Center for working with students at the Avtozavodskaya. The first bit helped Mami make payments to the students. Extracurricular activities

Automation of payments to students has made it possible to significantly reduce the burden on university specialists. Previously, parallel work in several programs led to problems with data synchronization and duplication of employee functions. "First BIT" helped us eliminate these shortcomings. Now there are different divisions, incl. branches keep records of student populations and tuition fees in a single software. Additional opportunities have emerged for planning financial and economic activities and monitoring arrears of payment.

Ekaterina Afonina,
deputy Head of the UEF University of Mechanical Engineering

Customer information

Moscow State Mechanical Engineering University traces its history back to the mid-19th century. From a small trade school, the institution has grown into one of the largest universities in the country with more than 35,000 students and 1,500 teachers. The university conducts not only educational, but also scientific activities in many areas, provides postgraduate and additional education services, and participates in training programs for foreign students.

Project goals and objectives

The university needed comprehensive automation of payments to students, which would allow optimizing accounting and work with student contracts. The goal was to reduce labor costs, time and financial losses, as well as eliminate human errors. The following priority tasks were set:

  • Timely track changes in personnel information for students;
  • Reduce labor costs and time wasted entering payment data;
  • Automatically calculate the amount of penalties and fines for late payments to eliminate errors and financial losses;
  • Perform mass operations on student contracts (payment indexation, group closure, etc.);
  • Eliminate duplication of functions between employees.

Project Description

The university provides higher education to more than 35,000 students, including on a paid basis. Personnel information about students, such as information about contracts and payments for them, was stored in the database of the BIT.VUZ software package. However, some of the tasks associated with working with students required additional automation.

Entering data on tuition fees took a lot of time and effort. There were no mechanisms for calculating penalties and fines for late payments, which led to monetary losses and errors when manually calculating penalties. Time was wasted re-entering the same data into different systems.

To solve these problems, employees of First BIT were involved. First BIT's many years of experience in automating educational institutions, primarily universities, played a decisive role in choosing an integrator.

To the existing functionality, First BIT specialists added the software module “BIT.Settlements with students”. This made it possible to significantly facilitate and speed up the work of university employees.

  • A new function “Calculation of fines” was developed, which made it possible to calculate the amount of penalties and fines, as well as configure the type and amount of fines individually for each contract;
  • Added tools for quickly tracking changes in personnel information entered by dean's offices (enrollment, transfer from course, academic leave, reinstatement, etc.);
  • Procedures have been developed for downloading and analyzing payment information and automatically distributing payments under student contracts;
  • A convenient tool has been created for group editing of data in student contracts;
  • The university's accounting systems are combined into a single database. Employees of the dean's office and the contract department gained access to information about students' financial debt, which freed them from the need to request data from the accounting department and duplicate information in their databases.

The project was completed in a short time - in just 3 months.

Project results

  • Integrating accounting systems into a single complex made it possible to get rid of repeated data entry and significantly reduce labor costs and time losses for university employees;
  • The penalty calculation block allows you to quickly calculate fines and penalties for late payments by students. This freed employees from manual calculations and avoided financial losses;
  • Bulk operations on student contracts and automatic tracking of personnel information made it possible to significantly reduce the time spent on this work and reduce the number of errors in the data;
  • The function of loading payment information allows you to keep the database up to date, relieves university staff from a large amount of labor-intensive work and also reduces the number of errors.

The largest technical university in the country, the Moscow Polytechnic, incorporates two metropolitan universities, including the mechanical engineering university MAMI. Reviews from graduates of previous years do not fully understand this addition to the “alma mater”. However, today's students believe that the university did not lose anything from the merger. Firstly, because the Moscow Polytechnic was a very good successor to the best traditions of MSTU MAMI, reviews note the confident development of scientific and educational activities of the new educational institution, consisting of two perfectly complementary and equally glorious Moscow universities. Moreover, each of them went through the difficult path of many reorganizations and renamings.


The first step is always important, because it is the one that chooses the direction for the whole long, long journey. Mechanical Engineering University (MAMI) began to receive feedback already in its infancy, in 1864, when a small vocational school for the poor opened in Moscow. And since the direction was chosen correctly, after a short time the Komissarovsky Technical School was already standing on the site of the school - the leading technical secondary educational institution, which, perhaps, had no equal in Tsarist Russia.

Many believe that it was then that the formation of domestic vocational education began. KTU improved, accumulated experience, and most of its traditions were preserved for a long time even after the revolution. On its basis, other educational institutions were organized, which will be discussed below, but the direction remained the same during the organization of MAMI. Reviews from specialists who have graduated from this university are full of nostalgia and gratitude for the quality of education, since the specialists from these walls have always turned out wonderful.


At that time, the engineering industry did not exist in Russia, and the craft school taught the children of the poor and orphans bookbinding, shoemaking and tailoring. He founded the Christian Meyen school, and the funds for this were allocated by the railway magnate - Pyotr Gubonin. In 1866, when no one had even dreamed of the creation of the technical university MAMI on the tailoring base, reviews of this school were very positive.

Otherwise, in 1866, it would not have been given the name of the national hero Komissarov, who saved Alexander II during an attempt on his life. So the school became Komissarovskaya. And in 1869, the same Gubonin built a building for the school right in Blagoveshchensky Lane itself, and a beautiful Alexander Nevsky Church, adjacent to the new vocational school. The Komissarovskaya school developed very quickly. The boys studied here for three whole years with full support, and wood and metal processing completely replaced shoemaking and tailoring within three or four years. In 1870 the school became a college.


Now they studied here for five whole years, and since 1886 for seven. By 1892, new buildings and a variety of equipment appeared based on the newest models of that time. In 1902, the school already had twenty separate buildings, its own power plant and electric lighting from it. Copper and iron foundry workshops appeared, as well as a large woodworking workshop.

From time to time, MAMI students write reviews specifically about these ancient buildings, where KTU was once located, which in 1916 was awarded the title of Imperial (IKTU). They love their university and its history. Students write that in terms of its technical equipment, teaching methods and education, the school clearly exceeded its own level. All this was more like a higher educational institution, and in terms of equipment, universities were not superior to it. The school differed from the university only in that here the students received practical work skills.

Lomonosov technical school

The professional authority of IKTU in the country was unusually high. Many prominent industrial workers and future scientists studied here. V. M. Kovan, one of the pillars of domestic mechanical engineering, graduated from this educational institution. M. A. Saverin - a prominent teacher and scientist, professor at Moscow Higher Technical University named after. Bauman also received his first knowledge at this school. Already in Soviet times, IKTU teachers who worked there for a long time before the revolution became professors.

These are academicians of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.S. Kulebakin and V.A. Aleksandrov-Roslavlev, D.K. Karelskikh, I.V. Gribov - professors of MAMI (institute), many associate professors and doctors of sciences who previously worked also received reviews of their excellent work at IKTU. And immediately after the revolution, this educational institution began to have a different name: in 1919 it was renamed the First Moscow Mechanical and Electrical Technical College named after. Lomonosov (popularly known as Lomonosov Technical School).


At the same time, new departments were opened, now there are five of them: automotive, steam engineering, internal combustion engines, metal processing, electrical engineering. The technical school had its own Presidium, chaired by I.V. Gribov, who later headed the automotive and tractor department, as well as the department of automobile operation. But this happened much later, when this educational institution was already called the Moscow Automechanical Institute. Reviews about MAMI (Moscow) consisted and consist mostly of thanks to the teachers. Ivan Vasilyevich Gribov enjoyed unquestioned authority and immeasurable love of the students.

However, the capabilities of the former IKTU significantly exceeded even the technical school programs; much more highly qualified personnel were trained here for the young Soviet industry. That is why already in 1920 the technical school became the Practical Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Institute named after Lomonosov. At that time, practical institutes trained highly specialized specialists in individual fields of knowledge. The course of study became three years, and it was divided in two. After a year and a half, students received a certificate of completion of the concentration, which indicated their qualifications: engineer, technician, and so on, and after another year and a half - a second one, but always only in their chosen specialty. In terms of the volume of programs, it was still far from a mechanical engineering university.


Reviews about the quality of teaching, however, were excellent even then, otherwise the practical institute would not have been able to become a higher technical educational institution in 1922. However, the institute did not immediately arrive at its familiar name to all of us. At first it was the Moscow Mechanical-Electrotechnical Institute with the rector I.V. Gribov. In 1924 it became the Moscow Mechanical Institute. (In 1925, for the first time, he graduated forty-five real mechanical engineers).

In 1930, the institute was called the Moscow Automotive and Tractor Institute. And only in 1932 it received its real name - the Moscow Automechanical Institute named after Lomonosov. However, the transformations were not completed there. There even came (though not for too long) a period when this illustrious educational institution as such ceased to exist. It was not yet complete death, since the entire institute was compressed to the size of the faculty, but, one might say, a coma. Fortunately, the government quickly corrected this unfortunate mistake.


Further, for many years after the re-establishment of MAMI, it selflessly carried out the difficult mission of the country’s main industrial higher educational institution and trained the most highly qualified personnel for all research institutes and enterprises of the automotive industry. Then a new time came, the time of the next transformations. In 1992, MAMI became the Academy of Automotive and Tractor Engineering. The new status did not last long. Already in 1997, the Ministry of Education issued an order to rename the academy to MSTU MAMI. Then, in 2011, the two universities merged, that is, MSTU MAMI received a new structural unit in the form of the Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering.

MSUIE is also a fairly old university with its own traditions. It was founded in 1931 on the basis of the faculty of MHTI (Moscow Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology) and, frankly, it can be said that it literally flourished under the name of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering Engineers. It was the oldest and one of the most respected universities in the country, a leading educational institution for the training of scientific and engineering personnel. There were many wonderful teachers here too. I. I. Artobolevsky, for example, is an academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, widely known for his works, as well as the well-known and popularly loved P. L. Kapitsa, a Nobel laureate and member of the English Royal Scientific Society. But now we are not talking about MGUIE, but about MAMI. collects in huge quantities. It is especially interesting to read student forums.

"Car mechanics" are joking

MSUIE University, of course, has its own pride, and in the merger of universities that took place, equality at first turned out to be somewhat similar to rivalry. Therefore, discussion on forums of such painful topics as the domestic auto industry sometimes turned not only to personalities, but also to accusations of insufficient professional training of the educational institution.

From adherents of chemical engineering to "auto mechanics" the word "diapers" often flew (there is a Japanese company Unicharm that produces Mamy Poko children's products - "Mami Poko" diapers). Reviews sprinkled with emoticons indicate that the “auto mechanics” were not in debt.

About problems

But - jokes aside. In fact, the most interesting and most painful topics are discussed. The ills of our automotive industry have occurred and are occurring precisely because young technologists, designers and engineers cannot convey their ideas for use in industry.

This is a huge problem. Because they almost always find such recognition abroad, and the implementation of their ideas is not long in coming. There are any number of cases when in the silhouette of a foreign concept car you can see the outline of a design that has been collecting dust on a shelf in Russia for a long time only because the design student is too young for ideas that can be implemented.


And now at MSTU MAMI there is a student design bureau, where students have the opportunity to demonstrate their talents. Moreover, he can see the results of the work - a finished car that actually functions.

Now the university has six faculties and three branches. The number of directions and specializations is increasing every year, and the contingent is becoming larger at MSTU MAMI. Feedback from students suggests that studying is becoming more difficult, but more interesting. Moreover, this is written by students in literally all departments - part-time, evening, and full-time.

Much needed information

At the same time, ten thousand people study at MSTU MAMI. Reviews from students have repeatedly mentioned the hospitality of the university on Bolshaya Semyonovskaya, 38. Applicants are not offended here, although they replenish their ranks with all the rigor of a competitive basis. Faculties are ready to accept talented young people. There is plenty to choose from!

1. Cars and tractors.

2. Power engineering and instrument making.

3. Design and technology.

4. Mechanical and technological.

5. Economic.

6. Automation and control.

Mandatory for all non-resident students studying at

During the academic year, games of the KVN league of the University of Mechanical Engineering are held. The winning team receives the right to represent the university at the International Festival of KVN Teams in Sochi, as well as in the games of the central and interregional leagues of the International KVN Union. KVN traditions at the University of Mechanical Engineering have strong roots. In 1999, the KVN team of MSTU “MAMI” was created, which subsequently became the vice-champion of the major league of the international KVN union in the 2002 season.

Creativity at the university is not limited to KVN games. For those who feel a constant need for self-realization and communication with art, we have theater and vocal studios. During the existence of the MAMI Theater, 10 productions were created, including a military-patriotic performance dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War “A Lesson in Courage”, a musical performance based on the film by J. Kirkwood “Corporate Ballet” “Beyond the Revue”, musical performance “Loop of Time”, “Only Girls in Jazz”, “Tales of Old Baghdad”. In April 2012, the MAMI Theater took part in the second (in-person) round of the XX International Interuniversity Student Festival “Spring UPI in the Ural Federal” in Yekaterinburg, within the framework of which the All-Russian Festival of Student Drama Theaters “Theater Meetings-2012” was held.

Searches for new talents are carried out at traveling creative festivals. About 100 students, who make up the creative community, go to a health center in the Moscow region several times a year. Professional directors, choirmasters, musicians, screenwriters, choreographers and journalists work with the children and pass on their knowledge and skills to the festival participants. The best performances make it to the final gala concert of the festival. Thanks to the great attention from the university administration to the creative development of students and the holding of on-site festivals, it became possible to organize ceremonial, festive and cultural events at the university at a high level.

Legal address 107023, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 38 Website

Moscow State Technical University "MAMI"(Moscow Automotive Institute) is a higher technical state educational institution in Moscow.



  • - - Komisarovsky Technical School
  • - - Imperial Komisar Technical School
  • - - 1st Moscow Mechanical and Electrical Technical College named after. M. V. Lomonosova (Lomonosov Technical School)
  • - - Moscow Practical Mechanical-Electrotechnical Institute named after. M. V. Lomonosova
  • - - Moscow Mechanical-Electrotechnical Institute named after. M. V. Lomonosova
  • - - Moscow Automotive and Tractor Institute named after. M. V. Lomonosova
  • - - Automotive and Tractor Faculty of the Moscow Mechanical Engineering Institute
  • - - Moscow Automechanical Institute
  • - - Moscow State Academy of Automotive and Tractor Engineering (MGAATM)
  • -n. V. - Moscow State Technical University "MAMI"

Unofficial (student) names: MAMI - Many Alcoholics, Few Engineers, Moscow Academy of Soft Toys, Moscow Academy of Interplanetary Research, etc.





In recent years, Moscow State Technical University "MAMI", which is still the largest higher educational institution in Russia, training engineers and scientists for mechanical engineering, machine tool, automobile and tractor manufacturing enterprises, research centers, firms involved in design, production, economics and marketing, service, diagnostics and technical operation of cars, tractors, technical and technological engineering systems, continued to improve all aspects of his work. The university has increased the number of students and now the university has eight faculties that train specialists in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of study, the faculty of advanced training for teachers of universities and technical schools, the Institute for Advanced Training of Automotive Industry Workers, the Research Institute of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Technologies, the Center retraining and cyclic training of executives and specialists. The university has signed agreements on joint activities with more than 60 gymnasiums, lyceums, schools, technical schools and colleges. The university has trained more than 50 thousand specialists for the country’s automotive industry and about 9,000 specialists for foreign countries in the last 60 years of its existence alone. Graduates of MSTU "MAMI" today work at leading enterprises of the Russian mechanical engineering complex, including the following: JSC VAZ, JSC KamAZ, JSC Moskvich, AMO ZIL, JSC GAZ, JSC Avtodizel (YaMZ), JSC MIZ, JSC ATE-1, Moscow Bearing JSC, Shabolovsky Bearing JSC, State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation NAMI, FSUE NII Autoelectronics, NIITavtoprom, NIIAT, NITSIAMT, NIKTID, at defense industry enterprises and others. The number of students has increased in recent years due to the opening of new specialties. Currently, about 6,000 people are studying full-time, over 2,000 are studying part-time, and about 300 are studying part-time. The university continues to train specialists for foreign countries. Personnel training at the university is carried out according to professional educational programs for graduates, bachelors and masters in 29 specialties and areas, 23 postgraduate education programs in graduate school and 6 in doctoral studies. The training of specialists for orders from industrial enterprises has been introduced into practice. The university is constantly working to open new specialties taking into account market needs. Over the past 5 years, 10 new specialties and 9 directions have been opened. Expanding the range of specialties allows the university to respond flexibly to the needs of the labor market. The existing system of managing the educational process and the level of its organization at the university allows for high-quality training of specialists. The curricula, which have been taught since 1996, have been adjusted in accordance with the new state educational standards. They provide disciplines of all cycles: humanitarian, economic, mathematical, natural science, general professional and special. New, active forms and methods of teaching students are constantly being introduced into the educational process, their independent work and information technologies for learning are being developed. The material base of MSTU "MAMI" mainly ensures that the educational process is carried out at the proper level. It owns, as operational management, 11 buildings and structures in Moscow, and has as its structural unit an educational, scientific and technical center in Ivanteevka. Major departments at 14 enterprises and organizations in Moscow and the region have formed a network of department branches. To accommodate out-of-town and foreign students, the university has three comfortable dormitories with 1,400 beds, which are conveniently located in relation to the academic buildings. The dormitories have reading rooms, gyms, exercise rooms, canteens, buffets, and a ski lodge. In recent years, the information base of the educational process has been further developed, the main components of which are the educational and scientific library, book collections of departments and training programs. Currently, the library's book collections number more than 850 thousand copies of books and periodicals, of which 327 thousand copies of scientific literature and more than 519 thousand copies of educational publications. Despite the difficult financial situation of the university, active work is underway to equip the educational process with computer technology, in particular, the number of personal computers compatible with the IBM PC has been increased from 199 in 1992 to 578 in 1999, 3 PC classrooms of the latter have been put into operation generation, computer graphics class, a number of original calculation and graphic programs were developed and purchased for use in the educational process. In accordance with the agreement, the MATRA DATA-VISION company transferred a software package for computer-aided design to the university. The university has created a local computer network to which more than 50 structural divisions of the university are connected. On average at the university, there are about 120 hours of screen time per student per year. The quality of graduate training is largely determined by the level of completion of theses and is assessed by the demand for trained specialists in the labor market. An analysis of diploma projects and works defended at MAMI over the past 3 years shows that annually 30-35% of works are recommended by state certification commissions for implementation, 35-40% were completed using patent research, more than 40% were completed using a computer. Over these years, 169 graduates received diplomas with honors, over 75% defended projects with “good” and “excellent” marks, more than 94% found jobs within Moscow and surrounding regions. According to the Moscow Labor and Employment Committee, MAMI graduates are not registered for employment.

MAMI graduates and teachers


  • Nikolaenko Andrey Vladimirovich (born) - rector, candidate of economic sciences.
  • Koltunov Igor Ilyich (born) - first vice-rector, candidate of technical sciences.
  • Zaitsev Sergey Alekseevich (born) - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Candidate of Technical Sciences.
  • Bakhmutov Sergey Vasilyevich (born) - vice-rector for scientific work, doctor of technical sciences.
  • Akimov Andrey Valentinovich - vice-rector for full-time and part-time education, candidate of technical sciences.
  • Barykin Dmitry Viktorovich - vice-rector for social and economic issues, candidate of economic sciences.
  • Maksimov Yuri Viktorovich (born) - Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Doctor of Technical Sciences.
  • Fedulov Anatoly Ivanovich (born) - vice-rector for administrative and economic work, candidate of technical sciences.
  • Kuznetsov Vladimir Anatolyevich - Vice-Rector for Development and Innovation, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Dean's office

  • Marinkin Anatoly Petrovich (Cars and tractors)
  • Zuev Viktor Maksimovich (Design and Technology)
  • Ivannikov Sergey Nikolaevich (Mechanical and technological)
  • Alenina Elena Eduardovna (Economic)
  • Korotkov Viktor Ivanovich (Power engineering and instrumentation)
  • Kreshchenko Mikhail Alexandrovich (Engineering and Economics)
  • Prilepin Ivan Tikhonovich (Machine Engineering)
  • Krylov Oleg Vladimirovich (Automation and control)


  • Automation and control (A&C).
  • Design and technology (CT).
  • Mechanical-technological (MT).
  • Economic (EF).
  • Power engineering and instrumentation (EM&I).
  • Engineering and Economics (IE) (branch of MSTU "MAMI" in Dmitrov).
  • Mechanical Engineering (MS) (branch of MSTU "MAMI" in Likino-Dulyovo).


  • Department of Bodybuilding and Pressure Processing.
  • Department of Automated Machine Tool Systems and Tools.
  • Department of Materials Science.
  • Department of Ecology and Life Safety.
  • Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics.
  • Department of Higher Mathematics.
  • Department "Cars".
  • Department of Strength of Materials.
  • Department of Economic Theory.
  • Department of Automation and Control Processes.
  • Department of “Complex Automation of Mechanical Engineering”.
  • Department of Transport Gas Turbine Engines.
  • Department of Physics.
  • Department of Standardization, Metrology and Certification.
  • Department of Theoretical Mechanics.
  • Department of Design.
  • Department of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing.
  • Department of Information Technologies in Economics.
  • Department of Marketing and Management.

MAMI buildings

MAMI Main Academic Building

Building on Dubrovka

In 1963 the building was put into operation. The building was designed for the design profession.

Building in Izmailovo

Extracurricular activities

Student design bureau

The university successfully operates a student design bureau (SKB MAMI), where new models of equipment are created under contracts with automobile and tractor enterprises.

Formula Student - MAMI

In 2007 The team "Formula Student - MAMI" was created at the university. Student "Formula" is held under the auspices of the International Society of Automotive Engineers SAE and is the only global competition of teams of technical universities, connecting elements of an educational global competition of teams of technical universities, connecting elements of educational, sports and engineering projects.