Why do you dream about rich funerals? Funeral interpretation of the dream book. Dream Interpretation - Dancing

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Why do you dream about the Funeral in a dream according to 11 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Wake” symbol from 11 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Celebrating a wake for the deceased in a dream- to grief.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Attend the wake- bad sign. For a patient such a dream- means death, and for a healthy person - the death of someone close to you. One more meaning- the return of the one who had the dream to some of his old activities or projects.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Wake in a dream?

A dream in which you take part in the wake of a loved one who is alive and well in reality- this foretells him many years of prosperous existence in this world.

If in a dream you see your own funeral, if those gathered are sad- this is a disruption of plans, and if you are cheerful and lively- this means that you will soon receive financial assistance.

A wake in a dream that resulted in an ordinary drinking session- portend difficulties with raising children and frequent absences of the husband.

A wake at which either a revived deceased or his spirit is present- a harbinger of an unsuccessful start in a new business.

Funeral service for a deceased cat or dog- mean in reality that your friends or children will play a funny prank on you.

Ukrainian dream book

I'll dream about the wake- happy old age.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Wake according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, funeral- an omen that you can live for a long time.

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Be a guest there- a good sign, you will continue to do what you previously abandoned.

Seeing your own is a hint that important things will have to be postponed.

A dream in which the deceased was at his wake- warns that it is better not to start new things.

Video: Why do you dream of a wake?

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Did you dream about the Wake, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Funeral in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello, please decipher my dream for me. I had a dream from Thursday to Friday, from August 22 to 23...I was in some kind of public house, in a public shower...hiding...my split occurred...I was the second one to leave the house...I was the first one to stay in the shower...I looked, coming up to there is a man with a gun, looking out the window and shooting, killing me in my soul. I am the second, in horror I run into the house, to hide from the killer... and I, the first, have already been killed... Then I dream of my wake in the same shower, we are sitting at the table - me, my daughter, and a couple of women... And on the contrary I see my a dressed corpse sitting on a chair, and I see how it slowly falls from the chair, rolls down... and then I wake up... Naturally, this worries me all day, but I try to set myself up for the positive!………Thank you!

    hello, I had a dream that all my colleagues from the organization where I work were at the wake of our leader in some good restaurant... nothing directly testified about the wake in the dream, for example, there were no wreaths, black and red flowers, sorrow and tears, but I knew that this was a wake...
    I had a dream from Friday October 12, 2013 to Saturday

    Good afternoon I dreamed of a wake for my ex-husband, who in real life is alive and well. Moreover, the only emotions I felt were joy when meeting the people who were there. However, I was disturbed by the fact that at the wake there was a person who is no longer alive. He was clean, beautiful and cheerful.

    I dreamed of a funeral for a friend (in reality she was alive), there were a lot of people and her husband (he died 12 years ago) accused me of somehow upsetting her (my friend) and generally treating her badly. I, in turn, accused her husband (who died) of going out and cheating on his wife, although in reality this did not happen. In general, we argued, and there was a heavy aftertaste.

    Hello! I dreamed that my grandmother died. I just heard that her heart couldn’t stand it. Her photo was on the table in a frame, there were few guests and there was almost nothing to eat on the table...a glass with a piece of bread and a photo. I didn’t sit at the table, I just stood nearby. I don't remember anything else. Tell me, is it worth worrying about this dream?

    from the beginning I’m at the cemetery in 2020, then I’m going to the funeral with sweets, buns, unknown youth, I go to them, 2031, I go up to the cemetery, sit down on the sand, the deceased grandmother comes and says that in 2131, there will be an expensive turn, I answered that when I will be 91 years old, I don’t care how long the divorce will be, I’ll get a divorce when I’m 51 years old

    I dreamed of a wake for my mother who had died a long time ago, and in the dream this caused surprise. What was also surprising was that dad drank cognac at the wake. There were people who were unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar. During this event, dad offered to bury new dishes in mom’s grave and even prepared boxes. I was horrified and returned all the dishes to their place.

    Hello! I see in a dream that I accidentally end up at someone else’s funeral. when I ask whose, it turns out to be a famous writer who died in Stalin’s camps in 1937. there are a lot of people, everyone is sitting at the table. I also want to sit down, but they don’t allow me, they say that today only men are commemorating, and women will gather tomorrow at the house of my friend, who has nothing to do with the deceased, but really wants to arrange a memorial dinner.

    Hello. I'm 18. Since childhood, I often have dreams that always come true. I've never just had a dream before. always towards something. So today in a dream I was at a concert in which some serious person was being remembered. At the same time, I saw his family next to the grave. but for some reason the dream was not frightening. warm environment, warm people. This is the first time I have dreamed like this. To be honest, I'm a little confused about what it was.

    I dream of a wake (one year after my sister’s husband, he hanged himself (in real life)), we go to remember him in a cafe with family and friends, but once at the table I notice that only relatives have gathered. I give a speech, but my father starts shouting at me so that I don’t talk much about him (about my sister’s husband), I cry and leave. I saw Yura’s friends (deceased), but in another room. Then this plot is interrupted and my sister and I are in an unknown room with her little daughter who, like a gymnast, shows us the elements, and on her back she has a triangle made of pigment spots from the shoulders to the tailbone…. what could this mean...?

    • Good afternoon
      I dreamed that I was at the wake of a woman with whom I used to work. She is alive in reality. Her relatives, whom I personally know, were there. Children and husband, nephew. The room was not large, white.

  • I had a dream that my family and a friend were gathering for a wake on the occasion of the death of a deaf and mute girl I knew. There were also a bunch of gypsies there, and they even talked to one. At the wake, I cleaned tables and dishes. There I learned the story of the death of a friend - she saw something on a trip that others did not see - something red (a ship with scarlet sails?) and died, seemingly by drowning

    Hello! I dreamed of a funeral in an ordinary apartment for a girl who was alive and well in life, people unknown to me were present at the funeral, but there was no memorial table. The “dead” herself was there, she was smiling and having fun, she didn’t know that she was dead, everyone knew that she was dead and they grieved and didn’t know how to tell her that she was dead. And then at the same time they dreamed of feces with worms

    My mother’s sister celebrated her wake. Well, I was there too. Here's something strange - ALL OF US who came to my aunt's wake were not allowed to look at her... although in my dream I understood that even at the table my aunt was sitting alive. Strange!

    there was a wake in my corridor, on the wall there was an icon that I had never seen before. the one who led the wake asked several times angrily to bring cabbage soup to the table, and for a long time I could not find them, but they were at home. I was never able to submit them.

    I dreamed about the house of my deceased grandmother, there were a lot of people there, as if my grandmother was having a funeral and after that a wake. I didn’t see my grandmother herself. All the people were unknown, they spoke as if they were my relatives. Then everyone lined up two deep and I was among them. Then everything got mixed up, already familiar people appeared with whom I communicate in everyday life.

    hello. I saw women in a dream who were celebrating a funeral at the table when they left, I wanted to give them food from the table but they refused and after that I decided to throw the funeral dinner in a bucket

    I dreamed of my mother’s funeral, I remember exactly that it was 40 days, but she was also present at them and knew that it was her funeral. at the end she just said goodbye to me. the mentions in the dream were not in the place where they actually were.

    About twenty years ago we lived in that house from the window of which I heard a noise and climbed out the window to look, there were a lot of people there, they were screaming, and someone was about to fall out of the window. Then a stranger’s apartment, many rooms, people came to the wake of a guy who killed someone and then killed himself, this apartment is not mine, but I seemed to know everything in it, it’s not clear what I did there, a lot of the relatives of the deceased were non-Russian.

    I was at the wake of an unfamiliar woman, there were candles around her photo, I accidentally extinguished them, and then they lit up on their own after 10-15 seconds, in the dream I was still working in some store, I don’t remember anymore.

    I dreamed that I was at my ex-boyfriend’s house, and everyone there was preparing food for the funeral, and I was also asked to help, I didn’t refuse and started helping, and after that his dad gave me 500 and 150 tenge. and sent me to get food. and in the dream we ate cookies made from only raisins and only nuts.

    I found out about the death of my still living mother. It was very difficult, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I couldn’t cry. I came to work, sat in the corner, my mother’s daughter-in-law sat down next to me. Then I was sitting at home in the kitchen alone, my mother’s daughter-in-law appeared again, then I hear a noise in the hallway (I’m surprised that the door is not closed) the granddaughter of my mother’s brother, who is related to me by blood (daughter-in-law’s husband), comes into the kitchen, only she is dressed on top and naked from below and her back is bare, animated. The daughter and son of my mother’s daughter-in-law come in animatedly behind her ( they are not related to me by blood) with hot pots and everyone sits down at the table. I am very surprised that they came to remember with their products and I feel uncomfortable and not comfortable with them, and I don’t understand why my granddaughter is not embarrassed by her nudity - they look at her like fool.

    I had a black and white dream around five in the morning that I was attending the funeral of a person I supposedly knew, but I didn’t know exactly who it was. I don’t see the faces of the people sitting at the table, but I know that they are there. I don’t see who serves food in plates on the table, I only hear the voice of a person who places food in plates and serves cold appetizers. I don’t feel like eating, but they force me to. I pretend to eat. There was various food on my plate and I definitely remember that there were a lot of cookies. I felt like I was present in a familiar company of people with whom I worked.

    Hello. Today I dreamed that I came to a church (beautiful, bright) and brought a memorial (a roll, cupcakes), which I left in the church. Tell me what to expect after such a dream from Thursday to Friday?

    Hello!! My mother died two years ago, but today I dreamed that she was going through a year... and I went with my child to friends for years, was preparing for my daughter’s birthday and realized that we didn’t have time to remember that we had to leave urgently like my dad ( it was very sunny outside)

    I bought fresh meat for the wake of my late father (he died in 2008). I bought veal flesh for goulash, and I wanted to buy bones for borscht. I didn’t pay, that is, I didn’t see money in my dream... in a dream, I knew that I needed to prepare dinner for the funeral. I also wanted to buy fresh fish or capelin or crucian carp (if I’m not mistaken), but one of my relatives dissuaded me, I don’t remember who. They told me that I had already bought a lot of things for this events... In reality, my father will have a death date of June 26, 2008.

    I dreamed of my deceased grandmother on my mother’s side, she loved me very much, like a mother, it was as if she had come to someone’s wake, she was so beautifully dressed in a gold dress, in a good mood, looking younger, even it seemed to me that I saw her, started hugging and kissing her, but She didn’t say anything to me, she just smiled

    hello, Natasha, I dreamed of a wake for my long-dead father-in-law, as if he had just died, various strangers came to the wake, all with beautiful garden flowers, my mother-in-law was also at the wake, she had also died long ago, but in the dream she was alive, and I also cast a spell in a dream, sat down at a large table and looked like in a movie I set a beautiful table for a wake, and then went to the store and woke up, there were friends from the past in the house

    I dreamed of a village. I arrived there with my dad. Around lunchtime, my dad said that we needed to go to the cemetery, to visit my grandmother’s grave. We got ready and went. There was a large tent in the middle of the cemetery. I went there, a lot of people were sitting there and that was it They ate. I realized that every person who was there came to remember their relative. When I asked where my grandmother’s grave was, my aunt answered that it was behind the tent. I decided to go out and go there. When I went out, I saw a lot of people, spirits, near the graves. I got scared and went back. I started telling everyone what I saw there. Then we started collecting food and I woke up

    Hello! I dreamed that I was at the wake of a person I didn’t know, and the people around were mostly strangers. It wasn’t even a wake, it was just me helping set the table, bringing and taking away dishes. And the most important thing is that I had this dream on the eve of my parents’ day.
    Please help me interpret your dream. I think that on the eve of parent’s day such a dream carries very important information...

    I dreamed that I, my husband, my mother-in-law and my friend with whom we have not communicated for a long time are at the wake of my husband’s grandmother, besides us, my father-in-law who died two years ago is at the wake, we are sitting at a large table, I don’t remember what exactly is on the table, but the table all filled with food, my mother-in-law is sitting next to my father-in-law and talking about going to the cemetery to visit my grandmother’s grave, I also remember that they were talking about bread, and my friend is going to the store to buy bread in order to buy bread and give it to her mother-in-law for the trip.

    I'm in church. I light a few candles. I can’t light the last candle and I see a small hair clip in my hand and not a candle. A church minister, very tall and healthy, stands nearby and begins to sing a very beautiful song. After this, on the other half of the church, long tables are set and everyone sits down to eat, with unfamiliar women sitting nearby. The food is varied. I felt full, I was full.

    I dreamed that my daughter died, but I didn’t see her, I just know her and I didn’t see the funeral either, and someone else’s child also died and they are holding a wake and I want to do a wake and I’m starting to find out how it’s done on what day, etc. .d But I didn’t see my own wake, but I only know what needs to be done.

    Hello! I dreamed of a memorial service, but it looked more like a funeral. In my dreams I saw people I didn’t know personally. In total there were 5 people in the dream. I didn’t see the coffin. I saw a table with a white tablecloth, sparsely stocked with food. I was also very fussy about the event. I saw my godmother nearby, she’s my dad’s aunt.

    I was present at the wake, some woman was organizing it, for whom I don’t know... Everyone had already sat down, some old woman came all crooked and began eating borscht from another woman’s plate. I said that now I’ll pour it into another plate for her. And she began to help clear the tables. And that grandmother left and everyone dispersed. And I saw a portion of mashed potatoes and thought that I hadn’t eaten it... and I thought that I would take it home, but the woman who organized the memorial took it for herself.

    My friend and my mother were walking to the bus stop, we met our classmate and her mother, many grandmothers in Russian folk costumes were following them, we started talking to our classmate, hugged, asked where they were going, in response they heard that they were going to their grandmother’s memorial day and that she had been gone for 15 years

    I dreamed that people came to my apartment to remember some man, I don’t know anyone, just like the deceased, I also clearly saw the wife of the deceased, she was a young beautiful girl with dark long hair, she took my arm and very I cried loudly and I also remember that I was preparing dinner for my family and these people just came and I was worried that there wouldn’t be enough food for everyone and in general they were very indignant why they came to me, that’s all

    I dreamed that I was at the funeral of a person whom I knew but had not seen for a long time. And I give them money and other different things to everyone who comes. Money, different bills and different foreign currencies. What does it have to do with two 5000 ruble bills? I hide it in my trousers..... What a nonsense I am.)

    Hello! I dreamed of a dead friend and her dead daughter. My husband wanted to go for a walk with her and her daughter, but I didn’t allow it, but they persuaded me and I agreed for them to go for a walk, but only near the house. Then my husband and I ended up at their wake, had lunch, and when we left, we took more buns with us.

    my relatives gathered for security but whose I didn’t see, at home, and then in the dining room I saw a funeral dinner and food, the day before I saw my father lying on the bed, but he died 20 years ago, I recently buried my aunt

    to film some guy's wake. and this wake is being held by my ex-boyfriend. supposedly this is his good friend. but why am I there??? we broke up 3 years ago. And this isn’t the first time I’ve had a dream!

    my foreman made a wreath in front of my eyes and, screaming at me, gave me this wreath so that I could make more of the same wreaths. I was also very scared of her scream and cried, took the wreath and went to my workplace

    Hello. I dreamed as if it was my father’s wake. Father really died and it’s not 40 days yet. and then I hear everyone saying that my aunt and uncle are divorced (although they live together and well, but my aunt is sick). and then their daughter comes all in tears and says that they really got divorced. what is this dream for?

    I dreamed of the funeral of my grandfather, who died almost 10 years ago, during all this time I never dreamed about it, but then I dreamed about it and the most interesting thing is that he was there too and was also preparing for his funeral, and my grandmother was there, she died 2 years ago

    I dreamed that I was present at the memorial table for a stranger. There were a lot of people and food. I was eating, someone put food on my plate. I could even smell the food. Subsequently, it seemed to me that the wake turned into fun. People talked a lot and loudly, it even seemed like they were singing. The dream occurred from Thursday to Friday. What would that mean? Thanks for the help.

    I had a dream about my son’s wake. Who has not been with us for more than two months. Funeral on the street. Many tables covered with a variety of food. Many people. But people are still smiling. On the ground the grass is green and the sun is shining brightly. My husband and I greet the gosyas and seat them.

    Hello! I dreamed that a lot of people had gathered for the wake of a long-dead uncle. When it came time to put noodles in the soup, it turned out that his drunken wife had replaced the noodles with spreadable dough. All the people left the funeral without remembering the dead man. What does this mean? THANK YOU

    I dreamed of someone’s funeral in a very expensive restaurant, where everything was decorated with wood and crystal. I, all my relatives and friends were at this wake. Everyone was alive, healthy and happy. The sensations from sleep were bright. I am 9 months pregnant now in life. I had bad feelings throughout my pregnancy from the first day. In the dream, I was not pregnant and the child was nowhere to be found.

    I dreamed of a funeral for my grandmother (she died in 2008) in the apartment, I walked in, there were a lot of people at the tables, went up to the bed on which my grandmother was lying and began stroking her head. She came to life and stood up, I began to loudly tell people that she was alive! She and I began to hug, cry and kiss, I promised to come to her more often. My brother was also in the room; my grandmother told him that he was doing everything wrong.
    what could the dream mean?

    I dreamed of a funeral for a person I didn’t know, music was playing, everyone was having fun, I was in a suit and tie, familiar people were present, and an ashen-colored cat was sitting on the fence and playing! I drank a glass of vodka and had a snack and then I lost sleep!

    Hello, I dreamed of my friend’s wake, where everything was like at an ordinary wake, but we saw him as a ghost and asked him all sorts of questions. One of my questions was this: I asked how long I had left to live (I asked 1 year he remained silent 2 he remained silent when I asked 3 he nodded his head which meant yes!!! a friend really died and I didn’t breathe at 40 days of commemoration in a week such a strange dream why can you help?????

    I dreamed of a wake, as if there weren’t enough plates for them, everything was somehow unorganized, and I also dreamed of a big wave on the sea, but I managed to jump away. I also see in a dream the old apartment where we lived as a child, it has been sold, I see it all the time as if we live there and the owner will come, sometimes he comes.

    A famous, living man was turned into a dried-up mummy. People and the priest gathered in my kitchen. And I read a speech in memory of this man. The speech was very beautiful and touching. Everyone was crying. But in general the situation was positive.

    A large, bright room. There are not many people - about 20 people. There is a free place on the left side of the center of the table, I crouch. An elderly man comes in - I give up my seat, stand against the wall. They offer to sit down - I refuse. Unobtrusive music is playing. I see a mother (alive) in a black scarf , tells me what she did to me during my life, and then I understand that this is my funeral or wake.

    The dream was as if I was helping some woman drag a stroller with two twin boys up the stairs, and when we got to the top, it was as if I had gone into a cafe or a dining room, I walked in, and there the tables were pushed together as if for a wake, that is, For some reason I decided that this was a wake, there were no people there.

    It's like I'm driving with my friends in a car. I’m driving, although in my life I don’t have a car, I don’t drive. We are either going on vacation or to a nightclub, but we are in a good, cheerful mood. we see a building there, fun, we thought that this was a nightclub or restaurant, we decided to go in. We go inside and it’s like a restaurant and no fun. In one of the halls there is a group of men sitting, about 10 people. The men are all not simple, clearly they have status, not sad, but simply tense, as if they are solving business issues. My friends and I decided that now we would amuse them. let's go into this room... One strong strong man comes up to us and says: girls, don’t you see a wake here. And he politely sends us out. We are walking through the building and decided to go to the toilet before continuing on our way. further confusion... change of picture... I'm standing with a package in my hand, I don't know what's in it, one of the men says what do you have there? I say this: I unwrap it and there are 5 fish, large fish like 5 of them... I wrap it up and decide what I need to take with me.. the man went somewhere, I don’t know, and then there was some kind of chase, someone was chasing us. I woke up feeling anxious. What does it mean??

    In a dream, I go looking for someone or something, I see private houses, I go into one and there is a funeral, but I don’t ask whose, and I don’t sit down to commemorate, but I just see serious glances at me and I understand that I’m not welcome here, and ridicule of some guy addressed to me. I answer him something, also with a grin, and leave. Then I go down the street, meet a girl, we go into the store with her, she buys something and they give her a large bill for change, she she tells me that if she changes it for a smaller amount, her husband will be very angry. For some reason I’m looking for shoes for myself, but in a dream I can’t figure out if I’m wearing shoes or not. I see this girl’s shoes, there are several pairs in the bag, I want to try them on one couple, Meriya and we walk towards the house, we are on the way. I wake up

    the day before the anniversary of my brother’s death, I had a dream, I don’t remember the details clearly, but I remember that someone brought carnations... a very vivid moment from the dream. I couldn’t make out what kind of flowers they were, they were alive and fresh. Then, realizing it, I told the one who was dying... that it’s customary to bring carnations to funerals. I remember this moment and replay it in my head all the time. What could this mean?


    We have come home. There is a bus in our yard (a yard for two families). People had gathered at the neighbors’ place—someone had died, someone was about to be buried. I ask: - who died? They answer: “The neighbor’s sister, who doesn’t live here, died.” We are on bad terms with our neighbors

    I sent my husband on a long journey and he said that he must remember his father. and I was very worried in a dream about how I would drive the car to the house after my husband left. In fact, my husband and I are not going anywhere, and his father died in the winter several years ago. but in reality this happens in the warm season.

    My mother recently died, and today I dreamed of her wake, I remember that there were a lot of people, we were sitting at the table, there was a lot of food, everyone was crying, there was nothing special in the dream, I just don’t understand why I dreamed about that day when they buried my mother

    In my old apartment there is a memorial dinner for the deceased son of my man. where all the relatives of a given person are present. But, I'm in another room. I just hear voices. Before the wake, my man whitewashes the ceiling in this room, but there is no dirt. After the wake, everyone goes home, and my man’s wife reads poetry to me. I don't remember the content. The verse was calm. Also in this dream were my parents, who helped in preparing the wake..... Thank you.

    My former father-in-law is now seriously ill with cancer. In a dream, he dreamed that he was in a suit, looked good, came to his homeland, gathered his relatives to hold a wake for himself. He was talking, and even in my sleep I was surprised that I could hear his voice. He has had a tube in his throat for a long time and communicates only with notes. What could this mean, maybe tell me.

    I dreamed of a wake for my long-dead mother. It’s like I’m hanging curtains on the windows at home, and they’re old and short. In the corner of the room, as if there was a wall outlined, there should have been a coffin, but there wasn’t. People gossip that the dead man has some kind of infection and are surprised that how come those who washed the dead man didn’t get infected and I woke up

    Since I’m Kazakh, we have a national dish, beshparmyak, which is dough and there are small pieces of meat on top, so I cooked a whole bowl of this dough (noodles) and then cut the already cooked meat into pieces. but I didn't eat it.

    I dreamed that I was standing in a store with my youngest daughter and somehow got up wrong and the authorities decided to kill the child by strangulation somewhere after three o’clock. We held a wake. I was horrified and hysterical, and everyone around me was happy. They ate cake. And I was holding a child in my hands, then suddenly the child was taken by my father, who is alive and well, and my mother and I went to look at the eldest daughter’s wardrobe and then somehow, inexplicably, we found ourselves in a cemetery, but for some reason it didn’t carry any negativity. And I suddenly saw that the child was gone. I started roaring and kicking wildly, and then my father said, well, I told you so, and they take a girl out of the room who is smiling, but she looks different. Then I woke up. Why is this?

    I had a nightmare where there were monsters - vampires, I kept trying to hide from them, but in the end they surrounded me, all my loved ones had also become vampires by that time. I was bitten on the left shoulder by my brother, who recently turned one year old from the day of his death .I also became a vampire. We all had a bluish tint and some thin roots grew all over us, including our face.

    Hello! My name is Elena. in a dream I went to the wake of my grandmother, she died a long time ago there, I met my young father and he began to tell me why I came here and that I was not his daughter, I answered him that I missed him very much, I cried, then I left and then I receive a large inheritance. A huge house, many outfits. I host some receptions for many people in this house.

    I dreamed that my mother had already died and I organized the funeral and barely managed it, but managed to do it. I only remember the wake, which I managed to organize with difficulty. But in my soul there was satisfaction that I had managed it.

    Hello Today I dreamed that I was organizing a wake in my grandmother’s house, like my grandparents, but it seemed like it was not a wake, but simply in memory of them, how they gathered their friends during their lifetime, these same friends and relatives gathered. My task in a dream, set the table. I run and see my aunt with the children and her son-in-law have arrived. I grab him and let’s scold him for quarreling with my sister, offending her. In short, I intimidated him, which once again, khan to him. my sister got it for throwing her little daughter at strangers. Then I go out into the street and see our dog running, immediately thinking that she’s probably already dead. I picked something up, potatoes in my opinion, and went home, I looked towards the street, and there they drive the cows according to time. Then my mother tells me now let’s sit and go to visit my mother-in-law. We are from the city, and they live in the village, like since we’ve all gathered together, we need to go see them. That seems to be it, then my husband called and I woke up in the most interesting place.

    I dream that I came home, and close and distant relatives gathered at home, everyone is sad, gloomy, my mother is drunk, asking me to go get vodka because there is not enough alcohol. The front door does not close, as if it was broken. I put on my black glasses, because they couldn’t hold it on their face. Today, my sister is in intensive care and her condition is extremely serious.

    I dreamed that I was being remembered, and then it turned out that it was my wake, we were sitting at the table with no one poured, and on the table there was already a glass full of vodka and rye bread on top. That means I poured vodka into everyone’s empty shot glasses. I say I don’t have enough glasses and it’s like no one hears me, then they push me a glass with a summary on which there is a piece of bread and someone tells me that this is my glass and I drank it

    I set the table and understand that it’s a wake, and I don’t know for whom exactly, but it seems like a young man. I hurry the helpers, deliver the food, set it up and invite people, but I don’t eat, like I’ll have lunch later. The men come, eat, but don’t finish it and they leave. What remains is an unpleasant aftertaste of annoyance.

    Hello. Please explain my dream. I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday.
    I'm going to the wake... terrible slush. Everyone is in black... some kind of black robes and tied scarves. My feet get stuck in puddles and mud. There don’t seem to be many people, but I don’t know them. We are walking along a washed out road. I don’t know where. At one of the turns I decided to rest. She sat down on some kind of wooden box. Out of curiosity, I opened a similar box nearby. Inside were large plastic bottles of honey. I decided to take them for myself. But so as not to rush too much, she didn’t take everything... And she woke up...
    Thank you in advance for your response.

    I dreamed that I was in my educational institution, and together with another group and the teacher who is teaching our diploma, preparations were underway for a wake or funeral. Then I dream that a boy I know comes there and tries to tell me something important. But he doesn’t succeed, because he literally touches my lips with his lips, and I pull away because I know that I’m about to have a wedding.
    Then I started dreaming that my classmate and I were walking around my old school. Someone else was with us, but I don’t remember who. And here we see people who study in a group that is preparing for a funeral. Among them there is a boy whom I like and I begin to flirt with my classmate. People leave and children about 8-10 years old appear and start throwing stones at us. Almost everyone I was walking with runs away, and this makes me furious, and I begin to walk through a barrage of stones towards the children. They laugh, I throw stones in response. While I'm approaching them, I'm very afraid for my teeth. And I manage to catch one child, and in anger I begin to slap him in the face, very hard. Then I hit another child. I don't remember them crying. Then I let them go, and we go to the back wall of the school, because there is a panoramic window through which you can enter one of the classrooms of my technical school. (Yes) we walk in and find ourselves at the wake of the funeral we were preparing for. There are girls sitting there from a group that is a year younger. At the round table. I put a cutlet and mashed potatoes on my plate. I ask you to take me to the toilet, then I go out there alone, I see that I’m in the corridor of some basement, I see the door to the toilet and I wake up.

    At first, at my grandmother’s house, I played with my nephews and we had a lot of fun, but then I went out into the street and saw how in the neighbors’ relatives there was a wake for my three legal brother (he has been dead for several years in reality) at the wake, everyone was standing somehow strangely everyone was in one row around the neighboring house, but I was having a lot of fun and the weather was sunny, everyone was looking at me as I was dancing and suddenly my Tjotya told me to call my mother, I got scared and didn’t call her.

    I dreamed that we were turning half a year to my father, and my phone was stolen, I asked where the phone was, they told me in a dream, some Sergei Mukanov took it and left mine, I let’s droop and roar, screaming that there’s a photo of my dad in the phone, and my older sister, Ana, actually died, but was alive in the dream. I was told there would be one, but I ran to look for the phone, I cried a lot, but on the way turkeys grabbed hold of them, I fought them off, they tried to bite me, but they didn’t bite me, and I woke up, why is this?

    I dreamed of the funeral of the mother of my childhood friend, but at the same time I did not see the deceased, but I hugged my friend and we joked and laughed. The events took place at the old place of residence, although we have not lived there for a long time, and I have not seen my friend since the 5th grade, I now 39 years old

    that I came for a change in a big, rich, beautiful house with a lot of greenery to my ex-wife, they did it for a year or 40 days, to my late father, that is, my former father-in-law, and I walked around the house, he was huge and didn’t really want to see his mother-in-law and immediately I’m transported to the same big, rich, beautiful house with my ex-girlfriend, with whom we grew up more than half a year ago, and they also held a wake for their father, who died 5 years ago, she saw me and said, what are you doing here, I answered what’s not allowed then I ran after her, she ran away from me and kept laughing

    I dreamed of the funeral of an elderly woman, whose family I met only in a dream. For some reason, those present instructed me to give a funeral speech. I said that she was a good person and everyone will remember her like that, in general. Her youngest daughter came up to me with a complaint, why I she said the word, but I can’t answer her anything

Attending a wake is a bad sign.

For a sick person, such a dream means death, and for a healthy person, the death of someone close.

Another meaning is the return of the one who had the dream to some of his old activities or projects.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Wake

A dream about a wake foreshadows sadness, grief due to the failure of failed plans or the separation of lovers. A dream in which you saw that the deceased invited you to a wake, where you sat at the table, drank and ate, and you went with him, then the dream foreshadows you receiving bad news about your relatives.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Wake

A dream in which you take part in the wake of a loved one who is alive and well in reality - this foreshadows him for many years of a prosperous existence in this world.

If in a dream you see your own wake, this means a disruption in plans; if those gathered are sad, and if they are cheerful and lively, it means that you will soon receive financial assistance. A wake in a dream, which results in an ordinary drinking session, portends difficulties with raising children and frequent absences of the husband.

A wake at which either a revived deceased or his spirit is present is a harbinger of an unsuccessful start in a new business. A funeral for a dead cat or dog means in reality that your friends or children will play a funny prank on you.

Interpretation of dreams from

In reality, a wake is always a very sad event, which is not without sadness and tears. But you shouldn’t rush to give in to a gloomy mood if you dreamed of a similar plot. According to the most authoritative dream interpreters, mourning rituals can be a completely prosperous sign for the dreamer. Thanks to information about the content of the dream, its emotional component, as well as information about the life factors of a particular person, you can find out what the wake is about and prepare for the twists and turns.

As a rule, such a development of events means the end of one stage of life and the beginning of another, completely new one. This meaning of the appearance in a dream of the wake of a deceased person or a living one, strangers and loved ones, is found on the pages of the most famous dream interpreters.

General interpretation

For the dreamer, his own wake symbolizes the end of a certain life period and the promise that a new one will become an interesting chapter of his biography. Joy and fun at this event mean a long life full of joyful episodes, stability and success in financial situation.

A dream with negative connotations should be taken as a warning about the loss of influence and position, the loss of a significant sum, or the illness of a relative. Sad, mourning guests foreshadow impossible dreams and hopes, destruction of intentions.

If in a dream the ceremony was in memory of a living person, this indicates that things will go smoothly, foreshadows promising work projects and good health of family members. Joy and tranquility in spite of tragedy are a sign of good luck for a sleeping person. If anxiety and a gloomy mood are overwhelming, you need to prepare yourself for difficulties that will not last longer than nine days.

The presence at the wake of the deceased in a dream is interpreted by dream interpreters as the threshold of difficult times of illness and deprivation. It is recommended to prepare for problems mentally, and also take care of the family budget so that you do not have to borrow money. It is important to remember that this is a testing phase, followed by prosperity.

Relatives often appear in dreams. If the person you see is alive in reality, expect longevity, success and health. Being the recipient of condolences and other words of support is a sign of a big holiday on which the dreamer will be congratulated.

Dream plot details

A wake can be interpreted positively or negatively depending on the specifics of the plot and the dreamer’s life circumstances.

When you see someone else's funeral in a dream, this means an imminent invitation to a celebration or party. The degree of fun in reality is directly proportional to how sad and sorrowful the ritual was. Being together with loved ones at a ceremony in memory of a stranger means supporting your comrades at the right time.

If a living person was remembered in the dream, whose state of health and age do not imply death in the near future, expect global and happy changes. Most often this is marriage, the birth of a child or sudden love. Being the hero of a memorial ceremony is a lucky sign that predicts a life devoid of worries and filled with prosperity.

Other facts that are emphasized when deciphering dreams include weather conditions, the location of the ceremony, and the emotional mood. This information facilitates more accurate interpretations for a specific individual:

Negative prophecies

Often, a wake symbolizes receiving bad news from dear people. Fun, dancing and laughter during another person's funeral can mean turning the dreamer's life into a restless and full of discord. You should beware of incongruous actions that will poison your existence and cause regret. Strong crying in a dream means minor and short-term troubles.

A dream about a wake at the table warns that bad news from someone close to you may await you ahead. A resurrected dead person means bad luck in business; it makes sense to delay beginnings. To be a participant in a funeral ceremony that develops into a drunken feast is a sign of betrayal by a partner and other troubles in the family.

Whose funeral was it?

For interpretations, it is also important in whose memory the ritual was organized. Seeing the wake of a stranger in a dream can be a signal from the subconscious, which is radically different from the message of the vision, where they remembered the dreamer or someone he knew:

Cemetery service

Sometimes a memorial service in a dream takes place in a cemetery. In this case, try to remember Are you familiar with the area, who was commemorated and how the ceremony took place:

Interpretations of funerals by different dream books

Many dream interpreters offer different individual explanations of why the funeral of a stranger, the dreamer himself and other people dream.

Sigmund Freud

According to the founder of psychoanalysis, a ceremony in honor of a sleeping person, like a dinner in memory of another living person, promises them good changes, family and professional well-being. Calmness during the procedure symbolizes good luck. Anxiety leads to short-term difficulties.

Miller's Dream Book

The interpretations of this dream interpreter are worthy of special mention. They are based on various plot details:

Mostly this dream book refers to the emotions of the dream. Sadness is a symbol of sadness and failure, and joy is a symbol of prosperity.

Dream interpreter from A to Z

If a person who is alive and well in reality is remembered, then he will live a long and peaceful life. If the ceremony turns into a party with copious amounts of alcohol, it means suspicious behavior of the spouse and difficulties with the children.

Your own wake is a completely safe phenomenon in dreams. Mourning and sadness mean failure, while joy, songs and laughter indicate a white streak, unexpected financial assistance. Remembering a dog or cat means a sudden and very funny prank.

English dream book

According to him, the funeral rite is the threshold of a turn of fate for the better in the form of a solution to old problems or a rapid rise for a careerist. The funeral of a real deceased is considered a bad sign; such a development of events foreshadows unpleasant news from dear people.

To neutralize the consequences of sleep, you need to visit a church and light candles either for the repose of the soul of the deceased or for the health of loved ones.

Modern dream book

A vision of a funeral ceremony held in honor of the dreamer predicts a long and eventful life. If you remember a loved one, the relationship will be happy and long. Other meanings from this dream interpreter:

  • Sitting at the table means that in reality you are plagued by unreasonable fear.
  • Someone dies during the ritual - to the loss of a significant amount.
  • Seeing your father means he is at risk of illness, advise him to undergo an examination.
  • A funeral without a service is a warning about disruption of plans; carefully consider every action.
  • Dancing during the ceremony means you will have to return to your previous activities. A fresh look will help increase wealth and obtain other benefits from the business.

Dreams about funeral ceremonies in honor of anyone should not be taken literally. Most often this is a message about receiving news and changes. It is important to remember that negative events can be eliminated if you pay attention to the signals about them in time and listen to advice.

It is necessary to remember dead people, if possible, by visiting church. This reduces the influence of predictions, up to the complete neutralization of unpleasant events.

A wake in a dream can have both positive and negative meanings in the dream book; everything will depend on some details of the dream, such as the plot, emotional content and the real circumstances of the person himself.

Let's try to figure out why we dream about funerals, and what the leading dream books of the world think about this.

What if you dream about your own funeral?

So, first, let's look at the dreams in which you dreamed of a wake... for yourself. It looks, of course, creepy, and from such dreams a person can always wake up in a cold sweat. What could such a dream mean? Oddly enough, in reality everything is not so bad, but quite the opposite. For example, a modern dream book claims that such a dream can symbolize positive changes in life and a good mood. This could be any of the following events: career advancement, marriage, personal life arrangement, the birth of a baby that everyone has been waiting for, and so on.

If you see in a dream how people are having fun at your funeral- this is also a very good sign, promising an improvement in financial well-being in the near future. This could be a salary increase, a bonus and some kind of financial gratitude.

However, the old dream book has its own vision of such a dream. If people at your wake are having fun, dancing, and so on, this is a sign that a long life full of joy awaits you. However, if a person does not feel good, this is not a good sign, promising the loss of one of the people close and dear to you, or the loss of one’s status in society.

Dream about a funeral for a living person

    If you saw in a dream a wake for a person who is still alive in real life, this is a harbinger of some big event where many people will gather;

    if you yourself are present at a dinner after a funeral in honor of a living person, this is a good sign that promises you a prosperous life and longevity;

    if you are in a dream at the funeral of one of your close relatives, who is actually alive and well, this is a sign of universal reconciliation, this applies to everyone, even the most sworn enemies.

A dream with a wake for a deceased person

Being at a wake for a deceased person in a dream can be interpreted in completely different ways, depending on the dreamer’s perception and the current state of his affairs. So:

    if you remember a recently deceased person, this is a bad sign, promising troubles, major troubles and problems;

    if you were invited as a guest to the funeral of a stranger, this means that in real life you will really be invited to visit;

    seeing a wake for a long-dead person is a sign of receiving some important information that must be used extremely carefully and carefully.

What if you dream of a wake in a cemetery?

A wake in a cemetery does not evoke pleasant emotions in anyone, although such a dream actually turns out to be a completely positive sign.

    If a healthy person saw a funeral dinner in a dream, this promises him longevity, while a sick person can expect a speedy healing;

    if such a dream was seen by an elderly person, this may be a sign of his imminent death (only if additional signs appear).

To more accurately interpret such a dream, you need to remember what the cemetery looked like in the dream. If it was well-groomed enough, this means that you should expect good news from afar. In addition, such a dream can be interpreted as the likelihood that you will soon get back something that you yourself once lost or was taken away from you (not necessarily a material thing).

Such a dream has another meaning. If you want to achieve success in any business, you will have to work hard and for a long time, only in this way will you become closer to your goal. It is also necessary to take into account the emotional component of the dream. If you behaved calmly and deliberately in it, this means that even in critical situations in real life you will be lucky. If you were anxious and sad in a dream, expect a dark streak in life, adversity and problems.

Why do you dream of a wake according to Miller’s dream book?

As Miller's dream book says, the appearance of a person at a funeral is more a positive sign than a negative one. Much will depend on the atmosphere of the dream, the behavior of those present and the personality of the deceased himself. In general, attending a wake is a good sign, promising quick changes in life.

If you were in a dream at the funeral of a stranger, this indicates that it will be difficult for you to find mutual understanding with the people around you, there is a high probability of conflicts and quarrels. The Dream Interpretation recommends that during this period you behave as restrainedly as possible and not be fooled by the provocations of other people.

Why do you dream of a wake according to Freud’s dream book?

Sigmund Freud believes that if you watch your own wake in a dream, this is a sign of new, exciting changes in life. If you see a memorial dinner for a person who is actually alive, this is a good sign, promising family well-being and success in business.

To more accurately characterize such a dream, you should remember the emotions that you experienced during such a dream. If you have a calm and positive attitude towards the situation, despite its tragedy, this is a sign that promises good luck. If you were anxious and restless in your soul, this means that you should expect some difficulties in life. However, you should not be afraid; they will probably not be long-term and will quickly go away.

Why do you dream of a wake according to Loff’s dream book?

Seeing a wake in a dream means there will be a lot of hard, intense work. Also, such a dream can be deciphered as an unsuccessful game on the stock exchange or bad trading.

Why do you dream of a wake according to Morozova’s dream book?

If in a dream you saw yourself at the funeral of another person, this, according to Morozova, is a bad sign, indicating that if you are sick, your illness can promise a fatal outcome. If you are healthy, you can expect the loss of one of your relatives or friends. Also, such a dream should be interpreted as meaning that you will return to one of your old plans or projects.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

If you dreamed of a wake on the waxing moon, this is a sign of gossip, slander, and deception. Also, such a dream may indicate that you will work hard to achieve success in your business and strive for the ideal.

English dream book

As the English dream book says, if you were at the funeral of a person living in reality, this is a favorable sign, promising positive events, or successful solutions to problems that could not be solved for a very long time.

If you saw yourself in a dream at the wake of a deceased person, this is, on the contrary, a bad sign, promising that you should soon expect negative news from afar (often from relatives). People who have been interpreting dreams for many years strongly recommend visiting church after such a dream, lighting a candle for the repose of the soul of the person you saw in the dream, and humbly remembering him. In this way, you will be able to avoid the negative impact of such a vision.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

    If you saw in a dream how you were present at the funeral dinner of someone you know who is alive in real life, this is a sign that in reality a long and prosperous life awaits him;

    the dream in which you saw yourself at your own wake will directly depend on the behavior of the people who will be there. If people are very sad and sad at the table, this is a sign that your plans will not come true;

    if the ceremony takes place in a cheerful, friendly atmosphere, this means that you can soon count on financial assistance, and you will be able to get rid of the troubles that are mentally burdening you;

    if the funeral dinner smoothly turns into a drunken feast - this is not a very good sign, promising problems in the family, betrayal of a spouse and troubles with children;

    if you had a dream in which you yourself are at a wake as a living person or spirit, this means that your new business or project will not get off to such a good start as you originally expected;

    if you had a strange dream in which you are at the wake of your pet (cat, dog, hamster, etc.) - this means that you should expect some kind of prank from your friends or children.

Events associated with death, funerals or the deceased have always caused fear and excitement both in reality and in dreams, leaving behind a depressing and disturbing trace. It’s all the more interesting to figure out what dreams of a wake mean and what impact such visions can have on a person’s fate.

Interpretations of famous dream books

Different seers and esotericists give different interpretations of such dreams. Here are the most common descriptions:

  • Miller finds such visions rather favorable. He believes that everything depends on the atmosphere around, the behavior of those present and the personality of the deceased. Basically, being at a wake is a sign indicating imminent changes. If the deceased is a stranger, then it is probably not easy for the dreamer to find a common language with people. He should behave calmly and not react to provocations from the outside.
  • According to Freud, observing one's own ritual of remembrance means being drawn into a series of love affairs. When such an event is held for a living person, a quiet family life awaits in reality. The psychoanalyst mentions that for a correct interpretation it is necessary to take into account the attitude of the sleeper to what is happening. If a person experiences calm at the same time, despite the tragedy, it means that good luck awaits him.
  • David Loff describes in his dream book the funeral of a deceased person as a sign of difficult and hard work ahead, bad trading or loss on the stock exchange.
  • Pythagoras believes that this vision predicts a serious mistake or major loss in the future.
  • According to Morozova’s book, a dream like a wake at the table is a bad sign. He predicts death for a sick person, and his illness or the death of a loved one for a healthy person.

If you dream that a person is at a strange wake or this ritual is associated with animals, then extraordinary situations will occur in reality. There may be pranks on the part of friends.

Where is the funeral ceremony taking place?

If the funeral took place in a cemetery, then it matters who the dreamer is. For a healthy person this is a promise of many years of life, for a sick person it promises a long-awaited recovery, and only for an elderly person under bad circumstances it predicts a quick death.

Particularly worth remembering is the appearance of the cemetery. What was it like? Old, abandoned or beautiful, modern and well maintained? What were the monuments and were the inscriptions read? If so, then it matters what was written.

If the graveyard was unfamiliar, then in real life you will have to find a way out of a difficult situation. If the place is known, then profit is expected from an unexpected source.

Unkept graves indicate that one of the deceased is offended by the dreamer and you should immediately go to church and light a candle for his repose.

The worst thing is if it seems that the ceremony is taking place in your own home. In this case, the interpretation of what the funeral table means in a dream becomes negative. This is a harbinger of trouble, need and even death.

If everyone around is cheerful and there are jokes, then this is a good sign of improved well-being and an end to troubles. Crying or sad people are a warning about unfulfilled plans and hopes.

Interpretation - why do you dream if there is a wake, and everyone at the table is drunk - can be deciphered as imminent scandals and betrayals in the family.

For whom is a memorial service being held?

Visions where the sleeping person himself is remembered are very favorable. They prophesy a long, happy life and a prosperous old age. This may be a promotion on the career ladder, marriage, the birth of a child. It’s good if those gathered there are in a good mood, no one is crying or upset.

If you dreamed of the funeral of a person who is alive in reality, this foreshadows a big event with a huge number of people. But if the one you saw is sick, the dream means a deterioration in his health.

There are many descriptions of why people dream about the funeral of a deceased relative. Esotericists believe that in this way the deceased remind themselves of themselves. You need to go to the grave of the deceased and light a candle in the church.

It is bad to remember someone who recently died in night visions. In real life, these are always big troubles and problems in all areas.