Ho'oponopono for beginners - quick results. What is Ho'oponopono Meditation? Basics of Ho'oponopono Philosophy

It happens that our ordinary life becomes very filled with various kinds of negative situations and their manifestations. We don’t attach any importance to it, believing that it’s just there in our lives and it’s impossible to get rid of it. But who creates these situations, why do many problems with relatives, conflicts with loved ones and quarrels simply arise out of nowhere, for no apparent reason?

Sometimes it seems to us that this is due to bad weather, or the advice of an astrologer, or these are all the machinations of evil karma, as well as ugly fate.

But by and large, we can live completely without the influence of these factors.

Recently, one famous American psychologist, Joe Vitale, wrote a book about why such situations arise in the lives of each of us, and that only we, and no one else, bear full responsibility for our mental and emotional state for accepting the influence of these situations.

The book has been widely distributed around the world, and over many years of work we ourselves have received hundreds of reviews about the successful operation of the method.

Each person has unique abilities hidden within himself - the ability to fully influence both the inner and outer world, including other people, the environment, and the situations occurring around us.

Every moment, energies of mental and emotional vibrations emanate from us into the Universe, even if thoughts appear completely accidentally and unconsciously. And if all this happens in a negative shade, then our entire reality around us begins to take on these colors.

For example, if the people with whom you communicate and the situations in which you move contain emotions of resentment, understatement, hatred, reproaches and envy, then you should not immediately blame your loved ones for this. You are the center of the Universe in which you live. Only you are the one who projects all these negative reactions and thoughts into the world, and only you are 100% responsible for this.

But there is also good news. That it is you who can correct the situation and turn it in your own direction, with just the desire to change everything for the better.

Once upon a time, the famous Hawaiian doctor Hugh Lin, who worked in a neurological hospital for mentally ill people, lived in the same condition. And if it weren’t for the Hawaiian method of Ho’oponopono, the doctor would probably have to come to terms with the reality in which he lived, but he managed to achieve amazing results by practicing the healing words of the method of correcting situations from the Ho’o method.

All patients were healed within three years, without any therapy or conventional treatment.

And the doctor began all his affairs with himself, with taking responsibility for what he saw around him, realizing that his surroundings were only a reflection of his inner world, and not some kind of accident that fell on his head.

And each of us is required to accept this challenge from the Universe and respond to it accordingly - to send into the Universe what we want to see around us, and not resign ourselves to what happens without our participation.

Just heal yourself and you will see how your reality will change in the best possible way! Guaranteed!

What needs to be done for the Ho'oponopono technique to work?

The very first thing you need to understand is that only you and no one else is 100% responsible for your entire life, and all your surroundings and all the situations that happen to you. All negative emotions and problems come to you not on their own, and not because of someone, but only based on the structure of your consciousness and your habit of attracting it, even if this happens unconsciously and as if without your participation.

If you are always honest with yourself, then later it will be easier for you to work with negative states and completely remove them from your life.

The entire technique of the Ho'oponopono system can be expressed in the following phrases:

1) I'm very sorry

2) Forgive me

3) I thank you

4) I love you

Start practicing the Hawaiian Method today. If you manage to remember it when you go to work, or drive home after work, then practice Hoo to introduce it into your life. And you also need to start applying it in any difficult situations and problems when they become visible in your life.

Say the phrases not automatically, but with an open heart, with reverence for this ancient technique, which has not left anyone indifferent during the long time of its existence. By doing practice in this way, you are guaranteed to see how negative situations dissolve on their own, and you get a harmonious life and only favorable situations around.

Why does Ho'oponopono really work?

These phrases include a certain state within our heart and consciousness, because behind them is the enormous power of mystery, which allows us to change absolutely everything that happens around us to what we want.

Imagine that the other day you had a very strong fight or quarrel with your loved one. By pronouncing phrases from the method, you fill your life with a certain meaning, which harmonizes your soul and compacts your future into streams of harmony and love.

I am very sorry - after all, I myself am the cause of this quarrel,
Forgive me - because I'm very sorry that I created this situation,
I thank you - because thanks to you I created this situation and can change my life for the better,
I love you - with all my heart and with all my soul.

By pronouncing these words, your subconscious is cleansed, all negativity is removed from it and instantly filled with the energy of a wonderful life and pure consciousness, after which you become immune to such negative manifestations and they simply stop appearing in your life!

Problems don’t even need to be solved, they dissolve the same way they appeared, out of nowhere.

And note, this is very important - you do not have to think about how to improve situations or how to heal yourself - everything will happen automatically if you just continue to repeat these phrases sensually and tenderly.

Make a note on your phone or a piece of paper with these phrases and try to practice them for at least a week. I assure you, your life will change beyond recognition, and you will see how powerfully this method works.

With love to you,
Alexey Prostoy

When a person gets sick, he traditionally turns to his doctor. Then, having received a whole list of recommended medications, he goes to the pharmacy, where he leaves a tidy sum for many jars, boxes, and vials. It happens that treatment does not produce tangible results or only temporarily solves the problem, and then the symptoms return.

Supporters of the Ho'oponopono movement, a movement that originated in Hawaii, believe that all a person's problems, in particular with health, arise from his attitude towards himself and others. Our negative attitude can make life difficult for those who are dependent on us. So, for example, a pregnant woman, allowing herself to think that the child is unwanted and she does not want him to be born, with her bad thoughts programs the baby for health problems. After birth, such a child may have manifestations of allergies as a reaction to the lack of perception of a small person, neuroses, etc.

Fortunately, everything can be fixed. It is possible to cancel the negative programs that we create with our fears, doubts and resentments.

How to improve your health with Ho'oponopono

What to do to improve your health:

  1. Change your attitude towards yourself.

Worried about excess weight? We need to think about when this problem started. Obviously, in the past there was some kind of irritating factor, in response to which the body began to gain calories at an accelerated pace. Maybe a relationship with a loved one broke down, someone made an inappropriate remark about their appearance, etc.

Each disease has its own causes, both congenital and acquired. It is believed that heart problems bother those who showed indifference and non-participation in the problems of other people or, on the contrary, forgot too much about themselves while being busy with others.

In any case, you need to try to find the starting point from which the state of health began to cause concern. Most likely, during this period, self-confidence decreased, the person began to doubt his body, and stopped loving it.

I'm sorry to anyone who has ever made unflattering comments about your physique, that's their right. The main thing is that you yourself feel comfortable in the form that Nature provided.

  1. Repeat a special phrase.

To build self-confidence and speed up recovery, create a phrase for yourself in which you thank and ask for forgiveness from the part of the body or organ that hurts.

For example, if you are suffering from migraines and it began at a time when you doubted your intellectual abilities, repeat the following daily: “I thank my head that it sends me bright thoughts, helps me communicate with people and do my work. I regret that I allowed myself to doubt what I was given. I ask you to forgive me for my ungrateful thoughts and promise not to allow myself to think the way I did before. I love you, because without you I would not have achieved what I have.”

The expression must be repeated as many times as necessary to truly believe it.

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Hawaiian Ho'oponopono System and How to Use It Correctly

Ho'oponopono(translated from the Native Hawaiian language as “make order” or “fix a problem”) is a simple method with which you can change your life. It appeared thanks to the Hawaiian shaman Nalamaku Simeone, and became famous after the publication of the book “Life Without Limits” by Joe Vitale.

The basis of the technique is to fully take responsibility for what happens in our lives. We ourselves attract and materialize all events. And accordingly, it is up to us to change the world around us. Our reality is only the way we create it.

And before you create something, you need to clear your mind of unnecessary mental attitudes, transform what has accumulated in our memory and subconscious for so long. This is exactly what Ho'oponopono is for. The essence of the method is very simple and consists in repeating four basic phrases:

  • I love you.
  • I'm really sorry.
  • I'm sorry.
  • I thank you.

These words can truly be called magical: quite imperceptibly they transform the life of the person who practices them, purify and tune in to new frequencies in which there is no longer room for the old negativity.

Using this technique, you can work through anything: relationships with people, relationships with yourself, a negative life situation, or even a painful part of the body. It’s just that in each of these cases you should remember exactly who or what you are addressing.

Besides, It is very important with what feeling these words are pronounced. The maximum effect will be achieved if, when performing the technique, you deeply feel the emotions from each of the phrases. If you pronounce them while mentally being in despair, aggression or sadness, then Ho’oponopono will not only be ineffective, but can even cause harm by reflecting and multiplying destructive emotions.

You can do the practice in different ways:

  1. As a meditation: in this case, you need to sit comfortably, turn on calm, pleasant music in the background, take a breath and exhale, and for 10-20 minutes repeat the previously mentioned phrases in turn, addressing a particular problem.
  2. As a lifestyle: It is believed that initially Ho’oponopono was supposed to be completely integrated into a person’s life. And he had to repeat these phrases constantly so that this “record” would gradually move to the subconscious level to the point that, even waking up in the middle of the night, the first thing that came to the person’s mind were these words. However, this method is not for everyone and may not always be useful, so you need to choose options for using the technology, first of all, according to your own feelings.

A student of the shaman who created this method of healing, Dr. Hew Len became the first to try this method in life. He, being a psychiatrist, ended up working in the most cruel psychiatric hospital, where hopelessly ill people lay chained to their beds. Hugh Len began to analyze how he created such a terrible reality for himself and, sitting in his office, began to apply the Ho'oponopono method, first in relation to himself, and then in relation to patients.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Slowly and inexorably, a thought is ripening in the minds of European people: the root of all life’s problems is hidden in the head. This long story began in the second half of the 19th century in the form of psychoanalysis. Having decomposed the human psyche into simple diagrams, psychoanalysts, like pathologists, began to dissect human fears, complexes, and neuroses. A new problem arose unexpectedly: the problems that had been pulled out had no solution. The person was shown the “rotten” insides and was allowed to swim freely.

And people went further in search of magical salvation. Various methods and techniques taken from ancient peoples came to their aid. One of them - shamanic practice of Ho'oponopono. How to properly practice Ho'oponopono? How does this magical method work? Why is it so easy to use? You will receive answers to all questions in order.

Hawaiian healing

What is Ho'oponopono? This Hawaiian healing method. “The world begins with me,” it says. Originally, this practice was confined to closed areas of worship and was used only by Hawaiian shamans to maintain harmony in an isolated society. The complex name of the method comes from the merger of two words:

Hoo– bring, install, make;
Pono– order, harmony, balance.

It turns out: “Put things in order, establish balance, come to harmony.”

Ho'oponopono is a method of correcting mistakes. His techniques strive for unity with the world through working with one’s own “I”.

What problems does practice solve?

cuts off negativity, relieves the burden of base problems;
brings all internal systems to a state of harmony and order;
heals body and spirit;
helps to let go of the negativity of past lives (not only your own, but also your ancestors).

In the closed Hawaiian society, the guardians of ho'oponopono were the kahunas - shamans. They used a secret method to keep society going. Loss of understanding in such a small, island-bound space would lead to the disappearance of the nation. Ancient Hawaiians believed that the world rests on the sacred laws of harmony. When a person violates them, he creates disharmony in his heart and the world around him.

Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian healing method.

Negative consequences affect all surrounding people, family, tribe. The imbalance is reflected in physical illnesses, troubles and misfortunes, quarrels and disagreements. When the problem became pronounced, a kahuna - an ancient wizard - psychologist came to the rescue. If there was an attack in a Hawaiian family, one of the community members fell ill, the shaman would gather a council. He listened to each family member, and then, with wise speech and instruction, resolved the conflict, giving physical healing to the patient and spiritual healing to his relatives.

How did the kahunas manage to establish harmony and peace in society? The secret is working with consciousness. In Ho'oponopono, everyone is responsible for their actions and events in the outside world. He does not shift the blame onto other people's shoulders and works on his own “I”, observing positive changes in the surrounding reality. This makes the Ho'oponopono method similar to Eastern practices - the next alternative to classical psychoanalysis.

Authors of the modern ho'oponopono method

Hawaiian practice has undergone significant changes. Joe Vitalle, Morrna Nalamaku Simeone, Hew Len - these are the names of the people who brought ancient wisdom to the masses. What changed? A third person, the shaman, disappeared from the miraculous chain of healing. Every person now your own doctor. Having joined ho'oponopono, he receives the perfect tool for working on his own “I”.

The story begins with Morra N. Simeala and her 12 Steps of Ho Oponopono method. Kahuna and healer Morra shared ancient shamanic techniques with a Hawaiian psychiatrist. His name was Hugh Len. He worked with mentally ill criminals in a Hawaiian psychiatric clinic. The treatment seemed strange from the outside. The doctor refused personal communication with patients. He looked through the patients' charts and repeated the mysterious formula. From a strange ritual, the ability to think clearly returned to criminals who had lost their minds.

The history of the method begins with Morra N. Simeala (kahuna and healer Morra), who shared it with Hawaiian psychiatrist Hew Len

Hugh Lee used the Ho'oponopono method. He realized and accepted the fact that the person is responsible not only for your own problems, but also for the difficulties and unfortunate incidents in the lives of the people around you. This awareness helped him in his work with patients. Over time, he developed a new approach. A person using this method does not need outside help.

Philosophy of Ho'oponopono

Ho'oponopono deals with all problems that lie both within and beyond the boundaries of consciousness:

A pessimistic view of the world - after practice, reality does not look like a faded series of negative events.
– practice teaches you to let go and forgive yourself and the people around you.
Conflicts in the family - ho'oponopono is an excellent prevention of quarrels and insults.
Anxiety – the method instills confidence and helps to cope with constant tension, suspicion, and inferiority complex.
Stress – after regular practice, the reaction to life's difficulties becomes positive, and the number of negative accidents decreases sharply.
Despair - Ho'oponopono gives guidance, opens a new path of opportunity, leads a person to state of harmony.
Regret – the method teaches you to painlessly let go of the past.
Diseases of the body - a healthy mind heals a sick body.

Kahuna and healer Morra called her method "12 steps of Ho'oponopono"

How do proponents of the practice achieve this result? The secret is to cleanse human memory of garbage. Hindus would call this process the purification of karma. Ho'oponopono begins with a few simple truths.

Quick results on Ho'oponopono for beginners

1. Man does not know reality and does not control it

How is this possible? Here you are, a living person, now sitting at the computer, reading new articles about the Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono, and reality passes by. People you don’t notice are walking outside the window, neighbors are whispering behind the wall. Sounds, smells, visual images pass by you. The mind can only process one millionth of the incoming information. The rest of the volume settles in your subconscious memory. 2/3 of it is garbage and pathological anchors. Imagine how much unnecessary information the brain stores? But the worst thing is that he uses the programs he received. Unconsciously, you implement negative attitudes in your life.

The reality of each person is unique, but he creates it unconsciously. It is a mistake to think that something happens in the world according to the plan of human consciousness. It’s all up to chance and the Universe. So is there any point in being upset if something goes wrong? The Universe may have other plans, but this does not mean that it does not listen to other people's desires.

2. When healing yourself, heal your neighbor

Nothing just happens. Other people's problems are your problems. If you attracted trouble, then there was a reason for it. But you can solve this problem and let it go. The Universe does not send a person unsolvable tasks. The more often you resort to the ritual of healing your neighbor, the purer you yourself become.

The Hooponopono Method teaches you to help your neighbor

3. What happened is not your fault, but you bear full responsibility for every incident in your life.

99% of your life you create unconsciously. Unconscious actions are not your fault. But responsibility for what happened lies with the creator. The problems of others are your projected problems. There is no one to blame for what happened, and there is one responsible person - you.

4. Divine inspiration is stronger than the desires of the “I”

Plans for the future are an assertion of the arrogant ego. But the “I” is unable to resist the divine desire. The Universe has its own laws and aspirations. When a person's plans contradict the intentions of a higher power, dissonance arises, which negatively affects people's lives. Inspiration is a push from the Universe, the key to closed doors and new opportunities. This is the same insight, accompanied by a surge of energy and the awakening of creativity.

In Hooponopono, the leading role is given to the will of the higher mind, the law of harmony, the world's life-giving force. The wisest religions of the Ancient World were built on this idea. The Hindus revered the single creative energy, the Taoists spoke about it, and the Buddhists built an idea on it. Higher energy fills the entire material world. It consists of the sun, sky, trees, people. This is not God in the Christian concept. The power of the Universe is the law of harmony and order. When a person breaks the law - he suffers. The essence of such teachings is to teach a person to live in harmony with the world and himself, without breaking unspoken rules.

In Hooponopono, the leading role is given to the will of the higher mind, the law of harmony, the world's life-giving force

Why is Ho'oponopono better than other techniques? The exercises and tasks of the ancient Hawaiian method of Ho'oponopono are simple, understandable and accessible to everyone. To delve into the laws of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, go through a long path of improvement and purification. Hawaiians are all practical. Their philosophy fits into a couple of dozen phrases. And the method itself is revealed in four affirmations.

How to free your “I” from negativity?

The first thing you must do is understand and accept the 5 rules of Ho'oponopono, which contain all the wisdom of the technique:

The material world is a reflection of thought. What is happening in reality is born in your head.
Negative thoughts give rise to negative consequences in the material world. By accusing others of imperfection, condemning, accumulating anger and resentment, you provoke negative consequences. The more negativity inside you, the more there is around.
Perfect thoughts give birth to love. A harmonious world rests on creation. His main strength is love for everything.
Man is responsible for the material world that he created.
Everything that exists in the Universe is one. Man is part of the whole, and the whole is part of man.

Nothing in the world happens without your participation.

Events are controlled by a set of subconscious programs that unfold regardless of the desire of the host. Sometimes attitudes are passed down through generations, and sometimes they come into a person’s life along with other people’s mistakes.

To improve your reality in the material world, get rid of the malware and junk of the past. And the magical Ho’oponopono technique (or, as some people call it briefly, the Hono Pono technique) – affirmations – will help with this.

Magic Affirmations

The essence of Ho'oponopono exercises is revealed in one phrase: “Change yourself, the world around you will change.” Tools for clearing all negativity with Ho'oponopono:

forgiveness of yourself and others,

To achieve the goal, special mantras are used. They are called affirmations. Repeating them a person changes for the better, erases unnecessary programs, removes negative settings from memory.

1. I repent

This phrase implies an awareness of responsibility for the events of one’s own life. A person understands that he himself became the cause of negativity in material reality. He admits that he thought and acted incorrectly, that he opposed the law of the Universe, consciously or unconsciously.

2. Thank you

This is an affirmation to address the Universe. A person thanks a higher power for the opportunity to live here and now, whatever they may be. Words of gratitude open new channels of opportunity. They contain powerful positive energy. The right thoughts create a positive response. The universe will hear you and meet you halfway when the time is right.

3. I love you

This is an affirmation you say to the world. Every part of it: a blade of grass, a flower, the sky, people. By saying this phrase, you open your heart and bring the positive energy of life into life. Love the people around you, banish feelings of superiority, disgust, and hatred. Love cleanses the negative attitudes of the past and helps get rid of harmful memory debris.

Affirmation of love brings a person into a state of zero or emptiness. This is the starting point of miracles and the moment of transformation.

Affirmation “I love you” you say to the world

4. Forgive me

You ask for forgiveness from your higher self, which you have not heard before this day, and apologize for imperfect thoughts. By repeating a forgiveness affirmation, you acknowledge responsibility and refuse to blame others or random events.

You need to repeat phrases consciously. Did you have a fight with a colleague? Stop. Stop for a minute and think: “I repent because the quarrel is my responsibility. Forgive me for my temper. Thank you for this day and the help you give me. I love you". This is an appeal to a higher mind. And only words of love are addressed to the material world. Using the Ho'oponopono technique, deal with every negative situation.

The first time, work through the affirmations separately, starting with the first, moving to the last. Set aside 10 to 30 minutes a day for exercise.

Over time, repeating these phrases will become a habit, and you will notice how your life changes for the better.

So now you know how to use the Hawaiian Ho'oponopono technique to clear the situation. By trying this cleansing method, you have nothing to lose. Doubts take more time than repeating affirmations. You will gain useful psychological experience that will help you cope with long-standing problems. Ho'oponopono fights stagnation in life. If you are stuck in old experiences, have given up, have lost interest in life, then this guide to Ho'oponopono is for you. Away with fears and skepticism. It's time to bring harmony and strength back into life.

20 January 2014, 15:55

“Self-love is the best means for self-improvement. And when you improve yourself, you improve the whole world.”

(Ihaleakal Hew Len)

Recently, people's interest in various kinds of trainings, practices, lectures and any other information about self-improvement, developing their personality, improving relationships with loved ones has been growing.

Moreover, training and communication with psychologists and coaches can take place both in reality and via the Internet. And even in absentia, without communicating, but simply studying their works on their own and applying the acquired knowledge in practice.

In this article we will look in more detail at the Hawaiian method of Ho'oponopono. What it is? Who created it? Let's focus on the basic principles and techniques.

History of application of the method (facts and events)

The phrase that served as the epigraph to the article belongs to one very interesting person, Dr. Ihaleakal Hew Len. It was he who first began to use the Ho'oponopono method.

For a long time, Hugh Lin worked as a staff psychologist in a Hawaiian clinic. His patients were not just mentally ill people, but criminals with severe mental disabilities. The clinic staff changed frequently, as there were repeated cases of patients attacking doctors. This is the population the doctor had to work with.

Hugh Len behaved unusually. He never met with his patients, did not give them any oral or written recommendations, that is, he did not treat them in the traditional sense of the word. For days on end, Hugh Len just studied their medical records with medical histories, while simultaneously directing all the influence solely on himself, which is what the Ho'oponopono method suggests. Improving himself, he treated patients and achieved stunning success in this.

How did this happen? According to the doctor, he simply uttered certain affirmation phrases and applied some techniques to himself, which we will definitely talk about in this article. It seems incredible, but the Hawaiian method of Hew Len (H'oponopono) allowed patients to recover in the shortest possible time! They were stopped taking the strongest tranquilizers, the handcuffs were removed from those who were particularly violent, and they were even discharged because they were no longer dangerous to society.

As shown by the results of the treatment of Dr. Hew Len, the Ho'oponopono method works wonders!

What is its essence? Where did he come from?

Hawaiian roots

Dr. Hew Len borrowed this system and did not invent it himself.

The Ho'oponopono method is an ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. If you translate this intricate word from the original, you get something like “improving causes” or “correcting errors.”

The Hawaiians believed that all the problems in people's lives come from themselves, or rather from what is in their heads. Our thoughts, our actions lead us to illness, trouble and disharmony. The roots are in the past, sometimes they stretch through the years along with other people's mistakes, which as a result become our problems.

If you change this, a new, improved stage of life will definitely begin.

According to the natives, the Hawaiian method of Ho'oponopono, with the help of prayers, repentance, affirmations and rituals, erases unsuccessful old programs in a person's head and helps him enter the flow of Abundance.

The difficulty was that the Hawaiians were talking not only about correcting the personal mistakes of a person, but also of all his relatives and ancestors. Therefore, it was not worth expecting immediate results then. In addition, the ancient method allowed purification rites to be performed only by those initiated into the sacrament, and not by everyone. It was practiced by shamans and healers - kahunas. One of these was Morrna Nalamaku Simeon. It was this Hawaiian healer who shared the Ho'oponopono method with Dr. Hew Len.

Over time, the practices have changed somewhat and become simpler, but the basic core remains. Now a person can cleanse his consciousness of various accumulated garbage and negativity, including by using Ho’oponopono, a Hawaiian healing method.

Basic essence and philosophy

Everything that surrounds a person is mental programs controlled by his memory from the past. The entire experience of our ancestors rests on our shoulders, weighs us down and prevents us from developing. To remove blocks, certain actions are required that need to be carried out only with one’s self.

Despite the trail of mistakes of previous generations, the Ho'oponopono method assumes the complete and unconditional responsibility of the person himself for everything that happens. And we are talking here not only about what happens to a person personally. Key phrase of Ho'oponopono: "Peace begins with me!" Any events with friends, acquaintances, neighbors, with everyone in his city, country, all over the world also fall within the sphere of human responsibility. Any armed conflicts, wars, disasters, epidemics occur because of certain words, actions and even thoughts of a person in the past or present!

If a quarrel, a scandal happened before your eyes, even between people completely unknown to you, it means that it was you who attracted him. If you observe this and it affects you, then the situation is already inside you. Someone looked at you in the wrong way, responded rudely, called you names, or somewhere, it doesn’t even matter in what city, on what street the accident occurred—the answer is yours.

It is not so easy to understand such a philosophy, and even more difficult to accept. At the same time, you should not fall into despondency, depression, or the other extreme - start blaming everyone except yourself for your troubles. This is the wrong way. But you shouldn’t engage in self-flagellation either. Separate two concepts - responsibility and guilt.

The good thing is that according to the Ho'oponopono method, a person has the power to change an unpleasant situation through internal work with his mind. Inside everyone there is a huge power, which, unfortunately, we do not know how to use. It appears at the moment when there is complete internal readiness to accept it. The Ho'oponopono method helps with this.

Our task is to feel responsible and change the programs within ourselves, to cleanse ourselves. Thus, changes will occur in external life. Along the chain they will lead to the transformation of someone else’s present. This is how it will continue.

Ho'oponopono Method: Tools

Such a bizarre, difficult to remember and difficult to pronounce name the first time is surprisingly simple in execution. Let's turn to practice.

Start by changing yourself, then others around you will change - that’s what Ho’oponopono is. The healing method involves going through several stages: first forgiveness, then repentance and finally transformation. Affirmations play a big role in this. These are very simple magic phrases that can radically change a person’s life. There are four of them in total. Let's look at each one.

I'm really sorry

A person’s understanding that he himself has attracted negativity into his life by thinking incorrectly. Statement of this fact. There is something in me that has attracted the problem.

There are different opinions about this phrase, which in the original sounds like: I am sorry. Some people believe that when translated into Russian - “I’m very sorry”, the deep meaning is lost. It would be more accurate to say: “I repent.”

Thank you

This is a person’s appeal to the Universe. Gratitude for what is in the present, whatever it may be. After all, everything is relative. This phrase carries very powerful positive energy. The universe will definitely pay attention to your gratitude and help. Just don't expect quick results.

I love you

Say it as a statement. Addressed to everyone: yourself (this is first of all), a child, loved ones, just a passerby, nature, the sun. The ancient Hawaiians and their Ho'oponopono method claim that all this is the Almighty in its various manifestations.

Complete and unconditional love! It must come from the heart, despite the behavior, principles and actions of others and oneself.

You are writing a book, standing in a traffic jam, selling your products or services, say this phrase. If you have love inside, other people will feel it. What you give is what you get back. This is the law.

Repeated repetition of this phrase is best able to clear a person’s memory and bring him to a state of zero, which is the most important thing, according to this technique. It’s not for nothing that the second name is the eraser method (Hooponopono).

When a person gets rid of negative programs and is in a state of emptiness, amazing things begin to happen to him! Unexpected ideas and insights appear, everything comes easy.

Please forgive me

You need to pronounce the phrase, turning to your higher self. Ask for forgiveness for your imperfect thoughts, without shifting responsibility to other people and their unseemly actions towards you.

It is recommended to repeat these four phrases as often as possible in different places, both silently and out loud. But not just talk, but realize why and for what. These were exactly what Dr. Hew Len said when treating his patients.

To start, choose one and recite it for ten minutes a day; it’s better to do it in front of a mirror. Then you can move on to everyone else in order. After practicing this for some time, it will be possible to use affirmations all at once.

Let us give an everyday example, on the basis of which it will be possible to better understand the essence of the method.

The couple had a quarrel. Internal conversation with myself: I understand that I created the quarrel myself. I'm really sorry. I'm sorry. My frivolity was unacceptable. I thank you for the quick solution to the problem and love you with all my heart.

But all these words should not be directed at a specific person, in this case at a husband or friend. This is an internal conversation with yourself.

Affirmations are not the only practices that the Ho'oponopono method offers. There are a lot of exercises and tasks that are not at all difficult for anyone to complete. Each tool performs its own functions and tasks.

Let's look at them.


The theme of the eraser continues in one of the practices, which is called that way.

You need to take an unsharpened pencil. There should be a rubber band at the end that you use to start tapping on any item that needs cleaning. It could be a thing or even yourself. If you need to get rid of negative memories, simply tap on the surface.

That's all! It’s so simple that you can’t even believe how much it can help. While tapping, you can also recite the four affirmations given above.

Sometimes this exercise is done by tapping on a photograph of yourself as a child.

According to reviews of those who have used the “Pencil” or “Eraser” method, it is capable of clearing even deep-rooted problems.

Glass of water

Another tool. A simple glass of clean water. Fill no more than ¾ of the volume and place it anywhere in the house. The water should be changed twice a day, and if a feeling of anxiety or restlessness appears, then more often. For greater effect, you can write the problem on a piece of paper and place the glass on it.

Blue sunny water

Second practice with this liquid. No less effective than the first.

You need to find a blue glass container. It could be a bottle, vase, vessel, cup. Pour clean water into it and leave it in the sun for an hour. After the allotted time, you can drink it, cook food, wash your face and carry out other procedures.

"Mirror" method

Look at it for a long time, imagining yourself as you are. Reach zero, then present with all your heart.

Tutti-frutti instrument

The name is funny, but it erases serious illnesses and memories of them. Even if a person is currently completely healthy, he can use the practice as a preventive measure.

Hopelessness will fade away. In this case, diseases of all kinds are removed. By pronouncing the word “tutti-frutti” the ancient memory is cleansed.

Rainbow butterfly

It will bring happiness to the family and allow you to forget about scandals and quarrels. It will help to reveal talents that have been dormant for a long time. A drawing or photo with a butterfly can be placed on the computer screen and looked at every time you turn it on, repeating the affirmations.

Blue ice

This technique should be used for various pains (physical and mental) and suffering.

It is very simple, like all other exercises. You just need to mentally repeat the phrase “blue ice” as many times as needed. The bigger, the better.

Milky Way

This phrase leads to the perception of something new, opens the mind, removes pain and doubts, if they exist in a person. Opens the way for change.

Money techniques

There are also special exercises on this topic. You can successfully use the Ho'oponopono method to attract money and keep it in your life.

Orange juice

Everything happens in our imagination. We imagine a glass of juice and how we put a bill in it, for example, in or any other denomination. In addition to money, you can put another item that you would like to clean.

According to Dr. Len, orange juice symbolizes the rays of the sun, which means something divine. If a person has loans and he pays interest on them, this hurts money. It is urgent to ask for their forgiveness. And do this by placing them in orange juice.

The Ho'oponopono method and philosophy views money as a living substance. However, this approach is applicable to any other subjects. You can and should talk and consult with money. Since banknotes contain the energy of all those who touched them, and not always positive, they constantly need to be cleaned.

Create your own heartfelt conversation with money using the tips from the article. For example, a monologue could be like this:

  • My dears, good money! I want to ask for forgiveness from you both on my behalf and on behalf of all my ancestors. I take full responsibility for the fact that we offended you. Sorry about it! Please forgive me! I love you and thank you for everything.

This way all the negativity associated with money will go away. The main thing is that the words come from the heart.

Sunflower Tool

This yellow flower can also help clear the way to money and remove all programs blocking its arrival. Saying the word “sunflower” out loud, a picture of it or under the window. Everything will work.

According to adherents of the technique, the method and philosophy of Ho oponopono will certainly lead to positive changes, change the person himself and the life around him.

Book “Life without limits” (Hooponopono method)

These practices did not become widespread and world famous immediately, but only after they were published in one of the books of the popular Joe Vitale. He is also the author of the acclaimed bestseller The Secret.

In the book Life Without Limits, Vitale describes his meeting and long conversation with healer Hew Len. The subject of their conversation was Ho'oponopono, a Hawaiian healing method successfully used by the doctor. After the publication of this book, people in Russia also learned about the system.

How Joe Vitali evaluates the Ho'oponopono method becomes clear from his publications. The author likes the practice, he is amazed at the results and is a little surprised.

Vitale gives an example of an unpleasant letter he received by email. At first he wanted to be indignant, upset, think about why exactly he received such a message, in general, do everything as before. But in time I remembered Ho’oponopono. Then Joe just started repeating affirmations and doing nothing else! After some time, a second letter of apology arrived. According to the writer, this is how Hawaiian practices worked. John Vitale's story about the email can be called the most significant and significant review of Ho'oponopono.

You can have different attitudes towards this unusual system; whether you believe it or not is everyone’s business. There are other examples.

If you find people practicing the Ho'oponopono method, the feedback will almost always be positive. Because many who have used the system begin to notice changes in their environment. For example, one woman who had serious problems with her husband, after using Ho'oponopono, returned happiness to the family. She began to change herself, her husband saw this and also changed for the better.

People who learned about the Ho'oponopono method and began to use it unanimously claim that simply amazing things and miracles began to happen to them. And they describe it as unconditional happiness, harmony with people and the whole world.