Conditions for the successful organization of reflective activity in the classroom in elementary school. Formation of reflective skills of students in the learning process in primary school Formation of reflective skills of schoolchildren in the learning process

""Formation of general educational universal actions of junior schoolchildren through various types of reflective activities" The more..."

“Formation of general educational universal actions of junior schoolchildren

through various types of reflective activities"

The more a person knows about what has already been done,

the more he can understand

B. Disraeli.

Today, in order to be successful, a child, in addition to a certain amount of knowledge,

skills, must master the ability to plan independently,

analyze, control your activities, independently set goals

present new learning tasks and solve them. The school should equip him with universal methods of action that allow him to engage in self-education throughout his life.

Therefore, a distinctive feature of the federal state educational standards for primary general education of the second generation is the formation of universal educational activities that provide primary schoolchildren with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement.

What are universal learning activities? In a broad sense, the term “universal educational actions” means the ability to learn, that is, the subject’s ability to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower (actually psychological) meaning, this term can be defined as a set of methods of action for a student that ensures the independent acquisition of new knowledge and the formation of skills, including the organization of this process. The ability to learn is ensured by the fact that universal learning activities, as generalized actions, provide students with the opportunity for broad orientation both in various subject areas and in the structure of the learning activity itself.

The formation of UUD is a purposeful, systematic process that is implemented through all subject areas and extracurricular activities. The standard is based on a system-activity approach. It is known that the formation of any skills is possible only through activity. When organizing the activities of 1st grade students, the leading principle is psychological comfort, since motivation for educational activities can be achieved only if it is accompanied by favorable emotional accompaniment.

For students in grades 2-4, the principle of activity becomes the leading one, because

Motivation for educational activities at this time has already, basically, been formed, and the formation of the ability to learn acquires priority for achieving the educational goals set at this stage.

The second generation standards contain the following UUDs: personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative. I will focus on cognitive educational activities, which include general educational universal actions.

It is important to note such a general educational universal educational action as reflection.

What is reflection? Reflection is a person’s reflection aimed at analyzing himself (self-analysis) - his own states, his actions and past events. At the same time, the depth of reflection depends on the degree of education of a person, the development of moral sense and the level of self-control.

Reflection, in a simplified definition, is “talking to oneself.” In modern pedagogy, reflection is understood as self-analysis of activities and their results. Reflection helps students formulate the results obtained, redefine the goals of further work, and adjust their educational path. The meaning of the reflection method is to create conditions for awareness of one’s “I”.

The problem that one has to face when introducing elements of reflection into the educational process is that students often do not feel the need to understand their development, do not discover the causes of their problems or results, and find it difficult to say what exactly is happening in their activities.

Therefore, it is necessary to start teaching reflection from early school age, because This is a period of the child’s awareness of himself and his actions. This is the most favorable period for forming the foundations of adequate self-esteem for any child’s activities, including academic ones.

It is reflection that helps the student develop the desire and ability to learn, and detect ignorance in his knowledge. Reflection is a unique indicator of the student’s activity as a subject of educational activity. Reflection and the ability to learn, formed in primary school, are the basis for the formation of the student’s zone of proximal self-development in adolescence and early adolescence.

In elementary school, the following reflexive skills are formed:

perceive yourself adequately;

set the goal of the activity;

determine performance results;

correlate results with the purpose of the activity;

identify errors in your own behavior;

describe the situation you have experienced.

The pedagogical task of developing reflexive skills is to organize conditions that provoke children's action. The teacher must create situations in which each student must be included in the collective reflection conducted by the teacher, as well as independent reflection by each student.

For maximum effectiveness, reflection is carried out not only at the end of the lesson, but also at any stage.

Teaching reflection can be divided into the following stages:

Stage 1 - analysis of your mood, analysis of your successes Stage 2 - analysis of the work of classmates Stage 3 - analysis of the work of the group, both your own and others.

There is the following classification of reflection:

By form of activity: individual, group, collective.

By methods of conducting: questionnaire, survey, drawing, etc.

By function: physical, sensory, intellectual.

Based on the functions of reflection, the following classification is proposed:

1) reflection of mood and emotional state,

2) reflection on the content of educational material,

3) reflection on the content of the activity,

4) reflection on the results of educational activities.

As an example, I will give several techniques for organizing reflection in the classroom.

Reflection of emotional state and mood. These techniques perform the function of psychological attunement to the lesson and psychological completeness. Reflection contributes to the formation of a favorable microclimate in the classroom. The student tunes in to the lesson and shows interest in the next stages of the lesson. Here the health-saving function of reflection is implemented.

Techniques: “Smileys” (students draw “smileys” that correspond to their mood or choose from the available ones), “Mood Flower” (choose a mood by color), “Fairytale Tree (Meadow)” (multi-colored butterflies, flowers, birds are attached to a common tree (clearing), we agree with the children about the meaning of the colors or sizes of these objects), “Sun-cloud” (the teacher has a cloud and a sun in his hands, he invites the children to compare their mood with a cloud or the sun), “Emotional-artistic design” (I offer students two paintings depicting a landscape, one painting is imbued with a sad, melancholy mood, the other with a joyful, cheerful mood, students choose the painting that matches their mood), “Complete the sentence” (there is already a verbal description here), etc. This is the most Methods of reflection that are easy and understandable for children; they can be used at the earliest stages of learning, both at the beginning and at the end of the lesson. They are universal for all academic subjects.

Techniques: “Train” (on the desk in front of each child there are two tokens: one with a smiling face, the other with a sad one, on the board there is a train with carriages on which the stages of the lesson are indicated, I invite the children to put the “cheerful face” in the carriage that indicates for the task that was interesting to complete, but the “sad face” is not an interesting task), “Magic bag”, “Basket of ideas” (I show the children the bag and suggest: “Let’s collect in this magic bag all the most interesting things that were on today's lesson"), "Tree of Success", (children choose a piece of paper depending on the correctness of the completed task) "Rulers" (I really like the assessment technology "Rulers", which is described in the psychological literature and which is used by many teachers, each student is given a piece of paper with vertically arranged rulers, each ruler is titled, it is not difficult to understand how these rulers are arranged: at the top is a high degree of a certain quality, at the bottom is the lowest, and you need to put a cross at the height at which you evaluate this quality in yourself, in the titles of the rulers you can use the names of skills , which were mastered in lessons on the topic), “Questionnaire” (from the proposed options, the student chooses one, can be used frontally orally or individually in writing), “Compliment”

(discussing the results of their observations at the end of the lesson, students evaluate each other’s contribution to the lesson and thank each other), etc. Having learned to evaluate their emotional state and the content of the material being studied, it is much easier for the child to move on to evaluating the content of his activity.

Reflection of activity. The use of this type of reflection makes it possible to evaluate the activity of each student at different stages of the lesson. The student not only understands the content of the material, but also comprehends the methods and techniques of his work. Since reflection can be individual, collective or group, students demonstrate the ability to work in different modes.

At this stage, we begin the formation of reflexive skills with easier techniques - “Ladder of Success” (bottom step - nothing worked for me;

middle step - I had problems; the top step - I succeeded), “Plus - minus - interesting” (in the “+” column all the facts that caused positive emotions are written down; in the “–” column students write down everything that is missing or remains incomprehensible; in the “interesting” column ” students write down everything they would like to know more about, what interests them), “Pantomime”

(students must pantomime to show the results of their work), “Reflective screen” (at the end of the lesson, everyone evaluates their contribution to achieving the goals set at the beginning of the lesson, their activity, the effectiveness of the class, the fascination and usefulness of the chosen forms of work, the children in a circle speak in one sentence , selecting the beginning of a phrase from the reflective screen on the board) – and move on to more complex techniques: “Argument”, “Point of View”, “Cinquain”, “Conversation on Paper”, “Activity Map”, etc.

Reflection as a way of feedback. The ability to evaluate the results of educational activities and determine how much they depend on its content allows you to teach a student to plan his future activities, build a self-development program and becomes the key to success at subsequent stages of education. The following methods of reflecting the results of educational activities, or assessing personal educational achievements, are known: “Evaluation ladder” (children are offered a ladder, a scale on which they must place the sun on the step on which you would place yourself when completing tasks), “Goal tree” ( each student attaches a green piece of paper to the tree, on one side they write their personal goal - so that they want to learn, understand, at the end of the topic, each student writes on their piece of paper whether they have achieved the goal partially or completely), “HIMS” (this technique allows you to receive feedback from students from the last lesson on the following questions: Good, Interesting, Interfering, I’ll take it with me), “List of achievements” (the list of individual achievements includes the skills and abilities being developed in a certain subject or topic over a certain period of time), “ Sinkwine" (this is a method of creative reflection that allows you to evaluate the studied concept, process or phenomenon in an artistic form; this is a poem of 5 lines, which is built according to certain rules; already in the 3rd grade, children successfully cope with this task), as well as a "Mini Essay ”, various types of Portfolio, “Letter to yourself”, etc. These techniques stimulate the verbal and mental activity of students and most fully contribute to the implementation of the developmental learning goal.

For a teacher, student reflection is an aid in setting goals and planning the next lesson.

Thanks to reflection, a significant educational effect is achieved: conditions are created for internal motivation for activity, to bring the content of learning closer to the child; efficiency in students' mastery of necessary learning activities increases; Students learn appropriate thinking procedures, which is very important for later success in adulthood.

Using different reflection techniques each time, I trace how the student’s emotional state changes during the lesson. This is valuable information for reflection and adjustment of your activities.

I think that systematic work on the formation of reflection not only helps to “grow” independence in a child, but also helps to preserve his psychological health. Children are not afraid to express their opinion, even if it later turns out to be wrong. Reflective skills help students understand their uniqueness, individuality, and purpose. Any person is happy to do what he is good at. But any activity begins with overcoming difficulties. For reflective people, the path from the first difficulties to the first successes is much shorter.

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"Effective techniques
reflective activity
junior schoolchildren"

Developed by: Sirazetdinova L.Z.,
primary school teacher
MBOU secondary school No. 3 village. Serafimovsky
municipal district Tuymazinsky district
Republic of Bashkortostan


Effective techniques for reflective activity
junior schoolchildren

Modernization of education is a formulated social order for education. The country needs an education that would provide Russia with forward movement, economic and social development. This means that a person who has passed through educational institutions should become a source, the main resource for the country’s development. A person is considered as a subject of social development, an integral personality. The priority goal of the modern educational concept has become the development of an individual ready for self-education, self-education and self-development. In this regard, one of the tasks of primary school is to develop in the child the ability to reflexively control his activities as a source of motive and ability to learn, cognitive interests and readiness for learning at the basic level.
In the 2nd generation Federal State Educational Standard, special attention is paid to the following points.
1st level school graduate...
is able to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, seek and find means of its implementation;
ready to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; ready to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own;
I am ready to kindly express and competently argue my opinion, my point of view, and evaluate events.
The problem of modeling the system of reflective activity of students is one of the most pressing in modern conditions, since the child’s semantic orientation becomes the source and incentive for personal development. In other words, if the student accepts and understands the meaning of the act or action that he must perform, then he will perform it.
In the works of many domestic authors (V.V. Davydov, G.A. Tsukerman, A.V. Zakharov, M.E. Botsmanov, P.V. Novikov, L.I. Aidarova, etc.) reflection is considered as a new formation primary school age. At the same time, it is studied, on the one hand, as a component of theoretical thinking, and on the other hand, as a result and indicator of the formed educational activity. The theoretical foundations and organizational and methodological conditions for the development of reflection in younger schoolchildren in the process of constructing joint educational activities were studied in the works of N.I. Polivanova, M.A. Semenova.
The conditions for the reflexive development of a junior schoolchild (according to V.I. Slobodchikov, G.A. Tsukerman) are:
the projected norm, the result of primary education, is a child teaching himself with the help of an adult, a student. A student (as opposed to a student) is able, when faced with a problem, to answer two questions: “Can I or can’t solve this problem?”, “What do I need to solve it?” Having determined what exactly he does not know, a 9-10 year old student is able to turn to the teacher not with the complaint “I can’t do it,” but with a specific request for very specific information or a method of action. At the same time, the central psychological mechanism of such student behavior, according to the authors, is determining reflection as the individual ability to set the boundaries of one’s own capabilities, to know what I know, can do and what I don’t know. The main form of relationship is the child’s relationship with himself, the attitude: “I am inept, ignorant - I am skillful, knowledgeable.” Educational activities that lead to the building of such relationships ensure self-determination and self-change of the child.
What is reflection?
The word reflection comes from the Latin reflexio - turning back.
The Dictionary of Foreign Words defines reflection as thinking about one’s internal state, self-knowledge.
The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language interprets reflection as introspection.
In modern pedagogy, reflection is understood as self-analysis of activities and their results.
Reflection is aimed at understanding the path traveled, at collecting into a common treasury what was noticed, thought out, and understood by everyone. Its goal is not just to leave the lesson with a fixed result, but to build a chain of meaning, to compare the methods and methods used by others with their own.
It is reflection that helps the student develop the desire and ability to learn, and detect ignorance in his knowledge. Reflection is a unique indicator of the student’s activity as a subject of educational activity. Reflection and the ability to learn, formed in primary school, are the basis for the formation of the student’s zone of proximal self-development in adolescence and early adolescence.

Teaching reflection can be divided into the following stages:
Stage 1 - analysis of your mood, analysis of your successes
Stage 2 - analysis of classmates’ work
Stage 3 - analysis of the work of the group, both your own and others.

When choosing one type of reflection or another, you should consider:
⦁ purpose of the lesson;
⦁ content and difficulties of educational material;
⦁ type of activity;
⦁ ways and methods of teaching;
⦁ age and psychological characteristics of students.

Based on the functions of reflection, the following classification is proposed:
- reflection of mood and emotional state;
- reflection of activity;
- reflection on the content of educational material;
- reflection as a way of feedback.

Classification Techniques Expected result
Reflection of mood and emotional state Techniques:
color painting,
bouquet of mood,
tree of feelings,
artistic images,
musical fragment,
emotional condition,
body mood,
cards with a face,
showing thumbs up or down,
mood pendulum. Creating a favorable microclimate in the classroom, reducing the level of psychological and physiological health problems among students through the implementation of health-saving technology.
Reflection on activity Techniques:
ladder of success,
decorate the Christmas tree
achievement tree,
Sun. Increased learning motivation and development of the ability to determine the degree of goal achievement. Students reach a higher level of understanding of the methods and techniques of their work, and demonstrate the ability to work in different modes (individual, collective, group).
Reflection on the content of educational material
unfinished sentence, (I didn’t know... - now I know...).
choice of aphorism,
point of view,
achieving the goal,
goal tree,
attitude to the problem,
work with text,
working with a film fragment.
Increased level of awareness of the content of the material covered.
Development of students’ speech (speech becomes more vivid, expressive, imaginative, rich).
Students reflect, are not afraid to express their attitude to a problem, set goals themselves, and comprehend what they have understood and learned.
Information can be conveyed in a more condensed form, revealing the main thing. They can reflect in writing, expressing their thoughts in more detail.
Formation and development of new ways of self-expression for students.
Increasing motivation to study and gain new knowledge.
Increased activity of each student.

Reflection as a way of feedback Techniques:
thinking about questions
drawing up a table,
open ending. Stimulating the speech and thinking activity of students.
Opportunity for students to take a new look at a problem.
Formation and ability to put forward one’s assumptions and hypotheses about the development of events.
Developing students' hypothetical thinking.

Techniques of reflective activity

The choice of techniques depends on the specific purpose of the reflection being carried out.

This technique is used when students reduce their thoughts about themselves and current events to the phrases: “I can’t...”, “I don’t know how...”, “I won’t be able to...”. Students are prohibited from saying “I don’t...”, but are asked to express the same thought in other words: what is needed to make it happen; what funds would be necessary to have for...; what skills do I need for this; what additional information do I need for this, etc.
In the implementation of this technique, the student’s passive behavior is transformed into directed, positive reflection on his experience.

"Goal Tree"
To stimulate motivation. A piece of whatman paper depicts a tree. Each student attaches a green piece of paper. On one side, students write their personal goal - so that he wants to learn, understand, what information to obtain on this topic. At the end of the topic, each student writes on his piece of paper whether he achieved the goal partially or completely


When teaching students to evaluate the oral responses of classmates, already in the first grade they are asked to express their opinion about a poem recited by heart or a passage read by heart according to the following criteria:
1. Loud - quiet.
2. With hesitations - without hesitations.
3. Expressive - no.
4. Liked it - no.
At the same time, first of all, positive aspects in the student’s answer are noted, and children speak about shortcomings from the perspective of wishes. It should be noted that as a result of organizing such activities, students learn to listen carefully to the speaker and objectively evaluate their classmate’s answer. Children often accompany their excellent recitation of poems by heart with applause, which creates a friendly, friendly atmosphere in the team.

A circle from the sun is attached to the board, and children are given rays of yellow and blue colors. The rays need to be attached to the sun: yellow - I really liked the lesson, we received a lot of interesting information; blue - the activity was not interesting, there was no useful information.

"Apple tree"
An apple tree is drawn on the board. Children are given drawn apples of two colors - red and green. They glue apples onto the apple tree: green - I think I did everything well, I’m in a good mood; red - I didn’t cope with the task, I’m in a sad mood.


"Peak of Understanding"
The mood is depicted as a step. The first one is an extremely bad mood. The second is bad. The third is good. Fourth - confident in your strength. Fifth – excellent. At the end of the lesson, the day, the student puts himself on the level of what his mood is.


On the “star” symbols, students write down their personal achievements in a lesson, for a week, a quarter, etc. and attach them to a diary, on a stand, on a board, etc.

"Basket of Ideas"
Students write down their opinions about the lesson on pieces of paper, all the pieces of paper are placed in a basket (box, bag), then the teacher selectively reads out the opinions and discusses the answers. Students express their opinions on pieces of paper anonymously.

Reflection of emotional state can be used at various stages of the lesson. Students use tablets or sheets of paper to draw “smileys” that match their mood or choose from those available.

"Traffic light"
At the beginning of the lesson, students choose one of the colors: red, yellow or green. After a lesson or completed work, the children must express their opinion on the issue of color. Red – no (didn’t like it, mistakes), yellow – not really (doubts, difficulties) and green – yes (liked it, it worked out).

"Pyaterochka - 1"
Students are asked to trace their hand on a piece of paper.
Each finger is some kind of position on which you need to express your opinion.
The thumb is important and interesting for me;
Index finger - it was difficult for me (I didn’t like it);
Medium – wasn’t enough for me;
The ring finger is my mood;
Pinky - my suggestions.

"Pyaterochka - 2"
In order for students to evaluate their activity and the quality of their work during the lesson, I suggest that the children conditionally mark their answers on a piece of paper:
“V” - answered at the request of the teacher, but the answer is not correct
“W” - answered at the request of the teacher, the answer is correct
"| " - answered on his own initiative, but the answer is not correct
“+” - answered on his own initiative, the answer is correct
“0” - did not answer.
By discussing the results of their observations at the end of the lesson, students will be able to objectively assess their activity and quality of work.

Students are given a piece of paper to draw an elephant. The leaves are collected by the teacher for further analysis of the student’s work in the lesson. Students are then verbally given characteristics of the elements.
Ears - means a person listens carefully, perceives more by ear;
eyes - looks carefully, perceives more visually;
trunk - the knowledge you acquire;
the head is thought processes;
look at the relationship between the head and the body: a large head - the author of the drawing uses his head more;
thin legs - uncertainty.

"In the bag"
Students pass the hat to each other, when the music or counting ends, the one who still has the hat in his hands analyzes his work in the lesson or gives a grade to those working at the board and justifies it.

“Plus – minus – interesting”
In the “+” column, all facts that caused positive emotions are written down. In the “–” column, students write down everything that is missing or remains unclear. In the “interesting” (?) column, students write down everything they would like to know more about, what interests them.

This is a method of creative reflection that allows you to evaluate the studied concept, process or phenomenon in an artistic form. In this case, information is not only more actively perceived, but also systematized and evaluated. The word comes from the French "5". This is a poem of 5 lines, which is built according to the rules:
Line 1 – topic or subject (one noun);
Line 2 – description of the item (two adjectives);
Line 3 – description of the action (three verbs);
Line 4 – a phrase expressing an attitude towards the subject;
Line 5 – a synonym that generalizes or expands the meaning of a topic or subject (one word).

"Lesson summary"
What impressed you the most?
Will the knowledge acquired in this lesson be useful to you in later life?
What new did you learn in the lesson?
Think about what you need to change to work better?
* What am I doing?
* why am I doing this?
* how do I do?
* what new did I learn?
* how did I find out?
* what have I learned?

"Expert Commission"
At the beginning of the lesson, experts are selected (students who did an excellent job on the test). They record the students’ activities (row, option) throughout the lesson. At the end of the lesson, experts analyze the activities of their students, indicate successes and mistakes, and give them grades.

"10 points"
Rate the work in class on a 10-point scale from the position of:
"I" 0________10
"We" 0________10
"Business" 0________10

"Essay. Tomorrow is a test"
Accepting essays before a test or independent work, in order to identify students’ readiness, gaps in knowledge, and their experiences. For an essay, you can prepare questions in advance.

Students must use pantomime to show the results of their work. For example, hands up - happy, head down - not happy, covering your face with your hands - indifferent.

"Written Interview"
A variant of group written reflection in the form of questions and answers from group members. This method allows you to conduct written reflection in a fairly short period of time for the purpose of mutual exchange of opinions.

In order to end the lesson on a positive note, you can use one of the options for the “Compliment” exercise (Compliment-praise, Compliment on business qualities, Compliment on feelings), in which students evaluate each other’s contribution to the lesson and thank each other and the teacher for the lesson. This option for ending the lesson makes it possible to satisfy the need for recognition of the personal significance of everyone.

Isolation of semantic units of text and graphic design. We draw a model of the solar system: a star, planets and their satellites. In the center there is a star - this is our lesson, around it there are planets - parts of the lesson or assignment, we connect them with a straight line to the star, each planet has its own satellites - the results of the work. Based on the finished cluster, you can see the whole picture of the lesson and draw appropriate conclusions. The star can be a topic, student work in groups, a test, or a teacher in a lesson. The results can be assessments, suggestions, difficulties, successes.

"Bouquet of Mood"
At the beginning of the lesson, the children are given paper flowers: blue and red. At the end of the lesson, the teacher says: “If you liked the lesson and learned something new, then attach a red flower to the vase, and if you didn’t like it, then a blue one.”
You can offer children a wider range of colors: red, yellow, blue. At the end of the lesson, collect the flowers in a basket or vase.

“Reflection of one of the group members”

One student analyzes his work and the work of the group. This way of organizing reflection forces other participants to simultaneously draw the boundaries of their ideas. As soon as someone says: “I did this because I thought that...” - at that moment other participants in the reflection will be able to begin to look at themselves and think: “Do I think the same or differently?”

Selecting actions to achieve the task goal. Discussion of results and achievements in joint work. Identifying the causes of failures at work and ways to overcome them.

"Round table"
Joint discussion of all group work. Conclusions and offers.

"Creative report"
Reflection is carried out in an unusual form (in the form of a game, an exhibition, drawings). One group member or several guys prepare a creative report.

“Reflection of yourself in the project”

This is done using a table and symbols. (The guys evaluate their work from the perspective of I. We, Business. Based on the results of working on the project, the children evaluate: I - how did I work, was I active? (good, average, bad). What contribution did I make to the work on the project? We - how effectively were we able work together, what was achieved in a joint discussion? The matter - how far did it progress? Did you learn more?).
- awareness of one’s own deficits and possible ways to overcome them.

"Hot Chair"
Students in a circle (in a chain) answer questions, passing an object from hand to hand. Questions could be:
-What new did you learn?
-What knowledge do you already have that you need when working?
-What knowledge and skills acquired in the lesson will you need in the future?
-Where during your work did you feel successful and did everything work out well for you?
-What were you thinking about while working?
-What forms of work did you use (read, looked for additional information, wrote down, discussed, contributed an idea, etc.)?
-What did you like most about your work?
This set of questions can be changed depending on the characteristics of the group. Students may also express a different point of view regarding the work on the assignment that is not reflected in the questions.

Emotional - artistic reflection
Students are offered two paintings of a landscape. One picture is imbued with a sad, melancholy mood, the other – with a joyful, cheerful one. Students choose the picture that matches their mood.

Students listen to fragments from two musical works (it is advisable to indicate the composer of the work). There is alarming music and calm, enthusiastic music. Students choose a piece of music that matches their mood.

"What are you feeling now?"
Students in grades 3 and 4 can evaluate not only their mood, but also their emotional state. And the questions “How are you feeling now? What emotions are you experiencing? They quickly become familiar and do not surprise the children. To help students make their statements, we offer a supporting outline, which also helps expand their vocabulary.

"Reflective screen"
Usually at the end of the lesson there is a summary, a discussion of what we learned and how we worked - i.e. everyone evaluates their contribution to achieving the goals set at the beginning of the lesson, their activity, the effectiveness of the class, the fascination and usefulness of the chosen forms of work. The guys in a circle speak in one sentence, choosing the beginning of a phrase from the reflective screen on the board:
1. today I found out...
2. it was interesting...
3. it was difficult...
4. I completed tasks...
5. I realized that...
6. now I can...
7. I felt that...
8. I purchased...
9. I learned...
10. I did it...
11. I was able...
12. I'll try...
13. I was surprised...
14. gave me a lesson for life...
15. I wanted...

The guys choose which of the proposed islands they are on at the end of the lesson: the island of Satisfaction, the island of Sadness, the island of Knowledge, the island of Joy.

Allows you to receive feedback from students on the past lesson.
Use a large format sheet, felt-tip pens, tape, colored cards
The teacher asks the students to imagine that they spent today in a restaurant and now the restaurant director asks them to answer several questions:
- I would eat more of this...
- Most of all I liked…
- I almost digested...
- I overate...
- Please add…
Participants write their answers on cards and stick them on a flip chart sheet, commenting.

Allows you to receive feedback from students from the last lesson on the following questions:
It got in the way...
I'll take it with me...
Each participant must answer questions frankly, including questions about their well-being, which also affects the productivity of work in the lesson.

"Cleaning the house"
Receiving feedback from students from the past lesson, each participant determining what was useful and what was not useful.
Three large format sheets of drawings and felt-tip pens are used.
Three large sheets are attached to the wall. The first one shows a suitcase, the second one shows a trash can, the third one shows a meat grinder. Each participant receives three colored pieces of paper.
On the “suitcase” the participant writes what he took away from the lesson or seminar, will take with him and will actively use.
On the second sheet is what turned out to be useless, unnecessary and what can be sent to the trash.
On the third sheet is what turned out to be interesting, but is not yet ready for use, what still needs to be thought out and finalized.

Reflection "Thank you..."
At the end of the lesson, the teacher invites each student to choose only one of the children to whom they would like to say thank you for their cooperation and explain how exactly this cooperation was manifested. Teachers should be excluded from those selected. The teacher’s word of thanks is final. At the same time, he chooses those who received the least number of compliments, trying to find convincing words of gratitude to this participant in the events.


The lesson is useful, everything is clear.
There's just one thing that's a little unclear.
You still have to work hard.
Yes, it’s still difficult to study!
Children come up and put a sign next to the words that suit them best at the end of the lesson.

On the board there is a clearing of flowers, above each flower there is a stage of the lesson (working with text, phonetic exercises, etc.). There is a butterfly in front of every child. You invite the children to attach their butterfly to the flower which activity they liked best.

It is proposed to fill in based on the results of completing a specific task, for example, a test.
I liked (didn’t like) doing this work because ___________________________________________________
What I found most difficult was ________________________________________________________________
I think it's because ____________________________________________________________
The most interesting thing was ________________________________________________________________
If I were to do this job again, I would do the following: ____________________________________________________________
If I were to do this job again, I would do the following differently: ____________________________________________________________
I would like to ask my teacher ________________________________________________________________

Read the statements below carefully and mark with a V how much you agree with the statement.

Absolutely agree Agree
Partially agree I don't agree
I fully participate in all group tasks

I listen carefully to what my group members say

If I don't agree with something, I don't argue, but offer another solution.

I help group members when they need me

I respect the opinions of group members, even if I disagree with them

When we encounter problems, I try to find a way out rather than suggesting we stop working.

I try to listen first to what the group member has to offer, rather than looking for errors in his or her statement.


PaletteFill each field with the color of the palette,
corresponding to the response value
plan work
Decision making ability Ability to work in a group,
readiness for
Ability to apply acquired knowledge, responsibility for the final result
I can

I can hardly

I don't know how, but I would like to learn

“Today’s lesson for me...”
Students are given an individual card in which they need to highlight phrases that characterize the student’s work in the lesson in three areas.


I worked in class active / passive
Through my work in class I satisfied/dissatisfied
The lesson seemed to me short / long
For the lesson I don't tired / tired
My mood it got better/it got worse
I had the lesson material clear / not clearuseful/useless
Homework seems to me easy / difficult interesting / not interesting

A school lesson is a part of a child’s life and, at the same time, it is a life lesson for him. This is life itself, full of problems and the joy of discovery. He learns to comprehend the surrounding reality, to love the world and the people in it, to evaluate his thoughts and actions from the perspective of the requirements of modern society, to form responsibility for himself, his present and future life.
A modern lesson under the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard opens up for the teacher a wide opportunity for a child to experience happiness in life at all levels.
Everything that is done in the lesson on organizing reflective activity is not an end in itself, but preparation for the development of very important qualities of a modern personality: independence, enterprise and competitiveness.
However, the process of developing reflective abilities will be successful if the formation and development of students’ reflective activity is carried out systematically.
Any person is happy to do what he is good at. But any activity begins with overcoming difficulties. For reflective people, the path from the first difficulties to the first successes is much shorter.
There is no limit to perfection in our profession. What seemed only possible yesterday looks outdated today. New ideas and a desire to change something appear. And any creative teacher is in constant search.

Let's return to reflective questions and ask ourselves:
- What am I doing?
- For what purpose?
- What are the results of my activities?
- How did I achieve this?
- Can it be done better?
- What will I do next?
As long as a teacher asks himself these questions, he develops. As soon as he begins to be satisfied with what he has achieved, his professional growth stops. Of course, reflection is a prerequisite for self-development not only of the student, but also of the teacher.


1. Aidarova L.I. Junior schoolchild. - M.: Pedagogy, 2009. 399 p.
2. Bash L.M. Modern dictionary of foreign words. - M.: Veche, 2012. 960 p.
3. Bogin, V.G. Teaching reflection as a way to form a creative personality. - M.: Education, 2007. 234 p.
4. Zakharova A.V., Botsmanova M.E. Features of reflection as a mental new formation in educational activities. - M.: AST, 2006. 162 p.
5. Davydov V.V. On the main ways of reflection of younger schoolchildren. - Tbilisi, 2008. 687 p.
6. Novikova A.M. Educational project. - M.: Egves, 2004. 120 p.
7. Ovcharova R.V. Practical psychology in elementary school. – M.: Sfera, 2009. 187 p.
8. Polivanova, N.I. Reflection and its role in the process of organizing and constructing collectively distributed action in children. // Problems of reflection. – Novosibirsk, 2007.
9. Slobodchikov V.I., Tsukerman G.A.. Genesis of reflective consciousness in primary school age.
10. Stegantseva T. A., Alikin I. A. Methods of organizing and conducting psychological and pedagogical research. - Krasnoyarsk: RIO KSPU, 2010.
11. Federal state educational standard for primary general education. - M.: Education, 2011, 33 p.
12. Tsukerman G.A. Assessment and self-esteem in training based on the theory of educational activity. // Beginning. school: – 2001. - No. 1.


During the master class, I will introduce you to techniques for developing reflexive skills in primary schoolchildren and will compile a booklet of the same name.

    Reception "Aquarium"

A few people will be goldfish. They need to name the questions that need to be answered during our master class. The rest of the participants can also formulate questions, but after the “goldfish”.

Sample questions

what is reflection?

turning back, correlating goal and result

why is it needed?

Reflection is a universal way of building a person’s relationship to his own life.Its functions:

Design (joint design and modeling of joint activities);

Organizational (selection of the most effective methods);

Communicative (as a condition for productive communication);

Meaning-creative (understanding one’s actions);

Motivational (determining the direction of activity);

Corrective (incentive to change) Reflection contributes to the development of three important human qualities:

Independence. It is not the teacher who is responsible for the student, but the student, by analyzing, realizes his capabilities, makes his own choice, determines the measure of activity and responsibility in his activities.

Enterprise. The student realizes what he can do here and now to make things better. In case of an error or failure, he does not despair, but evaluates the situation and, based on new conditions, sets new goals and objectives and successfully solves them.

Competitiveness. Knows how to do something better than others, acts more effectively in any situation.

what does it consist of?

Criteria for the development of reflexive skills:

1Self-supportdivision intowork situation,

2Ability to holdcountlecturetask,

3Skillacceptresponsiblevalidityfor the incidentwalking ingroup,

4SkillrealizedfuckGovuu oporganization activelysti,

5 Skillcorrelateresultswith the aim of activelysti

what types are there?

By time: prospective, retrospective and introspective (control and adjustment as activities progress)

Form: group...

Content-based, active and personal-emotional

how to organize it?

Slide Zuckerman It is impossible to teach the principle of “do as I do” (figure skater), only in activity.

Ways to form reflection

1. Creating conditions for entering a reflective position

2. Particular didactic techniques aimed at activating a reflective position

Scheme of a reflexive act:

Stopping, fixation, objectification, detachment

This technique helps the teacher determine the students' level of mastery of a topic or concept and allows them to outline a plan for joint activities. Works on skill 4, and if you return to them at the end of the topic, then also on skill 5. For example, duty and obligation. Fairness Sample questions:

What is duty\justice? How do you know if you acted fairly? Signs of justice. What is a duty?

What is the difference between duty and obligation?

Why is justice needed? Is it difficult to be fair?

    Let me draw your attention to reflective tasks. I consider them to be the key tasks of ethics lessons. For reflective tasks I use the plots of parables, fairy tales, and stories about children. What is a reflective task? What is it aimed at, its result. In the course of solving a reflexive problem, students go through 3 stages, they are 3 layers of UD: the stage of rupture, the so-called “salting out” and the stage of determining the position. Thus, solving a reflexive problem forms 1,2,3,5 reflexive skills.

A) Theme “Friendship” Reception “And our opinion is this” The statement “A true friend will always let you copy your homework” is suggested.

1 pair “Prove that the statement is true”, and 2 pair “Prove that the statement is false.”

During the group's statements, a contradiction is identified.

What ways out of the situation could there be? (complain to the teacher, parents, always let him copy, let him copy for the first time, and then no, don’t let him cheat, say that he should do his homework himself, explain that I didn’t go for a walk yesterday - I did my homework, but you could have walked would do, do together, teach). Here you can use the “Theater” technique, the essence of which is to play different endings of this situation.

“What literary work does it look like?” Analogies with literary works help you find the right, most correct way out of the situation, and comprehend your choice.

B) You can go from the opposite, use a forecasting technique: propose the beginning of the situation “Petya and Vasya have been friends since kindergarten. They live in neighboring houses, go for walks together, go to a children's sanatorium in the summer, both are fond of basketball, and at school they sit at the same desk. Petya has difficulty solving math problems and always asks Vasya to let him copy his homework. What do you think Vasya is doing?”

I use it when, after discussing a situation or concept, children decide that this is a negative quality. Another technique: “Find the good in the bad.” What good is it if a friend refuses?

C) At the stage of determining a position, it is possible to assert one’s position, move to another or realize, refuse and choose a new position. If the break stage is set by the teacher, the “salting out” stage occurs in joint communication and discussion, then the choice stage is independent and individual. In order for this stage to take place, I use the following reflective techniques:

“Last word method” - 2 multi-colored stickers are distributed, children need to write one word on one - the most important thing they received, understood, and on the second - what does not suit him needs to be changed.

“Your new computer” - monitor - saw/learned something new

Keyboard - what I learned

Processor - what do you understand?

Mouse – emotions.

“Islands” - on the map of the island: pleasure, joy, enlightenment, inspiration, sadness, anxiety, misunderstanding, bewilderment, Bermuda Triangle (you can distribute stickers with written numbers before the lesson, so that later you can track which of the students is at what emotional level during the course Topics).

Mini-essays “I am in the lesson, the lesson is in me”, “my thoughts about the lesson”, “my opinion about the situation under discussion”

“Letter to myself” - at the end of the lesson, students write a letter to themselves, where they express their decision about the situation under discussion - what would I do, has my opinion changed after the discussion; the letter is then sealed, the envelope is signed and distributed to students at the end of the topic.

“Reflective circle” or “Complete the phrase”, in a chain, everyone answers the questions proposed by the teacher. The child may not answer any question or add to his question.

"Chain of Wishes"

I offer you the “Cleaning” technique: To your suitcase - what you are ready to take with you and use in your work

A basket is something that is not needed, a meat grinder is something that needs improvement, needs to be thought out, rethought

    I would like to end the master class with the following parable:

Students had already filled the auditorium and were waiting for the lecture to begin. The teacher appeared and put a large glass jar on the table, which surprised many:
-Today I would like to talk to you about life, what can you say about this jar?
“Well, it’s empty,” someone said.
“Exactly,” the teacher confirmed, then he took a bag of large stones from under the table and began to put them in a jar until they filled it to the very top. “Now what can you say about this jar?”
-Well, now the jar is full! - one of the students said again.
The teacher took out another bag of peas and began to pour it into the jar. Peas began to fill the space between the stones:
-And now?
-Now the jar is full!!! - the students began to echo. Then the teacher took out a bag of sand and began to pour it into the jar; after some time there was no free space left in the jar.
- But now the jar is full! - he said. - And now I will explain to you what just happened. The jar is our life, the stones are the most important things in our life, this is our family, these are our children, our loved ones, everything that is of great importance to us; peas are those things that are not so significant for us, it could be an expensive suit or car, etc.; and sand is all the smallest and most insignificant things in our lives, all those small problems that accompany us throughout our entire lives; So, if I first poured sand into the jar, then it would no longer be possible to place either peas or stones in it, so never allow various kinds of little things to fill your life, closing your eyes to more important things. And reflection will help to separate the little things from the main thing.

Course work



An essential aspect of the modern lesson is reflection, and not only the reflection of the teacher, but also the reflection of students.

Reflection on educational activity consists mainly of its control and evaluation. The functions of monitoring and assessing the educational activities of students consist in determining the correctness and completeness of the implementation of the operations included in the actions, and is traditionally performed by the teacher. The teacher is offered to use many pedagogical technologies to organize the sequence of transition of external control into mutual control and then into self-control. But based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical research, they can (and should) be projected onto the activities of students.

Mastery of a child’s activities occurs only when guided reflection is involved, through which the very patterns of activity—methods of solving problems or reasoning—are highlighted.

The problem that one has to face when introducing elements of reflection into the educational process is that students often do not feel the need to understand their development or growth, do not discover the causes of their problems or results, and find it difficult to say what exactly is happening in their activities. Therefore, it is necessary to begin teaching reflection from early school age, paying special attention to teaching children to be aware of what they are doing and what is happening to them. That’s why I chose this topic and set the goal for successful work:

To get acquainted with self-control techniques in mathematics lessons when developing the reflexive skills of a primary school student.

And the following tasks:

) Clarify the meaning of the concept of “reflexive skills” based on an analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature.

) Get acquainted with the process of developing reflective skills in primary school students.

) Consider the importance of self-control in mathematics lessons in elementary school.

) To study the experience of teachers in developing reflective skills (using the example of teaching self-control) in mathematics lessons in primary school.

1. Analysis of the concept of “reflexive skills”

(based on the methodological manual by T.F. Usheva. Formation and monitoring of students’ reflective skills)

The problem of reflection has been and is being studied quite a lot by science, including psychological and pedagogical science. However, the question of reflexive skills from the point of view of both the theory of psychology and pedagogy, and the practice of education, apparently requires further research and development.

Reflection is understood as an integral mental process, which manifests itself in the ability to reflect on the content of another person’s consciousness and reflect on the content of one’s own consciousness, the course and result of one’s own activities.

Reflexivity is a property of practical thinking. Reflection, according to the author T.F. Usheva, becomes the most important, defining link between conceptual knowledge and a person’s personal experience. For a student, this quality is necessary for applying general knowledge in specific situations of their practical reality. Without reflexive elaboration, the theoretical knowledge from which conceptual ideas are formed seems to “scatter” in the mind, and this does not allow them to become a direct guide to action. Reflection in activity is a process of mental - preliminary or retrospective - analysis of any problem, difficulty or success, as a result of which an understanding of the essence of the problem or difficulty arises, and new prospects for resolving them are born.

G.P. Shchedrovitsky identifies the following forms of reflection: collective-cooperative and communicative and individual - personal and intellectual. Based on them, the author T.F. Usheva identified the reflexive skills necessary for every person to implement practical activities:

· cooperative - self-determination in a work situation, the ability to maintain a collective task, the ability to accept responsibility for what is happening in the group, the ability to carry out step-by-step organization of activities, the ability to relate results to the purpose of the activity;

· intellectual - determining the basis of activity, assessing one’s own positions, the ability to predict the subsequent course of actions, the ability to go back and evaluate the correctness of the chosen plan;

· personal - the ability to analyze oneself, adequate self-perception, the ability to identify and analyze the reasons for one’s behavior, as well as its effective parameters and mistakes made;

· communicative - the ability to “take the place of another,” showing empathy, understanding the reasons for the actions of another subject in the process of interaction, analyzing past situations and taking into account the actions of others in one’s behavioral strategies, understanding one’s qualities in the present in comparison with the past and predicting development prospects.

Reflective skills help students understand their uniqueness, individuality and purpose, which are revealed through the analysis of their subject activity. “If the physical senses for a person are the source of his external experience, then reflection is the source of internal experience, a method of self-knowledge, a necessary tool of thinking.”

Thus, the developed reflective skills of students allow them to independently formulate goals and results of further work, adjust their educational path, and this in turn makes them responsible and successful in educational activities.

2. Formation of reflective skills of primary school students

(based on the report by N.S. Muradyan. Formation of reflective skills of elementary school students)

A feature of the new state standards of general education is their focus on universal learning activities, one of which is universal reflexive skills.

Achieving planned results (in particular, the development of reflexive skills) does not happen automatically. A special organization of the educational process, joint learning activities, educational material and learning environment is necessary.

To create conditions for the reflective development of schoolchildren, the teacher must remember the basic and necessary requirements for the process of developing reflective skills:

· reflection is individual, therefore an individual approach to everyone is necessary;

· reflection is dialogical in nature, therefore it is necessary to organize educational dialogue in the learning process;

· reflection is activity-based in essence, therefore it presupposes subjectivity, i.e. activity, responsibility;

· reflection is of different scales, so a change of positions and a different view of one’s activities is necessary. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity not only to learn and be in the position of a student, but also the opportunity to teach another - to be in the position of a teacher.

A skill is a method mastered by students to perform actions based on knowledge.

In elementary school, the following reflexive skills are formed:

· perceive yourself adequately;

· set the goal of the activity;

· determine performance results;

· correlate results with the purpose of the activity;

· identify errors in your own behavior;

· describe the situation you have experienced.

Reflection does not become a psychological new formation spontaneously. First it develops in joint, collectively distributed activity, and then it becomes an internal action of consciousness.

The pedagogical task of developing reflexive skills is to organize conditions that provoke children's action. The teacher must create situations in which there must be:

· inclusion of each student in collective reflection conducted by the teacher;

· independent reflection by each student.

3. Conditions for the successful organization of reflective activity in the classroom in elementary school

reflective self-control elementary school student

Currently, in a modern school, a component of the content of education is subject knowledge, skills, and abilities, identified by field of science. In pedagogy and in the practice of education, the question of the need to shift from the content of general education, understood as knowledge of the content of school subjects and subject skills, to the content of education, which includes: universal methods of mental activity (for example: reflective skills); general communication skills; teamwork skills; knowledge, skills and abilities; socially accepted norms of behavior.

In today's school, when planning lessons, a teacher turns to the syllabus of the relevant subject, which provides a list of topics, their sequence, and approximate study time. The purpose of education is, first of all, for the child to master subject knowledge, skills and abilities. The teaching methodology, the specific content, the structure of the lesson, the content of accounting and control, and the educational and methodological tools used by the teacher are subordinated to this goal.

If the main components of the content of education are supra-subject skills and abilities, the guide to action for the teacher becomes, first of all, a program for the formation of such supra-subject skills, in our case, reflexive skills. This program should contain, firstly, some generalized quality of the child in terms of reflexive skills, which must be obtained upon leaving school, and secondly, a list of microskills and the stages of their development.

If we consider the need for the formation of reflexive skills, then the goals, content and means of the teacher’s activity in the educational process change fundamentally. For a teacher who is faced with the task of developing reflexive skills in a child, the meaning of the educational process radically changes.

When planning lessons, the teacher needs to understand what skills a particular child needs to work on and, accordingly, what communication situations he must go through, how to act in them, and what to learn. The subject content plays a secondary role. This is the material on which the situation of interaction will unfold - indirect, through text, or direct communication with another: teaching, learning, joint study, discussion, etc. Thus, when planning the educational process, the teacher must see the quality of each child in terms of reflexive skills and plan appropriate situations for him, and not the subject content that needs to be mastered.

A student can master the program for developing reflexive skills only by actively acting in a specific situation, and then become aware of his actions. That is, the reflection of each student becomes a necessary component of the educational process and a special means of mastering the program, since only by entering a reflective position can the child realize what he lacks for successful action in the situation, and what he has already learned. This can be and, apparently, should be two types of reflection: situational, organized directly in the educational process, and regular, planned reflection in a permanent group, where educational deficits and the needs of each child are discussed. ?nka and its educational tasks are formalized.

The teacher organizes a reflective situation not only in case of problematization (“dead end”) of the student, but also in case of success. The child, with the help of the teacher, analyzes the actions, techniques, techniques that he used in the situation (success or failure). And together with the teacher, he finds possible actions to get out of the current situation or understand what his qualities and actions allowed him to be successful.

To successfully organize the educational process, a teacher needs to have, first of all, not knowledge on a particular subject, but techniques for organizing understanding and bringing it into a reflective position. In order to see the situation and organize situational reflection, the teacher needs various gaming tools; first of all, he must have techniques for problematization and schematization (of the process, situation, content of the text).

It is obvious that if all the activities of a teacher are aimed at developing reflexive skills in a child, the content and means of control must become fundamentally different.

To organize the educational process, the teacher needs special tools. The place of the class journal and lesson plans should be taken by a board for planning and recording reflective skills, programs for certain types of classes, student work methods, specially designed educational texts, and algorithms.

Thus, in order to develop students’ reflective skills it is necessary:

1. Make reflection one of the components of educational content.

2. Provide opportunities for students to actively act in each specific situation and then become aware of their actions.

3. The teacher must own the techniques of organizing understanding and bringing it into a reflective position.

4. Constantly use special tools to organize the educational process.

. The importance of teaching self-control to students in elementary school

(based on D.N. Volyavko. Self-control is the most important component of productive educational activity)

In modern didactics, special attention is paid to the developmental function of teaching, which contributes to the development of the student’s personality and ensures the development of his abilities, as well as independence. The development of an individual’s inclinations and abilities in different areas largely depends on the ability for introspection, self-control, and self-assessment of one’s capabilities.

Self-control as an integrative educational and activity skill, the essence of which is to determine the purpose of the activity being performed, compare the results of one’s educational activities with a given sample, detect one’s own mistakes and incorrect actions and timely correct them.

Self-control is one of the most important components of educational activity, but even with the appropriate prerequisites, educational activity does not arise immediately in the child. A child who has just arrived at school, although he begins to learn under the guidance of a teacher, does not yet know how to learn; his educational activity is formed in the process of learning under the guidance of a teacher. The formation of educational activities is the most important task of school education, a task no less important than the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities.

An analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature showed that there are two reasons for the insufficient development of self-control in younger schoolchildren:

1) the impulsiveness of the child’s character, due to the dynamic properties of the nervous system;

) lack of development of techniques and methods of organizing activities, lack of adequate pedagogical conditions in the family and school, insufficiently qualified individual approach.

In accordance with this, the work of the teacher is carried out in two main directions.

The first direction is related to the prevention of external causes of insufficient development of self-control. General methods contribute to the successful formation of self-control

· creating a favorable psychological climate in the classroom,

· reduction of emotional and psychological overloads of children,

and special

· mastering the basics of organizing the activities of teachers and students in the classroom,

· stimulating the development of the capabilities of younger schoolchildren;

· work in conditions of positive cognitive conflict;

· turning to dialogic forms of interaction;

· coordination of expectations from the child from the family and school.

The second direction is associated with preventing the occurrence of internal causes of problems in the development of self-control. Among the subjective conditions and preventive measures, we note the actualization of the needs of younger schoolchildren in cognition, encouraging manifestations of self-control; planning situations that stimulate the development of self-control; a variety of intellectual and practical activities to identify the importance of self-control in educational activities.

The process of developing self-control in educational activities among younger schoolchildren includes three stages:

a) stimulating students’ need to develop self-control skills;

b) teaching schoolchildren a system of knowledge that reveals
the essence of self-control, ways of its formation; c) carrying out long-term training activities for
developing self-control skills. Forming the ability of self-control in younger schoolchildren is of great personal significance because:

schoolchildren's mastery of general self-control actions promotes awareness of the procedural side of educational activity, which contributes to the activation of their educational and cognitive activity;

mastery of these actions allows students to properly organize their learning activities and consciously carry out corrections of all components of its actions;

mastering control actions contributes to the formation of such personal qualities as initiative, independence, responsibility, etc.

The characteristics of self-control may be different for different students, and these differences may manifest themselves in the degree of automation of its course.

· whether it represents a detailed independent action or is included in the process of performing educational actions;

in its direction

· the process of performing actions or only their results is controlled,

in the criteria on the basis of which control is based

· materialized or ideally presented sample diagram,

during its implementation

· after the action, during the action and before it begins, etc.

These and other characteristics of control constitute the subject of its diagnostics.

5. Teachers’ experience in developing self-control in the classroom activities of junior schoolchildren

(based on the article by Tukhman I.V. Development of self-control in the educational activities of junior schoolchildren)

A. "Colored Amendments"

To initiate schoolchildren’s need for SC, to understand its role throughout the entire period of study, we used the techniques “on our own initiative” and “multi-colored amendments” (A.K. Markova, T.A. Matis, A.B. Orlov). The essence of the latter is that after completing the work, students are asked to hand over their notebooks for checking. Notebooks are collected and reviewed, but not graded. After some time, the teacher suggests taking the notebooks and making corrections with a pencil of a different color. The works are then collected and analyzed again. Based on the data obtained, conclusions can be drawn about the existence of a need for SC.

In grade I, children were given three attempts to make multi-colored corrections, in grade II - two, in grades III and IV the student could make corrections once. Experience has shown that the quality and quantity of amendments made make it possible to approximately determine the level of development of the insurance system.

Creating conditions for children to accumulate control experience, we used a set of successively more complex tasks that stimulated the development of final, operational, and predictive SC.

So, in first grade, children learn:

compare the result of your activities with the model specified in material form;

reproduce the composition of control actions and operations specified by the teacher;

carry out actions according to detailed instructions;

carry out self-test according to a plan that includes 1-2 points;

use model diagrams compiled by the teacher for SC.

In grade II, students are offered:

compare the intermediate result with the standard;

list the sequence of actions and control operations;

correct memos;

carry out actions according to instructions in which some links are missing;

carry out self-test according to a plan that includes 3-4 points;

participate in collectively distributed activities to draw up diagrams, algorithms, rules and definitions.

In grade III, students train in:

comparing the result of an activity with a sample specified through a system of conditions;

drawing up test tasks for self-control;

collective compilation of algorithms;

performing actions according to instructions with restrictions;

self-test according to the plan with missing links;

drawing up a model of significant conditions for activity under the guidance of a teacher.

In fourth grade, schoolchildren practice:

comparing the result of activity with a sample based on independently predicted conditions of effectiveness;

determining the composition of actions and operations of upcoming activities with an analysis of subjective difficulties;

performing actions according to general instructions;

self-test according to the plan with missing (underdetermined) links;

independently adjusting the inspection plan;

purposeful development of a general method of monitoring all such tasks under the guidance of a teacher.

This gradual complication of tasks from grades I to IV, the possibility of repeated exercises throughout the year on different subject material (Russian language, mathematics, labor, art, natural history) contribute to the clear development of each action of the SC.

The basis that allows you to combine disparate actions into a single skill of self-control are graphic figurative reminders - “pyramids of self-control” (in grade I, children work with the pyramid of final self-control, in grade II - with the pyramid of operational self-control, in grade III - with the pyramid of predictive self-control, in IV class - with a generalized pyramid). These memos illustrate the general structure of self-regulation: setting a goal - creating a model of significant conditions - thinking through a program of action - clarifying criteria for assessing success - assessing performance results in accordance with the criteria - making corrections if necessary.

Due to the fact that the structure of the control act is clearly fixed, the memo diagrams are convenient for use and memorization, students quickly absorb their content and successfully use it for self-control in different lessons.

Let’s illustrate the reasoning of children in a Russian language lesson when performing a calligraphy exercise: “I will check how I wrote in order to be praised. I remember that the letters should have the same slope, the same height, and the same distance between the letters. Now I will put the palm of my left hand on the letters and find out if the slope is the same... Yes! Now I’ll put a ruler to the top of the letters and find out if the height is the same... (Children from the first grade write in their notebooks using a wide ruler.) Some letters are slightly different, and the letter “c” is very small. Maybe I was too hasty? Next time I’ll be more careful.” (Sasha S., 1st grade.)

Having systematized the data obtained during seven years of work, 5 levels of self-control development were identified and described. This information made it possible to objectively assess the effectiveness of the work carried out aimed at developing self-control in the educational activities of primary schoolchildren.

In order to analyze the conditions for the development of self-control in the educational activities of junior schoolchildren, we have compiled the following “Scheme for monitoring the activities of the teacher and students in the lesson”: Psychological goal setting.

Tasks for the development of the final SC.

Tasks of development of operational SC.

Problems of forming a predictive CS.

Taking into account goals (tasks) when formulating an educational task. Organization of cognitive activity.

Formation of the need for SC.

Students' ability to generate different levels of meaning.

Determination of measures to ensure the conditions for the formation of the insurance system:

a) planning the conditions for the manifestation of SC;

b) the use of various methods and means for updating previously mastered

SK skills.

Organization of activities in the process of learning new material:

a) the ratio of external control and insurance company;

b) reliance on the psychological patterns of formation of the SC (creation of a model of significant conditions; criteria for assessing success; availability of a standard; ways of making adjustments);

c) taking into account typical errors, forming a predictive CS.

Features of the organization of consolidation of work results: learning to transfer previously learned methods of self-control.. Organization of students.

Manifestation of internal differentiation in the implementation of QC and mutual control.

Availability of opportunities for mutual control. Taking into account age capabilities.

Availability of an algorithm for a step-by-step procedure (memos).

Possibility of comparison with a model given in material form or through a system of conditions. Lesson style.

Organization of educational cooperation.

Adequacy of relationships, pedagogical tact in the implementation of external control.

Optimal use of time for students to implement SC.

Teachers’ work with the “Observation Scheme...” creates conditions for the development of their professional reflection.

For the same purpose, a program for improving the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers “Keys to Self-Control” has been developed and certified, including the development of a set of constructive, operational and content skills.

The work of the problem group, consultations and seminars on the development of SC in the educational activities of junior schoolchildren arouse steady interest among teachers.

Primary school students who were trained in self-control techniques using pyramid schemes showed a high level of socio-psychological adaptation, activity self-organization and regulation in the fifth grade (compared to control classes).

According to the results of the study, it was revealed that 92% of children, studying in high school, continue to use the SC algorithm specified by “pyramids”.

B. "Rulers"

(based on the article “Tell about yourself without using a single word”, author Anastasia Gorelova)

There is a strong need to record children’s findings during frontal work and group work in order to note the meaningfulness of everyone’s efforts. At the same time, it is impossible to overwhelm students with A's or praises, and we have to somehow solve the problem of multifactor assessment.

I liked the “Ruler” assessment technology, which is described in the psychological literature and which is used by many teachers. And most importantly, “Rulers” accustom the child to the internal “kitchen” of assessment and teach self-esteem.

So, each student is given a piece of paper with vertically arranged rulers. For ease of determining the level, all rulers are 100 mm long. Each line is labeled at the top and bottom. It is not difficult to understand how these rulers are arranged: at the top is the highest degree of a certain quality, at the bottom is the lowest, and you need to put a cross at the height at which you evaluate this quality in yourself. How many lines should there be? 15-20 is the optimal number of questions to cover any content; I usually set it to 16.

In the titles of the lines, you can use the names of skills that were mastered in lessons on the topic (it won’t work in every lesson, because this work takes at least 15 minutes in class). And here a lot of interesting things open up for the teacher.

It turns out, firstly, that if you have identified at least 10 such parameters for yourself in advance, on the eve of studying a topic, six more will definitely be “selected” along the way, in the process. Secondly.

During lessons, you involuntarily “let the children know” more clearly where you are leading them. Thirdly, when looking through the diagnostic sheets, you compare the student’s self-assessment and your assessment of the same thing, not to establish discrepancies, although, as a rule, the student treats himself much more strictly than I treat him, but in order to make sure that the process of assimilation The curriculum is carried out consciously, in a favorable environment and there are no alarm signals.

And they do exist. The child puts crosses at the very bottom. I didn’t understand, I couldn’t, I didn’t understand. It is sometimes simply impossible to say this during or after a lesson to a teacher who is in constant bustle among children. Another thing is to put an icon on the magic ruler, knowing that the teacher will look at the sheets in a calm environment. It is even more acceptable if help actually comes as a result.

Finally, how can we not talk about the “long-lasting” effect of rulers. It is much easier to carry out delayed control if folders with results on topics are always at hand. For example, I always conduct a review at the end of a quarter or at the end of a year based on comparison with previous results, and this must be seen: how important and serious the children consider self-diagnosis. And they always smile at their badges.

IN. Self-control cards

At an open lesson at the Yaninskaya secondary school (see the lesson notes in the appendix), I saw self-control cards developed by primary school teacher Galina Irineevna Mareeva (Yaninskaya secondary school, Vsevolozhsk district).

Self-report on work in the lesson.

F.I. _______________________________________________

Mental calculations

place brackets independently with help did not complete arrange signs independently with help did not complete table for 2 and 3 independently with help did not complete

Independent work

.… option

Task No. 2, I column + or -Task No. 2, II column + or -112233 Solution to problem No. 5 (1) answers + or -1. I solved the first problem2. Compiled and solved one inverse3. Compiled and solved two inverses4. Solved problem No. 5 (2) Geometric problem. answers + or -1. Solved problem 2. I decided in two ways.

Result: count the number of “+”

During an open lesson, the teacher used all four cards because... shared her work experience with teachers. When analyzing the lesson, she said that she usually uses one card per lesson, depending on the purpose of the lesson.


Reflexive skills necessary for every person to implement practical activities:

Reflective skills help students understand their uniqueness, individuality and purpose, which are revealed through the analysis of their subject activity.

To create conditions for the reflective development of schoolchildren, the teacher must remember the basic and necessary requirements for the process of developing reflective skills.

The content of the teacher’s activity in the educational process also changes fundamentally. The teacher does not so much explain the subject material as launch certain processes in the educational group, creating ?t and monitors situations of interaction between students, plans with each student his activities in the educational process, organizes communication, and is the organizer of situational and planned (regular) reflection.

Mastering the skill of self-control provides comfort in learning, relieves stress and allows schoolchildren to study with interest and great desire, and also gives students a real “tool” with which they can manage the process of their learning at subsequent stages.

The experience of teachers who use a variety of techniques for teaching self-control proves the need for further study and implementation of reflective activity in the teaching process of younger schoolchildren.


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Reflexive skills: essence, content

and methodological techniques for developing students’

, Ph.D.,

Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation,

Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry Teaching Methods


In modern pedagogical research, more and more importance is attached to the reflective activity of students. And although my speech is devoted to reflexive skills, one must understand that they are closely interconnected with cognitive and information and communication skills.

Let's define the terminology. What is reflection?

Reflection(from Late Latin reflexio - turning back), the principle of human thinking, directing it to comprehension and awareness of its own forms and prerequisites, critical analysis of its content and methods of cognition; the activity of self-knowledge, revealing the internal structure and specificity of the spiritual world of man.

To carry out effective reflective activity, the student must have certain skills, which are called reflective skills. What is their content?

Reflexive skills include:

· independently adequate to one’s capabilities and abilities to organize educational activities (from goal setting to obtaining results and reflection)

· evaluate your activities, objectively determine your contribution to the overall result

· compare the efforts made with the results of your activities

· evaluate and adjust your behavior in the social environment in accordance with moral and legal standards

· identify problems in your own activities, find their causes and eliminate these problems

· exercise your rights and fulfill your civic responsibilities

· determine your area of ​​interests and capabilities

How to integrate the formation and development of students’ reflective skills into the daily work of a subject teacher? What is the first thing you need to pay attention to?

I try to involve students in assessing the educational achievements of students literally from the first lessons in the 8th grade. For example, when survey We listen to the student’s answer, and then I ask: “What grade should I give and why?” I involve students in public discussion and evaluation of their work. Few 8th graders are ready for such activities. At first it is difficult for them to do this, especially to argue their point of view out loud; they lack both courage and sometimes vocabulary, but “a drop wears away a stone.”

I tried to find a way to solve this problem by introducing into practice a didactic tool - L questions and answers (see Fig. 1,2). It would be more correct to say that this didactic tool is created by the students themselves. The point is that each student formulates 10 (or less, it is up to the teacher) questions on a certain topic and answers 10 questions on the same topic that were formulated by other students.

The sequence of actions is as follows. Each student receives a form with a table “Questions and answers on the topic “…”, where he must enter the 10 questions he has compiled. Then the forms are exchanged (with the participation of the teacher). Now each student must evaluate the questions formulated by a friend and give written answers to them. At the next stage of work, you can do two things: 1) invite the third student to check the completion of all the work by both students and evaluate it; 2) the teacher checks and evaluates the work of two schoolchildren - the one who composed the questions, and the one who evaluated them and answered them. Frankly speaking, the first path is very difficult, and my students have great difficulty following it." width="624" height="205 src=">

“Head” of a sheet of questions and answers on the topic “Natural biopolymers”, grade 10

Another technique for conducting the reflection stage is "Effort Thermometer". It is probably familiar to everyone interested in PISSA research. You can initially issue a full version of the form (Fig. 3), and later, in an abbreviated version, only the scale itself.

“Effort thermometer” (form)

I tried to present the results obtained in the form of graphs(Figure 4).

The interpretation of the results obtained using the “effort thermometer” is complex and ambiguous. I’ve been working with the “effort thermometer” recently, so I can’t provide any statistics. But by carrying out such diagnostics regularly, you can obtain interesting data, and most importantly: accustom schoolchildren to constant reflection of one’s activities, make reflection an internal human need.

Effort thermometer readings. Working in class with lesson note forms with incomplete information, grade 8

In conclusion, we note that the process of formation and development of reflexive skills is extremely complex. But with systematic systematic work of the teacher in this direction, it produces positive results. Yes, the results do not appear immediately, but they appear, and that’s the main thing!

Agree how important it is for each of our students to learn to identify problems in their own activities, find their causes and eliminate these problems, then they will be able to prevent the emergence of these problems. Having studied himself - his abilities and capabilities - a person will be able to correctly determine the scope of his interests and capabilities and choose a business both to his liking and to his abilities.

I would like to conclude my speech with the words of Leonardo da Vinci: