Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules. Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules Protocol for studying the water quality of surface water supplies

GOST 2761-84

UDC 628.11:006.354

Group H08



Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules

Sources of centralized economic-drinking water supply. Sanitary and technical requirements

and rules of selection

MKS 13.060.01

Date of introduction 01/01/86


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED Ministry of Health of the USSR


K.I. Akulov, Ph.D. honey. sciences; V.T. Mazaev, dr med. sciences; A.A. Korolev, Dr. med. sciences; T.G. Shlepnina, Ph.D. honey. sciences; B.M. Kudryavtseva; Yu.A. Rakhmanin, Dr. med. sciences; G.N. Krasovsky, Dr. med. sciences; T.Z. Artemova, Ph.D. biol. sciences; R.D. Dmitrieva, Ph.D. honey. sciences; Z.I. Zholdakova, Ph.D. honey. sciences; R.I. Mikhailova, Ph.D. honey. sciences; SOUTH. Talaeva, Dr. med. sciences; Yu.V. Novikov, corresponding member. USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Dr. med. sciences; N.V. Klimkina, Ph.D. honey. sciences; S.I. Pltitman, Ph.D. honey. sciences; K.O. Lastochkina, Ph.D. biol. sciences; G.V. Tsyplakova, Ph.D. honey. sciences; R.S. Ekhina, Ph.D. biol. sciences; L.N. Plaskutskaya, Ph.D. tech. sciences; I.I. Demin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.P. Krishtul, V.A. Ryabchenko, Ph.D. chem. sciences; A.V. Dyachkov; V.D. Vilensky; D.M. Blagova; I.N. Selivanova; MM. Telitchenko; L.A. Granovskaya; E.N. Svetlova

2. APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated November 27, 1984 No. 4013



Item number, application

Item number, application

GOST 2874-82

1.1; 2.2; 3.8; Annex 1

GOST 4979-49

GOST 3351-74

Applications 3, 4

GOST 18164-72

Applications 3, 4

GOST 4011-72

Applications 3, 4

GOST 18293-72

Appendix 3

GOST 4151-72

Applications 3, 4

GOST 18294-2004

Appendix 3

GOST 4152-89

Appendix 3

GOST 18308-72

Appendix 3

GOST 4192-82

Applications 3, 4

GOST 18826-73

Applications 3, 4

GOST 4245-72

Applications 3, 4

GOST 18963-73

3.5; applications 3, 4

GOST 4386-89

Applications 3, 4

GOST 19413-89

Appendix 3

GOST 4388-72

Applications 3, 4

GOST 23950-88

Appendix 3

GOST 4389-72

Applications 3, 4

Applications 3, 4

GOST 4974-72

Applications 3, 4

5. Validity limit removed according to protocol No. 4-93 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 4-94)

6. EDITION(October 2006) with Amendment No. 1, approved in June 1988 (IUS 11-88)

This standard applies to sources of centralized water supply, including sources with brackish and salt water, for newly designed and reconstructed domestic drinking water supply systems and water supply systems that supply water simultaneously for domestic drinking and industrial purposes, and establishes hygienic and technical requirements to water supply sources and rules for their selection in the interests of public health.


1.1. The choice of a water supply source should be made taking into account its sanitary reliability and the possibility of obtaining drinking water, corresponding to GOST 2874*.

* In the territory Russian Federation GOST R 51232-98 applies (hereinafter).

1.2. The suitability of a source for domestic and drinking water supply is established on the basis of:

sanitary assessment of the conditions for the formation and occurrence of water in an underground water supply source;

sanitary assessment of the surface water supply source, as well as the adjacent territory upstream and downstream of the water intake;

assessing the quality and quantity of water from the water supply source;

sanitary assessment of the location of water intake structures;

forecasting the sanitary condition of sources.

1.3. The collection of data and the study of sanitary, hydrological, hydrogeological and topographic conditions for choosing a source of water supply, as well as developing a forecast of the sanitary condition of the reservoir, are organized by the design institution.

1.4. Determination of the location for water sampling, sampling and analysis are carried out by sanitary and epidemiological service institutions; Sampling and analysis may also be carried out by other organizations to which the sanitary-epidemiological service grants such a right.

1.5. A conclusion on the compliance of a source with the requirements of the standard is given by the bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Ministry of Health or the medical services of other departments that are entrusted with these responsibilities.


2.1. The composition of water from freshwater underground and surface water supply sources must meet the following requirements: dry residue no more than 1000 mg/dm 3 (by agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities, up to 1500 mg/dm 3 is allowed), concentrations of chlorides and sulfates no more than 350 and 500 mg /dm 3 accordingly, the total hardness is no more than 7 mol/m 3 (up to 10 mol/m 3 is allowed in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities), concentrations of chemical substances (except those indicated in the table) should not exceed the maximum permissible concentration for domestic drinking water and cultural and domestic water use, as well as radiation safety standards approved by the Ministry of Health.

When chemical substances belonging to hazard classes 1 and 2 with the same limiting indicator of harmfulness are detected in the water of water supply sources, the sum of the ratios of the detected concentrations of each substance in the water to their maximum permissible concentrations should not be more than 1. The calculation is carried out according to the formula

Where WITH 1 , WITH 2 , WITH 3 , ..., WITHn- detected concentrations, mg/dm3.

2.2. Depending on the quality of water and the required degree of treatment to bring it to the indicators of GOST 2874, water bodies suitable as sources of domestic and drinking water supply are divided into 3 classes.

Water quality indicators of water supply sources are shown in the table.

Indicator name

Source water quality indicators by class

Underground springs

Turbidity, mg/dm3, no more

Color, degrees, no more

Hydrogen value (pH)

Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), mg/dm 3, no more


Fluorine (F), mg/dm3, no more

Permanganate oxidation mgO/dm 3, no more

Number of coliform bacteria (coliforms), per 1 dm3, not more

Surface sources

Turbidity, mg/dm3, no more

Color, degrees, no more

Odor at 20 and 60 °C, points, no more

Hydrogen value (pH)

Iron (Fe), mg/dm 3, no more

Manganese (Mn), mg/dm 3, no more

Phytoplankton, mg/dm3, no more

cl/cm 3, no more

Permanganate oxidability, mgO/dm 3, no more

BOD total, mgO 2 /dm 3, no more

Number of lactose-positive Escherichia coli in 1 dm3 of water (LCP), no more

*Depending on the climatic region.

Note. The number of unicellular organisms is estimated in cells/cm 3 , filmy and filamentous - in mg/dm 3 .

2.3. For each specific water source, the water purification scheme and the required reagents are established on the basis of technological research or experience of operating structures under similar conditions in accordance with Appendix 1.

2.4. If the quality of the source water does not meet the requirements of the specified classes (brackish, salt water, water with a high fluorine content, etc.), it can be used in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities if there are processing methods, the reliability of which has been confirmed by special technological and hygienic studies .

2.5. The capacity of the water supply system should not exceed the permissible water withdrawal from the water supply source (or the total from several sources) in all periods of the year, taking into account technological irretrievable water losses.

2.6. The source of water supply and water intake structures of the water supply system must be protected from pollution by organizing a sanitary protection zone (SZZ) in accordance with the procedure for the design and operation of SZZ of water supply sources and drinking water supply pipelines, approved by the Ministry of Health.


3.1. Sources of centralized household and drinking water supply, taking into account their sanitary reliability, are selected in the following order:

interlayer pressure waters;

interstratal free-flow waters;

artificially injected groundwater and sub-channel groundwater;

surface waters (rivers, reservoirs, lakes, canals).

The possibility of using groundwater suitable for drinking water supply is also considered when its reserves are insufficient; The water demand deficit should be replenished using water sources that are less sanitarily reliable.

3.2. The choice of a source of water supply in the presence of several sources and an equal opportunity to provide the required quality and quantity of water should be carried out through a technical and economic comparison of options for water treatment schemes, taking into account the sanitary reliability of the sources.

3.3. From the available water supply sources, only those are selected for which it is possible to organize a sanitary protection zone and observe the appropriate regime within its zones.

3.4. The choice of water supply source is made based on the following data:

for an underground source of water supply - analyzes of water quality, hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer used, sanitary characteristics of the area in the area of ​​water intake, existing and potential sources of soil and aquifer contamination.

In this case, balance reserves of groundwater are taken into account, approved in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the classification of operational reserves and forecast resources of groundwater, approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR;

for a surface source of water supply - analyzes of water quality, hydrological data, minimum and average water flow rates, compliance with their intended water intake, sanitary characteristics of the basin, industrial development, the presence and possibility of sources of domestic, industrial and agricultural pollution in the area of ​​the proposed water intake.

The survey program for choosing a water supply source is given in Appendix 2.

3.5. To assess water quality at the site of the proposed water intake, analyzes of samples taken monthly for at least the last 3 years must be submitted. Sampling methods - according to GOST 4979-49*, GOST 18963.

* GOST R 51592-2000 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

3.6. The study of water quality of underground water supply sources is carried out in accordance with Appendix 3, surface - in accordance with Appendix 4.

3.7. The class of the water source is determined by the organization developing the water supply project.

3.8. The conclusion on the suitability of the water supply source must contain the following data:

about the water supply facility and the sanitary characteristics of the water supply source planned for use;

about the water quality of the water supply source and the forecast of its condition for the estimated period;

on measures to organize a sanitary protection zone and the planned treatment of water from a water supply source in order to bring the water quality to the requirements of GOST 2874.

3.9. The conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service on the possibility of using a water supply source is valid for 3 years.


Underground water sources

1st class - water quality in all respects meets the requirements of GOST 2874;

2nd class - water quality has deviations in certain indicators from the requirements of GOST 2874, which can be eliminated by aeration, filtration, disinfection; or sources with inconsistent water quality, which manifests itself in seasonal fluctuations in dry residue within the limits of GOST 2874 standards, requiring preventive disinfection;

3rd class - bringing water quality to the requirements of GOST 2874 using processing methods provided for in 2nd class, with the use of additional ones - filtration with preliminary settling, the use of reagents, etc.

Surface water sources

1st class - to obtain water that complies with GOST 2874, disinfection, filtration with or without coagulation is required;

2nd class - to obtain water that complies with GOST 2874, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection are required; in the presence of phytoplankton - microfiltration;

3rd class - bringing water quality to the requirements of GOST 2874 using processing methods provided for in 2nd class, with the use of additional - an additional clarification stage, the use of oxidative and sorption methods, as well as more effective methods disinfection, etc.


1. Underground springs

1.1. General geological structure of the area where the water supply source is located and general characteristics its hydrogeological conditions; type of selected aquifer (artesian - confined, ground - unconfined), depth (absolute elevation) of the roof of the aquifer, thickness, water-bearing rocks (sands, gravels, fractured, limestones, etc.); conditions and places of recharge and discharge of the aquifer; general information about the water abundance of the horizon (operational reserve); information on the current and future use of the aquifer for water supply and other purposes.

1.2. General information on the hydrogeological conditions of the area (field), recharge conditions of the aquifers proposed for use for water supply, topographic, soil and sanitary characteristics of the water intake area, characteristics of the aquifer planned for exploitation (lithological composition, thickness, nature of overlap, dynamic water level during the design water intake ).

1.3. Data on the degree of permeability of layers overlying layers, data on the possibility of influence of the recharge zone on water quality.

1.4. Sanitary characteristics of the area directly adjacent to the water intake; location and distance from the water intake to possible sources of its pollution: abandoned wells, absorption craters, sinkholes, wells, abandoned mine workings, storage tanks, etc.

2. Surface sources

2.1. Hydrological data: area of ​​the water intake recharge basin, surface flow regime, maximum, minimum and average flow rates, speed and water level at the water intake site, average periods of freeze-up and break-up, estimated flow rate of water used and its compliance with the minimum flow rate at the source, data on the characteristics of the tidal tidal currents.

2.2. General sanitary characteristics of the pool in that part of it that can affect the quality of water at the water intake:

the nature of the geological structure of the basin, soil, vegetation, the presence of forests, cultivated lands, settlements;

industrial enterprises(their number, size, location, nature of production);

reasons that influence or may influence the deterioration of water quality in a reservoir, methods and places for removing solid and liquid waste in the area where the source is located; the presence of domestic and industrial wastewater polluting the reservoir, the amount of waste Wastewater, facilities for their cleaning and their location;

distance from the place of waste discharge to the water intake;

presence of other possible reasons source pollution (shipping, timber rafting, watering, winter ice dumps, swimming, water sports, reclamation work, use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture and so on.).

2.3. Characteristics of the self-purifying ability of the reservoir.

2.4. For reservoirs, in addition, the following must be indicated: surface area and volume of the reservoir, useful and “dead” volume, feeding and use mode, water discharge in the reservoir, layout of the reservoir, its maximum and minimum depth, nature of the bottom, banks, bottom sediments, the presence of blooms, overgrowth, siltation, the direction of prevailing winds and currents, the speed of water movement in the reservoir.

3. General information

3.1. Data on the possibility of organizing a sanitary protection zone for a water supply source, approximate boundaries of the sanitary protection zone for its individual zones.

3.2. Data on the need to treat source water (disinfection, clarification, deferrization, etc.).

3.3. Sanitary characteristics of the proposed design of the water intake (water intake, well, well, catchment), the degree of protection of the source from the penetration of pollution from the outside, the compliance of the adopted locations, depth, type and design of the water intake with its purpose and the degree to which the best quality water can be obtained under the given conditions.

3.4. Data on adjacent water intakes having the same supply area (their location, productivity, water quality).




Name of water supply source __________________________________________

Place of sampling _______ name of the aquifer ____________________

Who took the sample (name, position, organization) _________________________________

Date (date, hour) of sample collection __________ time of sample delivery to the laboratory ________

Date of analysis: start _____________ end ____________

Address and name of the laboratory ________________________________________________

Hydrogen value (pH)

Beryllium (Be), mg/dm 3

Boron (B), mg/dm 3

Iron (Fe), mg/dm 3

Manganese (Mn), mg/dm 3

Copper (Cu), mg/dm 3

Molybdenum (Mo), mg/dm 3

Arsenic (As), mg/dm 3

Nitrates (), mg/dm 3

Total hardness, mol/dm 3

Permanganate oxidability, mgO/dm 3

Lead (Pb), mg/dm 3

Selenium (Se), mg/dm 3

Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), mg/dm 3

Strontium (Sr), mg/dm 3

Sulfates (), mg/dm 3

Dry residue, mg/dm 3

Fluorine (F), mg/dm 3

Chlorides (Cl), mg/dm 3

Zinc (Zn), mg/dm 3

Industrial, agricultural and household pollution**

* GOST R 52407-2005 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter).

** The list of indicators of industrial, agricultural and household pollution is established in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service, depending on local sanitary conditions; This refers to both chemical and radioactive contamination.

3. Microbiological indicators of water:

Number of saprophytic bacteria in 1 cm 3 GOST 18963

The number of coliform bacteria (coliforms) in 1 dm3

The analysis was carried out:

Conclusion (main) ______________________________________________________________

Date __________ month ___________ year ____________

Ch. SES doctor or head Department of Municipal Hygiene _________________________________

4. Additional research for sources belonging to classes 2 and 3 by the number of coliforms

* MU 2285-81 "Guidelines for sanitary and microbiological analysis of water from surface reservoirs", approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

The analysis was carried out by: _____________________________________________________

Conclusion (main) ___________________________________________________

Date _________ month _________ year ____________

Ch. SES doctor or head department of municipal hygiene




Name of water supply source _____________________________________

Place of sampling _______________________________________________________________

Who took the sample (name, position, organization) ___________________________

Date (day, hour) of sample collection _______ time of sample delivery to the laboratory _____


Date of analysis: start ___________ end ________________

Address and name of the laboratory _____________________________________

1. Organoleptic indicators of water quality:

2. Indicators chemical composition water:

Hydrogen value (pH)

Measured on a pH meter of any model with a glass electrode with a measurement error not exceeding 0.1 pH

Suspended substances, mg/dm 3

Iron (Fe), mg/dm 3

Manganese (Mn), mg/dm 3

Total hardness, mol/dm 3

Sulfates (), mg/dm 3

Dry residue, mg/dm 3

Free carbon dioxide (CO 2), mg/dm 3

Fluorine (F), mg/dm 3

Chlorides (Cl), mg/dm 3

Alkalinity, mol/dm 3

Industrial, agricultural and household pollution*

* The list of indicators of industrial, agricultural and household pollution is established in agreement with the sanitary-epidemiological service, depending on local sanitary conditions; This refers to both chemical and radioactive contamination.

3. Sanitary indicators of water quality:

4. Biological indicators of water:

* Guidelines for sanitary and microbiological analysis of water from surface reservoirs. MU 2285-81. - M., 1981

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

Conclusion: ________________________________________________________

Date ______________ month ______________ year ________________

Ch. SES doctor or head Department of Municipal Hygiene __________________

The standard applies to sources of centralized water supply, including sources with brackish and salt water, for newly designed and reconstructed domestic drinking water supply systems and water supply systems that supply water simultaneously for domestic drinking and industrial purposes, and establishes hygienic and technical requirements for water supply sources and rules for their selection in the interests of public health.

Designation: GOST 2761-84*
Russian name: Sources of centralized household and drinking water supply. Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules
Status: active
Replaces: GOST “Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Rules for selecting and assessing the quality of sources of centralized household and drinking water supply"
Date of text update: 01.10.2008
Date added to the database: 01.02.2009
Effective date: 01.01.1986
Designed by: USSR Ministry of Health
Approved: State Standard of the USSR (11/27/1984)
Published: Publishing house of standards No. 1984
IPC Standards Publishing House No. 2001
IPC Standards Publishing House No. 2003

GOST 2761-84





M Moscow


Date of introduction 01.01.86

This standard applies to sources of centralized water supply, including sources with brackish and salt water, for newly designed and reconstructed domestic and drinking water supply systems and water supply systems that supply water simultaneously for domestic, drinking and industrial purposes, and establishes hygienic and technical requirements for water supply sources and their rules choice in the interests of public health.


GOST 2874*.

* GOST 51232-98 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter).

1.2. The suitability of the source for domestic and drinking water supply is established on the basis of:

sanitary assessment of the conditions of formation and occurrence of water from an underground water supply source;

sanitary assessment of the surface water supply source, as well as the adjacent territory upstream and downstream of the water intake;

assessing the quality and quantity of water from the water supply source;

sanitary assessment of the location of water intake structures;

forecast of the sanitary condition of sources.

1.3. The collection and study of sanitary, hydrological, hydrogeological and topographic conditions for choosing a source of water supply, as well as developing a forecast of the sanitary condition of the reservoir, are organized by the design institution.

1.4. Determination of the location for water sampling, sampling and analysis are carried out by sanitary and epidemiological service institutions; sampling and analysis may also be carried out by other organizations to which the sanitary and epidemiological service grants such a right.

1.5. The conclusion on the compliance of the source with the requirements of the standard is given by the bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Ministry of Health or the medical services of other departments that are entrusted with these responsibilities.


2.1. The composition of water from freshwater underground and surface water supply sources must meet the following requirements: dry residue no more than 1000 mg/dm 3 (in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities, up to 1500 mg/dm 3 is allowed), concentrations of chlorides and sulfates no more than 350 and 500 mg/dm 3 dm 3, respectively, the total hardness is not more than 7 mol/m 3 (in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities, up to 10 mol/m 3 is allowed), concentrations of chemicals (except for those indicated in the table) should not exceed the maximum permissible concentration for household, drinking and cultural water domestic water use, as well as radiation safety standards approved by the Ministry of Health.

If chemical substances belonging to hazard classes 1 and 2 with the same limiting hazard indicator are detected in the water of water supply sources, the sum of the ratios of the detected concentrations of each substance in the water to their MPC should not be more than 1. The calculation is carried out according to the formula

Where WITH 1 , WITH 2 , WITH 3 , . . . , WITH n - detected concentrations, mg/dm 3 .

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.2. Depending on the quality of the water and the required degree of treatment to bring it to the required levels GOST 2874Water bodies suitable as sources of domestic and drinking water supply are divided into 3 classes.

Water quality indicators of water supply sources are shown in the table.

Indicator name

Source water quality indicators by class

Underground springs

Turbidity, mg/dm3, no more


Color, degrees, no more

Hydrogen value (pH)

Iron, (Fe ), mg/dm 3, no more

Manganese (M n ), mg/dm 3, no more

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S ), mg/dm 3, no more


Fluorine (F ), mg/dm 3, no more



Number of coliform bacteria (coliforms), per 1 dm3, not more


Surface sources

Turbidity, mg/dm3, no more



Color, degrees, no more

Odor at 20 and 60 °C, points, no more

Hydrogen value (pH)




Iron (Fe ), mg/dm 3, no more

Manganese (M n ), mg/dm 3, no more

Phytoplankton, mg/dm3, no more

cl/cm 3, no more




Permanganate oxidability, mgO/dm 3, no more

BOD total, mgO 2 /dm 3, no more

Number of lactose-positive Escherichia coli in 1 dm3 of water (LCP), no more




*Depending on the climatic region.

Note . The number of unicellular organisms is estimated in inc/cm 3, filmy and filamentous - in mg/dm 3.

2.3. For each specific water source, the water purification scheme and the required reagents are established on the basis of technological research or experience of operating facilities under similar conditions in accordance with the application.

2.4. If the quality of the source water does not meet the requirements of the specified classes (brackish, salt water, water with a high fluorine content, etc.), it can be used in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities in the presence of processing methods, the reliability of which has been confirmed by special technological and hygienic studies.

2.5. The capacity of the water supply system should not exceed the permissible water withdrawal from the water supply source (or the total from several sources) in all periods of the year, taking into account technological irretrievable losses of water.

2.6. The source of water supply and water intake structures of the water supply system must be protected from pollution by organizing a sanitary protection zone (SZZ) in accordance with the procedure for the design and operation of SZZ of water supply sources and water supply systems for domestic and drinking purposes, approved by the Ministry of Health.


3.1. Sources of centralized household and drinking water supply, taking into account their sanitary reliability, are selected in the following order:

interstratal pressure waters;

interstratal free-flow water;

groundwater, artificially filled, and sub-channel groundwater;

surface waters (rivers, reservoirs, lakes, canals).

The possibility of using groundwater suitable for drinking water supply is also considered when its reserves are insufficient; The water demand deficit should be replenished using water sources that are less sanitarily reliable.

3.2. The choice of a source of water supply in the presence of several sources and an equal opportunity to provide the required quality and quantity of water should be carried out through a technical and economic comparison of options for water treatment schemes, taking into account the sanitary reliability of the sources.

3.3. From the available water supply sources, only those are selected for which it is possible to organize a sanitary protection zone and observe the appropriate regime within its zones.

3.4. The choice of water supply source is made based on the following data:

for an underground source of water supply - analyzes of water quality, hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer used, sanitary characteristics of the area in the area of ​​water intake, existing and potential sources of contamination of soil and aquifers.

In this case, balance reserves of groundwater are taken into account, approved in the established manner in accordance with the classification of operational reserves and forecast resources of groundwater, approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR;

near-surface source of water supply - analyzes of water quality, hydrological data, minimum and average water flow rates, compliance with their intended water intake, sanitary characteristics of the basin, industrial development, the presence and possibility of sources of domestic, industrial and agricultural pollution in the area of ​​​​the proposed water intake.

The survey program for choosing a water supply source is given in the appendix.

3.5. To assess water quality at the site of the proposed water intake, analyzes of samples taken monthly for at least the last 3 years must be submitted. Sampling methods - according to GOST 4979*, GOST 18963.

* GOST R 51592-2000 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

3.6. The study of the water quality of underground water supply sources is carried out in accordance with the application, surface - in accordance with the application.

3.7. The class of the water source is determined by the organization developing the water supply project.

about the water supply facility and the sanitary characteristics of the water supply source planned for use;

quality of water from the water supply source and forecast of its condition for the estimated period;

activities to organize a sanitary protection zone and the planned treatment of the water supply source in order to bring the water quality to the requirements of GOST 2874.

3.9. The conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service on the possibility of using a water supply source is valid for 3 years.



Underground sources of water supply

1st class - water quality in all respects meets the requirements of GOST 2874;

2nd class - water quality has deviations in certain indicators from the requirements of GOST 2874, which can be eliminated by aeration, filtration, disinfection; or sources with inconsistent water quality, which manifests itself in seasonal fluctuations in dry residue within the limits of GOST 2874 standards, requiring preventive disinfection;

3rd class - bringing water quality to the requirements of GOST 2874 using processing methods provided for in 2nd class, using additional ones - filtration with preliminary settling, use of reagents, etc.

Surface water sources

1st class - to obtain water that complies with GOST 2874, disinfection, filtration with or without coagulation is required;

2nd class - to obtain water that complies with GOST 2874, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection are required; in the presence of phytoplankton - microfiltration;

3rd class - bringing water quality to the requirements of GOST 2874 using processing methods provided for in 2nd class, using additional ones - an additional clarification stage, the use of oxidative and sorption methods, as well as more effective disinfection methods, etc.


1.1. General geological structure of the territory of the area where the water supply source is located and general characteristics of its hydrogeological conditions; type of selected aquifer (artesian - confined, ground - unconfined), depth (absolute elevation) of the roof of the aquifer, thickness, water-bearing rocks (sands, gravels, fractured, limestones, etc.); conditions of recharge and discharge of the aquifer; general information on the water abundance of the horizon (operational reserve); information on the existing and future use of the aquifer for water supply and other purposes.

1.2. General information about the hydrogeological conditions of the area (field), recharge conditions of the aquifers intended for use for water supply, topographic, soil and sanitary characteristics of the water intake area, characteristics of the aquifer planned for exploitation(lithological composition, thickness, nature of overlap, dynamic water level during calculated water withdrawal).

1.3. Data on the degree of permeability of layers, overlying layers, data on the possibility of influence of the recharge zone on water quality.

1.4. Sanitary characteristics of the area immediately adjacent to the water intake; location and distance from the water intake to possible sources of its pollution: abandoned wells, absorption craters, sinkholes, wells, abandoned mine workings, storage tanks, etc.

2.1. Hydrological data: area of ​​the water intake recharge basin, surface flow regime, maximum, minimum and average flow rates, water speed and level at the water intake site, average periods of freeze-up and break-up, expected flow rate of water used and its compliance with the minimum flow rate at the source, data on the characteristics of tidal currents.

2.2. General sanitary characteristics of the pool in that part of it that can affect the quality of water at the water intake:

the nature of the geological structure of the basin, soil, vegetation, presence of forests, cultivated lands, settlements;

industrial enterprises (their number, size, location, nature of production);

reasons that influence or may influence the deterioration of water quality in a reservoir, methods and places for removing solid and liquid waste in the area where the source is located; the presence of domestic and industrial wastewater that pollutes the reservoir, the amount of wastewater discharged, facilities for its treatment and their location;

distance from the place of waste discharge to the water intake;

the presence of other possible causes of source pollution (shipping, timber rafting, watering, winter dumping on ice, swimming, water sports, reclamation work, the use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture, etc.).

2.3.Characteristics of the self-purifying ability of the reservoir.

2.4. For reservoirs, in addition, the following must be indicated: surface area and volume of the reservoir, useful and “dead” volume, mode of nutrition and use, water discharge in the reservoir, layout of the reservoir, its maximum and minimum depth, the nature of the bottom, banks, bottom sediments, the presence of blooms, overgrowth, siltation, direction of prevailing winds and currents, speed of water movement in the reservoir.

3. General information

3.1. Data on the possibility of organizing a sanitary protection zone for a water supply source, approximate boundaries of the sanitary protection zone for its individual zones.

3.2. Data on the need to treat source water (disinfection, clarification, deferrization, etc.).

3.3. Sanitary characteristics of the proposed design of the water intake (water intake, well, well, catchment), the degree of protection of the source from the penetration of pollution from the outside, the compliance of the adopted locations, depth, type and design of the water intake with its purpose and the degree of ensuring that the best possible water is obtained under the given quality conditions.

3.4. Data on adjacent water intakes having the same supply area (their location, productivity, water quality).



Name of water supply source________________________________________________

Sampling location___________ name of aquifer_____________

Date (day, hour) of sample collection__________ time of sample delivery to the laboratory_____

Date of analysis: start__________________ end________________

Address and name of the laboratory__________________________________________________________

Odor at 20 °C

Smell at 60 °C qualitatively and in points GOST 3351

Color in degrees GOST 3351

Turbidity, mg/dm 3 GOST 3351

Hydrogen indicator (pH) is measured on a pH meter of any model with a glass electrode with a measurement error not exceeding 0.1 pH

Beryllium (Be), mg/dm 3 GOST 18294

Boron (B), mg/dm 3

Iron (Fe ), mg/dm 3 GOST 4011

Copper (Cu), mg/dm 3 GOST 4388

Molybdenum (Mo), mg/dm 3 GOST 18308

Arsenic (As), mg/dm 3 GOST 4152

Nitrates (NO 3 - ), mg/dm 3 GOST 18826

Permanganate oxidability, mgO/dm 3

Lead (Pb), mg/dm 3 GOST 18293

Selenium (Se), mg/dm 3 GOST 19413

Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), mg/dm 3

Strontium (Sr), mg/dm 3 GOST 23950

Sulfates (SO 4 - ), mg/dm 3 GOST 4389

Fluorine (F), mg/dm 3 GOST 4386

Chlorides (С l ), mg/dm 3 GOST 4245

Zinc (Zn), mg/dm 3 GOST 18293

Industrial, agricultural and household

pollution 1

3. Microbiological indicators of water:

Number of saprophytic bacteria in 1 cm 3 GOST 18963

The number of coliform bacteria (coliforms) in 1 dm3

The analysis was carried out:

Conclusion (main)______________________________________________________________

Date_______________ month________________ year__________________

Ch. SES doctor or head Department of Municipal Hygiene_________________________________

4. Additional research for sources belonging to classes 2 and 3 by the number of coliforms

Causative agents of intestinal infections (salmonella,

shigella, enteroviruses) in 1 dm 3 MU 2285 2

2 MU 2285-81 “Guidelines for sanitary and microbiological analysis of water from surface reservoirs”, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

Number of E. coli in 1 dm 3 MU 2285

Number of coliphages in 1 dm 3 MU 2285

Number of enterococci in 1 dm 3 MU 2285

Ammonium salt ( N N 3), mg/dm 3 GOST 4192

Nitrates (NO 2 - ), mg/dm 3 GOST 4192

The analysis was carried out by:__________________________________________________________

Conclusion on additional studies_________________________________

General conclusion_______________________________________________________________

Date______________________ month__________________ year____________________

Ch. SES doctor or head department of municipal hygiene



Name of water supply source_______________________________________________

Place of sampling ______________________________________________________________

Who took the sample (name, position, organization)___________________________

Date (day, hour) of sample collection_______________ time of sample delivery to the laboratory


Date of analysis: start__________________ end _______________

Address and name of the laboratory _________________________________________________

1. Organoleptic indicators of water quality:

Temperature at the time of sampling, °C

Smell at 20 °C qualitatively and in pointsGOST 3351

Halls at 60 °C qualitatively and in pointsGOST 3351

Taste at 20 °C qualitatively and in points GOST 3351

Color in degreesGOST 3351

Turbidity, mg/dm 3 GOST 3351

2. Indicators of the chemical composition of water:

Hydrogen indicator (pH)Measured using a pH meter of any modelwith glass electrode with measurement error not exceeding 0.1 pH

Suspended substances, mg/dm 3

Iron (Fe ), mg/dm 3 GOST 4011

Manganese (M n), mg/dm 3 GOST 4974

Total hardness, mol/dm 3 GOST 4151

Sulfates (SO 4 - ), mg/dm 3 GOST 4389

Dry residue, mg/dm 3 GOST 18164

Free carbon dioxide (CO 2), mg/dm 3

Fluorine (F), mg/dm 3 GOST 4386

Chlorides (С l ), mg/dm 3 GOST 4245

Alkalinity, mol/dm 3

Industrial, agricultural and household pollution 1

1 The list of indicators of industrial, agricultural and household pollution is established in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service, depending on local sanitary conditions; This refers to both chemical and radioactive contamination.

3. Sanitary indicators of water quality:

Surfactants (surfactants)

GOST 2761-84




Official publication




Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules

Sources of centralized economic-drinking water supply. Sanitary and technical requirements and rules of selection

MKS 13.060.01

Date of introduction 01/01/86

This standard applies to sources of centralized water supply, including sources with brackish and salt water, for newly designed and reconstructed domestic drinking water supply systems and water supply systems that supply water simultaneously for domestic drinking and industrial purposes, and establishes hygienic and technical requirements to water supply sources and rules for their selection in the interests of public health.


1.1. The choice of a water supply source should be made taking into account its sanitary reliability and the possibility of obtaining drinking water that complies with GOST 2874*.

1.2. The suitability of a source for domestic and drinking water supply is established on the basis of:

sanitary assessment of the conditions for the formation and occurrence of water in an underground water supply source;

sanitary assessment of the surface water supply source, as well as the adjacent territory upstream and downstream of the water intake;

assessing the quality and quantity of water from the water supply source;

sanitary assessment of the location of water intake structures;

forecasting the sanitary condition of sources.

1.3. The collection of data and the study of sanitary, hydrological, hydrogeological and topographic conditions for choosing a source of water supply, as well as developing a forecast of the sanitary condition of the reservoir, are organized by the design institution.

* GOST R 51232-98 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter).

Official publication

Reproduction is prohibited

Publishing house of standards, 1984 5 STANDARDINFORM, 2006

1.4. Determination of the location for water sampling, sampling and analysis are carried out by sanitary and epidemiological service institutions; Sampling and analysis may also be carried out by other organizations to which the sanitary-epidemiological service grants such a right.

1.5. A conclusion on the compliance of a source with the requirements of the standard is given by the bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Ministry of Health or the medical services of other departments that are entrusted with these responsibilities.


2.1. The composition of water from freshwater underground and surface water supply sources must meet the following requirements: dry residue no more than 1000 mg/dm 3 (by agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities, up to 1500 mg/dm 3 is allowed), concentrations of chlorides and sulfates no more than 350 and 500 mg /dm 3 accordingly, the total hardness is no more than 7 mol/m 3 (up to 10 mol/m 3 is allowed in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities), concentrations of chemical substances (except those indicated in the table) should not exceed the maximum permissible concentration for domestic drinking water and cultural and domestic water use, as well as radiation safety standards approved by the Ministry of Health.

If chemical substances belonging to the 1st and 2nd hazard classes with the same limiting hazard indicator are detected in the water of water supply sources, the sum of the ratios of the detected concentrations of each substance in the water to their MPC should not be more than 1. The calculation is carried out according to the formula

--- +--- + ---+ +---<1

MPC x + MPC, + MPC 3 + * * * + MPC p -

where C and C 2, C 3, . . . , C p - detected concentrations, mg/dm 3 .

2.2. Depending on the quality of water and the required degree of treatment to bring it to the indicators of GOST 2874, water bodies suitable as sources of domestic and drinking water supply are divided into 3 classes.

Water quality indicators of water supply sources are shown in the table.


Indicator name

Source water quality indicators by class

Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), mg/dm 3, no more


Fluorine (F), mg/dm3, no more

Number of coliform bacteria (coliforms), per 1 dm3, not more

Surface sources

Turbidity, mg/dm3, no more

Color, degrees, no more

Odor at 20 and 60 °C, points, no more

Hydrogen value (pH)

Iron (Fe), mg/dm 3, no more

Manganese (Mn), mg/dm 3, no more

Phytoplankton, mg/dm3, no more

cl/cm 3, no more

Permanganate oxidability, mgO/dm 3, no more

BOD total> mgSUdm 3, no more

Number of lactose-positive Escherichia coli in 1 dm3 of water (LCP), no more

*Depending on the climatic region.

Note. The number of unicellular organisms is estimated in cells/cm 3 , filmy and filamentous - in mg/dm 3 .

2.3. For each specific water source, the water purification scheme and the required reagents are established on the basis of technological research or experience of operating structures under similar conditions in accordance with Appendix 1.

2.4. If the quality of the source water does not meet the requirements of the specified classes (brackish, salt water, water with a high fluorine content, etc.), it can be used in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities if there are processing methods, the reliability of which has been confirmed by special technological and hygienic studies .

2.5. The capacity of the water supply system should not exceed the permissible water withdrawal from the water supply source (or the total from several sources) in all periods of the year, taking into account technological irretrievable water losses.

2.6. The source of water supply and water intake structures of the water supply system must be protected from pollution by organizing a sanitary zone

protection (SPS) in accordance with the procedure for the design and operation of SPS of water supply sources and water pipelines for household and drinking purposes, approved by the Ministry of Health.


3.1. Sources of centralized household and drinking water supply, taking into account their sanitary reliability, are selected in the following order:

interlayer pressure waters;

interstratal free-flow waters;

artificially injected groundwater and sub-channel groundwater;

surface waters (rivers, reservoirs, lakes, canals).

The possibility of using groundwater suitable for drinking water supply is also considered when its reserves are insufficient; The water demand deficit should be replenished using water sources that are less sanitarily reliable.

3.2. The choice of a source of water supply in the presence of several sources and an equal opportunity to provide the required quality and quantity of water should be carried out through a technical and economic comparison of options for water treatment schemes, taking into account the sanitary reliability of the sources.

3.3. From the available water supply sources, only those are selected for which it is possible to organize a sanitary protection zone and observe the appropriate regime within its zones.

3.4. The choice of water supply source is based on the following data:

for an underground source of water supply - analyzes of water quality, hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer used, sanitary characteristics of the area in the area of ​​water intake, existing and potential sources of soil and aquifer contamination.

In this case, balance reserves of groundwater are taken into account, approved in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the classification of operational reserves and forecast resources of groundwater, approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR;

for a surface source of water supply - analyzes of water quality, hydrological data, minimum and average water flow rates, compliance with their intended water intake, sanitary characteristics of the basin, industrial development, the presence and possibility of sources of domestic, industrial and agricultural pollution in the area of ​​the proposed water intake.

The survey program for choosing a water supply source is given in Appendix 2.

3.5. To assess water quality at the site of the proposed water intake, analyzes of samples taken monthly for at least the last 3 years must be submitted. Sampling methods - according to GOST 4979*, GOST 18963.

3.6. The study of water quality of underground water supply sources is carried out in accordance with Appendix 3, surface - in accordance with Appendix 4.

* GOST R 51592-2000 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

3.7. The class of the water source is determined by the organization developing the water supply project.

3.8. The conclusion on the suitability of the water supply source must contain the following data:

about the water supply facility and the sanitary characteristics of the water supply source planned for use;

about the water quality of the water supply source and the forecast of its condition for the estimated period;

on measures to organize a sanitary protection zone and the planned treatment of water from a water supply source in order to bring the water quality to the requirements of GOST 2874.

3.9. The conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service on the possibility of using a water supply source is valid for 3 years.

CLASSES AND METHODS OF WATER TREATMENT Underground water supply sources

1st class - water quality in all respects meets the requirements of GOST 2874;

2nd class - water quality has deviations in certain indicators from the requirements of GOST 2874, which can be eliminated by aeration, filtration, disinfection; or sources with inconsistent water quality, which manifests itself in seasonal fluctuations in dry residue within the limits of GOST 2874 standards, requiring preventive disinfection;

3rd class - bringing water quality to the requirements of GOST 2874 using processing methods provided for in 2nd class, with the use of additional ones - filtration with preliminary settling, the use of reagents, etc.

Surface water sources

1st class - to obtain water that complies with GOST 2874, disinfection and filtration with or without coagulation are required;

2nd class - to obtain water that complies with GOST 2874, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection are required; in the presence of phytoplankton - microfiltration;

3rd class - bringing water quality to the requirements of GOST 2874 using processing methods provided for in 2nd class, with the use of additional ones - an additional clarification stage, the use of oxidative and sorption methods, as well as more effective disinfection methods, etc.


1. Underground springs

1.1. General geological structure of the territory of the area where the water supply source is located and general characteristics of its hydrogeological conditions; type of selected aquifer (artesian - confined, ground - unconfined), depth (absolute elevation) of the roof of the aquifer, thickness, water-bearing rocks (sands, gravels, fractured, limestones, etc.); conditions and places of recharge and discharge of the aquifer; general information about the water abundance of the horizon (operational reserve); information on the current and future use of the aquifer for water supply and other purposes.

1.2. General information about the hydrogeological conditions of the area (field), recharge conditions of the aquifers proposed for use for water supply, topographic, soil and sanitary characteristics of the water intake area, characteristics of the aquifer planned for exploitation (lithological composition, thickness, nature of overlap, dynamic water level at calculated water withdrawal).

1.3. Data on the degree of permeability of layers overlying layers, data on the possibility of influence of the recharge zone on water quality.

1.4. Sanitary characteristics of the area directly adjacent to the water intake; location and distance from the water intake to possible sources of its pollution: abandoned wells, absorption craters, sinkholes, wells, abandoned mine workings, storage tanks, etc.

2. Surface sources

2.1. Hydrological data: area of ​​the water intake recharge basin, surface flow regime, maximum, minimum and average flow rates, speed and water level at the water intake site, average periods of freeze-up and break-up, estimated flow rate of water used and its compliance with the minimum flow rate at the source, data on the characteristics of the tidal tidal currents.

2.2. General sanitary characteristics of the pool in that part of it that can affect the quality of water at the water intake:

the nature of the geological structure of the basin, soil, vegetation, presence of forests, cultivated lands, settlements;

industrial enterprises (their number, size, location, nature of production);

reasons that influence or may influence the deterioration of water quality in a reservoir, methods and places for removing solid and liquid waste in the area where the source is located; the presence of domestic and industrial wastewater that pollutes the reservoir, the amount of wastewater discharged, facilities for its treatment and their location;

distance from the place of waste discharge to the water intake;

the presence of other possible causes of source pollution (shipping, timber rafting, watering, winter dumps on ice, swimming, water sports, reclamation work, the use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture, etc.).

2.3. Characteristics of the self-cleaning ability of a reservoir.

2.4. For reservoirs, in addition, the following must be indicated: surface area and volume of the reservoir, useful and “dead” volume, feeding and use mode, water discharge in the reservoir, layout of the reservoir, its maximum and minimum depth, nature of the bottom, banks, bottom sediments, the presence of blooms, overgrowth, siltation, the direction of prevailing winds and currents, the speed of water movement in the reservoir.

3. General information

3.1. Data on the possibility of organizing a sanitary protection zone for a water supply source, approximate boundaries of the sanitary protection zone for its individual zones.

3.2. Data on the need to treat source water (disinfection, clarification, deferrization, etc.).

3.3. Sanitary characteristics of the proposed design of the water intake (water intake, well, well, catchment), the degree of protection of the source from the penetration of pollution from the outside, the compliance of the adopted locations, depth, type and design of the water intake with its purpose and the degree to which the best quality water can be obtained under the given conditions.

3.4. Data on adjacent water intakes having the same supply area (their location, productivity, water quality).

APPENDIX 3 Mandatory


Name of water supply source_

Sampling location_name of aquifer_

Date (day, hour) of sample collection_time of sample delivery to the laboratory

Analysis production date: start_end_

Address and name of the laboratory_

Hydrogen value (pH)

Beryllium (Be), mg/dm 3 Boron (B), mg/dm 3 Iron (Fe), mg/dm 3 Manganese (Mn), mg/dm 3

Measured on a pi I meter of any model with a glass electrode with a measurement error not exceeding 0.1 pH GOST 18294

GOST 4011 GOST 4974

Copper (Cu), mg/dm 3

Molybdenum (Mo), mg/dm 3

Arsenic (As), mg/dm 3

Nitrates (NO3 -), mg/dm 3

Total hardness, mol/dm 3 Permanganate oxidation, mgO/dm 3

Lead (Pb), mg/dm 3

Selenium (Se), mg/dm 3 Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), mg/dm 3

Strontium (Sr), mg/dm 3

Sulfates (SO/j -), mg/dm 3

Dry residue, mg/dm 3 Free carbon dioxide (CO 2), mg/dm 3

Fluorine (F), mg/dm 3

Chlorides (C1), mg/dm 3

Zinc (Zn), mg/dm 3

Industrial, agricultural and

household pollution

3. Microbiological indicators of water:

Number of saprophytic bacteria in 1 cm 1 2 3 GOST 18963

Number of coliform bacteria (coliforms) in 1 dm3 The analysis was carried out:

Conclusion (main)_


Ch. SES doctor or head department of municipal hygiene_

4. Additional research for sources related to the number of coliforms in classes 2 and 3:

Causative agents of intestinal infections shigella, enteroviruses) in 1 dm3 Number of E. soy in 1 dm3 Number of coliphages in 1 dm3 Number of enterococci in 1 dm3 Ammonium salt (NH 3), mg/dm3 Nitrites (N0 2 -), mg /dm 3

The analysis was carried out by:_

Conclusion on additional studies_

General conclusion_


Ch. SES doctor or head department of municipal hygiene


MU 2285 3 MU 2285 MU 2285 MU 2285 GOST 4192 GOST 4192

1 GOST R 52407-2005 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter).

2 The list of indicators of industrial, agricultural and household pollution is established in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service, depending on local sanitary conditions; This refers to both chemical and radioactive contamination.

3 MU 2285-81 “Guidelines for sanitary and microbiological analysis of water from surface reservoirs”, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

APPENDIX 4 Mandatory


Name of water supply source

Sample collection location _

Who took the sample (name, position, organization)_

Date (day, hour) of sample taking_time of delivery

samples to the laboratory_

Date of analysis: start_end_

Address and name of the laboratory _

1. Organoleptic indicators of water quality:

Temperature at the time of sampling, °C Odor at 20 °C qualitatively and in points Odor at 60 °C qualitatively and in points Taste at 20 °C qualitatively and in points Color in degrees Turbidity, mg/dm 3

GOST 3351 GOST 3351 GOST 3351 GOST 3351 GOST 3351

2. Indicators of the chemical composition of water:

Hydrogen indicator (pH) Measured on a pH meter of any model

with glass electrode with measurement error not exceeding 0.1 pH

Suspended substances, mg/dm 3 Iron (Fe), mg/dm 3 Manganese (Mn), mg/dm 3 Total hardness, mol/dm 3 Sulfates (S0 4 -), mg/dm 3 Dry residue, mg/dm 3 Free carbon dioxide (C0 2), mg/dm 3 Fluorine (F), mg/dm 3 Chlorides (C1), mg/dm 3 Alkalinity, mol/dm 3

GOST 4011 GOST 4974 GOST 4151 GOST 4389 GOST 18164

GOST 4386 GOST 4245

Industrial, agricultural and household pollution

1 The list of indicators of industrial, agricultural and household pollution is established in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service, depending on local sanitary conditions; This refers to both chemical and radioactive contamination.

3. Sanitary indicators of water quality:

Anionic surfactants (total), mg/dm 3

Biochemical oxygen consumption (BOD total), mg0 2 /dm 3 Permanganate oxidability, mgO/dm 3 Ammonium salt (NH 3), mg/dm 3 GOST 4192

Nitrites (NOy), mg/dm 3 GOST 4192

Nitrates (NOT), mg/dm 3 GOST 18826

4. Biological indicators of water:

Number of saprophytic bacteria in 1 cm 3 GOST 18963

Number of lactose-positive E. coli in 1 dm3 MU 2285 1

Causative agents of intestinal infections (salmonella, shigella, enteroviruses) in 1 dm 3 MU 2285

Number of coliphages in 1 dm 3 MU 2285

Number of enterococci in 1 dm 3 MU 2285

Phytoplankton, mg/dm 3 Phytoplankton, cells/cm 3


Day month Year

Ch. SES doctor or head department of municipal hygiene _

1 Guidelines for sanitary and microbiological analysis of water from surface reservoirs. MU 2285-81. - M., 1981.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



K.I* Akulov, Ph.D. honey. sciences; V.T. Mazaev, Dr. med. sciences; A.A. Korolev, Dr. med. sciences; T.G. Shlepnina, Ph.D. honey. sciences; B.M. Kudryavtseva; Yu.A. Rakhmanin, Dr. med. sciences; G.N. Krasovsky, Dr. med. sciences; T.Z. Artemova, Ph.D. biol. sciences; R.D. Dmitrieva, Ph.D. honey. sciences; Z.I. Zholdakova, Ph.D. honey. sciences; R.I. Mikhailova, Ph.D. honey. sciences; SOUTH. Talaeva, Dr. med. sciences; Yu.V. Novikov, corresponding member. USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Dr. med. sciences; N.V. Klimkina, Ph.D. honey. sciences; S*I. Plitman, Ph.D. honey. sciences; K.O. Lastochnik, Ph.D. biol. sciences; G.V. Tsyplakova, Ph.D. honey. sciences; R.S. Ekhina, Ph.D. biol. sciences; L.N. Paskutskaya, Ph.D. tech. sciences; I.I. Demin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.P. Krishtul, V.A. Ryabchenko, Ph.D. chem. sciences; A.V. Dyachkov; V.D. Vilensky; D.M. Blagova; I.N. Selivanova; MM. Telitchenko; L.A. Granovskaya; E.N. Svetlova

GOST 2761-84






Date of introduction 01/01/86

This standard applies to sources of centralized water supply, including sources with brackish and salt water, for newly designed and reconstructed domestic drinking water supply systems and water supply systems that supply water simultaneously for domestic drinking and industrial purposes, and establishes hygienic and technical requirements to water supply sources and rules for their selection in the interests of public health.


1.1. The choice of a source of water supply should be made taking into account its sanitary reliability and the possibility of obtaining drinking water that meets GOST 2874*.

* Valid on the territory of the Russian Federation GOST R 51232-98(hereinafter).

1.2. The suitability of a source for domestic and drinking water supply is established on the basis of:

sanitary assessment of the conditions for the formation and occurrence of water in an underground water supply source;

sanitary assessment of the surface water supply source, as well as the adjacent territory upstream and downstream of the water intake;

assessing the quality and quantity of water from the water supply source;

sanitary assessment of the location of water intake structures;

forecasting the sanitary condition of sources.

1.3. The collection of data and the study of sanitary, hydrological, hydrogeological and topographic conditions for choosing a source of water supply, as well as developing a forecast of the sanitary condition of the reservoir, are organized by the design institution.

1.4. Determination of the location for water sampling, sampling and analysis are carried out by sanitary and epidemiological service institutions; Sampling and analysis may also be carried out by other organizations to which the sanitary-epidemiological service grants such a right.

1.5. A conclusion on the compliance of a source with the requirements of the standard is given by the bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Ministry of Health or the medical services of other departments that are entrusted with these responsibilities.


2.1. The composition of water from freshwater underground and surface water supply sources must meet the following requirements: dry residue no more than 1000 mg/dm 3 (by agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities, up to 1500 mg/dm 3 is allowed), concentrations of chlorides and sulfates no more than 350 and 500 mg /dm 3 accordingly, the total hardness is no more than 7 mol/m 3 (up to 10 mol/m 3 is allowed in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities), concentrations of chemical substances (except those indicated in the table) should not exceed the maximum permissible concentration for domestic drinking water and cultural and domestic water use, as well as radiation safety standards approved by the Ministry of Health.

When chemical substances belonging to hazard classes 1 and 2 with the same limiting indicator of harmfulness are detected in the water of water supply sources, the sum of the ratios of the detected concentrations of each substance in the water to their maximum permissible concentrations should not be more than 1. The calculation is carried out according to the formula

Where WITH 1 , WITH 2 , WITH 3 , . . . , WITH n - detected concentrations, mg/dm3.

2.2. Depending on the quality of the water and the required degree of treatment to bring it to the required levels GOST 2874 water bodies suitable as sources of domestic and drinking water supply are divided into 3 classes.

Water quality indicators of water supply sources are shown in the table.

Indicator name

Source water quality indicators by class

Underground springs

Turbidity, mg/dm3, no more

Color, degrees, no more

Hydrogen value (pH)

Iron, (Fe), mg/dm 3, no more

Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), mg/dm 3, no more


Fluorine (F), mg/dm3, no more

Number of coliform bacteria (coliforms), per 1 dm3, not more

Surface sources

Turbidity, mg/dm3, no more

Color, degrees, no more

Odor at 20 and 60 °C, points, no more

Hydrogen value (pH)

Iron (Fe), mg/dm 3, no more

Manganese (Mn), mg/dm 3, no more

Phytoplankton, mg/dm3, no more

cl/cm 3, no more

No more

BOD total, mgO 2 /dm 3, no more

Number of lactose-positive Escherichia coli in 1 dm3 of water (LCP), no more

*Depending on the climatic region.

Note. The number of unicellular organisms is estimated in cells/cm 3 , filmy and filamentous - in mg/dm 3 .

2.3. For each specific water source, the water purification scheme and the required reagents are established on the basis of technological research or experience of operating structures under similar conditions in accordance with the application 1 .

2.4. If the quality of the source water does not meet the requirements of the specified classes (brackish, salt water, water with a high fluorine content, etc.), it can be used in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities if there are processing methods, the reliability of which has been confirmed by special technological and hygienic studies .

2.5. The capacity of the water supply system should not exceed the permissible water withdrawal from the water supply source (or the total from several sources) in all periods of the year, taking into account technological irretrievable water losses.

2.6. The source of water supply and water intake structures of the water supply system must be protected from pollution by organizing a sanitary protection zone (SZZ) in accordance with the procedure for the design and operation of SZZ of water supply sources and drinking water supply pipelines, approved by the Ministry of Health.


3.1. Sources of centralized household and drinking water supply, taking into account their sanitary reliability, are selected in the following order:

interlayer pressure waters;

interstratal free-flow waters;

artificially injected groundwater and sub-channel groundwater;

surface waters (rivers, reservoirs, lakes, canals).

The possibility of using groundwater suitable for drinking water supply is also considered when its reserves are insufficient; The water demand deficit should be replenished using water sources that are less sanitarily reliable.

3.2. The choice of a source of water supply in the presence of several sources and an equal opportunity to provide the required quality and quantity of water should be carried out through a technical and economic comparison of options for water treatment schemes, taking into account the sanitary reliability of the sources.

3.3. From the available water supply sources, only those are selected for which it is possible to organize a sanitary protection zone and observe the appropriate regime within its zones.

3.4. The choice of water supply source is made based on the following data:

for an underground source of water supply - analyzes of water quality, hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer used, sanitary characteristics of the area in the area of ​​water intake, existing and potential sources of soil and aquifer contamination.

In this case, balance reserves of groundwater are taken into account, approved in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the classification of operational reserves and forecast resources of groundwater, approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR;

for a surface source of water supply - analyzes of water quality, hydrological data, minimum and average water flow rates, compliance with their intended water intake, sanitary characteristics of the basin, industrial development, the presence and possibility of sources of domestic, industrial and agricultural pollution in the area of ​​the proposed water intake.

The survey program for choosing a water supply source is given in the appendix 2 .

3.5. To assess water quality at the site of the proposed water intake, analyzes of samples taken monthly for at least the last 3 years must be submitted. Sampling methods - according to GOST 4979 *, GOST 18963.

* GOST R 51592-2000 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

3.6. The study of water quality of underground water supply sources is carried out in accordance with the Appendix 3 , surface - in accordance with the application 4 .

3.7. The class of the water source is determined by the organization developing the water supply project.

3.8. The conclusion on the suitability of the water supply source must contain the following data:

about the water supply facility and the sanitary characteristics of the water supply source planned for use;

about the water quality of the water supply source and the forecast of its condition for the estimated period;

on measures to organize a sanitary protection zone and the planned treatment of water from a water supply source in order to bring the water quality to the requirements GOST 2874.

3.9. The conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service on the possibility of using a water supply source is valid for 3 years.


Underground water sources

1st class - water quality meets the requirements in all respects GOST 2874;

2nd class - water quality has deviations in certain indicators from the requirements GOST 2874 which can be eliminated by aeration, filtering, disinfection; or sources with inconsistent water quality, which manifests itself in seasonal fluctuations in dry residue within the standards GOST 2874, requiring preventive disinfection;

GOST 2874 processing methods provided for in class 2, with the use of additional ones - filtration with preliminary settling, use of reagents, etc.

Surface water sources

1st class - to obtain water that meets GOST 2874, disinfection, filtration with or without coagulation is required;

2nd class - to obtain water that meets GOST 2874, requires coagulation, settling, filtering, disinfection; in the presence of phytoplankton - microfiltration;

3rd class - bringing water quality to the requirements GOST 2874 processing methods provided for in class 2, with the use of additional ones - an additional clarification stage, the use of oxidative and sorption methods, as well as more effective disinfection methods, etc.


1. Underground springs

1.1. General geological structure of the territory of the area where the water supply source is located and general characteristics of its hydrogeological conditions; type of selected aquifer (artesian - confined, ground - unconfined), depth (absolute elevation) of the roof of the aquifer, thickness, water-bearing rocks (sands, gravels, fractured, limestones, etc.); conditions and places of recharge and discharge of the aquifer; general information about the water abundance of the horizon (operational reserve); information on the current and future use of the aquifer for water supply and other purposes.

1.2. General information about the hydrogeological conditions of the area (field), recharge conditions of the aquifers proposed for use for water supply, topographic, soil and sanitary characteristics of the water intake area, characteristics of the aquifer planned for exploitation (lithological composition, thickness, nature of overlap, dynamic water level at calculated water withdrawal).

1.3. Data on the degree of permeability of layers overlying layers, data on the possibility of influence of the recharge zone on water quality.

1.4. Sanitary characteristics of the area directly adjacent to the water intake; location and distance from the water intake to possible sources of its pollution: abandoned wells, absorption craters, sinkholes, wells, abandoned mine workings, storage tanks, etc.

2. Surface sources

2.1. Hydrological data: area of ​​the water intake recharge basin, surface flow regime, maximum, minimum and average flow rates, speed and water level at the water intake site, average periods of freeze-up and break-up, estimated flow rate of water used and its compliance with the minimum flow rate at the source, data on the characteristics of the tidal tidal currents.

2.2. General sanitary characteristics of the pool in that part of it that can affect the quality of water at the water intake:

the nature of the geological structure of the basin, soil, vegetation, presence of forests, cultivated lands, settlements;

industrial enterprises (their number, size, location, nature of production);

reasons that influence or may influence the deterioration of water quality in a reservoir, methods and places for removing solid and liquid waste in the area where the source is located; the presence of domestic and industrial wastewater that pollutes the reservoir, the amount of wastewater discharged, facilities for its treatment and their location;

distance from the place of waste discharge to the water intake;

the presence of other possible causes of source pollution (shipping, timber rafting, watering, winter dumps on ice, swimming, water sports, reclamation work, the use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture, etc.).

2.3. Characteristics of the self-cleaning ability of a reservoir.

2.4. For reservoirs, in addition, the following must be indicated: surface area and volume of the reservoir, useful and “dead” volume, feeding and use mode, water discharge in the reservoir, layout of the reservoir, its maximum and minimum depth, nature of the bottom, banks, bottom sediments, the presence of blooms, overgrowth, siltation, the direction of prevailing winds and currents, the speed of water movement in the reservoir.

3. General information

3.1. Data on the possibility of organizing a sanitary protection zone for a water supply source, approximate boundaries of the sanitary protection zone for its individual zones.

3.2. Data on the need to treat source water (disinfection, clarification, deferrization, etc.).

3.3. Sanitary characteristics of the proposed design of the water intake (water intake, well, well, catchment), the degree of protection of the source from the penetration of pollution from the outside, the compliance of the adopted locations, depth, type and design of the water intake with its purpose and the degree to which the best quality water can be obtained under the given conditions.

3.4. Data on adjacent water intakes having the same supply area (their location, productivity, water quality).




Name of water supply source________________________________________________

Sampling location___________ name of aquifer_____________

Date (day, hour) of sample collection__________ time of sample delivery to the laboratory_____

Date of analysis: start__________________ end________________

Address and name of the laboratory__________________________________________________________

Odor at 20 °C qualitatively and in points GOST 3351

Odor at 60 °C qualitatively and in points GOST 3351

GOST 3351

Color in degrees GOST 3351

Turbidity, mg/dm3 GOST 3351

Hydrogen index (pH) Measured on a pH meter of any model with a glass electrode with a measurement error not exceeding 0.1 pH

Beryllium (Be), mg/dm 3 GOST 18294

Boron (B), mg/dm 3

Iron (Fe), mg/dm 3 GOST 4011

Manganese (Mn), mg/dm 3 GOST 4974

Copper (Cu), mg/dm 3 GOST 4388

Molybdenum (Mo), mg/dm 3 GOST 18308

Arsenic (As), mg/dm 3 GOST 4152

Nitrates (NO 3 -), mg/dm 3 GOST 18826

Total hardness, mol/dm 3 GOST 4151

Permanganate oxidability, mgO/dm 3

Lead (Pb), mg/dm 3 GOST 18293

Selenium (Se), mg/dm 3 GOST 19413

Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), mg/dm 3

Strontium (Sr), mg/dm 3 GOST 23950

Sulfates (SO 4 -), mg/dm 3 GOST 4389

Dry residue, mg/dm 3 GOST 18164

Fluorine (F), mg/dm 3 GOST 4386

Chlorides (Cl), mg/dm 3 GOST 4245

Zinc (Zn), mg/dm 3 GOST 18293

Industrial, agricultural and household

pollution 1

3. Microbiological indicators of water:

GOST 18963

The number of coliform bacteria (coliforms) in 1 dm3

The analysis was carried out:

Conclusion (main)______________________________________________________________

Date_______________ month________________ year__________________

Ch. SES doctor or head Department of Municipal Hygiene_________________________________

4. Additional research for sources belonging to classes 2 and 3 by the number of coliforms

Causative agents of intestinal infections (salmonella,

Shigella, enteroviruses) in 1 dm 3 MU 2285 2

2 MU 2285-81 “Guidelines for sanitary and microbiological analysis of water from surface reservoirs”, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

Number of E. coli in 1 dm 3 MU 2285

Ammonium salt (NН 3), mg/dm 3 GOST 4192

Nitrates (NO 2 -), mg/dm 3 GOST 4192

The analysis was carried out by:__________________________________________________________

Conclusion on additional studies_________________________________

General conclusion_______________________________________________________________

Date______________________ month__________________ year____________________

Ch. SES doctor or head department of municipal hygiene




Name of water supply source_______________________________________________

Place of sampling ______________________________________________________________

Who took the sample (name, position, organization)___________________________

Date (day, hour) of sample collection_______________ time of sample delivery to the laboratory


Date of analysis: start__________________ end _______________

Address and name of the laboratory _________________________________________________

1. Organoleptic indicators of water quality:

Temperature at the time of sampling, °C

Smell at 20 °C qualitatively and in points GOST 3351

Halls at 60 °C qualitatively and in points GOST 3351

Flavor at 20 °C qualitatively and in points GOST 3351

Color in degrees GOST 3351

Turbidity, mg/dm3 GOST 3351

2. Indicators of the chemical composition of water:

Hydrogen index (pH) Measured on a pH meter of any model with a glass electrode with a measurement error not exceeding 0.1 pH

Suspended substances, mg/dm 3

Iron (Fe), mg/dm 3 GOST 4011

Manganese (Mn), mg/dm 3 GOST 4974

Total hardness, mol/dm 3 GOST 4151

Sulfates (SO 4 -), mg/dm 3 GOST 4389

Dry residue, mg/dm 3 GOST 18164

Free carbon dioxide (CO 2), mg/dm 3

Fluorine (F), mg/dm 3 GOST 4386

Chlorides (Cl), mg/dm 3 GOST 4245

Alkalinity, mol/dm 3

Industrial, agricultural and household pollution 1

1 The list of indicators of industrial, agricultural and household pollution is established in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service, depending on local sanitary conditions; This refers to both chemical and radioactive contamination.

3. Sanitary indicators of water quality:

Surfactants (surfactants)

anionic (total), mg/dm 3

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD total),

mgO 2 / dm 3

Permanganate oxidability, mgO/dm 3

Ammonium salt (NH 3), mg/dm 3 GOST 4192

Nitrites (NO 2 -), mg/dm 3 GOST 4192

Nitrates (NO 3 -), mg/dm 3 GOST 18826

4. Biological indicators of water:

Number of saprophytic bacteria in 1 cm3 GOST 18963

Number of lactose-positive intestinal

sticks 1 dm 3 MU 2285 1

Causative agents of intestinal infections

(salmonella, shigella, enteroviruses) in 1 dm 3 MU 2285

Number of coliphages in 1 dm 3 MU 2285

Number of enterococci in 1 dm 3 MU 2285

Phytoplankton, mg/dm3

Phytoplankton, cells/cm 3

1 Guidelines for sanitary and microbiological analysis of water from surface reservoirs. MU 2285-81. - M., 1981.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


Day month Year________________

Ch. SES doctor or head Department of Municipal Hygiene _________________________________


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Health


K.I. Akulov, Ph.D. honey. sciences; V.T. Mazaev, Dr. med. sciences; A.A. Korolev, Dr. med. sciences; T.G. Shlepnina, Ph.D. honey. sciences; B.M. Kudryavtseva; Yu.A. Rakhmanin, Dr. med. sciences; G.N. Krasovsky, Dr. med. sciences; T.Z. Artemova, Ph.D. biol. sciences; R.D. Dmitrieva, Ph.D. honey. sciences; Z.I. Zholdakova, Ph.D. honey. sciences; R.I. Mikhailova, Ph.D. honey. sciences; SOUTH. Talaeva, Dr. med. sciences; Yu.V. Novikov, corresponding member. USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Dr. med. sciences; N.V. Klimkina, Ph.D. honey. sciences; S.I. Plitman, Ph.D. honey. sciences; K.O. Lastochkina, Ph.D. biol. sciences; G.V. Tsyplakova, Ph.D. honey. sciences; R.S. Ekhina, Ph.D. biol. sciences; L.N. Paskutskaya, Ph.D. tech. sciences; I.I. Demin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.P. Krishtul, V.A. Ryabchenko, Ph.D. chem. sciences; A.V. Dyachkov; V.D. Vilensky; D.M. Blagova; I.N. Selivanova; MM. Telitchenko; L.A. Granovskaya; E.N. Svetlova

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated November 27, 1984 No. 4013



Item number, application

Item number, application

Applications Application

5. The validity period was lifted according to Protocol No. 4-93 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 4-94)

6. EDITION (October 2001) with Change No. 1, approved in June 1988 (IUS 11-88)












2.4 Rules for selecting water supply sources and quality control

GOST 2761-84




Date of introduction 01.01.86

This standard applies to sources of centralized water supply, including sources with brackish and salt water, for newly designed and reconstructed domestic drinking water supply systems and water supply systems that supply water simultaneously for domestic drinking and industrial purposes, and establishes hygienic and technical requirements to water supply sources and rules for their selection in the interests of public health.


2.4. If the quality of the source water does not meet the requirements of the specified classes (brackish, salt water, water with a high fluorine content, etc.), it can be used in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities if there are processing methods, the reliability of which has been confirmed by special technological and hygienic studies .

2.5. The capacity of the water supply system should not exceed the permissible water withdrawal from the water supply source (or the total from several sources) in all periods of the year, taking into account technological irretrievable water losses.

2.6. The source of water supply and water intake structures of the water supply system must be protected from pollution by organizing a sanitary protection zone (SZZ) in accordance with the procedure for the design and operation of SZZ of water supply sources and drinking water supply pipelines, approved by the Ministry of Health.


3.1. Sources of centralized household and drinking water supply, taking into account their sanitary reliability, are selected in the following order:

interlayer pressure waters;

interstratal free-flow waters;

artificially injected groundwater and sub-channel groundwater;

surface waters (rivers, reservoirs, lakes, canals).

The possibility of using groundwater suitable for drinking water supply is also considered when its reserves are insufficient; The water demand deficit should be replenished using water sources that are less sanitarily reliable.

3.2. The choice of a source of water supply in the presence of several sources and an equal opportunity to provide the required quality and quantity of water should be carried out through a technical and economic comparison of options for water treatment schemes, taking into account the sanitary reliability of the sources.

3.3. From the available water supply sources, only those are selected for which it is possible to organize a sanitary protection zone and observe the appropriate regime within its zones.

3.4. The choice of water supply source is made based on the following data:

for an underground source of water supply - analyzes of water quality, hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer used, sanitary characteristics of the area in the area of ​​water intake, existing and potential sources of soil and aquifer contamination.

In this case, balance reserves of groundwater are taken into account, approved in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the classification of operational reserves and forecast resources of groundwater, approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR;

for a surface source of water supply - analyzes of water quality, hydrological data, minimum and average water flow rates, compliance with their intended water intake, sanitary characteristics of the basin, industrial development, the presence and possibility of sources of domestic, industrial and agricultural pollution in the area of ​​the proposed water intake.

The survey program for choosing a water supply source is given in the appendix.

3.6. The study of water quality of underground water supply sources is carried out in accordance with the application, surface - in accordance with the application.

3.7. The class of the water source is determined by the organization developing the water supply project.

about the water supply facility and the sanitary characteristics of the water supply source planned for use;

about the water quality of the water supply source and the forecast of its condition for the estimated period;

on measures to organize a sanitary protection zone and the planned treatment of water from the water supply source in order to bring the water quality to the requirements of GOST 2874.

3.9. The conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service on the possibility of using a water supply source is valid for 3 years.


Underground water sources

1st class - water quality in all respects meets the requirements of GOST 2874;

2nd class - water quality has deviations in certain indicators from the requirements of GOST 2874, which can be eliminated by aeration, filtration, disinfection; or sources with inconsistent water quality, which manifests itself in seasonal fluctuations in dry residue within the limits of GOST 2874 standards, requiring preventive disinfection;

GOST 2874 by processing methods provided for in class 2, with the use of additional ones - filtration with preliminary settling, the use of reagents, etc.

Surface water sources

1st class - to obtain water that complies with GOST 2874, disinfection, filtration with or without coagulation is required;

2nd class - to obtain water that complies with GOST 2874, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection are required; in the presence of phytoplankton - microfiltration;

3rd class - bringing water quality to the requirements of GOST 2874 using treatment methods provided for in 2nd class, with the use of additional ones - an additional clarification stage, the use of oxidative and sorption methods, as well as more effective disinfection methods, etc.


1.1. General geological structure of the territory of the area where the water supply source is located and general characteristics of its hydrogeological conditions; type of selected aquifer (artesian - confined, ground - unconfined), depth (absolute elevation) of the roof of the aquifer, thickness, water-bearing rocks (sands, gravels, fractured, limestones, etc.); conditions and places of recharge and discharge of the aquifer; general information about the water abundance of the horizon (operational reserve); information on the current and future use of the aquifer for water supply and other purposes.

1.2. General information about the hydrogeological conditions of the area (field), recharge conditions of the aquifers proposed for use for water supply, topographic, soil and sanitary characteristics of the water intake area, characteristics of the aquifer planned for exploitation(lithological composition, thickness, nature of overlap, dynamic water level during calculated water withdrawal).

1.3. Data on the degree of permeability of layers overlying layers, data on the possibility of influence of the recharge zone on water quality.

1.4. Sanitary characteristics of the area directly adjacent to the water intake; location and distance from the water intake to possible sources of its pollution: abandoned wells, absorption craters, sinkholes, wells, abandoned mine workings, storage tanks, etc.

2.1. Hydrological data: area of ​​the water intake recharge basin, surface flow regime, maximum, minimum and average flow rates, speed and water level at the water intake site, average periods of freeze-up and break-up, estimated flow rate of water used and its compliance with the minimum flow rate at the source, data on the characteristics of the tidal tidal currents.

2.2. General sanitary characteristics of the pool in that part of it that can affect the quality of water at the water intake:

the nature of the geological structure of the basin, soil, vegetation, presence of forests, cultivated lands, settlements;

industrial enterprises (their number, size, location, nature of production);

reasons that influence or may influence the deterioration of water quality in a reservoir, methods and places for removing solid and liquid waste in the area where the source is located; the presence of domestic and industrial wastewater that pollutes the reservoir, the amount of wastewater discharged, facilities for its treatment and their location;

distance from the place of waste discharge to the water intake;

the presence of other possible causes of source pollution (shipping, timber rafting, watering, winter dumps on ice, swimming, water sports, reclamation work, the use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture, etc.).

2.3. Characteristics of the self-cleaning ability of a reservoir.

2.4. For reservoirs, in addition, the following must be indicated: surface area and volume of the reservoir, useful and “dead” volume, feeding and use mode, water discharge in the reservoir, layout of the reservoir, its maximum and minimum depth, nature of the bottom, banks, bottom sediments, the presence of blooms, overgrowth, siltation, the direction of prevailing winds and currents, the speed of water movement in the reservoir.

3.1. Data on the possibility of organizing a sanitary protection zone for a water supply source, approximate boundaries of the sanitary protection zone for its individual zones.

3.2. Data on the need to treat source water (disinfection, clarification, deferrization, etc.).

3.3. Sanitary characteristics of the proposed design of the water intake (water intake, well, well, catchment), the degree of protection of the source from the penetration of pollution from the outside, the compliance of the adopted locations, depth, type and design of the water intake with its purpose and the degree to which the best quality water can be obtained under the given conditions.

3.4. Data on adjacent water intakes having the same supply area (their location, productivity, water quality).


Name of water supply source________________________________________________

Sampling location___________ name of aquifer_____________

Date (day, hour) of sample collection__________ time of sample delivery to the laboratory_____

Date of analysis: start__________________ end________________

Address and name of the laboratory__________________________________________________________

Odor at 20 °C qualitatively and in GOST 3351 points

Odor at 60 °C qualitatively and in GOST 3351 points

GOST 3351

Color in degrees GOST 3351

Hydrogen index (pH) Measured on a pH meter of any model with a glass electrode with a measurement error not exceeding 0.1 pH

Boron (B), mg/dm 3

Molybdenum (Mo), mg/dm 3 GOST 18308

Nitrates mg/dm 3 GOST 18826

Total hardness, mol/dm 3 GOST 4151 1

Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), mg/dm 3

Sulfates mg/dm 3 GOST 4389

Dry residue, mg/dm 3 GOST 18164

Industrial, agricultural and household pollution 2


1 GOST R 52407-2005 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter).

3. Microbiological indicators of water:

Number of saprophytic bacteria in 1 cm 3 GOST 18963

The number of coliform bacteria (coliforms) in 1 dm3

The analysis was carried out:

Conclusion (main)______________________________________________________________

Date_______________ month________________ year__________________

Ch. SES doctor or head Department of Municipal Hygiene_________________________________

4. Additional research for sources related to the number of coliforms in classes 2 and 3:

Causative agents of intestinal infections (salmonella,

shigella, enteroviruses) in 1 dm 3 MU 2285 3


3 MU 2285-81 “Guidelines for sanitary and microbiological analysis of water from surface reservoirs”, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

Number of E. coli in 1 dm 3 MU 2285

Number of coliphages in 1 dm 3 MU 2285

Number of enterococci in 1 dm 3 MU 2285

Ammonium salt (NN 3), mg/dm 3 GOST 4192

Nitrates mg/dm 3 GOST 4192

The analysis was carried out by:__________________________________________________________

Conclusion on additional studies_________________________________

General conclusion_______________________________________________________________

Date______________________ month__________________ year____________________

Ch. SES doctor or head department of municipal hygiene


Name of water supply source_______________________________________________

Place of sampling ______________________________________________________________

Who took the sample (name, position, organization)___________________________

Date (day, hour) of sample collection_______________ time of sample delivery to the laboratory


Date of analysis: start__________________ end _______________

Address and name of the laboratory _________________________________________________

1. Organoleptic indicators of water quality:

Temperature at the time of sampling, °C

Odor at 20 °C qualitatively and in GOST 3351 points

Halls at 60 °C qualitatively and in GOST 3351 points

Taste at 20 °C qualitatively and in GOST 3351 points

Color in degrees GOST 3351

2. Indicators of the chemical composition of water:

Hydrogen index (pH) Measured on a pH meter of any model with a glass electrode with a measurement error not exceeding 0.1 pH

Suspended substances, mg/dm 3

Total hardness, mol/dm 3 GOST 4151

Sulfates mg/dm 3 GOST 4389

Dry residue, mg/dm 3 GOST 18164

Free carbon dioxide (CO 2), mg/dm 3

Alkalinity, mol/dm 3

Industrial, agricultural and household pollution 1


1 The list of indicators of industrial, agricultural and household pollution is established in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service, depending on local sanitary conditions; This refers to both chemical and radioactive contamination.

3. Sanitary indicators of water quality:

Surfactants (surfactants), anionic(total), mg/dm 3

Biochemical oxygen consumption (total BOD), mgO 2 /dm 3

Permanganate oxidability, mgO/dm 3

Ammonium salt (NH 3 ), mg/dm 3 GOST 4192

Nitrites mg/dm 3