Part-time and combined labor law. Combination and part-time work. Internal and external part-time work

Because of the consonance, many people confuse two different concepts such as combination and part-time work. But personnel officers cannot make mistakes, because these relationships are formalized in different ways. The editors of the site offer a small reminder about part-time and combination jobs, the main differences (table) and the actions of the employer in different situations.

Part-timers: important features

Art. 282 Labor Code of the Russian Federation gives the following definition of part-time work: it is the performance by a person of other duties in his free time under the terms of an employment agreement. Only citizens who have reached 18 years of age can work in this way both in their own company and in another. Moreover, the number of organizations in which additional work is allowed is not limited by law.

But the peculiarities of such work have still been established. They exist for:

  • doctors, pharmacists, teachers and cultural workers;
  • drivers and citizens performing duties in harmful and/or dangerous working conditions, if they are employed in an identical position;
  • security guards;
  • state and municipal employees, including members of government;
  • judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, lawyers, prosecutors, military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies, federal courier communications, foreign intelligence agencies and the FSB;
  • employees of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation holding certain positions, by decision of the Board of Directors.

Part-time work must be formalized by concluding an employment contract. Therefore, an internal part-time worker must have two agreements in one organization: about the “main” work and about additional work. At the request of the employee, information about part-time service can be entered in the work book. This can only be done by the company in which this document is stored.

Since the employee performs additional functions in his free time from his main duties, for persons who work a standard working day, the duration of part-time work cannot exceed 4 hours. If the work is shift work, then it should take no more than half the normal hours. The time limit does not apply only to those days (shifts) when the part-time worker is relieved of his main work duties, for example, on a day off. On such days, he can perform duties all day long.

An important question regarding payment. A part-time worker has exactly the same rights as other employees of the organization, and he is subject to all the same rules and LNA regarding payment, but adjusted for the number of hours worked. He must also be paid sick leave: for internal part-time workers - based on the entire amount of income, for external ones - taking into account only those payments made directly by the employer during the billing period. He is also entitled to all other guarantees - allowances, bonuses, regional coefficients.

As for vacation, external part-time workers are not subject to the vacation schedule and their order. They must be given rest during the period when it is planned at their main place of work. This rule is undeniable, even if by this time the employee has recently gotten a job.

Combination features

What is combining positions in one organization, the legislator described in Art. 60.2 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This is the performance of additional work with the consent of the employee. In this case, there is no need to conclude a separate employment contract; an additional agreement to it is sufficient.

As a rule, such a document specifies not only the functions, but also the period for which the amount of work is increased. It also necessarily contains the amount of additional payment for combination. The employee cannot claim any other payments, but at the same time must work without being relieved of his main duties.

Combination and part-time: the difference

The table below contains all the previously described nuances. Save it in a convenient place so that the information you need is always at hand.

Action of the personnel officer

Part-time job


Registration of an employment contract


No need - additional agreement required

Reception order


No, there must be an order on combining positions

Registration of a personal card

Only necessary for external part-time worker

No need - already available

Filling out a work book

Performed at the main place of work at the request of the employee

Not required


Manufactured in compliance with all legal requirements

Within the previously agreed and established amount

Time tracking

Carried out, for internal part-time workers - separately for each position

Not produced


Has the right to go on vacation during the vacation period in the main organization

Separate is not allowed

Termination of activities

On the grounds provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Upon expiration of the specified period

The organization is considering candidates for the position of part-time driver. A personnel specialist knows that there are certain categories of workers who are prohibited from working part-time. I don’t want to break the law, so I need to decide whether it’s possible to work part-time as a driver? Our experts have prepared an answer to this question especially for readers of the portal.

Part-time work implies a separate employment contract

Part-time work is a situation when an employee, in his free time from his main job, works under a separate employment contract (Part 1 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If additional work is performed at the place of primary employment, then such part-time work is called internal. If an employee combines work for several employers, then this is an external part-time job (Part 3 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Current legislation does not impose restrictions on the number of part-time jobs. That is, in fact, an employee can have labor relations with an unlimited number of organizations (Part 2 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Not everyone can be part-timers

  • minors (Part 5 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • state and municipal employees (Article 17 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ, Article 14 of the Federal Law of March 2, 2007 No. 25-FZ);
  • military personnel, except for engaging in pedagogical, scientific and other creative activities that do not interfere with the performance of military service (clause 7, article 10 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ);
  • security guards in relation to public service and paid work in public associations (Article 12 of the Federal Law of March 11, 1992 No. 2487-1);
  • judges, lawyers, prosecutors, except for teaching, scientific and other creative activities (clause 3 of article 3 of the Federal Law of June 26, 1992 No. 3132-1, clause 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of May 31, 2002 No. 63- Federal Law, clause 5, article 4 of the Federal Law of January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1).

In addition, current legislation imposes restrictions on part-time work for persons hired:

  • with harmful or dangerous working conditions, if their main work is harmful or dangerous (Part 5 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • related to driving vehicles or controlling the movement of vehicles, if at their main place of work they do the same (Part 1 of Article 329 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, List, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2008 No. 16);
  • heads of organizations.

A person’s desire to receive more money to satisfy his material needs is a completely natural phenomenon. To implement his plans, the employer often offers part-time work and a combination of professions and positions. Is there any difference between these concepts? Maybe these terms mean the same thing?

It turns out that such concepts as combination and part-time do not have the same meaning. What is the difference? The Russian Federation regulates these two aspects through various articles of the currently valid Labor Code. However, both of these concepts refer to a side hustle. What is the difference between combination and part-time? Let's consider this topic in more detail.

Relevance of the issue

The concept of “combination and part-time work” is well known to those who are involved in personnel selection in organizations and enterprises. The fact is that one of the primary tasks of any company in modern economic conditions is to find optimal solutions for using available labor resources. In this case, there is a need to reconcile the interests of the enterprise with the interests of the employee. One of the best options in this case is part-time work and combination. In labor law, both concepts are enshrined in law. This is beneficial not only for the employee, who ultimately has the opportunity to replenish his budget, but also for the organization itself. After all, sometimes an employee quickly copes with the amount of work assigned to him. In this regard, he has free time during the working day, which can be filled with additional duties.

With the development of market relations in our country, employment contracts for part-time or part-time work are not uncommon. People have realized the full benefits of the opportunities provided to them, and employers are saving money on wages. Such relationships are relevant not only in enterprises, but also among individual entrepreneurs.

Regulatory legislation

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation in its articles establishes the concept of “combination and part-time work”. The difference primarily lies in the fact that the definition of the first of them is in Art. 60.2, and the second - in Art. 60.1 TK.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation explains that combination work involves additional work during a shift or working day. In this case, the employee is not relieved from performing assigned basic duties. Combination is used by the employer only if such a person’s workload is economically feasible. This management decision should not affect the quality of goods produced or services provided.

Combination and part-time work - what is the difference? The second concept is a part-time job for an employee in his free time. In other words, part-time work is a completely different, not the main employment for a person. The contract for its implementation is concluded at the initiative of the employee and by agreement with the employer.

Main criteria

Part-time and combination - what is the difference between these concepts? The main criteria for the first are:

Internal part-time job

Many citizens of our country, seeking to earn money, take additional work directly at their enterprise. If agreements are concluded and job duties are performed during non-core hours, then this type of activity is an internal part-time job. In what cases is this advisable? For example, a company needs to temporarily replace an employee who is absent for any reason. In this case, the easiest way is to agree on the performance of his duties with his own employee, whose qualifications and competence do not raise any doubts among the employer. How to apply in this case? Internal part-time and combination are suitable for this. What is the difference between these forms of extra work?

First of all, we should consider cases in which internal part-time work is possible. For example, this applies to a situation where the head of a small enterprise acts as an accountant. Of course, such internal part-time work is possible only with the permission of the body that is responsible for the activities of this company.

Often, workers from cultural institutions and medical institutions, teachers and pharmacists take on additional internal part-time work. Those employees who have sufficient experience and high qualifications can become internal part-time workers in the same position as theirs, if there are no restrictions on it in the current legislation.

But sometimes situations arise at an enterprise when an employee works part-time. Moreover, this type of activity may either coincide with his specialty or not. What is the difference between part-time work and part-time work? In the first case, additional tasks will be performed by the employee only with his written consent.

Internal part-time and combination jobs have certain benefits. What is the difference between these two types of part-time jobs for the employee and the employer? The main difference between internal part-time work and part-time work is the time it takes to perform an additional range of responsibilities. In the first case, the employee will have to work when he is not busy with his main job. This is fundamentally different from fulfilling responsibilities when combined. In this case, they are performed within the time established by law for the main work.

The differences between these types of part-time jobs also lie in their design. To employ an employee on an internal part-time basis, a package of documents is drawn up for him, the list of which is provided for by the current procedure for office work. First of all, an employment agreement is signed between the employer and employee. It stipulates all the nuances of performing an additional range of duties and the legal status of the employee as determined by labor legislation (rest and work schedule, rights and responsibilities of a newly hired person, safety rules, etc.).

When part-time work is of the internal type, in contrast to the appointment of a part-time employee, you will need to make adjustments to the staffing table. It must indicate the full unit as a whole number with salary, without any division. This will allow you to avoid making amendments in the future. One staffing unit allows for internal part-time employment of up to four employees. Their actual number is indicated in the “Note” column.

Part-time work is reflected in the employee’s personal file, where all information about his activities at the enterprise is stored. It is not necessary to write this down in the work book. With regard to the conditions for granting leave, remuneration and the availability of guarantees and compensation, as well as dismissal, an internal part-time worker is no different from an external part-time worker (whose main activity takes place with another employer).

What are the benefits of these types of additional earnings? Combination and internal part-time work have many positive aspects. Such relationships have mutual benefits. The employee receives additional income, and the employer receives the amount of work completed for production purposes. In addition, a qualified employee is often hired but given a low salary. At the same time, the company saves money.

Part-time work is also beneficial for a company employee. First of all, the advantage is the opportunity to earn additional income and apply existing knowledge. In addition, internal part-time work means additional sick pay, preservation of guarantees provided by law, paid leave, and contributions to the Pension Fund.

Internal part-time work is a common practice in large enterprises. With proper use of the opportunities provided by labor legislation, both the employer and the employee receive noticeable economic benefits.

Low wages force many people to look for new sources of income. The current law of the Russian Federation allows for part-time work or the combination of several positions to obtain additional financial resources. In this article, we propose to learn about the difference between part-time work and part-time work, and also analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods of earning additional income.

Combination and part-time work - the difference between these concepts is fundamental, despite the apparent identity

The meaning of the term "part-time"

The Labor Code is a legal document regulating the relationship between an employer and an employee. This document contains a detailed list of the rights and obligations of each party to this relationship. The forty-fourth article of this document contains regulations governing the procedure for carrying out part-time work activities. According to the established rules, these job duties must be performed during hours free from the main work activity.

In addition, each worker is given the right to perform part-time duties on weekends or holidays. It is important to note that there are a number of interesting nuances in this issue. Current legislation states that these duties cannot be performed during a lunch break or at the end of the working day.

Among the distinctive features of this type of employment, the following features should be highlighted:

  1. This type of work can only be performed by a person who has official employment (main workplace).
  2. Part-time work can only be performed during the time period when the employee has already completed his main job responsibilities.
  3. Part-time work implies the existence of an additional agreement between the parties, which will fix the amount of work that is counted as this type of work.

Upon detailed study of the sixtieth article of the Labor Code, we can conclude that part-time work is divided into two categories: internal and external part-time work. With internal part-time work, the employee fulfills additional labor obligations while being on the territory of the main employer. This type of work is allowed only if there are vacancies in the company.

It is important to understand that all additional work responsibilities are performed only after primary obligations have been completed.

External part-time work involves additional employment with another employer. It should be mentioned that this type of work activity is allowed only on legal days off. Most often, this method is used by those people who work on a shift schedule. It also needs to be said that today an employee is allowed to combine the same position at different enterprises.

Both categories involve performing an additional amount of work that goes beyond the scope of the main job functions

The meaning of the term "combination"

When considering the question of what part-time work and combination work are, you should delve deeper into the study of the Labor Code. According to the sixtieth article of this document, the term “combination” is used in relation to the performance of those types of additional work that are carried out at the main place of work activity. In simple words, the employer gives the subordinate an additional workload that is combined with the main activity.

Based on the above, we can conclude that these types of work activities have significant differences from each other. When combining, the employee must give written consent to the additional amount of work. It is important to note that in this case there is no need to conclude an additional employment agreement. Only an order from the head of the company is considered as a necessary document.

The main difference between a part-time job and a combination job is that in the latter case, the employee can refuse the boss’s request to fulfill additional work obligations.

Part-time work is a personal initiative of a person in the case when he is not satisfied with the financial conditions at his main place of work.

It should be noted that the head of the company does not have the right to assign his employees an additional amount of combined work without the written consent of the employee himself. This means that every worker is given the legal opportunity to refuse such an offer. As practice shows, many employers exceed their official authority, loading employees with additional work, paying for work according to the established salary. In order to prevent such a scenario, every person working must carefully study their job descriptions, which contain all the information about the obligations of company employees.

If you want to get a source of additional income, you must first study the current Labor Code in order to learn to understand the difference between part-time and part-time jobs. Knowing these nuances will reduce the risk of conflicts with the company administration.

Expanding the scope of work performed or service area involves the emergence of additional responsibilities for the employee within the framework of the position he already holds.

Advantages of each type of work activity

If you need to obtain an additional source of income, you should analyze in detail all the pros and cons of each of the types of work activity under consideration. There is a significant difference between working part-time and combining several positions. However, not every representative of the HR department can answer the question of what type of work is more profitable for a company employee.

Among the advantages of part-time work, one should highlight the opportunity to choose a new direction of work activity. This type of additional work allows a person to improve their professionalism and increase their level of qualifications. In addition, part-time work allows you to get significantly greater profits in comparison with a combination. But it should be noted that combination has a number of its advantages. Among them are:

  1. Opportunity to increase your salary by performing a larger volume of work.
  2. The opportunity to improve the level of qualifications by replacing a temporarily disabled company employee.
  3. A chance for promotion by raising your own authority in the eyes of the company's management.

Based on the above, we can conclude that each employee must independently decide which type of additional income is more profitable. When choosing between a combination and a part-time job, you need to focus on your own needs.

Procedure for processing documents

Analyzing the prevalence of these types of work activities is practically impossible. Each company independently decides on the introduction of those vacancies that may be available to employees working part-time or part-time. As practice shows, for many companies with a developed internal structure, combining several positions is a standard process. Most often, this technique is used when the main employee is temporarily incapacitated. This fact is explained by the fact that it is not profitable for the company administration to attract a new employee for a short period of time. It is this factor that becomes the reason that one of the workers of the enterprise is asked to combine several positions.

In most cases, a candidate who performs similar duties to the temporarily absent specialist is considered for such a position. It is important to understand that when combining, it is unacceptable to increase the duration of the work shift or interruption from the fulfillment of basic obligations. For official appointment to a position, administrative documents are used.

Part-time work must be formalized by concluding an employment contract

Part-time and combination - what is the difference between these concepts? A part-time worker is a separate unit with its own privileges. Appointment to a position is carried out by concluding an employment agreement.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that there are a number of citizens who do not have the opportunity to work part-time. The list of persons belonging to this category is recorded in the two hundred and eighty-second article of the Labor Code. To date, this type of work is not available to deputies, employees of the prosecutor's office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as staff of credit institutions. In addition to civil servants, this type of work activity is prohibited for persons under the age of majority and people whose job responsibilities are related to transport management. It should be noted that part-time work is not acceptable for workers engaged in hazardous production processes (in the case where part-time work implies similar working conditions).

It should be noted that these rules do not apply to part-time work, since all work obligations are carried out during the working day.

An example of the difference between the two types of work activity

From all of the above, we can conclude that, in addition to the differences, the types of work activity under consideration have a number of similar features.

Part-time and combination, main differences table:

Working conditionsPart-time jobCombination
Place of workIt is allowed to fulfill labor obligations both on the territory of the main employer and on the territory of an additional one.Fulfillment of labor obligations in the territory of the main workplace.
Contract of employmentAccording to current legislation, the employer is obliged to conclude an employment contract with the employee. The duration of the agreement is discussed by the parties.An annex to the main contract is drawn up, which fixes the duration of the additional scope of work. The same document records additional obligations of the employee. The completed document must contain the signature of each party.
ProbationThe length of the probationary period is discussed by the parties at the interview stage.Not provided.
Registration procedureRegistration of a new employee is carried out according to the established form.The basis for appointment to an additional position is an order from management.
Filling out a work bookThe record is recorded only at the main place of work.Additional entries are not made in the work book.
Filling out a personal file and personal cardFor the internal type of part-time job, only the personal card is filled out. With an external type of part-time job, both documents are drawn up.A personal file is not opened. All necessary information is entered into an existing personal card.
Payment orderThe salary is directly proportional to the amount of work performed or working time. As a rule, when calculating the salary, the employer takes into account the required allowances and additional payments.When combining several positions, a certain amount is added to the employee’s salary. The amount of remuneration is negotiated by the parties. Additional payments and allowances are not awarded.
Procedure for granting leaveAccording to the established rules, leave at an additional workplace is issued simultaneously with the main one.The vacation is not extended, but the employee is given a monetary increase to the required amount of vacation pay.
Additional restrictionsThere are a number of restrictions recorded in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.Appointment to a position is carried out only after receiving the written consent of the employee.
End date of employmentTo terminate an employment agreement, the grounds set forth in the eighty-first article of the Labor Code are used.The last day of additional work activity is the date specified in the addendum to the employment contract. According to the current rules, each of the parties to the contract has the right to terminate this agreement at any day. A party wishing to terminate the agreement must notify the other party three days before “terminating” the agreement.

Thanks to this article, you can find out the main differences between the two types of earnings. It is important to note that for each of these types of work activities, the employee is assigned a certain level of financial responsibility, which is directly proportional to the position held.

Labor legislation allows additional workload for enterprise employees. Performing duties can be carried out simultaneously with the main job or in free time.

What constitutes part-time work and combination in one organization, for how long they are possible, how these concepts differ, will be discussed in this article.

What is part-time work

Part-time job – full performance of duties with the conclusion of an employment contract. Work is carried out independently of main responsibilities and in free time. Its legality is established by Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and is regulated by Ch. 44 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The procedure for additional work of teachers and physicians is determined by Government regulations issued for each category of such persons.

Assumes the presence of vacant positions. After employment, the employee is assigned an independent personnel number.

The employee's working time for his main position and his part-time position is recorded separately.

The legislation provides for the vacancy of a position held by a part-time employee. Submitting an application and hiring another employee for the position, for whom the position will be the main one, allows you to dismiss a part-time worker (Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employee must be notified of dismissal 14 days before the date of termination of the contract.

What is combination

Combination – performing additional duties during the main job and within the framework of one contract. Additional work is carried out for the same position (increasing the volume of work) or related work (expanding the service area). The combination can be issued for vacant (vacant) or occupied positions during the temporary absence of the main employee:

  • Due to illness confirmed by a certificate of incapacity for work. An option often used in the budget sector. Payment for days of absence due to illness is carried out at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund, which allows not to exceed the amount of the wage fund approved for the year. Several employees may be hired to fill the position of a temporarily absent person.
  • While on maternity leave or child care.
  • During the vacation of the main employee, registered without pay.

The ability to combine positions is prescribed in a collective agreement or other local act. The combination is not reflected.

What is the difference?

Part-time or part-time employment has fundamental differences, clearly presented in the table:

CharacteristicsPart-time jobCombination
Conclusion of an agreementYesNo (additional agreement)
Issuance of an order for the enterpriseYes, about the receptionYes, about combination
Assigning a personnel numberYesNo
Recording working hours in timesheetsYesNo
Registration of a new personal cardYesNo
Reflection in the work bookYesNo
Work timeHalf the basic normWithin a working day
RewardAccording to time worked or outputFixed, in percentage or total terms
Providing leaveYesNo, but the amount is taken into account in average earnings
ProbationYes, but the condition is rarely appliedNo
Termination of work upon hiring (return to position) of a permanent employeeYesYes
Accounting for an employee when calculating the average numberYes, proportional to the ratesNo, only in single size
Dismissal procedure2 weeks notice3 days notice

You can also get detailed information about the differences between these procedures from the following video:

What is more profitable for the employee?

When comparing these forms of additional income, the material benefit of the remuneration is determined depending on the conditions of employment. When registering a part-time job, remuneration is made according to the time worked. The additional payment for combinations is set by the employer and reflected in the order. The amount is expressed as a percentage of the basic salary. An additional payment in the form of a fixed amount is allowed.

Positive aspects of combination:

  • There is no need to waste additional time.
  • The amount of remuneration is fixed and is established by agreement of the parties. The amount of the surcharge is taken into account when and.
  • Early termination of obligations is allowed at the initiative of either party with a 3-day warning (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Advantages of part-time work:

  • Providing paid leave or compensation upon dismissal.
  • Opportunity to receive bonuses for a combined position. Earnings are included when calculating sick leave for your main job (calculated separately).
  • Manage remuneration by varying the number of shifts, output or part of the rate. The amount is limited to half the rate or salary specified in the staffing table for the vacant position. Payment for piecework earnings is made based on actual results.

If an employee is satisfied with additional shifts and the opportunity to influence the schedule and remuneration, it is necessary to choose a part-time job; for people who do not want to go beyond the working day, a part-time job is the most optimal form.

How to apply for them with the same employer

There are differences in the document flow when registering such employees.

Registration of internal part-time workers

An employee is hired to work part-time with the conclusion of an employment contract. This agreement contains:

  • The provisions, rights, obligations and guarantees of the employee are similar to those concluded for the main job.
  • Indication of the performance of part-time duties.
  • For time-based work, the salary or rate is indicated, for piece-work, output.

The agreement may be of an indefinite nature, the duration of which is determined by agreement of the parties. At the request of the employee, an entry about part-time work is made in the work book.

When applying for a job, the following actions are performed:

  1. The employee submits an application to the manager. The document indicates the desired part of the bet - half, third, quarter or other.
  2. The terms of the part-time job are agreed upon with the employer.
  3. The personnel service of the enterprise issues an appointment order and draws up an agreement with the joint signature of the parties. The order and contract make a note about the nature of the work.

If the terms of the agreement provide for work with valuables, an additional liability agreement is concluded.

No documents required for employment are required. The HR employee makes copies of the previously submitted forms. The dismissal of such an employee is carried out in the standard manner defined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Registration of combining positions

The combination of the main position and additional responsibilities is carried out on a voluntary basis and on the basis of an order. When registering, the following procedure is followed:

  1. Providing a written statement from the employee. He must confirm that he has sufficient qualifications to perform his duties.
  2. After agreeing on the issue, the employer issues an order for the employee to combine positions. There is no agreement.

The performance of new additional duties changes the terms of the employment contract. Based on the order, an additional written agreement is drawn up, providing for a change in the conditions (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Combining positions is not reflected in the work book.

Who can't be styled this way?

The legislation defines the circle of persons for whom part-time work is not formalized. Additional employment is not allowed:

  • Minor citizens.
  • Heads of enterprises. Only external part-time work is allowed with the consent of the founders.
  • Persons whose main responsibilities involve harmful or dangerous working conditions, if part-time work involves similar work circumstances.
  • Employees whose duties are related to transport management.
  • State civil servants - police officers, prosecutors, judiciary and law firms.

Persons deprived of the right to register for part-time employment are not limited in their ability to engage in scientific or research activities.

Nuances of part-time work

There is a time limit for additional work. Within the working day, a limit of duration is allowed no more than 4 hours. An employee can work additional hours after the end of the working day or on a day off established for the main position. Within a month processing is allowed within half the monthly norm.

The occurrence of circumstances allowing the suspension of the main job in the event of a delay in payment of wages, described in Art. 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, allows you not to comply with the time limit.

Fulfilling the job duties of a part-time worker gives the right to paid leave. The number of vacation days does not depend on the percentage of the rate and is determined in the standard version (a year worked entitles you to receive 28 calendar days of vacation).

Vacation is paid from and is provided simultaneously with vacation at the main place of employment. The excess number of vacation days for the main job is supplemented by days without pay for a part-time position.

Part-time and part-time employment at an enterprise is a legal option for increasing income. The amounts are included in the calculation of earnings for accrual of vacation, payment of sick leave and when determining contributions to the Pension Fund. Registration is carried out strictly taking into account the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.