1 symptoms of cystitis. Symptoms of cystitis in women, treatment, causes of occurrence, which doctor to contact. Cystitis associated with other conditions

It usually appears along with urethritis (inflammation of the urethra). The bladder is a sac-shaped organ that stores urine produced by the kidneys. Two ureters flow into it, through which urine flows from the kidneys, and through the urethra, urine from the bladder is excreted from the body.

For an accurate diagnosis, your doctor will need a urine test. This analysis is done to confirm the diagnosis and to determine the type of bacteria that is causing the bacteria (in order to prescribe the most appropriate antibiotic).

Rinse the tip of the penis or vagina with warm water (or you may be asked to wipe the area with a disinfectant).

Women should wash first from the front and then from the back.

Drain a small amount of urine into the toilet, take a break, then fill the test jar with a small amount of urine (about four teaspoons), stop again, and then drain the rest into the toilet. You should collect a medium urine sample. Do not touch the inside of the test jar.

Causes of cystitis

Usually the cause of occurrence cystitis bacteria are trapped in the bladder through the urethra. The most common pathogen is Escherichia coli, which is normally found in the rectum, although other bacteria or diseases can also cause cystitis.

Based on the anatomical structure of the body, women and girls are more susceptible to cystitis than men. In women, the urethra is shorter and closer to the anus, making it easier for infections to enter the bladder.

Another reason cystitis there may be inflammation of the urethra after intercourse. It is caused by prolonged friction of the urethra opening, which can occur during intercourse. Symptoms usually develop within 12 hours of intercourse.

Symptoms cystitis can also be caused by irritation of the external opening of the urethra. For some people, for example, it exists on vaginal deodorants, perfume soaps and talcum powder, even on colored toilet paper.

Sometimes children get sick with cystitis. In some cases, this is caused by anatomical abnormalities when urine is thrown back into the ureters and the flow of urine through the excretory system is impaired. A child with symptoms cystitis a medical examination is required.

Seniors or people with disabilities who have difficulty walking may also be affected cystitis... The reason for this is not fully emptied bladder or infrequent urination.

Children and adults who tolerate too long before urinating are more prone to cystitis. In rare cases cystitis may be due to a tumor.

Cystitis symptoms

In adults, cystitis usually causes frequent and painful urination. The nature of the pain is described as a burning sensation. The urine may smell strong, cloudy, and bloody. In this case, well-being may deteriorate and constant pain in the lumbar region may be felt.
In the elderly and children, the symptoms are often less obvious. The only symptoms may well be fever, nausea.

What can you do

Drink at least 10-14 glasses of liquid a day. Drink less tea, completely eliminate coffee and alcohol. These drinks irritate the bladder.

Limit your intake of foods that contain high levels of calcium (only during treatment). These include milk, cheese, and yogurt.

To relieve pain, place a warm object, such as a bottle of warm water or a bag of heated millet, between your legs, on your stomach, or on your back.

Drink a glass of water with a spoonful of baking soda every three hours. This lowers the acidity of the urine and relieves the burning sensation.

Unfortunately, cystitis can cause very serious complications; the infection can spread to the kidneys ascending.

An urgent need to consult a doctor if:

What a doctor can do

You may need tests to check the health of your bladder, urethra, and kidneys. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.

Preventive measures

Empty your bladder as often as needed. This is especially important because restraining urination is one of the main reasons cystitis.

Drink at least 8 glasses of liquid a day.

Wash at least once a day. After urinating, women should wash first from the front and then from the back to reduce the likelihood of bacteria from the anal area entering the urethra.

Prefer cotton underwear over synthetic and try not to wear tight pants.

If a cystitis repeats (recurs), you should replace taking a bath with a shower. A regular shower or bidet makes cleaning a lot easier.

After intercourse, urinate. In this case, bacteria trapped in the opening of the urethra will be washed out before they begin to multiply.

How to cure cystitis at home in women - this is the question that worries women who are faced with frequent, painful and unproductive urination. It is worth noting that the treatment of cystitis at home in women can be carried out, but only on condition that the doctor will adjust the therapy regimen. With such a problem, you can contact a therapist, urologist, or gynecologist.

Do not underestimate the danger of the disease and try to get rid of painful urges on your own. At the initial stage, it is necessary to establish the cause that provokes the disease, otherwise the therapy acting on the symptoms of pathology can cause the inflammation to become chronic.

It is quite difficult to get rid of chronic inflammation, therefore, it is worthwhile to thoroughly deal with the issue of treatment when the first symptoms appear.

The most common form of the disease is bacterial cystitis, which occurs when bacteria from the urethra enter the bladder.

Attention! The problem of cystitis is quite common in women. The reason for its manifestation lies in the anatomical features of the structure of the reproductive system.

An increase in the urge to urinate may indicate a violation of the natural functions of the bladder at the initial stages of cystitis development.

Ignoring such a symptom provokes the following signs:

  • discomfort in the lumbar region;
  • discoloration of urine, possibly the presence of blood and urine;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • increased body fatigue;
  • increased irritability;
  • decreased concentration of attention;
  • increased body temperature;
  • false urge to urinate.

The given clinical picture is inherent in the acute form of the disease. In a chronic course, pathology is characterized by periods of remission, followed by an exacerbation.

The doctor will tell you how to treat cystitis in women at home, but the therapy algorithm in all cases requires compliance with certain rules.

Causes provoking the development of the disease

The presence of bacteria in the urethra does not indicate the development of cystitis in women. In some cases, the body can independently, within a few days, overcome the infectious process.

The reasons provoking acute cystitis can be as follows:

  • non-compliance with the rules of genital hygiene;
  • weakening of the body as a result of age-related changes;
  • diseases that directly affect the immune system;
  • mechanical damage;
  • stagnation of urine in the bladder;
  • decreased mobility;
  • surgical interventions;
  • decreased body resistance;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • hormonal changes.

How to treat cystitis in women at home can be accurately determined only after a full examination.

Which doctor will help?

A specialist in the field of urology will help to make the correct diagnosis and choose the scheme of the most effective therapy. If necessary, the doctor can refer the patient to a gynecologist for examination.

Attention! If there is no opportunity to consult a urologist or gynecologist, it is worth visiting a therapist. The doctor will tell you which hospital you can go to and give you a referral.

In the treatment of cystitis, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents, as well as plant-based formulations, can be used. To quickly get rid of cystitis and reduce painful manifestations will help a special diet that relies on the rejection of salt.

It is important to remember that you should not choose antibiotics for the treatment of cystitis on your own. The doctor will be able to choose the necessary remedy after the examination

First aid rules

In some cases, patients are faced with symptoms of the disease at the moment when it is impossible to see a doctor, for example, at night.

You should not endure pain with cystitis, you can try to alleviate your well-being on your own:

  • plentiful drink, it is better to give preference to berry juice;
  • you should not take a hot bath, in some cases heat can really help relieve pain, but it is better to use a warm heating pad;
  • compliance with bed rest;
  • refusal of any physical activity and weight lifting;
  • refusal of spicy, sour and salty foods.

An antispasmodic can be taken to relieve pain.

Attention! If cystitis manifests itself, symptoms and treatment in women, drugs used at home should be determined individually. The described therapy algorithm is an emergency measure of help.

Treatment: basic principles

A specialist will tell you how to treat cystitis at home in women, after reading the results of laboratory tests. In most cases, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

It is not recommended to treat cystitis at home in women on their own, without the participation of a competent specialist. Such therapy can cause an aggravation of the clinical picture and the spread of the disease to the kidneys and other organs of the genitourinary sphere.

Attention! Untimely or improper treatment of the disease, with the use of "self-prescribed" antibiotics, will give only temporary relief, but will not relieve the woman of the problem. Symptoms of pathology appear again after the end of the antibacterial activity of the agent.

Typically, treatment involves the use of broad-spectrum antibacterial agents, antispasmodics and drugs that restore immunity. To speed up the healing process, it is important to follow the drinking regimen. You can drink clean water, decoctions of medicinal herbs and fruit drinks.

Drug treatment

The main drugs used to combat cystitis are discussed in the table:

What drugs are prescribed for women to treat cystitis?
Name How to use Photo
No-shpa Daily dose 120-240 mg - in 3 divided doses

Papaverine 40-60 mg 3 times a day

Monural 3 mg once, 2 hours after a meal

Nolitsin 1 tablet 2 times a day

Biseptol 2 tablets 2 times a day

Herbal remedies
Cyston 2 tablets 2 times a day

Kanephron 50 drops, 3 times a day

Spasmotsistenal 10 drops, 3 times a day

Phytolysin 1 tsp previously dissolved in 50 ml of water, 3 times a day.

The instruction to ensure the correct treatment is determined privately.


It is from a correctly composed diet that the outcome of therapy largely depends.

In order to speed up the treatment process and reduce the likelihood of pain, the following foods should be excluded:

  • smoked meats and fried foods;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • fast food products;
  • food products containing flavors and flavorings;
  • radish, radish, horseradish;
  • sour fruits;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee and strong tea;
  • sauces;
  • sparkling water and drinks.

Vegetables and fruits, which have a diuretic effect, will help to increase the effectiveness of therapy. How to treat chronic cystitis in women at home will be shown in the video in this article.

It is easier to prevent than to cure

In order not to think about how to treat cystitis in women at home, you need to pay attention to the rules of prevention, namely:

  1. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Particular attention should be paid to hygiene after intercourse and during menstrual bleeding.
  2. Choosing the right underwear. Fashionable thongs made of synthetic materials can be a factor provoking cystitis, because they successfully transfer infection from the anal area to the woman's vagina.
  3. You need to dress for the weather, it is important to avoid hypothermia of the body.
  4. Clinical examination. A woman should visit a gynecologist once every 6 months - this rule will help to timely identify the development of various diseases of the female reproductive system.
  5. Timely emptying of the bladder.
  6. Balanced diet and drinking regimen.

Cystitis and its treatment in women at home are incompatible concepts. The manifestation of symptoms of the disease is a significant reason for contacting a doctor, but it is easier to prevent any disease than to cure, therefore, you need to pay attention to simple rules of prevention.

Cystitis in women

What is cystitis in women?

Cystitis is a medical term for inflammation of the bladder... In most cases, inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection called a UTI. A urinary tract infection can cause soreness and irritability and can be a serious health problem for women if it spreads to the kidneys.

Less commonly, cystitis can occur as a reaction to certain medications, radiation therapy, or potential irritants such as feminine hygiene products. Cystitis can also occur as a complication of another disease.

Treatment for cystitis depends on its underlying cause. Most cases of cystitis are acute and come on suddenly. Cases of interstitial cystitis are chronic (long-term).

Symptoms of cystitis in women

Cystitis symptoms can include:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • urge to urinate after emptying your bladder;
  • cloudy or strong-smelling urine
  • decrease in body temperature (if combined with a UTI);
  • blood in the urine;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • feeling of pressure or filling of the bladder;
  • cramps in the abdomen or back.

If the bladder infection spreads to the kidneys, it can become a serious health problem. In addition to the symptoms listed above, symptoms of a kidney infection include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • back or side pain
  • chills

In addition, two additional symptom, fever, or blood in the urine are not symptoms of cystitis by themselves. However, they can occur in conjunction with other symptoms of a kidney infection.

See your doctor right away if you think you have a kidney infection.

Causes of cystitis in women

The type of cystitis depends on its cause. Possible causes of cystitis include:

  • a urinary tract infection (UTI);
  • certain medications;
  • radiation (radiation therapy);
  • constant use of a catheter;
  • feminine hygiene products (sprays, creams ..).

Types of cystitis

Cystitis can be acute or interstitial. is a case of cystitis that occurs suddenly. Interstitial cystitis is a chronic or long-term case of a disease that affects multiple layers of tissue in the bladder.

Both acute and interstitial cystitis have a number of possible causes. The type determines the cause of cystitis. The following are the types of cystitis:

Bacterial cystitis

Bacterial cystitis occurs when bacteria enter the urethra (urethra) or bladder and cause an infection. It can also lead to an imbalance in the body's normal microflora. The infection leads to cystitis, or inflammation of the bladder.

It is important to treat your bladder infection. If the infection spreads to the kidneys, it can become a serious health problem.

Medicinal cystitis

Some medicines can cause bladder inflammation. Medicines pass through the body and eventually pass through the urinary system. Some medications can irritate the bladder when excreted.

For example, the chemotherapy drugs cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide can cause cystitis.

Radiation cystitis

Radiation therapy is used to treat cancer cells and shrink tumors, but it can also damage healthy cells and tissues in the body. Radiation therapy to the pelvic area can cause inflammation of the bladder.

Foreign body cystitis

Continued use of a catheter, a tube used to facilitate the flow of urine from the bladder, can increase the risk of bacterial infection and damage tissues in the urinary tract. Both bacteria and damaged tissue can cause inflammation.

Chemical cystitis

Some hygiene products can irritate the bladder. Foods that can cause bladder inflammation include:

  • spermicides;
  • using a vaginal diaphragm with spermicide;
  • feminine hygiene products.

Cystitis associated with other conditions

Sometimes cystitis occurs as a symptom of other diseases, such as:

  • spinal injury.

Risk factors

Cystitis is more common in women due to their shorter urethra. However, men are also susceptible to this disease.

Women may be at greater risk of cystitis if:

  • are sexually active;
  • are pregnant;
  • use a diaphragm with spermicide;
  • are experiencing;
  • use irritating personal care products
  • was or is (imp)
  • underwent chemotherapy, radiation therapy
  • used a catheter.


There are several different ways to diagnose cystitis in women. The doctor may ask for a urine sample to determine the cause and check for a UTI. The doctor may also perform cystoscopy or imaging tests to determine the cause of the symptoms.


In a cystoscopy, a doctor examines the bladder with a thin tube that has a camera and a light bulb attached to it. Doctors can use a cystoscope to collect a biopsy of bladder tissue if needed. A biopsy is the taking of a small sample of tissue for examination in a laboratory.

Visual tests

Imaging tests are not often needed, but they can be helpful in diagnosing cystitis. X-rays or ultrasounds can help rule out other causes of bladder inflammation in women, such as structural problems or tumors.

Treatment of cystitis in women

Treatment of cystitis in women is carried out with different types of drugs. Primarily used:

  • antibiotics;
  • pain relievers;
  • diuretics and uroseptics.

What caused the special attention to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity when analyzing this delicate problem? The answer is very simple - women are more susceptible to the disease than men, and almost every second - third woman has suffered acute cystitis, or continues to suffer from it in a chronic form.

There are two reasons for this:

  • In women and girls, the urinary tract and genital tract are separated, but the outlet of the urethra is located in the genital area. Proximity to the mucous membrane dramatically increases the chances of infection of the lower urinary tract in inflammatory gynecological diseases;
  • The second cause of female cystitis is also anatomical. In men, the urethra is long, and this is what causes some problems with catheter placement. And in women, the urethra is very short, and simply does not have time to stand as a barrier to the spread of infection.

Cystitis itself, along with, is one of the most common urological diseases in the world. What is this process, how is it recognized and treated?

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What it is?

Cystitis is an inflammatory infectious process (all inflammatory diagnoses end in "-it"), which occurs in the wall (in the mucous membrane) of the bladder. Sometimes, in everyday life, this is the name of any nonspecific urinary tract infection that has not risen to the kidneys, and is manifested by a complex of dysuric disorders (urinary disorders) and a change in urine sediment.

Cystitis rightfully, in men and women, can be called a polyetiological disease that develops for many reasons:

  • The disease can be primary and secondary - in the event that it complicated the course of any disease. So, most often the secondary process occurs against the background of blockage of the urethra with a stone or tumor, with strictures (that is, narrowing of the urethra), and also occur against the background of gynecological diseases.
  • There are both acute and chronic cystitis. Almost always in a chronic process, there are signs of prolonged gynecological inflammation, both high (salpingitis, salpingo-oophoritis), and in the immediate vicinity of the urethra, for example, with colpitis.
  • Bladder lesions can be infectious and non-infectious (toxic, allergic, medication or radiation sickness).

It is also possible to develop the disease in the following situations:

  • In case of injury to the mucous membrane of the bladder (in a road accident, with urolithiasis).
  • With chronic congestive venous insufficiency in the pelvic area.
  • With the usual hypothermia ("short skirt cystitis" when sitting on cold objects).
  • With hormonal abnormalities, during menopause and menopause.
  • With spinal strokes, spinal cord pathology, cone syndrome, with multiple sclerosis. In these cases, urodynamics is impaired due to the development of a neurogenic bladder, since the passage of urine is impaired.

However, the most common cause of cystitis is a common, bacterial process that is caused by a banal E. coli, and acute inflammation is more common in women, because their urethra is not only short, but also wider than in men, education.

The simplest way is a violation of hygiene, in which the genitals are contaminated with feces from the anus.

For this, completely imperceptible quantities are enough, and usually this occurs with incorrect washing, which does not occur from front to back (this is correct), but also from back to front (not possible)!

It is the urethra that is most often the entrance gate of infection. It loses its natural sterility and is colonized first by conditionally pathogenic flora, and then by pathogenic microorganisms, which then penetrate higher, spreading to the mucous membrane.

For some of them, the urine in the bladder is a valuable source of nitrogen and mineral salts, and microorganisms get organic matter from the mucous membrane.

Nevertheless, the bladder mucosa naturally has a pronounced resistance to microbial infection. Therefore, in order for it to happen, it is necessary that blood flow is disturbed in the wall of the bladder, there is a general decrease in immunity or a violation of the outflow of urine. It is in this case that the infection develops.

The first signs of cystitis in women, symptoms and pain

Discomfort in the lower abdomen is the first sign of cystitis in girls and women. It occurs (in a typical situation) on the same day after hypothermia, in the evening, or the next morning. Further, the symptoms of acute inflammation are:

  • frequent and painful urination;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • pyuria (the appearance of pus in the urine);
  • terminal hematuria (the appearance of blood in the last portion of urine, which is "flushing" from the walls of the bladder).

Many women ask if acute pain is possible?Yes, they do, but they will be associated with urination. After urination, the pain remains, but slightly weaker, and an attempt to press in the suprapubic region causes a sharp increase in pain.

It is known that the more pronounced the inflammation, the more often the urge to urinate occurs, and the stronger the painful sensations. Most often, pain in women with cystitis is noted during urination, which becomes frequent - every 20-30 minutes.

A common symptom is the discharge of a few drops of blood at the very end of urination. Blood is formed from loose and bleeding inflamed mucous membranes, with muscle contraction.

These pains can lead patients to complete exhaustion, since they do not stop day or night. Constant pain causes the muscles of the bladder to spasm. As a result, urine pressure rises, and frequent urge to urinate immediately develops.

  • If you collect urine during an acute process, it will be cloudy. It contains many epithelium, leukocytes, microbes and erythrocytes.

General health, as a rule, does not suffer, since there is very little absorption from the bladder into the blood - after all, it contains urine, which must be removed from the body very soon. As a rule, the temperature rises only in young children, and if this happened in an adult, then this indicates the involvement of the kidneys in the inflammatory process, and the development of acute pyelonephritis.

In the normal course of the disease, after 8-10 days, all inflammatory manifestations subside, and the patient's condition improves. But if this process "smolders" for more than 2-3 weeks, then we can talk about the chronization of the process.

Signs of chronic cystitis, features

The chronic form in women develops much more often than in men. One of the reasons is the development of urethrovaginal reflux. The fact is that after acute cystitis, scarring of the posterior wall of the urethra is possible, leading to a violation of the dynamics of urine and its slight injection into the genital tract.

  • This contributes to the emergence of a closed "smoldering focus" favorable for the formation of chronic inflammation.

Therefore, most often, chronic cystitis in women does not develop as an acute outcome (which seems to be the most logical), but most often it is a complication of other diseases of the urinary tract, kidneys, gynecological infection.

In the event that a woman has symptoms of chronic cystitis, you need to look for the primary focus of infection, and also start looking for a specific inflammation. The sources of specific chronic processes include:

  • tuberculosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • schistosomiasis (including imported from the countries of Southeast Asia).

In the case of chronic cystitis, all the symptoms and signs are the same, only less pronounced, and not so painful for the patient. The chronic form is often exacerbated in spring and autumn, and is also associated with hypothermia.

About diagnostics and analyzes

In typical cases, the diagnosis is not difficult. The above clinical signs and general analysis of urine confirm the inflammatory process, and bacteriological culture of urine with determination of the sensitivity of microbes to antibiotics provides a "key" to treatment.

It is important to note that in acute cystitis, all invasive procedures, for example, cystoscopy, are categorically contraindicated, but in chronic inflammation it is sometimes necessary, since in some cases it allows to establish the cause of the disease.

In the event that, with similar symptoms, nausea or vomiting occurs, symptoms of peritoneal involvement, inflammatory changes in the blood, fever, tachycardia appear, then the diagnosis should be excluded in the pelvic position of the process.

Treatment of cystitis in women at home, drugs

For some reason, the most difficult question in cystitis is - which doctor should a woman go to? We answer:

  • Urologist. You can (and should) consult a urologist. A urologist is not at all an exclusively male doctor, because everyone has excretory organs. This will be the most correct decision;
  • Therapist. In the event that a urologist, as a "narrow" specialist, cannot be reached without a therapist, and there are no funds for private centers, use the experience and knowledge of the therapist. He is quite within his power to determine (in uncomplicated cases) a diagnosis, prescribe a study and treatment, stop the acute phase or relieve an exacerbation in a chronic process;
  • Gynecologist. Naturally, not a single decent gynecologist will refuse to consult a patient. And in the event that signs of cystitis have arisen in a pregnant woman, then the gynecologist should be the first and mandatory doctor to visit.

How and where to treat cystitis? Almost always, treatment of acute cystitis in women is carried out at home, since the general condition allows. Hospitalization is carried out with severe inflammation, general worsening of the condition, and, for example, symptoms of an "acute" abdomen.

The principles of treatment are as follows:

  • Semi-bed mode is desirable;
  • All spicy, spicy, exciting and irritating foods, alcohol, coffee are excluded from the diet. Stop smoking;
  • It is necessary to increase urine output in order to "drive out" the infection from the bladder. Plentiful drink is recommended (juices, fruit drinks, jelly, mineral water);
  • For home treatment, women can use mild diuretics, including herbal ones: knotweed, bearberry, lingonberry leaf, bear ears, you can use the drug "Kanefron";
  • Cystitis is a very rare case when in case of inflammation “inside the abdomen”, heating pads for the pubic area and warm baths are shown. The thing is that heat relaxes the muscle, which reduces the degree of dysuric disorders and eases the condition.

Antibacterial drugs

The prompt prescription of antimicrobial drugs for the acute form of the disease should be mandatory. In the event that the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics occurs, you can only waste time in vain. It is necessary to begin treatment empirically.

Nitrofurans and modern combined drugs, as well as fluoroquinolones, have the best effect in acute cystitis:

  • Macmiror (nifuratel);
  • Furagin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Pefloxacin.

Of course, other antibacterial drugs, for example, "Biseptol" or "Furazolidone", can also be used, but these are older drugs, and their effectiveness is somewhat lower.

Antibiotics for acute cystitis give a quick effect, sometimes literally in the morning a woman's symptoms are relieved. To alleviate the course of the disease, in addition to etiotropic drugs, myotropic antispasmodics ("No-shpa") can be used at home.

In the event that the dysuric phenomena are strongly pronounced, then you can use light sedatives, tranquilizers. If the diagnosis is established, then you can also use pain relievers, for example, "Ketanov".

The most important thing is not to be afraid to drink more fluids. Some young patients experience fear because they understand that if they drink a lot, their torment will be intensified many times over. In fact, with the combined appointment of plenty of drinking and antibiotic therapy, the symptoms begin to lose their severity very quickly, and then disappear altogether.

  • See:

In chronic cystitis, treatment is extended: instillations of various drugs into the bladder are carried out, electrophoresis is prescribed. In the event that complications such as cicatricial narrowing of the urethra, sclerosis of the bladder neck, reflux occur in the chronic form, an operation is performed.


More severe lesions can also begin with cystitis, for example, apostematous nephritis and even paranephritis, that is, inflammation of the perineal tissue.

There are very severe forms that are localized in the bladder itself, for example, necrotic and gangrenous cystitis. In addition, if a woman has a violation of the outflow of urine (for example, due to), and against this background, an acute form of the disease develops, the prognosis may be unfavorable when the infection spreads upward.

But in uncomplicated cases, with typical symptoms and timely treatment, acute cystitis in women quickly passes - the main task in this case is to prevent the transition of an acute process to a chronic one.

Cystitis is a very dangerous disease that can lead to serious complications. You need to treat it from the first days. How you can quickly and effectively get rid of cystitis in women, we will talk about symptoms and treatment at home in our article.

If you notice the first symptoms of this ailment in time and do not let the disease take its course, it can be completely cured at home, observing bed rest and adhering to the prescribed course of treatment.

The main symptoms of cystitis, which signal that treatment is urgently needed:

  • and burning when urinating.
  • Difficulty urinating with constant urge.

Cystitis has 3 forms:

Acute - occurs a couple of hours after hypothermia or other accompanying inflammation. It is accompanied by severe pain and discomfort.

Recurrent - is a consequence of improper self-medication, when the disease flares up with renewed vigor every 2-3 weeks. May indicate other diseases of the genitourinary system.

Chronic - signs of cystitis accompany the patient constantly, periodically dulling with drugs.

The reasons for the development of cystitis in women

The most common cause of inflammation in cystitis in women is an infection that develops in the bladder with the penetration of microorganisms and bacteria into it.

These are Escherichia coli, as well as other bacteria that inhabit the intestinal and vaginal microflora in women. That is, a common cause of the disease is self-infection, when the pathogen enters the urethra from the colon or vagina.

However, the disease can not only begin from the outside, but also from the inside - through the kidneys. Then we are talking about the fact that cystitis is a kind of side effect of another disease.

It should be noted that microorganisms from the vagina and large intestine enter the bladder every day due to the anatomical features of the structure of the female body. But not all girls and women develop cystitis. Why. Because for the development of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to have some favorable factors that reduce the body's resistance to infections.

Here are the main factors:

  1. , due to which blood circulation in the mucous membrane of the bladder slows down, which makes it vulnerable to pathogens.
  2. Injuries to the vaginal mucosa during defloration, childbirth and sexual intercourse, which create a favorable environment for the development of infection.
  3. Age and hormonal disorders. Young girls, older women and those with hormonal problems have low resistance to infection.
  4. when the body's defenses are weakened. In this case, the uterus in an enlarged state can cause stagnation of urine in the bladder.

These are the factors that influence the development of cystitis in women. Symptoms and treatment at home, quickly and without complications, depend on the pathogen. Diagnostics can determine what caused the disease.

Diagnosis of the disease

Before telling how to treat cystitis in women, let's talk about the diagnosis. It implies mandatory blood and urine tests that will help determine the cause of the disease - the causative agent of the infection.

Based on the test results, the doctor will be able to prescribe a course of antibiotics and other medications to treat the bladder.

If there is a possibility that cystitis is a consequence of another disease, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound, X-ray or CT scan.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of cystitis in women can only be prescribed by the attending physician after a diagnosis. If we are not talking about advanced forms of acute cystitis and the patient sought help in a timely manner, this disease is quite amenable to treatment at home with bed rest.

Want to know what to do with cystitis. See a doctor! After all, treatment consists of a course of medicines, and may also include traditional medicine and home methods. They play a supportive role and help relieve cystitis.

Correctly prescribed treatment at home, and quickly enough in 5 days will return you to your usual way of life and help you forget about an unpleasant ailment forever.

Home treatment prohibits any physical activity, unprotected intercourse, alcohol, caffeinated drinks, soda, and spicy, salty and fried foods.

A pregnant woman is treated only as directed by her attending physician. In this position, most drugs that affect the inflammatory process (primarily antibiotics) can harm the fetus, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Before treatment, it is imperative to undergo a diagnosis and consult a doctor who will prescribe drugs that are safe for the child.

Drug treatment

Treatment of cystitis at home involves prescribing a course of the following groups of drugs:

  • Antibacterial antimicrobial drugs. These are antibiotics that fight the cause of inflammation.
  • Probiotics. These are medicines that contain bifidobacteria to neutralize the aggressive effects of antibiotic therapy and the development of normal microflora of the gastric mucosa and pelvic organs.
  • Spasmolytic drugs that relieve pain.
  • with vitamins and mineral supplements.

Now let's talk in more detail about how to treat cystitis at home quickly and effectively, talk about the features of the effect of each of these groups, and also give examples of drugs.

We have already written how important it is to diagnose before prescribing a course of antibiotics. The fact is that certain antibiotics affect certain groups of bacteria and microorganisms. In addition, each of us has an individual susceptibility to antibiotics, which a doctor can only find out based on the results of blood and urine tests.

There are many antibiotics that have cured millions of women from this disease. We will tell you about the most popular ones.

  1. Norfloxacin. As a rule, in most cases, cystitis can be quickly cured by taking a 5-day course of norfloxacin, which destroys microorganisms and is used in the treatment of many diseases of the genitourinary system. It is indicated for chronic cystitis with prolongation of the course of admission.
  2. ... A very powerful drug that knows very well how to cure cystitis. It relieves acute inflammation in just 1 dose. This antibiotic is contraindicated in the treatment of the chronic form of the disease, since repeated use of it can have a negative effect on the body.
  3. Furagin. A commonly used antimicrobial drug for the treatment of both adult women and young girls. How quickly can you get rid of the disease? The course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days, depending on the condition of the disease and the doctor's prescription.
  4. ... It is effective in the treatment of acute forms if the causative agent of cystitis is bacteria.


Antibiotics in the inflammatory process destroy both harmful and beneficial bacteria necessary for the lining of the stomach, bladder, vagina and colon. To completely cure cystitis at home, women need probiotics.

If you do not populate the bacteria it needs on the mucous membrane, re-inflammation will not take long, besides, one more disease will have to be treated: dysbiosis. Its main manifestations are: stomach pain, flatulence, belching, diarrhea, constipation and thrush.

To avoid these troubles, the patient is prescribed probiotics: tablets and suppositories. The tablets inhabit the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract with beneficial bacteria, and the suppositories - the vagina.

The most effective drugs for oral administration are linex, bifiform and yogurt norms, vaginal suppositories - vagilak.

The course of taking probiotics is 7-10 days, but in no case can it be less than the course of taking antibiotics.


One of the very first and unpleasant symptoms of cystitis is pain and burning when urinating. Antispasmodics will help relieve this symptom. How to relieve pain? The course of treatment involves taking the following drugs:

No-shpa. A familiar drug that quickly relieves muscle spasms and dilates blood vessels.

Ibuprofen. A very strong pain reliever that relieves fever and inflammation. It is prescribed for advanced disease, when the patient, in addition to severe pain, rises in body temperature.

Because these drugs are powerful, they must be taken at the dosage prescribed by your doctor and discontinued as soon as the fever and pain are gone.

They are prescribed after antibiotics for general strengthening, as well as for the prevention of inflammation.

  1. ... Effective in the treatment of chronic cystitis. It has a mild anti-inflammatory, diuretic and analgesic effect. It is harmless and has a minimum of contraindications. The course of treatment is 1–2 months.
  2. Monurel is a food supplement with cranberry extract with vitamin C. Monurel is harmless, has an antimicrobial effect and prevents the growth of bacteria on the walls of the bladder. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.
  3. Cyston is a herbal preparation with trace elements, which not only fights microbes and bacteria, but also dissolves kidney stones. They can be assigned for 1 month.

Traditional medicine

This home treatment has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include their almost harmless nature. If antibiotics have a very aggressive effect on the body, and they are completely prohibited for pregnant women, then herbal decoctions have contraindications, as a rule, in case of individual intolerance.

The disadvantages of alternative treatment include its duration. If the antibiotic removes most of the symptoms within the first day of treatment, and eliminates the problem completely in 5 days, then the course of medicinal plants can last 1–2 months with a mandatory repetition after a while.

Here are some of the traditional medicines you can take on board:

  • Yarrow decoction. With cystitis at home, you can prepare the following remedy: chop 2 teaspoons of herbs, pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and leave for 1 hour. Divide into 3 servings and drink throughout the day. This broth helps well with cystitis with blood, providing a hemostatic effect.
  • Hypericum infusion. 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of St. John's wort with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Drink 3 times a day, 50 grams. This infusion is effective in the chronic form of the disease, but it is better not to store it for more than two days.
  • Infusion of parsley seeds. Pour 1 teaspoon of seeds with a glass of chilled boiling water. Leave in a warm place for 10-12 hours, then strain and drink 20 ml every 2 hours for a week.
  • Infusion of chamomile and calendula. 4 tbsp. spoons of chamomile and 4 tbsp. Spoons of calendula pour 2 liters of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Strain and pour into a sitz basin. You need to take such a bath 3-4 times a day.

Home treatment methods

We will tell you about home treatment methods that are effective as adjuvants. They alleviate symptoms and alleviate illness.

  • Warming up with red brick. Heat a piece of red brick in the oven, place it in an enamel bucket, and sit on top of the bucket with a warm blanket wrapped around your lower body. You need to spend 20-30 minutes on the bucket, then wipe dry and go to bed. This can be done 2 times a day. To enhance the effect of the procedure and quickly relieve an attack of cystitis at home, birch tar is dripped onto the brick. If you carry out this procedure from the first day of the disease, then after 4–5 procedures, the inflammation will significantly decrease, the urge will stop and the pain during urination will go away.
  • ... Dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda in a liter of warm water. Douche with this solution 3 days in a row. The solution fights bacteria, which in 85% of cases are the cause of the inflammatory process. This remedy has good reviews if you treat not only inflammation of the bladder, but also thrush.
  • ... If you are unsure how to relieve an attack of cystitis, place a warm heating pad in the lower abdomen. If there is no heating pad, you can use a plastic bottle. Such heating will relieve pain, but it is contraindicated in hemorrhagic cystitis (its main symptom is traces of blood in the urine).

Prevention of cystitis

We told you how to treat cystitis at home. Now let's talk about preventive measures and give some tips. Using them, you will never again remember about such an unpleasant disease as cystitis.

10 tips for preventing cystitis in women:

Do not tolerate! Due to lifestyle, work habits, or other circumstances, some women do not empty their bladders on time. This leads to inflammation and even a chronic form of the disease.

If your job involves a sedentary lifestyle, try to take breaks every 20-30 minutes. It is enough to get up and stretch a little for 1-2 minutes to disperse the blood.

Follow the rules of personal hygiene. This ensures that bacteria and germs do not enter the bladder from the outside. During critical days, change hygiene products every 2 hours so that bacteria that can cause illness do not multiply on either the external or internal organs of the small pelvis.

Avoid hypothermia. In winter, wear warm outerwear that goes down to mid-thigh (so that the cold and wind does not reach the lower back). Even if your feet are slightly wet, you should immediately place them in a bowl of hot water.

For many women, cystitis does not occur in winter, in frost and cold, but in summer - when a warm wind blows. It is the strong wind that blows in the back, as well as sitting on the cooled sand or stones on the beach, which can cause the first symptoms of the disease in 2 hours.

Diseases of the genitourinary system in women are closely related. It is possible that female cystitis became a signal for the development of a venereal disease. Take safety precautions during intercourse and get tested regularly for sexually transmitted infections.

One of the causes of cystitis is a weakened immune system, fatigue and stress. Get enough sleep, be less nervous, and take vitamin supplements regularly to strengthen your body.

Don't wear too tight underwear and pants. Avoid synthetics.

Get rid of bad food habits: spicy, salty and fried foods. You need to drink 1.5–2 liters of water daily. Some people think: "I am being treated for cystitis and I do not need a lot of fluid, it will increase the frequency of urge and pain when urinating!" It's a delusion. The liquid will remove toxins and bacteria that have caused the disease.

In addition, cranberry juice can be an excellent prophylactic agent. It is enough to drink 1 glass a day - and you will never remember about cystitis, because the substances in its composition will not allow microbes and bacteria to gain a foothold on the bladder mucosa and thereby cause inflammation.

Some women prefer not to see a doctor at all, with regular outbreaks of cystitis, limiting themselves to self-medication with home remedies. It is possible that frequent inflammations indicate that you are not getting rid of the problem, but only temporarily healing it.

One of the likely complications in this case: a chronic form of cystitis, which is rather difficult to treat. In order to avoid these, as well as many other serious complications, we recommend that you consult a doctor at the very beginning of the inflammatory process. After all, a course of treatment for cystitis in women at home can be completely successful only on the basis of prescribed medications and procedures.