Why do drug addicts dream? Why do drug addicts dream according to the dream book? I dreamed that the guy was a drug addict

Dream interpretation of drug addicts

Dreams where drugs are present will have a metaphorical meaning. Dreams about taking forbidden drugs will become a hint from the subconscious to real problems. As the dream book says, a drug addict dreams of life obstacles that the dreamer will have to face.

General meaning of sleep

In most cases, the correct interpretation of dreams with drug addicts will have a warning value.

Seeing yourself taking dangerous drugs in a dream means stagnation in your personal life and problems in your work team.

A more detailed understanding of what drug addicts dream about can be achieved thanks to popular dream books.

Interpretation of a modern dream book

If a person regularly sees nightmares where he is visited by unfamiliar people who are addicted to drugs, then this is an unfriendly sign. Quarrels and conflicts are brewing at work or in the family. But the symbolism of dreams will also depend on the emotional state of the dreamer.

If you dreamed of a company of drug addicts

Positive dreams

  • Seeing in a dream how, having consumed a forbidden potion, you travel and have fun, will serve as a hint of a subconscious desire to change something in life, or to get a dose of adrenaline.
  • Why did you dream about a group of friendly “junkies”? No matter what happens, friends will always be there.

Possible negative consequences of sleep

  • The interpretation of dreams where drug addicts are present says: you have ill-wishers who want to knock you down. Gossip and gossip behind your back can greatly shake your nervous system.
  • Seeing a person using drugs in a dream means an unreliable environment, check your business partners. Think about what you would do if you were a manager and boss, and boldly go into battle with a careless team.

Explanations of vision by Family Dream Book

Expect atrocities against you and your loved ones if you dream of a drug addict, no matter how benevolent this character may be.

Drug-dependent dream characters will talk about the dreamer’s possible financial problems. Such nightmares serve as a warning sign for possible robbery. They won’t necessarily steal banknotes or jewelry, perhaps they will take away your loved one or take a prestigious workplace that rightfully belongs to you.

The plot of the dream

The details of dreams radically change the interpretation of visions. By remembering the smallest details, it will be possible to construct in detail the development of events in the near future.

If your friends take drugs

Taking drugs in a dream

  • Seeing your significant other become addicted to drug use is a sign of losing the trust of a friend or family.
  • Why watch someone you know use various substances? The dreamer is afraid to admit his own mistakes. Dreams with such a scenario should serve as an impetus for changing your worldview and accepting yourself as an individual.

Drug addiction has overtaken you

  • When you dreamed that you became a drug lord, this is a symbol of power. The influence that the dreamer has on others will help to implement plans and achieve goals.
  • Why inject yourself with a dose in a dream? Health problems will occur. If you don’t watch your diet and don’t exercise, diseases can arise that require a lot of time and money to treat.
  • If you become a drug addict in night visions, think about the decisions you have made recently. They may have adverse effects.

Other actions

Seeing in your dreams how a stranger intrusively offers a dose foreshadows a scam. It is better not to agree to too favorable contract terms.

The interpretation of a dream, where the dreamer acts as a drug distributor, foreshadows the illness of relatives.

The reverse process, when you help someone fight attachments, hints at the harmony of the inner world. Such people often bring joy to the lives of those around them.

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Addict in Modern dream book:

  • Seeing a drug addict in a dream is an unfavorable sign. A dream in which you see a drug addict injecting himself with a dose of drug foretells you a disease, the culprit of which will be you yourself. If you dreamed that you or someone close to you became a drug addict, then you should be prepared for the fact that others will try to interfere with the implementation of your plans.
  • Interpretation in Eastern dream book Sleep Addict:

  • Unfavorable sign. A dream in which you see a drug addict injecting himself with a dose of the drug foreshadows a disease of which you yourself will be the culprit. If you dreamed that you or someone close to you became a drug addict, be prepared for things to stall and plans to be disrupted.
  • Why do you dream about a drug addict? Men's dream book?

  • Seeing a drug addict in a dream means in reality getting involved with unreliable people who will leave you at any moment. If you yourself use drugs in a dream, an unfavorable period in life awaits you. You will live in a world of illusions, from which you will be rudely “pulled out” by the betrayal of a loved one.
  • Wangi

    Seeing yourself using drugs in a dream- a sign that in reality you are not ready for life’s trials, since you have no faith and hope. You consider all our actions and events that happen around you to be random and have no connection. Therefore, you consider your life aimless and monotonous.

    In a dream you are trying to fight this terrible disease- this means that in real life your heart is filled with love for people and therefore all your actions are aimed at helping you gain strength for a better life. Therefore, in reality, universal recognition and respect awaits you.

    If in a dream you saw yourself distributing drugs, - this symbolizes your uncertainty, weakness and inability to choose the right life goals.


    Dreaming that you are taking a drug, means that, despite visible physical weakness, you have enormous influence on others. This one is a warning: You must limit your exposure to people.

    In a dream, prevent others from taking drugs- means that in real life you give people kindness and joy.

    To dream that your beloved, disillusioned with life, takes drugs, means future failures in business and the loss of a friend.

    Give them to someone- portends a slight illness in one of your household.

    Modern dream book

    Seeing a drug addict in a dream- to big trouble. It is possible that someone close to you will become seriously ill.

    If you dream that you yourself are sitting on a needle, this means that you are very dependent on the opinions of others.

    Avoid drugs in your sleep means that you will make the right, very wise decision.

    Finding drugs in your dream- to deception.

    If you dreamed that you were smuggling drugs, then soon you will commit an honest act that will greatly raise you in the eyes of others.

    Seeing a drug dealer selling drugs, - you will have a period of sadness and melancholy, which, however, will benefit you and make you see the little joys in life and appreciate simple human communication.

    Seeing a drug dealer being arrested- this indicates that the restless period of your life has ended, soon everything will return to its previous course, everything will return to its original place.

    Take part in the arrest of a drug dealer- you will enter a dangerous game that may end badly for you. For a woman, such a dream is a warning about the dangers of a new acquaintance.

    If you dreamed that you were a drug dealer, then such a dream means that the time has come to pay for pleasure. For a woman, this dream may portend gaining clarity in her relationship with her loved one.

    There are some things that are undesirable to use both in a dream and in reality. This includes drugs. The dream book will explain why mind-clouding substances crept into your night visions, what they warn about. In fact, this image should cause alarm in anyone. Why? Let's figure it out.

    about drugs?

    First, let's analyze our image. What did you see: some artificially created substance or plant? The drug, Loff’s dream book assures us of this, is responsible for relationships with others. If he was natural, then you don’t understand people quite correctly. This takes thoughts about their actions and words, as they say, into the wrong place. You simply do not understand the true intentions of those with whom you communicate. If a drug turns out to be artificial (tablets, for example), someone deliberately tries to interfere with the normal exchange of information. This can lead to conflicts. This strange “well-wisher” should be identified and neutralized so that he does not build walls between friends. Besides the substance itself, what matters is what you did with it. Have you taken it yourself or seen drug addicts? Maybe they sold or produced? It’s worth remembering all the nuances in order to correctly interpret the subconscious hint. In addition, various sources draw attention to the danger in a certain area of ​​life. For example, the newest dream book associates drugs with health. And Mr. Miller believes that their appearance in the astral plane is associated with some imbalance in relationships. It is advisable to study several sources to obtain the optimal forecast.

    Just seeing drugs

    A very interesting image that Mr. Meneghetti examines. As his drugs indicate, when the soul strives for transformation. These are substances that lead to a complete change in behavior and perception of reality. Their appearance in night vision indicates that the body at the cellular level is ready for activation. The nature of the sleeper wants to return to the state of complete harmony that he experienced in the mother’s womb. This is the desire to completely change the environment and oneself, to abandon the current situation, to become different. Sleep recommendations: start looking for a way to realize your abilities. It will lead you to a new state, and, therefore, to happiness. Seeing a drug, the dream book for lovers assures of this, means that you are a very strong and influential person. Don't let yourself understand this. However, people are accustomed to listening to your opinion and relying on it. Try not to utter frivolous phrases that let others down and confuse them. If you notice a drug in your night vision, Miller’s dream book recommends being more careful in your communication. Most likely, you are ready to connect your life with a tyrant who will control every step. This is not the best choice for a freedom-loving and active person. A drug is a sign of trap, imprisonment.

    What does the dream book say: why take drugs?

    It is necessary to control the influence on others, says a similar plot. Even though you are a weak person, people take literally every word that comes out of your mouth. You should not influence other people’s destinies and take on excessive responsibility, warns the Modern Dream Book. Using drugs means not trusting loved ones. This will not lead to good, you can break down and get into big trouble, admonishes Mr. Meneghetti, a famous interpreter. A team of authors who published a dream book from A to Z has a different opinion. They believe that the use of drugs in the astral plane is a harbinger of many temptations that will have to be faced in reality. Feeling their influence leads to depression and loss of strength.

    See a drug dealer

    Being one means illness of loved ones, says the Big Dream Book. He considers the plot unfavorable. If in the country of Morpheus you encounter suspicious individuals spreading this poison, you will find yourself in trouble. But when you see a fight against drug dealers, it means that your kindness will please those around you. For many, you are a light in the window, an example to follow. However, you should not be proud of this, warns this dream book. in night vision they are a sign of escaping reality. And such an attitude towards life can be caused by a painful condition, which will soon bring a lot of distress to your loved ones. It’s worth seeing a doctor, the Newest Dream Book recommends.

    Dreamed about drugs that other people took

    If a loved one comes under the influence of these substances in night vision, then expect a major scandal with him. For lovers, this is a sign of imminent separation. It will cause a lot of grief for both of them. It is advisable to be careful not to get into trouble. If you see a drug addict, you will have to communicate with an inadequate person. There is no way to avoid contact. Get ready to show maximum patience, says the Modern Dream Book. Buying drugs for someone means suffering losses through your own fault. You will trust either a cunning and unworthy person or unverified information. In any case, misconceptions will lead to financial losses. Be careful, warns a source called “Tips Received in a Dream.”

    Discourage drug use

    This is a positive story. People treat very well the one in the country of Morpheus who took a syringe or pills from those who wanted to fall under the influence of narcotic substances. This is a sign of great respect from others, says the Dream Book for Lovers. Close and complete strangers appreciate you for your kindness, attentiveness and good character. And the Dream Book of a modern woman adds: someone who sees this in a night vision is a source of joy for those around him. The plot, you agree with the interpreters, speaks of the high morality of the one who saw it. If the subconscious is ready to fight evil, then in reality you immediately rush to the rescue of the offended. And that's great! People feel like you are a protector, so they trust you.

    Smoking marijuana in a dream

    This plot is favorable for creative people. As the 21st century dream book assures, his talent will soon attract the attention of a rich and generous sponsor. You need to try to tell as many people as possible about your ideas and projects, that is, do PR. This is a great way to find someone who will pay for the implementation. But for a married lady, smoking marijuana in a dream is bad. In real life, she will face misunderstandings from her husband. You will have to explain for a long time and apologize for behavior that does not stand up to criticism. Bad sign. It will not be possible to prevent a scandal, according to the same source. The mistake has already been made. Your husband will have to justify an action that you have probably long forgotten.


    Plots involving drugs seen in a dream do not always portend evil. However, they should be treated with caution. The subconscious does not throw up empty ideas. If it focuses your attention on drugs, it means it is trying to tell you about the incredible harm they cause to people. It is advisable to adopt the moral foundations of your kind and resist temptations, no matter who offers them to you. It is recommended that young ladies take dreams about drugs especially seriously. They suggest that having your head in the clouds does not lead to good things. Try to evaluate your friends and acquaintances more realistically so as not to fall into a trap. Good luck!

    Seeing drugs in a dream is a bad sign. If a person dreams of drug addicts, this means that in reality he will face troubles, grief, despondency and meeting people who are unable to make their own decisions, dependent on something, on public opinion.

    What if you dream about drug addicts?

    Drug addicts are people who experience certain suffering. They can be called unhappy, despite the fact that they themselves once took this path. Dreams in which a person sees drug addicts are quite frightening and unfavorable.

    So, for example, seeing a drug addict in your visions means in reality meeting people who can betray and deceive. These new acquaintances will not be responsible for their actions and actions and will be very dependent on public opinion. To avoid unnecessary problems, a person should stay away from such communication.

    If the dreamer sees himself as a drug addict in a dream, this means that in the near future he will have to face a number of troubles. They can be related to both the financial side of life and the personal one. A person will live in a world of illusions. Those closest to him or even those from whom the dreamer does not expect to receive help will help him get out of this state.

    You should not take literally a dream in which a person sees himself or someone close to him as a drug addict. As dream interpretation experts say, in this case, people addicted to drugs are only a symbol of troubles and inability to make a decision.

    If a person in real life thinks a lot about the problem of drug addiction or even had to face this misfortune, a dream about drug addicts in this case does not carry any semantic load. The vision is only a reflection of his thoughts and experiences in reality.

    If a person dreams that someone he knows offers him to try a drug, this means that someone is feeling negative towards him. Perhaps someone close to you is very jealous of the dreamer and wants everything to go wrong in his life. It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings. Most likely, there will be someone who actually wishes harm to the person. In this case, it is recommended to end relations with such a “well-wisher”.

    If a person dreams that someone is offering him drugs, but he refuses, in reality he will have to make an important decision. At the same time, he can have no doubt that this decision will be correct.

    What does it portend?

    If in a dream a person sees himself dissuading someone from taking drugs, this means that in real life he will help someone with advice.

    Seeing drug addicts injecting drugs into a vein in a dream means that in reality you will encounter serious difficulties. Some dream interpreters believe that such a dream represents illness. The dreamer will experience malaise and pain, but the illness will not be very serious. If he sees a doctor in time, he will soon be able to make a full recovery.

    If a person dreams that there are drug addicts among his employees at work, this means that the relationship in the team is not very good. The dreamer should take a close look at his colleagues. Most likely, most of them will turn out to be unreliable people. It is very difficult to work with such people. It may be worth talking to your superiors and convincing them that the dreamer is fully worthy of carrying out this or that project on his own. In this case, he will have to rely only on his own strength and be responsible only for his actions.

    Seeing a drug addict in a dream is an unfavorable sign. Most likely, a person will have to meet unreliable people who do not want and cannot be responsible for their words and actions. You should not take such a vision literally and be afraid that someone close to you will take such a dangerous path.