False Yucca palm: propagation methods, proper planting. What is a yucca flower? Planting room yucca

Exotic plants have attracted gardeners throughout time. One of the brightest representatives of the class of evergreens is yucca. This plant, which belongs to the agave family, is native to the humid subtropics of North America. This requires the owner to create similar conditions: the climate must be dry and hot. However, not everyone has the necessary knowledge about the rules for caring for this plant at home, reproduction features, etc.


This plant may have single or branched trunk. Also, yucca differs from other plants in that the leaves cover not only the branches, but also the trunk. They are slightly elongated and form a pointed shape at the end. Throughout its life, yucca blooms very rarely. Its flowers are quite large and have a white tint. For many, they are associated with bells because of the original shape. Many gardeners choose this plant not to enjoy their flowering, but to enjoy the unusual appearance. After all, yucca strongly resembles a miniature palm tree.

If you are going to grow yucca in pots, it is recommended to install them on a window located on the south side. In this case, it is undesirable that direct sunlight falls on the flower. In the absence of a bright place yucca can be placed in partial shade where she will also feel good. However, do not count on the formation of a lush green crown.

With the onset of summer, it is recommended to take the flower to the balcony or it can be transported to the country house, where it should find a place on the street. Here the yucca will receive the maximum amount of light. Plant care is simple, but first it does not hurt to get acquainted with the features of planting this plant.

I would like to repeat once again that yucca is a photophilous plant. Therefore, in the room where it is grown, it is necessary to maintain a fairly high temperature. This flower reacts with active growth if the temperature in summer is within + 20+25 degrees Celsius. With the onset of winter, the plant is recommended to be moved to a dark place where the temperature should be maintained within + 10-12 degrees. It is important to take care that at this time of the year there are no sudden changes in temperature, even though the plant will be at rest at this time. If the air temperature in the room drops below critical levels, the plant will not be ready for this and will die.

Watering and spraying

Watering is one of the important activities that determines how strong and healthy the plants will turn out. Yucca is not very demanding on moisture, so frequent watering can harm it. Be sure to take care that on the surface of the soil the water didn't stay stagnant for a long time. She also does not feel better if she remains without moisture for a long time. In winter, it is watered much less frequently. Usually, watering once a week is sufficient to meet water needs.

Useful in the summer is spraying plants, which must be carried out very carefully. When moistening the leaves, care must be taken to ensure that they are protected from sunlight. Otherwise, it will cause burns. It is also important to avoid getting water into the rosettes of leaves and between the trunks of adjacent plants during the operation. In winter, the leaves are sprayed more often than in summer, since at this time the level of humidity in the room decreases. This measure is effective if the procedure is carried out in winter at least once a day.

When growing any plants at home, caring for them involves fertilizing. And yucca is no exception. It is best to schedule fertilization for the warm season when the plants enter the stage of active growth. Fertilizers will not do any good if they are applied to the soil too often. Usually it is enough to carry out this operation every two to three weeks. You can improve the quality of the soil by introducing manure, humus or peat into it. The best effect can be achieved if, in the process of caring for plants, use special fertilizers for agave.


There are several ways in which you can propagate yucca at home.

  1. Pieces of the trunk 15 cm long;
  2. Cut and rooted tops;
  3. child sockets.

As a substrate where the planting material will take root, you can use sand or mixture based on sand and peat. When the material is ready, the plant must be planted in a pot, after filling it with a soil substrate, which must necessarily contain pieces of charcoal. Also, drainage must be provided in the container, which can be used as pieces of rubble or broken shards. The latter are best suited because of their lower weight. Also, many gardeners grow yucca from seeds.

Reproduction of yucca by top cuttings

When the gardener has the first adult yucca bush, it can be used for propagation at home. It must be borne in mind that it must be a flower with a height of at least 30 cm. One of the possible methods of propagation of the yucca palm is using a cutting taken from the top.

  • for harvesting, the branch must be cut with a sharp knife or blade. You should not harvest too much planting material - the plant will feel worse if it has few green leaves left;
  • after harvesting the cuttings, the cut points must be lubricated with crushed coal. After waiting a little, you can later see how new branches will begin to grow from the healed wound. As a result, such a manipulation allows you to get a spectacular branched yucca;
  • after harvesting the cuttings, it is necessary to give them time to dry. This usually takes about two hours. Then they need to be placed in wet sand. Until the time comes for transplanting the plants to a permanent place, they must be kept moist. To do this, the top can be placed in a glass of water, after adding activated charcoal to it. Even before rooting, individual leaves may die. This point needs to be tracked and removed. When the root system develops well enough, you can transplant the plant into a pot.

Reproduction by a piece of the trunk

The operational method of breeding yuca is use of stem pieces. This method is more suitable for those gardeners who have repeatedly propagated this flower. First you need to very carefully cut off part of the trunk and place it in wet sand. This must be done in such a way that the planting material is located horizontally. By keeping the sand moist, you will soon be able to notice how roots and buds begin to form on the handle. As a result, this method will allow you to get several new yucca seedlings.

Reproduction at home by offspring

The offspring that this flower can often produce can also act as good planting material. First you need find the right container filled with wet sand. Then it is necessary to carefully separate the offspring and place it in the soil substrate, fixing it vertically. After some time, a small tree will grow out of it, which subsequently needs to be very carefully looked after. Therefore, you will have to prepare a pot filled with oily garden soil for transplanting.

Plant pruning

The benefit of pruning is that it allows you to form a lush and branched crown of the plant. To do this, you will have to remove part of the top of the bush - by about 10 cm. The cut point must be treated with crushed coal or garden pitch. Such an operation can only be carried out in relation to those palm trees that have been able to take root well and have reached a height of 60 cm.

In order for a flower to grow well after transplantation, it needs not only proper care, but also a high-quality soil mixture. To do this, you need garden soil, to which you need to add sand in the amount of 1/3 of the volume of the prepared mixture. To the bottom of the pot lay broken shards, and a piece of permeable geotextile is placed on top. After that, the container is filled with earth, but only up to half the volume. Having completed the basic preparations, they proceed directly to transplanting palm trees.

Plant diseases

Yuka is no different from other garden crops, so she needs to provide appropriate care. Deterioration in the condition of the palm can be observed as a result of damage fungal or bacterial infections. This can be determined by the appearance of dark spots on the leaves. Subsequently, in the absence of measures, this can lead to softening of the tissues and their decay. In some cases, this process may also affect part of the trunk.

In this state, care will involve removing the affected areas with a sharp knife. The same must be done for damaged leaves. Unaffected parts of the yucca bush should be treated with a systemic fungicide. During this period, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering. The same diseases can also affect plants grown indoors. In this case, you need to take care of them in a similar way.

Yucca is resistant to many insect pests. However, it poses a great danger spider mite, which she can contract in hot weather. To combat it, it is recommended to use a weak solution of tobacco tincture, which needs to be sprayed on the trunk and leaves.


Although yucca rarely pleases with its flowering, however, many gardeners are interested in its unusual decorative look. Therefore, many who had the opportunity to enjoy the view of this plant often set out to plant it on their site. This is quite simple to do if you follow the agricultural practices of growing yucca.

Home care is just as important. Particular attention must be paid soil mixture preparation, since before the moment of transplanting the yucca to a new place, optimal conditions for its growth should be created. Also, success in this business largely depends on the right planting material. It is best to use cuttings, which in most cases take root well and grow into a strong, healthy plant.

The perennial tree plant Yucca (Yucca) is part of the Agave family. This genus unites about 40 species that are naturally found in the subtropical zone of North America. In the homeland of such a plant, it is used in various fields. From the cut flowers, juice is extracted, which is characterized by a high sugar content. Filamentous yucca is used to make strong fibers, which were used to make the first jeans, and then they were replaced by cotton. However, even today in the United States, yucca is added to the fabric used to make jeans, making it stronger and more durable. In addition, yucca fibers are used to make rope ropes and paper, plus this plant has healing properties.

Yucca is an evergreen plant with a low stem that may or may not branch at all. In some species, the stem cannot be seen, while large spectacular leaf plates rise immediately above the soil surface, which are placed in a spiral. Large erect inflorescences reach a length of about 200 centimeters, they grow from the middle of a leaf rosette and have a panicle shape. Bell-shaped drooping flowers in length reach about 70 mm, they have a white color. The fruit is a ten-centimeter box, inside of which there are black seeds, reaching up to 10 mm in diameter.

When grown at home, the tree is recommended to be placed in a hall or a large room, because it can reach a height of about four meters. Such a plant looks very similar to a false palm tree. It should be borne in mind that flowering is observed only in adult yucca, during which white flowers appear that look similar to bells. Such a plant is often used as a decoration for a large room, while those bushes that have several growth points (branching trunk) are of the greatest value.

  1. Bloom. Yucca at home is grown as a decorative leafy large-sized.
  2. illumination. Needs bright light, which must be diffused.
  3. Temperature regime. In spring and summer, the plant feels comfortable at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees; in autumn and winter, the room should not be warmer than 12 degrees.
  4. . Immediately after drying the top layer of the substrate in a pot to a depth of 50 mm, the plant is watered abundantly.
  5. Air humidity. Requirements for the level of air humidity depend on the type of yucca. Some species need systematic humidification from a spray bottle, a regular warm shower, and it is recommended to pour moistened expanded clay into the pan. However, some of the species grow at normal air humidity, typical for living rooms.
  6. fertilizers. In the spring-summer period, top dressing is carried out once every 15–20 days; for this, a mineral complex fertilizer is used in half the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. Moisten the underside of the leaf plates with a nutrient solution.
  7. rest period. Not pronounced.
  8. Transfer. It is carried out only if necessary after the root system becomes very crowded in a pot. This procedure is best done in the spring, in the summer they are transplanted only when absolutely necessary. It is not recommended to transplant very large bushes, but they need to replace the top layer of the substrate in the container every year.
  9. soil mixture. The substrate must be neutral with a pH of 6.0-6.5. If possible, it is better to buy a ready-made soil mixture for yucca, while adding 30 percent of sand (of the total volume) to it.
  10. reproduction. Stem segments, cuttings and seed method.
  11. Harmful insects. Whiteflies, spider mites, scale insects and mealybugs.
  12. Diseases. If the plant is not properly cared for or does not provide it with suitable conditions for growth, then its foliage may lose its decorative effect.


When grown indoors, yucca should be provided with very bright lighting, as it is light-loving. However, despite this, the flower should be shaded from the direct rays of the sun, especially if it stands near south-facing windows. It grows best on the western and eastern windows. If natural lighting is too poor, then the bush must be illuminated for at least 16 hours a day with fluorescent lamps, for this they are installed at a distance of 0.3–0.6 m from the plant. In the warm season, if desired, the yucca can be transferred to the street, while for it you need to choose a place that will be protected from direct sunlight, as well as from rain. If in the summer it is in the room, then it should be systematically and quite often ventilated.

Temperature regime

In the spring and summer, make sure that the room is not colder than 20 degrees and not warmer than 25 degrees. If the tree has been exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, then it must be moved to a shaded place, and after it has cooled, it is moistened from a sprayer. In the autumn-winter period, the air temperature should not be higher than 12 degrees.

If, during a warm winter, the lighting in the room is too poor, then the bases of the stems may stretch out, and the foliage will become thin, faded and lethargic. If the yucca weakens, then this can cause an invasion of harmful insects, while its foliage turns yellow and flies around. If you cannot provide the plant with a temperature of 10 to 12 degrees in winter, then in the fall it is kept outside until the very cold, and in the spring they are transferred to fresh air as early as possible. If the bush is placed on the street in a protected place, then even short-term frosts will not be able to harm it.

The following factors influence the frequency and abundance of watering a crop:

  • temperature and humidity level;
  • the size of the pot and the material from which it is made;
  • bush size;
  • substrate characteristics.

In the spring-summer period, watering should be plentiful, it is carried out immediately after the top layer of the soil mixture dries to a depth of about 50 mm. If the weather is hot in the summer, then watering should be more frequent, but still, between them, the surface of the soil mixture should have time to dry out. If the yucca is cool, then the amount of watering is reduced, otherwise the liquid will stagnate in the soil mixture, due to which rot will appear on the plant, and this can lead to its death.

Air humidity

Some types of yucca when grown at home must be systematically moistened from a sprayer. To do this, use boiled water at room temperature. To maintain high air humidity, moistened pebbles or gravel can be poured into the pan. While moistening the bush, it should be protected from direct sunlight, otherwise burns may form on its surface. In order to remove dust and dirt from the foliage, the bush can sometimes be washed under a warm shower, while the surface of the substrate must be protected from liquid ingress.

In spring and summer, such a culture should be fed regularly 1 time in 15–20 days. To do this, use a diluted mineral complex fertilizer. The plant responds well to feeding with infusion of mullein, leaf humus or horse manure. However, experienced flower growers recommend spraying the underside of the leaf plates with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer. If the plant is sick or it was transplanted not so long ago, then top dressing should be suspended, since at this time they can only harm it.


As a rule, yucca has only 1 trunk, but with proper pruning, it can form several trunks. To do this, you need a young bush, which must be healthy and strong, while its height must be at least 0.3 m. In the last spring or first summer weeks, cut off the top of the bush, for this you need to use a very sharp tool. You need to cut off only 50-100 mm, but so that as much foliage as possible remains on the bush. Be sure to process the cuts, for this they are sprinkled with coal powder.

Yucca transplant

It is better to transplant yucca in the spring, but it can also be done in the summer, if necessary. At the bottom of the tank, before planting, you need to make a good drainage layer; for this, expanded clay, pebbles or broken bricks are used. The substrate should be medium neutral with a pH of 6.0–6.5 if peat is included in its composition. About 30 percent of sand (of the total volume of the substrate) should be poured into the finished soil mixture.

Yucca is recommended to be transplanted using the transshipment method, while trying to keep the clod of earth intact. If rot has appeared on the root system, for example, due to stagnation of fluid in the substrate, then the plant should be transplanted as soon as possible, while the rotten areas are cut out. Yucca is well suited for growing hydroponically.

Reproduction methods

If desired, yucca can be grown from seeds. To do this, freshly harvested seeds are sown in a substrate consisting of soddy and leafy soil, as well as sand, which are taken in equal parts. Crops should be systematically watered, ventilated, and condensate must be removed from the surface of the shelter. The first seedlings should appear after about one month. After the seedlings grow and get stronger, they will need to be picked out into individual pots, reaching about 60 mm in diameter. Then they begin to gradually accustom to the same care that an adult plant needs. After 12 months, the plants will need to be transferred to larger pots (20–30 mm in diameter larger than the previous ones).

Reproduction by a segment of the trunk

Since at home such a plant grows very strongly, it is propagated by a segment of the trunk, if there is such a need. In the summer, several parts must be cut off from the trunk, while they should reach more than 20 centimeters in length. The segments are planted for rooting in a slightly moistened soil mixture consisting of peat and sand, while the cut should be at the bottom. Then the box is transferred to the street in a shaded place. On the parent bush, all cut points are covered with garden pitch. The planted segments must be covered with a film on top, it will help maintain the required level of air humidity, while the air temperature should be from 20 to 24 degrees. Make sure the soil mixture is slightly moist at all times. Rooting of segments will occur after 4-8 weeks.

For propagation of such a plant, apical cuttings are also used. With a very sharp tool, cut off the upper part of the plant, while the places of the cuts are treated with charcoal powder. The stalk should be left in the open air for 2 hours so that the cuts have time to dry. Then it is planted for rooting in moistened sand or placed in a container with boiled water. When rooting cuttings in water, a piece of charcoal is placed in a container, it should protect the cuttings from bacteria. Before the roots appear, rot may appear on the lower leaf plates. If this happens, then the leaves are removed, and the water in the container is changed. After the roots grow, the stalk is planted in a pot filled with soil mixture.

  • Yucca turns yellow. When the lower leaf plates of the yucca turn yellow, you should not be afraid, as this is a natural process. The fact is that green leafy plates can only be located at the top of the bush. The unusual appearance of such a plant is due precisely to the fact that it sheds the lower leaf plates.
  • Leaves are falling. If part of the foliage flew around after the flower was bought and brought home or after transplantation, then this is its quite expected reaction to a change in familiar conditions. In the event that the foliage flies around en masse, then this may be due to hypothermia of the plant or to the fact that it has been exposed to a draft.
  • The tips of the leaves dry and turn brown. Due to excessively low air humidity, the tips, as well as the edge of the leaf plates, dry out and turn brown. This can also happen due to a draft or due to excessively rare or poor watering.
  • Brown spots on leaves. If brown spots form on the plate, this indicates that the clod of earth in the pot is dry.
  • The leaves are curling. If the room is very cold, then the edge of the foliage turns brown, while the plates themselves curl. In particularly delicate species, this can happen if it is cold at night and you forget to remove the flower from the windowsill.
  • Foliage spots. Sometimes, due to the scorching sunlight, dry spots of light color form on the surface of the leaf plates.
  • Harmful insects. Pests such as:, and most often settle on the plant.

Types of yucca with photos and names

Aloe leaf yucca (Yucca aloifolia)

In nature, this species is found in Jamaica, Central America, Bermuda, and also in the south of North America. The plant is characterized by extremely slow growth, but in height it can reach about 8 meters. The tree-like stem in adult plants is highly branched. Rosettes with fibrous foliage are formed on the upper parts of the branches. The length of the lanceolate leaf plates is about 50 centimeters, they are dark green with a spike at the top and with a serrated edge. In an adult bush, flowering is observed in summer, at which time it forms a paniculate inflorescence, reaching half a meter in length. It grows from a rosette and includes many bell-shaped flowers, reaching 30 mm in diameter, they are painted in a whitish-cream shade with a purple tint.

Yucca Whipple (Yucca whipplei)

In nature, this bushy slow-growing plant is found in California, Mexico and Arizona. Its stem is short, and the rigid and fibrous leaf plates are assembled into rosettes, which reach about 100 cm in diameter. The leathery greenish-gray foliage of a lanceolate shape is about 100 cm long, it has a spike at the top, and teeth along the edge. The inflorescence of this species is almost the same as that of the aloe yucca, only it is longer (about 200 cm), and the flowers of the same color have a pleasant smell and are 5 mm larger. When flowering ends, the rosette dies off, and many shoots form at the base of the plant.

Yucca beak (Yucca rostrata)

This tree, which has a thick trunk, can reach a height of about 300 cm, its crown is highly branched. There are a large number of leathery to the touch thin (width up to 10 mm) and long leaf plates, which can be convex or flat. There is a sharp spike at the top of the plate, and small teeth grow on the yellow edge. The leaf itself is decorated with stripes. A panicle consisting of white flowers is formed on a long peduncle.

Yucca shortleaf (Yucca brevifolia)

Either the tree yucca (Yucca arborescens) or the giant yucca. In nature, the species can be found in southeastern California, and also in Arizona, mainly in dry parts. The height of the tree can reach up to 9 meters, and the diameter of its trunk reaches 50 centimeters. In the upper part of the trunk is highly branched. Densely growing hard and short foliage (length about 0.3 m) in the middle part reaches a width of about 15 mm, it has a groove on the surface, and a spike at the top, the edge is finely serrated. At the top, the leaf is painted brown. A short peduncle consists of yellowish flowers.

Yucca radiant (Yucca radiosa)

Or high yucca (Yucca elata). The height of such a tree is about 7 meters. It forms a set of densely spaced linear sheet plates, their length is about 0.6 meters, and at the widest point their width is only 10 mm. The plate narrows towards the base, its top is pointed, there are small grooves. The narrow white edges of the foliage are covered with a large number of thin threads. The length of the inflorescence is about 2 meters, at the top of it there are flowers collected in a panicle.

Yucca filamentous (Yucca filamentosa)

This plant is native to eastern North America. The stem is practically absent. The root system goes into the deep layers of the soil. Such a plant is able to grow strongly due to root offspring. It can withstand a short-term drop in temperature to minus 20 degrees. The leaf plates pointed at the top have a greenish-gray color, along the edge they are densely pubescent with thin curly white threads. The length of the foliage is about 0.7 m, and the width is up to 40 mm. To get viable seeds, the plant must be artificially pollinated. On a two-meter peduncle, a lot of drooping eight-centimeter flowers of a yellowish-white color are formed. After flowering, a fruit is formed - a rounded box.

Yucca otvorochnolistnaya (Yucca recurvifolia)

The trunk of such a plant is short (about half a meter high), in some cases it is strongly branched. At its top, rigid fibrous sheet plates are assembled into a rosette. The grayish-green drooping foliage is leathery to the touch and has a lanceolate shape and a length of about 100 cm, it has a spike at the top, and a jagged edge.

Yucca gray (Yucca glauca)

Such an evergreen plant reaches a height of about 200 cm, its homeland is the western United States. Its stem is short. Meter rosettes consist of densely arranged leathery fibrous foliage. Lanceolate bluish-green leaf plates with a white edge reach a length of about 0.6 m. The edge can also be gray with peeling fibers. In adult plants, a panicle-shaped inflorescence grows from a rosette in summer, reaching a height of up to 100 cm. It consists of many bell-shaped flowers of a creamy white hue.

Glorious yucca (Yucca gloriosa)

Native to the southeastern United States. In nature, the species is a spherical bush or a low tree (about 2 m). The tree-like stem may be slightly branched or solitary. Leathery to the touch, lanceolate bluish-green leaf blades reach a length of up to 0.6 m, they have a sharp spike at the top, and the edge is rarely serrated. In adult plants in the summer, a panicle-shaped inflorescence grows from a rosette, reaching a height of about 250 cm. A lot of five-centimeter hanging cream-colored flowers with a purple tint are formed on it.

Yucca elephant (Yucca elephantipes)

The fact is that this plant is outwardly similar to an elephant's foot. Over time, it becomes a not very tall tree or upright bush and has a height of about 10 meters. Its stem is tree-like, highly branched. At the tops of the branches are leaf rosettes, consisting of rigid fibrous plates. Greenish leathery to the touch lanceolate leaf plates are 50–100 cm long, their edge is serrated, and there is a sharp spike at the top. In summer, adult plants form an inflorescence about 100 cm long, which consists of many five-centimeter flowers.

Yucca treculeana (Yucca treculeana)

The species is native to Mexico and the southern United States. The slightly branched tree-like stem is characterized by slow growth, it can reach a height of about 5 meters. Leathery to the touch bluish-green lanceolate leaf plates are collected in a dense rosette, they are straight or slightly curved, pointed at the top, their length is more than 100 cm, and their width is up to 7 centimeters. In summer, an inflorescence about 100 cm long appears in adult bushes from a rosette, it consists of many hanging bell-shaped flowers of white color with a purple tint.

Yucca Schotta (Yucca schottii)

Or large-fruited yucca (Yucca macrocarpa). Grows on sandy ground in southern Arizona. A slightly branched or straight trunk reaches a height of about 4 meters. Rigid light gray straight sheet plates are about 50 cm long and up to 4 cm wide. The plate narrows slightly at the base, and its edge is covered with thin threads. The branches and peduncle are bent, and the loose inflorescence has a panicle shape.

Southern yucca (Yucca australis)

Or yucca thread-bearing (Yucca filifera). The height of the tree is about 10 meters, its upper part is strongly branched. Densely growing dark green leafy plates are leathery to the touch, have a length of about 30 centimeters, and a width of up to 3 centimeters, their edge is covered with threads. During flowering, a branched hanging inflorescence of two meters in length is formed, which consists of a large number of cream-colored flowers.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Palm tree from South America - Yucca - home care for which includes both transplanting, reproduction, watering, and protection against various diseases, is a houseplant. As a rule, the care of yucca is based on the preferences and habits laid down in the homeland of the evergreen tree. If you are going to acquire such a flower, carefully study its features.

What is yucca

Yucca is a genus of evergreens, belongs to the Agave family, grows in North and Central America. The xiphoid hard leaves of various yuccas can grow up to 100 cm long, up to 8 cm wide, they form a basal rosette or are often collected in a bunch. Based on the species, the leaf of the plant can be gray or green, semi-rigid, erect, with smooth or serrated edges. Often the plant is covered with threads, sometimes there are sharp thorns on the tips of the leaves.

During flowering, the yucca palm throws out large flower stalks, where many delicate fragrant bells of light shades appear. As a rule, inflorescences are collected in one large panicle 2.5 m long. At home, the palm rarely blooms. The fruit is a dry or juicy box. From the leaves of some plant species, fiber is extracted, which is used to make wickerwork.


The yucca flower is well suited for decorating household plots, apartments, and is used for the manufacture of medicinal and cosmetic preparations. More than 30 species of palm trees will grow in the homeland, often the size of the plant exceeds the trees of the temperate climate of Russia. Flower growers in Europe grow and propagate three decorative species that perfectly adapt to home conditions and have optimal dimensions for the room. The most popular varieties:

  • Elefantis or elephant palm (Yucca elephantipe). The plant got its name because of the thick original legs. The leaves are on top of it, and the trunk gradually becomes bare as it grows. In summer, the tree is decorated with white flowers that look like bells.

  • Filamentous (Yucca filamentosa). The plant can withstand up to 20 degrees of frost. Xiphoid leaves with bright white threads, bent at the top, can be up to 60 cm long. The flower of the filamentous variety has delicate bells up to 7 cm long.

  • Aloe leaf (Yucca aloifolia). The palm tree grows slowly, over time it begins to take the shape of a ball. In adult plants, the tree-like stem is well branched, at the ends of the branches there are compact rosettes of fleshy green leaves.

  • Gray (Yucca glauca). The trunk of such a flower is short, the leaves are elongated and thin, light at the edges. Bells have a yellowish or greenish-pale color. The gray yucca grows normally in the air, withstands drought and moderate frosts well. Leaves can reach 90 cm.

How to care for yucca at home

The palm tree should grow at home on the south window, although if other windows are well lit, you can place a flower next to them. Indoor yucca plant develops well in a bright, warm room. A young sprout needs light, but it is better to shade it a little from direct sunlight. In the process of growing, artificial lighting can also be used.

The temperature in summer and spring palm prefers moderate, about 20-25°C. In winter and autumn - within 8 or 12 ° C. To improve the appearance of the flower, sometimes wash it in the shower. In summer, the tree can be placed on the balcony, but it must be well protected from rain. When placing a flower outdoors, the place should be dry and bright. In winter, the palm tree needs bright lighting.

How to water

The plant will tell you when to water it. With normal soil moisture and good conditions, the leaves of the flower are straightened. In drought, they begin to twist painfully. When leaving at home, the palm tree is watered at such intervals that the soil dries up to half the capacity. As a rule, the frequency of watering depends on the size of the flower, the characteristics of the soil, the material and size of the pot, humidity and air temperature.

How to water yucca at home in summer? In hot summer times, a palm tree needs a lot of liquid, so abundant watering using warm water is important, but water the flower only after the soil top layer dries. In winter, you need to reduce watering, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. Yucca species that are sensitive to dry air should be constantly sprayed with warm water. To increase humidity, a flower pot should be placed on a pallet with gravel, moss, wet expanded clay. When spraying the plant in the sun, the leaves may become stained from burns.

How to seat

Garden species growing in open ground can stay in one place for about 20 years, but indoor varieties are transplanted once every two years. With constant feeding, the growth of the flower increases significantly. Young rosettes that have formed can be planted out, but this should be done only when they grow and get stronger. There are certain rules on how to plant a yucca:

  • transplantation should be carried out in summer or spring;
  • choose a planter that is three centimeters larger than the diameter of the roots;
  • pour drainage from fine gravel, broken brick, expanded clay at the bottom of the tank (the earth mixture should be medium in grain size);
  • carefully remove the flower, being careful not to damage the root system;
  • if necessary, water the soil well to soften;
  • before planting, soak the roots for an hour with water, and then place in a new soil and water;
  • For two weeks, be sure to feed the plant.

How to transplant into another pot

A palm tree at home must be transplanted into a new pot every two years. The container should be chosen stable and spacious, because. The plant has a heavy leaf mass. The volume of drainage should be up to 7 cm (about a third of the entire soil). For more weight, gravel can be used, and charcoal should be added to the ground. It is necessary to transplant a flower in spring and summer according to the following scheme:

  • you need to take a deep stable pot;
  • pour a layer of gravel or expanded clay on the bottom;
  • then some soil is poured;
  • if the plant is healthy, it can simply be transferred from the old pot along with an earthen clod;
  • if there is rot on the roots, you will first have to remove it and cover the sections with crushed coal;
  • when the plant is in a new pot, you need to add soil, tamp and pour water.

Yucca pruning at home

If there is one stem of an elongated flower, you can prune at any chosen height. In this case, the diameter of the trunk must be at least 6 centimeters. The plant after cutting stops growing, and the awakening of new buds is stimulated. If the flower has several trunks at once, the shoots must be cut with a height difference of 15 cm. A lush multi-level crown should be obtained, while the leaves will not shade each other. Slices must be sprinkled with sulfur or charcoal.

How to propagate yucca at home

The flower in the homeland is bred by seeds, in our zone there are no such insects that could pollinate the tender yucca bells. Breeders use several available palm propagation methods that can be easily done at home. For this procedure, you will need an adult plant with healthy vegetative organs or offspring. Reproduction of yucca at home is carried out in the following ways:

  1. With the help of the top of a palm tree. Branching of the crown can be achieved by cutting the plant up to 10 cm long. The sections should be sprinkled with charcoal, dried, and the resulting layer should be planted in water. Rotten leaves should be removed, and charcoal should be added to prevent the spread of bacteria. After the appearance of small roots, the flower is transplanted into the ground.
  2. cuttings. Layers cut off from the mother bush are used. You should choose roots with a developed system. For yucca, reproduction in this way is easy; caring for seedlings does not require much effort.
  3. segment. The lower end of the stem must be soaked for a couple of days in a special root formation stimulator, then it must be planted in light soil. A thick piece of a flower can be placed horizontally in the sand, half deepening into the substrate. When sprouts appear, they must be separated and rooted.
  4. Seeds. It is very convenient to plant a palm tree in this way. Soaked fresh seeds should be sown in a mixture of soddy soil, earth, sand (1: 1: 1). Wet soil should be covered with a container or glass. Shoots should appear in a month.


When transplanting a flower outdoors, it is important not to burn the leaves of the plant under the sun. The purchased seedling must be hardened, taking it out into the open air every day. You can not plant a plant near groundwater. Hollows and dark areas should be avoided for garden yucca. The flower should ideally sit in an elevated place. Holes must be dug in advance in the fall, making holes slightly larger than the diameter of the roots. It is best to use soil for planting, which includes turf, compost, perlite, sand or humus.

A flower is able to grow in any soil, it is important that the roots have access to air. After falling asleep with soil, it is necessary to carefully compact it so that there is no extra space left. Next, you need to pour warm water. Nutritious loose soil with a pH level of 5.5-6.5 is ideal for yucca. It is best to put a small amount of charcoal in the selected land, and broken bricks or river stones at the bottom of the hole.


The aerial part of the palm tree is more developed than the root system, therefore, in order to give the flower stability, it must be planted in a large flowerpot, pot or tub. A new container for a plant must necessarily be 4 cm larger than the diameter of the roots. In this case, choose the depth of the pot 2 times the inner diameter. The flowerpot needs to be strong so that it can withstand being carried and not deformed during filling with soil. Instructions for transplanting yucca into a pot:

  • prepare the soil mixture, a new container and make a drainage layer;
  • the day before transplanting a flower, it is necessary to water it abundantly;
  • cut off all dry leaves;
  • gently turn the old pot over and gradually remove the earthen ball with the flower so as not to harm the roots;
  • pour soil over the drainage layer to such a level that the base of the yucca is 2 cm lower from the edge of the container;
  • put an earthen ball with a flower in a new flowerpot;
  • gradually fill the soil and compact it periodically.

How to root

The cut top of a palm tree can be easily rooted, and the remaining trunk will grow new shoots over time. At the resulting cutting, dry the cut (expose it to the air for 2 hours), then plant the top in wet sand or put it in a bucket of warm water to root. Put a piece of charcoal there in advance. When rooting on the handle, the leaves may rot, they must be removed and the water changed. After the roots appear, the palm stalk is planted in the substrate.

How to plant a yucca without roots

A palm tree can be grown almost from a stick. To do this, you need to cut off a part of a healthy bare trunk and put it horizontally in a pot on the surface of a light substrate or wet sand. Slightly push the barrel in for better contact. After a few days, buds should wake up on it, from which young shoots with roots will gradually begin to form. Next, remove the trunk with shoots from the container, cut into pieces according to the number of processes, sprinkle the slices with coal and dry in the air. Each part of the palm trunk with roots can be planted in an individual pot.

Yucca diseases

A palm tree that receives good care rarely gets sick. Only with improper handling can a bacterial burn, rotting of the trunk or leaves occur. Sometimes the plant turns yellow, but this may be a natural process of development and growth of the palm, during which the excess leaves are getting rid of. If yellow elliptical spots appear on the flower, which gradually turn brown, this indicates the presence of brown spotting.

In winter, the death of a flower is often caused by abundant watering or very low temperatures. As a result of a huge amount of moisture on the flower, pests can start: thrips, scale insects, spider mites, aphids or caterpillars. If the plant is already affected, you need to remove the cause of the weakening and treat the flower with insecticides, strictly following the instructions. Often, the owners of an evergreen beauty have questions about the fight against various diseases, but before treatment, all existing diseases of yucca should be studied:

  • Rot caused by Fusarium fungi. During the disease, the crown is affected, the leaves are susceptible to rot. At the initial stage of the disease, the diseased parts of the tree must be removed and sprayed with a fungicide solution.

  • Cercosporosis. Oval brown spots appear on the surface of the leaves. With high humidity, the disease can progress. To eliminate the disease, reduce watering, do not spray for several days, remove infected stems, and treat the palm tree with a fungicide. Mineral fertilizers should be used for top dressing.
  • White rot of yucca. The leaves of the plant that are close to the ground are most affected by this disease. During the lesion, they become discolored and become watery. To get rid of the disease, remove the affected tissue and treat with systemic fungicides (Fundazol, Rovral).
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    Yucca plant with a description and photo - growing at home, watering and treating diseases

Yucca is an evergreen plant that is often confused with a palm tree. To grow yucca at home, you do not need special knowledge or special requirements. An adult plant always causes delight and admiration among the guests of the house.

  • In these regions, it does not require shelter for the winter, but with shelter it can tolerate climate conditions and central Russia.
  • Yucca filamentata is a shrub, the leaves have characteristic white or yellow stripes.
  • The flowers emit a pleasant aroma, the peduncle is very large, rising a meter from the rosette of leaves.
  • This species can be grown at home.

Also, in the presence of warm conditions, you can grow glorious and gray yucca:

  • They are similar in appearance, have creamy white flowers and similar care and growing requirements.

Two types of yucca are grown indoors: elephant and aloe:

  • The elephant yucca is called the false palm. It is a low shrub, the leaves are long, the edge is sharp. The name comes from the trunk, which, as it matures, becomes strong and thick, like an elephant's leg. The plant came to us from arid regions where there are few pests, so growing it yourself does not cause problems.
  • Aloe leaf yucca is also grown at home, its leaves are leathery, hard. It is more difficult to care for her; as she grows older, this yucca grows into a spherical bush. The trunk is identical to the previous species, however, the aloelous representative is slightly lower.

Indoor yucca has one of several rosettes of leaves. The length of each is from 30 to 80 cm, the width within 6 cm usually grows no more than 2 meters. The upper part of the plant develops too quickly, so the root system does not always have time to provide the plant with moisture and nutrients in full.

The houseplant yucca loves fresh air, so in summer it can be taken out to the balcony or outside, but not to the open sun.

The cost of a plant ranges from $10 to $400. per copy, the plant is very valuable, so you can safely give it to dear people.

Indoor yucca is an unpretentious plant; plant care will not take much time. The plant is evergreen, although it has external resemblances to palm trees, dracaena and cordinils, they are still completely different plants.

Since we are most often talking about elephant yucca or aloe, it came to us from arid regions, where there is a small amount of precipitation, but a large amount of sunlight. Therefore, yucca will develop under similar conditions at home, that is, with weak watering and hot air.

Yucca will respond well if it is placed near the southern windows, but if direct sunlight falls on it, then it is better to move the pot away from this place.

If there is not enough light, then the leaves of the "palm tree" will begin to stretch towards the sun and gradually become exhausted.

Watering the plant:

  • The main condition for the successful growth of yucca is proper watering.
  • It is important that the soil has time to dry out and does not remain wet, you can not fill the soil.
  • If the tree is left without watering for a long time, it will be able to tolerate it normally, but if the plant is poured, then this is fraught with problems.
  • There is no single system for watering yucca. Much depends on the time of year, the microclimate of the region, the current weather, the humidity of the surrounding air, and the size of the plant and pot.
  • In summer, yucca requires abundant watering, each subsequent watering is carried out when the top layer of the earth dries out by 7 cm. If the room temperature is kept at 17 to 20 degrees, then one watering per week is enough. 1 liter of water is enough for a 5 liter pot.
  • In spring, autumn and winter, the amount and volume of watering is reduced. Otherwise, you can get rotting of the root system. You can understand this by brown spots on the leaves and their folding.
  • A large plant with a large number of leaves quickly evaporates moisture, this must also be taken into account when watering. It is not necessary to spray the plant, even if the air is very dry. It is strictly forbidden to spray the leaves if they are exposed to open sunlight, otherwise you can get burned.
  • If in summer the plant does not need additional moisture, then in winter it is better to spray them periodically, especially if the room temperature is high.

Yucca responds well to fertilizers, top dressing is applied two to three times a month during the period of active growth. Yucca is not fertilized until it has had time to adapt to new conditions or after transplantation, as well as during illness.

Plant yucca in light soil with good drainage.

To prepare the mixture yourself, you will need hardwood, soddy land, peat, sand and humus, all in equal proportions. The main conditions for the active growth of yucca are proper watering and plenty of sunlight.

If the plant has grown too tall, then the upper part can be safely cut off and divided into cuttings. On the part that remains, new leaves will soon appear from the lateral buds.

Reproduction is carried out by three methods:

  1. cuttings.
  2. Part of the trunk.
  3. Seeds.

Flower cutting:

  • The length of each cutting for further reproduction should be at least 20 cm.
  • In order for the cut on the plant to quickly drag on, it is smeared with garden pitch or sprinkled with activated charcoal.
  • Rooting of the cuttings can be expected no earlier than in 1.5 months. For the process to take place successfully, it is necessary to maintain an air temperature of 20 degrees and humidity within 80%.
  • Before putting the cutting in the ground, its cut is dried, for this it is enough to wait 20 minutes.
  • At this time, a greenhouse is being prepared and a mixture of sand and soddy land is made. The stalk can also be dipped into a glass of boiled water. An activated charcoal tablet is placed in the water, which will kill harmful microorganisms.
  • To prepare the soil, it is pre-sprayed to create the necessary moisture for the cutting.
  • As soon as the first roots appear,. If you delay, the cuttings may rot.

Yucca can also be propagated by part of the trunk, if it has dormant buds.

Part of the trunk is cut off and placed horizontally in the substrate. Wet sand is used as the soil. The trunk is pressed tightly to the ground and covered with glass or film.

Sleeping buds will soon wake up, new shoots will be formed from them. After that, the trunk can be taken out of the sand and cut into the number of shoots. Sections are treated with activated charcoal and dried for 20 minutes. Now each shoot is placed in separate pots.

Rarely gardeners use seed propagation of plants, especially when it comes to house plants.

Yucca gives good seed germination, so if you have seeds, you can take a chance. To begin with, a greenhouse is made, the container is filled with turfy soil mixed with sand. and covered with foil or glass. Every day you need to remove the film for ventilation. From time to time, the earth is sprayed to maintain moisture. The first shoots will appear in a month.

What does it have to do with:

  • If the tips of the yucca leaves turn brown and otherwise the plant behaves as before, then most likely the plant is not getting enough moisture (either through watering or through the air). The problem is solved simply: you need to increase the amount or volume of watering or increase the humidity of the air, start spraying.
  • If brown spots appear on the leaves, which are dry and brittle to the touch, then we are talking about a low frequency of watering. This means that the plant needs to be watered more often so that the earth ball is constantly moist. But do not forget that the top layer of earth 5-7 cm should have time to dry out.
  • If the spots on the leaves, on the contrary, are light in color, then this is due to a large amount of sunlight. In this case, you need to move the plant to partial shade or make a barrier from the sun.
  • If the leaves are not as elastic as before, and the ends have begun to wrap, then this may be due to the low air temperature in the room. You need to find a warmer place in the room: change the side to the south, move the pot closer to the battery and further from the cold glasses.
  • If only the lower leaves are affected, and the upper ones continue to develop normally, then you should not worry at all. Such a process constantly accompanies yucca.

The shape of the tree is just formed due to the fall of the lower leaves.

Yucca also has pests, this can be determined by the following signs: the leaves have acquired a gray tint, the appearance of specks on the leaves, which eventually unite, a web appeared under the leaves, the leaves became weak, thin, turned pale.

The most common pests of indoor yucca:

  • Gray rot.
  • Spider mite.
  • Mealybug.

Yucca is an expensive self-sufficient plant, it can be used to decorate a room or hall alone, without being supplemented by other plants.

More information can be found in the video.

Yucca is a popular houseplant. It is unpretentious and hardy, most often grown as a stem tree with a thick trunk ending in plumes of lanceolate leaves.

plant portrait

Previously, this culture was attributed to palm trees, and now it is sometimes called "false palm or" palm lily ". In modern classification, the plant was included in the Agave family (Agavaceae). Yuccas are allocated in a separate genus, in which there are approximately 40 species.

Yucca natural habitats are deserts and semi-deserts of North and Central America. You can also see it in the countries of Southeast Asia and on some islands in the Caribbean. Plants grow profusely in open, sunny areas with sandy and rocky soils.

Outwardly, yuccas belonging to different species may bear little resemblance to each other. Most of the species are short-stemmed and stemless, for example: filamentous or garden yucca (Y. filamentosa), lapel-leaved (Y. recurvifolia) or drooping (Y.pendula) and plain (U. campestris). There are also tree-like yuccas that form the central and lateral shoots: majestic yucca (Y. gloriosa), beak-shaped (Y. rostrata), strong (U. valida), short-leaved (brevifolia), high (elata), giant (gigantea) or elephant ( elephantipesa).

The sizes of plants of different species also differ. There are huge trees growing in nature up to 12 m in height (the famous "Joshua-tree" (Yoshua-tree)), there are relatively small ones, up to 2.5 m (glorious yucca), and there are miniature plants whose height does not exceed 20 cm (Y. Standley).

At home, offices, winter gardens, you can grow most species. Most often it is majestic yucca, elephant, beak-shaped, aloe-leaved, Schotta (Y. schottii), Treculya (Y. treculeana). The most popular in interior design are tree-like plants with a single trunk or branched ones.

Yucca leaves are xiphoid or lanceolate in shape, they are hard, sometimes with a spike at the end. They can be erect or drooping, with a smooth or rough surface. Collected in sockets, which either grow directly from the ground, or are located at the ends of the shoots. Painted in bright green or green with a bluish tint. The size of the leaves is proportional to the size of the plant itself: from 1 m to 20 cm, in some species the edges are wavy, with hairs or teeth along the edges.

In open ground, yucca blooms, in pot culture - very rarely. Bell-shaped flowers are collected in panicles, located on a high peduncle. The color is usually white, may have a pinkish or creamy tint. The size of the flowers and the height of the peduncle depend on the size of the plant. The flower can reach a size of 6-7 cm, the peduncle can grow up to 2 m.

Yucca care at home

There is an opinion that yucca is an unpretentious plant. But, in practice, flower growers often have problems with it. What are the rules for caring for yucca at home should be followed to avoid them?

As already mentioned, the natural habitats of yucca are climatic zones with dry air and low rainfall, but a lot of light and sun. This should be taken into account when growing homemade yucca.


Yucca requires a lot of light and sun. The most successful place for her is the windows of the southern, southeastern and southwestern orientation.

Good light is especially important for young plants to ensure their proper development. Wherein young plants are more sensitive to sun exposure than adults, so in the hottest time they need to be shaded or moved away from the window.

The lack of light affects the plant adversely. Shoots ugly stretch and bend. The leaves become thinner, turn pale, begin to turn yellow and fall off. The plant is weakened and pests, such as mealybugs or spider mites, may appear on it.

A sufficient amount of light is needed for yucca in winter, therefore, during this period, it is desirable to organize additional artificial lighting for the plant, bringing daylight hours to 16 hours a day.


During the growing season (March to September), the temperature comfortable for yucca is 20-24 degrees. In hotter conditions, increased air humidity is necessary (spraying, placing on a pallet with wet expanded clay). The higher the air temperature, the higher should be its humidity..

At the same time, it must be remembered that yucca endures sudden changes in temperature and drafts painfully and sometimes dies from this.


Yucca, like all succulents, is able to accumulate moisture in the trunk, in addition, it has a weak root system. Therefore, it is very sensitive to waterlogging of the soil, especially in cool conditions.

To determine whether the time has come for the next watering, you can simply touch the ground with your finger. The soil should have time to dry between watering before the day of the pot..

In the summer, it is watered abundantly, but the water that has drained into the pan is drained. In winter, watering is usually reduced, but its frequency and abundance depends on the temperature in the room, with a cool wintering - less often, with a warm one - more often.

It is important to observe the correct watering regimen, since excess moisture leads to root rot, from which the plant dies.


The soil

Yucca requires slightly acidic to neutral soil, pH 5-7. The soil must provide good moisture and breathability so that the roots are nourished and well ventilated.

The composition of the soil prepared independently includes leafy, soddy soil, coarse river sand and humus in a ratio of 2:2:2:1. Humus in the soil is needed for young plants. For adults who have reached the desired size, its presence is optional.

For planting homemade yucca, you can use purchased soil for dracaena, succulents and palm trees.


Young yuccas are transplanted when the root system becomes crowded in an old pot. Young plants are usually transplanted every 1-2 years. For adult large specimens, instead of transplanting, the topsoil is replaced.

Yucca is hard to transplant, therefore, if there are no reasons forcing it to be done urgently (for example, after the bay you need to transplant the plant into fresh soil), it is better to schedule this procedure for the most favorable time - March-April, i.e. start time of the growing season.

Transplantation is performed by transshipment - with a clod of earth. This method is the least painful for the plant. Drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot so that the roots are not in the water after watering.

How to make a transplant:

  1. buy a stable pot 2-3 cm in diameter larger than the previous one,
  2. pour drainage and some soil at the bottom,
  3. with an earthy clod, move the plant into this container,
  4. fill the voids with soil and tamp.

Before planting, it is necessary to inspect the roots of the plant. If there are rotten, black, with an unpleasant odor, they must be cut off, previously freed from the old earth, sprinkled with crushed wood or activated charcoal slices and then planted in fresh soil.

top dressing

To maintain the decorative effect of yucca during the period of active growth, i.e. from April to September, regular feeding is required. For indoor yucca, mineral fertilizers for palm trees and cacti are suitable, they are applied during the specified period with a frequency of 1 time per week.

In winter, yucca is not fertilized.

Yucca breeding

For yucca, different methods of reproduction are possible: cuttings (apical and stem), offspring, seeds. Stemless species are propagated by dividing the rhizome.

It is advisable to propagate homemade yucca by cuttings or offspring (daughter rosettes).

Reproduction by cuttings

The best time for cuttings is March - April. Cuttings harvested at this time give roots faster and take root more easily.

For propagation, stem and apical cuttings (crowns) are used.

Rules for cutting cuttings

  • The optimal cutting length is 10-15 cm.
  • The cut can be made both at an angle and straight.
  • It is important that the cut is smooth, without bark breaks, cracks and delamination of wood. Inaccurately cut cuttings, as a rule, rot.

Processing cuttings before planting

  • Dry the sections for 2 hours.
  • Treat the sections that will be placed in the ground with a root formation stimulator (Kornevin, Zircon). Yucca rooting is reluctant (yield 50/50), and such treatment increases the likelihood of successful rooting and accelerates root formation by 1-1.5 weeks.

substrate for rooting

Loose sterile soil is used as a substrate for rooting: a mixture of peat with sand, perlite, vermiculite, you can use ready-made soil for cacti or palm trees.

Apical cuttings

The top with leaves is cut from the plant, and processed as noted above.

Apical cuttings can be rooted in water, in which two whole tablets of activated charcoal are placed for disinfection. Rooting vertically in the substrate is also possible.

stem cuttings

The stem is cut into several parts, each of them must have viable dormant buds. Sections are made along the leaf scars - the places where the leaves are attached. Material for grafting needs strong, resilient and healthy.

If the stalk is without leaves, you need to mark where it has the top and where it has the bottom.

Stem cuttings do not root in water, they root in the substrate in two ways: vertically or horizontally.

Vertical rooting

With vertical rooting, the cutting is placed vertically in the substrate, immersing its lower part in the substrate. Both stem and apical cuttings can be rooted vertically.

Horizontal rooting

Only stem cuttings are rooted horizontally, they are deepened to half, the ends of the cuttings are not added dropwise. With horizontal rooting, both shoots and roots are formed from dormant buds, so several new plants can be obtained from one cutting, which, after successful rooting, are divided and planted in separate pots.

Rules for keeping cuttings

    The substrate must be constantly kept moderately moist. In overdried, the stalk will wither and dry out, in too damp it will rot.
    For rooting, containers with cuttings are placed in a warm place, with a temperature of at least 20-24 degrees. It is good to organize lower heating for rooting, for example, by placing it on a heating radiator on a wooden board or a thick towel.

    From above, the cuttings are covered with transparent bags, jars, cut plastic bottles, creating high humidity around them.
    Cuttings are taken on average in a month. 2 months after successful rooting, new shoots begin to appear on the stem cuttings, and the crown begins to grow on the apical cuttings.

    When the cuttings are strong enough, they can be planted in pots. Within 1-2 weeks after that, they must continue to be kept in a greenhouse, and later the greenhouses should be removed, but not immediately, but gradually accustoming the plants to fresh air.

mother plant

The mother plant, after cuttings, usually produces new shoots.

However, sometimes problems can arise with it. The trunk, which does not have leaves, sometimes begins to dry out, and the plant dies after a while. You can try to "reanimate" the barrel by placing it under a bag or a plastic bottle.

Reproduction by offspring (daughter sockets)

Reproduction by offspring is also carried out in the spring (April - May). At this time, not only rosettes take root better, but cuts on the mother plant also heal faster.

A daughter outlet is cut from the mother plant, the cut is treated with crushed coal.

The socket is added dropwise to loose and sterile soil (peat with sand, perlite, vermiculite, suitable soil for cacti). Further rooting of the offspring is carried out in the same way as the rooting of the cuttings.

Yucca in winter

In winter, more precisely, from October to February, the yucca begins a dormant period. For good health, she needs to lower the temperature of the content, preferably to 8-10 degrees Celsius. At higher temperatures, the yucca grows, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off.

It is also necessary to reduce watering to a minimum. at lower temperatures and water, the plant needs less.

pruning yucca

To get side shoots on a yucca, you need to cut off the top of the plant. It is advisable to perform this procedure in the spring.

Trimming is done with a sharp knife, having previously disinfected it with alcohol. Slices are sprinkled with crushed wood or activated charcoal.

The cut top can be rooted as described above.

Over time, a large plant on the side shoots may appear thin, as if constricted, areas. Such shoots need to be cut to the point where thinning begins. If possible, when pruning the shoot, a stump is left, from 1 to 3 young shoots will appear from it.

Growing problems

Yucca leaves turning yellow

If the yucca began to turn yellow in winter, then it is hot, you need to try to lower the temperature of the content.

If the leaves turn pale and yellow, and the trunk is stretched, then the plant has little light.

Yellowing of the leaves may indicate excessive watering, in which case it needs to be adjusted.

Also, the leaves may turn yellow and fall off if the yucca has been exposed to a sharp effect of cold (it has got into a draft or froze during transportation).

Yucca leaves are curling up

Leaves can curl both from insufficient watering and from its excess. You need to focus on the rule that the soil in the pot should dry out in about a week.

Such a problem can also arise if the yucca is watered with cold water, watering should be done with water at room temperature.

Yucca leaves dry

The reason for this may be dry air and high room temperature. Also, the tips of the leaves can dry out from too little watering.

Yucca stretches, leaves turn pale

Yucca has little light, it is necessary to move it to a brighter place or organize additional lighting.

Yucca leaves are actively falling

This "syndrome" also indicates that the location of the plant has insufficient light. Yucca is a photophilous plant, move it closer to the window or think about additional lighting.

However, the leaves may also fall due to other unfavorable conditions for yucca. It can be a bay, overdrying or too hot and dry air.

In yucca, the trunk becomes soft and leans, the leaves wither

This is due to the rotting of the roots due to the abundance of moisture. In such a situation, the plant, most likely, can no longer be saved. You can try to cut and root the top.

, Nelly , kuz-grig ,