Icons of the Virgin Mary embroidered with beads. Icon of the Kazan Mother of God in embroidery with beads, mosaic and cross Kazan icon of the Mother of God pattern with beads

Icon of Kazan The Mother of God enjoys special veneration in Russia. It is with it that the bride and groom are blessed for the crown, and it is the Kazan Mother of God that is placed near children’s cribs.

Icons of the Kazan Mother of God embroidered with beads and stones

For Orthodox Christians, the image of the Kazan Mother of God embodies the idea of ​​intercession and prayerful intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos for peace

Finding the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God

In the summer of 1579, the daughter of archer Daniil Onuchin, nine-year-old Matrona, dreamed of an icon of the Mother of God. Then she appeared in a dream herself Most Holy Theotokos of Kazan. The Mother of God told the girl that Her icon was on the ashes of the house of Matrona’s parents, and ordered her to convey this to the archbishop and the governors. It must be said that the summer of 1579 turned out to be incredibly difficult for Kazan: after a terrible destructive fire, half of the city turned to ashes.

The girl’s mother did not listen to her daughter’s words, and then the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to Matrona again in a dream. She ordered the girl to tell about Her appearance. However, the mother again did not listen to her daughter’s words. Some time later, miraculously, while sleeping, Matrona was transferred from the house to the middle of the yard. Here the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan appeared to her again, with fiery rays emanating from its face.

Do you need an embroidery pattern for this icon?

Master class: How to embroider a unique icon

Never embroidered. You really want to try, but you’re afraid you won’t succeed.

We dug through the entire Internet, but did not find the embroidery pattern for the desired icon.

We have already filled in many monotonous and boring patterns with embroidery, but my soul wants something creative.

Do you want to embroider a truly beautiful and unique image that will exist in a single copy.

Come to our master class on icon embroidery...

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Or choose from already embroidered images

Beaded icons of the Kazan Mother of God

Icon of the Kazan Mother of God - a national shrine

Having heard about the miraculous discovery of the icon, the priests of the surrounding churches and numerous people hurried to Kazan. The image was solemnly transferred to the Church of St. Nicholas, and after the prayer service, the icon with the Procession of the Cross was delivered to the first Orthodox church in Kazan - the Annunciation Cathedral. During the procession of the Cross, the miraculous icon showed its miracles for the first time: two Kazan blind men regained their sight. History has preserved their names: they were Joseph and Nikita.

The copy of the Kazan Icon was sent to Moscow, and on the site of its appearance, by order of Ivan the Terrible, a church and a nunnery were built. Maiden Matrona became his first nun, and then his abbess. Two centuries later, in 1768, the monastery was visited by Empress Catherine II. Having defended the liturgy, she decorated the crown of the Kazan Icon with a diamond crown.

Soon the icon became a national shrine. The Orthodox people felt with all their souls the special participation and help of the Most Pure Mother of God in the historical fate of Russia. Many times “Mother of Kazan” showed Russian Orthodox soldiers the path to victory. More than once she helped them in fulfilling their sacred military duty to the Motherland and God. It is no coincidence that the Kazan icon was copied from the ancient Blachernae icon, and belongs to the holy images called Hodegetria the Guide.

Kazan Mother of God - savior of the Russian land

The copy from the icon of the Kazan Mother of God was with the militia of Dmitry Pozharsky, when in 1612 they went to liberate Moscow, occupied by the Poles. Since then, on October 22, in memory of the liberation of Moscow, a special celebration has been established in honor of the Kazan Mother of God.

Peter the Great prayed with his army in 1709, on the eve of the Battle of Poltava, in front of the image of Our Lady of Kazan. In 1812, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God protected Russian soldiers who repelled the French invasion.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to Elijah Salib, the Metropolitan of the Lebanese Mountains. Heartbroken for the Russian people with all his soul, he fervently prayed to the Intercessor for several days and nights, without water or food. Elijah asked the Mother of God to reveal how the country could be saved.

After three days of vigil, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared before him and commanded: to open all closed churches, release priests from prisons, carry the icon in a religious procession around Leningrad, and serve prayer services in Moscow and Stalingrad.

Stalin promised to fulfill everything, since there was no other way of salvation. Everything happened exactly as predicted.

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God with the troops marched to the borders, and then began a procession across Russia. It became the common shrine of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan and the entire Fatherland.

Icons of the Kazan Mother of God embroidered with beads using amber, pearls, trumpet, rhinestones, gimp, precious and semi-precious stones. The faces are painted with oil paint on thin canvas. Approximate time for embroidery is 2 months. Embroidery kits for the Kazan Mother of God are not used.

Mother of God of Kazan

She held a blue ladder in her hands. People climbed along it to heaven. Seeing Christ and Peter approaching, the Most Pure One, as if making excuses, said: Forgive me, my Son, but I, too, am a mother and I cannot help but respond to the requests of those who pray for their children. And I give my motherly love to everyone living on earth. The Lord, smiling, quietly said: Let's go, Peter, we have nothing to do with you here. This is just a parable, but it contains an expression of the love and aspirations of people for their Heavenly Intercessor.

Types of iconography of the Mother of God images

Two thousand years have passed since the Dormition of the Mother of God. But in the hearts of Christian believers She occupies a very important place. In every home there are images of the Most Holy Theotokos before which they pray both in joy and in sorrow. The Mother of God lived on earth. Church historians described her appearance. Traditionally, She is depicted wearing a purple maforia - a large scarf covering her arms and shoulders. It depicts three stars. These are signs of the virginity of the Most Pure One before and after the birth of the Son.

Icons of the Mother of God embroidered with beads

The number of stars is associated with the idea. The figure of Christ slightly covers one of the stars, which means His incarnation as one of the hypostases of the Trinity. The tunic of the Virgin Mary is blue. The clothes of the Virgin Mary are strictly defined according to the canons. The halo, unlike the Lord's, is not cross-shaped. All icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary signed ΜΗΡ ΘΥ. This is a Greek abbreviation for Mother of God.

The first icon of the Mother of God, according to legend, was painted by the Apostle Luke. The Queen of Heaven, seeing her, said: May the grace of My Son and Mine be with this image. All images of the Holy Mother of God are divided into several groups according to the type of iconography:

1. Type "". The Mother of God and Her Divine Son pressed their faces to each other. The baby hugs the Mother's neck. The connection of faces and the intersection of halos is a characteristic feature of this type of image. The intersection of halos is a symbol of the union of the earthly and heavenly. This type includes Pochaevskaya, Barskaya, and many other icons. In Greek icon painting, this type was called “Sweet Kiss”.

Beaded icons of the Mother of God

2. "Hodegetria" or " Guidebook". The center of the composition is Christ, to whom the Virgin Mary, whose figure is presented frontally, points with a hand gesture. This gesture is a characteristic feature of the Hodegetria type. Many other images also belong to it.

3. The "type" is close to "Hodegetria" Panahranta"(The Most Pure, All-Immaculate). The Mother of God is seated on the throne. The Child Christ is in Her arms. The Sovereign, Kiev-Pecherskaya, and Cyprus have such iconography.

4. "The Omen" or " Oranta"(Praying). The Mother of God with her hands raised to the sky. In the sphere at chest level, Christ is depicted in adolescence or youth. These are images of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Sign”, Tsarskoye Selo, Kursk-Root.

Beaded icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary

5. "Agiosoritissa" or " Intercessor". The Virgin Mary is depicted without the Child, in a prayerful pose, the figure is slightly rotated. A typical example is.

Whatever type of icon the icon belongs to, each conveys the fundamentals of dogma of the Christian church. 260 The Russian Church has established days of celebration for the icons of the Mother of God. In total, there are more than eight hundred images of the Mother of God in the Christian world.

Images of the Mother of God embroidered with beads and stones

All images of the holy Mother of God are revered, but there are some that are especially beloved. This is Kazan, which, together with the wedding couple, is the main one in the Deesis row of the iconostasis. In any everyday adversity, believers resort to Intercession in prayer.

One of the features of Russian Orthodoxy has always been a special attitude towards the Most Holy Theotokos: the number of venerated images of the Mother of God, according to experts, reaches seven hundred. The first Orthodox church in Kyiv was dedicated to her, in her honor many hymns were composed in Rus' and many images were written, many of which turned out to be miraculous. The Church teaches us that it does not matter in front of which way the prayer is performed, since we pray not to the holy image, but to the one who is depicted on it. However, often the Mother of God herself appeared to those who were suffering and indicated in what way they should pray in order for the illness to be healed, and indeed, by coming to the indicated place and praying in front of her image, people received healing. Thus, traditions gradually developed to ask a specific image for help in solving a particular life situation.

- patroness of the Russian land. They pray to her for an end to hostility and peace in society. And here is the Guide of the Russian people. It also saves from epidemics and disasters.

Also called Goalkeeper. It is traditionally placed above the front door of the house. They ask the Mother of God of Iveron to guide them on the true path, as well as to heal mental and physical illnesses.

- a favorite icon of women. She is asked for the gift of motherhood, assistance in childbirth and raising children. "" helps to get rid of all kinds of dependencies.

Each person has his own favorite image of the Mother of God. There is no Christian who would never experience tangible help after sincere prayer before the Mother of God. It is important not to forget to thank the Most Pure Mother of God for the inexhaustible love that she gives to everyone living on earth and specifically to each of us.

Healer- as a rule, a list of such an icon is necessarily present in any hospital church. Before the image they pray for a cure for various diseases, for prisoners, and also for the birth of healthy children. The day of celebration is October 1 (September 18).

- before her they pray for protection from ill-wishers, to soften their anger, and also for an end to hostility within the family. The day of celebration is March 20 (7).

– they pray to her if their arms or legs hurt. The icon received this name in memory of a miracle associated with the Monk John of Damascus, who served as a vizier under the Damascus caliph. Believing the forged letter and accusing John of crimes that he did not commit, the caliph ordered the saint’s right hand to be cut off and thrown into prison. The monk, overcoming the pain, prayed to the Mother of God for a long time and in the morning, waking up, he discovered that the severed hand had grown back. Soon John became a monk, and in gratitude for the healing he placed an image of a silver hand at the bottom of the image. The day of celebration is July 11 (June 28).

– it is customary to pray at the Vladimir image of the Mother of God for help in the event of an enemy invasion, for the strengthening of the Orthodox faith and the prevention of heresies and schisms, and the reconciliation of warring parties. Celebrated three times a year: June 3 (May 21), in memory of the deliverance of Moscow from the Crimean Tatar raid in 1521; July 6 (June 23) - in honor of the bloodless victory over the Tatars in the confrontation on the Ugra River, September 8 (August 26) - in memory of the miraculous salvation of Rus' from the invasion of Tamerlane.

« Joy to all who mourn“- this image first became famous as miraculous in 1688, after the healing of Patriarch Joachim’s sister, who was considered terminally ill. All those suffering from seizures, paralysis of the arms, throat diseases and tuberculosis, as well as those unjustly offended and oppressed, pray before her. The day of celebration is set on November 6 (October 24).

"The Tsaritsa"- this image, painted in the 17th century, first gained fame after a miracle, when a young man who was interested in the occult who approached her was thrown to the ground by an invisible force. Nowadays it is known for the fact that by praying before it, many are healed of cancerous tumors.

– it is customary to turn to her in case of family troubles, as well as for eye diseases. Days of celebration: July 21 (8), November 4 (October 22).

Our Lady of the Mammal– before the “Mammal” it is customary to pray to women expecting a child, as well as to nursing mothers. She is also known for miracles of healing and salvation from fires. Celebrated on January 25 (12).

"Burning bush"– this image became most famous after the events in 1822 in the city of Slavyansk, when fires began to occur frequently in the city, perpetrated by an unknown arsonist. All attempts to bring the attacker into the open proved fruitless. One day, a certain pious parishioner Belnitskaya had a vision in a dream that if the image of the Mother of God “The Burning Bush” was painted and the bishop served a prayer service before her, then the arson in the city would stop. The parishioner told the local bishop about her vision, the icon was immediately painted and a prayer service was served. Soon after the prayer service, the fires were stopped, and the arsonist, or rather the arsonist, a local resident who suffered from dementia, was detained. Grateful residents of the city placed the image in the dear shrine, accompanying it with a text of gratitude for salvation. The tradition of praying before the image for salvation from fires, as well as from natural disasters in general, continues to this day. Burning Bush Day is celebrated on September 17 (4).

Mother of God "Unfading Color"- known for many cases of healing the sick. Before the “Unfading Flower,” prayers are made for the right choice of a life partner and the settlement of family troubles. The day of celebration is April 16 (3).

– at the “Inexhaustible Chalice” prayers are made for a cure for alcoholism. The day of celebration is May 18 (5).

"The Bread Wrangler"– as the name suggests, it is customary to pray in front of it for the granting of a good harvest. The veneration of this image begins in 1891, when, in a generally lean year for Russia, through the prayers of the residents of the Kaluga province, local peasants reaped a wonderful harvest. Celebrated on October 28 (15).

(sometimes also called “Soothes of illness”) - with this image it is customary to pray for recovery. Her veneration as a miracle worker begins in the second half of the 18th century, after the healing of a hopeless woman recognized by doctors. Celebrated on February 7 (January 25).

Icon of the Virgin Mary, embroidered with beads and stones, Everlasting Color


More than 2000 images of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Embroidered icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • All icons of the Virgin Mary

The main difference between church embroidery and secular embroidery is that a person busy with work receives not only aesthetic pleasure, but also strives to more fully reveal the inner meaning of the image.

The generally accepted method of embroidery has long been considered face stitching, which is close in artistic expression to the skill of an icon painter. Working on an icon is a titanic work, primarily spiritual. Therefore, this embroidery method requires not only the advice of a priest, but also his blessing.

Today, it is customary to embroider icons with beads in three versions:

1. The first involves placing a paper icon on fabric and sewing only the frame and vestments.

2. Working according to the second option, the craftswoman embroiders the vestment with beads, and the face using the facial sewing method.

3. Third method: you need to embroider with a cross, according to a counting pattern. It is important to remember that in this case the work will not be considered canonical.

Preparatory stage

Before you begin such a complex and serious process as embroidering an icon with beads, you must read a prayer. This can be either a prayer “Before starting any business” or an appeal to the Mother of God.

Bright light is of great importance, since bead embroidery requires both visual acuity and maximum precision.

Preparation of the workplace

It would be correct to embroider at the table. Remember that it is important to create comfortable working conditions for yourself:

1. Cover your work surface with a white cloth. If a bead falls from the needle, it will not be difficult to find it.

2. Place the beads in the menazhitsa (each color in its “own” cell), for convenience, stick on it the numbers corresponding to the pattern.

3. On your right side, place the diagram you will work on.

4. Using a thread, mark the material into squares of 10 by 10 cells.

Embroidery materials and tools

To embroider an icon with beads you will need the following “ingredients”:

  • canvas with a pattern;
  • Czech (or jewelry) beads;
  • needle;
  • instructions (relevant for beginners);
  • hoop (square or round);
  • threads (monofilament is perfect for beginners);
  • stones (semi-precious and ornamental);
  • rhinestones;
  • beads (various sizes).

Work on the icon “St. Helena”

Making an icon with your own hands assumes that you can embroider in vertical and horizontal rows. You can start from both the bottom and the top. The icon “St. Helena” is considered the simplest in execution.

According to experienced craftswomen, to make the Saint Helena icon, it is most correct to start embroidering from the upper right corner and move in horizontal rows. The thread is attached to the wrong side, then brought to the “face” of the work in the lower right corner.

The master class will tell you how to properly embroider the face of the Saint Helena icon. Follow it, and you will certainly succeed.

Work process

The process of embroidering the icon “St. Helena” is as follows:

Important to remember

If one row turns out to be longer or shorter than the previous one, you can sew the last bead twice, and then return to the wrong side and use small stitches to reach the required area. If the color of the sewn bead accidentally turns out to be inappropriate, then you can use round nose pliers or pliers. Having carefully “seen through” the erroneous element, sew on the bead whose color matches the pattern.

We embroider the icon “Tenderness of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

Icons made of beads often “participate” in the decoration of the Temple. The icon “Tenderness of the Blessed Virgin Mary” is especially loved by believers, the prayer of which helps girls and girls to worthily go through all the difficult stages of growing up. Embroidering this icon with beads requires some experience. In the photo, the hand-embroidered icon looks very impressive.
The difficulty lies in working out the small elements - the eyes, fingers and lips of the saints. Commercially available patterns that involve the presence of faces printed on fabric allow one to cope with this difficulty.

A master class will help you embroider the icon “Tenderness of the Blessed Virgin Mary” with your own hands. Do not forget that a special prayer must be read before work.

Preparing for work

Many icon patterns are more suitable for cross stitch. But, judging by the recommendations of the photos and video master classes, you can simply select beads to match the color and embroider icons from beads.

Experienced craftswomen, who share their secrets in photo and video lessons, advise working with “Aida 14” canvas and Czech beads No. 10 to work on this icon.


In order to understand what size fabric you will need, you can count all the cells of the canvas and add one centimeter at the edges. Before work, you need to carefully thread the canvas into the hoop.

The width of the canvas is 149 beads, and the length is 150 beads.

The process of embroidering the icon “Tenderness of the Blessed Virgin Mary” is as follows:

  • Before you start embroidering, you need to tighten the threads and secure the working thread with a knot;
  • Then collect beads for the first row on the working thread;
  • Pass the thread under the warp (from left to right) so that each of the elements is between 2 warp threads;
  • In one of the video lessons, needlewomen are advised to stretch a needle and working thread from right to left through each bead over the warp threads;
  • Before moving to the second row, tighten the thread properly;
  • At the next stage, it is necessary to embroider the second row of the “Tenderness of the Blessed Virgin Mary” icon. To do this, pick up the beads you need for the pattern, pass the working thread under the warp threads and pull it tight;
  • Place several beads above the beads of the first row (between the threads);
  • Pull a needle and working thread through each bead (the technique is the same - over the warp threads, from right to left);
  • Work the third row in exactly the same way;
  • Carefully secure all the threads.
  • The icon “Tenderness of the Blessed Virgin Mary” will be completely ready after you have embroidered all the elements of the pattern. If you wish, you can decorate your work with high-quality pearls.

    Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

    To create an icon of the Kazan Mother of God from beads, you will have to use mixed techniques. The “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon is made using the same principle. The diagrams are freely available, but you can also work with the picture found on our website. If you follow all the recommendations that the master class offers, then soon your work will delight you and your loved ones.

    “The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God,” as well as the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, involves the use of mixed techniques of cross stitch and beadwork:

    • seams “extended cross” and “simple cross”;
    • half-cross stitch (counted bead embroidery);
    • arched stitch (counted beadwork).


    Before embroidering the icons “Kazan Icon of the Mother of God” and “Inexhaustible Chalice”, a prayer must be read.

    After this, you can safely get to work:

  • First of all, you need to prepare a piece of canvas. Approximate size - 29 by 31.1 centimeters;
  • To ensure that the “Kazan Icon of the Mother of God” or the “Inexhaustible Chalice” are not damaged during work and look impressive in the photo, use a frame or tapestry hoop;
  • Using the diagram as a guide, determine the middle of the picture. Start working using the “simple cross” technique;
  • In the next step, you need to carefully monitor that there is no error with the background embroidery. After you have completed work on the faces of the icons “Kazan Icon of the Mother of God” or “Inexhaustible Chalice”, begin embroidering with beads (half-cross stitch). The background and halos should be embroidered using floss;
  • Fifth stage - embroider icons with beads (arched stitch). Remember that the cells in the diagram correspond to stringed beads. To avoid mistakes, string three or four pieces at a time, secure them and return the needle back (by 1 bead);
  • String the beads following the “tips” of the diagram;
  • After the “Kazan” or “Inexhaustible Chalice” icons are ready, you can wash them and decorate them with large beads (edge ​​of the frame).
  • Video: embroidering the icon of the Kazan Mother of God

    We embroider personalized icons

    Not so long ago, personalized icons embroidered with beads, or the faces of guardian angels, became extremely popular. It is important to remember that there may be several “personal” saints, so before work it is important to consult a priest.


    The recommendations offered by a professional master class will help you make luxurious personalized icons that look great in photos:

  • Personalized icons require working with a ready-made set, which includes both detailed instructions and the necessary equipment, as well as a canvas with the image;
  • Personalized icons are embroidered on a special frame, for the production of which you need to put together 4 short bars to fit the size of the work. If you don't tighten the canvas, you can do without a frame;
  • Personalized icons are embroidered as follows: two ends of the working thread are inserted into the needle and a loop is formed;
  • You should bring it to the “face” of the working material (lower left corner);
  • The next stage is stringing the beads;
  • Insert the needle into the opposite corner, and then remove it (lower left corner, next cell);
  • Once the thread is finished, pull it through a couple of stitches on the wrong side.
  • Personalized icons do not imply the presence of broaches and knots. In order to avoid annoying mistakes, you will need to embroider, forming a loop - in 2 folds. At the end of the thread, the bead needs to be sewn twice and “hide” on the wrong side under several stitches.

    In order for your personalized icons to turn out perfect, remember that:

    • the quality criterion is evenness, and you need to embroider in diagonal or horizontal rows, inserting and removing the needle at the same “point”;
    • if personalized icons are securely “hidden” under glass;
    • personalized icons should be embroidered on linen fabric.

    The finished work can be decorated with pearls.

    We work with jewelry beads

    Bead embroidery of icons is often compared to jewelry craftsmanship. Indeed, working with jewelry beads requires not only perseverance and patience, but also certain knowledge and skills. In this case, bead embroidery of an icon involves performing work that is almost invisible to the eye.

    Features of work

    Bead embroidery of icons is highly valued by art connoisseurs. In order to correctly embroider an icon with jewelry beads, you need to adhere to the following rules:

    Embroidering a picture with jewelry beads involves working not by color, but in rows, from top to bottom;

  • When working with jewelry beads, it is important to ensure that the fabric is well stretched over the frame (hoop);
  • As you work with jewelry beads, you may need several shades at the same time. A special “beaded” organizer can help;
  • When embroidering a picture with jewelry beads, it is recommended to immediately pry each element with a needle.
  • Many craftswomen who work with jewelry beads recommend paying attention to material made in Czech or Japanese production. An icon decorated with pearls can become a real decoration of both a home iconostasis and a Temple.

    To ensure that bead embroidery of icons always pleases you and your loved ones, follow these simple tips:

    • always finish the row;
    • remember that only the background and decoration of the saint is decorated with beads and pearls, while the face itself must remain untouched;
    • make sure that the thread is long enough to reach the end of the row;
    • if you treat the thread with wax, it will not tangle, and the work will be very durable.

    Do not be upset if bead embroidery of an icon does not work out right away. Remember that the most important thing in spiritual needlework is the process itself.

    Video: master class on icon embroidery with beads

    Iconic image - an important component of spiritual life in Orthodox society. Despite the complexity of execution, embroidery of icons with beads today is very popular among craftswomen who appreciate the special charm of this labor-intensive needlework. Hand-embroidered icons consecrated in the church are comparable to traditional ones in terms of the power of intercession and deliverance from troubles and illnesses.

    Features of working with beads

    Bead embroidery on church themes is a very painstaking and responsible task that requires diligence and patience. Even working with ready-made kits will not be flawless without the necessary skills and attitude, After all, such a complex process requires high precision and special care.

    It is not for nothing that initially the jewelry type of embroidery was practiced only in monasteries and temple workshops. The release of kits has made this needlework accessible, but sewing must be very neat and even.

    The online store “Vyshivayu.ru” offers a large selection of kits for embroidering images of Saints with beads, a feature of which is partial stitching of the image. In church tradition, only nuns are allowed to embroider faces on icons, so the faces and hands in the sketches are drawn with light-resistant paints and are not recommended for embroidering.

    In bead embroidery Mother of God occupies a special place, and many needlewomen begin their fascinating journey in beadwork with the image of the Virgin Mary. The most famous are the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God and the Mother of God of Seven Arrows. Most revered by believers intercessor Nicholas the Wonderworker, and the Holy Believers Peter and Fevronia patronize family and marriage.

    Can everyone embroider icons with beads?

    Doubts and disputes about the feasibility and possibility of embroidering icons by ordinary people have been present for a very long time.

    Even among priests there is no consensus on this matter, although most of them bless parishioners to do needlework for the glory of the name of God.

    Archpriest Alexander Saltykov, dean of the Faculty of Church Arts at PSTGU, believes:

    “There cannot be any bad intent in embroidering an icon image, but the needlewoman must receive a blessing. Maybe this will be the first step to deepening into spiritual life.”
    Secular art historians argue about the degree of observance of church traditions and the degree of high art in such creations. After all, Old Church sewing was carried out taking into account the canons of theology under the control of the Church. And modern commercial offers are often outright kitsch.

    Only personal spiritual experience craftswomen will allow you to distinguish real church art from popular prints. If you have a desire to embroider an icon image, then you must first think about its purpose.

    You should not embroider if you are in a bad mood, angry or offended. After completion of work It is recommended to consecrate the icon in the temple for cleansing and filling with divine energy. Only canonical images are allowed to be consecrated in the Church.

    Why are icons embroidered using ready-made patterns?

    Icons in any form carry a sacred meaning, when each symbol has its own meaning. Therefore, when performing work, sloppiness and mistakes in choosing colors are unacceptable.

    Work on icons must be carried out according to strict church canons, so it is better to do this using ready-made color schemes. Developed by professional craftsmen, they are made according to all the rules and eliminate the possibility of error.

    Flowers are given special meaning therefore, the diagrams should not contain gray color, which means emptiness and non-existence. In the image of the Mother of God, there is always purple in the elements of the robe, symbolizing God in heaven. And white, as a symbol of purity and holiness, is always used by masters when depicting angels, babies and Saints.

    The same great attention is paid to gestures, which can be blessing, protecting and inviting.

    The online store “Vyshivayu.ru” brings to your attention kits for embroidery with beads and canvas with a pattern from manufacturers, for most of whom icon embroidery is their main specialization. You can buy products from domestic and Ukrainian companies at interesting prices:

    • “We embroider with beads”;
    • "Rainbow of Beads" (Crochet);
    • “Charivna mit”;
    • "Russian mistress";
    • "Nova Sloboda";
    • and others.
    And remember the basic rule - hard work in a good mood endows the creation with special protective energy.

    An icon embroidered with beads will not only be a talisman for your home, but also a warm gift for loved ones for family celebrations - name days, births, christenings and weddings.

    Consider also the section

    Embroidery of icons is truly a real art, which is as fascinating as it is labor-intensive. Not every craftswoman is capable of embroidering icons, since this requires adherence to certain rules and canons. First of all, you need to receive a spiritual blessing in church from the rector of the temple, and after that, with pure and good thoughts, begin your work.

    Experienced needlewomen love to embroider images of the Virgin Mary in her various forms. For example, the Kazan Mother of God, the Quick to Hear, or the Inexhaustible Chalice.

    This icon is one of the most revered in Orthodox Christianity. It is considered miraculous because it relieves diseases and helps in difficult times. In a manner The Kazan Mother of God blesses those entering into marriage.

    The icon appeared in a dream to the girl Matrona in 1579 in Kazan. In a vision, the Mother of God commanded her to inform the archbishop and mayor so that they take the icon from the ground. At the same time, the place itself was indicated. The dream was repeated three more times until Matrona heard a voice: “If you do not fulfill My command, then I will appear in another place, and you will perish.”

    They pray to the Holy Face when they want to avoid an attack on their native land, homeland. For guard why at home.

    In order to correctly embroider the holy image, several church provisions must be observed:

    • Before starting work, you need to receive a blessing from the priest;
    • During the embroidery process, adhere to piety (do not use foul language, do not wish harm to others). Do not start work if you are in disagreement with someone or hold a grudge in your soul;
    • The embroidered Icon must be consecrated so that it is not just a picture, but becomes the Guardian of the family hearth.

    If you adhere to all the rules, then not only will the lines and crosses be straight, and the work itself will be done easily and quickly, but the saving icon will also retain its divinity.

    Is it possible to embroider on the Mother of God of Kazan (in the Orthodox Church it is celebrated twice: July 21 and November 4)? This is a question that worries all needlewomen and still causes a lot of discussion. But in former times, women, on holidays, gathered in groups and practiced crafts. Therefore, decide for yourself how to spend your time these days.

    Prayer before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God:

    Icon of the Kazan Mother of God embroidered with beads

    Beginners are recommended to purchase a ready-made set of the Virgin of Kazan for bead embroidery. There is a large assortment of diagrams of revered saints, which include the Mother of God. You can start working after you have decided on the plot of the picture.

    Bead embroidery is carried out:

    You can create stitches on the canvas using one bead at a time or several beads at once making a small column. It all depends on the bead embroidery technique you choose.

    Her robes are decorated with marguerites of different sizes and colors. It needs to be placed very tightly to each other so that there are no gaps. After looking at photos and videos on embroidery, you can decide on a method of work that is convenient for you.

    Having inserted the canvas into the tapestry hoop, we work on the first row of the pattern from the top left corner. Before doing this, step back five centimeters from the edge of the canvas. Choose the direction for yourself; it can be either vertical or horizontal. But the principle of embroidering the icon of the Kazan Mother of God remains the same - the stitches are made in rows. String beads of different colors according to the diagram. If bead stitch is interrupted due to the fact that the turn of the image of drawn elements such as the face and hands has come, it is necessary to break the thread. There should be no constrictions on the reverse side; they contribute to the distortion of the embroidered icon. There is another way to secure the thread. Sew the last beads in the row several times, and hide the remaining edge in the next stitch. Do not make a knot under any circumstances.

    Since ancient times, embroidery using pearls has existed. The needlewomen strung one on a thread and sewed them together with a stitch. Basically, the saint’s halo was decorated in this way. Nowadays, stones with imitation pearls are used, which looks no less beautiful. The halo embroidery begins from the outer edge of the icon, so it turns out beautiful and even. Show your imagination and combine pearls with beads and sequins. After this, it will look delicate.

    After finishing work on the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, place the embroidery in a baguette. Passe-partout cannot be used in this case. Be sure to consecrate your product in church. If this is not done, we can assume that it is just embroidery with a religious theme, and not a real icon.

    Examples of patterns for embroidering icons of the Kazan Mother of God

    Wedding embroidery pattern

    For a wedding, you need images that are embroidered according to all church canons. It consists of the faces of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, which can be embroidered either as separate pictures or as one whole.

    Video master class on bead embroidery of a holy icon

    Painting mosaic icons

    Crystals and stasis are amazing in their iridescence, but do not require much effort compared to other embroidery techniques. Small and large sizes of the image will look voluminous, and textured stones give the iconography a 5D effect.

    Sets can be complete or partial. They also differ in design, some have a sticky layer, but most have a self-adhesive backing. The crystals themselves differ in shape and structure.

    The complete set includes:

    • symbolic color scheme printed on thick fabric
    • acrylic rhinestone stones
    • tweezers for laying
    • container for pebbles.

    Video: Diamond mosaic of the Kazan Mother of God

    Cross stitch icon of the Kazan Mother of God

    A fascinating cross stitch embroidery icon of the Kazan Mother of God can not only dilute leisure time, but also become a talisman for the owner, since the holy face has a miraculous effect.

    The very first thing you need to do is choose a pattern for embroidery. The picture should generate a desire to embroider it.

    Cross stitch pattern for the Kazan Mother of God: