Program "1C: Trade and Warehouse" - training and opportunities. Program "1C: Trade and Warehouse" - training and opportunities 1c enterprise 8 trade management

"1C: Trade Management 8" is a modern tool for increasing the business efficiency of a trading enterprise.

"1C: Trade Management 8" allows you to comprehensively automate the tasks of operational and management accounting, analysis and planning of trade operations, thereby ensuring the effective management of a modern trading enterprise.

The subject area automated using "1C: Trade Management 8" can be represented in the form of the following diagram.

"1C: Trade Management 8" automates the following areas of business activity:

  • control and analysis of target performance indicators of the enterprise.

The program can register both already completed and planned business transactions. "1C: Trade Management 8" automates the preparation of almost all primary trade and warehouse accounting documents, as well as cash flow documents.

"1C: Trade Management 8" is designed for any type of trading operations. Accounting functions have been implemented - from maintaining directories and entering primary documents to receiving various analytical reports.

The solution allows you to maintain management accounting for the trading enterprise as a whole. For an enterprise with a holding structure, documents can be drawn up on behalf of several organizations included in the holding.

The application solution supports the following taxation systems:

  • The general taxation system is OSNO (registration of entrepreneurs operating under an individual scheme (IP) is not supported).
  • Simplified taxation system - simplified taxation system.
  • Single tax on imputed income - UTII.

The functionality of the solution can be flexibly adapted by enabling/disabling various functional options. For example, in this way the program can be significantly simplified for a small organization by disabling many features necessary only for large companies (the disabled functionality is hidden from the interface and does not interfere with the work of users). The following will be a description of the functionality of the solution including all options.

"1C: Trade Management 8" provides automatic selection of data necessary for accounting and transfer of this data to .

Using the Trade Management program together with other programs allows you to comprehensively automate wholesale and retail enterprises. The Trade Management program can be used as a management system for the solution.

Alexey Anatolyevich Gladky

1C: Trade management 8.2. User guide

The information contained in this book has been obtained from sources considered reliable by the publisher. However, taking into account possible human or technical errors, the publisher cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy and completeness of the information provided and is not responsible for possible errors associated with the use of the book.


Modern trading enterprises offer their customers a wide range of goods, which amounts to thousands and tens of thousands of items. Moreover, many items can be sold on different conditions: prepayment, deferred payment, discount, markup, batch size, etc. Clients are often divided into categories - VIP client, regular client, regular client, small wholesale client, etc. Product items can be completed and disassembled, many goods are subject to mandatory certification and hygienic studies, substandard items must be written off, inventory must be periodically carried out in warehouses, each company must have its own marketing policy, etc. - in a word, a modern trading enterprise is a living organism , in constant motion.

Applications of the 1C family are confident leaders in the software market designed to automate accounting and management in a commercial enterprise. In recent years, solutions implemented on the new generation technology platform – “1C 8”, the latest version of which is “1C 8.2”, have been rapidly gaining popularity. From a conceptual point of view, continuity with previous versions was preserved, however, many mechanisms were radically redesigned, which had a positive impact not only on the functionality, but also on the performance of standard solutions.

In this book you will get acquainted with the most popular product designed to automate the activities of a trading enterprise - “1C: Trade Management”, which is implemented on the latest technology platform version 8.2.

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Setting up the program interface

Desktop Customization

Setting up the section panel

Customizing the Navigation Bar

Customizing the Action Bar

Setting up forms and dialogs

Setting up list printing

If you have previously worked in previous versions of 1C: Trade Management 8.2, then immediately pay attention to the changed interface and tools of the program. The usual main menu, which was previously located at the top of the program window, is now missing, or rather, it has been radically redesigned. The selection of most operating modes is now carried out using the corresponding links rather than the main menu commands.

Features of the program interface compared to previous versions

The working interface of the application solution, which is displayed on the screen after starting the program, is shown in Fig. 1.1.

Rice. 1.1. Main window of the application solution

At the top of the window there is a panel that includes links to the following sections of the program: Desktop, Marketing, Wholesale sales, Retail sales, Inventory and purchases, Finance (this section is open in Fig. 1.1), Regulatory and reference information, Organizer and Administration. The first thing the user must do after starting the program is to select the section in which he plans to work. While working, the user can freely move from one section to another depending on what he intends to do.

I will briefly describe all sections of the program “1C: Trade Management 8.2”.

♦ Desk. In this section you can create a list of the most relevant tasks, documents and other objects. In other words, everything that requires a priority response is displayed on the Desktop. This section is not mandatory for use, but increases the convenience and comfort of work.

♦ Marketing. In this section, the marketing policy of a trading enterprise is formed: types of prices and price groups are formed, standard agreements with clients are set up, conditions for providing discounts and markups are determined, marketing activities are planned and carried out, etc. The data in the Marketing section can subsequently be used in other sections of the program.

♦ Wholesale sales. In this section, the organization and accounting of wholesale sales of the enterprise is carried out. In particular, transactions are processed here, customer orders are processed, shipping documents are issued, invoices for payment and documents for the return of goods from customers are issued, work is carried out with sales representatives, etc.

♦ Retail sales. This section applies to businesses engaged in retail trade. Here checks are written, a list of retail outlets is compiled, and documentation of retail sales is maintained. In this case, you can use external equipment (fiscal registrars, acquiring terminals, barcode scanners, etc.), which must first be connected and configured in the Administration section.

♦ Inventory and purchasing. This section keeps records of the enterprise's wholesale purchases, as well as warehouse records. Here, prices of partners are registered, orders are placed with suppliers, shipping documents are registered for the receipt of valuables and for the return of goods to suppliers, warehouse documentation is maintained, documents for the internal movement of goods are drawn up, and a number of other actions are performed to manage inventories and purchases of a trading enterprise.

♦ Finance. The name of the section speaks for itself: it is intended for accounting for funds, as well as calculating the financial result of the enterprise. In this section, all documentation for accounting for funds is maintained (cash orders, payment orders, cash book, advance reports, etc.), items of income and expenses are formed, applications for spending and orders for the movement of funds are drawn up, debt is calculated and adjusted, a payment calendar is generated, the distribution of revenue and cost of sales by business area is configured, etc.

♦ Regulatory and reference information. In this section, you enter regulatory and reference information that is necessary to use the program. In particular, this is where most directories and classifiers are filled in. In the 1C program, the directory is a repository of basic, basic information, without which it is impossible to operate the program. For example, to generate a document for the receipt of inventory items, you need to indicate in it the supplier from whom the items were received, create a list of these items, indicate the warehouse to which they will be posted, etc. All this information is taken from the relevant directories, where they should be entered in advance. I note that you can add items to directories as you use the program (for example, directly when entering documents), but it is much more convenient to enter the required minimum information in advance, so as not to be distracted by it later.

♦ Organizer. The 1C: Trade Management 8.2 program has a built-in organizer that allows you to organize work and rationally use working time. In this section, you can set up email accounts, create lists of tasks and performers, schedule meetings, interactions and other events.

♦ Administration. This section contains all the basic settings for setting up the program, and many actions for its administration are immediately performed. Here, lists of infobase users are formed, their access rights are configured, a log of system events is kept, accounting parameters are configured, etc.

As noted earlier, a section is selected by clicking on the corresponding section panel link.

Each section has its own navigation bar and action bar. Using the navigation panel, you select the required operating modes and activate the corresponding program functions, and the action panel is intended mainly for generating reports and switching to some service functions of the program. The navigation bar is located on the left side of the section, and the action bar is located at the top, just below the navigation bar links. In Fig. Figure 1.2 shows all the program interface panels (in this case, the Retail Sales section is open).

Version 1C Trade Management 11.3 has a number of useful features that distinguish it from the previous edition 10.3. In this article we will look at the main additions, discuss their pros and cons, and also recall the basic key capabilities and functions that form the core of this information system.

Main features of 1C Trade Management 11

1 C Trade Management 11 is a comprehensive system that allows you to automate the accounting of business transactions, plan activities and analyze the effectiveness of business processes of a trading company. This edition is a development of the previous edition 10.3 and supports all previously implemented functions, namely:

  • Automation of sales and procurement accounting;
  • Pricing system management;
  • Automation of accounting of warehouse operations and balances;
  • CRM support;
  • Automation of accounting for cash flows (including planned ones) and costs;
  • Carrying out performance analysis using a reporting system;
  • Sales and purchasing planning;
  • Setting up an individual interface, integration with other 1C systems, etc.

More details about the standard functionality of 1C: Trade Management 11, which was inherited from the previous edition, can be found in the article “1C Trade Management 10.3 Review, description, capabilities.”

Features of 1C Trade Management. Difference between editions

As can be seen from the brief overview of the main functions and capabilities of 1C UT 11.3, which was given above, this edition retains all the standard functionality that allows you to automate the accounting of operations of an enterprise conducting commercial activities. However, compared to the previous edition, the newest version has undergone a number of improvements. The most significant of them include the following features:

For the first time in 1 C Trade Management 11, the user interface was radically revised. The product began to look more modern, but this is not the main difference. If previously the functionality in the user interface was distributed by type of operation (Directories, Documents, Reports, etc.), then in this version the grouping is done by type of business process (Sales, Purchasing, CRM and Marketing, etc.). On the one hand, forming an interface based on the content of business processes seems more logical. On the other hand, users are so accustomed to the previous way of working with the program, which was preserved from edition to edition, that such significant changes can cause difficulties in their work, which calls into question the feasibility of updating the software.

Development of the financial block

The capabilities of 1C Trade Management 11 allow you to automate even more financial transactions, for example, automatically calculate debt or deferred payment, group data by dates of overdue or scheduled payments. Additionally, the functionality of internal mutual settlements between firms of the same enterprise (“intercompany”) has been implemented.

The Payment Calendar has been significantly improved: if in the previous version 10.3 it was more of a regular report, now it is truly a full-fledged workplace with additional parameters and several modes of operation: it is possible to display requests for spending funds and the payment calendar itself in various combinations of the user’s choosing .

In addition, methods for calculating actual costs have been improved: instead of the moving average and batch accounting calculations used in edition 10.3, more accurate approaches in accordance with Russian standards are now considered - monthly average, FIFO (weighted average estimate), FIFO (rolling estimate). In addition, it became possible to calculate the preliminary cost using the weighted average method. Additionally, a tool has appeared for distributing costs across various areas of the company’s activities, which allows you to separately analyze the effectiveness of each area.

Separately, we note the presence of an automated cash book: the accountant needs to enter the data of primary documents into 1C, as a result of which the cash book for the day will be generated automatically in the form of a report. The default period for generating the cash book is day.

It should be noted that in 1C Trade Management 11 all reports are written in ACS, so the process of setting them up is somewhat different from previous releases, but has more advantages.

For example, for each report you can save the most convenient and frequently used settings as a report variant. In addition, the developers offer several of the most typical options for each report, which can be used in ready-made form.

The report settings editing interface provides more options for selecting, sorting and grouping results. In the “Simple” operating mode, all settings are divided into three groups:

  • Selections;
  • Fields and sorting;
  • Structure.

The selections display only those parameters whose values ​​can act as conditions for preparing a report, which significantly saves the user’s time, since he does not need to scroll through a long list of all possible options, as in the previous edition 10.3.

In addition, the ability to organize data according to a certain principle, which in version 10.3 was not obvious and is located in the advanced report settings, in version 11 is available in the simple settings mode on the “Fields and Sorting” tab.

In addition to the above, we can add that there are more options for report structure: now analytics can be divided into logical blocks by creating a special data display scheme on the “Structure” tab.

Very often, the user needs to print several documents that meet a certain criterion (for example, sales documents for a specific counterparty, PKO or cash settlement for a certain period, etc.). In the new release, there is a mechanism for group printing of documents for this purpose. The user can choose one of the methods for selecting documents:

  • In manual mode, specify the documents of interest in the list (using the Shift or Ctrl buttons);
  • Using the “More” menu button, set selection parameters by counterparty, organization, etc. in a special window.

Improved system of discounts and bonuses

1C: Trade Management 11 has special services to create a more flexible and effective system of discounts and bonuses for customers. For example, this edition provides a function for automating the use of fixed discounts for counterparties, setting certain payment terms, and accounting for cumulative discounts and bonuses. In addition, you can now use formulas to set prices. Thus, the new edition contains all the necessary tools for implementing an individual pricing system for each client.

Tools for multifactor analysis of completed transactions have been added in order to predict the further development of work with the client. The principles of segmenting the client base by responsible managers and areas of activity have been revised, and new client characteristics have been added. The procedure for operational processing of information about counterparties has been changed: now it is structured depending on the nature of the business processes in which the partner participates.

Applications for mobile devices

Version 1C Trade Management 11 includes its own applications for mobile devices, which can be used by remote employees (sales representatives, supervisors) to quickly submit an order to the central office, obtain information about balances, etc. In addition, it is now possible to set tasks, analyze and monitor the activities of remote employees online. Previously, companies were forced to additionally purchase similar software solutions from third-party developers and integrate them with 1C.

More options for customizing custom user interfaces

Depending on the user’s role in the system and the functions he performs, the administrator can configure access rights and the system interface for the employee so that unused services are not displayed in his work area. This makes the user's work easier by saving time searching for the necessary commands and increases the efficiency of the system as a whole, since it eliminates the accidental or erroneous launch of unnecessary processes.

Removing control of an operation before it is carried out

In 1C: Trade Management 11, checking the correctness of a transaction before it is carried out has been cancelled. In version 10.3, posting a document was possible only after analyzing its correctness, and if errors were detected, the system prohibited the posting operation. In 1C UT 11.3, the process of analyzing the correctness of a document and the function of its implementation are performed in parallel, independently of each other, which significantly reduces the number of errors.

“The fly in the ointment” is the absence of familiar and useful “tricks” that made the user’s work easier

The new edition of the program is deprived of some tools that, although seemingly insignificant, were very useful in work:

  • There is no search for a document in the list by column by part of a word (now only a general search in the table or an advanced search using several parameters);
  • The user settings for filling in the default document parameters are missing (statistics data for a specific user is substituted);
  • There is no possibility to adjust the fields of a directory item the first time you access it (now you need to additionally click the “Change” button);
  • Non-cash funds are not credited to the account according to the document “Receipt of non-cash funds” (an additional document “Current Account Statement” is required).

Fundamental differences in the logic of building the system (applies to developers)

In edition 11, not only the appearance of the program was revised, but also its internal content, so working with the product requires changes in the approach of programmers. Let us note the operations in which the main differences are observed:

  • The procedure for recording documents in transactions (the principle of generating incoming orders and the sequence of operations for their adjustment have been changed);
  • Warehouse and batch accounting (difference in settings and functionality);
  • Transition to managed forms (compared to unmanaged forms, making changes to the program is much more difficult and requires new competencies of developers).

To update or not to update

So, we are convinced that Trade Management 11 is a much more flexible, functional and multi-tasking tool for managing the activities of a commercial organization compared to the previous release 10.3. However, before upgrading the software, in addition to assessing the financial costs, it is necessary to weigh intangible factors.

For example, if a company works with a product without significant modifications to its standard modification, then the update can be almost painless with the right approach to personnel training.

However, if a sufficiently large number of additional modules, processing and other code improvements were required, then transferring them to the updated program, due to the nuances described above, will be very difficult and may lead to the need to carry out all the improvements from scratch.

Thus, the decision about whether to switch to a new version of the accounting system is individual for each company.

Name: 1C Enterprise

Platform: PC

Developer: 1C

Interface language: Russian


1C Enterprise is the most widespread, accessible and universal program for automating and simplifying functional responsibilities for you and your employees. Warehousing, trade and accounting, planning and sales management - a list of capabilities and areas of application of the program 1C Enterprise 8.2 download free we can continue ad infinitum. Its convenient and simple interface can be easily mastered even by those entrepreneurs who have never had to deal with electronic accounting and planning utilities before.

Features of 1C Enterprise 8.2 free download

The program provides the ability to integrate applications with third-party software, as well as create autonomous web services. At the same time, each user is assigned an individual system of rights and access restrictions, which makes the program even more universal and convenient for an enterprise with any number of employees.

The UNICODE system is used to encrypt texts and the database, which allows you to use the program in different languages, for example, for foreign-language employees of your company.

How can I install the new version of 1C Enterprise 8.2 for free?

  • Click 1C Enterprise 8.2 download for free.
  • Select bit depth (x64 or x32).
  • Run the installation file.
  • Install the program.
  • The program "1C Enterprise 8.2" is ready for use!

Recently, the 1C developer made updates to the program configuration: trade management, manufacturing enterprise management, basic enterprise accounting, enterprise accounting, payroll and personnel management, money. So today you have a unique opportunity to increase your income and introduce new productive methods of solving problems, 1C Trade 8.2 download for free!

1C Trade 8.2 download free

By installing the new functional version of this application, you will save time and money by transferring some of your functional responsibilities to a reliable and accurate electronic utility. This is what the developers proposed in the updated version of 1C Trade and Warehouse:

  • New opportunities in sales management, in particular, control of shipment and payment schedules, requests from customers, analysis of overdue debts.
  • Pricing management: creation and control of volume, sales conditions, carrying out marketing promotions and bonus programs, setting prices and discounts.
  • Sales agent management: client rotation and performance monitoring.
  • Reporting management: automatic deduction of loan amounts, as well as tax obligations, taking into account income and expenses for VAT and single tax payers.
  • Formation of orders, creation of a payment and receipt schedule.
  • Cash and inventory management, balance planning and cash control.

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    Organization of the work process is one of the main tasks of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. To automate the work, it is recommended to install 1C Enterprise 8: Trade and Warehouse. Thanks to such a program, all documents will be interconnected. Thus, it is possible to link invoices for receiving cargo with administrative documents. As a result, all data will be displayed in the statement.

    Application 1c enterprise 8 will minimize all errors that occur in operation. It should be noted that with the release of a new version, useful innovations are added to the program. Users can completely customize the application to suit their needs. To do this, just enable or disable the options. It is recommended to get rid of functionality intended for large organizations. After removing unnecessary components, the 1C Enterprise 8 interface will become more intuitive, since there will be no unnecessary functions.

    System requirements 1C: Enterprise

    • Processor clock frequency – 2.4 GHz;
    • RAM – 1 Gb;
    • HDD – 40 Gb;
    • Operating system – Windows XP and higher (including server OS);
    • Architectural bit depth – x86-64 (AMD64 or EM64T support is required).

    In addition to the basic requirements, for 1c trade and warehouse to work correctly, you must have an SVGA video card and a USB port. As for the database server requirements, they correspond to the characteristics of Oracle Database, PostgreSQL, SQL Server or IBM DB2.

    Key Features

    • Support for components from earlier versions;
    • Possibility of transferring documents to 1C accounting;
    • Work of several users in one database;
    • Ability to work with standard and non-standard configurations;
    • Individual user account setup;
    • Customer relationship management;
    • Planning of purchase and sale;
    • Keeping records for 2 or more legal entities. persons;
    • Update via the Internet.


    If we compare 1C trade and warehouse with products such as S-Market or BEST, we can highlight a number of advantages. First of all, it should be noted the flexibility of the program. Unlike competitors, 1c is open, that is, programmers can easily add missing components or change existing ones.

    The 1c: TiS program allows you to closely interact with the accounting department. As for analogues, things are much more complicated there. For accounting to work correctly, you need to download all the necessary modules.

    Another advantage can be considered the analysis of demand for goods. Of course, competitors also implement a similar function, but you will have to work hard to ensure that it displays information correctly. In Trade and Warehouse everything is clear, and most importantly, the information is true.

    The software for warehouse and trade allows you to customize pricing. It doesn't matter how many price types there are. It is also worth considering that purchase data is saved, and on its basis the retail price is formed.

    It is important to consider that anyone can download 1C Enterprise, but it is better to download the latest version of the product for free. The only thing worth remembering is that for full-fledged operation you will still have to purchase a license.


    Unfortunately, the warehouse program has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The main disadvantage can be considered the high cost of the license. Please note that to work in the network version, you will have to pay for each workplace. Do not forget that the development of the eight will cost more.

    In an organization that uses less than 10 computers, 1C version 8 will work slower than TiS v.7.7. Don't forget about support, which is not provided for outdated versions.

    Downloading 1c: trade and warehouse is not difficult, but only qualified personnel can work with the program. Therefore, you will have to spend money on employee training.

    How to download the program

    Before proceeding to download the program, you must purchase a license for 1c. This can be done on any website that distributes and maintains TS. It is recommended to choose a company located in your region.

    The 1C: Warehouse program is easy to find, but you can only download the training version for free. It is also possible to get a thin client for free. To do this, it is recommended to visit the website “”. As soon as the page loads, you should hover your mouse over the “1C” tab. In the menu that opens, you need to left-click on “1C: Enterprise 8. Thin Client”.

    In the window that opens, you should select the product you are interested in. Any version presented can be used for warehouse accounting. It should be noted that on the same site you can buy a full-fledged product.

    To download the selected version, click on the “Get the product for free” link. It is important to note that only one license will be obtained.

    The final step will be filling out the questionnaire. After this, a download link will appear.


    A user who downloads a free product should consider purchasing a license. Thus, it will be possible to receive not only a full-fledged program, but also its support. If you are just starting to learn 1C, then it is recommended to download the training version.

    Video review of 1C: Trade and Warehouse