Why does a woman dream of good or evil dogs? A dog in a dream - why do you dream about a four-legged friend? Why do you dream about a dog with human eyes?

Why do you dream about a dog and what does such a dream warn about? The question is not idle. The dog has been man's friend and faithful companion for thousands of years. You can hunt and play with it, transport cargo and drive through the snow, but its main task is to protect its owner and his home.

A dog can be very angry towards strangers and fight threateningly for its territory, but at the same time, there are many breeds of lap dogs that require care.

The character and skills of an animal depend on the breed and training, they are all different for everyone. It is difficult to guess how a dog accidentally encountered on the road will react to a person. Even more incomprehensible and mysterious is the appearance of his image in night visions.

The main qualities of an animal are considered to be devotion and fidelity, so most interpreters tend to favor a positive connotation of the dream. A dog means the help of a good friend or receiving good news, a desire to seek support from an influential patron or an improvement in well-being.

Muslims called a dog an unclean animal, so in their dream books its arrival was regarded as an imminent attack by an enemy or revenge from someone close to them. It was proposed to kill the dog in a dream, then in real life there was hope of coping with the danger.

Owners love their pets, even if others don't find them adorable. Often the dog becomes a full-fledged member of the family, and the owners adapt to its walking schedule and choose the best treats.

At the same time, some people have been inexplicably afraid of dogs since childhood, regardless of their behavior and size. In dreams, the dog’s belonging to a particular breed and its color are taken into account.


It seems that a small dog in a dream does not pose a significant threat and does not need to be feared. A tiny dog ​​in interpretation means gossip and quarrels, and not an open attack by an ill-wisher.

However, the dream warns of the machinations of an unpleasant eccentric person who is trying in every way to piss off the dreamer, especially if the dog barks loudly or tries to bite.

You should not get angry and get involved in an argument when faced with a scandalous acquaintance or unfair accusations. It is better to calmly understand the situation and overcome it with honor.

A large dog promises full-scale actions on the part of others. If a dog growls and bites, in reality this will lead to a break in relations with a friend or business partner. A purebred, friendly dog ​​promises big profits, while a dirty animal, on the contrary, promises losses and illnesses.

If a dog has a snow-white color in a dream, it represents a faithful friend or guardian angel who will protect a person from adversity and promote career advancement. Moreover, the larger the dog, the more significant the event will be.

When a dog eats from your hands, you should wait for a new friend to appear. This also proves that acquaintances respect and honor the person feeding the dog.

An alarming dream with a white dog killing a snake is also not bad, although it indicates the presence of an enemy among friends. A friend will cope with it and provide the necessary support. If a white dog rushes at another, quarrels in the family or at work are possible.

A red dog portends fun events. For a girl, this means the appearance of a lover and stormy love adventures, and for a man, this means a quick promotion or bonus.

If a person often engages in self-examination and blames himself for past mistakes, the dog seen in a dream says that it is time to start looking at what is happening more positively. Only a huge red dog barking into the void means possible illnesses and problems.

A dog with black fur is often a harbinger of sad events and bad news. The vision recalls the dreamer’s internal contradictions and his excessive rebellion. It is possible that an enemy is lurking among the close circle, eavesdropping on the words of the person who sees the black dog, and preparing to strike a treacherous blow.

At the same time, the dark puppy in the woman’s arms promises a meeting with her young lover, and the man has minor troubles at work.

Breed of dog

A purebred dog represents a noble or powerful person. Petting such a dog in a dream means seeking his favor. If she has a collar around her neck and is chained, the patron is not free from certain obligations and will not help the dreamer. The situation can be reversed by removing the collar and releasing the dog.

A dream in which a purebred dog barks or bites has a negative connotation. In reality, a quarrel with a friend or relative is possible. And guard dogs, located towards the person who notices them, are a sign of protection from any troubles.

An explanation of why a barking dog is dreamed of will not please the dreamer.

Usually, a dream anticipates evil acts directed against a person, the machinations of ill-wishers, attempts to harm and involve them in a serious conflict.

If the dog is also dirty, you should prepare to sort out the accumulated cases or solve a problem that has suddenly arisen. Sleeping with a well-groomed whining animal will bring good consequences. You can expect the arrival of an old friend.

A dog bite means a blow or tangible trouble in real life. Even worse is to see a pack of dogs in a dream, trying to attack or grinning their muzzles. This means that a person is surrounded by evil, aggressive people who will bring nothing but losses and damage.

Fleeing from a dog or a pack can neutralize the situation, but if it attacks and tears the dreamer to shreds, it will be very difficult to cope with the disaster.

A running mad dog warns of a temporary cooling of relations with a friend. If a sick dog bites the dreamer or one of his loved ones, illness or collapse of commercial plans is possible.

Interpretations from dream books

Basically, dream books give a positive description of a dream where a dog is present. Of course, her behavior, size and well-groomed fur play a big role.

According to Miller

Interpretations of what dogs mean in dreams are different for girls and boys. For the former, an exotic sofa dog is most often the news of an acquaintance with an empty, dapper admirer. A dog biting a woman means disagreements with a friend or troubles that will end in failure.

For men, the dog is more associated with business partners and colleagues. A kind animal symbolizes financial success and a significant improvement in one’s financial situation. A dog with spots on light fur indicates looming delays and difficulties in fulfilling obligations.

If a dog growls behind his back, in reality the schemer is trying to deceive the dreamer and secretly weaving a conspiracy. A barking dog also portends quarrels and discord.

According to Vanga

The clairvoyant warned those who saw a wounded or stray dog ​​in a dream. She represents an old friend who is seriously ill or in need of help.

In other cases, the woman compared the dog’s behavior with the spiritual state of the dreamer. A barking and angry animal meant bad karma and advice to ask God for help. A dog that stood up to protect a person in a dream promised support from higher powers.

According to Freud

In his interpretation, the dog symbolizes a child. For women, caressing a dog in a dream means excessive care for their offspring. The dog's jump towards the dreamer predicts an imminent conception.

An Austrian psychiatrist gave an interesting explanation of why a man dreams of dogs. The dream speaks of a passion for a young girl and a desire for an intimate relationship with her.

If a person hunts with a dog, he has a stormy personal life and numerous love affairs.

According to Nostradamus

The fortuneteller offered unexpected interpretations of the answer to why dogs dream. First, he advised considering who was next to them. If a snake appeared at the feet of an animal, an unexpected union of people could be created, one of whom was wise and cunning, and the second - loyal and decisive. This led to dizzying success in his endeavors.

The dog and the whale were interpreted as the invention of powerful deadly weapons capable of destroying humanity. The conversation between animals symbolized the beginning of reconciliation between people and rulers.

Nostradamus didn't like the big white dog. He foreshadowed famine and hard times in the northern countries. A dog barking at the dreamer spoke of a decline in business and the danger of losing his fortune.

The seer was merciful only to the caressing and cheerful animal in a dream. This promised profit and good news, which had been long awaited. Also, a person should have started a new business; there should have been no difficulties along the way.


The symbol of 2018 according to the eastern calendar is the Dog. Seeing her in a dream means good things if you treat her kindly: pet her or feed her. Then the year will be successful and will be remembered for good events.

Dog owners are happy to see their pets regardless of the time of day. A faithful companion appearing in a dream means love and care from friends. And the dreamed dog himself will wake up the owner in the morning with a joyful bark and will proudly accompany him on a walk.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

Dogs can symbolize both true friends and worst enemies. A dog in a dream is a confirmation of a reliable and trusting relationship between you and your friend. Wild Dog is an attempt to resolve a seemingly intractable conflict. (Of course, in both cases, your dream may just be a repetition of a life situation with a dog - evil or kind).

Do you want someone who is unreasonably harassing you to stop harassing you?

Is there a person in your life whose loyalty you doubt or whose loyalty is deliberately emphasized?

Dog in Miller's dream book

If you dream of an angry dog, expect failures and treacherous actions of your opponents. An affectionate dog promises good luck and true friends. If in a dream you are the owner of a purebred dog, you will be able to make a substantial fortune for yourself. If a bloodhound follows you, the dream warns you against temptations that could become disastrous for you. If a dog bites you, do not expect peace in the near future either in your relations with your business partners or with your wife. Skinny and dirty dogs mean future failures or illness. If you hear dogs barking, bad news awaits you. A hunting dog in your home portends favorable circumstances in business. Cute dogs of an exquisite breed are a promise to a girl of a frivolous, dapper admirer. If in a dream you are frightened by a meeting with a big dog, your lot will be resistance to the entire environment, the desire to rise above vulgarity and mediocrity. For women, this dream promises a very worthy husband. The growling of dogs behind you is a sign that some intriguer is approaching your cherished interests. Sometimes this dream foreshadows your defeat, but it is always an incentive to active resistance. A cat and a dog suddenly throwing themselves at each other promise you failure in matters of the heart. A dream in which you spill water on fighters is favorable. A white dog circling around you in a friendly manner portends great success in business and love. The many-headed dog warns you not to get carried away with too many things at once: this turns into vanity. A mad dog chasing you is a warning to mobilize all your strength of character in order to resist the fight. A good dream in which you drive her away or kill her. Walking with a dog, especially a purebred one, and seeing how it kills a snake - both of these plots are extremely favorable.

Dog in Vanga's dream book

Seeing a stray dog ​​in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a very difficult situation. He doesn't ask you for help only because he doesn't want to burden you with his problems.

If you dreamed of a completely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream predicts a meeting with an old friend whom you have not seen for many years.

If you saw a black dog in a dream, then in reality you will be bitterly disappointed in the person whom you have long considered your friend. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also use your secrets in order to publicly discredit your good name.

Seeing a gigantic dog in a dream is evidence that in the future you will meet a person who will later become your great friend. Sometimes such a dream prophesies support for your old friend.

Feeding a dog in a dream is a sign that in real life you can be relied upon. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore those around you respect and love you.

If you dreamed of a wounded or killed dog, then such a dream is a bad omen. Soon you will receive very bad news about a fatal illness or even the death of your very good friend.

If a dog protects you in a dream, then in reality you are under the protection of higher powers. You have nothing to fear, because you are protected by guardian angels who monitor all your thoughts and actions from heaven.

If a dog attacks you, then such a dream suggests that in real life you will have a quick meeting with black forces. The servants of Satan will try to make your life miserable, causing you one misfortune after another. If you repel a dog's attack, it means you will be able to resist the forces of evil, but this will only happen if you turn to God for help.

Dog in the dream book according to Nostradamus

The dog is a symbol of devotion.

Seeing a stray dog ​​is a warning that what you have acquired and accumulated with great effort can easily be lost this year.

Seeing a completely white huge dog is a symbol of the deterioration in industry and living standards in general, which is expected in the winter in the northern countries.

To see a dog with a sleeping snake lying at its feet is a sign that an alliance will be made that no one expected or could predict, but it will be durable like the devotion of a dog and productive like the wisdom of a snake.

Seeing a person in the guise of a dog is a symbol of new discoveries regarding Bigfoot and his closest genetic relatives.

Seeing a dog negotiating with a whale is a symbol that the use of the most powerful lethal weapons will be put on a new legislative basis, which will help establish a real balance in the world.

Dogs can symbolize both true friends and worst enemies.

A dog in a dream is a confirmation of a reliable and trusting relationship between you and your friend.

Wild Dog is an attempt to resolve a seemingly intractable conflict. (Of course, in both cases, your dream may just be a repetition of a life situation with a dog - evil or kind).

Do you want someone who is unreasonably harassing you to stop harassing you?

Is there a person in your life whose loyalty you doubt or whose loyalty is deliberately emphasized?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

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Seeing Dogs in a dream

If a dog cuddles up to you in a dream, this means that you will meet true friends.

If a dog bites you in a dream, it means... An old friend will betray you.

A quarrel with friends, a breakup with a loved one is foreshadowed by a dream in which a dog barks at you.

These recently close and dear people will begin to harm you in an incomprehensible anger, but all their efforts will be in vain.

If in a dream a dog follows you on your heels, this portends you some troubles in business and heartbreaks.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does a Dog's dream mean?

If a person turns into a dog in a dream, his home is threatened with grief and suffering.

Both his crime and his punishment will be severe.

If he meets a dog in a dream, then in reality he will be happy and satisfied with his fate until the end of his days.

Interpretation of dreams from the Assyrian dream book

Seeing Dogs in a dream

An affectionate, kind dog in a dream always portends good luck and true friends.

A white dog circling around you in a friendly manner is a sign of great success in business and love.

If in a dream a dog protects you, in reality you are under the protection of higher powers.

You have nothing to fear, because next to you are guardian angels who monitor all your thoughts and actions from heaven.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What do Dog dreams mean?

If in a dream you get yourself a dog, this portends a disagreement with your husband in real life. To see a puppy leaving puddles all over the apartment means you are taking on extra worries, for which they won’t even thank you. Playing with a dog - in reality you will experience spiritual joy.

Train a dog - you will be able to protect yourself in an extreme situation, walk it - to a successful outcome of long walks through numerous authorities.

Running away from a huge, angry dog ​​attacking you means that in reality a hidden danger awaits you. If a mad dog bites you, you will suffer losses by acting short-sightedly.

A mongrel the size of a cat jumping around you and yapping like a pug at an elephant - ignore the malicious remark of a person who is unfriendly towards you, which will cause him even greater irritation. A dog running away from you with its tail between its legs is a harbinger of illness.

Seeing a dog on a chain near a kennel means you will make enemies and envious people. Hunting dogs mean success achieved through hard work and dedication to your idea; watchdogs - be careful in choosing friends; indoor decorative dogs - to family quarrels; white - you will make a new acquaintance or groom; black dogs are deception and treason.

A lapdog in a dream foretells the help of friends in a difficult situation, a greyhound - a change of job or place of residence, a bulldog - you will achieve success by overcoming misconceptions. A hound dog portends resentment from the enemy, a Great Dane - a meeting with good old acquaintances, a pug - you won't run out of troubles around the house, a shepherd dog - hurry to protect people dear to you, a poodle - you will find protection from a powerful patron, a spitz - you will find a faithful and devoted friend.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream about Dogs

If you dream of an angry dog, expect failures and treacherous actions of your opponents. An affectionate dog promises good luck and true friends.

If in a dream you are the owner of a purebred dog. You will be able to make a solid fortune for yourself.

If a bloodhound follows you, the dream warns you against temptations that could become disastrous for you. If a dog bites you, do not expect peace in the near future either in your relations with your business partners or with your wife.

Skinny and dirty dogs mean future failures or illness.

If you hear dogs barking, bad news awaits you. A hunting dog in your home portends favorable circumstances in business.

Cute dogs of an exquisite breed are a promise to a girl, a frivolous, dapper admirer.

If in a dream you are frightened by a meeting with a big dog, your destiny will be resistance to the entire environment, the desire to rise above vulgarity and mediocrity.

For women, this dream promises a very worthy husband.

The growling of dogs behind you is a sign that some intriguer is approaching your cherished interests. Sometimes this dream foreshadows your defeat, but it is always an incentive to active resistance.

A cat and a dog suddenly throwing themselves at each other promise you failure in matters of the heart. A dream in which you spill water on fighters is favorable.

A white dog circling around you in a friendly manner portends great success in business and love.

A many-headed dog warns you not to get carried away with many things at once: this turns into vanity.

A mad dog chasing you is a warning to mobilize all your strength of character in order to resist the fight. A good dream in which you drive away or kill her.

Walking with a dog, especially a purebred one, and seeing how it kills a snake - both of these plots are extremely favorable.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

If you dreamed about a dog, then you will have a faithful friend. Playing with a dog means a faithful friend. Playing with several dogs in a dream means stinginess awaits you.

I dreamed of a white dog - this portends prosperity. Big black dog - your friend will cheat on you. A mad dog is a sign of the greatest danger.

I dreamed of an evil dog, a dog that bites - this means shameful love. Attacking dog - Seeing a dog fighting with a cat means a quarrel with a false friend.

If you dreamed about your own dog, this means a faithful, fearless and devoted friend.

Seeing a dog tearing at your dress is a sign of slander and the trickery of a low and vile person who is trying to harm you.

See also: why do you dream about a puppy, why do you dream about a wolf, why do you dream about a friend.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about a dog?

I dreamed about a dog - this is a symbol of a security guard. Often black magicians turn into dogs in dreams and try to scare. It all depends on what kind of dog you dreamed about and how it treats you, whether there is an angry dog. In any case, the dog is a symbol of the partner.

To see a dog attacking you or barking at you, or a dog that bites - then your defense has been broken and you have enemies.

Mad dog - you are in great danger. Be careful.

If you dreamed of an angry dog, this symbolizes a clot of aggressive astral energy.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about a Dog in a dream:

If you dreamed about a dog, it is a symbol of devotion.

Seeing a stray dog ​​is a warning that what you have acquired and accumulated with great effort can easily be lost next year.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Seeing a dog in a dream:

To see that you are walking with a dog is something to be envied. You have a wonderful friend who will always lend his shoulder to you in the most difficult moments.

Attacking dog - If you dreamed of a dog barking, this is evidence that you have fake friends. They talk about you behind your back and plot against you.

If in a dream evil dogs see you off by barking, this means that you will be able to unravel the intentions of your imaginary friends in time and prevent them from harming you.

Seeing your own dog barking at you is a sign that they envy you with evil envy. This is due to your strong financial situation.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream about a Dog according to the dream book:

Seeing that you have gotten yourself a dog - this portends a disagreement with your husband in real life. If you dreamed of a puppy leaving puddles all over the apartment, then you will take on unnecessary worries, for which they won’t even thank you.

Seeing yourself playing with a dog means you will experience spiritual joy. Train a dog - you will be able to protect yourself in an extreme situation.

Walking a dog in a dream means a successful outcome of long walks through numerous authorities. Running away in a dream from a huge, angry dog ​​attacking you means a hidden danger awaits you.

If you see that a mad angry dog ​​has bitten you, then you will suffer losses by acting short-sightedly.

If you dreamed of a mongrel dog the size of a cat jumping around you and yapping like a pug at an elephant, then you will ignore the malicious remark of a person who is unfriendly to you, which will cause him even greater irritation.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about a Dog according to the dream book:

If you dreamed of an angry dog, this means failure and the insidious machinations of your enemies. An affectionate dog promises good luck and true friends.

If you see that you are the owner of a purebred dog, then you will easily be able to make a substantial fortune for yourself.

If you dreamed of a sniffer dog following you, this warns you against dangerous temptations.

Attacking dog - If a dog bites you, then do not expect peace in the near future, either at home or at work.

Dreaming of a skinny and dirty dog ​​means failure or illness.

The barking of dogs heard in a dream foretells bad news.

You dreamed of a hunting dog in your house - this means favorable circumstances in business.

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

If you dream about a Dog, what does it mean:

to see in a dream - you have a serious matter ahead of you, in which many of your close relatives and friends will take part, but all responsibility for its success will be placed on you and not in vain, you will live up to expectations. This dream also foreshadows a revision of your attitude towards life and the people around you.

Petting a dog in a dream means receiving an unexpected invitation from a person who can influence your destiny. Your desire for leadership and competition will awaken.

If an angry dog ​​barks at you in a dream, you will soon have to completely waste your time, finding yourself in an unfamiliar place in the company of arrogant and unattractive people who will behave arrogantly towards you, but on whom your immediate future will depend.

Being bitten by a dog in a dream means that your temporary illness will become the reason for your refusal to participate in some kind of special event. If a girl has this dream, it warns her against deception. If in a dream an angry dog ​​attacks you, this means that fate will soon throw trials at you, but you will overcome with honor all the difficulties that previously seemed insurmountable and unrealistic to you.

To see that a dog is protecting you, be prepared to take risks in a situation where all circumstances are stacked against you, do not lose confidence in success. Such a dream may foretell the loss of a friend.

Beating a dog in a dream means that soon you will be seriously disturbed by thoughts about the honesty and decency of the people around you, and the voice of conscience will speak within you.

Seeing a dog that does not cause you fear - you will unexpectedly begin to pay attention and react sharply to any little things.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream about a Dog according to the dream book:

This dream suggests that if you find yourself in a difficult situation, your friend can help you.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about a Dog, what does it mean:

A dog in a dream is a harbinger of a new partner or friend, and this can affect both professional and personal life.

Dirty, skinny, shabby dogs are a sign of illness and failure. Not seeing, but only hearing the barking and growling of a dog means intrigue and danger. Hunting dogs dream of order in the house and prosperity. When interpreting this dream, the color of the dog is of great importance; what if it is a big black dog?

Dark dogs dream of relationships that will proceed more violently than smoothly, but both partners will be satisfied with them as a result.

Light-colored dogs foretell to dreamers an easy and relaxed relationship that can be built on mutual lies and carefully hidden ill will. This interpretation is especially likely if the dog is completely white.

A dream in which you see yourself as the owner of a purebred dog suggests that the well-being of your relationship with a certain person is entirely in your hands, and your partner voluntarily gave you the right to lead himself. Most likely, he trusts you infinitely.

To see that you have sheltered a stray dog, then you will have to help someone who is weaker than you. In return for your kindness, this person will become your true friend or fall head over heels in love with you. Being the owner of a hound dog in a dream means a lucky coincidence of circumstances in which your friends will have a hand. Dreaming of a spoiled lap dog is a warning about frivolous love, which you will be inclined to succumb to.

A dream in which a dog shows trust, love or devotion towards you promises you great luck. You trusted the right people - they will not leave you in difficult times and will help you cope with your problems. If the dog in your dream is aggressive, then in life you will experience treachery and treachery from your partners or lovers.

To suffer from a dog bite in a dream is an unfavorable sign. Such a dream means that you will have to go through a period of quarrels and misunderstandings with family and colleagues.

If in a dream the dog’s behavior frightened you, then in reality you will face serious mental problems. Your old life will no longer please you, but in order to live in a new way, you will have to change a lot. The main question that will confront you is whether you are decisive and strong enough to resist the opinions of others alone.

Hearing dogs barking in a dream is a sign of unexpected news that will greatly disturb you. If you heard dogs howling or saw a dead dog in a dream, then expect news of the illness or death of a person dear to you.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream about a dog according to the dream book?

We have dreams in which we see four-legged friends quite often, but we should take into account the circumstances in which the dog appeared in the dream.

So, for example, if you dreamed of a large dog with a light color, this means success in love affairs; for young women, it means early marriage. A barking dog means quarrels or gossip and squabbles.

If you had to see a dog or small dogs in a dream, this means that your thoughts are too frivolous, and for a young woman such a dream means that she will have a groom who will have much more false polish than real advantages.

Seeing that you have been barked or bitten by an angry dog, or if you dream of a rabid dog, means possible dangers, worries, lack of stability in life, and gossip and gossip may also appear that will ruin your life.

A dog swimming in water dreams of good luck in business, but if in a dream a dog kills a snake or protects you from some danger, then this means that in reality you will have strong support from friends, luck will turn to you and a bright period in life lies ahead.

A howling dog is a bad omen; it foretells trouble, a tense period in life and relationships with loved ones.

Dream book of birds and animals

Why do you dream about a Dog according to the dream book:

You can use a symbol such as a dog in cases where you need to support a friend or when your loyalty to a friend is being tested. The faithful Argo waited for Odysseus to return from the Trojan War and was the only one who, after many years, was able to recognize his master in disguise. Such beliefs existed in ancient Greece, but they are widespread throughout the world.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see a Dog in a dream?

Brief interpretation: friendship; devotion; protection.

Popular expression: it's a dog's life; an old bird is not caught with chaff; every dog ​​has his day; draw amiss; do not be afraid of a lying dog, but be afraid of a silent one; on a short leash; fall out of favor.

This is a symbol of unconditional love. She will follow you to the ends of the earth, she will be with you even when everyone turns away from you.

What dog did you see in your dream? Is it a German Shepherd, Irish Setter or French Poodle? This will tell you if your dream is referring to another country. Manners and etiquette are important to you.

In a dream, does a dog protect you or make you afraid? Are you afraid of a barking dog? Does anyone in your life see things as more complicated than they really are?

What do you do with a dog in your dream? Do you train it, play with it, or show it to someone? How does this characterize you? If you dream about a dog show, the dream may symbolize the desire to win, hard work and attention to detail.

If in real life you don’t like dogs, perhaps such a dream indicates that you are treated negatively? If you see a dog working somewhere, think about your professional activity. Do you work for people who respect you, or do you feel like a slave?

Dreaming of a Dog? See the following interpreter.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Dog in a dream:

The image of a dog is included in a wider range of meanings associated with animals or those creatures, each of which can reflect our natural essence in the positive or negative sense of the word “animal”.

Lunar dream book

Why does a sleeping person dream of a Dog? This means:

security guard symbol. Often black magicians turn into dogs in dreams and try to scare. It all depends on what kind of dog you dreamed of and how it treats you. In any case, the dog is a symbol of the partner.

It’s bad if a dog attacks you or barks - your defense has been broken and you have enemies. Mad dog - you are in great danger. Be careful.

A dog can symbolize a clot of aggressive astral energy if it was ferocious in a dream.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream about a Dog according to the dream book:

If you dreamed of a mongrel that you feed or pet in a dream, it means that soon you will be required to help a person whom everyone else will boycott. And it will depend only on you how his future relationships with his peers will develop. If you can (or rather, want) to help him, then you will do a good deed, which will definitely “remember” you later. If you don’t want to lend a helping hand to someone, you risk losing the respect and trust of others.

Describe your dream:

Dogs are the most loyal creatures, and it is not for nothing that when you hear the phrase “my four-legged friend,” this particular animal immediately appears before your eyes. They have been living side by side with man for thousands of years, helping him in everything. But what can a dog dream about when it enters a dream? Is it always a good sign, or could it be a warning?

In most cases, a dog in a dream is a positive character, but not always. Much depends on the interpretation and related factors.

For example, a whole pack of dogs symbolize many problems, troubles and experiences that bother a person in real life. This dream warns of expected obstacles and dubious friends waiting for a person to make a mistake.

If dogs are favorably disposed towards a person, they caress and allow themselves to be petted, then the dream radically changes its meaning. In this case, you can count not only on your own strength, but also on luck, which will accompany you in all your endeavors. This dream foreshadows that the time has come for the most daring changes, to change the field of activity or organize your business.

Naturally, the behavior of dogs in their sleep is of great importance. If a flock of animals is friendly with each other, plays and frolics, then this is a sure sign that fruitful cooperation and a successful outcome of planned affairs are expected in a person’s life.

If the dogs are belligerent, fight, sorting things out among themselves, then the sleeping person will face a rift with friends or colleagues in life, which will not be easy to forget. This is a warning dream, after which you need to be more careful in your statements or actions so as not to become the culprit of a quarrel.

In addition to the number of pets, the interpretation of the dream also depends on what kind of dog you dreamed about.

As in life, in a dream many of a person’s associations when seeing a dog depend on its appearance. A big dog can cause fear, and a tiny puppy can cause tenderness. What animal parameters should you pay attention to when interpreting a dream?

Why do you dream of a big or small dog?

An animal of impressive size indicates that a person has good relationships with friends based on trust. But if a dog inspires terror in a sleeping person, it means that in life he is afraid of his comrades. And this does not allow you to fully open up to your friends, to fully trust.

There are several interpretations of dreams where a big dog appears:

  • symbolizes reliability, success and prosperity - a large dog can become a protector against any kind of threat;
  • the dream means that any troubles will lose their significance and become less important;
  • a large dog can mean that an influential and powerful patron will appear in a person’s life.

Small dogs most often mean small but enjoyable chores. Perhaps the family is about to celebrate an important date, the birth of a baby is expected, or a wedding is expected. Of course, preparation, choosing gifts, organizing a celebration is a troublesome task, but at the same time pleasant.

These same dogs warn that soon you will have to take care not only of your life priorities, but also be interested in whether others agree with this arrangement of affairs.

Small dogs can represent younger relatives or comrades who need protection.

Dreaming of a white, black, red dog

The color of the fur of the dreamed dog allows you to interpret the dream differently. So why might you dream of a dog of one color or another:

  • Wool black color is a warning about a meeting with an enemy. Sometimes this dream suggests that someone around him has evil intent, or that the dreamer himself has lost faith in his loved ones. In this case, a frank conversation with friends helps.
  • Wool white color- a messenger that a meeting with old good friends will soon take place, and the old relationship will quickly be restored. Also, a white dog can be a symbol of changes in life for the better.
  • Redhead a dog is a sign of deceit on the part of supposed allies. This means that those around you are acting dishonestly towards you, or are preparing a conspiracy. If a man dreams of a dog with such fur, then there is a possibility of a dishonest colleague.
  • Gray The dog's fur means that in difficult times all loved ones will turn away. There is a great risk that your best friend will be on the other side of the barricades in a conflict.
  • Brown dog - mistrust on the part of an old acquaintance, which the sleeper will have to dispel.

Dog of a certain breed

Quite often, a purebred animal appears in people's dreams. The dream itself speaks of a person’s desire to be in some company, to achieve a promotion at work, to find an influential patron. Moreover, the dog seems to suggest that friends will help you achieve your goal.

What is the significance of this or that breed of four-legged friends:

  • A German Shepherd is a good sign, indicating that a person has friends who are ready to help. The plan will work out, especially if the activity is connected with caring for those in need.
  • The Rottweiler is a symbol of change, regardless of whether it is positive or negative, it will definitely cause difficulties for a person. It will take time for a person to come to terms with changes.
  • – the upcoming work involves communicating with friendly and talented employees. Such activities will only bring satisfaction.
  • Labrador – symbolizes a huge surge of energy in the work field. Friends will help you establish good relations with your boss. Such a dog indicates that a person is confident in himself and his abilities.
  • - portends unexpected joy at work, which will affect many. All possible problems will be resolved once or twice.

What does a dog do in a dream?

The actions of the animal are very important. If a dog is sleeping, then this is a symbol of a person’s conscience. In addition, it is important what your four-legged friend looks like:

  • If the dog is clean, with neat fur, it means that the sleeping person has a clear conscience.
  • An animal in the dirt, shaggy and emaciated means that there are a lot of thoughts, doubts, and reflections in the sleeper’s head. Perhaps this is a feeling of guilt.
  • Dreaming of a sleeping dog that does not allow one to pass through is a symbol of the fact that a person’s soul is heavy because of previously committed deeds.
  • The kindest, sweet dog personifies true friendship, which means that there is someone nearby to whom you can reveal any secret. This is a real support in any situation.
  • A dog that barks aggressively at the dreamer - the dream warns that the person will soon be drawn into a conflict.
  • Mad Dog warns that a big fight with your best friend could lead to him becoming your worst enemy.
  • The chained dog says that you should be more careful in choosing friends; many of those around you are not such at all.

Interesting interpretations of dreams from other dream books

How many people, so many opinions. If we look at different dream books, we can see that a dog can symbolize completely different phenomena.

  1. Looking into an ancient Old Church Slavonic dream book, you can read that a dog in a dream speaks of a person’s devotion and courage. Longo's dream book indicates that if a dog licks a person's hand, then good luck awaits him in his career. If the animal is sleeping, then most likely you will have to give up everything and take care of the children.
  2. Dream interpreter Kanonita points out that if you dream of a dog, then an unattainable goal can be achieved with maximum effort.
  3. Italians trust Maneghetti's dream book; according to him, dreams about dogs indicate who dominates in a relationship and who only submits. Most often, these relationships are negative, since one of the participants suppresses the will of the other. These may not necessarily be married couples, but also mother-child, father-child, etc.
  4. The well-known Nostradamus also did not ignore the topic of dogs in dreams. Its interpretation is connected with the financial situation of the sleeper, or more precisely with his instability. In such a dream there is a warning - it’s time to save money “for a rainy day.”
  5. Tsvetkov’s dream book says that a dog is a symbol of an upcoming victory. If a person experiences difficulties, then the matter will be resolved in his favor anyway.
  6. Freud focuses on the character and behavior of the animal, a kind dog dreams of new pleasant acquaintances, an evil one prophesies a quick quarrel, the dog caresses - a new love will soon appear, if it bites - grueling litigation awaits the sleeper.

Whatever dreams prophesy, you should not rely only on them. You should benefit from them and build a life with your own hands.