Rules for forming the 3rd person singular. How to determine the person of a verb correctly. Verb conjugation in the present tense

Using the example of three sentences, we will analyze the conjugation of three irregular verbs: have, do, go - in the third person singular.

Idioms (stable English expressions) with the word " go «

go together combine, harmonize, suit

I like the way the blue carpet and the gold curtains go together.
I love how the blue carpet and gold curtains work together.

Pink and purple go together.

Pink and purple can go together well
Pink and purple go together.

to go up to go somewhere, go

You go up to the ticket booth
You go to the ticket kiosk.

I want to go up to London next week.
I want to go to London next week.

He went up to Oxford.
He entered Oxford University.

A girl learning English shows how to use the ending “es” in the third person for verbs in declarative and negative sentences.

English Joke

A customer was bothering the waiter in a restaurant. First, he asked that the air conditioning be turned up because he was too hot, then he asked it be turned down ‘cause he was too cold, and so on for about half an hour.
Surprisingly, the waiter was very patient, he walked back and forth and never once got angry. So finally, a second customer asked him why he didn’t throw out the pest.
“Oh, I really don’t care or mind,” said the waiter with a smile. "We don't even have an air conditioner."

It is carried out according to the person and number of the latter, which creates the opportunity to change the form of the predicate expressed by the verb and obtain so-called “personal” forms by this part of speech. Moreover, if in the Russian language numerous personal verb forms are different for each person and number, then in comparison with it the English personal verb forms are often the same, for example:

I get up early every day. I I get up early every day.
You get up early on Mondays. You you get up early on Mondays.
He gets up late daily. He rises late every day.
She gets up early every day. She rises early every day.
My cat (it) gets up at 4 o’clock in the morning. My cat (it) rises at 4 o'clock in the morning.
We get up late at weekends. We let's get up late on the weekend.
They get up early every day. They get up early every day.

As can be seen from the above examples, in the first case the verbal predicate agrees with the subject I (I) and takes shape get up (first person singular), in the second example due to agreement with the subject she (she) the verb gets an ending s gets up (third person singular), and the difference between the third example and the first is also in the person and number of the predicate (they is the third person plural), which, however, does not in any way affect the form of the predicate.

Consequently, we come to the conclusion that the difference in person and number does not always lead to a change in its form.

English verb face

  • the first one, which corresponds to the pronouns I (I), we (we):

I go skiing every winter. –I go skiing every winter.

We go swimming on Tuesdays.– We go swimming on Tuesdays.

  • the second – you (you, you, you):

You always help your friend. –You always help your friend.

In the autumn you like walking in the forest together. –In autumn, you love to walk through the forest together.

  • the third - he (he), she (she), it (it), they (they).

He likes writing letters to his penfriends. –He loves to write letters to his pen pals.

She helps us with our homework. She helps us with our homework.

English verb number

I(first person singular)travel a lot during my holidays. –I travel a lot during my holidays.

We(first person plural)travel to Asia every two years. –We travel to Asia every two years.

Person and number of the subject as a guide for verb conjugation

Thus, those positions at which verbs are conjugated (as far as the grammatical system of the English language, which is rather poor in endings, allows) can be presented in the following table:

Of course, these are conditional guidelines, and in real sentences, not only pronouns can appear as subjects (see the topic for more details Subject in English), but by replacing it with the appropriate personal pronoun, you can always determine the person and number of the subject, and therefore the necessary personal form of the verb. For example:

singular plural
first person I play the guitar in my free time. / I play guitar in my free time. My parents and I (= we) play cards in the evenings. /My parents and I (= we) play cards in the evenings.
second person You play golf every Saturday. /You play golf every Saturday.
third party Tom(= he) plays ball with his little brother. /Tom (=he) is playing ball with his little brother.

My sister (= she) plays volleyball for the school team. /My sister (= she) plays volleyball for the school team.

My computer (= it) plays chess better than I do. / My computer (= it) plays chess better than me.

My friends (= they) play frisbee in the park after classes. /My friends play Frisbee in the park after school.

Differences in the category of person between Russian and English

At the same time, the correspondence of certain nouns that perform the functions of a subject with personal pronouns differs in Russian and in English, especially with regard to the third person singular. Thus, in the Russian language, the category of gender is in no way tied to the biological sex of the subject (he is a table, a backpack; she is a jacket, a tent; it is a window, a ghost). In English:

  • pronoun he You can designate only a male representative (man, boy, male animal, if it is necessary to emphasize his gender);
  • she– accordingly, only a female representative (woman, girl, female animal, if it is important to emphasize her gender);
  • and all objects, phenomena and animals whose gender is not so important for the statement, if necessary, replace them with a personal pronoun, are designated using the word it.

Rare cases of verb expression of the categories of person and number

It was already mentioned above that verb forms in an English sentence do not reflect the category of person and number very often. Such manifestations can be discussed in the following situations:

Third person singular present simple tensePresent Simple- an ending is added to the stem of the verb - s or -es . This does not happen in cases with modal verbs, which are characterized by the presence of the same form of the present simple tense for all persons. Ending s or -es is not formative also in cases with verbstobe And , the last of which in the third person singular is characterized by the formhas.

She goes to the candy shop every day after work and buys a big bar of bitter chocolate.

He can tellyou the truth but he wouldn’t do it.

She has a dream of a big house near a lake.

She goes to the candy store every day after work and buys a large bar of dark chocolate.

He can tell you the truth, but he won't do it.

She has a dream of a big house by the lake.

Remember: at the endings of verbs of the 2nd person singular. h. in the present tense it is written b - write eat, knocking look.

Write down the verb, determine the tense, person, number, add 3 verbs to the same rule.

Do this: Chita eat - new, 2 sheets, units, rice eat , dance eat , ghoul eat.

Spelling unstressed endings of verbs.

Remember: The endings of verbs can be determined by the indefinite form.

To correctly write the unstressed ending of a verb, you need:

1. put the verb in the initial form;

2. determine the conjugation of the verb;

3. check the conjugation according to the form of the 3rd person plural

(what are they doing?... if –at - yat, then we write AND at the end);

4. determine the ending of this verb.

Verb conjugation in the present tense

Verbs in the indefinite form

I conjugation:All verbs ending in -т, -еть, -ать, -оть, -ут, except exception verbs, + shave, lay

II conjugation:All verbs start with –it, except 11 exception verbs:

Hear, seeAnd offend

drive, keepAnd hate,

AND breathe, look, twirl,

AND depend and endure.

Write down the verb, determine the conjugation, person, number, write 3 verbs using the same rule

Do this: Straw them – stro it - 2 sp., 2 l., plural, holding them, dragging them, coupe them.

Comma in a sentence with homogeneous members.

Remember: A comma is placed between homogeneous members if they are connected by enumeration intonation. A comma is used if homogeneous members are connected by the conjunctions a, but. A comma is not used if homogeneous members are connected by the conjunction and.

Write the sentence correctly. Underline homogeneous members. Make a diagram.

Do this:Boys laughed, had fun And tumbled.

Comma in a complex sentence.

Remember: If a sentence has two or more grammatical stems, then it is a complex sentence. A comma is placed between parts of a complex sentence.

Write out a proposal. Emphasize grammatical basics. Place commas.

Do this:Grandfather off to work in the morning walked, granddaughter in the hut cleaned up.

Spelling -tsya, -tsya in verbs.

Remember: If the verb answers the question what does it do? or what will he do? then the verb is in the 3rd person and the soft sign is not written in front of it.

For example: what's up no? shaking tsya; what did you do no? will run away Xia.

If the verb answers the question what to do? what to do? then this verb is in an indefinite form and a soft sign is written in front of it.

For example: what's up t? hide yes; what did you do t? I'm glad Yes.

In the infinitive form of the verb after the letter H a soft sign is always written.

stereo whose, cut.

Write down the word, pose a question, if the question has a soft sign, write it in the verb. If there is no soft sign in the question, then it is a 3rd person verb and there is no need to write a soft sign. Write down 4 more verbs using the same rule.

Do this: the boy is in a hurry...sya - boy (what's up no?) hurry it Xia;

stop rushing... stop - stop (what's going on at?)hurry it Xia

Letters O-E after sibilants and C in endings


Remember : Under the accent, write the letter - O, without the accent - E.

Do this: sheep O th beauties e th

rings O m clouds e th

knife O m of roofs e th

ivy O m comrade e m

cake O m watchman e m

Spelling Y or I after C.

Remember : The letter I after T is written in the roots of words and in words starting with -tion.

quote, operational, discipline.

The letter Y after C is written:

· in endings and suffixes: Sini tsy n, pinch tsy;

· in the roots of words - exceptions: tsy gan, tsy kidneys, tsy ts, tsy nodded, tsy films

The morphological category of person is the most important in the Russian verb system. Personal forms help determine who is acting: the speaker himself (the subject of communication), - walking, washing; speaking together with others: walking, washing; interlocutor (communication recipient) - walk, wash; interlocutor with others: walking, washing; not participating in the dialogue (object of communication) - walking, washing, walking, washing. The face is one of the most fickle signs. Therefore, the student often faces the question of how to determine

Leisurely analysis

The verb has three persons: 1. walking 2. walking 3. walking; 1. silent 2. silent 3. silent.

They differ not only from each other, but also in the plural: ( read, read, read; build, build, build). is not correlative in meaning to the singular number: writing- the speaker acts, we write- someone else joined the speaker. It is not yet entirely clear how to determine the person of the verb? And we're not in a hurry. For now, remember three well. Remember all the pronouns by person: 1st person: I, we; 2nd person: you, you; 3rd person: he, (she, it) they. Learn to find the appropriate meaning for a particular verb. For example: verb flying. The rest is up to your taste: if you don't like it" I'm flying" or " they are flying", look again!

Other meanings

Personal forms of the verb, in addition to those indicated above, can have other meanings. For example, the 1st person plural form can become “the author’s we,” that is, imply the 1st person singular: We already touched verb tense definitions, now let's get started to the analysis of the characters. Although this clearly sounds different: I I'm still trying to explain to you... The 1st person plural form in emotionally charged speech is sometimes used in the meaning of the 2nd person singular: Oh, what We got big!(addressing the only child present). Verbs of the 2nd person singular appear in the meaning of the 1st person singular in generalizations: You you won't understand, seven Fridays a week. Everyone must use the 2nd person singular plural as a sign of respect: You Wonderful playing On the violin! Also, personal verbs can become indefinitely personal or generalized personal - when the actor is unknown or if the action applies to everyone at once and to no one in particular: Taking off the head, going through the hair don't cry (generalized-personal); Football on TV transmit (vaguely personal).

Determining the person of the verb

Let's get down to the most important thing - how to determine the person of the verb. The first step is to ask the verb a question that is appropriate in meaning.

1 person: what am I doing? And what are we doing? (pronouns I, We) walking, walking.

2nd person: What are you doing? and what are you doing?(pronouns you you) walking, walking.

3rd person: what are they doing? and what are you doing?(pronouns he/she/it, they) walking, walking.

The table of verbs will help you remember even faster how to determine the person of a verb. Draw it and practice, sign the invented examples of verbs with a pencil, erase it, and start again.

About the richness of the Russian language

We have so many verbs that from time to time we will come across ones that are not suitable for this table. What is it, how to determine the person of a substandard verb? It's a matter of time. In the literal sense - time. Define it! And you will see that verbs in the past, as well as indefinite form, do not have a person! Here is the infinitive (indefinite form): verb get treatment. Me (I) it's time to get treatment. But in the same way, invariably, it's time get treatment And to you (you), And them (they) and so on. The same story happens. It is enough to substitute the correct pronouns and ask the appropriate questions, the verbs will be defined immediately and will be obedient in later life!

In this lesson we will get to know:

  • Third person personal pronouns
  • Rules for reading letter combinations sh, ch
  • Verb in the third person, singular present tense, transformation of verbs in this number and person. Rules for adding endings -s and reading it
  • New words in English

Third person personal pronouns and verb be in the third person

Third person personal pronouns include:

they[ðei] - they
she*[ʃi:] - she
it- this, he, she, it
* - pay attention to the pronunciation of this pronoun. The fact is that in the English language there is no sound [s], so you cannot pronounce the familiar [shi], but you cannot pronounce the sound [i] too softly, then you will get [schi], try to pronounce something in between.

We have already encountered the letter combination sh in previous lessons, and now it’s time to learn the rule for reading it. This combination reads like a sound [ʃ] - an analogue of the Russian “sh”, and an example from the previous lesson: short [ʃɔ:(r)t]- short

Before we see the features of using these pronouns in sentences, let’s see what form the verb takes be after these pronouns:


Now look at the features of third person personal pronouns:

    A peculiarity of the English language is that the division by gender in speech is expressed only with people. That is, we use pronouns he And she only when replacing nouns expressing people of the corresponding gender. In other cases the personal pronoun is used It. It is placed in place of inanimate objects, animals or children. This greatly simplifies the process of learning a language, since we do not need to learn what kind of this or that noun in order to replace it with the corresponding pronoun, as we do in Russian. However, if we want to emphasize the gender of some phenomenon, animal, then it is allowed to use pronouns he And she. But the pronoun they replaces all third person plural nouns, regardless of what the noun is (person, object, animal or some kind of force). Also pronoun It can be used as a formal subject - remember the example from the previous lesson:

    It is sunny today.- Today is sunny.

    In this sentence, the personal pronoun is not translated into Russian, but it is necessary in English to maintain order in the structure of the sentence (you will further understand that the English language really loves order, everything in it is strictly structured). Check out other examples:

    The friend read s a plan. He is good.- A friend is reading the plan. He is good. - here is a noun friend replaced by a pronoun he, since it expresses a man.

    But friend maybe a woman, then:

    She is good.- She is good.

    This sentence can also describe a noun plan, then it is replaced it:

    It is good.- He is bad.

    To the verb read ending added -s. We will discuss the reason for setting this ending later in this lesson.

    People* like books*. They are very good.- People like books. They are very good. - pronoun here they can denote both nouns (both people and books can be good), and to understand which one, you need to look in the context of other sentences in the text.

    * - Although it’s early, but if you might have noticed - before nouns people And books there is no determiner, and in the previous lesson it was said that there must be an article or some other determiner before a noun. In our sentence, the nouns are plural, but in the context we mean indefinite people and books. And we must put the indefinite article a. But the fact is that historically this article came from the numeral “one”. Therefore, it will be grammatically incorrect to put “one people” or “one book” in a sentence, and therefore the article is omitted, but it is implied that it is there (zero article). We will look at this case in more detail when we study cases of setting articles. And in this sentence you can put a definite article before the nouns the, but then the meaning of the sentence will change - people and books will no longer be just any, but “completely” specific.

    If there are several personal pronouns in a sentence, then their order is as follows - the 3rd person is placed before the 1st, 2nd. placed before 3 l., examples:

    She and I read the book.- She and I are reading a book. You and he are friends.-You and he are friends.

    And remember that, as in Russian, personal pronouns replace other parts of speech (most often a noun) in a sentence. Therefore, the verb in the sentence be conjugates with nouns according to the same principle. In order to understand what we are talking about, let’s rewrite the last 3 sentences:

    The friends(they) are very good.- Friends are very good. Anna(she) and I read the book.- Anya and I are reading a book. You and Pavel(he) are friends.-You and Pavel are friends.

Present simple tense. Verbs in the third person, singular person present tense.

Time present simple is very similar to the present tense in Russian and expresses ordinary daily events, indisputable facts, everything that is in the present. Remember what happens to the ending of a verb in Russian using the example of the verb “read”:

But there is one difficulty - in the formation of 3 liters. units there are a number of exceptions to the verb:

    If the verb ends in letters: -s, -sh, -ch, -x, then to form the 3rd person singular of the verb, the ending is added -es and pronounced like a sound (if you want to understand this rule, try pronouncing this ending with an addition -s, and you will see that the last sound is almost indistinguishable), for example:

    Also after consonant whistling sounds [z], [ʒ], ending -s/-es reads like sound [-iz]: chan ges .

    "y", and there is a consonant before it, then in 3l. units h. y changes to a letter "i", and the ending is added -es and pronounced like a sound [z]:

    If the verb ends with a letter "y", but there is a vowel in front of it, then in 3l. units h. it remains unchanged, and the ending is added -s, For example:

    (do - does)
    go - goes
    (go - goes)

    And remember that if a verb is preceded by a noun (subject), it can be replaced with a third person singular personal pronoun ( he, she, it), then the verb is put in the same person and number:

    The friend like s books.- A friend loves books. (friend who? - he, so the ending is added to the verb -s)

Pronunciation ending -s can be transmitted by sound [s], if they are preceded by a voiceless consonant letter (sound) ( k, p, t, f, h, θ); sound [z], if they are preceded by a vowel or voiced consonant letter (sound) ( b, d, g, l, m, n, r, v, ð, ŋ); sound in case of considered exceptions. We will look at reading the ending in more detail. -s when studying the formation of the plural of nouns in the following lessons. Look at the examples:

sees -
comes -

* - unpronounceable "e" remains the same after adding the ending -s.

Rules for reading letter combinations ch

A very common combination conveys the sound we know: - similar to the Russian sound “ch”, but when pronouncing it, press the tip of your tongue against the alveoli. Look at the examples (remember all the spoken words need to be learned):

* - Pay attention to the noun home. The noun is often confused with it house- house

They are very similar, but house characterizes “house” as a building, and home- this is a place to live.

  • Adjectives:

  • ["əʊpən]
    book - books
    very - very
    life - life
    often - often
    A child comes We are big She is a student I like new letters**

    * - look at the position of the article. It comes before the adjective, as mentioned above.