But also at rest. The relationship between body motion and rest. See what a “state of rest” is in other dictionaries

Nothing to do with Metabolism

You've probably read or heard that after turning 40, people inevitably begin to gain weight, and metabolism, or metabolism, is to blame for this. It slows down with age and we get fatter. So, listen latest news from the world of science.

In the second half of life, metabolism does slow down, but the rate of this slowdown is very small. Some researchers even say minimal! If you do not suffer from a serious metabolic disorder, then it is not his fault that you have gained weight.

Metabolism has different phases

Metabolism at rest- this is how much energy our body expends when we lie on the couch on Sunday morning. It depends on a combination of constant factors, for example, height, gender, heredity, and nothing much can be changed here.

In addition, there are three more phases of metabolism, all active. It is about them that they usually say that certain foods or types of movement can “slow down” or “speed up” your metabolism.

The first phase is metabolism during eating. It turns out that while we chew, swallow and digest, we also burn a small amount of calories (about 10% of the daily value). This is called the thermic effect of food. This process can be sped up (just a little) by drinking stimulating drinks (such as green tea or coffee) or eating plenty of protein and chili peppers. However, don’t expect to lose kilos this way - it has been experimentally proven that we are talking, rather, about grams. Foods that speed up metabolism do so only slightly.

It’s better to immediately move on to the second phase of active calorie burning - movement!

Any movement - whether you're walking up the stairs, nervously wandering back and forth around the office, or sweating your way through sports - causes you to expend energy. This is the second phase - metabolism during physical activity.

After it comes third phase: we are at rest, but calories are still “burned”. That is, from a weight loss perspective, lying on the couch after a workout is more effective than before. This is called “oxygen debt” - the load has already ended, but oxygen in the body, by inertia, continues to be burned at an increased rate.

So, if you want to lose weight, only the last two phases matter.

At the same time, the nature of the loads is also important. For example, many people think that strength training - barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells and the like - allows you to burn pounds more efficiently, but research does not confirm this. The fact is that different organs and parts of our body burn different amounts of calories, and muscles are not in the first place here. The brain, for example, consumes more calories than the biceps.

Here's what Claude Bouchard, a professor of genetics at the Louisiana State University Biomedical Center, says:

“Brain function accounts for approximately 20% of resting metabolism. Next comes the heart, which works without ceasing - another 15-20%. Then - kidneys, lungs and other tissues. About 20-25% remains for the muscles.”

So while exercise is a healthy, health-promoting habit, don't expect it to seriously boost your metabolism. Work better those types of movement in which everything works: the heart beats actively, the lungs breathe powerfully, that is cardio training:

  • walking,

  • swimming and so on.

In general, the secret turned out to be simple and rather boring: firstly, as we age, we simply move less - not only do we not play sports, but we simply walk less and sit more. And secondly, we cease to be aware of the nutritional needs of our own body. The mechanism that controls appetite begins to work less well with age; We don’t understand that it’s time to stop, and we give ourselves supplements.

There is only one conclusion: don’t blame everything on metabolism, it’s not to blame. You just need to move more and reduce portions.

True, there is a saying that no one follows complex advice because it is too complex. And simple - because they are too simple.

Ksenia Churmanteeva

The functional state of a person is nothing more than a whole complex of properties indicating the level of his vitality. It is the basis for the body in certain conditions, directions, with the available reserve of strength and energy.

In addition, the functional state serves as the main criterion for characterizing a person’s capabilities and behavior.

Components of health level

The general functional state of the human body consists of certain changes. They occur in all its physiological systems, namely in:

Central nervous;
- motor;
- endocrine;
- respiratory;
- cardiovascular, etc.

In addition, the functional state of a person is significantly influenced by changes that are possible during the course of mental processes, such as sensation and perception, thinking and memory, attention and imagination. Your health also depends on subjective experiences.

Classification of human conditions

There are a huge number of factors influencing human behavior and health. That is why the functional state of the body in each specific situation is unique. Nevertheless, from a huge number of special cases, scientists have identified the most basic ones. They are grouped into certain classes. :

Normal life activities;
- pathological;
- borderline.

It is possible to assign a functional state to one class or another only if certain factors are used, namely, reliability and cost of activity. The first of them characterizes a person’s ability to work with a given level of accuracy, reliability and timeliness. The indicator of the cost of activity serves to characterize the functional state from the point of view of depletion of the vital forces of the body, which ultimately has a direct impact on the level of its health.

Based on these criteria, the functional state is differentiated into acceptable and unacceptable. This classification is used in studies of the possibility of working.

Which class the patient’s functional state belongs to is decided by doctors specifically depending on a particular case. For example, a state of fatigue. It leads to a decrease in performance indicators, but it is incorrect to consider it unacceptable. However, if the degree of fatigue exceeds the lower limits of a certain norm, then in this case the functional state is prohibited. This assessment is not given by chance.

Excessive strain on a person’s psychological and physical resources worsens his physical condition. In the future, this kind of fatigue is a potential source of various ailments. On this basis, normal and pathological functional health states are distinguished. The last of these two classes is the subject of medical research. For example, after prolonged experiences or stress, diseases of the blood vessels and heart, the digestive system, as well as neuroses often occur.

There is another classification of human functional states. It is built using criteria for the adequacy of responses to the requirements of work activity. According to this classification, functional states are related to adequate mobilization and dynamic mismatch.

The first of these two types is characterized by a correspondence between the degree of intensity of a person’s capabilities and the requirements that are placed on him in specific conditions. This condition can be disrupted by increased stress, duration and excessive activity. In this case, fatigue accumulates in the body and a condition related to dynamic mismatch arises. In this case, in order to achieve the desired result, a person will be forced to make efforts that exceed what is necessary.

Primary examination by a doctor

When contacting medical institutions, a specialist assesses the patient’s functional state based on examination, survey, laboratory and other studies. Sometimes similar events are carried out in relation to patients who are undergoing surgery. In this case, comprehensive studies are carried out to identify the level of a person’s functional state.

At the same time, the patient’s complaints and his anatomical data are considered, and the results of a clinical examination are evaluated, containing information about:

Blood pressure;
- heart rate;
- decrease or increase in body weight;
- presence of edema, etc.

Condition of the vascular system and heart

Where does the study of the functional state of the body begin? From an assessment of the functioning of his heart and blood vessels. And this is not surprising. The normal functional state of the cardiovascular system allows the delivery of oxygen to every cell of the human body. This allows the whole body to work as usual. In addition, assessment of the condition of blood vessels and the heart is in the first place due to the fact that in modern man they are extremely vulnerable.

What are the main indicators of the functional state of such an important system for us? This is the pulse, indicating the heart rate, as well as analyzing its changes.

This indicator for men at rest should be from 55 to 70 beats per minute, and for women - from 60 to 75. At higher values, the pulse is considered rapid, which is a sign of tachycardia. A heart rate below normal indicates a disease such as bradycardia.

Also, your health directly depends on your blood pressure. Its normal value is in the range of 100-129/60-79 mm. rt. Art. High blood pressure indicates hypertension, and low blood pressure indicates hypotension.

It is impossible to assess the functional state of the cardiovascular system without studying the characteristics of changes in its functioning after intense physical activity. The duration of the body’s recovery is also taken into account. Similar studies are carried out using a variety of functional tests.

Respiratory system condition

To ensure the vital functions of the body, a constant process of oxygen intake and removal of water vapor and carbon dioxide is necessary. The respiratory organs are responsible for this.

Three parameters are included in assessing the indicators of the functional state of this system. These are the depth, frequency and type of breathing.

One of the most important indicators is the respiratory rate. This is the breathing rate that is necessary for the normal supply of oxygen to all body systems. The values ​​of this indicator depend on a number of reasons. This may be body or environmental temperature, as well as the period before or after eating. The breathing rate varies depending on the position of the body. Its smaller values ​​are observed in a lying position, and its larger values ​​are observed in a standing position. Men breathe 2-4 breaths per minute less frequently than women. On average, the normal RR value ranges from 14 to 16.

How to determine the functional state of the respiratory system? This is possible by analyzing:

1. The ratio of heart rate and respiratory rate. At rest and during physical activity, these values ​​range from 4:1 to 5:1. An increase in these indicators due to heart rate will indicate a decrease in the thermodynamics of the heart. A decrease in values ​​due to an increase in RR will indicate less economical lung function.

2. Holding your breath. To do this, a Stange test is performed. If a person was able to hold his breath for more than 80 seconds, we can talk about the excellent condition of his lungs, 70-80 - good, 65-70 - average, less than 65 - weak.

Condition of the central nervous system

The performance of all organs is assessed during the examination and based on the results of a whole range of biochemical tests. However, as for the nervous system, here specialists face a number of difficulties associated with the limitations of instrumental research.

A person’s physical condition directly depends on the performance of his central nervous system. Moreover, the strength of the nervous processes occurring in our body is quite great. This can be evidenced by the fact that our emotional sphere also depends on the functioning of the nervous system. These are stability of mood and the ability to restrain yourself, perseverance and courage, as well as many other criteria.

In order to determine the functional state of the central nervous system, it is important for a specialist to find out the patient’s sleep characteristics. The fact is that night rest has two phases. This is slow and fast sleep. During the night, these phases change places, repeating from 3 to 5 times. If this alternation is disrupted, a sleep disorder is diagnosed, which indicates mental and neurotic disorders in the body.

An important indicator of the functional state of the central nervous system is coordination of movements. To determine this indicator, special samples are used. With their help, the static and dynamic coordination of the patient’s movements is revealed.

A disorder of this function indicates overwork of the body or the presence of pathological changes that have arisen in certain areas of the nervous system.

Also, to clarify the functional state of the central nervous system, the following are used:

EEG, or electroencephalogram, which records the electrical activity of brain tissue;
- REG, or rheoencephalogram, examining the cerebral blood flow of the brain vessels;
- EMG, or electromyography, which records the electrical activity of skeletal muscles;
- chronaximetry, which studies the excitability of nervous tissue depending on the period of action of the stimulus;
- Romberg test, which detects imbalance when a person is in a standing position;
- Yarotsky test, which determines the sensitivity threshold of the vestibular analyzer;
- finger-nose test, for which the patient must reach the tip of the nose with his index finger (failure to hit may indicate neurosis, brain injury, fatigue and other functional disorders).

Studies of the nervous system can reveal some of its pathologies. These are neuroses or neurosis-like conditions, neurasthenia, etc.


Functional organism, as a rule, studies the dynamics of human performance. In this case, one of the main indicators is the body’s fatigue, that is, its natural reaction that occurs when tension increases during prolonged work.

From a physiological point of view, the fatigue that occurs in a person indicates the depletion of his internal reserves. At the same time, all body systems transfer their functional activity to other modes. For example, due to an increase in the number of heart contractions, the minute volume of blood flow decreases. This process, like many others, slows down the pace of work, disrupts the accuracy, coordination and rhythm of movements.

As fatigue increases, the emotional sphere also suffers. Changes affecting mental processes slow down the functioning of the senses, transferring them to an inertial mode. Also, when tired, the reaction rate decreases, which indicates an increase in the sensorimotor reaction time.

It becomes difficult for a tired person to perform complex movements. In addition, in this state there is a narrowing of the scope of attention with a decrease in the functions of its distribution and switching. As a result, the conscious control that a person must exercise over the performance of his activities is significantly deteriorated.
The deterioration of the functional state of the body during fatigue leads to difficulty in retrieving information contained in long-term memory. The short-term storage system is also disrupted.

As fatigue increases, a person’s motives for activity are transformed. Thus, in the early stages of the work process, a businesslike mood takes place. However, due to the accumulation of fatigue, motives for avoiding activities become predominant.

Performance stages

During the work process, the human body goes through four stages. They include the stages:

Working in;
- optimal performance;
- fatigue;
- the final impulse.

After completion of the last stage, a mismatch of work activity occurs. How to restore optimal performance? To do this, you need to stop activities in order to actively or passively rest.

Sometimes a person experiences cumulation, or accumulation of fatigue. This happens in cases where the fullness or duration of rest periods is insufficient for him. In such cases, chronic fatigue occurs, which is expressed in a feeling of constant fatigue, drowsiness, etc. Objective signs of this functional state in its initial stages are little expressed. But their appearance can always be indicated by a change in the ratio of periods such as the run-in stage, as well as optimal performance.


This is one of the indicators of the functional state of a working person’s body. The degree of intensity of activity can be determined based on the structure of the labor process. This takes into account the content of the workload, as well as its saturation and intensity.

There are two classes of states of tension. The first of them is specific. It determines the intensity and dynamics of psychophysical processes that underlie the performance of labor skills. The second class of tension is nonspecific. It reveals the psychophysical resources of the employee.

Maintaining the normal functional state of the body

The limit of a person’s performance depends on his:

- age;
- nutrition;
- the amount of reserve capabilities of the body;
- motivation;
- experience and professional preparedness;
- sanitary and hygienic working conditions;
- personality orientation.

In order to maintain a normal level of functional state of the body, it is necessary to comply with conditions that prevent fatigue. To do this, it is important to correctly alternate between work and rest.

However, not all problems associated with fatigue can be solved by taking breaks from work. An important role in this case will be the organization of the place of personnel and their work. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

Ensuring sufficient work space;
- availability of artificial and natural lighting;
- permissible level of vibration, noise and other production factors;
- presence of warning signs and necessary instructions;
- cost-effectiveness and trouble-free maintenance of working equipment, etc.

How to restore and maintain your health?

With the help of innovative technologies, Russian scientists made an amazing discovery. The group, led by S.V. Koltsov, created a unique device based on the use of a scalar element of the magnetic field and longitudinal electromagnetic waves.

The invention was called the “Functional State Corrector” (FSC). The main purpose of using the device is to reduce the biological age of a person. Moreover, rejuvenation occurs as a result of an increase in the dynamics of processes in the aquatic environment.

By influencing the body, the functional state corrector normalizes all vital biorhythms, regulating the functioning of the endocrine, cardiovascular, digestive, immune and other systems.

FSC therapy is carried out through information blocks and polarization of medicinal plants and herbs, which are recorded on the magnetic media of the device. Massaru Emoto - images of water crystals - also help improve health. They are also located on magnetic media of the FSC.

Koltsov plates serve as a low-intensity generator that converts electromagnetic radiation from the external environment into something safe for our health. At the same time, FSC protects its owner from the negative impact of working computers, mobile phones and various household appliances.

Koltsov’s plates contain figurative information in the rhythms of the Earth’s external and magnetic field. They have a beneficial effect not only on individual functions of the body, but also on all its systems. These plates also contain information that counteracts the negative psychoenergetic effects. The device has been certified and has a conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Using FSC you can:

1. Cure colds and viral diseases, removing symptoms such as fever and cough, aches and runny nose, weakness, etc.
2. Solve problems associated with eye diseases.
3. Cure and slow down tumor processes, including malignant ones.
4. Get rid of gallbladder and kidney disease.
5. Eliminate osteoporosis.
6. Strengthen the body during the rehabilitation process after operations.
7. Increase the effectiveness of massage and manual therapy sessions.
8. Treat hepatitis and cirrhosis.
9. Eliminate arrhythmia and combat constriction of cerebral vessels.
10. Take preventive measures to prevent strokes and heart attacks.
11. Treat prostate adenoma.
12. Free a person from alcoholism.
13. Eliminate herpes.
14. Restore memory and cure sclerosis.
15. Get rid of varicose veins.

Also in the KFS Koltsov line there are devices for cosmetic purposes. Their use allows you to renew and rejuvenate, as well as moisturize and nourish the skin. Healing plates are recommended for daily use.

Resting metabolism is the basal level of metabolism. Basic metabolism is the most important factor affecting weight. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) measures your resting metabolic rate and determines how much energy a person uses every day in the absence of intense physical activity. Depending on the characteristics of the human body, his body can spend up to 1200 to 3100 kcal/day. A state of rest must be understood not only as a lack of physical activity, but also as maintaining a standard body temperature. However, even when a person sleeps, his body functions and uses energy. The most energy-intensive process is digestion. When breaking down food, 40% of all energy is consumed. The process of breaking down food not only consumes, but also releases the necessary energy, which is used to ensure the functioning of internal organs: heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, intestines, muscles, etc. With an excess accumulation of calories that are not converted into energy, they accumulate in the body in reserve, while the metabolic rate decreases, disrupting the entire metabolic system.

Metabolic scheme

What is BOV?

Resting metabolism uses its energy to maintain the body's functioning, and the body's heat production can be used to measure basal energy expenditure. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is very important for maintaining proper weight, so this indicator decreases with age, due to a decrease in muscle mass. However, increasing muscle mass does not affect the rate of BOV. The energy expended to maintain body temperature and activity affects the BF to the greatest extent.

When calculating BOV, it is necessary to take into account the presence of fat deposits, which are formed differently in people. The fat layer is consumed by the body in the absence of another source of energy, due to which weight loss is achieved. A slow metabolism affects weight, so its level is necessary for weight loss. The level of basal metabolism is influenced by various factors: gender, muscle mass, height and age of a person. Basic metabolism is the number of calories that are consumed by the body in a state of inactivity and ensure the functioning of the body, in particular internal organs, and maintaining a stable temperature. That is, this is the base level that the body burns when it is inactive (for example, sitting on the couch).

A few words about this article:
Firstly, as I said in the public, this article was translated from another language (albeit, in principle, close to Russian, but still translation is quite a difficult job). The funny thing is that after I translated everything, I found on the Internet a small part of this article, already translated into Russian. Sorry for the wasted time. Anyway..

Secondly, this is an article about biochemistry! From here we must conclude that it will be difficult to understand, and no matter how hard you try to simplify it, it is still impossible to explain everything in simple terms, so I did not explain the vast majority of the described mechanisms in simple language, so as not to confuse the readers even more. If you read carefully and thoughtfully, you will be able to figure everything out. And thirdly, the article contains a sufficient number of terms (some are briefly explained in parentheses, some are not, because they cannot be explained in two or three words, and if you start describing them, the article may become too long and completely incomprehensible ). Therefore, I would advise using Internet search engines for those words whose meaning you do not know.

A question like: “Why post such complex articles if it’s difficult to understand them?” Such articles are needed in order to understand what processes occur in the body in a given period of time. I believe that only after knowing this kind of material can you begin to create methodological training systems for yourself. If you don’t know this, then many of the ways to change the body will probably be of the “pointing your finger at the sky” category, i.e. It’s clear what they’re based on. This is just my opinion.

And one more request: if there is something in the article that, in your opinion, is incorrect, or some inaccuracy, then please write about it in the comments (or PM me).


The human body, and even more so an athlete, never works in a “linear” (unchanging) mode. Very often the training process can force him to go to the maximum “speed” possible for him. In order to withstand the load, the body begins to optimize its work under this type of stress. If we consider strength training specifically (bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, etc.), then the first one to send a signal in the human body about the necessary temporary changes (adaptation) are our muscles.

Muscular activity causes changes not only in the working fiber, but also leads to biochemical changes throughout the body. An increase in muscle energy metabolism is preceded by a significant increase in the activity of the nervous and humoral systems.

In the pre-launch state, the action of the pituitary gland, adrenal cortex, and pancreas is activated. The combined action of adrenaline and the sympathetic nervous system leads to: an increase in heart rate, an increase in the volume of circulating blood, the formation in the muscles and penetration into the blood of energy metabolism metabolites (CO2, CH3-CH (OH)-COOH, AMP). A redistribution of potassium ions occurs, which leads to dilation of muscle blood vessels and constriction of blood vessels in internal organs. The above factors lead to a redistribution of the general blood flow of the body, improving the delivery of oxygen to working muscles.

Since the intracellular reserves of macroergs are sufficient for a short time, the body’s energy resources are mobilized in the pre-launch state. Under the influence of adrenaline (adrenal hormone) and glucagon (pancreatic hormone), the breakdown of liver glycogen into glucose increases, which is transported by the bloodstream to working muscles. Intramuscular and hepatic glycogen is a substrate for ATP resynthesis in creatine phosphate and glycolytic processes.

With an increase in work duration (stage of aerobic ATP resynthesis), fat breakdown products (fatty acids and ketone bodies) begin to play a major role in the energy supply of muscle contraction. Lipolysis (the process of fat breakdown) is activated by adrenaline and somatotropin (also known as “growth hormone”). At the same time, hepatic “uptake” and oxidation of blood lipids increases. As a result, the liver releases significant amounts of ketone bodies into the bloodstream, which are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water in working muscles. The processes of oxidation of lipids and carbohydrates occur in parallel, and the functional activity of the brain and heart depends on the amount of the latter. Therefore, during the period of aerobic resynthesis of ATP, the processes of gluconeogenesis occur - the synthesis of carbohydrates from substances of hydrocarbon nature. This process is regulated by the adrenal hormone cortisol. The main substrate of gluconeogenesis is amino acids. In small quantities, glycogen formation also occurs from fatty acids (liver).

Moving from a state of rest to active muscular work, the need for oxygen increases significantly, since the latter is the final acceptor of electrons and hydrogen protons of the mitochondrial respiratory chain system in cells, providing the processes of aerobic resynthesis of ATP.

The quality of oxygen supply to working muscles is affected by the “acidification” of the blood by metabolites of biological oxidation processes (lactic acid, carbon dioxide). The latter affect the chemoreceptors of the walls of blood vessels, which transmit signals to the central nervous system, increasing the activity of the respiratory center of the medulla oblongata (the transition area between the brain and the spinal cord).

Oxygen from the air spreads into the blood through the walls of the pulmonary alveoli (see figure) and blood capillaries due to the difference in its partial pressures:

1) Partial pressure in alveolar air is 100-105 mm. rt. st
2) Partial pressure in the blood at rest is 70-80 mm. rt. st
3) Partial pressure in the blood during active work is 40-50 mm. rt. st

Only a small percentage of the oxygen entering the blood dissolves in the plasma (0.3 ml per 100 ml of blood). The main part is bound in erythrocytes by hemoglobin:

Hb + O2 -> HbO2​

Hemoglobin- a protein multimolecule consisting of four completely independent subunits. Each subunit is associated with heme (heme is an iron-containing prosthetic group).

The addition of oxygen to the iron-containing group of hemoglobin is explained by the concept of kinship. The affinity for oxygen in different proteins is different and depends on the structure of the protein molecule.

A hemoglobin molecule can attach 4 oxygen molecules. The ability of hemoglobin to bind oxygen is influenced by the following factors: blood temperature (the lower it is, the better it binds oxygen, and its increase promotes the breakdown of oxy-hemoglobin); alkaline blood reaction.

After the attachment of the first oxygen molecules, the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin increases as a result of conformational changes in the polypeptide chains of globin.
Blood enriched with oxygen in the lungs enters the systemic circulation (the heart at rest pumps 5-6 liters of blood every minute, while transporting 250 - 300 ml of O2). During intensive work, in one minute the pumping speed increases to 30-40 liters, and the amount of oxygen carried by the blood is 5-6 liters.

Once in the working muscles (due to the presence of high concentrations of CO2 and elevated temperature), an accelerated breakdown of oxyhemoglobin occurs:

H-Hb-O2 -> H-Hb + O2​

Since the pressure of carbon dioxide in the tissue is greater than in the blood, hemoglobin freed from oxygen reversibly binds CO2, forming carbaminohemoglobin:

H-Hb + CO2 -> H-Hb-CO2​

which breaks down in the lungs to carbon dioxide and hydrogen protons:

H-Hb-CO2 -> H + + Hb-+ CO2​

Hydrogen protons are neutralized by negatively charged hemoglobin molecules, and carbon dioxide is released into the environment:

H + + Hb -> H-Hb​

Despite a certain activation of biochemical processes and functional systems in the pre-start state, during the transition from a resting state to intensive work, a certain imbalance is observed between the need for oxygen and its delivery. The amount of oxygen that is necessary to satisfy the body when performing muscular work is called the oxygen demand of the body. However, the increased need for oxygen cannot be satisfied for some time, so it takes some time to strengthen the activity of the respiratory and circulatory systems. Therefore, the beginning of any intensive work occurs in conditions of insufficient oxygen - oxygen deficiency.

If work is carried out at maximum power in a short period of time, then the demand for oxygen is so great that it cannot be satisfied even by the maximum possible absorption of oxygen. For example, when running 100 m, the body is supplied with oxygen by 5-10%, and 90-95% of oxygen arrives after the finish. The excess oxygen consumed after work is done is called oxygen debt.

The first part of the oxygen, which goes to the resynthesis of creatine phosphate (disintegrated during work), is called alactic oxygen debt; the second part of the oxygen, which goes to eliminate lactic acid and resynthesis of glycogen, is called lactate oxygen debt.

Drawing. Oxygen influx, oxygen deficiency and oxygen debt during long-term operation at different powers. A - for light work, B - for heavy work, and C - for exhausting work; I - run-in period; II - stable (A, B) and false stable (C) state during operation; III - recovery period after performing the exercise; 1 - alactic, 2 - glycolytic components of oxygen debt (according to Volkov N.I., 1986).

Alactate oxygen debt compensates relatively quickly (30 sec. - 1 min.). Characterizes the contribution of creatine phosphate to the energy supply of muscle activity.

Lactate oxygen debt fully compensated within 1.5-2 hours upon completion of work. Indicates the share of glycolytic processes in energy supply. During prolonged intensive work, a significant proportion of other processes are present in the formation of lactate oxygen debt.

Performing intense muscular work is impossible without intensifying metabolic processes in the nervous tissue and tissues of the heart muscle. The best energy supply to the heart muscle is determined by a number of biochemical and anatomical and physiological features:
1. The heart muscle is penetrated by an extremely large number of blood capillaries through which blood flows with a high concentration of oxygen.
2. The most active enzymes are aerobic oxidation.
3. At rest, fatty acids, ketone bodies, and glucose are used as energy substrates. During intense muscular work, the main energy substrate is lactic acid.

The intensification of metabolic processes in nervous tissue is expressed in the following:
1. The consumption of glucose and oxygen in the blood increases.
2. The rate of restoration of glycogen and phospholipids increases.
3. The breakdown of proteins and the formation of ammonia increases.
4. The total amount of high-energy phosphate reserves decreases.

Since biochemical changes occur in living tissues, it is quite problematic to directly observe and study them. Therefore, knowing the basic patterns of metabolic processes, the main conclusions about their course are made based on the results of blood, urine, and exhaled air tests. For example, the contribution of the creatine phosphate reaction to the energy supply of muscles is assessed by the concentration of breakdown products (creatine and creatinine) in the blood. The most accurate indicator of the intensity and capacity of aerobic energy supply mechanisms is the amount of oxygen consumed. The level of development of glycolytic processes is assessed by the content of lactic acid in the blood both during work and in the first minutes of rest. Changes in acid balance indicators allow us to draw a conclusion about the body’s ability to resist acidic metabolites of anaerobic metabolism.

Changes in the rate of metabolic processes during muscle activity depend on:
- The total number of muscles that are involved in the work;
- Mode of muscle work (static or dynamic);
- Intensity and duration of work;
- Number of repetitions and rest breaks between exercises.

Depending on the number of muscles involved in the work, the latter is divided into local (less than 1/4 of all muscles are involved in the performance), regional and global (more than 3/4 of the muscles are involved).
Local work(chess, shooting) - causes changes in the working muscle without causing biochemical changes in the body as a whole.
Global work(walking, running, swimming, cross-country skiing, hockey, etc.) - causes large biochemical changes in all organs and tissues of the body, most strongly activates the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The percentage of aerobic reactions in the energy supply of working muscles is extremely high.
Static mode muscle contraction leads to pinching of the capillaries, which means a worse supply of oxygen and energy substrates to the working muscles. Anaerobic processes act as energy supply for activity. Rest after performing static work should be dynamic low-intensity work.
Dynamic mode work provides oxygen to the working muscles much better, so alternating muscle contraction acts as a kind of pump, pushing blood through the capillaries.

The dependence of biochemical processes on the power of the work performed and its duration is expressed as follows:
- The higher the power (high rate of ATP decay), the higher the proportion of anaerobic ATP resynthesis;
- The power (intensity) at which the highest degree of glycolytic energy supply processes is achieved is called depletion power.

The maximum possible power is defined as the maximum anaerobic power. The power of work is inversely related to the duration of work: the higher the power, the faster the biochemical changes occur, leading to fatigue.

From all that has been said, several simple conclusions can be drawn:
1) During the training process, there is an intensive consumption of various resources (oxygen, fatty acids, ketones, proteins, hormones and much more). That is why the athlete’s body constantly needs to provide itself with useful substances (nutrition, vitamins, nutritional supplements). Without such support, there is a high probability of harm to health.
2) When switching to “combat” mode, the human body needs some time to adapt to the load. This is why you shouldn’t put too much stress on yourself from the first minute of training - your body is simply not ready for this.
3) At the end of the workout, you also need to remember that, again, it takes time for the body to move from an excited state to a calm one. A good option to solve this issue is a cool-down (reducing training intensity).
4) The human body has its own limits (heart rate, pressure, amount of nutrients in the blood, rate of synthesis of substances). Based on this, you need to select the optimal training for yourself in terms of intensity and duration, i.e. find the middle at which you can get the maximum positive and the minimum negative.
5) Both static and dynamic must be used!
6) Not everything is as complicated as it first seems..

Let's finish here.

P.S. Regarding fatigue, there is another article (which I also wrote about yesterday in a public post - “Biochemical changes during fatigue and during rest.” It is half as long and 3 times simpler than this one, but I don’t know if it’s worth posting here. Just the gist its point is that it summarizes the article posted here about supercompensation and “fatigue toxins". For the sake of the collection (the completeness of the whole picture), I can also present it. Write in the comments whether it is necessary or not.

This post is about how many calories the brain needs and how many for the muscles, how basal metabolism is calculated and how to determine the energy expenditure for a particular activity. Let's look at some research and the facts obtained.

I’ll start without much preamble or fuss, but go straight to research, signs and facts :)

“Other” includes bones, skin, intestines, and glands. The lungs were not measured for methodological reasons, but were estimated at 200 kcal/kg (about the same as the liver).

Fun fact - fat cells also burn calories. Yes, this value is not so high (about 4.5 kcal/kg), but it is not correct to assume that fat cells are completely inert. Adipocytes produce a large amount of hormones (for example, leptin, which I already talked about in the video), and this requires energy.

Adipocyte, secretory function:

At rest" 70-80% energy consumption falls on organs that occupy no more than 7% of the total body weight (liver, heart, kidneys, brain). At the same time, muscles can occupy about 40% of the total body weight, but at the same time they spend 22% of energy in a state of “rest”, which is somehow not enough.

Here is a good illustration of the ratio of the mass of organs and tissues to the energy expenditure of the body in a state of “rest”:

Here is another interesting study, it shows how the weight of the constituent components of the body (fat, muscles, other organs) changes with the overall change in body weight.

Link on study : Peters A, Bosy-Westphal A, Kubera B, Langemann D, Goele K, Later W, Heller M, Hubold C, Müller MJ. Why doesn’t the brain lose weight when obese people diet?Obes Facts. 2011;4(2):151-7. doi: 10.1159/000327676. Epub 2011 Apr 7.

I'll say right away Diet does not affect brain size😉 The brain mass of an adult remains almost unchanged when losing or gaining weight. But the mass of muscles, fat, kidneys, and liver depends on changes in body weight.

Look how little the bones weigh! So the excuse is “Yes, I just have a heavy bone!” it won't work :)

It turns out that basal metabolic rate or metabolism at rest can be roughly estimated at the level 22-24 kcal per kg body weight. All this is very individual and depends on the size of certain organs, tissues, and active cell mass. But on average it is 22-24 kcal (for men a little more, because the average percentage of fat tissue is slightly less and they have more muscle), so for a woman weighing 55 kg the basic metabolism is approximately 1265 kcal. But this is a BASIC exchange, that is, physical activity is minimal.

Physical activity ratios (PAR) or physical activity coefficient.

You've probably heard that an hour of intense running is 300-400 kcal, but as we found out, the level of basic metabolism depends on the size of certain organs, tissues, active cell mass, and calorie consumption for the same type of physical activity differs from person to person.

The graph below shows your physical activity ratio (PAR). What is the point, for example, our weight is 55 kg and the basic metabolic rate (BMR) is 1,265 kcal or 0.87 kcal per minute, which means to calculate the overall rate of energy expenditure we need to multiply BMR by PAR and by the time of a particular activity. Example, we sleep 8 hours a day (480 minutes * 0.87 BMR * 0.93 PAR = 388 kcal per sleep), walk 2 hours (120 minutes * 0.87 BMR * 3.9 PAR = 407 kcal), etc. .

Link on study : Stefano Lazzer, Grace O'Malley, Michel Vermorel Metabolic And Mechanical Cost Of Sedentary And Physical Activities In Obese Children And Adolescents

It’s unlikely that anyone will calculate all this; personally, I use a sports watch to determine energy consumption from physical activity, but it’s not difficult to calculate basic metabolism.

Finally, information for those who like to drink tea in the office with a chocolate bar and a handful of cookies, they say mental activity is very energy-consuming.

Average the indicator of brain energy consumption is 0.23-0.25 kcal per minute. While an increase in brain energy expenditure on the “thought process” adds about 1% to total energy expenditure, and the maximum level of energy expenditure is no more than 10% of the total energy expenditure of the brain.

“Event-related changes in cerebral blood flow and glucose uptake are no more than 10% of the physiological baseline in typical cognitive paradigms. Concomitant changes in energy utilization are on the order of 1%"

Link to the study: Raichle, M. E., and Mintun, M. A. (2006). Brain work and brain imaging. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 29, 449-476

It turns out that to solve super complex problems the entire working day (8 hours * 0.25 kcal * 60 min * 1.10) the brain needs as much 132 kcal, and that’s as much as 1.5 bananas! 😉

Here's an article. Well, I wish everyone a good mood, health, a great figure and super-efficient brains!)