When the damage is removed the consequences. What happens after the damage is removed: signs of cleansing the aura. When complete cleansing occurs

Condition after removal of damage: physical and spiritual changes

Esotericists know the signs that determine the degree of purification of karma and aura after special rituals. How physical and mental health changes becomes noticeable over time.

  • A person who has gotten rid of the burden of the curse stops getting sick often. The risk of accidents is reduced. However, this does not mean that after the ritual to remove the damage, endless luck will appear. The person will simply regain a healthy body and spirit.
  • Anger and envy will stop intrusively creeping into your heart and thoughts. Anyone healed from the curse will learn to enjoy life, forgive enemies and make successful plans for the future.
  • Immediately after the damage is removed, a person will feel how it has become easier to breathe. The stone pressing on the heart will disappear. Daily prayers will help maintain this state for a long time and prevent defeat by a new curse.
  • Communication with other people will no longer cause only negativity. The mania for persecution will disappear. A person will stop seeing only enemies in those around him and will learn to trust his friends.

Life after the removal of damage: changes for the better

Under the influence of a curse, people close themselves off and make no attempts to change the current state of affairs. They complain about problems with their health, family and career, attributing everything to total failure. After the damage is removed, everything changes dramatically.

  • Having gotten rid of the oppression of negative energy, a person gains love for life. He receives strength for new achievements. Hidden possibilities come to light. A business that previously failed is replaced by a more successful new venture. The subconscious is tuned in to victory and the person himself does not notice how life is changing for the better.
  • Recovery and improvement of general well-being entails the elimination of family problems. A new view of the world, not clouded by corruption, opens up. Instead of constant scandals, there are peaceful ways to resolve conflicts.

How does a person feel after the damage is removed?

  • The feeling of removing damage is similar to getting rid of a heavy burden pressing on the heart. Meditation will help you fully experience your newfound freedom.
  • The lightness of the soul is sometimes overshadowed by the lack of something familiar: this curse tries to return to its original place and again attach itself to the aura. Prayer and regular church attendance will help prevent this.

Having gotten rid of damage, a person will immediately feel an unprecedented surge of strength. It is not difficult to notice signs of body renewal after such a ritual. You just have to think about your actions and rethink life situations. Don't be afraid of the coming changes and go boldly. The curse will not be attached again if a person prays sincerely, without harboring envy in his soul.

After getting rid of the negative program, changes begin in a person’s life. What happens after the damage is removed? In our review, we will analyze in detail the state of the former victim and the aggressor who can act as a customer, and we will also teach the basic rules of energy protection.

Features of the curse

Directed magical influence carries with it enormous destructive power. The effect does not appear immediately and symptoms appear gradually. Not every healer undertakes to remove a negative program, so it is better to turn to proven professionals.

All black magic rituals are like a boomerang. If the energy force returns from the victim, then it hits the creator with maximum amplification. Such features force sorcerers to carefully monitor all changes in the biofield and, if necessary, reinstall the curse.

Damage is a special type of influence that drains the life force from the victim. To create it, special rituals are used that require concentration and experience from the performer. To protect themselves from the blow of the “cosmic boomerang,” sorcerers redirect everything to the person. The vicious circle increases the magician's power, while gradually destroying the target.

How does the curse come out?

What happens after the damage is removed? If the patient does not feel or feel anything, then this indicates that the disease has not been overcome or this is a different type of influence. A complex negative program is not destroyed unnoticed and there are a number of characteristic signs.

  1. Changes in mood. Sharp transitions from hysteria to melancholy are symptoms of a magical illness leaving the body.
  2. Feeling empty. With strong witchcraft influences, a feeling of vacated space arises inside the victim. Something seems to be missing, so patients become depressed.
  3. Health problems. Headache, digestive system upset and insomnia often accompany a person in the first few days after getting rid of the destructive program. Signs suddenly appear and disappear just as suddenly.
  4. Fatigue. The body is accustomed to functioning under increased stress, so release is characterized by a maximum decline in performance. For three days there is causeless yawning, and during rest the body simply switches off.

The symptoms are very similar to the signs of a curse, so patients begin to doubt getting rid of the negative program and apathy sets in. Healers claim that manifestations will occur at intervals from one day to a month. If they do not pass after this time, then the dark ritual is not destroyed or it has been reinstalled.

What you should pay attention to

After removing the damage, we recommend observing changes in your life and condition. It is at this moment that important transformations occur that are responsible for final deliverance. Experienced healers warn patients about them, but people who are engaged in destroying the program on their own often lose sight of them.

Dreams are a reflection of the human subconscious and actions directed from the outside. When the victim is under the influence of a black ritual, nightmares and insomnia become commonplace. After the curse is lifted, the biofield is cleansed and dreams become clearer. Sometimes visions come of the person who ordered or performed the ceremony.

The emotional state gradually improves. People around you stop annoying and causing negative reactions. Your mood lifts and depressive thoughts disappear. Life begins to play with new bright colors.

Patients stop driving people away from them. Communication with friends brings great pleasure. Relatives stop avoiding the former “damaged” one, relationships improve and romantic connections begin.

There is a rethinking of one's own self. A person feels attractive and is not embarrassed by his beauty. An excellent mood and a positive outlook on the world allow you to forget about past troubles and failures.

It is important not to dwell on past fears and disappointments, otherwise such thoughts can provoke “homing”. You need to understand your own feelings and feel positive changes. Professionals advise in the first three days to remain alone with yourself and limit communication with the outside world.

Signs of liberation

What happens after the damage is removed? If a person has been under the influence of a negative program for a long time, he almost immediately notices the changes that have begun. Physical and mental strength is restored, which is characterized by a number of symptoms.

  1. Diseases disappear. Chronic diseases gradually decrease in intensity, and then they stop appearing or are cured with one medicine.
  2. Failures disappear. The cycle of regular bad luck ends and you don’t have to worry about any troubles.
  3. Negative thoughts disappear. Bitterness towards others is replaced by love for the whole world. Often people find themselves in religion and helping those in need.
  4. Calm. There is no feeling that someone is stalking and wants to harm.
  5. Confidence. The patient does not see others as enemies, so it is easier to make contact with new people.
  6. Freedom. Awareness of independence from evil and gaining the ability to independently control one’s actions and desires.

People who have been under the influence of black magic for a short time easily adapt to the new reality and quickly forget past troubles. It is more difficult for those who have carried a stone of corruption within themselves for decades. Your own liberation is something new and unusual, so sometimes you have to seek additional help.

It will take some time to recover and return to normal life, sometimes 12 hours, sometimes several days. Then the body and soul will be filled with an unusual surge of physical and spiritual strength. It is important to use this energy correctly, otherwise you may again encounter witchcraft.

Stunned patients often do not know what to do or how to act, so they resort to alcohol and drugs. Remember that such behavior is a trap and quickly returns the negative program to its place. Healers advise spending the first days in meditation or prayer.

Truth and lies about the release of damage

There are rumors that after the curse is lifted, all sorts of vermin and worms come out of a person, and terrible ulcers cover the skin. Such information is most often spread by dark sorcerers. Intimidation of the victim by the consequences of the change has a pragmatic reason: people are afraid and do not dare to release.

What will actually happen to the patient? Animals do not crawl out of the body, but such dreams can haunt you during the first days of freedom. If in your dreams you see amphibians and insects leaving you, then this is a sign of cleansing from negativity.

The appearance of allergic rashes or acne on the skin is the maximum that a victim of a destroyed program can get. We recommend supplementing your basic skin care with regular washing with blessed water. The charged liquid will enhance the effect of the cleansing ritual.

Signs and principles of the condition after removal of damage

side effects, bad after cleaning negativity, removing damage, evil eye, consequences of love spell

Remember that a curse is a disease that has destroyed a person for a long time on the physical and mental levels. After liberation, a period of restoration of strength and regeneration of subtle matter begins. It is important not to aggravate the situation and fully comply with the healer’s instructions.

What happens to the sorcerer

Dark rituals never pass without leaving a trace for those who suggest them. A practicing magician always makes a sacred payment for an act - a ransom. The stronger the energy received, the more serious the tribute. Rituals for death and love spells are often accompanied by a bloody gift.

Powerful sorcerers have an invisible connection with their victim, so they will try to redirect the freed whirlwind. They are able to instantly determine that their program is destroyed and make efforts to reinstall it. If, after release, someone appears on the doorstep of the house, then it is a sorcerer who is again trying to do damage. You can recognize the villain by the fact that he always asks for something from the residents.

Beginners to magic will feel a strange uneasiness. Negative energy returns to the sender and the “alert system” turns on in the subconscious. Sometimes the image of the victim comes in a dream, and the villain begins to have depressive thoughts.

After the destroyed program has retreated, the sorcerer feels all the delights of the dark ritual. Any action results in a sevenfold return, which is why problems arise in life and health. Depending on what the damage was aimed at, the creator takes the mental blow.

What happens to the customer

An experienced magician senses any changes that occur to his “creation”. In their right mind, rarely does anyone agree to receive a powerful return. To protect himself, the sorcerer will redirect the destructive whirlwind to another person.

What will happen to the customer? Often the released energy can be directed to the “client”. Before the black ritual, they always warn about the responsibility for the action and what the return will be. It is impossible to determine in advance the possibility of direction, so everything depends on the qualifications of the magician and healer.

If the victim tries to remove the program on his own, then the sorcerer will try to return the energy back. With professional “treatment” you can completely destroy the curse or give half of the punishment to the enemy. Do not believe the words that all negativity will go into Space. The evil was stored and developed in the patient’s aura and, after being released, strives for its creator.

The magician and the customer will try to dodge the retaliatory strike. After all, the return falls not only on the people who committed the sin, but also on the entire race. To avoid a similar fate, the culprit comes to the victim and asks for something. Receiving purified energy, they cause damage and return evil back.

It is difficult for a beginner to remove and redirect a strong curse. Often independent attempts end in increased trouble. If after three procedures there is no recovery, it is better to entrust your fate to an expert.

Sometimes the culprit of troubles comes with false requests for forgiveness. The sorcerer and the client perform a ritual of repentance, after which the curse is established again. If the patient excuses the pest, then an exchange of energy will occur on the mental level. The sin of the villain will be reset and you can continue to commit mischief.


To prevent the destructive impact from returning, you need to know about all the precautions. An experienced master will always warn the patient about all the pitfalls. Knowing the rules will not only speed up regeneration, but also prevent damage from being caused again.

After the liberation ritual, it is better to spend a few days alone. From three days to a week, a person does not have natural immunity to evil, so there is a risk of receiving something new “as a gift.” We recommend taking a day off and just meditating at home in a calm environment. You should not watch TV or surf the Internet. It is enough to read an interesting book or listen to music.

You cannot give anything to anyone for a month. You are transferring personal energy that evil people will take advantage of. We must refuse any offers, especially those that are imposed. In stores, it is better not to take money in your hands, but to take it from the counter. In response to words of repentance, say the phrase: “God will forgive.”

To protect yourself from this influence, we advise you to create magical protection. You need to take a twig from two rowan bushes. The elements are left in the home in water for two days. On the third day, the liquid is taken to the intersection, poured over the left shoulder, repeating the words of the conspiracy three times.

Pour some red water, charged with viburnum. Pour out all the evil spirit, anger, envy from me. They cannot eat, charm, or harm. Do not let enemies, demons, or evil people born of a woman enter your doorstep. Save and protect from all evil. Amen.

The branches are left at home for the entire regeneration period. At the end of the month, we recommend taking the amulet outside and burning it. Then they purchase an icon-incense of the Virgin Mary.

Removing damage is a strong ritual, so you need to know about all the changes that occur to a person. Our recommendations will help you recognize all the symptoms of the outgoing dark program. Simple prevention will protect you from evil in the future.

Deterioration in well-being often occurs after a magical session aimed at eliminating witchcraft negativity, removing the evil eye, or treating some disease. Often after the damage is removed it becomes bad. Why is this happening?

I quote a letter I recently received: " I turned to a healer on the advice of a loved one. The damage was done by a blood relative for health and loneliness. The damage is old, about five years old. Now I have a number of questions. Tell me, after the damage is removed, can a person’s health condition worsen? And what is your emotional state? How long does it take for the body to fully recover? What happens to a person during healing? And when does complete healing occur?"

In some cases, some deterioration in well-being actually occurs within a few days after each healing session aimed at eliminating witchcraft damage. It should be noted that this phenomenon often causes people, at a minimum, confusion. Indeed, how can a person feel bad after a healing session? Why? After all, they treat so that a person feels good!

Let me explain where this “primary deterioration” comes from. After a healing session with a sorcerer, magician, or healer, no one dies, but some patients may painfully experience the process of getting rid of damage or illness. I draw your attention to the words: " some patients." Someone may feel ill right during the session: a person screams, sometimes swears in a voice that is not his own, chokes, cries. These phenomena are provoked by that entity that does not want to leave the person’s body, but it is necessary to expel the evil spirits, in what be that as it may. There have been cases when a visitor, while reading conspiracies expelling evil forces, fell to the floor and hit his head in order to lose consciousness and thus avoid participating in the process of exorcism (exorcism). But this is - isolated cases. It often happens that in the first days after the first and even the second session, the patient experiences malaise, drowsiness, loss of strength, sometimes nausea and headaches.

Of course, I understand those people who are perplexed: " After the visit to my grandmother, I felt very bad, much worse than the day before the trip. Although my grandmother warned me that after the first treatment session I might feel bad. But can it be that as a result of treatment people become even worse?"

Most of my visitors also feel somewhat worse after the first, and sometimes after the second or third visit. This is a normal reaction of the body, which uses its reserve forces to fight disease or damage. A struggle begins in a person, which outwardly manifests itself in the form of malaise, loss of strength, and pain syndromes. I always ask patients with certain problems at their return visit if they have experienced any discomfort. If they were not feeling well, this is a sign that the treatment was “hooking” them. After subsequent sessions, health is quickly restored. The phenomenon of crisis is well known in orthodox scientific medicine, since it serves as a natural reaction of the body to one or another intervention.

Have you ever poisoned cockroaches? As long as you haven't spilled the poisonous powder, there don't seem to be many cockroaches. But remember what happens when you start spreading poison? Entire hordes of insects come from nowhere. And after a while there is no trace of the cockroaches. In the same way, sores that had been hidden make themselves felt after the first healing session with a sorcerer or grandmother. The body has received a strong shake-up, and it will take some time to restore strength and positive energy. However, soon the person begins to feel as if reborn, without previous ailments and problems. How do you think this result of several days of illness is worth?

But there is another reason for the temporary deterioration in well-being during the period of magical treatment. During treatment procedures, I rid the patient of the negative energy program that is in him. Do you think this program likes this idea? The question is rhetorical (that is, it does not require an answer because it is obvious), right? Any witchcraft damage is a kind of semi-conscious clot of negative energy, which has a kind of instinct of self-preservation and will create all possible obstacles to the master removing the damage from the patient’s body. This fact explains many healing effects: a temporary deterioration in health after a healing session, a strange reluctance to go for a repeat session, a sharp deterioration in health directly during the healing ritual, etc. The purpose of such reactions is to reinforce in the victim of witchcraft damage the belief that a healing session is an unpleasant thing, after the session the person will be “broken,” and it would be good for the victim of damage to completely abandon the idea of ​​turning to a magician or grandmother for help. In this case, my patient requires a little patience and determination to see the matter through to a victorious end.

There is one more important point. If a person was to some extent involved in his own problems (for example, on the advice of “well-wishers” he did “something wrong” at a funeral or in church), the deterioration of his condition can be quite sharp and sensitive. Due to the fact that the negative, when working to expel it, returns to its source, and in the case of some independent mistakes and violations, the source of the negative and its victim are one and the same person. But, in any case, the duration of the exacerbation is usually several days, and sometimes only one day. Tangible positive changes should occur within the next month after the final session.

This is how the neutralization of witchcraft negativity occurs in some cases. But there are other cases! One should not lose sight of the obvious statistics: six and a half billion people now live on our planet, tens of thousands of healers practice, there are hundreds (or rather thousands) of types of witchcraft aggression and thousands of methods for neutralizing it. Accordingly, the number of “individual cases” is simply huge! So, questions like the one given at the beginning of this article (“How long will I be ill?”, “How many sessions do I need?”, “When will there be positive changes?”, etc.) are reasonable to ask exactly the specialist to whom you asked for help.

I hope that the information presented here will prepare people in need of magical help for possible temporary negative reactions to treatment. Because I sometimes have not entirely pleasant incidents and conversations with unprepared patients. For example, I once treated a woman possessed by the spirit of a black witch. This phenomenon is infrequent, and treatment of such people is usually accompanied by a fair amount of noise: the possessed person screams loudly in a voice that is not his own, swears, may convulse, etc. This time the reactions were quite violent, and in the midst of the session, a girl burst into my office, who turned out to be the daughter of an possessed woman. The girl, imagine, rushed at me with her fists and began shouting for me to “leave her mom alone”! Unfortunately, it is not obvious to all my patients that in order for them to feel good in the end, they may feel bad during the treatment. But, in the end, remember your visits to the dentist: in order for the tooth to stop hurting, you will have to undergo sometimes quite painful treatment. But the dentist has life-saving lidocaine, and I can only rely on the patient’s patience. However, I would like to once again focus your attention on the good news: in most cases, my patients do not get sick, and their condition begins to improve after the first treatment session.

If you need to contact me personally for any clarification, consultation, or in connection with the need to solve certain problems, click on the button and write me a letter:

After the ritual of removing damage from the aura, the victim should feel better. However, this does not happen immediately. Poor health can haunt a person for some time. This is normal. If, after removing the damage, your head, legs, stomach, back, or other organ hurts, then additional work is necessary. These are unfavorable symptoms.

Let's look at what happens to a person after being told off. Why do troubles occur? Where do diseases come from? Can misfortune haunt a family? How to decipher such symptoms. What to do with them.

Feeling unwell after being told off

To understand everything carefully, you need to know how damage comes out of a person. This is not an instant process. The negative clot of energy is removed from the aura, and in its place a void is formed. Fill out her file for a victim of witchcraft. Not everyone acts correctly. There are several possible consequences. The empty space in the aura is filled:

  • clean energy if the victim behaves correctly after the damage is removed;
  • negative mesle images;
  • the evil eye returns.

In many ways, the consequences depend on the person being reported. The following symptoms are considered normal:

  1. Some days I really want to sleep. Especially on the first evening after the end of the ritual.
  2. After the grandmother there is a yawn. This one can be strong. This is the norm.
  3. My head is spinning. This happens if the damage has been many years old and has taken root in the aura. Its absence leads to dizziness on the first - second day.
  4. Thoughts can also become confused. This is a sign of the release of a negative program. After the birth spoilage is removed, depression may occur for several days. It's OK. The victim needs to recover and learn to live in a new way.

Attention: headaches, stomach, and muscle pains are discussed in this material only if there is no real physical reason for them.

What does deterioration in well-being indicate after the damage is removed?

Let's look at why painful sensations appear in the absence of obvious illnesses. This is a clear sign of a disruption in the normal functioning of the energy sector. The customer is not always to blame, although this cannot be ruled out. More often than not, the victim himself cannot cope with the new conditions. Long-term damage to the victim is a common occurrence. He himself seeks to return its action at the subconscious level.

Let's consider the standard decoding, understanding that all consequences are individual. After removing the damage it hurts:

  • head- a lot of bad thoughts;
  • body- recovery is underway, you need to walk more;
  • stomach- lack of love, you need to eat sweets;
  • heart- there is a hater nearby, it is advisable to stop communicating;
  • back- no confidence in loved ones;
  • throat- you need to talk through all your grievances and complaints;
  • legs- the damage has returned;
  • back of the head- need fresh air;
  • stomach- a lot of grievances, a harsh attitude towards people;
  • eyes- you should get rid of suspicion and jealousy;
  • small of the back- lack of self-confidence.

The victim must work through almost all the painful consequences of removing the damage. To do this you need:

  1. Watch your diet; it is better to go hungry than to overeat.
  2. Quit alcohol and tobacco.
  3. Spend more time in nature.
  4. Communicate with loving, pleasant people.

The state should become calmer after removing the black program. You can feel it almost immediately. One person may feel a surge of strength in the morning, while another may take up to a week to recover. If troubles continue after seven days, then additional work is needed.

Negative signs after reprimand

Poor condition is indicated by an incorrectly performed ritual. The black program did not leave the aura. This is indicated by the following situations after the damage is removed:

  • troubles;
  • diseases for no apparent reason;
  • psychological problems;
  • hard breath;
  • several accidents in the family;
  • loss of money and material assets.

Important: if after the ritual it became much worse, it means that it was carried out by a weak specialist. Another reason is that the customer returned the negative. The latter feels that his influence has been overcome by the victim.

How to protect yourself from returns

The condition after cleaning must be stabilized. Moreover, if the customer wished the death of the victim. There are some fairly simple precautions:

  1. Do not tell anyone about the reprimand.
  2. Do not give anything from home for at least three days and do not take anything from another person’s hands.
  3. Communicate less with people during the week.
  4. Light candles at home and pray by faith.
  5. Buy or make a talisman with your own hands.

You need to understand that the danger of a return is great. Especially if it was done by a specialist. He feels the victim's release from the bonds and can perform the black ritual again. Therefore, you need to protect your aura. Pins, crosses and icons (for example, Matrona of Moscow), talismans, charmed bracelets and more. It’s better not to go outside without a talisman.

A series of special seminars continues in Crimea.
Today we present the presenter of the next May seminar - Larisa Vershinskaya, diagnostician, bioenergotherapist, bioenergoreabilitologist.

— Having been dealing with this issue for more than 20 years, I came to the conclusion that the cause of many diseases and pathological conditions is energy-negative effects. It can range from simple negative messages to complex programs aimed at defeating a person morally and physically.
This action can be considered karmic on the part of those who do it, but perhaps the participants (and there are usually two of them - the one who conceived the negative action, and the one who is the knowledgeable performer) do not fully know the full depth of their actions. After all, their “work” sometimes ends in severe pathological conditions, and sometimes in the death of a person.
— What kind of aura should be normal, and how are signs of damage detected by the aura?
- Normally, the aura is smooth. Its quality and glow depend on the level of human development and character. If there is damage, the aura is distorted in shape, it contains deformations of varying sizes, shapes and intensity. The glow weakens. With urgent damage, the aura is sharply distorted and reduced. Negativity can cover half of the aura. Energy drops to 40-32%. If further energy suction occurs (vampirism causing damage) - up to 28%, and then there may be a loss of consciousness. It is necessary to immediately intervene, remove the damage, and give the affected person a large amount of energy.
Recovery depends on the severity of the pathology and the duration of exposure to such damage.
— How does damage manifest itself on the physical plane, what happens to the body?
The destructive program of damage can be expressed in the slow or rapid decline of a person, in the unusualness of a disease or condition when doctors cannot figure out the diagnosis. Sometimes serious diseases occur that medicine considers incurable (oncology, leukemia, cardiomyopathies, lymphostasis, fast-growing pathologies leading to failure of organs and systems).
The first manifestations of the body being affected by an energy-negative program are associated with physiological disorders, since the body falls into an energy deficit, and a very severe one at that. Not only does a negative program for a specific disease work, but a person’s latent or indolent diseases worsen, discomfort, headaches and other pains, nausea, and ischemic syndrome appear.
Energy drops by 45-60%, and sometimes more, if the one who implements the negative program is a vampire with periodic powerful energy replenishment.
Weakness, fatigue, weakness, irritability, tearfulness occur, and all this against the background of general health. Performance decreases, fear appears (but not always). Pain of various localizations occurs, sometimes spastic syndrome of an organ that is in energy deficiency. Insomnia or poor sleep. Feeling of tension, discomfort. Unstable blood pressure. Dystonic symptoms occur.
Sometimes the disease occurs and grows unnaturally quickly. The eyes of a person affected by damage are cloudy and dull.
Such diseases most often begin with dystonia. Laboratory tests provide little or no information. Treatment in such cases does not help at all or helps little, since the working negative program aimed at the progression of the condition interferes. It works constantly and continuously. If this negative program is not removed in the early stages, physiological changes can develop into organic ones, chronic diseases of organs and systems arise that last for years and do not always end favorably.
— What diseases can be caused by spoilage?
- These are almost any disease. Everything depends on the imagination, desire and skill of the sorcerer, on his qualifications.
l Often the disease begins with dystonic manifestations (VSD)
l Kidney diseases. Up to terrible melting of the kidney substance.
l All types of oncology (benign tumors, cancer, lymphocytic leukemia and other blood diseases).
l Chronic failures in everything.
l Diseases of the female genital area (inflammatory, cyst formation, infertility, etc.)
l Chronic fatigue syndrome.
l Severe alcoholism.
l Nervous and mental illnesses.
l Sudden, fleeting misfortunes (injuries, accidents, breaks in the family in complete well-being, rapid formation of tumors or stones in the kidneys and gall bladder).
l Death under unusual circumstances. Sometimes in full health.
— Tell us what types of damage there are.
- Damage can be mild, moderate, severe and very severe, with a rapid increase in symptoms, fainting associated with a powerful suction of energy, and a negative ending if special help is not provided.
Damage can be familial, when several generations are affected at once, stretching into the distant past. There are corruptions that affect the generation 1:5, 1:16, that is, lasting for centuries and being realized in our time. But now such corruptions come to an end karmically, and such people are most often the last to complete the defeats of the family. The condition here is unusual, severe, sometimes associated with mental damage. The destruction here is huge and heterogeneous, associated with entities of a high dark plane.
Damage can be external and internal. External - exo-corruptions, when the active negative principle is located in the person’s aura or further. They have different forms, sometimes there are entities. Internal - endo-damage, associated with the ingress of negatives with food and drink into the body. Sometimes negatives are associated with the attraction of various kinds of entities. In this case, you can see blackness on the organs, damage to the blood elements, joints, and intercellular spaces by blackness. In this case, severe systemic lesions occur, associated with complex symptoms, severe course and not always a good end.
- So, entities can live and grow in a person?
— The entities that enter the body can be small, large, and can be palpated as irregularities or lumps. If the entities are large, they can mimic pregnancy or a tumor. All entities are alive, of a subtle and denser plane. Sometimes nausea, abdominal discomfort, and a feeling of fullness occur. A person may be diagnosed with a tumor process. Entities live, reproduce, compress organs, causing pain. It is difficult to differentiate tumor from entities. Sometimes, when removing an entity, the histologist cannot figure out what it is on the section and does not give a definite conclusion. A tumor is more firmly connected to a person, since it grows from his tissues (a certain organ), and the essence attaches to him and can multiply.
External damage can be without entities and with entities, but of a different level (only subtle). This essence is attracted by a spell from the Subtle World and is “tied” to a person by it. She practically can't leave. Here there are more often nervous disorders, fears, sometimes very strong mental disorders. Under the influence of healers, the essences of the subtle plane hide. They experience strong animal fear and nervousness, which are transmitted to humans. He (the affected person) develops fear, a desire to run away somewhere, to hide. In this case, it is also necessary to remove the damage, then the entity goes to its level, and the person returns to a normal state.
These spells are heavy, and not many healers can actually remove them. Such damage is done by magicians of a high dark plane. Only very “high” and qualified healers undertake to film such programs.
— Not so long ago I heard that there is a “technocratic” defeat of man. What do you know about this?
— One of the rarest human lesions is “technocratic,” associated with extraordinary symptoms. Almost all healers here are powerless, with the exception of a few, but you need to look for them. If ordinary healers take on such lesions, they themselves are affected and also require help. They must clearly know what can be filmed at their level of development, and what absolutely cannot be done.
Often difficult-to-treat cases of alcoholism, drug addiction and tobacco smoking are also associated with energy-negative programs. Very often, the state of “delirium tremens” is associated with damage to alcohol. Such patients drink a lot, persistently, for a long time and cannot leave their “hobby”, even if they want to. More often these damages involve the use of entities. Large doses of alcohol thin the nervous system so much that a person begins to see entities of the subtle plane - devils (macro- and microhallucinations) that are “tied” to him by spells. A person sees them and feels fear. Tries to run away from them and hide.
Drug shock therapy can keep them away. They go away temporarily and not far, but then return, because... The program has not been canceled! They try to code patients who are alcoholics. The program code is installed for a year. In this case, the spell on the alcoholic does not work for a year, and as soon as the anti-alcohol coding is removed, the person starts drinking again, i.e. the program of spoilage for alcohol consumption begins its destructive effect again. It is necessary to remove this program, only then the alcohol addiction will go away.
—Can every healer remove damage?
— Corruptions can be very complex, and not all healers can cope with it. It all depends on the qualifications of the healer, his experience, and permission to deal with these negatives. The higher the healer’s qualifications, the more complex negative programs he can remove and restore a person. If the healer’s qualifications are lower, he will deal with these negatives longer and will remove them in a greater number of sessions. In order for a psychic to be able to remove energy-negative information of varying degrees and severity, he must have experience in this area, be able to purify himself, and his field must be at least 10 times stronger than the patient’s field. Psychics do not really want to engage in this “dirty business”, because... in case of any violations they can take the negatives upon themselves. Then you yourself will have to cleanse yourself with fire, water, and prayers.
— Tell us about the recovery period.
“It depends on how long the person was affected by energy-negative information, what the nature of the damage was, what diseases or pathological conditions it caused and what severity. If you remove the energy-negative information and do nothing else, the body slowly begins to recover. The speed of recovery depends on the body’s potential—physical and energetic. This will take from 3 to 8 months. If you remove the damage, fill the body with clean energy and treat the consequences of the damage, pathological conditions and diseases go away quickly - from 3 to 18 days.
After the damage is removed, the patient should eat well, swim in living waters, be in the sun more often, and have more positive emotions. His gaze becomes clear, clean, and pleasant relaxation appears. Your appetite becomes good and your mood improves.
— What happens after the damage is removed?
— After removing the negatives, they return according to karma to the one who did it. This person begins to feel unwell and get sick. If he is experienced, he will try to return the damage. Sometimes the same patient comes to the healer with the damage returned. The healer repeats the removal of negative information and warns the patient that he should not take food or household items from suspicious people for 7-10 days, or even more, so that the damage does not return. Sometimes sorcerers can return damage without any purpose. It happens that sorcerers try several times to return the damage. Once they receive enough returns, they don't do it anymore. Each reverse blow to karma can no longer be 1:1, but 1:3, 1:5 and more.
— Larisa, can you give some example from your practice?
— A young man from Uzbekistan came to Crimea. He is a sculptor by profession. There was no decent work, so he got a job in a cemetery making monuments. One day, while erecting a monument, he drank with friends and fell asleep on a nearby grave. Woke up insane. Imagine: becoming insane in 1.5 hours! No one in my family had anything like this. His brother took him to a psychotherapist, who called me and asked me to take a look. The handsome young man had never been sick before. It turned out that he fell asleep on the grave of a witch and that one from the astral struck him in the most terrible way. I had to treat this complex patient.
By removing energy-negative information from patients turning to a psychotherapist, we achieved that not a single patient was sent to a psychohospital.
- What if you turn to the church for help, to the priest?
— If you go to church and pray, the damage will gradually go away, but it takes a lot of time. Sometimes from 3 or more years. You have a choice, and everyone acts according to the dictates of their heart and trust in the healer. Prayers should never be excluded, candles too, washing with holy water.
- Tell me, what if a person who himself “does” nasty things comes to you for help?
“You can’t remove energy-negative information if the one who did it came to you for help, and when cleared, it returned to him through karma.” Here the disease comes as a karmic punishment. If he has an urgent condition, they are only allowed to level out the holes in the aura so that nothing bad happens. But still he must realize his guilt. It will be more difficult with such a person - has he come to realization? Have you repented of your actions? A person who has been “contaminating” people with energy-negative information for a long time can himself be very sick. Women are more likely to suffer from gynecological diseases. This is God's punishment, i.e. karma of this person - what he earned is what he received.
— What are your tips for readers of The Secret Doctrine?
- You need to be attentive to yourself and your friends.
Do not hesitate to contact a healer who can remove energy-negative information and help avoid the development of pathological changes and conditions. You need to know such healers. They usually have experience and are known by many. If there was help to one, there is a transfer to another. It's good when you know what to do!
Live a healthy, spiritual lifestyle. Such people are usually friendly, cheerful, less prone to conflict, and there is less desire to hit them.
Go to church, pray, be sure to attend the liturgy. This is cleansing and energy protection from negatives with high Divine energy.
Don't communicate with people who are intuitively unpleasant to you. They can carry potential evil or reincarnation be a negative principle for you, having already brought evil in the past. Do not enter into conflict with such people in order to avoid negative actions on their part.
Take a shower twice a day (water relieves pressure and nighttime stress).
Swim in living bodies of water (sea, lake, river), where purification and replenishment with clean energy take place.
You can, if you feel the ability, be charged with energy from the Sun, from emitter trees.
A healthy diet - vegetables, fruits, dairy products, grains - is the key to a healthy life.