Cancer and Sagittarius in marriage. Love and family compatibility between Sagittarius and Cancer. Video: Sagittarius ♐ zodiac sign

The love story of these two people, as a rule, tends to begin in spite of, and not because of, their personal nature, and a long-term union will exist and develop on opposite temperaments for as long as possible. But this couple is united by a common system of life values ​​and beliefs; they are both decent, loyal and truthful, respect generally accepted laws and rules in society, spiritual, generous and have a passion for pleasure.

  • Compatibility in love: 80%
  • Marriage compatibility: 40%

In order to maintain a relationship and create a strong family, this couple will need to learn to synchronize with each other throughout their lives, realizing their alienness and dissimilarity, like the Cat and the Horse (compatibility according to the Chinese horoscope). These partners are not in conflict - they are simply different, which attracts them at the initial stage of the relationship, but also requires tireless adaptation in the future.

Cancer and Sagittarius are a very bright and shining couple in the starry sky

Cancer is attracted to the optimism, energy and determination of Sagittarius. Purposeful, all-knowing and giving the impression of a patron and missionary, Sagittarius appeals to his partner, who is looking for protection, emotional comfort and family comfort. Sagittarius's optimism can give Cancer support in emotionally difficult moments of life and protect him from negative experiences. On the other hand, the sensitivity and sentimentality of Cancer can touch the high ideals of Sagittarius and attract his favorable attention. This couple, sharing the same views on education and the role of children in family life, is capable of becoming good parents and raising worthy offspring. Cancer is a very family-oriented and fertile sign, which is reflected in the partner’s desire to build a strong and large family. Sagittarius, in turn, is an adherent of traditional social views on family values, is far-sighted, religious and has the desire to pass on his wisdom and knowledge to his descendants. These partners are distinguished by enviable loyalty, decency and love of truth, which protects relationships from betrayal and deception.


In this form of relationship, passion between Cancer and Sagittarius can flare up suddenly and with great force, especially on the part of Cancer, who tends to approach this matter with particular emotionality and sensuality. Both partners are passionate, emotional, romantic and tend to idealize each other. Sagittarius will bring fiery energy, variety, and a desire to experiment and please your partner into intimacy. At the initial stage of intimate relationships, they will be attracted like magnets due to the difference in poles. In the long term of the relationship, when passions subside and feelings are satisfied, these partners will get tired of adapting to each other, since they will lack spiritual closeness and a sense of internal kinship, they will constantly feel alienation and contrasting characters. Freedom-loving and straightforward Sagittarius will eventually feel oppression and pressure from Cancer, who will always try to tie him to himself and demand once again confirmation of his feelings. Cancers, due to their strong affection, tend to be cautious and hide their true desires and needs in the intimate sphere, which will irritate and tire Sagittarius when solving the psychological mysteries of their partner.

Difficulties and problems in relationships

Despite the many advantages, there are also serious contradictions in this couple, which over time will require enormous strength and patience to resolve them and will force them to constantly adapt to their partner. The suspicious and emotionally changeable Cancer is looking for psychological stability and protection in all areas of life, and, above all, he wants to find it in a partner who will be strongly attached to him and his family. While Sagittarius is active, independent and focused on the external sphere of activity, home comfort and family are important to him, but as a place of rest from social achievements and victories. He does not share the possessive tendencies of Cancer. Sagittarians tend to be overly categorical in their judgments and behavior, which often hurts and offends the gentle and caring Cancer. To keep a Sagittarius partner, Cancer needs to play cat and mouse with him all the time, sometimes showing a fair amount of indifference and learning to treat his partner soberly, without unnecessary illusions and deification.

Cancer (woman) – Sagittarius (man)

The Cancer woman and the Sagittarius man will find mutual understanding and will be able to build a mutually beneficial serious relationship if they understand each other and make compromise decisions. First, a woman needs to determine what type of Sagittarius her chosen one is. If a Sagittarius man is a hedonist by nature: inclined to lead an idle lifestyle, loves pleasure, success and veneration, is boorish and tactless, then such a partner needs a beautiful, feminine, charming and mysterious representative of the sign of Cancer. If in front of a Cancer woman is a Sagittarius-philosopher who is looking for the meaning of life, is interested in science and lives according to ethical norms and principles, in this case he will be attracted to a woman-child who needs to be protected and educated, or a strong and wise Rakin who will personify the esoteric the principle of femininity and ancestral history.

In such a union, under the influence of an optimistic, successful and lucky Sagittarius, the Cancer woman will flourish and become happier, getting rid of isolation and caution. She will feel confident in the future and understand that her partner will have enough strength and determination to protect and provide for her. And when Rakinya is happy and in a good mood, then her family and loved ones receive the necessary care and attention. The Cancer woman provides a decent life, treats Sagittarius’s pride with care and respect and provides him with an invaluable opportunity to brag and proudly demonstrate his smart wife, well-groomed children and a well-organized life. The Cancer woman absorbs and implements in her daily life new ideas, philosophical views and instructions from her Sagittarius partner.

However, over time, the contrast of temperaments and the difference in lifestyles make themselves felt and can bring difficulties to relationships. The Cancer woman is very attached to her family and home; it can be difficult for her to understand her freedom-loving and independent Sagittarius partner, who realizes himself in social activities and draws inspiration and impressions outside the family and home. The rakine is afraid that one day Sagittarius will be so carried away by the outside world and adventures that he will forget to return home. In this state of affairs, a man criticizes his partner for being narrow-minded and withdrawn, and can offend and offend Rakinya with his straightforwardness and unceremoniousness. A woman must always remember that her Sagittarius man needs space and a wide circle of friends, that he is who he is thanks to his diverse interests and social activities, and that he will definitely want to return to his home nest if comfort and understanding await him there. It is vital for Sagittarius to demonstrate the attributes of an accomplished and respectable person, and a happy family and a successful partnership are exactly that for him, so he will not forget to do everything to ensure that his family and home represent prosperity and success.

Cancer (male) – Sagittarius (female)

The support, support and understanding of a family husband, which even the most independent woman needs, will help preserve the union between a Sagittarius woman and a Cancer man, despite astrological incompatibility. External success for a woman can only be built on a reliable family foundation. Much also depends on the Sagittarius woman; she must appreciate and take care of her partner’s subtle and sensitive nature, not neglect comfort and family values, and also treat his mother with respect. This couple can proudly boast of luxurious and beautiful housing, a responsible approach to raising children, mutual respect, loyalty and family feelings, but they will never find spiritual and psychological intimacy.

Quarrels in the union of Sagittarius and Cancer cannot be avoided, but they can always find compromises

Often, a conflict can break out out of the blue when Cancer feels that his feelings are hurt and infringed. The emotional intensity and pressure of Cancer can take Sagittarius by surprise, who will try to adapt and adjust to her partner, and he, in turn, will continue to manipulate her with his emotional statements, which will ultimately result in a meaningless and useless scandal. In this case, humor is the only lifeline in anticipation of such an incident, but the initiative must come from Sagittarius. Cancers are afraid and do not like aggression and conflicts, so at the slightest hint of a change in conversation or a joke, they will use this excuse. But if the quarrel has already begun, it will be incredibly difficult for Cancer to stop until he throws out all the negativity. The rapidly growing emotional outburst of Cancer can be extinguished by exactly the same strong emotional manifestations of the Sagittarius, such as fainting, tears and any other demonstration that you do not pose a threat to him, including bringing his mother to help.

If partners are able to realize and evaluate mutual needs and their own needs, and are also able to make mutual concessions and sacrifices for the sake of a common goal, then this union between Cancer and Sagittarius has every chance of successful existence and development.

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When considering the compatibility of a Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman, the main point is noticeable: even with mutual agreement and an abundance of positive emotions, many contradictions are initially inherent in this pair. These people simultaneously attract each other with their qualities, but at the same time repel each other. Sagittarians belong to the fire element, they look active and happy, people are drawn to them - at least for inspiration. The Sagittarius woman is a sociable person, to a certain extent narcissistic, but ready to praise, support, and choose the appropriate compliment. Cancers, when meeting people, often feel out of place. They are embarrassed to express their own opinion, actively listen to their potential partner, and Sagittarius’s egocentrism does not go unnoticed, as does some rudeness, but curiosity remains the leading force, which leads to rapprochement. The horoscope of a Cancer and Sagittarius man can also be interesting; this is also a very rare union that can be created on the basis of mutual curiosity, and requires maximum patience and mutual understanding from both parties.

Love compatibility

Raises a lot of questions Love compatibility between Cancer man and Sagittarius woman. Can such a union exist? It can exist in conditions where there is mutual understanding and patience, when both partners are wise and do not put pressure on each other. The Sagittarius woman is fire, and fire is changeable, they require maximum freedom of action, and the man must understand this. This woman loves to flirt, and the state of euphoria and love as components of flirting become real fuel that generates her internal energy. If she can give up this for the sake of a relationship with a Cancer man, it will be very decent on her part.

Cancers do not show as much ambition and are easily content with little, but they are prone to mood swings, and if the Sagittarius woman does not have to deal with this too often, then the relationship will be fine. In these relationships, Sagittarius will have to learn to listen to their partner, and not just to themselves, while Cancers will have to not try to take complete control over their other half.

Ideally, the couple will be happy, because both signs are endowed with a healthy sense of humor and kindness. Cancer is completely devoted to the family, Sagittarius perceives the world positively and trusts it, both know how to love and believe, and give a hand to those who do not feel happy. In this couple, it is important to learn to appreciate each other and find strengths in each other, to sincerely recognize them.

Sexual compatibility

These signs are separated by five others, and the situation arises quite naturally for this case. With a favorable combination of circumstances, mutual charm can last for a long time, but there is also a high risk that emotions will subside as soon as they arise. The temperaments of partners do not coincide by nature, because creatures of the water order are leisurely and streamlined, prone to immersion in emotions, while fire signs are prone to bright outbursts of passion and impetuosity.

These relationships will take a long time to get used to and build, because Sagittarians do not tend to open up and trust right away, they usually hide mental trauma for a long time, their behavior may seem unpredictable. But over time, Sagittarius opens up to Cancer - as soon as she is convinced that the man has accepted her for who she is. Cancer cares about the spiritual world of his girlfriend, is able to smooth over her wounds, and fully understand her behavior. In the case when everything happens exactly like this, Compatibility of Cancer and Sagittarius women can be called complete and harmonious. But in order for everything to happen this way, you need deep mutual understanding and wisdom of both partners, which usually comes closer to adulthood.

At work and at home

Business partnerships between representatives of these signs are also not easy; there are not many chances for success in everyday and work endeavors. The Sagittarius woman will strive to suppress her partner and take a leading position, and most likely she will succeed. However, the Cancer man will not be happy with this state of affairs, and his patience will not last long. Such business relationships tend to fall apart quickly, and again, only mutual understanding and the ability to adapt to each other can save them.

Cancer man and Sagittarius woman are a complex and contradictory couple, where initial mutual sympathy can quickly develop into a series of crises. But mutual understanding and happiness are possible - you just need to pay enough attention to each other, learn to listen and hear your partner. Simple and harmonious relationships will not come by themselves, you will have to work hard on them, but the result will definitely be worth it.

The combination of these zodiac signs carries within itself the unquenchable flame of relationships. Passion and affection are closely intertwined in this union. There is no need to worry about issues with mutual understanding. Cancer is the leader in this relationship, Water is its element, and therefore it takes on the shocks. There is nothing better for a closed Cancer than a burning partner. A union of signs that are antagonistic in nature will compensate for each other's shortcomings.

It is worth noting that there are conditions under which the union does not have a single chance of existence. ​Relationships between representatives of water and fire signs can develop in different ways: from devoted friendship to love passion.

Compatibility of Cancer and Sagittarius

Everyone knows that opposites attract. The union of these zodiac signs is no exception. But like everyone else other relationships, even workers, they require understanding. To win him, you should get to know each zodiac sign better. Horoscope compatibility between Sagittarius and Cancer can shed light on your relationship with your partner.

Sagittarius traits:

Traits inherent in Cancer:

  • Mystery.
  • Insight.
  • Calculation.
  • Mood changes.
  • Excerpt.
  • Inflexibility.

Each zodiac sign needs its own approach . Don't rely completely for astrological forecasts, but they will help you fully explore those sides of a person that he carefully hides from you.

Compatibility of signs in relationships

Sagittarius captivates Cancer with its ardor, and Cancer attracts the former with its secrecy. If the signs of the Zodiac in an alliance show their best qualities, a relationship with a brilliant ending can be formed. Be that as it may, everyone will have to change a little, abandon the usual rhythm of life and put the interests of the other half above their own. The compatibility of Cancer and Sagittarius in relationships is not encouraging. There are countless problems in this union, and there is only one recipe for happiness for the union - understanding and compassion of the first and restraint, unusual for the second.

Cancers, don’t try to conquer your partner’s personal space. He is a freedom-loving zodiac sign. If you hold on, you will only lose. Try to find compromises and respect Sagittarius' time. This sign is not one to betray. For him there is no place better than home. Trust your partner, and happiness in the relationship will be guaranteed.

Advice for Sagittarius: excessive looseness can scare away your lover. Less revelations. You don't need to introduce him to all your friends. This zodiac sign will not be happy with the crazy environment of Cancer. Remember: personal things should only remain between two people. Less publicity.

Marriage Compatibility

Often in cases of misunderstanding in a couple, the key to solving the problem is the horoscope. Cancer and Sagittarius - the compatibility of these signs as spouses is a big question. Often the marriage of these people pursues material goals. As long as there is benefit, the union is indestructible. A couple can start a successful business. Provided that the entrepreneurial business is profitable, the first will deal with finances, and the second with negotiations. This is a powerful union for business, but not family. Only a common brainchild will unite them.

In rare cases, a wedding for love will result in a successful decision. The free behavior of Sagittarius will cause jealousy on the part of the impulsive other half. Cancer will never compromise. For him this is already a principle. Therefore, conflicts are inevitable. To get along with this, you need to be able to give in and listen to the opinion of your loved one, which most often contains common sense.

Sagittarius is overly rude, even where it is completely inappropriate. This often manifests itself in relation to the spouse. This will lead to a person discovering such traits as rancor and vindictiveness. Sagittarius will not be able to tolerate an aggressive life partner next to him. After years, understanding may come.

Compatibility of Cancer and Sagittarius in friendship

If these two meet, their friendship will not be considered balanced. One pulls the other along. Misunderstandings and disagreements arise between them, because the characters and life goals of these two are different. But, if the signs of the Zodiac reach the point of absolute mutual understanding, then the bonds of friendship will become unbreakable. They will find a kindred spirit in each other. But you should count on this if both are interested in a long and sincere friendship, provided that the friendship is based on mutual assistance - then there is every chance of its continuation.

And he, in turn, will pay favorable attention to his sentimentality and sensitivity. But when it comes to their attitude towards money, they will immediately encounter serious contradictions. Sagittarius does not share Cancer's possessive tendencies, and Cancer considers him excessively wasteful. In addition, Cancer does not tolerate categorical judgments and actions like Sagittarius. But everything can be fixed if both consider it reasonable to make mutual concessions for the sake of this alliance or a common goal.

Cancer and Sagittarius - compatibility in love and marriage

Compatibility Cancer man - Sagittarius woman

At first, mutual interest arises between them, due to differences in lifestyle and character. A man and a woman discover qualities in their partner’s nature that they themselves lack. Such unions can be regarded as a kind of agreement that allows you to try on someone else’s role and exchange experiences.

The shyness and timidity of the Cancer man will at first touch the Sagittarius woman. Her activity and authority are more than enough for several people, so it is quite natural that she will be the one who will try to build relationships according to her own views on life. Rejoicing at the opportunity to avoid responsibility, the Cancer partner will gladly accept the new rules of the game. But as the relationship develops, qualities that the Sagittarius woman did not even suspect at first will begin to clearly appear in the character of this man. She will see that her life partner is characterized by remarkable stubbornness, hot temper, and nervousness, that there are constant streams of complaints from him, and outbursts of jealousy literally “out of the blue.” Such a man is capable of being jealous of her not only of friends or colleagues, but also of her work and affairs. Most of the conflicts in this couple come from the man, and he will not keep dissatisfaction to himself and will definitely involve all his close acquaintances in the scandal.

Having embarked on the warpath, neither side will consider it necessary to be the first to make reconciliation and repent of their mistakes. The Sagittarius woman will allow them more and more often, confused by the subtle psychological games of her husband and disoriented by his constant criticism and claims. Both will want to completely change each other, but neither will succeed in this. Partners may begin to cheat, seeing this as revenge for the moral damage caused.

If a Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman want to live peacefully, their only salvation is to initially specifically define the rights and responsibilities of both in the family and strictly follow them. In addition, they must stop trying to control each other and learn to talk as equals, without stooping to washing each other’s bones and digging through each other’s dirty laundry.

Compatibility Sagittarius man - Cancer woman

These are rival partners who like to turn relationships into a kind of game that captivates both. Its result can be either a complete break, or a feeling of true happiness. The contradictions between the Cancer woman and the Sagittarius man are largely due to their belonging to the opposing elements - Water and Fire. One element can absorb another, but still these partners can come to an agreement.

Sagittarius is distinguished by his authority, although he does not advertise this trait; he is not satisfied with long, protracted conflicts and violent scandals. At first, the Cancer woman will seem weak and weak-willed to him, but as soon as he begins to go too far in his desire to lead, he will suddenly encounter a very strong character.

A Cancer woman and a Sagittarius man value independence very much and, most likely, will provide each other with a certain degree of freedom, but this will not relieve them of jealousy. Cancer will especially suffer from it, because... it is much less focused on active communication outside the family. In contrast, the Sagittarius man will constantly look for an opportunity to leave home, outside of which a busy life awaits him. He is not attached to his home, is not inclined to delve into everyday problems, strives to travel as much as possible, and his constant travel often turns into one of the main reasons for conflicts. The wife knows very well that, far from home, the husband may well go to great lengths.

As the relationship develops, more and more differences between partners appear, but instead of adapting, Cancer and Sagittarius can only move away, not bothering themselves with trying to understand the other and find common ground. Sooner or later, the spouse will provoke a real war, or, at best, the relationship will be calm, but cold and indifferent. But mutual detachment only benefits Sagittarius, since he gets the opportunity to return from his trips to a cozy nest furnished by his wife without a stormy showdown. But until he is finally shown the door.

If partners love each other and want to save the marriage, the horoscope advises them to devote more time to their other half, taking a detailed interest in the life of the second family member, and not limiting themselves to routine signs of attention. They may well succeed in solving this difficult task. A man must take on the role of head of the family, although the wife will most likely be the “gray eminence” in the union.

Sagittarius and Cancer - sexual compatibility

At the initial stage of a relationship, they may be drawn to each other due to differences in temperament and differences in character, but very quickly inconsistencies are revealed in their intimate life. Sagittarius is too freedom-loving to allow his lover or mistress to control him or bind him with obligations, and Cancer wants him to be constant in his desire to give him love. Sagittarius quickly begins to get bored next to Cancer, who tends to voice his innermost desires and needs in the language of semi-hints. Having no desire to solve these riddles, he rushes to search for pleasure with other partners - more understandable to him, leaving Cancer offended to the core.

Compatibility horoscope for Sagittarius and Cancer in work and business

An experienced leader will never pair up representatives of these zodiac signs to work together, because... It is difficult for them to understand each other, they work in different styles and sometimes use mutually exclusive methods. Cancer, having received a task, plunges into itself, while Sagittarius brings problematic issues to public discussion, often grabs the “top”, not considering it necessary to pay attention to the “roots,” which is why it often stumbles over pitfalls in the course of work. Their successful cooperation is possible only in a small number of professions of a humanitarian nature, for example, in education, sociology. Provided they are very interested in each other, Cancers and Sagittarius can cooperate due to the opportunity to fill in the gaps in each other’s character. But since it is difficult for them to communicate in purely human terms, they resort to business partnerships only in very rare cases.

Sagittarius - Cancer couple: compatibility in friendship

It is not often that you find Sagittarius and Cancer as bosom friends, especially if they are representatives of opposite sexes. In most cases, the relationship between them can be characterized as friendly, partly business. For example, Cancer may turn to Sagittarius for some information, ask for patronage, and Sagittarius will be happy to discuss with him any economic or socio-political issue - both are very willing to do this. But otherwise, these signs are too dissimilar to become true friends.

See the compatibility of Cancers with other zodiac signs:

See the compatibility of Sagittarius with other zodiac signs.

The union of Cancer and Sagittarius is full of difficulties. Each one is like a suitcase without a handle: it’s hard to carry and it’s a shame to throw it away. is based on the fact that they are attracted by mutual differences.

Cancer delights Sagittarius with his emotionality and sensuality, and Sagittarius attracts Cancer with his incredible supply of energy and strength. If both partners show the best of their qualities, a relationship with a very favorable prognosis may develop. Everyone will have to change a little, sacrifice already established habits and views and life. There are many problems in this union, but there is only one recipe for happiness for Cancer and Sagittarius - the compassion and sensuality of the first and the boundless sincerity of the second.

The compatibility of Cancer and Sagittarius is characterized by one obvious contradiction. Cancer strives with all its might to conquer the personal space of Sagittarius, counting on the manifestation of intimacy. Sagittarius feels awkward, trying to free himself from the crayfish's claws. He is unable to withstand such pressure from his chosen one, and he cannot give Cancer the sincere intimacy he so needs. The painfully sensitive Cancer is very worried that he cannot control his partner, this leads to endless depression.

Sagittarius is not always tactful in relationships. He often carelessly speaks out against Cancer, causing his partner mental suffering. Cancer, in alliance with Sagittarius, gradually becomes callous, and over time begins to take a more calm attitude towards the criticism of her lover. However, this does not have a positive effect on the relationship.

The money issue can completely destroy the unsteady, sand-like relationship between the two signs. For Cancer, financial stability is fundamental in life. It is on it that all his ideas about life are built. Without a solid bank account, Cancer will never feel happy. Sagittarius, on the contrary, is not able to hold the newly appeared cash for more than five minutes. They easily earn, find, and win money in the lottery, but they also easily spend it, without thinking about the future at all. This attitude towards money gives thrifty Cancer a heart attack.

In order to maintain the relationship, these two signs will have to work hard on themselves. Sagittarius will have to sacrifice freedom and pay more attention to their partner. Cancer needs to take care of the emotional closeness that has arisen, not allowing the slightest signs of alienation on its part.
The compatibility of the signs Cancer and Sagittarius is such that their relationship is a real test for both. And here everyone must decide for themselves whether they are ready to make such sacrifices.

Sexual compatibility between Cancer and Sagittarius

The sexual compatibility of the signs Cancer and Sagittarius, as well as other aspects of their joint activities, is very contradictory. On the one hand, Sagittarius is an ideal hunter, and for him Cancer is the sweetest prey. The role of a victim for Cancer in the arms of such a strong and confident partner is a favorite scenario. It would seem that an ideal intimate relationship is guaranteed. However, everything again comes down to the excessive sensitivity of Cancer. He is too vulnerable and takes his partner’s assertiveness and some rudeness to heart. Sagittarius is unlikely to be able to penetrate into the emotional depths of his chosen one, and they will remain misunderstood and dissatisfied with each other.

Compatibility: Sagittarius woman - Cancer man

From the outside, this couple looks something like this: a more silent husband and a lively, sociable wife. This couple could make a great family. As usual, the husband is in charge of the finances. This means that Sagittarius’s extravagance in such a situation will be limited. Usually a Cancer man has a rich, beautiful home, and this marriage is no exception for him. A Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman have wonderful children, this is a real source of pride.

Problems begin when the Sagittarius woman, who is a little shameless by nature, hurts the tender feelings of her husband. Cancer, especially a man, is not capable of responding adequately. This means a scandal will break out. And here it’s Sagittarius who won’t fare well. When everything is smooth in a relationship, the Cancer man is calm and even allows his active partner to dominate a little. The spouse of the fiery archer will most likely realize her ambitions in the business sphere.

Compatibility: Cancer woman - Sagittarius man

In such a union, the main stumbling block is the attitude of each of the signs to the concept of family. For Cancer, family ties are an anchor, without which he cannot and does not want to continue sailing through life. Relationships with parents, brothers and sisters for a woman born under the sign of Cancer are sacred. She will never sacrifice blood ties for the sake of her own interests. She is just as strongly attached to her husband, never leaving his side. Such a close entanglement with relatives frightens Sagittarius; he quickly runs away from his parents at the first opportunity. The Sagittarius man is freedom-loving, he has no need for unnecessary shackles. In his relationship with his wife, he is ardent and loves to show his irrepressible energy, but does not strive to experience real spiritual intimacy. For him, personal space is most valuable. Of course, if there are real mutual feelings between the spouses, these barriers will be easily overcome, and the couple will be able to live a long life together.

Business compatibility between Cancer and Sagittarius

Compatibility of the signs Cancer and Sagittarius in business is unlikely to bear any fruit. If in a love union they are kept from conflict by the romance inherent in both signs, then this will not help in business. Sagittarius strives to dominate Cancer, constantly proving its superiority. Cancer is too vulnerable to adequately perceive attacks from a business partner. This suppresses him, and he quickly withdraws into himself. In addition, the extravagance of Sagittarius puts Cancer in a state of shock, and now he is already deeply depressed, unable to work. Sagittarius remains in splendid isolation.