Features of the interior design of the living room in black and white colors. Black living room. Photos of the best options for a dark living room Living room in black and white

Your interest in the black and white combination in the interior indicates a rather active and emotional life, your desire to somehow compensate for the stress of everyday life, its psychological pressure. And just in the monochromatic interior you saw a kind of protection from this pressure. This is the correct way out. The black and white interior, thanks to the unique properties of its main colors, will allow you to psychologically relieve your body, help restore its strength. What are the properties of these colors that help a person in crisis situations of his life?

Black and white specialists

With a superficial and most common approach to black, it is a symbol of evil and negativity. But on the other hand, the black color mysteriously attracts a person. At the same time, a person associates black with the strength of the spirit, the special significance of everything that has a black color. It symbolizes peace and aristocracy, power and, to some extent, superiority over the environment. The black color in the interior gives weight and seriousness to everything that happens in this room. The power of this color is excellent when combined with white.

White, unlike black, is always associated with something beautiful in life, the virgin purity of its wearer. But on the other hand, this color in the interior can cause a feeling of coolness and even an unfriendly atmosphere in the room.

Thanks to these properties, the black and white interior of a room, for example, a living room, allows a person to feel more confident than outside. Feel even some superiority over the others, their significance in this space. He gets what, perhaps, he lacks in the outside world. However, as in any business, when decorating a black and white living room, you should know certain rules. Otherwise, you may get the exact opposite of what you expected.

What you need to know about black and white in the living room and not only

I just want to warn you. The main design rule is never to use black and white in the same proportion. One of these colors should dominate. It doesn't matter if it's black or white. It's already your choice. Depends on what you want to get as a result. Otherwise, such an interior will have a negative impact on those present. In addition, such a combination of white and black, its concentrated contrast will greatly tire the eyesight. Also, you can not use black for the ceiling, even parts of it. The black ceiling will put pressure on those present, causing them unpleasant associations and thoughts corresponding to these associations. It is unlikely that such a living room will be your pride, at least in the eyes of your guests. If this, of course, is not an end in itself.

Choosing the dominant color in the interior of a black and white living room

The choice of the dominant in this combination is an important point in the design. The psychological atmosphere in it and its visual perception by a person depend on what color will prevail in your living room.

If you prefer privacy. If your social circle is limited to a small number of friends, colleagues. In this case, black should be preferred in the living room. It will create a completely comfortable atmosphere for a friendly conversation in a narrow circle of people close to you. But here it must be taken into account that in such a living room it plays an important role.

White color has the property of the room, it will add to it a feeling of perfect cleanliness and freshness, and will cause positive emotions. Naturally, it is preferable in small living rooms. Its dominance will help eliminate the shortage of space, at least visually. White color also compensates for the lack of lighting in the living room. The above does not mean at all that the dominance of white in a large living room is not welcome. Such ratios are very popular for large rooms.

Black and white living room - stylish and practical

At first glance, it may seem to you that the interior in black and white is more suitable for office rooms. It looks quite formal and strict. But this is at first glance. In fact, a black and white interior is quite a dynamic interior. It is known that other colors are easily and harmoniously added to the combination of white and black. And this means that a monochrome living room can, if desired, be turned into something less formal and more cozy and warm by adding yellow, orange, red, blue to its interior. The scope for the flight of your imagination is boundless. It can be and , and , and . Anything. But for this to be possible, it is necessary to work out in detail in what proportion black and white will be used. The predominance of black is unlikely to allow this to be done with the desired effect, especially the black walls and ceiling. And one more detail. It is desirable to dilute the black and white living room with one or two bright colors.

Even a slight inclusion of the green color of plants in the black and white background of the living room can revive its stiffness. A couple of three have never been superfluous in any interior of any style.

The dominance of white in a monochrome interior makes it more comfortable for a family with small children and pets. The fact is that with the dominance of white, the mess, dust, which have always been natural companions of a large family, is not so conspicuous.

Having chosen which color will be the main one, it may turn out that the walls and ceiling will not be enough for a spectacular and stylish look. Here, furniture and curtains can make their own zest. With their help, you can dilute one or another color in the living room, thereby eliminating the excessive contrast of black and white.

As for styles, the black and white interior is most often used when decorating a living room in style. The black and white background seems to be created for this style, enhancing its individuality and asceticism.

The black and white combination in the form of a zebra skin, stripes looks great in an exotic interior style.

Finally, a word of caution

If you have an inexplicable and irresistible craving for the predominance of black in the interior, you should seriously think about your state of mind. The concentrated dominance of black in the interior of the room indicates that you are in a crisis. Psychologists do not recommend using more than 50% of the area of ​​​​the room for black. Human visual receptors cause biochemical reactions in the brain corresponding to the received color - positive or negative. You don't have to be a great specialist to understand what kind of reaction black color causes. Therefore, you should not get carried away with black. Black color has always been a symbol of evil and sadness. White, on the other hand, will help you get out of a crisis state of mind, if you are in it, to gain and maintain vitality.

Let your living room be the embodiment of harmony in all its manifestations!

The design of a black and white living room allows you to create an amazing pattern of space based on a subtle play of contrasts. The danger of using such a color solution lies in two important points: do not slide into darkness and do not turn the front room into a hospital ward.


Add gray or silver to the black and white palette - get high tech. Red and blue look organic in modern, and the introduced soft pastel brown close Provence. Wicker tree gives a hint of country music, and the array is corpus furniture will bring the interior drawing closer to classicism.

If we talk about items that should contain color accents of the interior, then for this you can use decorative pillows, and all kinds vases, and wall panels, and drawing curtains, and separate pieces of furniture.

Furniture for a black and white living room

Advice!DTo successfully implement the idea, avoid annoying oversaturation in color content, find a balance between black and white that allows you to feel comfortable in the room.

For a classic setting, furniture in white or black tones, with natural wood trim, is the best solution. White sofa leather and armchairs, with virtuoso stitching of details, will give a large living room a dazzling luxury, framed in black and white walls.

Minimalism of forms and outlines of furniture headset- the perfect find for a small room. Large color blocks of furniture included in the interior, having a laconic design, will not drown out the spatial freedom, which is very important especially for small spaces.

Advice! Zwhen filling a black and white living room with furniture, make sure that the percentage of black does not exceed 50% of the general plan, otherwise, as noted by psychologists, this can provoke depression and a bad mood in you and your household.

Because of its expressiveness, black and white color in the interior is not very common. This tandem is the eternal unity of opposites, yin and yang, but the slightest imbalance can be fatal.

Design in black and white requires impeccability in absolutely everything. It should be distinguished by the latest materials, perfectly flat surfaces, neat lines and perfect shapes. Particular attention should be paid to proportions - it is better if one color is the background, and the other is present in accents. An excessive amount of small contrasts is tiring, but large details look more harmonious.

Textures are of great importance in an achromatic interior. So glossy black becomes a kind of mirror in which light areas are reflected, and thus the effect of the night sky is obtained. In turn, matte surfaces look solid and stable, creating an atmosphere of luxury.

The predominance of white is suitable for small spaces that need to be made more airy and spacious. Dark elements in this case should be used very carefully. For example, to visually raise the ceiling, a few vertical stripes, curtains or tall narrow black pencil cases will suffice, and an elongated sofa or a horizontally oriented panel will help expand one of the walls.

Successful lighting will help emphasize the beauty of a discreet design. Colored garlands or LEDs will transform the room in a second, because in their rays all white objects will appear red, blue, green, purple. Also, if desired, you can choose a cold or warm shade of lamps for a bluish or soft yellowish glow.

Cabinet furniture that can complement the interior design in black and white is strict wardrobes, possibly with mirrored doors; modern walls and racks; laconic chests of drawers, tables, chairs. In the classical style, gold or silver fittings, intricate contrasting patterns and carved reliefs are welcome, but the products must be covered with a dense layer of glossy enamel. Cabinet furniture for the kitchen and living room can reflect futuristic motifs. Here countertops made of impact-resistant glass or self-leveling stone, chrome inserts, metallic luster will be appropriate. In the relaxation room, a coffee table with a touch panel will become a central element.

Upholstered furniture in a black and white interior is represented by discreet but respectable sofas, armchairs, pouffes, beds with a luxurious headboard. As a rule, preference is given to leather upholstery, in some cases plain velor or patterned jacquard are also appropriate. Most often, pure white or black is used, although neutral grays or pastels can tone down excessive black and white contrast if needed.

Combination with other colors

In an achromatic setting, any blotches of color become extraordinarily spectacular. It can be even the smallest items - a figurine, a vase, a picture, a mug. The black and white environment seems to increase the brightness by several times, and it seems that the colored thing has somehow miraculously been transferred to the frame of the old movie from a parallel reality. When it comes to decoration, it usually looks less dramatic, but at the same time dilutes the severity and makes the interior more comfortable.

Black and white and gray

Gray is the most logical mediator between black and white. In essence, it is a penumbra, a mixture of darkness and light in different quantities. It does not violate the achromatic harmony, but rather softens and deepens it. But it’s also not worth getting carried away with gray beyond measure, otherwise you will get a dull office design with the appearance of a concrete box.

Black and white and beige

Beige-brown tint, characteristic of wood, often accompanies black and white interior design. Usually it is the color of parquet, individual elements of furniture, textiles, decor. Sometimes beige is also found in decoration. Its use gives the room a more homey and lived-in look.

Black and white and red

Whatever the shade of red, whether it is rich scarlet, noble cherry or dusty brick, it always looks incredibly festive against a black and white background. In order not to overload the interior, it is recommended to use this color in several small accessories (photo frames, candles, dishes) or in one large item (retro fridge, vintage sofa, one brick wall in the loft, etc.).

Black and white and green

It is undeniable that the black and white interior itself looks rather lifeless, evoking associations with winter landscapes. Indoor plants, landscape photo wallpapers, textiles and decor in light green or herbal shades will help to “revive” it. A more organic green color looks in the presence of a gray background.

Black and white and yellow

Although yellow on a black background everywhere indicates a signal: “Attention: danger”, but in an achromatic interior this combination can be very pretty. After all, it is not necessary to choose striped black and yellow patterns or a strange abstraction that dazzles the eyes. The best solution would be sunny paintings, wicker straw decor, sofa cushions, curtains.

Black and white and blue

In a black and white interior, blue is most often found in the form of a “cosmic” backlight. In general, he is close to black and can compete with him. Very well, both on a dark and on a light background, rich heavenly, turquoise, shades of a sea wave look.

Black and white color in the interior - photo

To get an idea of ​​what the black and white design of different rooms might look like, our selection of photos will help you. The gallery contains interesting design options in achromatic colors that have already been implemented in houses and apartments. These examples will be useful for anyone who likes a discreet interaction of light and shadow without too much color.

Kitchen interior in black and white

Stylish, fashionable, modern - that's how you can characterize the kitchen in black and white. The latest technology with its chrome doors and touch screen controls will perfectly fit into such an environment. The black and white kitchen looks especially good in open-plan apartments, forming a single composition with the guest and dining area.

Living room interior in black and white

Both in studios and in separate rooms, the black and white design of the living room will always attract increased comfort. Such an environment is conducive to a pleasant pastime in front of the TV, easy communication with friends and relatives.

Bedroom interior in black and white

The black and white bedroom does a great job of promoting relaxation and restful sleep. Achromatic colors, selected in the right amount, calm the nervous system, relax, and also help to quickly distract from daytime thoughts.

Bathroom interior in black and white

Black and white bathroom design can be attributed to the most successful experiments. The absence of bright colors eliminates the “congestion” of the interior; in such an environment, any plumbing and accessories look perfect, from ultra-modern to vintage.

As a rule, the living room is the most spacious room in an apartment or house, where not only gala evenings and meetings of guests are held, but also quiet family gatherings. Therefore, the interior design of this room is approached with particular seriousness. I want to optimally combine beauty and practicality, convenience and functionality. It should be convenient not only for every member of the family, guests should also feel comfortable. One of the universal color combinations in the design of the living room is black and white. It is the black and white interior of the living room that will be the object of our attention, we will talk about:

  • what kind of atmosphere does black and white gamma create from the point of view of psychologists,
  • how to combine two opposite colors,
  • What to look for when decorating a living room.

The energy of a black and white living room

By combining two opposite colors in one interior, the designers have achieved some originality and stunningness. What is hidden in these two seemingly simple colors. Many psychologists believe that a person is drawn to black in those cases when he wants to hide and close himself from the outside world. Therefore, a black and white interior can subconsciously become a protection against external irritations and stresses, helping a person to psychologically relax and recover. That is why we humans are attracted to black, despite the fact that some consider it a symbol of evil and negativity.

But on the other hand, the black color in the interior emphasizes power, aristocracy and superiority. This is especially evident in combination with white. White color is always compared with purity and beauty. Decorating the interior of the living room in black and white colors, a person wants to feel confidence and significance, which he may lack in the outside world. However, to achieve this effect, you need to correctly combine these colors, otherwise, instead of an atmosphere that creates a protective atmosphere, you will get a gloomy, heavy interior that puts pressure on your mood.

Harmonious combinations

What are the main tricks of using black and white in the interior? What should be the proportions of these colors in order to create an attractive and stylish interior in the living room, let's figure it out. So, when decorating a black and white living room, it is important:

Furniture in a black and white living room

Now let's talk a little about the furniture in the interior of a black and white living room. It is best if the furniture is one of these colors, either black or white. In this case, the flooring should also be chosen in color. Most often prefer the black floor. Firstly, the black color on the floor is more practical and any pollution is less noticeable. Secondly, the black floor looks more natural. It is generally better to exclude brown flooring in a black and white living room; against its background, the expressiveness of black and white is lost.

We note one more nuance, choosing modular furniture for the living room, you can choose not a monochrome version, but one in which some elements of the furniture design will be white and others will be black. These blocks can be combined in various ways. Such modular black and white furniture will add harmony to the living room and balance the space of the room. It will look great on both black and white backgrounds, although you can also use dark gray for the background. Wenge is also considered a popular color for modular furniture; it looks great against white walls, which is typical for minimalist living rooms.

White furniture is also appropriate and looks luxurious, but remember that any pollution is immediately evident. Therefore, when purchasing it, choose stain-resistant materials, especially for upholstered furniture. When choosing upholstered furniture, you should give preference to black or dark gray, especially if you have children or pets. However, if you are not worried about cleanliness and care, designer white chairs with black armrests and legs, as well as a sofa made in the same design, can be an excellent option for your living room.

We decorate the living room - we focus attention

Not unimportant in creating a black and white interior in the living room are decorative elements and textiles that allow you to place accents, as well as make the room in a classic version or fill it with romance and brightness. With the help of accessories, you can add colors, for example, put red or bright green pillows on the sofa, arrange figurines and vases. An excellent element in a black and white living room can be a black or white floor lamp, depending on what prevails, which means that against the background of black walls, put a white floor lamp and vice versa.

Creating the interior of the living room in the style of "yin-yang", a special role is given to curtains and curtains in the living room.

They can also be made in black and white plain fabric. Of course, against the background of a white window and wall, black curtains look appropriate and chic, white curtains are used less often, because they are not only easily soiled, but can merge with a white ceiling, the color of the curtains must be selected to specific interior of the living room. Most often there are combined black and white curtains that give a stylish look to the living room, such curtains or curtains go well with metal (silver) elements in the interior, for example, cornices, grommets, chandeliers, furniture details. Black and white Japanese curtains hang in the modern style of the living room.

Any curtains can be perfectly combined with a carpet imitating a zebra skin. In addition, such a carpet can become a highlight in the interior. Also in the living room near the sofa, you can lay a carpet in dark gray or abstract black and white. In such a color scheme, you can beat a chess theme, a theme related to nature and animals, in general, what is enough imagination.

In conclusion, we note that the combination of black and white is a classic, and the implementation of this combination in the interior of a living room can amaze with its beauty. Just two colors can make your living room daring or vice versa calm, versatile or expressive. And let the harmonious combination of colors in the interior of the living room bring harmony not only to the atmosphere of the room, but also to your relationships with loved ones.

Photo of black and white living rooms

“Tired of the beige walls? Are you afraid of bright experiments? Then we go to you!"

Or rather, let's talk about a spectacular design feature: a black and white living room interior.

Design styles in which the use of black and white contrasts is appropriate

Typical design styles in which this contrasting color combination would be appropriate are:

  • modernism (postmodernism);
  • Art Deco;
  • eco style;
  • constructivism;
  • pop Art;
  • high tech;
  • loft;
  • fusion of the above styles.

Black and white constructivism in the living room

We create a practical and non-staining contrasting interior

We suggest dwelling on some of the nuances in which the interior of the living room in black and white will be not only beautiful and spectacular, but also practical and non-staining.

1. If your family has small children, then first think carefully about the advisability of implementing our idea in the hall, otherwise white sofas, walls or curtains will very quickly become not very white.
You wouldn't punish a child for being a child, would you? Therefore, perhaps you should wait until the kids grow up a bit, and only then create a spectacular interior.

Non-staining black and white interior

2. But if you still decide to create a living room interior in black and white, then try to follow our recommendations - this way you will save both repairs and nerve cells:

  • all building and finishing materials must be water-resistant, washable, stable painted;
  • when purchasing white upholstered furniture, choose models with removable covers - they can be removed and washed, rather than changing the upholstery;
  • when buying a white floor covering, opt for a carpet with an anti-vandal thread;
  • For walls, use white outdoor paint - it is more resistant to physical impact and easier to clean.

Features of the interior design of the living room in black and white

1. The unshakable principle: "White increases, dark - reduces." In small living rooms, white should be predominant, in large ones a larger percentage of black is acceptable.

Black and white minimalism in a small living room

Perfectly maintained proportions in a small room - in the photo.
The minimalistic and rather strict design in pure white tones is perfectly set off by black furniture and picture frames, and the strict clarity of lines is softened by large curls of black and white wallpaper in the interior of the living room and sofa cushions echoing them.

2. Let's get back to proportionality, since interior design is not at all the case when the balance of black and white should be 50:50.
Please remember an important rule: one of the colors must prevail, otherwise the interior will be too colorful and... oddly enough, too boring.

Living room in the style of constructivism with a predominance of black

Look at the photo - in the living room in the style of constructivism, the predominant black color does not make the atmosphere gloomy, as it is sufficiently “diluted” with white walls and ceiling. A harmonious combination of floral stickers and boring geometry of the accent panel and upholstered furniture make the interior softer, identifying the owners of this apartment: a confident man and a romantic woman.

3. Very significant for the living room interior in black and white is the presence of a transitional color. For calm and balanced people, it can be gray and its shades, for creative eclectic personalities, brighter “spots” of warm tones are appropriate: red, yellow, orange.

Black-white-red hall interior

Dynamic and stylish black-white-red living room interior with elements of Japanese style - in the presented photo. Small red-burgundy spots of modular paintings and dresser fronts enliven the dark wall and, by the way, pay attention to another interesting trick: a contrasting white armchair is installed near the dark wall and vice versa.

4. Let's talk about flooring... In a contrasting interior, it is advisable to choose monochrome carpets or carpets so as not to add additional variegation, and dark color, of course, is more practical. Pay attention to steely shades of gray, muted red, red or terracotta and in no case buy brown coatings - it will immediately destroy all contrast, making the initially stylish design boring and dreary.

Unsuccessful interior of a small living room

For the first time we present to your attention a sharp anti-example of what flooring should NOT be. Not only is the fireplace wall adorned with mirrored geometric elements; that there are too many red-burgundy elements; that the sofa cushions add extra variegation, the choice of the carpet is also rather strange: a contrasting floral ornament on a brown laminate in a room heavily overloaded with furniture looks completely out of place.

5. The choice of modern finishing materials, including wallpapers, is impressive, but we suggest considering an interesting option for using black and white photo wallpapers in the living room interior. They can give additional volume to a limited space, and bring perspective to a large room.

The use of black and white photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Unusual interior, isn't it? Everything is present: black, white and red tones, a two-level ceiling, loft elements in the form of brick-like tiles on an accent wall, but...
Red cushions and an installation refresh the base white, spotlights are reminiscent of the outlines of flames and ancient peaks, and all these elements advantageously set off the wallpaper with a graphic image of an ancient castle, creating perspective and greatly increasing the visual perception of a small living room area.

Decor in the interior of the living room in black and white

Decor can do anything: add brightness or conciseness; make the room femininely romantic or, on the contrary, enhance the impression of the host's brutality...
How to place the right accents in a black and white interior?

As we said above, the right choice would be bright and style-appropriate elements: for example, an art deco hall can be decorated with original red sconces, a black and white Greek-style living room with a terracotta amphora, and a loft-style seating area with a yellow abstraction.

An exquisite white floor lamp against a black wall or a module in a black passe-partout against a white background - there are a lot of noteworthy ideas, proof in the photo.

Modular paintings in the interior of a black and white living room

Class! Nine modular paintings create the feeling of a beautiful sunset, accentuated by the gold cushions and sofa textiles. And, given the floor zebra carpet, it seems as if you are in the savannah.

Textiles in a black and white living room

Of no small importance in the interior of a black and white living room is the final chord: “clothes” for the windows. For example, white tulle and contrasting curtains are a traditional and correct solution, but black organza or muslin will make the window more spectacular, although not very familiar.

Curtains ... They can be varied: bright with floral ornaments - to soften hard high-tech; striped with a steel vertical - to visually increase the height of the ceilings; newfangled Roman ones - for a discreet design of a small room; bamboo blinds - for rooms in Japanese or Chinese style.

Double curtains with tiebacks in a black and white room

The contrasting upholstery of upholstered furniture is pleasantly complemented by soft tulle and draped double black and white curtains in the interior of the living room with a labriken and tiebacks, which is why the interior of this room looks airy and romantic.

Beware of bad taste, not experiments - life is much more fun and eventful with them.
If you are planning to make the floor white and the ceiling black, try it, because theory without practice is dead. And we will definitely help you with this.

Examples of interiors in black and white

Elegant veranda-living room in the style of minimalism
with elements of classicism

Living room in the style of maxi-constructivism

Black and white minimalism

Constructivism in a stylish white and black hall

Fusion art deco and minimalism

The combination of loft and art deco in the living room

Black and white eco-style in the fireplace room

Contrasting postmodernism in a small living room

Luxurious loft in a studio apartment

Minimalism with modern elements in the living room

Minimalistic constructivism in the dining room