Local wastewater treatment plant Review of local sewerage treatment facilities. VOC for industrial plants

Sewage treatment facilities are necessary for the rational disposal of waste, domestic and storm water. If these structures do not function properly, significant harm can be caused to the environment. That is why the work of sewer systems is regulated and controlled at the legislative level.

The principle of operation of the sewer structure

The sewage system may include a variety of devices. But, despite this, waste treatment is carried out according to a certain algorithm.

First stage

At the first stage, wastewater is purified mechanically. The retention of large contaminants, which are of mineral and organic origin, is carried out by gratings and sieve. Sand traps are used to filter smaller particles - broken glass, sand and slag. The membrane device performs more thorough cleaning. Suspended solids are separated in the settling tank. This removes mineral contaminants.

Second phase

At the next stage, biological agents are used for cleaning. Organic compounds decompose under the influence of particularly active bacteria. The liquid is passed through a biofilter. As a result, sludge and gaseous compounds are formed.

Third stage

At the final stage of wastewater disinfection, additional chemical compounds are used. The resulting liquid can already be used for technical purposes.

Types of sewer systems

Sewage treatment facilities are designed before the start of construction work. It is important to choose the right sewer design that can solve the waste disposal tasks and have a sufficient level of performance. Today, wastewater treatment can be done using the following devices:

  • local cleaning devices;
  • individual autonomous structures;
  • block systems and modules.

Local cleaning systems

Local treatment facilities are structures that are used to clean and collect waste at facilities of various sizes. They can have household or industrial purposes and are the basis.

In classical treatment devices, the speed of movement of wastewater decreases with distance from the discharge site. There is a gradual settling of solid particles to the bottom. Removal of other impurities is carried out by post-treatment systems. Classic treatment facilities require sufficiently large containers in which waste is settled. Such a requirement is difficult to implement in individual buildings.

With the help of local treatment systems, wastewater is collected and treated in private homes or small villages where there is no central sewerage system. Let's look at the most common local constructions.

Use of septic tanks

Septic tanks are often used to install an autonomous sewer system in country houses. They usually take the form of plastic containers. Plastic has the necessary performance characteristics:

  • it weighs little - the tanks are easy to transport and install;
  • the material can withstand exposure to aggressive environments;
  • does not rust;
  • has sufficient strength.

Each tank contains a different number of sections that perform specific functions. Some act as a settling tank, while others purify wastewater using biologically active microorganisms. Still others are used for filtering.

Septic tanks are widely used in the construction of private treatment structures. They are convenient to use. They have a long service life. The sewer system can be completely autonomous. In order to increase the level of wastewater treatment, the structure is equipped with additional elements - fields that perform filtration and aeration.

The simplest and most effective septic tank

Aero tanks

These treatment devices are an integral part of large sewerage facilities that process wastewater from industrial enterprises. They look like huge tanks. Water and activated sludge are mixed in containers. Oxygen is used to speed up the reaction. Sometimes aeration tanks are used in the construction of autonomous sewage systems in a private house. In this case they have a small volume. They are usually installed in septic tanks. Aerotanks may include special catchers. They remove fat and petroleum products from wastewater.

Use of biological filters

When installing sewerage systems, biological filters are also used. They are most often used as built-in structures. Biofilters are part of local treatment facilities. In these devices, wastewater is purified using special bacteria. Microorganisms contribute to the accelerated decomposition of sewage. The output produces a liquid that will not harm the environment and can be discharged into the soil.

Storm sewer systems

In local treatment facilities, harmful impurities, inorganic and organic waste are removed from wastewater. The purified liquid is subsequently used to irrigate fields. But in order to collect, transport and purify melt and rainwater, storm sewer treatment facilities are also used. Conventional sewer structures cannot cope with this task.

Stormwater treatment facilities must ensure the safety of the foundation, pavement and lawns surrounding the main structure.

They include pipes, gutters and storm water inlets. Through them, excess water is transported to a common collector.

The system is placed below the soil freezing level. The design contains filters to retain sand and other small particles. Purified liquid must enter the collector.

More refined purification of waste rainwater is carried out using additional devices: a sorption unit and a filter for removing oil products. At the final stage, the purified water is discharged into reservoirs or used to water the garden. It should be taken into account that in this sewer system it is necessary to periodically replace the filtration elements.

Autonomous sewerage structures

The design of autonomous sewage systems is very similar to the design of local treatment facilities. But they also have their own distinctive features. This class of sewer systems includes septic tanks and wastewater collection tanks, in which wastewater is initially accumulated and only then filtered.

Application of block and modular designs

Block and modular sewerage structures carry out deep wastewater treatment. They are more often used in industrial and manufacturing areas. Using such devices, the following tasks are solved:

  • a high level of wastewater treatment is ensured;
  • the sludge content in the purified liquid decreases;
  • the environment is protected from exposure to harmful substances;
  • provides the opportunity to reuse water.

Such systems have increased productivity. They can be used to serve entire areas. Used in wide temperature ranges.

Selection of sewer design

To choose the right cleaning system, you need to consider a number of factors:

  • total daily fluid intake;
  • preferred type of sewer structure;
  • mode of use of the sewer structure;
  • location of the object.

Some devices may work offline. Others require electricity or other forms of energy to function. Certain systems cannot be used when groundwater is close to each other.

When arranging a treatment system, you should be guided by existing sanitary standards. If it is necessary to use a sewer truck to remove waste, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of free access to the waste storage site.

Features of design work

When designing sewage treatment facilities, it is necessary to provide for the occurrence of various situations that may subsequently affect the operational characteristics of the system. It is also necessary to take into account the existing legislative framework.

Its basis is security functions to protect the natural environment. The cleaning system must be located in a sanitary protected area. During the design process, you should pay attention to the following indicators:

  • dimensions and volume of the sewer structure;
  • optimal type of device;
  • location of groundwater;
  • soil freezing level;
  • system performance;
  • cleaning method used;
  • optimization of the installation of sewerage devices.

To avoid a conflict with sanitary permitting services later, before constructing a sewerage system, it is necessary to prepare a number of documents:

  • agreement on ownership or lease of land;
  • layout diagram of the location where the treatment structure is supposed to be placed;
  • compliance with existing sanitary standards;
  • technical conditions for the use of water resources;
  • data on the volume of consumed and utilized water;
  • general design of the project;
  • description of the wastewater filtration and disposal system.

A permit from the sanitary and epidemiological station must be present. It should be remembered that if sanitary standards for locating an object are violated, the owner may be brought to administrative liability.

Video: Wastewater treatment plants

As a rule, buildings and areas of residential, administrative and industrial facilities are required to drain and treat wastewater. Depending on the volume, type and degree of wastewater contamination and technical and economic indicators, design decisions are made for the disposal and treatment of wastewater using.

  • ready-made modular installations made of fiberglass
  • or the construction of new local treatment facilities.

Today, the BioPlast company is one of the leading experts in this segment, and offers the market solutions with both ready-to-install equipment and the construction of new treatment facilities.

The presence of qualified specialists in the HELYX construction department allows us to design and carry out work on the construction of local water treatment and wastewater disposal facilities of any complexity.

Block-modular wastewater treatment systems

The use of modular installations made of HELYX fiberglass, delivered to the site fully ready for installation, can significantly reduce time and financial costs. Calculation, production and installation of wastewater treatment plants of our own production takes place in the shortest possible time. Currently the company BioPlast has two factories with a total capacity of more than 4,000 products per year.

Construction of wastewater treatment facilities

The BioPlast company provides services for the construction, production and design of individual or ready-made wastewater treatment plants of the following types:

  1. local stormwater treatment facilities
  2. wastewater treatment facilities and stations for domestic wastewater (biological treatment)
  3. industrial waste

Local stormwater treatment facilities

The first category of runoff is storm water or surface runoff. They are formed during rainfall, snowmelt and street watering. They may contain oil-containing residues from gasoline from roads, garbage and sand. Storm water treatment systems are used to clean them. In individual cases, when the territory of the facility is located in close proximity to industrial facilities, standard storm drainage structures must be supplemented with special equipment to clean the runoff from chemical impurities.

Household wastewater treatment facilities

Local wastewater treatment plants implementation

The second category of wastewater is household wastewater from residential premises, administrative buildings, and shopping centers. These are fecal wastewater and for their purification and disinfection, both modular systems, for example the HELYXbio biological treatment system, and more complex structures that are designed and built according to individually developed projects can be used.

Installation of treatment facilities

Correct installation and installation of treatment facilities is one of the key points for high-quality and long-term operation of treatment equipment.

When installing treatment equipment, special attention must be paid to the following points:

  • Type of backfill material - construction sand with an aggregate fraction of no more than 3 cm.
  • It is prohibited to use multiple slabs in the base for fiberglass products. This may cause damage to the products during operation.
  • It is prohibited to prepare the base if there is snow or ice in the pit or to use frozen leveling layer material.
  • It is prohibited to place wooden blocks or other objects on the base under fiberglass products to avoid damaging them.
  • It is prohibited to use sandy loam as a base material for products. The surface of the leveling layer must be thoroughly compacted with a tamper.
  • It is prohibited to: dump fiberglass products into the pit; move fiberglass products along the trench by dragging them, hitting them against the walls of the pit.
  • It is strongly recommended to order a crane for installation of treatment plant equipment in accordance with the weight of fiberglass products and the required boom reach.
  • Over-tightening the tightening straps leads to damage to the container.
  • It is prohibited to install tie straps on the inlet and outlet pipes.
  • Simultaneously with backfilling, it is necessary to fill fiberglass containers with water to prevent it from floating, squeezing out and moving.
  • It is prohibited for vehicles and heavy construction equipment to move closer than 3m from the edge after backfilling a pit with fiberglass products installed in it to avoid damage.

For more details, see the installation manual for capacitive equipment. See manual.

You can also order installation of capacitive equipment or supervision of installation from us.

The price of water treatment facilities is calculated individually:

Prices for treatment plants and equipment vary depending on size and additional equipment. The cost of a block-modular system or individual blocks can be clarified with our specialists. Be prepared to answer a number of questions to calculate the optimal price for treatment equipment.

You can get advice on the selection of modular equipment and check prices for HELYX treatment facilities by calling the multi-channel phone number: +7 495 419 08 76

Or fill out an application and send it to us at:

To clarify the cost of construction work and design, call our specialists on a multi-line phone: +7 495 419 08 76

Or send your application to us by email

In the modern world, a variety of technologies are used that can significantly improve people's lives. One of such systems is various local treatment facilities. Such devices and units are designed for wastewater treatment. They are simply irreplaceable for country houses. In this article we will talk about such a system as a local sewerage system and what devices are used in it.

Very often from utility workers you can hear such an abbreviation as VOC. To put it simply, such devices are called local treatment plants, and they form the basis of an autonomous sewage system.

Note! Classic treatment plants operate on the principle of reducing the flow rate of wastewater. As a result of the drop in speed, solid particles settle to the bottom, and the remaining impurities are subsequently removed using post-treatment devices.

In order for classic treatment facilities to cope with their task, it is necessary to correctly select the volume of containers into which the wastewater will flow. According to certain calculations carried out by experts, one person consumes up to 200 liters of water per day. This means that the amount of waste “generated” is the same.

For a classic treatment system, it is necessary for the wastewater to settle for several days. Therefore, the containers must be large, and this is very difficult for private houses. This is why autonomous sewer systems do not use the classical method of wastewater treatment.

VOCs are intended for treating wastewater from private houses, summer cottages or small villages. Where it is not possible to connect to a centralized sewer system, country property owners build autonomous devices. These include the following structures:

  • septic tanks;
  • aeration tanks;
  • biofilters.

Note! Each of the listed structures has its own characteristics and area of ​​most effective use. But in addition to the VOCs themselves, filtering devices must be included in the autonomous sewage system. Only in this case can we approach the level of wastewater treatment of 98–100%.

Very often, when talking about an autonomous sewage system, owners of country houses remember such treatment facilities as septic tanks. Such devices are a plastic (sometimes other materials are also found, especially if the septic tank was made independently) container or several containers.

The choice of plastic as a material for tanks is determined by its positive characteristics:

  • the lightness of the resulting structure, which greatly facilitates transportation and installation;
  • easily tolerates exposure to aggressive environments;
  • does not corrode;
  • has sufficient strength.

Inside each tank there are several sections, each of which performs its own task. Some sections play the role of a settling tank, in others wastewater is purified using colonies of microorganisms, in others there is filtration, etc.

Septic tanks are most often found in on-site home treatment facilities. This popularity is explained by ease of operation and long service life (according to manufacturers, up to 50 years). Moreover, such devices can be either completely autonomous or dependent on electricity supplies.

Note! In most cases, to increase the degree of purification, septic tanks are additionally equipped with aeration or filtration fields. But there are models called deep biological treatment stations, which are capable of independently purifying wastewater to almost 100%.

Such devices are most often found in large wastewater treatment plants that process wastewater from large enterprises or populated areas. They are large containers where water is mixed with activated sludge using oxygen. If we are talking about autonomous systems of private houses, then aeration tanks have more modest sizes and are most often installed in septic tanks or other VOCs.

Note! Quite often, aeration tanks are equipped with special catchers. Such additional equipment helps to clean wastewater from oil products, grease and other floating substances. Such catchers are usually equipped with aeration tanks operating at large wastewater treatment plants.

In addition to aeration tanks and septic tanks, biofilters can be used in local treatment systems. Most often, they are part of VOCs. Biofilters are rarely used on their own. Such devices purify wastewater using colonies of microorganisms.

Note! Bacteria in an aquatic environment saturated with oxygen or without access to air decompose all sewage in wastewater. As a result, the output is water containing only simple substances that do not harm the environment.

Once in the local treatment plant, sewage effluents go through several stages in succession. As a result of each of them, wastewater is purified from certain pollutants.

Let's look at these steps based on the most common VOC that is most often used in autonomous sewer systems - a septic tank. Once in such a device, wastewater passes through:

  • Mechanical cleaning. At this stage, the wastewater is freed from solid and large fractions. This most often occurs in tanks called a sump. Here heavy and solid fractions precipitate. After a certain amount of sewage has accumulated, it is pumped out using a fecal pump or a sewer truck.
  • Biological treatment. This stage can be considered the most important. In special containers, cleaning occurs using colonies of microorganisms. This process can occur without access to atmospheric oxygen. In this case, the septic tank does not need to be connected to the electrical grid. If microorganisms living in an oxygen environment take part in the work, then compressors are used to supply air from the atmosphere. In this case, the septic tank is considered volatile.
  • Additional treatment. After passing through several chambers (settling tank and biological treatment sections), sewage is considered not completely purified. To remove residual sewage from them, it is necessary to install a post-treatment system. As a rule, aeration or filtration fields are used as such. In the first case, wastewater is poured onto special open fields of quite large size, where the work of microorganisms continues, but in a natural environment. To save space, a suburban autonomous cleaning system can be equipped with filter devices. In this case, the effluent from the septic tank ends up in ditches or pits filled with crushed stone or other solid fillers with large fractions.

Note! If you use biological treatment stations on your site, their operating principle is similar to a septic tank. The only significant difference is the absence of aeration or filtration fields.

Since septic tanks are most often used in autonomous treatment systems for private homes, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the recommendations for their operation:

  1. Treatment plants equipped with devices such as airlifts operate more efficiently. With their help, activated sludge is not “thrown out” from the septic tank, but remains inside. As a result, cleaning occurs more efficiently and does not require additional “population” of colonies of microorganisms.
  2. The amount of activated sludge may be excessive. To prevent the septic tank from overfilling, it is better that it be equipped with an aerobic stabilizer.
  3. Activated sludge itself is an excellent fertilizer for vegetable and garden plants. Therefore, you can save a lot by not calling a sewer truck, but by pumping it yourself directly to the beds.
  4. For cleaning to be effective, microorganisms must not be allowed to die. To prevent this from happening, try not to “discharge” various poisons, chemicals and aggressive substances into the autonomous sewage system. It is also not recommended to use detergents containing chlorine. This element is poisonous to most types of microorganisms used in septic tanks. In addition, you should not flush the contents of filters from washing vacuum cleaners down the toilet.
  5. Since solid contaminants accumulate in the septic tank, they should not be allowed to enter the sewer system. After all, this will lead to an increase in your operating costs.
  6. Perform a visual inspection of the septic tank periodically. It is worth remembering that although such structures have a fairly simple structure, they can sometimes break down.


In the provided video materials, you can get more information about the local sewerage system:

LOCAS Group of Companies will perform a full range of works on the installation of sewage treatment facilities, from design to turnkey installation.

Local treatment facilities have been used in Russia relatively recently, but have already become a standard for environmental friendliness and efficiency. The level of household wastewater treatment using microbiological stations reaches 95%. Sometimes even industrial treatment plants do not demonstrate such results.

The main functional component of any local sewage treatment plant is microbiological decomposition chambers. The decomposition of organic waste occurs both with access to air (aerobic bacteria) and without it (anaerobic bacteria). So that the former can exist normally, air is constantly pumped into the liquid. The latter live in the water column on their own.

Mechanical sedimentation is also used, but not as the only way to reduce the overall toxicity of sewage (or at least reduce its volume), but as an accompanying phase, which is the final stage in the technological sequence of converting household sewage into a harmless fertilizer. In this case, the compaction of sludge occurs not due to gravity, but as a consequence of its complete decomposition.

Conditions for the use of VOC sewerage

Local sewage treatment systems are used in any climatic conditions. In cold regions they are installed with additional insulation, which is provided by foamed polymer boards, in warm regions - without it. In any case, heating is not required - the temperature of the sewage discharged from the house is sufficient. To maintain this temperature without loss, waste pipes must be placed in special thermal insulation.

The purchase of local sewage treatment systems, as well as their subsequent installation, is much cheaper than the design and installation of centralized village wastewater treatment facilities. And this does not include the cost of operation and maintenance! That is why microbiological treatment stations are found today even in those populated areas where it is possible to connect to central communications.

Autonomous sewage treatment plants maintain their efficiency throughout their entire service life, while centralized sewerage gradually deteriorates, regularly reminding of this with accidents and blockages in pipelines.

The main advantage of individual treatment facilities in cottage villages over centralized treatment facilities is that there is no need to lay a sewer network throughout the village and allocate land for village treatment facilities with a large sanitary area. This significantly reduces capital costs during the construction of cottage village infrastructure. This means it gives the investor a great advantage over competitors. OS "LokOS" is the best choice for both an individual cottage and a village.