Compulsory motor insurance calculator for all insurance companies. Independent calculation of compulsory motor insurance taking into account new tariffs. Advantages and disadvantages

Compulsory auto insurance of civil liability has firmly entered our lives, establishing civilized rules of the game in the triangle of car owner-insurer-state. Tariffs and coefficients introduced at the state level regulate the cost of insurance, helping to ensure that the MTPL insurance policy serves as a guaranteed protection for citizens in the event of unforeseen circumstances on the roads.

This article has been edited taking into account all additions to the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which came into force on January 9, 2019.

The cost of MTPL insurance is regulated by the relevant regulations of the Central Bank of Russia. The methodology is based on the introduction of a basic tariff scale, within which insurance companies have the right to set flexible prices, without, however, going beyond its scope. When setting the base tariff, it is assumed that income from the sale of insurance slightly exceeds the volume of compensation paid. The main parameters that make up the tariff are:

  • type of car;
  • legal status of its owner;
  • purpose of vehicle operation.

Minimum base rates apply to car owners who are individuals who operate cars without pursuing commercial purposes.

Another parameter that affects the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance are special coefficients determined by:

  • technical condition of the vehicle;
  • the driver’s age and driving experience;
  • the number of persons registered in the policy and entitled to drive this vehicle;
  • some other factors.


The “corridor” of rates is the same throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. According to the Directive, the final cost of compulsory motor liability insurance cannot exceed more than 3 times the base amount, taking into account the regional coefficient, and if the driver has violated insurance rules in the past - 5 times. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether you go to the insurance company or use.

Number of persons allowed to drive a vehicle

When taking out insurance, the driver must indicate the estimated number of people who are allowed to drive this vehicle.
With standard limited insurance, the coefficient is equal to the nominal value - one. If the policy is issued for an unlimited number of drivers, its value is 1.8.

Car engine power

One of the most important parameters that characterize a car is the power of its engine. Naturally, it also affects the coefficient. With a minimum power of 50 “horses” the coefficient is the lowest and is equal to 0.6.

With power exceeding 150 horsepower, its value reaches its peak – 1.6. There is also an explanation for this: the stronger the engine, the higher the speed the car develops, therefore, the risk of an emergency increases.

Place of registration

Each region of our country is assigned a certain coefficient value. For individuals, this is considered the locality where they are registered, and for legal entities - the place of registration of the organization. The coefficient, which ranges from 0.6 to 2.0, depends mainly on two factors:

  • saturation of the region with vehicles;
  • probability of emergency situations.

Increased risks in Moscow and other large cities force insurers to set maximum ratios. In the Moscow region and in other, less populated regions of our country, it is already lower, and is, for example, in Voskresensk - 1.7, in Kaluga - 1.2, in Arzamas - 1.1. In sparsely populated areas of Udmurtia or Khakassia, it has a minimum value of 0.6.

Driver's experience and age

And in this case, the degree of risk is decisive: it is logical that as the driver’s age and driving experience increase, the coefficient decreases. The minimum bar corresponds to an age exceeding 22 years and driving experience of more than 3 years: in this case, the coefficient is equal to one. In other cases, it varies from 1.6 to 1.8.

With an unlimited policy, the largest number is taken as the base value.

Bonus-malus coefficient

The calculation of the cost of insurance is also influenced by the discipline of drivers. In this case, the KBM indicator, which depends on the accuracy of the drivers, is taken as the starting point.
It is in the range of 0.5 - 2.4: a year of driving without accidents gives the policyholder a discount of 5 percent from the original policy price. In this way, disciplined drivers are encouraged by the state and insurance companies.

Duration of insurance

The MTPL policy is valid for as long as the insurance contract was concluded. Standard contracts are concluded for a period of one year, but if desired, drivers can limit themselves to insurance for shorter periods, the minimum of which is . At the same time, they have the opportunity to renew their policies if necessary.

The term of insurance also affects the final price of the policy. The shorter the period, the higher the coefficient used in the calculations. The range of values ​​falls within the range from 0.2 to 1. The indicator 0.2 is used if insurance is issued for a period of 5 to 15 days. If insurance is needed for a year, the indicator will be equal to one.

Most often, insurance companies offer clients insurance periods of 3, 6 and 12 months. If insurance is issued for 3 months, a coefficient of 0.5 will be applied in addition to the sum insured; when insuring a car for six months, a coefficient of 0.7 will be used.

When insuring for a period of time exceeding 10 months, k=1. As the insurance period decreases, insurance is not always profitable, so many people prefer to use a longer policy.

Example of self-calculation

As an example, let’s consider calculating car insurance based on the following parameters:

  • car brand Toyota RAF 4;
  • power 146 l. With.;
  • the car owner is a resident of Moscow;
  • the age of the car owner is 30 years;
  • 10 years of accident-free driving experience;
  • the machine is used throughout the year;
  • Only the owner of the vehicle is allowed to drive.

We substitute the data into the formula and get the following result:

SP = 4942 (maximum base rate) * 2 (regional indicator for Moscow) * 1 (limited number of managers) * 1 (age over 22 years, driving experience over 3 years) * 0.50 (accident-free rate) * 1.4 (vehicle power) * 1 (seasonal operation more than 10 months a year) = 6918.8 rubles

How can you save on your policy?

Taking into account the information described above, it is not difficult to understand what the cost of insurance depends on. You can save money with the following tips:

  • You should not buy a car with a very powerful engine unnecessarily;
  • register a vehicle for a resident of the region with a small basic tariff;
  • take out insurance for a short period if the vehicle is used for only 3 months;
  • take advantage of a limited policy.

And the most important thing is to be careful on the roads and avoid road accidents, so that after a few years the discount on the KBM will be significant.

According to the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the eOSAGO agreement begins to be valid no earlier than 3 days after the day of registration. We recommend planning your purchase at least 3 days in advance.

3 reasons to apply for eOSAGO

  1. Fast. You apply for a policy without queuing or going to the office, it is immediately sent to your email.
  2. Comfortable. Your policy is always available in your personal account, by e-mail or Passbook/PassWallet on your smartphone.
  3. Reliable. More than 140 points for settling losses under MTPL in Russia are ready to provide support in case of an insured event.


  • Authorization.


  • City of owner: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, other.
  • Vehicle category: A - motorcycles, B - passenger cars, BE - passenger cars, C - trucks, other.
  • Car make and model.
  • Year of manufacture: 2019, 2018, 2017, other.
  • VIN number.
  • Engine power, hp
  • Period of use: 20 days - 1 year.
  • Purpose of use: personal, educational, taxi, rental, other.


  • Full Name.
  • Age.
  • Driving experience.
  • Identification.
  • Passport address.
  • Mobile phone.

Obtaining a policy

  • Apply for an eOSAGO policy and receive it by email.

According to the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the eOSAGO agreement begins to be valid no earlier than 3 days after the day of registration.
We recommend planning your purchase at least 3 days in advance. Apply online now.

PJSC IC "Rosgosstrakh", license of the Bank of Russia for the provision of insurance OS No. 0001 - 03, issued on 06/06/2018, unlimited. Central office address: 121059, Moscow, Kievskaya st., 7. When paying for your policy online, no commission is charged.

About electronic MTPL

We started selling OSAGO in 2003. Since then, insurance has become more convenient for you - now you can apply for electronic MTPL online and instantly receive the policy by email. From January 1, 2017, every driver over the age of 18 can buy compulsory motor liability insurance on the insurance company’s website and receive an electronic policy. Just register in your personal account, fill out the details and pay for the order - we will send you an electronic MTPL policy by email.

More details

The policy must be printed out and taken with you. It does not need seals - it is certified with a special electronic signature, which is verified on a computer. An electronic policy is as valid as a paper one.

The registration process consists of only 3 steps

The tariffs applied when concluding a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement electronically do not differ from the tariffs applied when issuing paper policies at the office of an insurance company or at an agent.

Settlement online

Insurance is not just about getting an insurance policy. This is also the process of receiving insurance compensation if you are involved in an accident on the road. We do our best to make this process quick and comfortable for you. On our website you can always quickly check the status of your payment case under the MTPL policy or report the occurrence of an insured event.

Advantages of electronic MTPL

  • No office visit, no queues. All you need is a computer and half an hour of time.
  • Faster than the fastest courier delivery. We will send it to your email immediately after payment.
  • The policy is always with you. It is stored in your mailbox and is also automatically saved in your personal account on our website. If desired, the policy can be printed and/or saved in Passbook/PassWallet on your smartphone.
  • Convenient mobile application. Personal account in your smartphone.

What you will need when purchasing

  1. Passports of the policyholder and the owner of the car.
  2. Driver's licenses of all approved drivers.
  3. Vehicle registration certificate.
  4. Vehicle passport.
  5. Valid diagnostic card.
  6. Bank card Visa, MasterCard or Mir.
  7. Half an hour of free time.
Please note that if, as a result of the check, some data does not match the PCA, you can send us scans of your documents and we will check them manually.

Beware of scammers!

Be careful, apply for electronic compulsory motor liability insurance only on the official website Do not resort to intermediaries - it is illegal! You risk purchasing an invalid or fake MTPL policy. You can check the authenticity of any MTPL policy.

We are always there

If technology is not your thing and you are used to communicating with a real person, one of the widest networks in Russia is at your service - more than 2,000 Rosgosstrakh sales offices throughout the country, where you can buy compulsory motor insurance. We will be happy to answer all your questions and insure you.
Find your nearest sales office

Questions and answers on registration of compulsory motor liability insurance online

Design rules

How do you buy MTPL online?
  1. Register in your personal account.
  2. Fill in all the data for the calculation in the online calculator.
  3. You pay for the policy on the website with a bank card.
  4. You receive the policy and accompanying documents by email.
When is it time to renew OSAGO?

It is better to renew OSAGO before the expiration of the current policy, so that there are no interruptions in insurance. According to the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 4723-U, At least 3 days must pass between the date of application and the start of the contract. For example, if a new policy is to be valid from September 24, then it must be issued no later than September 20.

According to the legislation in force in 2017, you can renew your car insurance policy no earlier than 2 months (60 days) before the expiration of the previous MTPL.

We remind you that there is a fine for expired insurance and for driving without compulsory motor liability insurance.

What documents are needed to purchase MTPL online?

To obtain an insurance policy you will need the following documents:

  1. Passport of the policyholder and the owner of the car.
  2. Vehicle Registration Certificate (VRC).
  3. Vehicle Passport (PVC).
  4. Driver's licenses of all authorized drivers.
  5. A valid diagnostic card for the car, if the car has undergone technical inspection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Data from all documents is required for accurate calculation of the KBM through the automated information system RSA.

How to pay for electronic MTPL?

You can safely pay for your policy using a Visa, MasterCard, Maestro bank card or the Mir national payment card.

Before paying, make sure that the 3DS service is activated on your card to protect payments on the Internet. If you receive SMS codes to confirm online purchases, it means that 3D Secure is activated on your card. The principle and conditions for activating the service can be clarified with your issuing bank.

I have a new vehicle / I am a new driver

If you have a new vehicle or are applying for compulsory motor liability insurance for the first time in your life, it means that your data is not yet in the RSA system. Since everyone needs to pass this check to obtain a policy, the procedure for you will be as follows:

  1. You need to fill out all the steps of the calculator, in Step 4 confirm the correctness of the completed data and click the “Next” button.
  2. After an unsuccessful PCA verification, you will see in the same window a form for sending copies of your documents for verification. Make scanned copies or clear photographs of all specified documents, add them to the form and click the “Send documents for verification” button.
  3. Within 20 minutes you will receive an email with the results of the verification and a special link for calculation and payment. Log in to your personal account, follow the link and pay for the policy.
    Important! The date of payment should not coincide with the start date of the policy, so if the policy is needed tomorrow, then it must be paid today.
I drove for a year without an accident, what discount will I get?

According to the tariff, for each year of accident-free driving, the discount on compulsory motor liability insurance increases by 5%.

Do I need to certify the electronic policy with a seal? Why do I need an electronic signature (sgn file)?

Electronic MTPL is the original of your policy.

  1. Print the electronic policy file on a printer and carry it with you in the car.
  2. The printed policy does NOT need to be certified with a seal or signature in the office!
  3. It does not need to be exchanged for a paper policy in the office.

Instead of a stamp and signature, electronic MTPL is certified by an electronic signature, which comes along with the policy to your email. The signature file (sgn) does not need to be opened or printed, it is simply stored with you. Additional information about the signature is in the cover letter that comes with the policy.

The calculation data is saved in the browser. Can this be disabled?

The data you enter is saved in the browser to prevent it from being lost. If you are using someone else's computer or the computer is infected with malware, personal data could fall into the hands of criminals.

Do you want to disable the feature or just clear the fields?

Clear fields

Answers to other questions.

You will find answers to other questions about MTPL (including electronic MTPL and policy price) in the Questions and Answers section.

You can also ask your question or describe the problem in detail using the form.

What to do, if...

I have problems with my password

If you don't receive A temporary password or it is not suitable, check the Spam folder in your email or try again later.

If you can't install permanent password, make sure that it contains at least 6 characters, must be in Latin, must contain lowercase and uppercase letters, as well as numbers.

Error: “Incorrect personal account type selected”

Make sure that when entering your Personal Account you select the correct type: if you represent a legal entity, then above the email and password entry field you need to check the box “Check if you are a legal entity.”

I don't have my PTS with me?

The number and series of your vehicle’s passport are indicated both in the PTS itself and in the vehicle registration certificate (VRC):

Notification “Confirmation not received from centralized PCA systems”

The notification was received because the data you entered about the drivers, car, owner does not completely match the data contained in the PCA system.

  1. Make sure you fill it out correctly all data insurance applications (check typos, dates, addresses).
  2. If all the necessary conditions for obtaining insurance are met, but you still see the notification “Confirmation has not been received from centralized PCA systems,” use the special form under the calculation and attach scanned copies (clear photographs) of documents confirming the information you entered. The data will be checked by an employee of PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh within 20 minutes, and you will be able to issue an agreement on the website on the same day.
The error “DK required” appears.

The presence of a valid DC is checked automatically based on the entered information about the vehicle.

If you have a diagnostic card, but the error still appears, use the special Personal Account form and attach a scanned copy of the current diagnostic card. After verification, you can draw up an agreement on the website.

What to do in case of technical failure?

If you are worried about traffic police checks, then in this case, together with the policy, we will send an email with links to legislation in the field of electronic compulsory motor liability insurance. Just show it to the police officer.

OSAGO became widespread in the 20s in the USA, 20 years later in Europe, and then throughout the rest of the world. Until now, compulsory motor liability insurance is the most important type of insurance, since it can guarantee the insured person financial compensation in the event of unintentional harm to the life, health or property of victims when using a car.

The best way to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance is to apply online!

In the age of the Internet and technology, personal appearance to complete documents, including insurance, is considered an unacceptable waste of time. Therefore, the method of online registration of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy is gaining popularity. The procedure is simple: you just need to fill out the form we offer and wait for approval. Then you need to pay for the policy, after which it is immediately activated. We transfer the information about your policy to the traffic police to enter it into the database. You receive a ready-made electronic policy that you can safely use. You can also print the purchased policy on a sheet of A-4 format.

Necessary documents for registration of compulsory motor liability insurance.

To apply for an MTPL policy, provide our employees with the following documents:

  1. a valid vehicle inspection certificate or diagnostic card;
  2. vehicle registration certificate;
  3. for Russians - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, for foreigners - a document replacing it. If the policyholder and the owner of the car are different persons, then both passports will be required.
  4. driver license;
  5. power of attorney if the car is registered to another person;
  6. previous insurance policy, if any.

Cost of OSAGO policy

After the introduction of the law on the mandatory issuance of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, most car owners have a question about what expenses will need to be incurred. You should know that no insurance company has the right to regulate the cost of a policy by increasing or decreasing prices. This is the exclusive privilege of the state, which sets basic insurance rates and adjustment factors. In addition, for some categories of car owners, the state has developed and implemented increasing coefficients. Today, the cost of the policy is influenced by the following factors:

1. engine power. Thus, a car with a power of up to 50 horsepower is subject to a coefficient of 0.6, from 51 to 150 - a coefficient of 1-1.4. But owners of “iron horses” with an engine power above 150 “horses” will be subject to a coefficient of 1.6.

2. the territory of the main use of the car, or, in other words, the place of registration of the owner of the vehicle. So, for example, in Moscow, when calculating insurance, a coefficient of 2 is used, in the Moscow region - already 1.7. This difference in coefficients is mainly associated with risks during vehicle movement. For example, the risk of getting into an accident in Moscow is higher than in the region.

3. age and experience of the driver. Thus, the state applies increasing coefficients for drivers under 22 years of age and with less than 3 years of driving experience. They belong to a high risk group, so a coefficient of 1.8 is used for them. And drivers who have more than 3 years of experience and are 23 years of age or older can count on coefficient 1.

4. accident-free operation. Careful driving is encouraged by the state. It provides drivers with a discount if they have not been involved in an accident and have not received insurance payments.

5. the number of drivers who are allowed to drive the insured vehicle. If you limit the circle of people who are allowed to drive your car, then their full name. fit into the policy, and when calculating the cost, a coefficient of 1 will be applied. In the case of allowing an unlimited number of people to drive a car, the coefficient will be equal to 1.8.

6. validity period of the policy. It is more profitable to insure a car for a period of 10 months or more. In this case, coefficient 1 will be applied, and you will not have to overpay for policy renewal each time.

However, no matter how clear and simple everything may seem, it is very difficult to do an approximate calculation of compulsory motor liability insurance manually. Therefore, for your convenience, we suggest using our online OSAGO calculator. How to calculate the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance automatically using a convenient calculator? This is extremely easy to do. Just go to our website and choose yours from the list of options offered. Indicate the policy term, region, category and power of your vehicle, the number of people who are allowed to drive the car, your age and driving experience... In general, all those factors that directly affect the final cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy. A couple of mouse clicks, and the approximate calculation of the site is ready!

Our advantages

Among the variety of different insurance companies and services, we stand out:

  1. extensive experience in issuing MTPL policies!
  2. The personal belief of all our employees is that every client is special!
  3. individual consultations with analysis of each specific case of our clients!
  4. the shortest possible time for completing all procedures!
  5. convenient online calculator for independently calculating the cost of the policy!
  6. reliable rates, no markups!

Thus, you, our dear clients, can apply for an MTPL policy on our company’s website both at home and at work using a computer or laptop. A couple of clicks and you will find out the approximate cost of your policy. And a couple more clicks - your policy has been issued, and you can safely get behind the wheel of your favorite car, knowing that the dangers that await you along the way are no longer scary!

What affects the cost of compulsory motor insurance?

  • To calculate the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance insurance companies take into account the coefficients for each specific driver, where all taken into account are multiplied by the base tariff rate.
  • Main coefficients affecting the cost
    • TB – basic tariff rate.
    • CT – territorial.
    • Km – vehicle power.
    • Kvs – age.
    • KBM is a bonus-malus, which can both provide a discount and increase the cost of the policy.
      Your KBM will be calculated based on the number of years of accident-free driving.
    • Kn – increasing coefficient in the presence of gross violations of the rules of compulsory motor liability insurance.

How is OSAGO online calculation performed?

  • The cost of an MTPL policy is not a static value. Legislative changes are regularly made to existing tariff algorithms. All of them are already taken into account on our website. in the 2019 OSAGO calculator and settlements are carried out at new tariffs.
  • The software function allows calculate the cost of the MTPL policy by entering the required information.

When filling out the online form ( OSAGO calculation 2019), you can always go back to adjust the data to recalculate the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance, taking into account the KBM. You can also continue OSAGO calculation at any time, because The data you enter is saved.

What is better than online design compared to standard design?

  • Mobility
    The ability to perform calculations using the OSAGO calculator according to the most profitable option - at home or in the office, without leaving your computer.
  • Quick search
    The OSAGO online calculator allows you to compare policy cost calculations from a number of reliable insurance companies with a solid reputation and select the best policy option.
  • Taking into account all factors affecting the cost
    The OSAGO calculator takes into account all cost formation factors - technical, economic, geographical, human and
    provides the most accurate information.
  • Profitable terms
    The OSAGO calculator provides information on the cost taking into account all promotions and bonuses.

In this article, you can learn how to independently calculate the cost of your MTPL car insurance policy.

It is possible to find out what the coefficients mean when calculating compulsory motor liability insurance and how they can be used when making calculations.

Before moving on to independently calculating the cost of an insurance policy, it is worth understanding that this is a very important document. Without an insurance policy, driving a vehicle is impossible and prohibited by law.

The policy is a guarantee of protection and effective compensation in the event of material and physical harm to the health and property of all participants in the accident.

OSAGO is a unique modern insurance system that is able to compensate for material damage caused by the insured person to another vehicle or nearby passengers.

Cash payments are made to all victims of an accident due to someone else’s fault, but not from the personal funds of the perpetrator, but through the efforts of the insurance company.

The MTPL insurance policy, which is mandatory for every modern motorist with a license, is guaranteed protection in the event of various unforeseen cases.

In order not to deal with the calculation processes yourself and significantly reduce the time of operations, you can use special online calculators.

To obtain the most accurate results, you will need to enter special information data into the columns of the calculator in a strictly defined order.

Here are the main points that will need to be filled out strictly in the order listed:

After studying all the offers available for calculation, you can choose the most comfortable calculation option.

It is advisable to give preference to such applications, the results obtained from which should be stored in the database for as long as possible, a pre-specified time.

Using special methods for calculating the cost of an insurance policy, by accessing electronic services, you can not only get the most accurate cost, but you can also compare several insurance companies at the same time.

To make accurate calculations, you will need to fill out a special registration form, then make calculations using a special calculator, compare the results and select the most profitable option.

The use of such services makes it possible not only to save personal time, but also to avoid possible errors in making calculations.

Despite the fact that the cost of the policy is calculated strictly automatically, it does not hurt for every driver to know the basic principle of calculation.

Video: How to calculate the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance yourself?

One of the main values ​​when calculating the cost of an insurance policy is information about the base tariff, which is uniform throughout the entire Russian Federation.

As for the coefficients, they tend to change taking into account certain conditions that arise from time to time.

The formula for calculating the cost of the policy uses the following values:

To establish an accurate seasonality factor, you will need to determine how much time the car is used in a particular season.

In the process of registering and purchasing an insurance policy, it is important to take into account the fact that a modern insurance company does not have any rights to increase or decrease the price based on its personal discretion.

Insurance company employees also do not have the right to make any discounts when applying for a policy.

Basic payments and restrictions are strictly regulated at the state level. This is precisely what guarantees mandatory payments in the event of emergencies.

When deciding how to calculate compulsory motor liability insurance yourself, you must act strictly taking into account a constant indicator, that is, the base tariff and the coefficients listed above, which must be multiplied in a special order.

Policy cost = BT * KBM * KVS * OK * KMD * KS * KN * KSS, where BT is the base tariff rate. This indicator is a value accepted throughout the territory.

It is accepted strictly in full accordance with the main characteristics of the car specified in the insurance, as a rule, this is the number of passenger seats, as well as the tonnage of the vehicle.

For this reason, each type of modern vehicle - trucks, cars, trolleybuses, buses, agricultural and industrial equipment - has its own basic tariff.

Determination of the territorial coefficient

This indicator may change based on whether the vehicle belongs to a particular region. The parameter ranges from 1.5 to 2. The exact parameter depends on the status of the selected locality.

In large cities, where there is fairly intense vehicle traffic and there is an increased likelihood of accidents, the indicators will be overestimated.

Small cities are characterized by a low rate, which automatically applies to the cost of the policy.

In the process of resolving the issue of how to calculate compulsory motor liability insurance according to the KBM, the driver has the right to receive a discount for a sufficiently long period of moving the car without creating complex emergency situations.

It is issued personally to each client and does not depend on which car the driver specified in the insurance most often drives. This figure changes annually.

If during one year no accidents occurred due to the fault of the car owner, he automatically receives a discount equal to 5%. With each year of impeccable driving, the driver will receive an increase in the amount.

The maximum discount can reach 50%. A similar discount can be achieved with 10 years of perfect driving.

Determination of the age-experience coefficient

In the process of determining this indicator, the maximum level of the age category boundary is not taken into account. The size may decrease as age increases and driving experience increases.

This indicator can be increased to the maximum if the driver is under 22 years of age and has less than three years of driving experience. In this case it will be 1.7.

If a contract is concluded simultaneously for several drivers, the cost of the policy may increase significantly if at least one of the participants has not reached the required age category and does not have the required length of service.

This indicator takes into account the total number of drivers who were included in the policy.

If limited insurance is purchased, no more than five drivers may be named.

If the insurance is unlimited, any number of drivers can be allowed to drive.

For a limited type of insurance, the value can be calculated using reduced indicators; as for unlimited insurance, it has strictly standard indicators equal to 1.8.

Power factor calculation

When calculating the engine power, the amount of horsepower indicated in the technical passport is taken into account.

In this document, power levels are written in kilowatts, with one kilowatt equal to 1.35962 horsepower.

Here are the basic power to value ratios:

  1. Up to 50 – 0.6.
  2. From 50 to 70 – 0.9.
  3. From 70 to 100 – 1.
  4. From 100 to 120 – 1.2.
  5. From 120 to 150 – 1.4.
  6. From 150 and above – 1.6.

Based on these indicators, it becomes clear that the higher the engine power, the greater the indicator will be, this will automatically increase the cost of car insurance.

If the car is used exclusively at certain times of the year, there will be no point in overpaying for an insurance policy.

The ideal option in this case would be to issue a special seasonal policy.

Describing the period of insurance for the season depends on who the insurance is taken out for. For individuals, it is issued for a period of up to three months; for legal entities, insurance is issued for a period of up to six months.

If the policy is issued for three months, the coefficient will be equal to 0.5; for a longer period, the coefficient increases to 1.

Taking into account the violation rate

This is a special indicator that is calculated and established for such important factors as driving while intoxicated, deliberately causing an accident, disappearing from the scene of an accident, driving a car by a person who was not specified in the insurance policy.

In all the above cases, the coefficient will be 1.5.

This indicator is used in strictly special situations.

This includes transit movement and driving of cars by citizens of other states.

If the owner of the vehicle has a foreign registration and stays in the Russian Federation for no more than 15 days, the indicator will be 0.2.

If a foreigner stays in Russia for more than 10 months, the indicator rises to one.

Summing up

Official auto liability insurance is not only a legally required criterion for permission to drive a vehicle, but also a prerequisite for ensuring important conditions for the protection of oneself and nearby road users.

Taking into account all the above features of solving the question of how to calculate a compulsory motor liability insurance policy yourself, you can quite easily determine the cost of an insurance contract for each client separately.

Knowing all the above data, you can calculate the insurance yourself. This will allow you to find out how much you will need to pay when signing up for a car insurance contract.