"Where are you?" Mark Levy. Where are you? Mark Levi where are you download doc

Mark Levy's novel Where Are You? won the hearts of many readers and became a bestseller. It tells about love in all its manifestations: first love, friendly, platonic, love for people and for life in general, love for children.

Since childhood, Susan and Philip had strong feelings. At first it was an innocent friendship, but over time the feelings became stronger and grew into love and affection. It would seem that this would be a wonderful love story for life. But everything is not always so simple; there comes a time in life when you need to make a choice, where to go next, you need to find your path, your destiny.

Susan makes an important decision and leaves. She wants to help other people who have suffered in natural disasters and wars. Susan feels that this is her calling. For a long time, young people communicate only through letters; sometimes they meet at the airport, but these meetings are very short. Love is maintained at a distance. But time passes, and each of them understands that they need to build their own lives.

Philip advances in his career and marries a good girl, Mary. Letters from Susan and Philip are becoming increasingly rare, but they remember their warm feelings. One day, an unexpected event occurs in Philip's life: a car with his daughter Susan in it drives up to his house. The man must keep his word and adopt Lisa. For Mary, this comes as a shock, because this girl will remind him of the feelings that he carried throughout his life... Will she be able to accept and love Lisa, give her the proper upbringing and education? How will the little girl's life turn out? And how will this affect Philip and Mary's relationship? What other surprises will fate bring them?

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What does a person need to be happy? Can mutual love keep you from searching for the meaning of life?

"Where are you?" - psychological drama. A beautiful love story. The novel is about how everyone chooses their own path... Although much in life is predetermined by childhood dreams and nightmares.

The main characters Philip and Susan could have become an ideal couple when their childhood friendship grew into serious love, but... some force forces the girl to flee from family well-being to the ends of the earth. What does she find among the raging hurricanes and their endless victims? Where do dreams lead and what is their price?

Events develop against the backdrop of real wars and natural disasters, emphasizing the fragility of human existence.

Mark Levy

Where are you?

He was born on September 14, 1974 at eight o'clock in the morning at a point with coordinates 15°30" north latitude and 65°w longitude. His cradle was a small island located off the coast of Honduras. The newborn, registered under number 734, did not attract any attention. For the first two days of his life, he developed with complete general indifference. His vital parameters remained stable and gave no reason to worry about his development in the same way as any similar baby. According to the usual procedure, his data was recorded every six months. On September 16, at 2 p.m., a group of scientists in Guadeloupe became interested in the results of his tests. They were puzzled by the baby’s growth, which seemed to be outside the normal range. By the evening of the same day, the leader of the group tasked with monitoring the baby’s development could no longer hide his concern. concern and contacted his American colleagues. Something extremely important was happening in the condition of the newborn and required the attention of all humanity. The fruit of the union of cold and heat began to show its dangerous character. If his sister Elaine, born in April of the same year, lived only eleven days without gaining sufficient strength, then he, on the contrary, grew with depressing speed and in just two days reached a very alarming size. At the end of the third, he spun like a top. He was spinning around in place, more and more animatedly, as if he couldn’t decide where exactly to go.

At two o'clock in the morning from September 16th to 17th, Professor Hak watched his ward in the light of a lonely neon lamp and, bending over a table littered with sheets with columns of numbers and some graphs surprisingly similar to cardiograms, decided to baptize the baby as soon as possible in connection with his critical condition, as if in this way the impending misfortune could be averted. Considering the amazing changes in the baby, there was no reason to expect that the matter would be limited to just this. The name was chosen in advance, long before his birth. He will be named Fifi. He will go down in history on September 17, 1974 at eight o'clock in the morning, exceeding the speed of 120 km/h. Then it will be officially registered by CDO meteorologists



Newark Airport. The taxi driver dropped her off on the sidewalk, and the car disappeared into the traffic flow that flooded the area around the terminals. She followed the car with her eyes. The huge green backpack standing at her feet weighed almost more than she did. Wincing, she picked it up and threw it over her shoulders. She passed the doors of terminal one, walked along the hall and went down a few steps. The staircase on the right spiraled upward. Bending under the weight of her backpack, she climbed the steps and decisively moved along the corridor. She stopped at the orange-lit bar and peered inside through the glass. Near the counter, a dozen men sipped beer, heatedly discussing the results of the matches that were broadcast on the television hanging above their heads. Pushing open the wooden door with a round porthole window, she entered and looked around at the red and green tables. And I saw him: he was sitting in the back of the hall, right next to the window. There was a newspaper on the table in front of him, and he, resting his chin on his right hand, was drawing something with a pencil on a paper tablecloth with his left.

His eyes, invisible to her, were turned to the concrete field, lined with yellow marking lines, where planes were slowly taxiing, preparing to take off before takeoff. After hesitating, she moved down the aisle on the right to approach him unnoticed. Slipping past the humming refrigerator, she quickly and silently came close to the young man waiting for her and, touching the back of his head, lightly ruffled his hair. Her portrait was on the paper tablecloth.

~Did I keep you waiting? - she asked.

Come on, you're almost on time. Soon you will really make yourself wait...

How long have you been sitting?



Times Square. In the noisy crowd that always gathers here on New Year's Eve, Philip met his institute friends. Huge numbers lit up the façade of the New York Times building. Midnight came, a new year, 1977, began. Confetti rained down on the heads of those present exchanging congratulations. Philip felt lonely among all these cheerful, kissing people. How strange they are, these days on which you are supposed to rejoice according to the calendar. A young woman walked along the fence, making her way through the crowd. She accidentally pushed Philip, walked around him, turned around and smiled. He raised his hand and waved to her. She nodded, as if apologizing for not being able to move faster. They were already separated by three people; it seemed as if the stream was carrying the woman into the distance. Philip hurried to squeeze between the two confused tourists. The woman disappeared, then he saw her again, as if she had surfaced to take a sip of oxygen. Philip tried his best not to lose sight of her. The distance between them had narrowed, and she could already be heard shouting among the noisy crowd. One last jerk, and Philip, finally standing next to her, grabbed her hand. The woman looked around in surprise, and he, smiling, shouted rather than said:


It rained incessantly for many days in a row. In the evenings, gusts of wind invariably foreshadowed a thunderstorm, and at night it raged in the valley. Streams of water rushed through the streets. As the water approached the houses, it eroded the flimsy foundations. Water flowed through the roofs, flooding homes. But the screams and laughter of the children, who called Susan “Maestra,” still rang during those hours when she taught lessons in the barn, which served as a school for them. In the afternoon, she usually got into her new Jeep Wagoner, more flexible and maneuverable than her old Dodge, which, despite everything, she remembered with regret, and went into the valley to deliver medicine, food, and sometimes official documents that she helped fill out. Exhausting everyday life sometimes gave way to holidays. On such evenings, Susan went somewhere to a bar where the men drank beer or the favorite local drink, guajo. To cope with the loneliness and melancholy of the Honduran winter, which came earlier than usual, Susan sometimes ended the night in the bed of a man, not always the same one.


The Eastern Airlines Boeing 727 took off from Tegucigalpa at ten in the morning, two times late due to unfavorable weather conditions. Standing in the terminal, Susan looked anxiously at the approaching storm clouds. When the flight attendant finally opened the glass doors leading to the tarmac, Susan, along with other passengers, ran to the plane in the rain. Having taxied to the runway, the pilot started the engines at full power to counter the gusts of crosswinds that literally blew the plane off the road. The landing gear lifted off the ground, and the plane began to hastily gain altitude, trying to break through the clouds as quickly as possible. Susan, strapped into her chair, was mercilessly shaking and tossing in all directions. She didn’t shake so much, even when she was rushing at full speed in her jeep along a broken dirt road. Moving to the northeast, the plane crossed the mountain ranges, but on the other side of the mountains a thunderstorm hit it with redoubled force.

The fuselage was struck by lightning, and at 10:23 a.m. the “black box” registered the voice of the co-pilot, informing air control that the second engine had stopped. The plane began to lose altitude. Susan felt dizzy and nauseous. She pressed her hands to her stomach. The plane continued to descend. It took the crew three minutes, which seemed like an eternity, to restart the engine and begin to climb. Until the very end of the flight, there was dead silence in the cabin of the plane, which usually reigns after a fear experience.

In Miami, Susan had to rush headlong to catch her connecting flight. Running through the corridors turned out to be real torture, her backpack weighed almost a ton, and another attack of dizziness forced her to stop abruptly. Having caught her breath, she rushed forward again, but it was too late. Through the glass doors she could only watch her plane take off.

I have read many of the author's books. They are all good. This thin book with a beautiful color cover gave me conflicting feelings.
An intriguing summary, waiting for a light book about love at a distance and suddenly such an ending.. You immediately understand this is Mark Levy.. Everything doesn’t happen for him just like that:
/"Where are you?" - psychological drama. A beautiful love story. The novel is about how everyone chooses their own path... Although much in life is predetermined by childhood dreams and nightmares. The main characters Philip and Susan could have become an ideal couple when their childhood friendship grew into serious love, but... some force forces the girl to flee from family well-being to the ends of the earth. What does she find among the raging hurricanes and their endless victims? Where do dreams lead and what is their price? Events develop against the backdrop of real natural disasters, emphasizing the fragility of human existence./
For me, the real book is only the one you opened and forgot that you exist, stopped identifying yourself. “Where are you” is exactly like that. From the first lines you fall into the rut of the narrative and stay there. But if you sit with a straight face, then this is not your book. Go look for another...
It would seem like an ordinary sweet story, where the children were friends, grew up, loved each other, and one leaves, and the other will wait. Yeah, that's not where it was...
Levi wrote an amazing book. Even if you have never experienced love at a distance, you understand everything described at a glance.
Each facial muscle seems to be connected by some invisible threads to the facial muscles of the main characters. Susan raises an eyebrow, intuitively you do too. Philip turns away, a picture runs through his head, as if you too jerked sharply, although you remained sitting in place...
/"It's all my stupid self-confidence. As if my words could make you come back, and my thoughts and feelings would change the course of your life."/
It’s not for nothing that they say that a person who reads books lives millions of human lives. Why did I live the lives of Susan, Philip, and Mary in this book? He put so many years of the characters’ lives into such a small book and didn’t miss anything important. He didn’t load it, didn’t oversaturate it, but rather told it pleasantly and touchingly. The characters are also written absolutely in Lewin's style - Susan, a girl very lost in herself; Philip, incredibly bright and creative; his wife, Mary, is so loving and patient.
If you think about it, each of us makes our own life choice, path. One or the other, he does. And only we are responsible for the consequences of this path. Here too, the writer showed us what it means to go against your love and friendship.
How hard it is to live in anticipation of a few moments of intimacy... But life must go on, Philip gets married, he has a family, but Susan remains in his heart forever. And one day a little girl finds herself in Philip’s quiet world, filled with memories...
/ - You don’t feel sorry for anything! You couldn't get the mother, so now you got her daughter! It’s a pity for me, I never wanted either one or the other!
- Now you have no right to say such things.
“Now I don’t see anything that I could forbid myself to say, Philip.” For two years you have been putting on a dissatisfied face, avoiding discussing this topic, finding a thousand and one excuses to distance yourself from your family because you want to. But then your beloved Susan sends you her daughter, and all difficulties are resolved as if by magic, except for one small detail: this story is from your life, but not from mine./
The one to admire in this book is Mary and only her. She didn’t run away from her fears, her love, God knows where. She did not fight hurricanes and uncontrollable elements. She conquered the hurricane in her home, remaining a real woman. I hope that someday he will appreciate you, since a strong person and personality must become happy.
As for Susan, here I will only say: “Excessive altruism is the flip side of selfishness.” This is a difficult, almost impossible choice - personal or public, your own, dear, or someone else's, alien, but a burden that lies on your conscience. Fear of love, avoidance of problems - you can understand the heroine’s position, but when it comes to her daughter... With all my idealism, I cannot accept her choice.
This is a wonderful book. Someone will certainly say it’s about love. In my opinion, this is not entirely true. We are talking about a lack of love, dedication, pride (not pride!), pain and different destinies. Sometimes what people take for love is not enough for a family. This is quite enough for longing, suffering and relationships, but it is difficult to create a family on feelings alone.
It's easy to run. From anything. From responsibility, from loneliness, from resentment, from pain, but not from yourself and your thoughts. We sometimes complicate everything ourselves, we ourselves build walls and obstacles, we cherish the ghosts of the past, and then spend the rest of our lives trying to get rid of them.
I’ll end with a phrase from the book: “Is the past really that much more important to you than the present and future? I understand that it’s so easy to succumb to nostalgia - this sweet pain of contemplation, a pleasant unhurried death, but it’s still death, Philip.”
Sometimes the past must be left only in the past.
I received great pleasure from this work, and I wish the same for you.

Feb 15, 2017

Where are you? Mark Levy

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Title: Where are you?

About the book “Where are you?” Mark Levy

There are books with which it is recommended to start getting acquainted with the writer’s work. "Where are you?" - this is just such a work. It's like a calling card for Marc Levy. This is the most beautiful love story. This is a deep psychological drama. The main idea that Mark Levy is trying to convey is that everyone is free to make their own life choices.

The main characters are Philip and Susan. They had been friends since childhood. One day something more was born between them. Serious love bound them together and would have made them an ideal married couple, if not for one thing. Something forces the girl to go to the ends of the world, away from home happiness. She is attracted to nightmare hurricanes, disasters and helping their countless victims. She follows her dream. However, what price will she have to pay for such a decision?

The book "Where are you?" mainly consists of letters from the main characters to each other. Their correspondence is interspersed with events that occur in their lives. The action takes place against the backdrop of natural disasters, wars and the suffering of people who became victims of these incidents. Thus, Mark Levy emphasizes the fragility and value of human life.

"Where are you?" is a touching story about how people who love each other live at a distance. We can read about how this strong feeling is born, how affection develops into friendships, and how friendships that last many years turn into true love.

The writer did a great job on the images of his characters. They are deep and real. Mark Levy incredibly subtly conveyed the nuances of their inner worlds with all their feelings and experiences. Everything is very realistic, touching and accurate.

Read the book "Where are you?" incredibly easy. The descriptions, dialogue, and overall plot leave a strong impression. Note that at first some readers may think that everything is quite predictable and trivial. But suddenly the author makes a sharp turn in the storyline. And everything is changing dramatically. Many unexpected surprises await you.

The novel leaves a pleasant and slightly sad aftertaste. I want to sit and think about what I read, about my life, about why it turned out this way and not otherwise. The author talks to us about how important it is to choose the right path and not make mistakes, how important it is to set priorities correctly. We recommend reading this work to all lovers of deep life stories about love, friendship, human relationships that encourage you to think, feel, and rethink.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read the book “Where Are You?” online. Mark Levy in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Where Are You?” Mark Levy

Today I understand that I didn’t know a lot, and I never stop floundering in the emptiness that surrounded me after you left. How often, immersed in the darkness of loneliness, I looked at the sky, then at the earth, fiercely repeating to myself that you are somewhere nearby.

... mom, I haven’t forgotten that loneliness is a garden where nothing grows. Even if I live without her today, I will never be lonely again as long as she exists somewhere.

For people like you and Matthias to remain single or unmarried in a city of seven and a half million inhabitants is truly abnormal.

Even the worst of us has wings hidden somewhere and we need to help him open them, and not judge him.

The moments that you gave me have a name, they are called admiration. They still wear it, they are woven from your eternity. Even without you, I will never be alone again, because somewhere you exist.

But where is the border between children's dreams and reality?

Where fate has its reasons, a person without imagination will find only chance.

Just knowing that somewhere on this earth there is you will become for me, in my hell, a corner of heaven.

I love you, I can’t stop loving you, I don’t know how or why. I love you this way, because I don’t know any other way. Where you are not, I am not either.

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