Lush bushes "roly wet", flower care at home. Balsam flower - types, planting and care How balsam blooms

A wonderful plant with bright flowers. These ever-flowering bushes can also be found in the garden of your favorite country house and in city parks in flower beds and in indoor pots. Florists, gardeners, flower growers adore this flower for its various colors and shapes, which allows you to create different compositions and landscape masterpieces with it.

Belongs to the Balzamin family. Its homeland is South Asia, East Africa, India. In Russia, this plant began to be cultivated not so long ago, only in the 19th century.

Annual balsams, as a rule, decorate gardens and flower beds, perennials are grown at home, where it blooms all year round.

Balsam or "wet roly" flower

Among the people, this flower has several more names, because of its characteristics.

"Roly wet" was nicknamed because the plant loves moisture very much. After watering, dew drops stand out on the leaves.

This delicate flower is also called "touchy". During the ripening period of seeds, you can only touch the box with seeds, as it immediately crumbles. Even with a breath of wind, the seeds are dispelled.

With the onset of the evening, the balsam blooms a lot of flowers-lights, white, red, purple. And in the dark they shimmer with a wonderful light.

For this he is called "light"


Balsam grows in the form of:

  • Bush
  • ampelnaya
  • upright.

Leaves growing on petioles are oval or heart-shaped, wide at the base of growth and tapering towards the tip, smooth or serrated.

Arranged alternately, very densely. Depending on the species, the leaves can be from light green to dark green and brown shades.

Flowers- are the main advantage of balsam. At the same time, there can be from 30-50 of them on one bush.

The flower consists of 5 petals of an interesting shape. All of them are fused in pairs and freely located among themselves. Buds can be single or collected in inflorescences.

A small white bud blooms with decent bright, all kinds of petals, pink, red, purple.

There are buds with two-color flowers, in the form of a rose, camellia, carnation. With terry and semi-double petals.

After flowering, the buds turn into green fruits, which, when ripe, form into a box with seeds.

Popular types and varieties


It grows in the form of a bush, up to half a meter high. Erect stems, oval leaves, wide variety of shades.

It blooms profusely, with pinkish delicate petals.

Loves warmth and light.

Breeders have bred many subspecies from Waller's balsam variety.

The most famous:

  • Impatiens room
  • Balsam Khosta
  • Sultanic Balsam

Strawberries with cream

Refers to terry subspecies. Ideal for indoor growing. It grows in a compact bush, with well-branched stems. Flowers bicolor red and white. Blooms even in semi-dark places.


A bush with smooth juicy stems, up to 50 cm high. Leaflets pointed to the tip grow on petioles.

They surprise with abundant flowering, on each pedicel there are buds with a different color, velvety to the touch.

This variety has recently been bred by breeders.
He is absolutely not whimsical in care.


This variety has glossy foliage with a bronze sheen.

It blooms with many bright red flowers.

New Guinean

The flower is suitable for growing in open ground and for indoor growing on a windowsill.

Perennial hybrid, blooming with large flowers of variegated colors.

It has beautiful rich green foliage and brown veins.

It tolerates direct sunlight well, while blooming profusely.

Resistant to insects and pests.


Flower growers love ampelous varieties for the possibility of growing them in hanging containers.

Due to the hanging stems, on which many bright inflorescences are located, it is possible to hide the pot with flowering and a ball of flowers is formed.

"Elfin" is one of the subspecies of the ampel variety.

There are many other varieties, some of them are more capricious in care.

Landing and care

Lighting, location and temperature

Balsam loves light and warmth. South facing windows are ideal.

As for the care of young plants, it is better to start getting used to the sun on the western windowsills in the summer, and then transfer to a place open to the sun.

The right location will give Balsam flowering from early spring to late autumn.

Many varieties do not have a "rest" period, so it is necessary to maintain the same lighting and temperature all year round. In addition, artificial lighting is used.

Variegated varieties require more light than light green varieties.

Acceptable temperature + 18°С, +25°С.

Below + 12 ° C can have a detrimental effect on the plant. In order for the balsam to bloom profusely and form more buds in the next season, it is better for the plant to be in “rest”. In order for the plant to rest during the winter, it can be kept in a cool place. During the winter months, do not allow cooling on the windowsills. You can put a piece of foam under the container.

In the summer, it will be useful to take the plant to the balcony or terrace. At the same time, you need to make sure that the cheap one is not exposed to strong winds and rain.

Watering and humidity

In this case, you need to remove the top layer of the earth and fill up a new one.

In summer, watering is more plentiful, and in winter it is reduced.

When the top layer of the substrate dries out by 1-2 cm, it is time to water the plant.

At low temperatures and low light, water often, but not plentifully. Excess water from the pan must be poured out to prevent rotting of the roots.


If the balsam is watered correctly, then in the summer season, after each watering, droplets of moisture will form on the leaf plates, which candied over time.

To access the roots of oxygen, the soil must be loosened. And water in a thin stream at the base of the pot, avoiding water getting on the root neck.

Irrigation touchy does not like. Occasionally, you can wash and wipe with a cloth to remove dust.

If the air in the room is too dry, it is necessary to increase the humidity by 40-50%. To do this, put a container of water next to the pot, cover the batteries with a wet towel, irrigate the air from the atomizer.

soil and pot

A very important question is in which pot to transplant balsam.

Pot size is important for growing.
By its nature, the root system must completely wrap around the earthen ball. If the pot is large, in which a lot of earth can fit, then the plant will spend all its energy on building up the roots of the system.

And it will take more time for the buds to develop.

In addition, there will be a lot of soil in the pot and this will lead to dampness and disease of the roots.

The soil is suitable universal, you can from the store, you can make it yourself.

The main condition is the presence of drainage and holes in the pot for the release of excess water.


Use special fertilizers for flowering indoor plants, with the addition of phosphorus and potassium. They feed twice a month from mid-April to mid-autumn. In early spring, you can use nitrogen fertilizer to grow green mass. Do not use during flowering.

Reproduction by seeds

You can grow balsam from seeds.

When the boxes begin to turn white after flowering, they need to be tied with a cloth bag. And collect the seeds there.

When to sow seeds?

In order for the plant to bloom in summer, the seeds are planted at the end of February, for this they will need additional lighting.

If planted at the end of spring, then by autumn the balsam will bloom.

You can prepare the soil for seedlings by mixing peat, sand and garden soil (1: 1: 1) yourself

  1. Loosen the soil, break up all lumps and seals. Scatter in containers or pots. Moisturize with a spray bottle.
  2. Place the seeds on moist soil with a distance of 4-5 cm.
  3. 1-2mm. sprinkle with sand.
  4. Moisten with a spray bottle. Cover with foil or clear glass. Put in a warm place with a temperature of about + 20 ° C.
  5. Air and water regularly.

Shoots appear after 10-14 days.

As they grow, make holes in the film for ventilation so that the sprouts adapt to the external environment.

Plants dive after the appearance of 2-3 leaves.

Diseases are their causes

A huge selection of balsams will decorate your home, loggia, balcony or terrace. Its advantages are, a huge amount of flower cover, a variety of bright colors and ease of cultivation.

My first balm could not stand the wrong care. It stood for only a few months on the east window, after which it dropped leaves and flowers, stretched out and began to rot. Only then I realized that he lacked light!

Balsam has been known in Russia since the 19th century. The flower was adored by urban and rural residents for its beautiful, vibrant flowers. Already at that time it was known what character the balsam had, what kind of care he needed.

The people noticed that the flower loves moisture very much, and also releases its excess on its leaves, so it was called “Vanka-wet”, this name can still be heard from elderly lovers of domestic plants, as well as from flower growers from the countryside.

Another name for balsam is "light". This name was given to the flower due to the fact that it has very beautiful, bright red flowers that resemble lights.

The homeland of the plant is the small island of Zanzibar off the east coast of Africa, north of Madagascar. Balsams also grow in the wild in Central Africa and India. Their traditional habitat is tropical forests, where there is a lot of moisture and heat.

This explains the requirements of the plant for frequent watering and good lighting: it’s just that in the homeland the flower is used to just such conditions.

Balsam room: home care

The appearance of the plant is very spectacular: beautiful bright flowers, succulent leaves. At the same time, the stems and leaves of the flower have a number of disadvantages: they are very fragile, even brittle, so it is difficult to transplant the flower. Breeders also brought out balsams with two-color buds, as well as terry, semi-double.

Basic care conditions:

  • Abundant watering.
  • Location on the south window.
  • Access to fresh air.
  • Use of soft water.

Balsam is that rare flower that can be poured. And nothing bad will happen. But if you dry the plant, it can quickly die. It is important to use high-quality water that has settled during the day. Let there always be a large bottle of water in your house, your plants will thank you very much for this!

Remember - tap water is bad for most green friends who come from the tropics.

Another requirement of the plant is a sufficient amount of fresh air. Despite this feature, balsam categorically does not tolerate drafts. In the cold season, it is very important to remove the plant in the warm part of the apartment during airing.

Balsams love small pots, they bloom better in them and gain green mass well. It is easy to propagate using cuttings, so propagating the plant is not a problem, balsams take root well and, when optimal conditions are created, quickly grow to the desired height.

How to care for "Vanka-wet" in winter

In winter, it is better to protect "Vanka" from the cold, but you should not forget that he comes from Africa. Remove the plant from the window glass, put it closer to the warm streams from the battery.

In winter, it is important to maintain a long daylight hours, you may need a phytolamp (much depends on the location of your window, the level of its shade and the quality of artificial lighting in the room).

Of course, watering is reduced in winter. But not as much as is required for most plants. Even in winter, "Vanka-wet" remains a great lover of moisture! Monitor the condition of the soil, this is the most important indicator of the need for watering. Usually the plant is watered twice a week.

In the cold months, the plant rests from flowering, but after such a quality rest, it begins to bloom vigorously - from the very beginning of spring until late autumn.

How to care for the "light" in the summer months

Summer is the happiest time for balsam! No wonder, because the conditions are becoming similar to the conditions of his native Africa. During this period, the flower requires frequent watering, every other day. But it is important to drain the water from the pan, do not leave such a “reserve” for the flower, it is better to water it again in a day.

Leaving water out can cause root rot. And this is a very bad situation, in this case, not far from the death of the whole plant. Another rule: water the plant very carefully, in a thin stream closer to the edge of the pot, so that moisture does not get on the root area on the stem, this is not very pleasant for the plant.

In summer, "Vanka" grows well in the open field, it is not afraid of either night dew or evening coolness. Even the scorching rays of the sun are not a hindrance to him. But, of course, it is better to plant balsam where there is a natural shadow at noon (for example, the crown of trees).

Therefore, if you have your own house or summer cottage, then you can please the plant by planting it in a flower bed. In response to care, it will bloom magnificently and beautifully.

If dust appears on the leaves or flowers, then it is better to wash the flower, because the lack of clean surfaces on the green parts of the plants does not allow the production of chlorophyll.

If strong winds occur in your area, then it is best to plant the plant next to some kind of natural shelter, because the stems of the "light" are very fragile. In autumn, the plant returns to the pot, on the windowsill.

Balsam (Impatiens)- one of the long-loved and often found indoor plants. Many other names of balsam are known, and all of them are associated with the characteristics of the flower: after watering, droplets of sugary dew form along the edges of its leaves, for which in our area balsam is often called "Vanka is wet".

In England, due to its ability to bloom all year round, the flower was nicknamed "Diligent Lisa", and the name Impatiens itself translates as "touchy", because if you touch the box with seeds, it immediately "shoots" all its contents.

homeland of balsam- tropical and subtropical zones in Asia and Africa. In the homes of Europeans, the plant appeared in 1596, and since then it has perfectly taken root in the conditions of the European climate, becoming the ancestor of many modern cultivated species.

Common types of balsams

More than 400 varieties of indoor balsam are known. Depending on the variety, it can be an annual or perennial plant.

Lush balsam bushes very attractive- bright flowers with wavy petals are visible among the foliage, the color of which, depending on the variety, can vary from pale pink to rich orange and bright red.

Most often in houses you can find:

  • Balsam Waller(Impatienswalleriana) is a bushy herbaceous plant and is the parent form of numerous hybrids. You have erect succulent stems reaching half a meter in height. The leaves are tender, broadly oval, green or brownish in color.
  • Balsam Peters(Impatiens petersiana) is very similar to Waller's balsam, but still differs from it in higher growth, longer leaves and petioles, and slightly pubescent stems. But the main difference is the bronze color of the stems and leaves.
  • New Guinea balsam hybrids(Impatiens New Guinea). Representatives of these varieties are taller than Waller's balsam, have large flowers of various colors that bloom throughout the year. Plants are very decorative and are widely used in home floriculture.

Balsam Care

The flower gained its popularity due to its undemanding nature and ease of care. Representatives of balsam are light and thermophilic, easily tolerate a little belated watering and quickly recover.

Site selection and lighting

Balsam is a lover of bright light, but at the same time on his condition very bad effect direct sunlight, so at home it is recommended to shade the plant from bright sunlight.

In winter, indoor balsam it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of light, because it is thanks to this that balsam can bloom all year round.

In order for the balsam bush to have a uniform beautiful crown, the flowerpot with the plant must be periodically rotated, exposing the flower to the sun from different sides. Lack of light can cause the plant to completely stop producing buds and will lose its charm. The flower loves fresh air, but suffers from drafts.

Temperature and Humidity

In spring and summer, balsam perfectly tolerates temperatures of +25 degrees and above, but subject to fresh air and a moist substrate. In winter, the temperature should not fall below +10 +15 degrees.

Room balsam prefers moderate humidity, but only until the thermometer readings exceed +22 degrees.

Increasing the temperature above this value can cause rapid evaporation of moisture, resulting in balsam wither. Spraying will help save the situation, which is done carefully, trying not to get on the flowers and buds.

Watering and fertilizing the plant

Watered balsam during the summer months abundantly, as soon as the topsoil dries up. During watering, it is necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the root collar, for which watering is carried out along the edge of the pot. After the procedure, excess water from the pan must be drained.

It is better to water the plant with settled soft water. Using hard water, can eventually be found on the surface of the soil white coating, indicating the alkalization of the soil. In this case, it is recommended to replace the top layer of soil in the pot.

Insufficient watering can provoke a lag in growth of balsam, while its flowers dry and fall off.

Indoor from time to time balsam needs in loosening the topsoil (not deeper than 1 cm), which provides air access to the roots. Also, the flower needs top dressing, which is applied in the spring and summer once every two weeks. Fertilizers are best used complex, in half the dosage. After transplant top dressing is carried out no earlier than three weeks later.

Since the dormant period of the balsam not so pronounced, and even in winter, the flower releases buds, it is advisable to feed the plant with a weak mineral solution after their appearance. Fertilizers are applied to moist soil after watering the plant.

Transplant and pot selection

Transplant indoor balsam in spring and, as needed, in summer, while young plants need to be transplanted annually. An adult balsam flower is either transplanted, or renewed after 2-3 years by rooting the apical cuttings, since over time the balsam grows, becoming unattractive.

Choosing balsam pot, it should be remembered that its size must correspond to the size of the root system of the plant. It has been noticed that more lush flowering is achieved if the plant is a little cramped in the flowerpot. To give the plant a lush appearance, you can plant 2-3 copies in one pot.

soil for transplanting should not be too nutritious, as this will stimulate an intensive growth of green mass, which will inhibit flowering. To ensure the lightness and breathability of the substrate, it is necessary to add sand and peat to the leafy soil, or prepare a mixture of humus, compost, soddy soil and perlite in equal parts. One of the important conditions for transplantation is to provide balsam with high-quality drainage.


Usually in the spring, during transplantation, they produce pruning plants. If the balsam has grown too much during the winter, its stems are shortened by half. If the shoots have reached the desired length, pinch their tops, thus stimulating the emergence and growth of new side shoots and dense flowering.

Pruning Helps rejuvenate the plant, and cut apical shoots are used for reproduction. Also, to improve the decorative properties of balsam, old bare branches, dying leaves and flowers are removed.

Reproduction of room balsam

Balsam reproduces in two ways - seeds and cuttings.

- the simplest and least time-consuming method of obtaining a new instance. Healthy shoots, cut with at least two internodes from the mother plant, are placed in water or moist soil.

The cuttings take root rather quickly, after which they dive into pots with a diameter of 10 cm. Cuttings rooted in spring are able to bloom in the first year after planting.

Reproduction by seeds- a longer process, and some flower growers also do not recommend it for the reason that as a result there is a risk of getting a plant that does not meet expectations.

During seed propagation, maternal signs of balsam are practically not preserved, therefore, expecting to grow a plant with double flowers, you can get an ordinary "simpleton". This does not happen when cuttings, so hybrid varieties of balsams are propagated by shoots.

Common problems, diseases and pests of balsam

Like any home plant, balsam is not immune from various diseases and problems.

  • Too high a temperature with low humidity is not the best way to affect the condition of the plant - the leaves are drooping, flowering slows down. The plant needs to recreate optimal conditions for growth, and the flower will restore its original appearance.
  • Excessive watering is very harmful to balsam, as it causes occurrence fungus and mold growth. When the first signs appear, urgent measures must be taken - the flower is removed from the pot and, having carefully shaken the rhizome from the sour earth, it is transplanted into a flowerpot with new, looser soil and a good drainage system.
  • Discovering rot on the soil surface, it is necessary to replace its top layer. If you start the disease, the chances of saving the plant are minimal.
  • If the balsam flowers fall, it is worth reviewing the conditions of its content. The cause of subsidence can be dry air combined with insufficient watering, insufficiently high room temperature, poor lighting and an overabundance of top dressing.
  • Lack of lighting can affect the color of the leaves variegated varieties, which, when there is a lack of light, becomes pale and inexpressive. At the same time, shoots are significantly stretched, which negatively affects the decorative properties of balsam.
  • Weak flowering or its complete absence occurs when the plant lacks nutrients or there is a bias towards nitrogenous fertilizers that stimulate foliage growth. It may also be due to an unreasonably large pot or irregular watering.
  • Often the plant is affected, which is facilitated by low air humidity. You can get rid of the scourge with the help of insecticidal solutions.
  • and - another pest, the presence of which destroys the plant. It is also necessary to fight insects with the help of special preparations.

For a master class on the treatment of fungal diseases of balsam, see the video:

About the history, types, features of care and transplantation of indoor balsam at home, see the video:

As you can see, balsam - unpretentious plant, but it is worth considering that representatives of balsam with dark and bright colors are more hardy than their counterparts with light flowers.

Indoor balm or "Vanka wet" is a traditional potted culture, loved by all flower growers without exception. The plant conquers with its beauty, exceptional decorativeness and original features such as the ability to allocate dew. In the article, we will consider the nuances of growing indoor balsam, find out all the subtle points of care.

Indoor balsam is popularly called differently: “Diligent Lisa”, and “Roly Wet”, and “Spark”, and even “Touchless”. In nature, the flower is found in the subtropical regions of Asia and the African continent. Balsam is able to bloom profusely and for quite a long time.

External characteristic

The plant has a thin stem, covered with smooth bark, reaches a height of 35-40 cm. The balsam foliage is dense, elegant, dark green saturated color, has an oblong shape (see photo). Each green leaf boasts decorative splashes of purple.

The flowers are beautiful, lush, have a wide color range. So, you can see balsams with burgundy, white, red, purple, pink petals. Moreover, the shade of color in each case will be pure and saturated. We note the long flowering of the plant, which, under favorable circumstances, does not stop throughout the warm season.

Species and varieties

Today, scientists have discovered and artificially bred about 400 different types and varieties of indoor balsam. The assortment of shops and nurseries includes both annual and perennial varieties. Note that perennials are usually used for growing at home. Let's get acquainted with the most popular and beautifully flowering varieties.


This balsam is a half-meter bush, very lush and branched. Based on the variety, many varietal hybrids have been bred. The stems of the plant are straight, very juicy and fleshy, the foliage is delicate oval, brownish-green. It is necessary to grow this balsam in warm and light conditions.

New Guinean

Hybrid variety, very showy and popular. New Guinea balsam is famous for its large, lush and bright buds. Perennial can be successfully grown not only at home on the windowsill, but also in the open field, if the climate allows.

In this case, not only the buds are beautiful, but also the foliage: it has a bright greenish-yellow hue, contrasting veins. New Guinea balsam is grown exclusively in warm and sunny conditions.


Recently bred variety, but already managed to gain fame. It reaches half a meter in height, its leaves are oblong, pointed, can be of different shades of green. The flowering of Kandy balsam is abundant and lush, and the color of the buds can be different. Bright petals have a delicate velvety texture.

Here we have given far from all varieties grown indoors, but only the most popular ones. The listed varieties are the most unpretentious, so the choice fell on them. Of course, there is still a huge variety of species and varieties, but be careful - many of them are very capricious and require tireless care.

Growing conditions

We will find out where in the house it is best to place the plant, and what conditions it needs to provide.

Location and lighting

It is necessary to grow indoor balsam in the brightest place at home - a window sill is optimal for this purpose. However, the direct rays of the sun should not fall, because balsam is a very delicate and sensitive flower. Thus, if the window sill is on the south side, take care of the midday shading of the plant.

In winter, the flower also needs light: it is thanks to year-round good lighting that this plant blooms for so long. If there is not enough lighting, the balsam will react to this egregious fact by stopping flowering and losing most of its attractiveness.

From time to time, turn the pot of balsam in different directions to the light. This simple measure will ensure uniform crown formation and a neat appearance of the plant.


In the warm season, indoor balsam can grow at any external temperature, the optimal range is + 20-24 degrees. Drops are best avoided, as they have a bad effect on the well-being of the plant.

In summer, you can take the pot out of the house to the balcony or veranda, terrace. Just make sure that the plant does not fall under drafts, the wind is too strong. Otherwise, the breeze will pretty much shake the sensitive balsam.

In winter, keep the flower at a temperature of + 12-16 degrees, not lower. The plant does not tolerate low temperatures: after all, the balsam is a tropical flower.


The plant needs air sufficiently moist, does not like dryness. If the room gets too hot (above +22 degrees), you need to take care of additional moistening of the plant. In the best and most gentle way, a container of water placed next to the balsam will help to normalize the level of humidity. Spraying can also be carried out, but only the air nearby, and not the flower itself.

Balsam needs fresh air, but it needs to be protected from drafts.


Indoor balsam prefers loose and nutritious soil, the composition does not really matter. However, oversaturation of the substrate with minerals, salts, sulfates and nitrogen should be avoided. If you overdo it with dressings, lush greenery will form at the balsam, but the flowers will either be few or not at all.

As for acidity, it should not be high. Choose either a neutral or slightly acidic substrate. If you are preparing the mixture yourself, take the following components:

  • turf - 2 parts;
  • foliage soil - 2 parts;
  • sand - 2 parts;
  • humus -2 parts;
  • peat - 1 part.


For balsam, you need a small pot, since in a large container you will have to wait too long for flowering, and rotting of the roots is more likely. The plant has a peculiarity - it does not bloom until its roots completely master the earthen ball: you yourself understand that there is more land in a large pot. But if the pot is only large, then plant two flowers in it at once.

Do not forget about drainage holes - any container intended for balsam should be equipped with them. At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer should be laid with a thickness of about a third of the height of the entire substrate. This measure will protect the delicate balsam from many diseases and misfortunes.

How to care

We will find out what kind of care a room balsam needs for the successful development and flowering.


Note that indoor balsam needs a lot of water. If the plant does not have enough moisture, its stems will lose elasticity, and the foliage may fall off. When dry, the leaves begin to hang helplessly like sluggish rags. However, if the situation has not yet reached a critical point, after watering the leaves very quickly become bright and elastic again.

Watering a flower should not be anyhow, but according to certain rules, then we will consider these same rules.

Firstly, the water should only be soft, warm and pre-settled, without impurities of metals and harmful salts. If the upper part of the substrate turns white from salt, it is removed and fresh soil is added. This measure will help protect the plant from diseases and prevent other problems.

Water carefully and very carefully, trying not to get on the foliage and buds. It is better if the water flows along the inner edge of the pot: this will prevent splashing on the delicate root neck.

The frequency of moisturizing procedures is as follows: every other day in summer, once a week in winter. The drying of the earthen clod should not be allowed, however, as well as the stagnation of water in the soil, the pan.

Attention: the peculiarity of the flower is that after watering, droplets of moisture form on the tips of its leaves - for which, in fact, they called it “wet vanka” among the people. These droplets then dry up and become grains of sugar.

top dressing

Balsam needs frequent and plentiful feeding only during its flowering period: from about spring to late autumn. At the indicated time, liquid top dressing is applied for flowers with a frequency of once every two weeks. From the end of August, feeding begins to be reduced, and until February, the application schedule should be followed once a month.

Tip: Fertilize after watering while the soil is still damp.


The procedure is necessary for the plant, it helps to maintain its well-groomed, neat appearance. It is carried out in the spring, during the next transplant.

The shoots that have grown strongly during the winter are shortened to half, and the branches of the desired length are pinched so that they branch better. If the apical shoots are cut strong and healthy, they are used for propagation.

In addition to forming pruning, sometimes a balsam also needs a rejuvenating one. This procedure is carried out only in relation to an adult plant, if it has become very bare and has acquired an unpresentable appearance of the branch, dead shoots have appeared.


The procedure is carried out in the spring, but sometimes, if necessary, in the summer. If the balsam is still young and growing rapidly, it needs an annual change of residence. Often, in order to give the plant more splendor, two parts are rooted at once in one pot during transplantation.

Tip: do not take too fertile substrate when transplanting, as this will slow down the flowering of the plant.

Reproduction features

At home, balsam is usually propagated by cuttings, much less often by seeds. Below are the details of both methods.


Due to the troublesomeness, duration and not always predictable result, seed propagation of balsam is not very popular. However, there is a plus - sowing can be done year-round. The following is a step by step process.

  1. Seeds should first be soaked in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate for 10 minutes to kill fungal spores and microbes.
  2. Landing is carried out in a mixture of perlite (1 part) with peat (2 parts). Seeds are deepened by 7 mm, the soil is moistened from above.
  3. After sowing, the container must be covered with a film to create optimal humid-warm conditions. After 8-10 days, shoots usually appear.
  4. Remove the film after seed germination, at the stage when the seedlings reach 1.5-2 cm of growth, dive it.
  5. Further, the young balsam is grown as a separate full-fledged plant.


A much more common and simple method of reproduction. Note that all varietal and species characteristics of balsam are preserved during cuttings: seed propagation does not have this advantage. It is even better to propagate terry varieties with seeds and not try - only cuttings.


  1. In the spring the stalk is cut off. Usually planting material is taken at standard pruning and transplanting. The cutting must be taken from the apical shoot, the length of the process should be about 7 cm. Make sure that the cutting has 2-3 developed internodes.
  2. The lower leaves, if any, are removed.
  3. The shoot is placed in water, waiting for the formation of roots.
  4. After the roots are formed, the stalk is planted in a nutrient substrate. The top of the pot is covered with a glass jar until the stalk takes root in the ground.
  5. After about two weeks, the shoot takes root, and after another 2-3 months it is already able to bloom.

What problems may arise

Room balsam, due to its tenderness and sensitivity, is very susceptible to various diseases and insect damage. Other problems like yellowing or leaf fall also occur. Next, we will get acquainted with the most common problems when growing balsam and find out how to deal with them on our own.



This is a viral disease that manifests itself in the form of light spots on the leaves of balsam. In addition to spotting, the shoots are still deformed during the mosaic, the plant as a whole looks oppressed, withered. Flower growth stops. You can eliminate the mosaic with the help of fungicides. But in severe cases, you have to part with balsam.


Also a virus, unfortunately, not amenable to therapy. You can understand that your balsam is struck by bronzeness by the rapidly fading green part, the appearance of holes in the foliage.

powdery mildew

Fungal disease, expressed as a whitish, unpleasant-looking bloom on the foliage. In addition to the plaque, the leaves of the plant are still curled, the bush looks half-wilted, weak. Dew is controlled with copper-containing fungicides. If the disease has not yet spread, you can cope with it with folk methods - for example, with a soapy solution.


Falling buds

An unpleasant situation arises with improper maintenance and care of the plant. More often than other factors, excessively dry air, poor watering, low temperatures, and regular overfeeding cause flowers to fall off.

leaves turn yellow

Yellowing of the vegetative part occurs most often with a lack of moisture, sometimes due to sunburn. In winter, the problem happens because the temperature in the room is too low.

Room balsam is threatened mainly by spider mites and whiteflies. Pests appear when the air is too dry. To cope with them, it is enough to treat the bush with a suitable insecticide and then maintain an optimal microclimate in the room.

We learned how to grow indoor balsam, got acquainted with the intricacies of caring for this wonderful plant. Although balsam is a tropical guest, under suitable conditions and good care, it grows safely even in apartments in the far north. And thanks to competent agricultural technology, you can enjoy the flowering of the plant for a very long time.

A plant with fleshy stems, oval-lanceolate leaves blooms profusely from July until the first frost. Thanks to such a long period, the British call him "busy Lisa", the Germans - "diligent Liza." For the expressive color and variety of shades of flowers, the Austrians call the balsam "a beautiful wreath", comparing it with an attractive girl.

In the CIS countries, balsam has acquired many affectionate and interesting middle names. "Roly wet" - the name, which comes from the fact that drops of a sugary liquid protrude along the edges of the leaves. The plant was nicknamed "Spark" because of the bright buds.

Balsam is known as "touchy". It is connected with the peculiarity of the fruit: a light touch on mature oblong boxes leads to their cracking. They shoot seeds.

Indoor varieties

Cultivation of "light" begins with the choice of variety. The table lists the main types that can be used indoors.

Table - Varieties of balsam

Tempo F1 Hybrid- Plant height can reach 25 cm;
- apricot or rose buds
Stardust F1 Mixed- Silver plated petals;
- wide border in orange, red or pink at the edges
Bruno F.T.- Abundant flowering and juicy green foliage;
- large petals from red to lilac
firefly- The plant has a large palette of shades of flowers: orange, pink, purple
Fiesta FT- Terry flowers have a rich red color
Balsam New Guinea- Abundant flowering that lasts all year round;
- leaves can be bronze, bright green or variegated
Paradise- Lanceolate leaves may be dark, bright green or variegated;
- flowers of various bright colors
Java- Bronze or green leaves;
- flowers of bright "tropical" shades
jangle rain- Flowers in delicate pastel colors

Balsam care: what to consider

In order for the "light" to grow well and please with a healthy appearance, it needs to create favorable conditions. Knowing how to care for balsam after flowering or during growth, and following simple rules, you can achieve year-round flowering or enjoy beauty from May to December.

Lighting and location

The plant loves light, therefore, it cannot be kept in the shade, partial shade, since it does not bloom under such conditions. But you should avoid exposure to sunlight. An ideal place in summer and spring is the east window. In autumn and winter, it is better to place the flowerpot on the south side.

"Vanka wet" can grow not only in natural light, but also in artificial light. In order for it to have a uniform healthy crown, it should be substituted to the light source on different sides. Otherwise, the balsam may stop releasing buds and become unattractive.

"Spark" does not tolerate smoke from tobacco products. Therefore, a healthy plant cannot exist in a room where people smoke.

Temperature regime

The ideal temperature regime in summer is 21 °C. Based on the feedback from gardeners, if it is higher, then the plant needs to provide high humidity and intensive watering. In winter, 10-16 °C are excellent conditions. Frost, cold air - this is what should be avoided.

Starting in spring, the "light" can be taken out to the balcony or terrace at a temperature of at least 15 ° C. It should be a place protected from rain, wind, direct sunlight.

The culture is sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, drafts. You need to ventilate the room, but it is better to do it carefully.


"Vanka is wet" does not like a dry microclimate, especially in the cold seasons, when the heaters are turned on. Humidity is maintained through periodic spraying. Water should not fall on the flowers. A plant with abundant flowering is best kept on a pallet with pebbles, expanded clay. Spraying is carried out in the early morning hours or in the evening. This avoids sunburn.

A dangerous enemy of the "light" is the spider mite. It appears and breeds in dry climates. But observing the regime of humidity, you can effectively deal with it.


The plant needs abundant watering throughout the year, except for winter. With the onset of cold weather, it is limited. If water stagnates in the pan, then you need to reduce its amount. Finding out whether the plant has enough moisture or too much is simple: with excessive watering, green moss appears on the soil.

"Handy" in the summer is watered at least three times a week. Winter care for balsam in a pot - watering just once or twice a week. Spraying the leaves is carried out in the early morning or evening. This avoids sunburn.

Soft filtered water at room temperature is used. If you take liquid from the tap, then over time a white coating forms on the ground. This is a sign of alkalization of the soil. You will have to replace its top layer.

Excessive soil moisture is a favorable environment for the emergence and reproduction of sciarids. Small midges can destroy the plant. Also, excess moisture leads to rotting of the root system, stems.

top dressing

From April to November, the plant must be fertilized every ten days with mineral complexes. After transplantation, top dressing is carried out after two to three weeks. The dormant period of the plant is not very pronounced, so additional nutrition is needed in winter. After the buds have appeared, a small amount of fertilizer is added to the soil. It is applied after watering in moist soil.

If you decide to feed the "light" during the flowering period, then fertilizers with a large amount of nitrogen are not recommended. During this period, compositions of phosphorus and potassium will become the most effective and useful.

Trimming and pinching

In order for the "touchy" to have a well-groomed and healthy appearance, annual pruning is necessary. In early spring, elongated long branches are cut. The procedure is not carried out immediately, but gradually, so as not to injure the plant.

The procedure is necessary so that the bush grows actively, the flowering is lush. It is better to pinch the balsam after picking, as during this period it is actively growing. A simple manipulation is carried out at the top of the plant. Together with it, you can remove sluggish and dry leaves. Dwarf varieties do not need to pinch.

Soil and transplant

"Vanka wet" grows in light, loose and moderately nutritious soil with a slightly acidic environment. In too loose soil, the plant will be unstable. Excessive amounts of minerals, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate will result in strong leaf growth and few flowers.

You can make a composition of turf land, humus, compost and perlite. All components are taken in equal parts. Also, another composition of sand, peat (one part each) and leafy soil (two parts) is also an excellent option. Humus can be taken from under the linden, maple.

Transplantation is carried out every year in the spring. It is better to do this in March or April. Having decided to transplant the "light", the gardener must adhere to certain rules. It is very important to choose a flowerpot of the correct size. If it is too large, then the plant will spend energy on the formation of roots and they will not be enough for flowering. The most comfortable conditions for "touchy" is when the roots completely fill the pot. It should be of medium volume with a small amount of soil.

Reproduction methods

Balsam loses its decorative properties in three to five years, so there is a need to grow a new plant. Cuttings allow you to save all varietal characteristics, unlike planting seeds.


Peculiarities . Before propagating balsam with cuttings, materials and tools should be prepared. You will need a knife with a sharp blade, a water container, perlite, glasses, soil, a pot. For successful rooting, you can leave the cuttings in a greenhouse or cover with polyethylene. It is better to keep them under diffused light and maintain a temperature of 22 ° C.

Work progress

  1. Below the node, we cut off the stalk 10-12 cm long.
  2. We leave the process in warm water (30 ° C).
  3. We remove the leaves, colored buds and make up the top two sheets.
  4. We fill disposable glasses with perlite and immerse the stalk 3 cm into it, pour warm water over it.
  5. We wait two to three weeks until rooting occurs.
  6. We transplant into a pot.


Peculiarities . Growing balsam from seeds at home is possible only for simple and non-terry varieties. Sow seeds in February or March. But if you need the plant to bloom in May, then the procedure is performed in January. Seeds germinate in bright diffused light and a temperature of 22°C. After transplantation, the temperature drops to 18-20°C. Maternal characteristics are practically not preserved.

Work progress

  1. Before planting, soak the seeds in warm water for three hours or in a solution of potassium permanganate for ten minutes.
  2. Gently press the seeds into the perlite and water.
  3. Create a greenhouse effect with cellophane.
  4. We are waiting for two or three weeks.
  5. Seedlings can be planted only when two leaves develop.

Possible difficulties in growing

A green pet is exposed to negative factors - diseases and pests. If you have the necessary information and correctly respond to the problem, then you can save the "touchy".


The appearance and reproduction of pests is the result of unscrupulous care. The table shows the worst enemies of the "touchy" and the symptoms of their defeat.

Table - Pests attacking balsam

spider mite- Small yellow spots form on the bush;
- over time, the spots increase and turn into colorless, dried patches;
- small mites are visible on the inside of the leaves in the web
Multi-claw mites- Leaves harden, deform, curl;
- small white mites appear and multiply at elevated temperatures, in a humid environment
thrips- Spots appear on the flowers, they turn brown along the edges;
- deformation is observed during growth;
- insects accumulate in the stamen area
Aphid- Leaves and flowers become yellow and curly;
- flowering stops
whitefly- With a strong defeat, the balsam leaves turn yellow and fall off

Preventive measures and treatment are the same: the affected areas are removed, the plant is treated with water, soap solution. With a large accumulation of insects, spraying preparations such as Akarin, Fitoverm, Vertimek, Aktara and analogues are used. They must be applied in a course of several procedures.


Why did the balsam stop blooming? What happens to the leaves? All these conditions are quite understandable. The leaves turn yellow and dry - it means not enough moisture. Buds fall - the soil is waterlogged or overdried. The stems are stretched, the plant blooms weakly - there is not enough light. Problems are solved by normalizing and adjusting the frequency of irrigation, lighting. But there are diseases caused by viruses that require surgical intervention. Examples of symptoms are in the table.

Table - What and how does the "light" hurt

The affected areas are removed. Biological preparations are used for spraying, including Alet, Ridomil Gold, Fitosporin-M, Fufanon.

Despite the fact that the composition of the plant has not yet been fully studied, there are cases of its use in traditional medicine. Ural, Caucasian, Siberian healers know how to care for balsam, and prepare infusions and decoctions from it. The funds are used to treat kidney stones, ulcers, hemorrhoids, rheumatism.