Harmful substances are considered production factors. Harmful production factors. Classification of hazardous and harmful production factors. Classification by route of entry into the body

Dangerous and harmful production factors. General concepts

In the process of life, a person is exposed to various hazards, which are usually understood as phenomena, processes, objects that, under certain conditions, can cause damage to human health directly or indirectly, i.e. cause various undesirable consequences.

A person is exposed to dangers in his work activities. This activity is carried out in a space called the production environment. In production conditions, humans are mainly affected by man-made, i.e. associated with technology, hazards that are commonly called hazardous and harmful production factors.

Hazardous production factor(OPF) is called such a production factor, the impact of which on a worker under certain conditions leads to injury or another sudden sharp deterioration in health. Trauma is damage to body tissues and disruption of its functions by external influence. An injury is the result of an industrial accident, which is understood as a case of exposure to a hazardous production factor on a worker while performing his job duties or tasks of a work manager.

Harmful production factor(VPF) is such a production factor, the impact of which on a worker under certain conditions leads to illness or

decreased ability to work. Diseases arising under the influence of harmful production factors are called professional.

Hazardous production factors include, for example:

Electric current of a certain strength;

Hot bodies;

The possibility of the worker himself or various parts and objects falling from a height;

Equipment operating under pressure above atmospheric pressure, etc. Harmful production factors include:

Adverse weather conditions;

Dust and gas contamination of the air;

Exposure to noise, infra- and ultrasound, vibration;

The presence of electromagnetic fields, laser and ionizing radiation, etc.

All dangerous and harmful production factors in accordance with GOST 12.0.003-74 are divided into physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological.

TO physical factors include electric current, kinetic energy of moving machines and equipment or their parts, increased pressure of vapors or gases in vessels, unacceptable levels of noise, vibration, infra- and ultrasound, insufficient illumination, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation and etc.

Chemical factors are substances harmful to the human body in various states.

Biological factors are the effects of various microorganisms, as well as plants and animals.

Psychophysiological factors are physical and emotional overload, mental overstrain, monotony of work.

There is often no clear boundary between dangerous and harmful production factors. Let us consider, as an example, the impact of molten metal on a worker. If a person comes under its direct influence (thermal burn), this leads to severe injury and may result in the death of the victim. In this case, the impact of molten metal on a worker is, according to the definition, a dangerous production factor.

If a person, constantly working with molten metal, is under the influence of radiant heat emitted by this source, then under the influence of radiation biochemical changes occur in the body, and the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems occurs. In addition, prolonged exposure to infrared rays has a harmful effect on the organs of vision - it leads to clouding of the lens. Thus, in the second case, the effect of radiant heat from molten metal on the worker’s body is a harmful production factor.

The state of working conditions in which the impact of dangerous and harmful production factors on workers is excluded is calledoccupational safety. Life safety in production conditions has another name - occupational Safety and Health. IN Currently, the latter term is considered obsolete, although all specialized domestic literature published before approximately 1990 uses it.

Occupational safety was defined as a system of legislative acts, socio-economic, organizational, technical, hygienic, therapeutic and preventive measures and means that ensure safety, preservation of health and performance during the work process.

Being a complex discipline, “Occupational Safety and Health” included the following sections: industrial sanitation, safety precautions, fire and explosion safety, as well as labor protection legislation. Let us briefly describe each of these sections.

Industrial sanitation is a system of organizational measures and technical means that prevent or reduce the impact of harmful production factors on workers.

Safety precautions - a system of organizational measures and technical means that prevent workers from being exposed to hazardous production factors.

Fire and explosion safety - This is a system of organizational and technical means aimed at preventing and eliminating fires and explosions, limiting their consequences.

Labor protection legislation forms part of labor legislation.

One of the most common measures to prevent the adverse effects of hazardous and harmful production factors on workers is the use of collective and individual protective equipment. The first of them are designed to simultaneously protect two or more workers, the second - to protect one worker. Thus, if the air environment is polluted with dust during the production process, general supply and exhaust ventilation can be recommended as a collective means of protection, and a respirator can be recommended as an individual means.

Let us introduce the concept of basic labor safety standards. As mentioned above, under safe working conditions, exposure to dangerous and harmful production factors on workers is excluded. In real production conditions, is it always possible to organize the technological process in such a way that the values ​​of hazardous and harmful production factors affecting workers are equal to zero (so that hazardous and harmful production factors do not affect workers)?

This task is, in principle, equivalent to the task of creating safe equipment, that is, achieving absolute labor safety. However, absolute safety is either technically unattainable or economically infeasible, since the cost of developing safe technology usually exceeds the effect of its use. Therefore, when developing modern equipment, they strive to create the safest machines, equipment, installations and instruments, i.e., to reduce the risk when working with them to a minimum. However, this parameter cannot be reduced to zero.

Existing safety standards are divided into two large groups: maximum permissible concentrations(MPC), characterizing the safe content of harmful substances of a chemical and biological nature in the air of the working area, as well as maximum permissible levels(MPL) exposure to various hazardous and harmful production factors of physical nature (noise, vibration, ultra- and infrasound, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation, etc.).

Psychophysiological hazardous and harmful production factors are specifically regulated. They can be characterized by the parameters of labor (work) loads and (or) by indicators of the impact of these loads on humans.

For practical purposes, safety standards are applied as follows. Suppose we need to determine whether the air in the work area, which contains gasoline vapors, is safe for workers. According to regulatory documents (GOST 12.1.005-88 “Working area air. General sanitary and hygienic requirements”) it is found that the maximum permissible (safe) concentration (MAC) of this substance is 100 mg/m 3 . If the actual concentration of gasoline in the air does not exceed this value (for example, 90 mg/m3), then such air is safe for workers. Otherwise, it is necessary to take special measures to reduce the increased concentration of gasoline vapors to a safe value (for example, using general supply and exhaust ventilation).

In the same way, to characterize safety when exposed to dangerous and harmful production factors of a physical nature, the concept of maximum permissible level (MAL) of this factor is used. If it is necessary, for example, to determine the safe permissible levels of voltage and current, then the values ​​of interest are found from the reference literature. Thus, for alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz (industrial frequency) with a duration of exposure to the human body of more than 1 s, these values ​​will be: voltage (U) - 36V, current (U) - 6 mA (1 mA = 10" 3 A). The effect on the human body of electric current with parameters exceeding the specified values ​​is dangerous.

Occupational Safety Standards System

SSBT is a set of interrelated regulatory documents aimed at ensuring and improving working conditions for workers in the national economy.

SSBT includes organizational and methodological standards that establish requirements for the organization of work to ensure safety, and organizational and methodological foundations for standardization in the field of labor safety, as well as standards for requirements and norms for types of hazardous and harmful production factors, for safety requirements for production equipment , to production processes, to requirements for protective equipment for workers, to safety requirements for buildings and structures.
The objectives of these standards, in particular, are:
standardization of occupational safety requirements;
inclusion of occupational safety requirements in standards and technical specifications for specific facilities.
SSBT, created in 1972, is continuously developing and improving in accordance with increasing labor protection requirements. It includes about 400 state standards. The standards and requirements established in the SSBT are included in 76 thousand standards and technical specifications for specific types of products, in particular for equipment, materials, etc.
The SSBT establishes a unified procedure for the development of standards, their consideration, coordination, approval, publication, and planned implementation; a system of control and supervision over implementation and compliance has been established.
Safety standards and requirements are necessarily included in all types of documentation - design, technological, design, as well as in labor safety instructions and other documents.

The SSBT code consists of 11 characters:
12 . _ . _ _ _ - _ _
12 - designation of the entire system of standards;
_ - classification code (subsystem, grouping of standards);
_ _ _ - serial number of the standard in the subsystem;
_ _ - year of registration of the standard.

As can be seen from this structure, the System of Occupational Safety Standards consists of subsystems designated by codes from 0 to 9.
Subsystem 0. Includes organizational and methodological standards. These standards establish the goals, objectives, structure of the safety and health system, terminology in the field of labor protection; give a classification of dangerous and harmful production factors; indicate the procedure for information support of safety standards, methods for assessing occupational safety, etc.

Example. GOST 12.0.004-90 SSBT "Organization of occupational safety training." General provisions.
GOST 12.0.003-74 SSBT "Lead standard for the classification of hazardous and harmful production factors" and others.

Subsystem 1. Contains standards, requirements and norms for types of hazardous and harmful production factors. Standards establish requirements for types of factors, determine maximum permissible values ​​of parameters and characteristics, indicate requirements for methods of their measurement, and determine safety requirements when working with harmful and dangerous substances.

Subsystem 1 also includes two GOSTs that are important for people’s livelihoods and health. Let's look at them.

GOST 12.1.004-91 SSBT establishes general fire safety requirements for objects for various purposes in sectors of the national economy. GOST is taken into account when developing regulatory and normative-technical documents for the design, implementation of projects and operation of facilities.
Standards and other regulatory documents contain data on the fire specificity of the facility, indicate the rules and regulations of fire safety in connection with this specificity, methods and technical means of fire prevention and fire protection, pay attention to organizational and technical measures for fire prevention and propose indicators of the effectiveness of technical means fire prevention and fire protection.

GOST 12.1.005-88 SSBT establishes sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area (temperature, humidity, air speed and content of harmful substances).
The optimal and permissible temperature, relative humidity and air speed are determined for industrial premises, taking into account excess heat and seasons of the year. Note that the temperature, relative humidity and air speed in the working area of ​​production premises must comply with the standards specified in the standards.

Subsystem 2. Includes standards for safety requirements for production equipment. Standards establish general requirements for equipment as a whole and for individual groups of equipment, as well as for methods of monitoring compliance with safety requirements.
Example. GOST 12.2.049-80 SSBT "Production equipment. General ergonomic requirements."

Subsystem 3. Includes standards for safety requirements for production processes. Standards establish general requirements both for production processes in general and for individual groups of processes, as well as for control methods.
The safety of production equipment and production processes is one of the important problems that are difficult to solve. Behind them is the life and health of workers. Materials on industrial injuries indicate that the causes of accidents due to imperfect production processes account for no less than those due to structural imperfections of equipment.
GOST 12.3.002-75 SSBT, the fundamental SSBT standard for safety requirements for production processes. In addition to the general safety requirements "Industrial processes. General safety requirements" - GOST contains a section "Features of the construction of SSBT standards for safety requirements for groups of production processes." It provides the methodological basis for the construction and content of standards for specific technological processes.

Standards for safety requirements for production processes are structured as follows: they contain an introductory part and sections.
Let's look at the contents of the sections:
"General provisions" include a list of hazardous and harmful production factors characteristic of the production processes of this group;
the permissible concentration levels and other parameters of hazardous and harmful production factors are indicated.

Requirements for technological processes - this is for the design, organization and implementation of technological processes; operating modes, equipment maintenance procedures under normal operating conditions and emergency situations.
Possible sources of hazardous and harmful production factors are indicated.
Requirements for production premises - these are for the equipment and maintenance of production premises characteristic of the production processes of this group.

Requirements for the placement of production equipment and the organization of workplaces - this is for the placement of equipment characteristic of the production processes of a given group; instructions were given on the location of communications, on the dispersion and isolation of potentially dangerous equipment, on the placement and equipment of workplaces.

Requirements for personnel allowed to participate in the production process - the conditions for admitting people to participate in the production processes of this group are indicated. Taking into account the compliance of the worker with the peculiarities of the production process, the frequency of monitoring the health status of workers is determined.
Subsystem 4. Contains requirements for protective equipment for workers. Gives a classification of protective equipment and indicates the requirements for individual classes, types and types of protective equipment, as well as methods of monitoring and evaluation.
Example. GOST 12.4.011-89 SSBT "Protective means for workers. General requirements and classification."
Subsystem 5. Standards of safety requirements for buildings and structures.

Subsystems 6-9 are reserve ones, intended for further development of the SSBT.
The main provisions of the SSBT are included in other state standardization systems. An example is GOST 3.1.120-83 “Unified system of technological documentation. General rules for reflecting and processing occupational safety requirements in technological documentation.” The standard establishes the obligation to take into account safety requirements in the documentation of the technological process or repair of products, including control, testing and movement.

HSSE standards contain references to all types of regulatory documents on labor protection, naturally related to each other. SSBT is a complex system with numerous internal and external connections; it is developing and requires constant improvement.
The State Standard of the Russian Federation has recently taken a number of measures aimed at further developing the SSBT.

Among them:

Development of safety standards for new types of equipment, new technologies, means of protecting workers, standards and requirements for specific types of hazardous and harmful production factors;

Revision of state SSBT standards in order to improve and eliminate unjustified regulation of organizational and methodological requirements;

Phased abolition of industry standards SSBT in order to transition to a two-level documentation system;

Direct application of international standards;

Establishment of requirements in SSBT standards at a level consistent with international standards;

State control over the level of safety of products and the compliance of this level with the safety of similar samples from the best foreign companies.
Each industry has designated lead and base organizations to lead the implementation of the standards. These organizations develop industry-specific organizational, methodological and guidance documents for the implementation of state safety standards in the industry, prepare projects of organizational and technical measures for their implementation, analyze and summarize the results of implementation of safety standards at industry enterprises, and collect proposals for the development and improvement of safety standards.

General guidance on the implementation of safety standards at enterprises is provided by the chief engineer of the enterprise or organization.

From the moment of their entry into force, the requirements of state standards of safety standards are mandatory for everyone.

Based on Occupational Safety and Health Standards, occupational safety standards (STP Occupational Safety Standards) are being developed at enterprises in the national economy, which establish the procedure for organizing labor support work at the enterprise, the procedure for implementing and monitoring the implementation and compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Standards and other regulatory documentation on labor safety, and the procedure for organizing works to ensure fire and explosion safety and other provisions.

Along with state standards, the enterprise has rules and instructions on labor protection.

Labor protection rules - a normative act establishing labor protection requirements that are mandatory for execution when designing, organizing and implementing production processes, certain types of work, operating production equipment, etc. Labor protection rules can be intersectoral and sectoral.

Intersectoral rules are mandatory for a certain group of ministries and departments. Industry rules apply to enterprises and organizations of a certain ministry or department.

Labor protection instructions are a normative act that establishes labor protection requirements when performing work in production premises, on the territory of an enterprise, on construction sites and in other places where this work is carried out or official duties are performed. Labor protection instructions can be standard, which contain provisions and requirements common to a given profession, and instructions for workers (for employees of enterprises, sites and a specific workplace).

3. Industrial sanitation

Industrial sanitation is a system of sanitary, hygienic and organizational measures that prevent workers from being exposed to harmful production factors.
Industrial sanitation includes improving the air environment and normalizing microclimate parameters in the work area, protecting workers from noise, vibration, and ensuring lighting standards, as well as maintaining the territory of the enterprise, main and auxiliary premises in accordance with sanitary requirements (especially important in food production).
In accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.005-88 SSBT, optimal and permissible microclimate conditions (air temperature, humidity, and speed in the working area) are standardized.
To ensure the specified air parameters, heating with hot water (water from our own boiler house) and cooling with cold water (water from an artesian well with pre-cooling in chillers) are used year-round.
Light, lighting is one of the main external factors that constantly influence a person in the process of work. The positive impact of lighting on labor productivity and quality is beyond doubt. Thus, solar lighting increases labor productivity by an average of 10%, and artificial lighting by 13%, while the possibility of defects is reduced by 20-25%.

4. Safety precautions during installation, operation, adjustment and repair of the designed facility.

When performing installation and repair work, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of SNiP and SSBT, as well as coordinate all work with current standards, norms and rules. Workers who are at least 18 years old, who have undergone introductory safety training and received a certificate for the right to carry out the specified work, are allowed to perform repair and installation work on equipment and structures. The installer is also required to use all personal protective equipment: overalls, safety shoes, safety belt, helmet and other equipment in accordance with the work performed.
When installing and repairing equipment or structures, it is prohibited:
- work without personal protective equipment or use equipment intended for other work;
- lift structures whose weight exceeds the lifting capacity of the crane or winch;
- lift structures covered with earth, blocked by other objects or frozen to the ground;
- straighten the ropes with blows of a hammer or crowbar and drive the slings into the throat of the hook;
- hold with your hands or pliers the ropes that slip off the equipment (structure) when lifting them;
- is on the equipment (structure) during lifting;
- is located under the equipment being lifted, and is also in close proximity to it;
- release ropes pinched by the structure using a crane;
- leave the load suspended during a break in work;
- install or dismantle live equipment;
- install or repair equipment without a basic installation diagram developed by the manufacturer or design organization;
- install or repair equipment by non-specially trained personnel. When designing, I tried to automate the equipment of ventilation and air conditioning systems as much as possible, as well as simplify installation, commissioning and operation as much as possible.
When designing ventilation and air conditioning systems, the most modern equipment from DAIKIN was used, which is accordingly more ergonomic and safe, both during installation and maintenance. The safety instructions and assembly (disassembly) procedure for installation (disassembly) of the equipment were developed by DAIKIN (supplied with the equipment), so no additional instructions should be developed. All automation was designed on the basis of the newly developed RWI 65.01 controllers from DAIKIN. The automation in the project is represented by the well-known company “ABB”. ABB equipment meets international safety standards. Automation and in particular controllers easily and clearly explain (show) and signal (even to a person who does not understand this at all) about the operation and malfunctions in the ventilation and air conditioning system. For the safe operation of equipment, based on automatic control devices, three types of personnel notification are used:
Control room - to report the operation or shutdown of all equipment, from the fan to the shut-off valves;
Warning - to notify personnel about the occurrence of any changes and deviations in the equipment of ventilation and air conditioning systems that may lead to an emergency;
Emergency - to notify personnel about the shutdown of equipment and the activation of automatic protection devices, and, consequently, about the occurrence of an emergency. Automatic protection stops equipment and turns on equipment specifically designed for different situations. For example, in the event of a fire, central air conditioners from DAIKIN and fire dampers KOM-1, which are open under normal conditions, are turned off, and smoke exhaust dampers and fans and flame suppression devices are also turned on. The greatest likelihood of dangerous situations occurring during the operation of ventilation and air conditioning systems occurs during the operation of refrigeration equipment. Therefore, mainly with automatic control, there is a need to monitor refrigeration equipment.

5. Fire safety measures

A fire is a combustion outside a special source, causing material damage and creating a danger to human life. Since the number of fires increases from year to year, there is a need to create conditions at enterprises in which the occurrence and spread of fire becomes minimal (to increase the fire safety of the building).
Fire safety is a state of an object in which, with an established probability, the possibility of the occurrence and development of a fire (to such an extent that control is no longer possible) and the impact of dangerous fire factors on people is excluded, and the protection of people and material assets is ensured.
If the ventilation and air conditioning systems are installed and operated incorrectly, they can cause fires to occur and spread.
Air ducts can carry flammable substances and mixtures of flammable gases, vapors, and dust, which, in the presence of a heat source, can ignite or even explode and thereby spread a fire through the ventilation and air conditioning system and further throughout the building. Dust of organic origin poses a great danger; when mixed with air, it can lead to fires and explosions. The lower concentration limit of explosion of organic dust in air is 15-65 g/m3. If dust levels significantly exceed those allowed by sanitary standards, the deposited dust may ignite. The concentration of dust and other substances in the air ducts of local exhaust systems should not exceed 50%.
The source of ignition in this case may be sparking from the electric motor, excessive heating from the friction of the fan shaft, sparks from the impact of the fan blades on the casing, static electricity, spontaneous combustion of dust and other ignition sources. Fire hazards are posed by air ducts, as well as the central air conditioner itself (air coolers, filters, air heaters) and other devices in which significant amounts of dust and flammable substances can accumulate.
The premises of the NPO “Nauka” building belong to category “B” according to GOST 12.1.044 “SSBT. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination.”
Fire resistance is the ability of structures to maintain their operational functions under the influence of high fire temperatures.
Ventilation chambers for buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance are made of non-combustible materials. According to SNiP 2.01.02, the building of the DAIKIN enterprise is made in the 11th degree of fire resistance.
Protection against flame propagation in ventilation and air conditioning systems is achieved using automatic fire-retarding valves “KOM-1”, overpressure in corridors and airlocks, water curtains and other methods. Air containing fire-explosive waste and dust should be cleaned before it enters the fan, for which dust separation and dust cleaning devices (filters) should be installed in front of air handling devices so that these substances do not enter them further throughout the system.
For quick detection and reporting of the location of a fire, activation of industrial automatic fire extinguishing means, centralized control of fire brigades (units) and operational management of fire extinguishing, there is a communication and automatic fire alarm system. For communication, use a telephone, radiotelephone, radio or other means of communication located at the NPO Nauka enterprise.
Indoors, an ADI (automatic smoke detector) is used as an automatic fire alarm. The principle of its operation is based on the fact that combustion products act on the ionization current, which activates an electromagnetic relay, which turns on the alarm system.
All technological premises of the enterprise are based on doors with fire resistance limits of 1-1.5 hours (closing upon a signal from the central control point), to reduce the rate of spread or possible localization of a fire in a closed room.
Particular attention must be paid to evacuating people from premises. Evacuation is carried out along pre-planned routes, which they try to make minimal for people to travel to a safe place. Evacuation diagrams are located in places accessible to human vision. All people in the building must strictly follow these developed instructions so that during an emergency there will be no crowding, injuries, damage or other unpleasant things.

Question No. 2.

In everyday life, people attribute all deviations from the normal course of events to emergency incidents or situations. Human practice proves that any activity (as a necessary condition for the existence of human society) is potentially dangerous. Potential danger is hidden power. For it to manifest itself, certain conditions are necessary. The conditions that allow a potential danger to become real are called causes. The reasons may be known or unknown. A potential danger, under certain conditions, is realized into an event called an emergency, which has various consequences for society (death and illness of people, material damage, etc.).

All disasters are usually united under the concept of an emergency. In general, an emergency is understood as an outwardly unexpected, suddenly occurring situation, characterized by a sharp disruption of an established process or phenomenon and having a significant negative impact on the livelihoods of the population, the functioning of the economy, the social environment and the natural environment.

Each emergency has its own physical essence, its own causes, driving forces, nature of development, and its own characteristics of impact on humans and their environment. Therefore, all emergencies can be classified according to a number of characteristics: origin or causes of occurrence, speed of spread, scale of distribution of damaging factors.

Based on the first criterion, emergency situations are divided into five types: man-made, natural, environmental, biological and socio-political in nature.

Man-made emergencies are accidents and catastrophes at radiation and chemically hazardous facilities, vehicles, explosions and fires at national economic facilities, which resulted in destruction of buildings, created the danger of radiation, chemical and biological contamination of the area, and other consequences that created threat to the population and the environment. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of accident and catastrophe. An accident is understood as a sudden stop of work or disruption of the production process at an industrial enterprise, transport or other facility, leading to damage or destruction of material assets. A catastrophe is understood as a sudden disaster that entails the destruction of material assets and the death of people. The nature of the consequences of accidents and disasters depends on their type, scale and characteristics of the enterprises where they occurred.

The causes of accidents and disasters can be design and production defects in buildings and structures, violations of technological production processes, rules of operation of transport, equipment, and mechanisms. The most common reasons are violations of the technological process and safety regulations. This is evidenced by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as a result of which the usual rhythm of economic activity was disrupted for many years.

Emergencies of natural origin are primarily natural disasters. Natural disasters are natural phenomena that cause extreme situations and disrupt the normal functioning of people and the work of the public sector. The most typical natural disasters for various geographical regions are: floods, earthquakes, storms, hurricanes and tornadoes, mudflows, landslides and other phenomena. Over the past 20 years, natural disasters have claimed more than 3 million lives. According to the UN, almost 1 billion people on the planet experienced the consequences of natural disasters during this period. In 1987 alone, an earthquake in Armenia killed about 25 thousand people.

Storms, hurricanes and tornadoes are the movement of air masses at tremendous speed. Moving over the earth's surface, a hurricane breaks and uproots trees, tears off roofs and destroys houses. Vortex formations in the clouds generate destructive tornadoes. In the internal cavity of a tornado, the pressure is always low. Therefore, any objects are sucked in there.

A mudflow consists of mineral particles, rocks and rock fragments. It occurs in mountain river basins and is caused by heavy rainfall or rapid snow melting. A mixture of water, mud and stones rushes downward at a speed of 15 km/h. This mixture destroys residential buildings, bridges, platinums, etc. on its way. Landslides are the displacement of rock masses down a slope under the influence of gravity. They arise on a slope or slope due to an imbalance of rocks.

Natural disasters can occur: as a result of the rapid movement of matter (earthquakes, landslides), during the release of intraterrestrial energy (volcanic activity, earthquakes), when the water level of rivers, lakes and seas rises (floods, tsunamis), under the influence of strong winds (hurricanes, storms, cyclones, tornadoes) as a result of the actions of people themselves (fires, landslides, etc.). Each natural disaster is characterized by the presence of inherent damaging factors that adversely affect human health.

Based on the speed of spread, emergencies are divided into sudden, rapid, moderate and smooth. Sudden emergencies include earthquakes, explosions, transport accidents and disasters, etc. Rapid emergencies include fires and accidents with the release of highly toxic substances. Moderate emergencies include floods and accidents with the release of radioactive substances. Smooth - droughts, epidemics, water and soil pollution.

According to the scale of distribution, emergencies are divided into site-specific, local, regional, national and global.

Object emergencies are limited to the boundaries of the object. Elimination of the consequences of such situations is carried out by non-paramilitary civil defense units under the leadership of the head of the civil defense facility.

Local emergencies are limited to the boundaries of the city, district, region. To eliminate the consequences of situations, site-specific and territorial non-military civil defense formations, and in some cases, military civil defense units, are involved. The work is managed by the relevant emergency commissions, which are created in districts and cities for the duration of the work, and in the regions they exist permanently.

Regional emergencies are limited to several regions or the territory of the republic. To eliminate the consequences of such situations, non-military formations of cities and rural areas, military units of civil defense, as well as forces and means of the Ministries of Defense, Emergency Situations and Health are involved. The work is managed by the regional emergency commissions of the region.

National emergencies are limited to the territory of one or more states (republics). To eliminate the consequences of situations, the forces and means of the state on whose territory the situation occurred are involved. The work is led by state (republican) commissions for emergency situations.

Global emergencies affect several states and their consequences extend beyond the borders of the CIS. To eliminate the consequences, all types of civil defense forces and means, interacting ministries (departments) of the republics are involved, and forces and means from far abroad can also provide assistance. The work is led by the republican commissions for emergency situations.

Peacetime emergencies are discussed above; however, wartime situations that arise as a result of military conflicts should also be taken into account. It is known that at present there are new means of armed struggle that have enormous destructive and damaging effects. These are primarily weapons of mass destruction (WMD), designed to cause mass casualties and destruction. Scientific and technological progress has made it possible to create modern means of delivering these weapons to attack targets with a fairly high degree of accuracy. The means of delivery of such weapons are ground-, sea- and air-based missiles, specially equipped aircraft, artillery, as well as sabotage and reconnaissance groups.

The use of weapons of mass destruction will eliminate any significant difference between the front and the rear. The targets of destruction will be not only groups of armed forces, but also administrative and industrial centers, large cities, industrial facilities, energy facilities and others located deep in the rear. In this regard, the protection of the population and national economic facilities must be organized throughout the entire territory of the republic.

Causes and stages of man-made disasters

The occurrence of any emergency situation, including a man-made disaster, is caused by a combination of objective and subjective factors that create a causal series of events. The direct causes of man-made disasters can be influences external to the engineering system (natural disasters, military sabotage actions, etc.), conditions and circumstances directly related to this system, including technical malfunctions, as well as human errors. The latter, according to statistics and expert opinion, play a major role in the occurrence of man-made disasters. According to experts, human errors cause 45% of extreme situations at nuclear power plants, 60% of plane crashes and 80% of disasters at sea.

It is advisable to divide the process of development of emergency situations (including man-made disasters) into three stages: initiation, culmination and attenuation. It is generally accepted that in all types of extreme situations the stages considered are always present. Otherwise, in accordance with the accepted definition and criteria, the situation cannot be qualified as an emergency.

At the first stage of development of an emergency situation, the preconditions for a future man-made disaster are formed: numerous technical faults accumulate; equipment malfunctions are observed; the staff serving it makes mistakes; non-catastrophic (local) accidents occur that do not go beyond the boundaries of the facility, i.e. technical risk is growing. The duration of this stage is difficult to estimate. For “explosive” emergencies (disasters in Bhopal and Chernobyl), these stages can be measured in days or even months. For “soft” man-made disasters (for example, the extreme situation in the Love Lake area in the USA), the duration of this stage is measured in years or decades.

The culminating stage of a man-made disaster begins with the release of a substance or energy into the environment (fire, explosion, release of toxic substances into the atmosphere, destruction of a dam) and ends with the blocking (limitation) of the source of danger. In the case of the Chernobyl accident, the duration of the climax stage was 15 days (from April 26 to May 10, 1986).

The attenuation stage of a technological disaster chronologically covers the period from covering (limiting) the source of danger - localizing an emergency situation to the complete elimination of its direct and indirect consequences. The duration of this stage is measured in years and many decades.

The medical consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are especially severe and long-lasting. The first medical event after this accident was acute radiation sickness. Of the 134 people who fell ill, 28 people died in the first 3 months after the accident, while 40 years before the accident, about 500 cases of acute radiation sickness were registered in the former USSR, with a fatal outcome in only 43 cases.

The second dramatic consequence of the accident was a sharp increase in thyroid cancer in children, registered in some regions of Belarus and Ukraine, as well as in the Bryansk region of Russia. The maximum number of patients was identified in areas of greatest radionuclide contamination.

During the days of the accident, radionuclides with a total activity of about 50 million curies were released into the environment. The soil was mainly cesium-137 with a half-life of 30 years, strontium-90 - 28 years, plutonium-239 - 24,065 years and plutonium-241 - 14 years. The isotope plutonium-241 is more active than plutonium-239. Plutonium-241, as a result of radioactive transformations, is converted into amercium-241 (an alpha emitter), the half-life of which is 485 years. The latter isotope is converted to neptunium-239, which is an alpha emitter with a half-life of 2,140,000 years (virtually an eternal alpha emitter). As a result, 20 years after the Chernobyl disaster (by 2006), the number of alpha emitters in the soil will double. After this, the radiation level will increase for another 40 years, then remaining constant for millennia. When the above radioactive isotopes enter the human or animal body, internal tissue irradiation occurs, which increases the risk of the appearance and development of malignant tumors. According to modern estimates, over 50 years Chernobyl will add up to 15 thousand deaths from cancer.

Factors. Are common concepts In the process of life, a person is exposed to...

  • Grade dangerous And harmful factors chemistry teacher at work

    Thesis >> Life safety

    1.1 Basic concepts and labor safety terminology 1.2 Classification of working conditions 1.3 Dangerous And harmful production factors 1.3.1 Production lighting 1.3.2 Industrial microclimate...

  • Working conditions are determined by factors of the production environment and the labor process that influence a person’s performance and health during work. Factors in the production environment are usually divided into hazardous and harmful production factors.

    A harmful production factor is a production factor, the impact of which on a worker can lead to illness.

    A hazardous production factor is a production factor, the impact of which on a worker can lead to injury. These factors can also be defined as traumatic factors.

    Depending on the quantitative characteristics (level, concentration, etc.) and duration of exposure, a harmful production factor can become dangerous. For example, excessive noise levels can cause hearing damage (eardrum injury).

    In accordance with GOST 12.0.003, hazardous and harmful production factors according to the nature of their origin can be classified as follows: physical, chemical, biological, psychophysiological factors.

    In turn, physical hazardous and harmful production factors in the work area and workplaces manifest themselves as:

    Increased or decreased values ​​relative to standard requirements: air temperature; air humidity; air mobility;

    Increased or decreased barometric pressure and its sudden change; air ionization;

      Increased dust and gas contamination of the air in the working area;

      Moving machines and mechanisms; moving parts of production equipment; moving products, workpieces, materials; collapsing structures; collapsing rocks;

      Sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of workpieces, tools and equipment;

      Increased or decreased temperature of the surfaces of equipment and materials;

      Increased levels of: noise; vibrations; infrasonic vibrations; ultrasound;

      Increased voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;

      Increased electric field and (or) magnetic field strength;

      Lack or lack of natural light; insufficient illumination of the work area, increased light brightness, reduced contrast, direct and reflected brightness, increased pulsation of the light flux;

      Increased levels of: ultraviolet radiation; infrared radiation; static electricity; electromagnetic radiation; ionizing radiation;

      The location of the workplace at a significant height relative to the surface of the earth (floor), etc.

      Chemical hazardous and harmful production factors, according to the nature of their impact on the human body, are divided into: toxic; annoying; sensitizing; carcinogenic; mutagenic; affecting reproductive function.

      Depending on how chemicals can enter the human body, they can be divided into substances that penetrate through the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal tract, or the skin and mucous membranes.

      Biologically hazardous and harmful production factors are pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, spirochetes, fungi, protozoa) and their metabolic products.

      Psychophysiological dangerous and harmful factors in production activities are associated with physical or neuropsychic overload.

      Physical overloads, in turn, can be divided into static and dynamic overloads.

      Neuropsychic overload can manifest itself in intellectual overstrain; overvoltage of analyzers; monotony of work and emotional overload.

      Classification of industrial environment factors is also possible by types of energy carriers:

      a) mechanical - characterized by kinetic, potential energy and, above all, mechanical influence on objects of influence, these include: kinetic energy of moving and rotating elements, potential energy of bodies (including people at height), gravitational gravity, static load ; they may be accompanied by physical factors (noise, vibration, etc.);

      b) thermal - characterized by thermal energy and abnormal temperature, these include: the temperature of heated or cooled surfaces, open fire, chemical reactions and other sources;

      c) electrical - electric current, static electricity, ionizing radiation, electric field, abnormal ionization of air;

      d) electromagnetic - illumination, ultraviolet and infrared radiation, electromagnetic radiation, magnetic field;

      e) chemicals (gaseous or liquid - gas; oil, etc.) - these are most often caustic, poisonous, flammable and explosive substances, which are characterized by emissions into the air, with the formation of harmful impurities.

      Dangerous and harmful production factors, therefore, accompany both the elements of the production environment and human activity when they carry out work under an employment contract.

      A person is able to tolerate exposure to harmful and dangerous factors in certain doses without harm to health. The level of exposure to factors below which negative consequences are not observed is called the threshold level. The threshold level depends both on the dose (P) and on the duration of exposure to the factor (exposure) - (t). With short-term exposure, a person can tolerate higher doses of negative factors.

      Some harmful substances are capable of bioaccumulation, and within certain limits the body is able to compensate for their negative effects, which is taken into account when setting limit levels.

      To exclude irreversible biological effects, standardized safe and maximum permissible doses, levels or concentrations are established.

      Possible harmful production factors at catering establishments:

      – physical – driving machines and mechanisms, the presence of electrical installations, heat generation by devices, high humidity;

      – chemical – release of acrolein, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide.

      38 Artificial lighting of industrial premises. Rationing and control

      Artificial lighting in premises is regulated by SNiP 23-05-95, depending on the nature of visual work, the system and type of lighting, background, contrast of the object with the background. For lighting industrial premises, as a rule, the most economical discharge lamps should be used. The use of incandescent lamps for general lighting is permitted only if it is impossible or technically and economically infeasible to use discharge lamps. For local lighting, in addition to discharge light sources, incandescent lamps, including halogen ones, should be used.

      Construction norms SNiP 23-05-95 set the following indicators of artificial lighting: illumination E, brightness IN, ripple factor K p, blindness rates R and discomfort M .

      When normalizing illumination, eight categories are distinguished depending on the degree of visual tension. The first seven categories are classified according to the size of the object of discrimination, the latter does not take into account the size of discrimination, since the work provided for by this category requires general observation of the progress of the production process.

      Object of distinction
      - the object in question, its individual part or defect that needs to be distinguished during the work process (for example, a thread of fabric, a point, a drawing line, a line forming a letter or other contour).

      To limit the glare of general lighting luminaires, the glare indicator R should not exceed 20...40 units depending on the duration and level of visual work.

      When lighting industrial premises with gas-discharge lamps powered by alternating current of industrial frequency 50 Hz, the depth of illumination pulsations should be limited. Allowable ripple factors K p
      should not exceed 10...20% depending on the lighting system and the nature of the work performed.

      The presence of objects of increased brightness in the field of view can cause unpleasant visual sensations. Discomfort is the initial stage of blindness and is assessed by the discomfort index M, the value of which is determined using special tables depending on the type of lamp, the ratio of the size of the room, the reflection coefficients of its ceiling and walls.

      Requirements for lighting of premises of industrial enterprises (KEO, standardized illumination, permissible combinations of glare indicators and light pulsation coefficient) should be taken according to SNiP 23-05-95.

      Requirements for lighting in residential, public and administrative buildings should be taken in accordance with SNiP 23-05-95.

      Illumination standards in relation to SNiP should be increased in the following cases:

      a) for work of categories I-IV, if visual work is performed more than half of the working day;

      b) with an increased risk of injury, if the illumination from the general lighting system is 150 lux or less (working on circular saws, guillotine shears, etc.);

      c) under special increased sanitary requirements (at enterprises of the food and chemical-pharmaceutical industries), if the illumination from the general lighting system is 500 lux or less;

      d) when working or training teenagers, if the illumination from the general lighting system is 300 lux or less;

      e) in the absence of natural light in the room and the constant presence of workers, if the illumination from the general lighting system is 750 lux or less;

      f) when observing parts rotating at a speed equal to or more than 500 rpm, or objects moving at a speed equal to or more than 1.5 m/min;

      g) when constantly searching for objects of discrimination on a surface measuring 04 m2 or more;

      h) in premises where more than half of the workers are over 40 years old.

      In rooms where work of IV-VI categories is carried out, illumination standards should be reduced by one step in case of short-term stay of people or in the presence of equipment that does not require constant maintenance.

      When performing work in premises of categories I-III, IVa, IV6, IVb, Va, a combined lighting system should be used. It is allowed to provide a general lighting system if it is technically impossible or inappropriate to install local lighting.

      If there are working and auxiliary areas in one room, it is necessary to design localized general lighting (for any lighting system) of the working areas and less intense lighting of the auxiliary areas.

      The combined lighting system, being more efficient, has illumination standards higher than for general lighting. To avoid frequent re-adaptation of vision due to uneven illumination in a room with a combined lighting system, it is necessary that general lighting lamps create at least 10% of the normalized illumination with those light sources that are used for local lighting. In this case, the illumination must be at least 200 lux with discharge lamps, and at least 75 lux with incandescent lamps.

      The ratio of maximum to minimum illumination should not exceed 1.5 for work of categories I-III with 1D fluorescent lamps and other light sources, and for work of categories IV-VII - 1.5 and 2.0, respectively.

      The unevenness of illumination can be increased to 3.0 in cases where, according to the technology, general lighting fixtures can be installed only on platforms, columns or walls of the room.

      In industrial premises, the illumination of passages and areas where work is not performed should be no more than 25% of the standardized illumination created by general lighting fixtures.

      In workshops with a fully automated technological process, lighting should be provided to monitor the operation of equipment, as well as additionally switched general and local lighting lamps to provide the necessary illumination during repair and adjustment work.

      For local lighting of workplaces, lamps with non-translucent reflectors should be used. Lamps must be located in such a way that their luminous elements do not fall into the field of view of workers in the illuminated workplace and in other workplaces.

      69 The effect of electric current on the human body. Types of electrical injuries

      Electric current, passing through the human body, has thermal, chemical, mechanical and biological effects on his body:

      – the thermal effect of electric current leads to dangerous heating of tissues and the occurrence of injuries such as burns, electrical marks, metallization of the skin;

      – the chemical effect of electric current leads to electrolysis of blood and other solutions contained in the body, changes in their chemical composition, and disruption of their physiological functions. The result of chemical changes in the body's cells when irradiated with a powerful stream of ultraviolet rays from an electric arc is inflammation of the irises of the eyes (electro-ophthalmia);

      – the mechanical effect of current manifests itself in muscle separation, tendon rupture, joint dislocations and other damage to body tissues as a result of sharp, involuntary convulsive muscle contractions caused by the flow of current;

      – the biological effect of current is expressed in irritation of living tissues of the body, reflex excitation of the nervous system and disruption of internal bioelectric processes. The result is an electric shock or electric shock.

      Possible changes in the human body under the influence of electric current are presented in table. 1.

      Table 1 - Effect of electric current on the human body

      Types of electrical injuries




      Local electrical injuries

      Electrical burn (60-65% of all electrical injuries)

      Electrical burn (contact)

      Arc burn

      I and II degree burns of the skin at the point of contact of the body with the live part. They occur in electrical installations with voltages no higher than 1-2 kV. Skin burns of III-IV degree; There may be extensive burns with tissue burning to a great depth. Occurs during an electric arc in networks with voltages above 1-2 kV

      Electrical signs; current signs; electrical tags (19-21% of all electrical injuries)

      The appearance of gray or yellow-gray spots on the skin at the site of contact with live parts; Sometimes electrical signs look like scratches, cuts, warts, calluses

      Metallization of the skin (in 10% of victims)

      Penetration of metallic inclusions into the skin at points of contact with an electric arc, accompanied by pain due to burns and tension of the skin

      Electroophthalmia (in 1-2% of victims)

      Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes caused by ultraviolet radiation when an electric arc occurs; appears 2-6 hours after exposure and is accompanied by lacrimation, photophobia, and partial blindness

      Mechanical damage (rare)

      Ruptures of the skin, blood vessels, nerve fibers, dislocations due to involuntary convulsive muscle contractions under the influence of current

      Electric shock

      I degree

      II degree

      III degree

      Convulsive muscle contraction without loss of consciousness.

      Convulsive contraction of muscles with loss of consciousness. Breathing and heart function are preserved.

      Loss of consciousness; heart or breathing problems

      Continuation of Table 1

      Types of action of electric current

      Types of electrical injuries

      Clinical manifestations of the action of electric current

      IV degree

      Clinical death; lack of breathing and heart function; Pupils are dilated and do not respond to light

      The work of the heart has stopped (direct action of the current on the heart muscle), fibrillation of the heart muscle (coincidence of the action of the current with the T-phase of the heart). Cessation of breathing, paralysis (direct or reflex action of current on the muscles of the chest), Electric shock (severe neuro-reflex reaction, accompanied by a disorder of blood circulation, breathing, metabolism)

      Electrical injuries when electric current passes through the human body or exposed to an electric arc are divided into electric shocks and injuries based on the damage. In the first case, the entire body is affected, and especially its internal organs.

      In the second case, local damage to the skin, muscles and other parts of the body occurs. It has now been established that the most vulnerable organ when current passes through the human body is the heart. At low current values, fibrillation (random muscle contraction) of the heart may occur. Therefore, an electric shock is especially dangerous for a person, which disrupts cardiac, respiratory and brain activity.

      The degree of danger of exposure to current on the human body depends on the magnitude of the current, the duration of its exposure, the type and frequency, the electrical resistance of the human body, as well as the voltage and circuit of connecting the body to the electrical circuit.

      Alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz is more dangerous compared to currents of other frequencies and direct current.

      The amount of electric current that a person begins to feel is called the threshold perceptible current (0.6-1.5 mA alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz). When exposed to an alternating current of 15 mA, a person experiences convulsions, as a result of which he is unable to let go of the wire in his hand.

      In case of damage with a force of 20-25 mA, respiratory arrest occurs. Due to spasm of the vocal cords, the victim cannot scream and call for help. If the current does not stop, then within a few minutes cardiac arrest occurs and death occurs. In mild cases, general manifestations can be in the form of fainting, dizziness, general weakness, severe nervous shock.

      The lowest current value at which a person cannot independently interrupt contact with live parts is called the “non-releasing current” threshold (10-15 mA).

      The lowest current at which cardiac fibrillation occurs is called the threshold fibrillation current (50-80 mA). With an increase in the time of passage of electric current through the human body, the danger of severe damage, sometimes leading to death, increases.

      Living tissue of the human body has the following specific volumetric resistance “at a current frequency of 50 Hz: dry skin - 3-10 3 ... 2-10 4; bones - 10 4 ..2-10 6; adipose tissue 30...60, muscle tissue - 2-3 and blood - 1-2 Ohm m. Analysis of these data shows that the main resistance to the flow of current is provided by human skin.

      In the event of electrical equipment malfunctions or violation of operating rules, the electrical installation may catch fire, and the fire may lead to additional danger.

      Electrical injury occurs not only through direct contact with a current source, but also through arc contact when a person is near an installation with a voltage of more than 1000 V, especially in rooms with high air humidity. The higher | the tension and longer the action, the more severe the damage, even death.

      Electric current causes local and general changes in the body. Local burns appear where the electric current entered and exited. Depending on its strength and tension, the person’s condition (wet skin, fatigue, exhaustion), damage of varying severity is possible - from loss of sensitivity to deep burns. In severe cases, the crater-shaped wound can penetrate to the bone. When exposed to high voltage current, tissue delamination, rupture, and sometimes complete separation of the limb are possible.

      Local lightning damage is similar to electric shock. Dark blue spots appear on the skin, resembling the branches of a tree (“lightning marks”). This is due to the dilation of blood vessels. The general condition in such cases is usually severe. Paralysis, muteness, deafness, and respiratory and cardiac arrest may occur.

      In general, according to GOST 12.1.019, the degree of dangerous and harmful effects on humans of electric current, electric arc and electromagnetic fields depends on:

      Type and magnitude of current;

      Frequencies of electric current;

      Current paths through the human body;

      Duration of exposure to electric current or electromagnetic field on the human body;

      Environmental conditions.

      103 The concept of emergency situations. Emergency situations of a peaceful nature. Their classification

      An emergency is an unexpected, sudden situation in a certain territory or economic facility as a result of an accident, catastrophe, dangerous natural phenomenon or natural disaster that can lead to casualties, damage to human health or the environment.

      According to material losses and disruption of people's livelihoods, emergencies are classified as follows:

      by reason of occurrence: intentional and unintentional;

      by nature of occurrence: technogenic, natural, environmental, biological, anthropogenic, social and combined;

      by speed of development: explosive, sudden, fleeting, smooth;

      by scale of distribution of consequences: local, local, territorial, regional, federal, transboundary;

      if possible, to prevent emergencies: inevitable (for example, natural) and preventable (for example, man-made, social).

      Man-made emergencies include emergencies whose origin is associated with technical objects: explosions, fires, accidents at chemically hazardous objects, releases of radioactive substances at radiation hazardous objects, accidents with the release of environmentally hazardous substances, building collapses, accidents on life support systems, etc.

      Natural emergencies include emergencies associated with the manifestation of natural forces: earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions, landslides, mudflows, hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, natural fires, etc.

      Environmental disasters (ED) include abnormal changes in the state of the natural environment: pollution of the biosphere, destruction of the ozone layer, desertification, acid rain, etc.

      Biological emergencies include epidemics, epizootics, and epiphytoties.

      Social emergencies include events occurring in society: interethnic conflicts with the use of force, terrorism, robberies, violence, contradictions between states (wars).

      Man-made emergencies are the result of erroneous human actions.

      Emergency situations are characterized by qualitative and quantitative criteria. Qualitative criteria include: temporal (suddenness and speed of development of events); socio-ecological (human sacrifices, removal of large areas from economic circulation); socio-psychological (mass stress); economic. For example, a local emergency is when 10 people were injured; or for 100 people the conditions of life safety regulations were violated; or the damage does not exceed 1000 minimum wages, and the emergency zone does not extend beyond the boundaries of the facility.

      The main causes of emergencies:

      internal: complexity of technologies, insufficient qualifications of personnel, design flaws, physical and moral wear and tear of equipment, low labor and technological discipline;

      external: natural disasters, unexpected interruption of the supply of electricity, gas, water, technological products, terrorism, war.

      The occurrence of an emergency is due to the presence of residual risk. According to the concept of residual risk, absolute safety cannot be ensured. Therefore, such security is accepted as is acceptable and can be provided by society in a given period of time.

      Conditions for the occurrence of an emergency: the presence of a source of risk (pressure, explosive, toxic, radioactive substances), the effect of risk factors (gas release, rupture, fire); being in the affected area of ​​people, farm animals and land.

      Analysis of the causes and development of emergencies of various types shows their common feature - stage-by-stage nature. There are five stages (periods) of emergency development:

      accumulation of negative effects leading to an accident;

      period of development of the disaster;

      extreme period during which the main share of energy is released;

      decay period;

      period of liquidation of consequences.

      Problem 6

      The steam boiler is equipped with two safety valves with nominal bore d y and lift height h. Boiler performance M at steam pressure P and temperature t. Determine the valve capacity, compare it to the boiler capacity and determine if the valves have sufficient capacity. Take the adiabatic exponent equal to 1.135. Steam consumption coefficient α.


      M, kg/h =5000;

      P, at (mPa) =4(0.4)

      t, ͦ = 143

      dy, mm =100

      h, mm = 5

      α =0.5


      Let's calculate the capacity of one valve:

      where α is the steam consumption coefficient;

      F – valve flow area

      F=2.22∙d y ∙h=2.22∙100∙5=1110 mm 2 ,

    The main dangerous and harmful production factors in construction are considered, taking into account the main specific features of this type of economic activity. Based on the above analysis, it was concluded that the assessment of occupational risks is based on the results of certification of workplaces according to working conditions as a procedure whose purpose is to identify harmful and dangerous production factors.

    Key words: construction, labor safety, labor protection, production factors, working conditions.

    The main principal occupational hazards in the building with the main specific features of that kind of economic activity are considered. Based on the foregoing analysis connected the dots that fundamentally the evaluation of occupational risks are the results of certification of assessment of workplaces with respect to working conditions as a procedure whose purpose is to identify occupational hazards environments.

    K e y w o r d s: construction, building, safety of work, occupational safety, workers" protection, production factors, labor conditions, working conditions.

    Poor condition working conditions and safety in construction is mainly a consequence of insufficient attention on the part of employers to labor safety issues at the stages of preparation of production and execution of work, which leads to an increase in occupational injuries in the industry.

    A critical situation with labor protection has developed in the Russian construction complex. During the transition to market relations in the pursuit of profit, many enterprises of all forms of ownership ignore regulatory requirements for labor protection. As a result, in recent years there has been a steady upward trend in fatal industrial injuries.

    The variety of construction projects, technological and organizational methods for carrying out construction and installation work requires increased attention to labor safety issues. They can be solved on the basis of the application of current legislative and regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

    The regulatory basis for creating healthy and safe working conditions in construction organizations is the state regulatory requirements for labor protection contained in the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, a set of publications of the State Construction Committee of Russia.

    One of the main legislative acts reflecting such requirements is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which imposes on employers a wide range of responsibilities to ensure safe conditions and labor protection for workers who are in labor relations with employers.

    The basic principle of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection is to ensure the priority of preserving the life and health of workers in the process of work.

    In accordance with Art. 209 Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

    occupational Safety and Health- a system for preserving the life and health of workers in the process of work, which includes legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive measures, rehabilitation and other measures;

    working conditions- a set of factors in the working environment and the labor process that influence the performance and health of the employee;

    harmful production factor- production factor, the impact of which on an employee can lead to illness;

    hazardous production factor- an industrial factor, the impact of which on a worker can lead to injury.

    According to Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide “working conditions that meet labor safety requirements at each workplace.”

    In order to carry out objective monitoring of the implementation of this norm, the same article instructs employers to “carry out certification of workplaces according to working conditions with subsequent certification of the organization of work on labor protection.”

    The certification of workplaces is determined by the Procedure approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 31, 2007 No. 569, which defines:

    certification of workplaces according to working conditions involves conducting an assessment of working conditions at workplaces in order to identify harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and implement measures to bring working conditions into compliance with state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

    Based on the analysis of the obtained data on compliance of workplace safety with labor protection requirements, the actual state of the degree of occupational risk in the workplace is assessed. The criterion for assessment is the compliance of the safety measures taken with the degree of professional risk, which is determined by the likelihood of an accident occurring and the severity of the consequences.

    In the process of identifying harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, the following is performed:

    hygienic assessment of working conditions (based on instrumental measurements and assessments of physical, chemical and biological factors, severity and intensity of the labor process);

    injury safety assessment;

    assessment of the provision of workers with personal protective equipment.

    Harmful production factors:

    physical factors- temperature, humidity, air speed, thermal radiation; non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) and radiation - electrostatic field; constant magnetic field (including hypogeomagnetic); electric and magnetic fields of industrial frequency (50 Hz); broadband EMFs created by PCs; electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency range; broadband electromagnetic pulses; electromagnetic radiation of the optical range (including laser and ultraviolet); ionizing radiation; industrial noise, ultrasound, infrasound; vibration (local, general); aerosols (dusts) of predominantly fibrogenic action (APFD); lighting - natural (absence or insufficiency), artificial (insufficient illumination, pulsation of illumination, excessive brightness, high unevenness of brightness distribution, direct and reflected glare); electrically charged air particles - aeroions;

    chemical- chemicals, mixtures, incl. some substances of a biological nature (antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, protein preparations) obtained by chemical synthesis and/or for the control of which methods of chemical analysis are used;

    biological- microorganisms - producers, living cells and spores contained in bacterial preparations, pathogenic microorganisms - causative agents of infectious diseases.

    Labor process factors:

    the severity of work - a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the predominant load on the musculoskeletal system and the functional systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.) that ensure its activity. The severity of labor is characterized by physical dynamic load, the mass of the load being lifted and moved, the total number of stereotypical working movements, the magnitude of the static load, the nature of the working posture, the depth and frequency of body tilt, and movements in space;

    labor intensity - a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the load primarily on the central nervous system, sensory organs, and emotional sphere of the employee. Factors characterizing labor intensity include: intellectual, sensory, emotional stress, the degree of monotony of workload, and work mode.

    According to the degree of harmfulness and danger, working conditions are divided into four classes (Fig.).

    Based on the degree of deviation of the actual levels of working environment factors and the labor process from hygienic standards, working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger are conventionally divided into 4 classes: optimal, acceptable, harmful and dangerous.

    Optimal working conditions (class 1) - conditions under which the employee’s health is maintained and the prerequisites are created for maintaining a high level of performance. Optimal standards for working environment factors have been established for microclimatic parameters and workload factors. For other factors, working conditions in which there are no harmful factors or do not exceed levels accepted as safe for the population are conventionally accepted as optimal.

    Acceptable working conditions (class 2) are characterized by such levels of environmental factors and the labor process that do not exceed established hygienic standards for workplaces, and possible changes in the functional state of the body are restored during regulated rest or by the beginning of the next shift and do not have an adverse effect in the immediate and long term period on the health status of workers and their offspring. Acceptable working conditions are conditionally classified as safe.

    Harmful working conditions (class 3) are characterized by the presence of harmful factors, the levels of which exceed hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the worker’s body and/or his offspring.

    Harmful working conditions, based on the degree of exceeding hygienic standards and the severity of changes in the body of workers, are conventionally divided into 4 degrees of harmfulness:

    1st degree, 3rd class (3.1) - working conditions are characterized by such deviations in the levels of harmful factors from hygienic standards that cause functional changes, which are restored, as a rule, with a longer interruption of contact with harmful factors (than at the beginning of the next shift) and increase the risk of damage to health ;

    2 degree 3 class (3.2) - levels of harmful factors that cause persistent functional changes, leading in most cases to an increase in occupational morbidity (which can be manifested by an increase in the level of morbidity with temporary disability and, first of all, those diseases that reflect the condition of the most organs and systems vulnerable to these factors), the appearance of initial signs or mild forms of occupational diseases (without loss of professional ability) that arise after prolonged exposure (often after 15 years or more);

    3rd degree 3rd class (3.3) - working conditions characterized by such levels of working environment factors, the impact of which leads to the development, as a rule, of occupational diseases of mild and moderate severity (with loss of professional ability to work) during the period of working activity, the growth of chronic (occupationally caused ) pathology;

    4th degree, 3rd class (3.4) - working conditions under which severe forms of occupational diseases can occur (with loss of general ability to work), there is a significant increase in the number of chronic diseases and high levels of morbidity with temporary loss of ability to work.

    Dangerous(extreme) working conditions (class 4) are characterized by levels of working environment factors, the impact of which during a work shift (or part of it) creates a threat to life, a high risk of developing acute occupational injuries, incl. and severe forms.

    Hazardous production factors - such production factors, the impact of which on a worker can lead to injury:

    mechanical impact moving objects, mechanisms or machines, as well as their stationary elements in the workplace. Such items are gear, chain, V-belt drives, crank mechanisms, movable tables, rotating parts, as well as stationary sharp edges of knives, needles, etc.;

    a fall(various objects falling on a person and a person falling as a result of slipping, stumbling, falling from a height or sudden deterioration in health);

    exposure to electric current. The source of damage can be unprotected and uninsulated electrical wires, damaged electric motors, open switches, ungrounded equipment, etc.;

    exposure to aggressive and toxic chemicals. For example, chemical burns from strong acids, caustic alkalis and toxic chemicals (chlorine, ammonia, etc.) when they come into contact with the skin or are inhaled into the lungs;

    thermal effect heated (cooled) equipment elements, processed raw materials and other coolants. Examples of such elements are hot pipelines, boiler covers, vessels, equipment housings, parts of refrigeration units, etc.

    Thus, injury safety is the property of workplaces to meet labor safety requirements that exclude injury to workers under the conditions established by regulatory legal acts.

    The objects of assessment for the injury safety factor in the workplace are:

    production equipment;

    fixtures and tools;

    training and instruction tools.

    A specific feature of construction activities makes certain adjustments to the procedure for assessing the safety of workplace injuries. Since these jobs are located on a facility under construction and move as it is being built, the range of objects to be assessed should be expanded.

    Therefore, when certifying workplaces in construction, it is recommended first of all to assess hazardous production factors (injury safety), expanding the range with the following assessment objects:

    Events on workplace organization, taking into account its location;

    safety of used materials, structures and products;

    name and composition of hazardous production factors by type of construction work.

    Based on the results of certification of workplaces for working conditions in construction organizations, the general classification of harmful and dangerous production factors can be presented in the form of a table.

    Classification of hazardous and harmful production factors in construction

    Dangerous and harmful production factors

    1. Harmful production factors

    1.1. Physical factors

    Aerosols with predominantly fibrogenic action


    General vibration

    Local vibration

    Microclimate parameters

    Electromagnetic radiation

    Ionizing radiation

    Light environment parameters

    Chemical factors

    The severity of the labor process

    The tension of the labor process

    2. Hazardous production factors

    2.1. Probabilistic nature of the occurrence and operation of hazardous areas

    2.1.1. Zones of constantly operating hazardous production factors

    Places near unfenced differences in height of 1.3 m or more

    Moving machines, their working parts, moving objects

    Places near uninsulated live parts of electrical installations

    Collapsed rocks

    Spontaneous collapse of building structures and scaffolding

    Fall of materials and structures

    Overturning of machines and scaffolding equipment

    Sharp corners, edges

    2.1.2. Areas of potentially hazardous production factors

    Areas of territory near a building (structure) under construction

    Floors (tiers) of buildings and structures in one area, above which the installation (dismantling) of structures or equipment takes place

    Areas of movement of machines, equipment or their parts, working parts

    Places over which loads are moved by cranes

    2.2. Work not related to the nature of the work performed

    Work using lifting cranes and other construction machines in security zones of overhead power lines, gas and oil products, warehouses of flammable or combustible liquids, flammable or liquefied gases

    Carrying out any work in wells, pits, confined and hard-to-reach spaces

    Excavation work in areas with pathogenic soil contamination (landfills, cattle burial grounds, etc.), in security zones of underground electrical networks, gas pipelines and other dangerous underground communications

    Carrying out routine repairs, dismantling equipment, as well as carrying out repair or any construction work in the presence of hazardous factors of the operating enterprise

    Carrying out work in areas where there is or may be a danger from adjacent work areas

    Carrying out work in the immediate vicinity of the roadbed or roadway of operating roads and railways (determined taking into account the current regulatory documents on labor safety of the relevant ministries and departments)

    Performing gas hazardous work

    2.3. Work related to the nature of the work performed

    20. Climbing work and work on scaffolds with a movable workplace

    21. Strapping work

    22. Loading and unloading operations using cranes and vehicles

    23. Anti-corrosion works

    24.Work with hot mastic and asbestos, etc.

    25.Painting and puttying works

    26. Work related to the operation of mobile machines and vehicles

    27. Work related to the operation of stationary machines

    28. Electric welding and gas-flame work

    29. Work during dismantling of buildings and structures during their reconstruction or demolition


    31. Drilling operations and construction of artificial foundations

    32. Concrete work

    33.Installation work

    34.Stone work

    35. Finishing work 36. Insulation work

    37. Preparation and assembly of wooden structures

    38. Roofing work

    39. Installation of engineering equipment of buildings and structures

    40. Testing of equipment and pipelines

    41. Electrical installation and adjustment work

    42. Mining excavation work

    There is a certain relationship between dangerous and harmful production factors. At high levels of harmful factors, they can become dangerous. Thus, excessively high concentrations of harmful substances in the air of a working area can lead to severe poisoning or even death. High levels of sound or sound impulse may cause injury to the eardrum.

    In many cases, the presence in the work area harmful production factors contributes to the emergence hazardous production factors. For example, high humidity and temperature, and the presence of conductive dust in the air of the working area (harmful factors) significantly increase the risk of electric shock to a person (dangerous factor).

    Thus, for a number of negative factors, division by dangerous And harmful production factors are to some extent conditional and determined by the predominant nature of their manifestation in production conditions.

    Experience convinces us that any activity, and construction in particular, is potentially dangerous and absolute safety cannot be achieved. This allows us to formulate the central axiom of security - axiom about potential danger.

    Various characteristics are used to quantify hazards. The most common is risk.

    RiskR - quantitative characteristic of a hazard, determined by the frequency of occurrence of hazards: this is the ratio of the number of occurrences of the hazard n to the possible number of occurrences of danger N :

    R= n/N.

    Occupational risk- the likelihood of damage (loss) to the health or death of the insured associated with the performance of his duties under the employment agreement (contract). This definition is given by the Federal Law “On compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases” dated July 24, 1998 No. 125FZ in Art. 3.

    In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employers are assigned a wide range of responsibilities to ensure safe conditions and labor protection for workers who are in labor relations with employers. This necessitates the development and application of modern methods for managing occupational safety and occupational risks in construction, the use of which makes actions purposeful and makes it possible to involve managers and specialists, as well as other employees of the organization, in solving labor safety issues.

    The positive effect of the introduction of occupational safety and health management systems, expressed both in reducing the impact of dangerous, harmful production factors and occupational risks, and in increasing labor productivity, is currently recognized by governments, employers and workers.

    The main direction of state policy in the field of labor protection is to protect the health of workers and ensure labor safety by introducing a system for managing occupational risks at each workplace and involving the main parties of social partnership in the management of these risks: the state, employers and workers.

    The desire for competitive production should motivate employers to provide safe working conditions for workers, reducing as much as possible the level of occupational risks in construction workplaces.

    The basis of the occupational risk management system should be an assessment of working conditions at each workplace with the identification of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors based on the results of certification of workplaces for working conditions, an assessment of the health status of workers employed at these workplaces, on the basis of which measures should be taken to bringing working conditions into compliance with state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

    Thus, an analysis of all hazardous and harmful production factors in construction allows us to conclude that the assessment of occupational risks is based on the results of certification of workplaces according to working conditions as a procedure whose purpose is to identify harmful and hazardous production factors.


    1. Methodological recommendations for assessing the state of labor protection in organizations of the construction complex MDS 122.2000, developed by the Ministry of Construction of Russia (PhD V.A. Alekseev) and the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (Dr. Tech. Science D.V. Koptev and Ph.D. Sciences P.F. Ivashchenko) // “Consultant Plus”: Regional information center. Date of access: 07/26/2010 www.infocom.su.

    2. Methodological documents in construction MDS 1228.2006 “Methodological guidelines for conducting an expert assessment of the safety of non-stationary workplaces at construction sites” // “Consultant Plus”: Regional Information Center. Date of access: 07/26/2010 www.infocom.su.

    3. Report of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation “On the implementation of state policy in the field of labor protection in the Russian Federation in 2008.”

    4. Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Federal Law dated December 30, 2001 No. 197FZ. As amended as of January 1, 2010) // “Consultant Plus”: Regional Information Center. Date of access: 07/26/2010 www.infocom.su.

    5. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2007 No. 569 “The procedure for certification of workplaces according to working conditions // “Consultant Plus”: Regional information center. Date of access: 07/26/2010 www.infocom.su.

    6. Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of working environment factors and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions. Guide 2.2.200605 // “Consultant Plus”: Regional information center. Date of access: 07/26/2010 www.infocom.su.

    7. Devisilov V.A. Occupational Safety and Health. M.: FORUM: INFRAM, 2005. 400 pp.: ill. (Professional education).

    8. Federal Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases” dated July 24, 1998 No. 125FZ // “Consultant Plus”: Regional Information Center. Date of access: 07/26/2010 www.infocom.su.

    9. Methodological documents in construction MDS 1235.2007 “Methodological manual for the development of administrative and regulatory documentation of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System for a construction organization” // “Consultant Plus”: Regional Information Center. Date of access: 07/26/2010 www.infocom.su.

    10. GOST 12.0.230-2007 “SSBT. Occupational safety management system. General requirements" // "Consultant Plus": Regional information center. Date of access: 07/26/2010 www.infocom.su.

    11. GOST 12.0.0072009 “SSBT. Occupational safety management system in the organization. General requirements for development, application, evaluation and improvement" // "Consultant Plus": Regional information center. Date of access: 07/26/2010 www.infocom.su.

    © Kuznetsova N.S., Masyukova L.V., 2010

    In production, in the process of performing duties in accordance with the employment contract and job description, an employee of an enterprise can be influenced by various factors, which are divided into:

    1. Dangerous, which can cause various injuries.
    2. Harmful, capable of triggering the development of certain diseases, depending on the type of effect on the body.

    Classification of harmful production factors

    All industrial hazards are divided into several categories, the basis of classification of which lies in determining their impact on specific organs of the human body, as well as the method of influencing it:

    1. Physical.
    2. Chemical.
    3. Biological.
    4. Psychophysiological.

    1. Physical factors

    Physical hazards can cause damage to the human shell in the form of skin and musculoskeletal elements:

    1. Moving loads may fall onto the surface of any part of the worker’s body.
    2. Moving mechanisms that can cause injury if they fall into the path of movement of their elements.
    3. Moving machines on the territory of the enterprise or outside it.
    4. Production equipment with rotating and moving components, including drive, cutting and transmission mechanisms.
    5. Flying particles of material that is processed during production.
    6. Action of electric current.
    7. Increased or decreased temperature:
      • The premises in which work is carried out.
      • The part being processed.

    2. Chemical factors

    They can be considered both dangerous and harmful.

    Dangerous chemical factors have an immediate effect, usually on the human skin. The damaging elements are acids and alkalis, which belong to the category of aggressive liquids. If they come into contact with skin, they can cause a chemical burn.

    Harmful factors of this group are classified into:

    1. Toxic, having a depressing effect on the entire human body.
    2. Annoying.
    3. Causing allergic diseases.
    4. Carcinogenic, with prolonged exposure, causing cancer of human organs.
    5. Mutagenic, having a gradual effect on the reproductive system, the final impact of which is determined during the reproduction of the human race.

    3. Biological factors

    1. Dangerous.
    2. Harmful.

    To the dangerous These include plants and animals, contact with which causes immediate damage to the human body in the form of injury.

    To the harmful These include microorganisms in the form of bacteria and viruses that can cause various diseases over time.

    3. Labor process factors

    These include:

    1. Nervous and physical overload as a result of overexertion in the process of performing a certain type of activity:
      • hearing organs (typical for blue-collar workers working on mechanical equipment);
      • organs of vision (typical for workers involved in working with personal computers and videographers);
      • Mental (typical for leadership positions).
    2. Physical overload:
      • Static.
      • Dynamic.

    4. Hazardous factors in the working environment

    There is a certain relationship between the two production factors. In most cases, the appearance of some contributes to the manifestation of others. For example, the presence of humidity and dust in a production area can lead to electric shock to a worker.

    In this situation, humidity and dust are harmful, and power lines are a dangerous factor. The consequences of finding a combination of these elements can lead to various consequences - from upper respiratory tract disease to death.

    Main sources of harmful physical factors

    1. The air of the room where the labor activity of the enterprise is carried out in terms of production:
      • With dust content in excess of the norm.
      • Contaminated with various types of gaseous, or in the form of liquid emulsion, harmful substances.
      • With different from the norm, high or low humidity.
      • With increased driving speed.
    2. Reduced or increased, relative to the standard value, the temperature of the working room.
    3. Increased indicators, relative to normal:
      • Noise level.
      • Vibration values.
      • Indicators of static electricity.
      • The brightness of the light and the pulsation of its flow.
      • Barometric pressure.
      • Temperature of the treated surface.
    4. Insufficient indicator values:
      • Lighting and contrast of the working area.
      • Contrast.
      • Barometric pressure, including a sharp change in its value.
    5. Moving machines and equipment mechanisms, including:
      • Elements of a product and its blanks in the process of its creation.
      • Moving parts of mechanical equipment.
    6. network voltage.

    Main sources of chemical factors

    During the production process, as a result of performing certain stages of work, according to technological regulations, chemical compounds may be identified that have a negative impact on the health of workers.

    They can be in different states of aggregation:

    1. Liquid.
    2. Hard.
    3. Gaseous, including dust, vapors and gases.

    1. Classification according to effects on the human body

    In accordance with the level and nature of the impact on the body, all production factors are divided into several classes:

    1. The first class, which includes extremely dangerous substances that have the strongest, possibly even fatal, effect on the body.
    2. The second class includes highly hazardous substances that may not have an immediate effect on the human body, but as it accumulates.
    3. Substances with the third class of harmfulness can provoke minor ailments and diseases associated with it.
    4. Low-hazardous substances of the fourth group have virtually no effect on the health of workers.

    2. Classification by route of entry into the body

    Harmful substances can enter the human body in several ways:

    1. Through food and water. In industrial environments, eating areas should always be located in a separate room. Nutrients have the property of absorbing harmful substances contained in the air of the working area.
    2. Through the skin. In this case, it is necessary to use protective equipment, the meaning of which is to cover their surface with special clothing, shoes, gloves or mittens.
    3. Through the respiratory organs. It is necessary to protect these organs with respirators of the appropriate brand or gas mask.
    4. Through the organs of vision. Protection in the form of glasses or special shields is expected.

    Conditions for the emergence of labor process factors

    Factors of the labor process consist in working conditions associated with the severity and tension of the state of workers during work.

    Working conditions is the totality of all values ​​of indicators relative to regulations in the process of performing labor activities.

    Difficulty of work reflects the production characteristics of working conditions, the impact of harmful factors of which affects the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems of the body.

    Tension labor is characterized by the influence of the work process on the human nervous system, and, as a consequence, on his mental state.

    Difficulty of work

    According to the level of severity, working conditions are divided into:

    1. Light work, which is characterized by normal working conditions with optimal circumstances, according to a specific workplace.
    2. Moderate labor, the specification of which differs from light labor in the direction of worsening working conditions, but is still within acceptable standards.
    3. Hard work, the performance of which exceeds the optimal values.

    Indicators characterizing the severity of working conditions:

    1. The mass of the load that is lifted and moved, and the methods of lifting it are taken into account.
    2. Perform monotonous movements during the work shift in question.
    3. Convenience of the workplace and posture during work, including bending of the body.
    4. In some cases, the number of kilometers traveled by the employee is taken into account.


    Tension is common among workers who earn their living through mental work. The degree of tension usually depends on the type of responsibility of the work and the timing of its delivery.

    Conditions for the occurrence of biological harmful factors

    Biological harmful factors include a variety of microorganisms that contribute to the development of various diseases. For these diseases to occur, microorganisms need to create conditions for them to multiply and damage healthy cells of the body. The reason for the rapid proliferation of harmful living cells is the employee’s reduced immunity.

    Sources of hazardous factors in the working environment:

    1. Natural, characterized by natural phenomena.
    2. Man-made, caused by technology.
    3. Harmful emissions released during the production process.

    Working conditions standards

    Depending on the value of the indicators, their values ​​are divided into several categories:

    1. Optimal conditions, characterized by indicators of harmful substances, strictly in accordance with standard values, in certain elements of production.
    2. Under acceptable conditions, the indicators are also not exceeded, however, the influence of fatigue and overstrain of the body is observed, which disappear over time, after the employee is given rest.
    3. In the case of harmful conditions, all indicators are exceeded, which can lead to changes in the employee’s body, which can lead to disruption of his work capacity.
    4. Dangerous conditions, when regularly worked in them, can lead to the development of occupational diseases and even death.

    Factors determining occupational safety

    There are several diverse measures, the implementation of which will ensure safe working conditions.

    1. Organizational, consisting in carrying out rational document flow in the area of ​​labor protection issues. It often happens that the head of an enterprise is not able to cover all areas of his control. Therefore, for high-quality and timely work to ensure the safe life of workers, the director can hire a specialist, and also distribute responsibilities between the heads of the department.
    2. Design activities include:
      • In the correct design of buildings and structures of the enterprise.
      • In the competent conduct of design work regarding the processed raw materials and the finished product or product.
    3. Technological, the meaning of which is the rational preparation and fulfillment of the requirements of the main production document of the enterprise - technological regulations.
    4. Operational imply correct operation, in accordance with the instructions:
      • mechanisms,
      • Equipment,
      • Vehicle.
    5. The essence of sanitary and hygienic measures is to provide workers with:
      • Personal protective equipment, devices, shoes and workwear.
      • A room for heating and eating food.
      • A toilet and, if necessary, a shower.
    6. Psychophysiological factors include conducting:
      • Timely technological breaks.
      • Lunch breaks.
      • Regular production charging.

    Monitoring the level of harmful production factors in the workplace

    Control is carried out by the sanitary-epidemiological station and consists of annual sampling of the air in the work area with measurements of temperature, air humidity, noise level, vibration, and light flux.

    In an enterprise, control is assigned to a person who, by order, is responsible for the safety of the enterprise.

    1. Normalization of working conditions

    To create optimal, harmless conditions for workers, the following measures must be taken:

    1. Provide detergents and cleaning products to comply with hygiene requirements.
    2. Purchase and issue, with an appropriate entry in the journal, personal protective equipment, safety footwear and workwear.
    3. Regularly conduct specialized training for employees, followed by monitoring their knowledge.

    2. Protection by distance

    This method is usually used for protection against radioactive radiation. It is difficult to protect against such a harmful effect on the human body using available means, and therefore, in this situation, it would be rational to simply be located away from the source of ionizing radiation.

    3. Time protection

    In some situations, it is not possible to reduce the impact of harmful substances on the body of workers. To preserve their health, a method called “time protection” is used.

    Its meaning is to limit a person’s exposure to harmful working conditions, and can manifest itself in:

    1. Alternate performance of certain duties.
    2. In a shortened working day or week.

    4. Adaptation of workers to increased risk

    To comply with legal requirements in the field of performing high-risk work, the management of the enterprise must:

    1. Identify high-risk jobs, after which workers must be checked to ensure their health status meets the required standards.
    2. Conduct training for workers involved in this type of work in specialized organizations that have the appropriate license, as well as conduct regular briefings in this area by a labor protection specialist.
    3. Provide workers with overalls, footwear and special personal protective equipment in accordance with regulatory documentation developed individually for a specific enterprise on the basis of a general legislative document.

    Responsibility for violation of non-compliance with labor protection at work

    Employers do not always comply with all the requirements of the country’s legislation regarding safe working conditions for employees in terms of preserving their health and life. Such violations can be detected in the following cases:

    1. Conducting an inspection by an inspector.
    2. Industrial accident.

    1. Responsibility for officials

    1. Administrative.
    2. Criminal.

    The severity of any liability depends on:

    1. The position of a managerial employee.
    2. The presence of an order from the head of the enterprise to fulfill a specific obligation.
    3. Job descriptions, which spell out specific responsibilities in accordance with the implementation of safety requirements and monitoring of workers in this area.

    Administrative liability occurs in case of minor violations of labor protection, in terms of failure to fulfill any assigned job duties. Typically, such violations are identified during routine inspections.

    Criminal liability occurs in the event of gross violations of safety rules resulting in the death of one or a group of workers.

    2. Liability for legal entities

    The head of the enterprise initially, when heading it, takes full responsibility regarding all areas of its activity. to myself. To better control all areas of the company’s life, he distributes all his concerns to specialists in the form of orders. If a situation occurs at the enterprise that entails any liability, it will be borne by the person responsible for this area of ​​the enterprise by order.

    3. Responsibility for entrepreneurs

    Entrepreneurs, when using hired labor, according to the law, are personally responsible for the state of labor protection in their industry in terms of the safety of workers when performing work duties. Their responsibility in this situation is similar to the head of a company that has the status of a legal entity.