How to improve the water quality in your home. Ways and methods of improving the quality of drinking water Basic: purification and disinfection

The composition of water can be different. After all, on the way to our home she encounters many obstacles. There are various methods for improving water quality, the general goal of which is to get rid of dangerous bacteria, humic compounds, excess salt, toxic substances, etc.

Water is the main component human body. It is one of the most important links in energy information exchange. Scientists have proven that thanks to the special network structure of water, which is created by hydrogen bonds, information is received, accumulated and transmitted.

The aging of the body and the volume of water in it are directly related to each other. Therefore, water should be consumed every day, making sure that it is of high quality.

Water is a powerful natural solvent, therefore, when it encounters different rocks on its way, it quickly becomes enriched with them. However, not all elements found in water are beneficial to humans. Some of them negatively affect the processes occurring in the human body, others can cause various diseases. In order to protect consumers from harmful and dangerous impurities, measures are being taken to improve the quality of drinking water.

Ways to improve

There are basic and special methods for improving the quality of drinking water. The first involves lightening, disinfection and bleaching, the second involves procedures for defluoridation, iron removal and desalting.

Decolorization and clarification remove colored colloids and suspended particles from water. The purpose of the disinfection procedure is to eliminate bacteria, infections and viruses. Special methods - mineralization and fluoridation - involve the introduction of substances necessary for the body into the water.

The nature of the contamination determines the use of the following cleaning methods:

  1. Mechanical – involves removing impurities using sieves, filters and gratings of coarse impurities.
  2. Physical – involves boiling, UV and irradiation with γ-rays.
  3. Chemical, in which reagents are added to wastewater, which provoke the formation of sediments. Today, the main method of disinfecting drinking water is chlorination. Tap water, according to SanPiN, must contain a residual chlorine concentration of 0.3-0.5 mg/l.
  4. Biological treatment requires special irrigation or filtration fields. A network of canals is formed that are filled with wastewater. After air cleaning, sunlight and microorganisms they seep into the soil, forming humus on the surface.

For biological treatment, which can also be carried out in artificial conditions, there are special structures - biofilters and aeration tanks. A biofilter is a brick or concrete structure, inside of which there is a porous material - gravel, slag or crushed stone. They are coated with microorganisms that purify water as a result of their vital activity.

In aeration tanks, with the help of incoming air, activated sludge moves in wastewater. Secondary settling tanks are designed to separate bacterial film from purified water. The destruction of pathogenic microorganisms in domestic waters is carried out using chlorine disinfection.

To assess the quality of water, you need to determine the quantity harmful substances that ended up there after processing (chlorine, aluminum, polyacrylamide, etc.), and anthropogenic substances (nitrates, copper, petroleum products, manganese, phenols, etc.). Organoleptic and radiation indicators should also be taken into account.

How to improve water quality at home

To improve quality tap water at home, additional cleaning is required, for which household filters are used. Today, manufacturers offer them in huge quantities.

One of the most popular are filters whose operation is based on reverse osmosis.

They are actively used not only at home, but also in catering establishments, hospitals, sanatoriums, and manufacturing enterprises.

The filtration system has an auto-flush that must be turned on before filtration begins. Through the polyamide membrane through which water passes, it is freed from contaminants - cleaning is carried out at the molecular level. Such installations are ergonomic and compact, and the quality of filtered water is very high.

Water Purification: Video

Methods for improving water quality make it possible to free water from microorganisms, suspended particles, excess salts, and foul-smelling gases. They are divided into 2 groups: basic and special.

Basic: cleaning and disinfection.

Hygienic requirements to the quality of drinking water are set out in the Sanitary Rules “Drinking Water. Hygienic...” (2001).

- Cleaning. The goal is to get rid of suspended particles and colored colloids to improve physical properties(transparency and color). Treatment methods depend on the source of water supply. Underground interstratal water sources require less treatment. The water of open reservoirs is subject to pollution, so they are potentially dangerous.

Cleaning is achieved by three measures:

- settling: After water from the river passes through the water intake grids, in which large pollutants remain, the water enters large containers - settling tanks, with a slow flow through which it takes 4-8 hours. Large particles fall to the bottom.

- coagulation: To sediment small suspended substances, water enters containers where it is coagulated - polyacrylamide or aluminum sulfate is added to it, which, under the influence of water, becomes flakes to which small particles stick and dyes are adsorbed, after which they settle to the bottom of the tank.

- filtration: water is slowly passed through a layer of sand and filter fabric or others (slow and fast filters) - here the remaining suspended substances, helminth eggs and 99% of microflora are retained. Filters are washed 1-2 times a day with reverse flow of water.

- Disinfection.

To ensure epidemic safety (destruction of pathogenic microbes and viruses), water is disinfected: by chemical or physical methods.

Chemical methods : chlorination and ozonation.

A) Chlorination in odes with chlorine gas (at large stations) or bleach (at small stations).

Availability of the method, low cost and reliability of disinfection, as well as versatility, i.e. the ability to disinfect water at waterworks, mobile installations, in a well, at a field camp...

The effectiveness of water chlorination depends on: 1) the degree of purification of water from suspended substances, 2) the dose administered, 3) the thoroughness of mixing the water, 4) sufficient exposure of water to chlorine and 5) the thoroughness of checking the quality of chlorination for residual chlorine.

The bactericidal effect of chlorine is greatest in the first 30 minutes and depends on the dose and temperature of the water - at low temperatures, disinfection is extended to 2 hours.

In accordance with sanitary requirements, 0.3-0.5 mg/l of residual chlorine should remain in water after chlorination (does not affect the human body or the organoleptic properties of water).

Depending on the dose applied, there are:

Conventional chlorination – 0.3-0.5 mg/l

Hyperchlorination – 1-1.5 mg/l, during epidemic danger. Next, activated carbon removes excess chlorine.

Chlorination modifications:

- Double chlorination provides for the supply of chlorine to water stations twice: before the settling tanks, and the second after the filters. This improves coagulation and discoloration of water, suppresses the growth of microflora in wastewater treatment plants, increases the reliability of disinfection.

- Chlorination with ammoniation involves introducing an ammonia solution into the water to be disinfected, and after 0.5-2 minutes - chlorine. At the same time, chloramines are formed in the water, which also have a bactericidal effect.

- Rechlorination involves adding large doses of chlorine to water (10-20 mg/l or more). This allows you to reduce the time of contact of water with chlorine to 15-20 minutes and obtain reliable disinfection from all types of microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, rickettsia, cysts, dysenteric amoeba, tuberculosis.

Water with residual chlorine of at least 0.3 mg/l must reach the consumer.

B) Water ozonation method. Currently, it is one of the most promising (France, USA, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Chelyabinsk).

Ozone (O3) - determines bactericidal properties and discoloration and elimination of tastes and odors occur. An indirect indicator of the effectiveness of ozonation is residual ozone at a level of 0.1-0.3 mg/l.

Advantages of ozone over chlorine: ozone does not form toxic compounds (organochlorine compounds) in water, improves the organoleptic properties of water and provides a bactericidal effect with less contact time (up to 10 minutes).

C) Disinfection of individual supplies V Methods (chemical and physical) are used at home and in the field:

Oligodynamic action of silver. By using special devices by electrolytic treatment of water. Silver ions have a bacteriostatic effect. Microorganisms stop reproducing, although they remain alive and can even cause disease. Therefore, silver is mainly used for preserving water for long-term storage in navigation, astronautics, etc.

To disinfect individual water supplies, tablets containing chlorine are used: Aquasept, Pantocid…..

Boiling (5-30 min), while many chemical contaminants are preserved;

Household appliances - filters providing several degrees of purification;

Physical methods of water disinfection

Advantage over chemical ones: they do not change chemical composition water, do not impair its organoleptic properties. But due to their high cost and the need for careful preliminary preparation of water, only ultraviolet irradiation is used in water supply systems,

- Boiling (was, cm)

- Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. Advantages: speed of action, effectiveness in destroying vegetative and spore forms of bacteria, helminth eggs and viruses, does not form odor or taste. Rays with a wavelength of 200-275 nm have a bactericidal effect.

Regardless of what kind of water you decide to drink - filtered, bottled, boiled - there are ways to improve its quality. They are simple and do not need high costs. The only thing that is required from you is a little time and desire.

Melt water

Preparing melt water at home is perhaps the easiest way to improve its properties. This water is very useful. This is explained by the fact that its structure is similar to water, which is part of the blood and cells. Therefore, its use frees the body from additional energy costs for structuring water.

Melt water not only cleanses the body of waste and toxins, but also increases its defenses, stimulates metabolic processes and even helps in the treatment of certain diseases (in particular, there is evidence that it is effective in the treatment of atherosclerosis). Washing your face with this water makes your skin softer, your hair easier to wash and easier to comb. Many people quite seriously call such water “living.”

To obtain melt water you should use clean water. You can freeze water in the freezer or on the balcony. Experts advise using clean, flat containers for these purposes - for example, enamel pans. They should not be filled completely with water, but approximately 4/5, then cover with a lid. Remember that when water freezes, it increases in volume and begins to put pressure on the walls of the dish from the inside. Therefore, it is better to avoid glass jars - they may break. Acceptable use plastic bottles- provided that these are bottles for water and not for household liquids.

Ice should be defrosted at room temperature, and in no case should you speed up the process by heating it on the stove. It is best to consume the resulting melt water within 24 hours.

How to prepare melt water?

There are many ways to prepare melt water at home. Here are perhaps the most famous ones.

Method A. Malovichko

Place an enamel pan with water in freezer refrigerator. After 4-5 hours, take it out. By this time, the first ice should have formed in the pan, but most of the water is still liquid. Drain the water into another container - you will need it later. But the pieces of ice should be thrown away. This is due to the fact that the first ice contains molecules of heavy water, which contains deuterium and freezes before plain water(at temperatures close to 4 °C). Place the pan with unfrozen water back in the freezer. But the preparation will not end there. When the water is two-thirds frozen, the unfrozen water should be drained again, as it may contain harmful impurities. And the ice that remains in the pan is the very water that the human body needs.

It is purified from impurities and heavy water and at the same time contains the necessary calcium. The last stage of preparation is thawing. Melt the ice at room temperature and drink the resulting water. It is recommended to store it for a day.

Zelipukhin method

This recipe involves preparing melt water from tap water, which should be preheated to 94–96 °C (the so-called white key), but not boiled. After this, it is recommended to remove the dish with water from the stove and quickly cool it so that it does not have time to become saturated with gases again. To do this, you can place the pan in a bath of ice water.

Then the water is frozen and thawed in accordance with the main principles of obtaining melt water, which we wrote about above. The authors of the method believe that melt water, which contains practically no gases, is especially beneficial for health.

Yu. Andreev's method

The author of this method proposed, in fact, to combine the advantages of the two previous methods: prepare melt water, bring it to the “white key” (that is, thus rid the liquid of gases), and then freeze and defrost again.

Experts advise drinking melt water daily 30–50 minutes before meals 4–5 times a day. Usually, improvement in well-being begins to be observed a month after taking it regularly. In total, in order to cleanse the body, it is recommended to drink from 500 to 700 ml per month (depending on body weight).

Silver water

Another well-known and simple way to make water healthier is to improve its characteristics with the help of silver, the bactericidal properties of which have been known since ancient times. Many centuries ago, Indians disinfected water by dipping silver jewelry into it. In hot Persia, noble people stored water only in silver jugs, as this protected them from infections. Some peoples had a tradition of throwing into a new well silver coin, thereby improving its quality.

However, for many years there was no evidence that silver actually has not “miraculous” properties, but explainable ones from the point of view
from the point of view of science. And only about a hundred years ago scientists managed to establish the first patterns.

The French doctor B. Crede announced that he had successfully treated sepsis with silver. Later he found out that this element is capable of destroying diphtheria bacillus, staphylococci and the causative agent of typhoid within a few days.

An explanation for this phenomenon was soon given by the Swiss scientist K. Negel. He found that the cause of death of microbial cells is the effect of silver ions on them. Silver ions act as protectors, destroying pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Their action extends to more than 650 species of bacteria (for comparison, the spectrum of action of any antibiotic is 5–10 species of bacteria). It is interesting that beneficial bacteria do not die, which means that dysbiosis, such a frequent companion to antibiotic treatment, does not develop.

At the same time, silver is not just a metal that can kill bacteria, but also a microelement that is necessary integral part tissues of any living organism. The daily human diet should contain an average of 80 micrograms of silver. When consuming ionic solutions of silver, not only pathogenic bacteria and viruses are destroyed, but also metabolic processes in the human body are activated and immunity is increased.

How to prepare silver water?

Silver water can be prepared different ways, depending on the time and capabilities available to you. The easiest way is to simply immerse a pure silver item (a spoon, a coin, or even jewelry) in a vessel of clean drinking water for a couple of hours. This time is enough for the water quality to noticeably improve. This water not only underwent additional purification, but also acquired healing properties.

Another popular method of obtaining silver water involves boiling a silver product. First, the silver item must be thoroughly cleaned (for example, with tooth powder) and rinsed under running water. After this, put it in a saucepan with cold water or in a kettle and put on fire. Do not remove the dishes from the stove after the first bubbles appear - you must wait until the liquid level reaches
will decrease by about a third. Then the water should be cooled at room temperature and drunk in small portions throughout the day.

There are also more complex ways to enrich water with silver ions. For example, there is a method based on the fact that the effect of silver ions increases when interacting with copper ions. This is how a special device appeared: a copper-silver ionator, which, if desired, can be found in a pharmacy. Some craftsmen construct it themselves at home, using an ordinary glass as a working container, into which two electrodes are lowered - copper and silver. The device, constructed at home, consists only of a glass, a copper and silver electrode.

Doctors believe that copper-silver water is healthier than silver, but it can be consumed with great restrictions - no more than 150 ml per day. But you can drink ordinary silver water as much as you like. It is absolutely safe and cannot lead to an overdose.

Silicon water

Silicon water (infused with silicon) has become popular recently, despite the fact that this mineral has been known to people for centuries. And in a certain sense, it was silicon that played a special role at a key stage in the development of civilization - from it the ancient people of the Stone Age made the first spearheads and axes, and with its help they learned to make fire. However, people started talking about the healing properties of silicon less than half a century ago.

They began to notice that when silicon interacts with water, it changes its properties. Thus, water from wells, the walls of which were lined with silicon, differed from water from other wells not only in its greater transparency, but also in its pleasant taste. Information began to appear in the press that silicon-activated water kills harmful microorganisms and bacteria, suppresses the processes of decay and fermentation, and also promotes the precipitation of heavy metal compounds, neutralizes chlorine, and sorbs radionuclides. People began to actively use silicon in order to improve the properties of water - to make it

By the way, sometimes confusion occurs: people do not see the difference between the mineral silicon and the chemical element of the same name. To change the properties of water
Silicon is used - a mineral that is formed by the chemical element silicon and is part of silica. In nature, it is found in the form of quartz, chalcedony, opal, carnelian, jasper, rock crystal, agate, opal, amethyst and many other stones, the basis of which is silicon dioxide.

In our body, silicon can be found in the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, and there is a lot of it in hair and nails. Silicon is involved in ensuring the protective functions of the body, metabolic processes and helps get rid of toxins. Silicon is also part of the connective tissue protein collagen, so the rate of bone healing after fractures largely depends on it.

Its deficiency can cause cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

It is not surprising that, having learned about the amazing properties of silicon, people began to infuse water with it - after all, it is through the aquatic environment that all metabolic processes in the body are carried out. This kind of water for a long time does not spoil and acquires a number of healing qualities. People who use it notice that the aging processes in the body seem to slow down. However, the mechanism of interaction between flint and water remains a mystery to scientists.

Presumably this may be due to the ability of silicon to form associates with water (special associations of molecules and ions) that absorb
dirt and pathogenic microflora.

How to prepare silicon water

You can prepare silicon water at home. Moreover, it is very simple to do this. In a three-liter glass jar with clean drinking water
Place a handful of small silicon pebbles. It is important to pay attention to color, since in nature this mineral can take on different shades.
Experts recommend using bright brown rather than black stones for infusion. You don’t have to close the jar tightly, but just cover it with gauze and put it in a dark place for three days. After the water has infused, it should be filtered through cheesecloth, and the stones should be washed with running water. If you notice that a sticky coating has formed on the surface of the stones, they should be placed in a weak solution of acetic acid or in a saturated saline solution for two hours, and then rinsed thoroughly under running water.

If there are no contraindications, it is recommended to use this water as regular drinking water. It is better to drink it in small portions and small sips at regular intervals - this way it will be most effective.

One of the most common mistakes when preparing silicon water is boiling the mineral. Experts do not advise putting silicon in pots and kettles in which you boil water for making tea and first courses, since in this case there is a risk of oversaturating the water with biologically active substances. As for contraindications, there are few of them. People with a tendency to cancer are mainly advised to refrain from drinking silicon water.

Shungite water

Shungite water may not be as popular as silver or silicon water, but lately it has found more and more adherents. And along with the growth of its popularity, the voice of doctors is growing, urging people to remember to be careful when drinking this water. So who is right?

To begin with, let us recall that shungite is the name of the oldest rock, coal, which has undergone a special metamorphosis. This is a transitional stage from
anthracite to graphite. It got its name from the Karelian village of Shunga.

The increased attention to shungite is explained by the fact that its ability to remove mechanical impurities and heavy metal compounds from water was discovered. This immediately served as a reason to say that water infused with shungite has healing properties, rejuvenates the body, inhibits the growth of bacteria.

Today, shungite water is widely used as drinking water, as well as for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Shungite is added to baths, as it is believed that it speeds up metabolic processes and helps get rid of chronic diseases. They make compresses, inhalations, and lotions with it.

Proponents of shungite treatment claim that it helps get rid of gastritis, anemia, dyspepsia, otitis, allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, diabetes, cholecystitis and many other ailments - just regularly drink 3 glasses of shungite water a day.

How to prepare shungite water

Shungite water is prepared at home, following a fairly simple technology. 3 liters of drinking water are poured into a glass or enamel container and 300 g of washed shungite stones are dropped into it. The container should be placed in a place protected from sunlight for 2-3 days. After this, carefully, without shaking, pour it into another vessel, leaving about a third of the water (you cannot drink it, since harmful impurities settle in the lower part).

After preparing the infusion, shungite stones are washed with running water - and they are ready for the next use. Some sources indicate that after a few months the stones lose their effectiveness and it is better to replace them. Other experts advise not to change the stones, but simply process them
periodically sand to activate the surface layer. At the same time, the properties of water are not lost even after boiling.

Recently, shungite has begun to be used in the production of filters for water purification. In less than two decades, more than a million of these filters have been sold in Russia and the CIS countries. The effectiveness of this breed for water purification has now been proven. Why are doctors sounding the alarm?

It turns out that when infused, shungite is capable of causing chemical reactions, as a result of which water turns into a weakly concentrated acid solution. And with prolonged use, such a drink can harm the stomach and digestive system as a whole.

In addition, the use of shungite water is not recommended for people suffering from cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It is not recommended to drink it during exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases and with a tendency to thrombosis.

To bring the quality of water from water supply sources to the requirements of SanPiN - 01, there are water treatment methods that are carried out at water supply stations.

There are basic and special methods for improving water quality.

I . TO main methods include lightening, bleaching and disinfection.

Under lightening understand the removal of suspended particles from water. Under discoloration understand the removal of colored substances from water.

Clarification and discoloration are achieved by 1) settling, 2) coagulation and 3) filtration. After water from the river passes through the water intake grids, in which large pollutants remain, the water enters large containers - settling tanks, with a slow flow through which large particles fall to the bottom in 4-8 hours. To sediment small suspended substances, water enters containers where it is coagulated - polyacrylamide or aluminum sulfate is added to it, which, under the influence of water, becomes flakes, like snowflakes, to which small particles stick and dyes are adsorbed, after which they settle to the bottom of the tank. Next, the water goes to the final stage of purification - filtration: it is slowly passed through a layer of sand and filter fabric - here the remaining suspended substances, helminth eggs and 99% of microflora are retained.

Disinfection methods

1.Chemical: 2.Physical:


- use of sodium hypochloride - boiling

-ozonation -UV irradiation

-use of silver -ultrasonic


- use of filters

Chemical methods.

1. The most widely used chlorination method. For this purpose, water chlorination is used with gas (at large stations) or bleach (at small stations). When chlorine is added to water, it hydrolyzes, forming hydrochloric and hypochlorous acids, which, easily penetrating the membrane of microbes, kill them.

A) Chlorination in small doses.

The essence of this method is to select a working dose based on chlorine demand or the amount of residual chlorine in the water. To do this, test chlorination is carried out - selection of a working dose for a small amount of water. Obviously, 3 working doses are taken. These doses are added to 3 flasks of 1 liter of water. The water is chlorinated for 30 minutes in summer, 2 hours in winter, after which the residual chlorine is determined. It should be 0.3-0.5 mg/l. This amount of residual chlorine, on the one hand, indicates the reliability of disinfection, and on the other, does not impair the organoleptic properties of water and is not harmful to health. After this, the dose of chlorine required to disinfect all water is calculated.

B) Hyperchlorination.

Hyperchlorination – residual chlorine - 1-1.5 mg/l, used during epidemic danger. Very fast, reliable and effective method. It is carried out with large doses of chlorine up to 100 mg/l with mandatory subsequent dechlorination. Dechlorination is carried out by passing water through activated carbon. This method is used in military field conditions. In field conditions, fresh water is treated with chlorine tablets: a panthocide containing chloramine (1 tablet - 3 mg of active chlorine), or an aquacide (1 tablet - 4 mg); and also with iodine - iodine tablets (3 mg of active iodine). The number of tablets required for use is calculated depending on the volume of water.

B) Water disinfection is non-toxic and non-hazardous sodium hypochloride used instead of chlorine, which is dangerous to use and poisonous. In St. Petersburg, up to 30% of drinking water is disinfected by this method, and in Moscow, in 2006, all water supply stations began to be transferred to it.


Used on small water pipes with very clean water. Ozone is obtained in special devices - ozonizers, and then passed through water. Ozone is a stronger oxidizing agent than chlorine. It not only disinfects water, but also improves its organoleptic properties: it discolors water, eliminates unpleasant odors and tastes. Ozonation is considered the best method of disinfection, but this method is very expensive, so chlorination is more often used. An ozonation plant requires sophisticated equipment.

3.Use of silver.“Silvering” of water using special devices through electrolytic treatment of water. Silver ions effectively destroy all microflora; they preserve water and allow it to be stored for a long time, which is used in long expeditions on water transport and by submariners to preserve drinking water for a long time. The best household filters use silver plating as an additional method of water disinfection and preservation

Physical methods.

1.Boiling. A very simple and reliable disinfection method. The disadvantage of this method is that this method cannot be used to treat large quantities of water. Therefore, boiling is widely used in everyday life;

2.Usage household appliances - filters providing several degrees of purification; adsorbing microorganisms and suspended substances; neutralizing a number of chemical impurities, incl. rigidity; providing absorption of chlorine and chlorine organic matter. Such water has favorable organoleptic, chemical and bacterial properties;

3. Irradiation with UV rays. It is the most effective and widespread method of physical water disinfection. The advantages of this method are the speed of action, the effectiveness of the destruction of vegetative and spore forms of bacteria, helminth eggs and viruses. Rays with a wavelength of 200-295 nm have a bactericidal effect. Argon-mercury lamps are used to disinfect distilled water in hospitals and pharmacies. On large water pipelines, powerful mercury-quartz lamps are used. On small water pipelines, non-submersible installations are used, and on large ones, submersible ones are used, with a capacity of up to 3000 m 3 /hour. UV exposure is highly dependent on suspended solids. For reliable operation of UV installations, high transparency and colorlessness of water is required and the rays act only through a thin layer of water, which limits the use of this method. UV irradiation is more often used to disinfect drinking water in artillery wells, as well as recycled water in swimming pools.

II. Special methods for improving water quality.



-fluoridation - If there is a lack of fluoride, it is carried out fluoridation water up to 0.5 mg/l by adding sodium fluoride or other reagents to the water. In the Russian Federation, there are currently only a few fluoridation systems for drinking water, while in the United States, 74% of the population receives fluoridated tap water,

-defluoridation - If there is an excess of fluoride, the water is subjected to defloration methods of fluorine precipitation, dilution or ion sorption,

deodorization (elimination of unpleasant odors),


-deactivation (release from radioactive substances),

-deferrization - To reduce rigidity Boiling water, reagent methods and the ion exchange method are used to obtain water from artesian wells.

Removal of iron compounds in artillery wells (deferrization) and hydrogen sulfide ( degassing) is carried out by aeration followed by sorption on a special soil.

To low-mineralized water minerals are added substances. This method is used in the production of bottled mineral water, sold through the retail chain. By the way, the consumption of drinking water purchased in retail chains is increasing all over the world, which is especially important for tourists, as well as for residents of disadvantaged areas.

To reduce total mineralization For underground water distillation, ion sorption, electrolysis, and freezing are used.

It should be noted that these special methods of water treatment (conditioning) are high-tech and expensive and are used only in cases where it is not possible to use an acceptable source for water supply.

Water is the main component of the liquid medium of the human body. The adult human body is 60% water.

Nowadays tap water contains chemical organic and other compounds and cannot be considered drinking water without preliminary treatment.

To improve the quality of drinking water, the following purification methods can be proposed:

1. Neutralization method. Pour water from the tap into a container (glass or enamel). Leave the container open for 24 hours. During this time, chlorine, ammonia and other gaseous substances. Then boil it for one hour. From the moment of boiling, achieve only a slight bubbling. As a result of heat treatment, a significant part of foreign substances is eliminated. After cooling, the water has not yet been completely freed from chemical and organic substances, but it can already be used for cooking. For drinking purposes, it must be completely neutralized; to do this, add 500 mg of ascorbic acid to 5 liters of boiled water, 300 mg to 3 liters, mix and leave for one hour. Instead of ascorbic acid, you can add fruit juice, colored red, dark red, burgundy to a slight pinkish tint, and leave for one hour. To neutralize, you can use drunk tea, which is added to the water until the color changes slightly, and left for one hour.

2. Freezing method. For this, milk and juice bags can be used, into which tap water is poured, adding 1 - 1.5 cm to the edge. The bags filled with water should be placed in the freezer or in the cold for 5 - 8 hours, after which take out the bags, remove the ice crust, pour the water into another bag. Ice crust and ice frozen on the inside of the bag is heavy (harmful) water. Water poured into bags is frozen for 12 to 18 hours. Then the bags are taken out, the outer walls are moistened with warm water, the ice crystals are removed to thaw, and the liquid remaining in the bags is nothing more than a brine consisting of foreign and mineral substances, which must be poured down the drain.

If your bags are frozen and a solid crystal with a middle rod has formed, then, without removing it from the bag, wash the rod with warm water, leaving clear ice, then remove the ice to thaw. To improve the taste, add 1 g of sea salt (purchased at a pharmacy) to a bucket of melt water. If it is absent, add 1/4 - 1/5 cup of mineral water to 1 liter of melt water. Freshly melted water obtained from ice, or better yet from snow, has therapeutic and prophylactic properties. When consumed, recovery processes are accelerated. Such water promotes adaptation in extreme conditions (under thermal stress, with reduced oxygen content in the air), it significantly increases muscle performance. Melt water has anti-allergic properties and is used, for example, for bronchial asthma, itchy dermatitis of an allergic nature, and stomatitis. However, this water should be used with caution and should be taken 1/2 glass 3 times a day for an adult. For a child 10 years old - 1/4 cup 3 times a day

Z. I. Khata - M.: FAIR PRESS, 2001