrete slabs, metal profiles with an anti-corrosion coating, paving slabs with a size of at least 20x20x3 cm are laid. It is on this basis that the frame will be installed in the future.

The formation of surface drainage during the installation of decking on the ground is a prerequisite. To do this, you need to dig a drainage channel from the site in the ground, line it with geotextiles, lay special pipes with holes along the entire length, fill it with rubble and sand, cover it with soil.

Special adjustable rigid PVC feet that have been designed for mounting the deck on asphalt, concrete and other hard surfaces.

Adjustable supports for the frame made of WPC.

Formation of the support frame

Two days before the start of work, the WPC must be brought to the site and folded horizontally. The recommended temperature during installation is from +5 to +30 °С.

Unfold the kit, which includes:

The log frame is laid with a minimum clearance of 10 mm from the vertical enclosing structures (walls, sidewalks, columns, etc.). The beams are laid out on the surface at a pre-calculated interval, holes are drilled in each in increments of 50-100 cm, then hardware is screwed in. Some manufacturers recommend fixing the lining beam with metal perforated mounting tape or steel corners.

Laying boards

Note that decking is unidirectional. That is, during installation, it is necessary to ensure that the lamellas lie in the same direction in order to avoid some “banding” of the flooring. Some manufacturers draw arrows on the ends of the floorboards for this.

Laying starts from a wall or other fixed structure. The starting element (clip, corner) is fixed on the log using self-tapping screws. The first board is installed in it and slightly knocked out with a rubber mallet. The next mounting component (bracket or terminal) is fixed with a hardware on the other side of the initial bar, then the second lamella is attached and knocked out. Remember that the floorboards must be attached to each support point on the underlayment.

The edge of the decking should not protrude beyond the frame by more than 5 cm. If necessary, the ends are cut with a circular saw. And the recommended thermal compensation intervals between the bars are shown in the diagram below.

If the decking is mounted in a heated room, then it is allowed to install the lamellas end-to-end. Corner connection can be made in two ways: diagonally with trimming and by attaching.

Corner joint of WPC boards.

After installing the last board, the final profile or corner is mounted to it, and the ends of the boards are decorated with plugs.

The final touch is washing the flooring surface with water to remove dust and sawdust. The terrace is ready for full use.

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