Karma of loneliness and lack of children. Karmic reasons for loneliness. Signs of heavy karma

How does the karma of loneliness appear? Based on the general structure of the world, we can say that every person comes to this earth for a reason. Each of us has our own purpose, which we, one way or another, fulfill.

And even if you don’t want to turn right at a traffic light, choose this particular apple or meet this particular person - everything will push you to the right decision, because every second of your life is a step towards fulfilling your own destiny. And everything that we encounter in this life, one way or another, leads us to correct our own karmic mistakes of the past, to get rid of the seal of loneliness.

Determining whether there is karma of loneliness, no matter how scary this formulation may sound, is actually a blessing. It is given to a person so that he carefully thinks about his past behavior and even corrects some mistakes of past lives. And don't think that you're alone because you're terrible. No, everything is much deeper, literally on a cosmic level. And the fact that you are given time to correct the mistakes of the past is a plus, because in the future you will have stable and smooth relationships, which will be strengthened by the experience of past years, past incarnations.

What could be the reasons for loneliness? How to deal with it?

The problem of loneliness is quite widespread in our lives. In the modern age of information noise, it is difficult to focus on one single vibration - the vibration of yourself and your true partner. Therefore, many people, in a hurry and bustle, are left alone, unable to build a long and happy relationship.

Why, in fact, can we say that a person has the karma of loneliness? You should not look for these reasons in your current past - all this happened in your previous lives.

1. Perhaps in your last incarnation you created an idol for yourself, which left you alone. Or you yourself have become such an idol - a person who rudely rejected someone’s attempts to start a relationship. This also includes inflated demands for people who would like a relationship with you - for example, you clearly divided which social status representative can count on something and which cannot immediately.

2. Perhaps your past incarnation was looking for pure and unearthly love for so long, rejecting everything earthly and simple, that you were simply left alone, so deeply that you suffer even in your next life.

3. Or, for example, in your past life you did not know how to love, and all your tender feelings were only for yourself.

4. Maybe you never looked for love in your past life. You could devote your life to serving some other goals, and love was something alien to you.

5. Or maybe you were happy, but you lost your loved one and were never able to recover from it. Or they sacrificed their personal life for the sake of their children.

Of course, all this is not a mandatory and far from complete list, because as many people there are as many mistakes. And starting an analysis of loneliness, and even more so learning how to cope with loneliness, will be very difficult without a specialist, because not every person can know what he was like in his past incarnation.

How to get rid of the stamp of loneliness?

In order to get rid of the karma of loneliness, you need to start with yourself. Take a close look at what exactly life wants to tell you, what path it is pushing you on and what it wants from you. Of course, the fact that you will finally follow the right path will weaken your karma of loneliness, but for the best effect - that is, to completely get rid of the stamp of loneliness - you should. It is a specialist who can guide you on a mental level, suggest the right path and the right decisions.

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The main reason for female loneliness is that many women began to forget their true purpose, which initially consists of creating a family and having a child.

The true purpose of a woman is to give birth to a child.

Now our modern girls have radically shifted their goals and emphasis in life, and have become more courageous and strong. For them, career and achieving material wealth come first. But to attract a man into your life and create a family, you need time and energy, which a woman no longer has left.

It’s still worth reconsidering your lifestyle, changing your behavior, the way you communicate with people, working on yourself, taking up women’s practices as well.

How to live in feminine energies and how easily achieve your goals with the help of feminine vibrations, Not every woman knows about this now. But I assure you, it is worth learning.

let's consider the main reasons for female loneliness according to psychics, those. those people who have special abilities to see and feel energies on more subtle planes.

  1. Crown of celibacy.

Is there a crown of celibacy, and what is it?

The crown of celibacy really exists. Usually this means the inability of a woman to build any relationships with the opposite sex due to certain negative influences specifically on the woman or on her family. This could be deliberate damage, a curse for some kind of misconduct. An unintentional evil eye can have this effect if someone was very jealous of your relationship with some young man, and since then nothing has worked out with anyone.

  1. On someone else's misfortune happiness can not be built.

There is an opinion that if you start a relationship with a married man or break up your family, the Universe will take revenge, and such a woman will be unhappy in her personal life.

A relationship with a married man is always a sin, and for any sin, sooner or later there will be retribution. It’s not for nothing that they say that you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune. You don’t just enter into a relationship with a married person, you take him away from the family. And even if you do not plan to marry him, relations in his family will still deteriorate.

Because the time and attention that he devotes to you, he steals from his family: he does not help his wife, does not go shopping with her, she carries the entire burden of everyday life on her shoulders, starting to hate him, he does not communicate with the children, does not play with them, does not educate. In the future, all this will have its consequences. And everything you have done will be returned to you, sometimes with interest. Many people don't believe this because returns don't always happen quickly. More often there is a long pause between actions and consequences. Sometimes your children pay the price.

Therefore, my advice to you: start relationships and create families with free men, among whom there will definitely be the one who will make you happy!

  1. Love spell.

If a woman bewitched a guy who became her husband, then such a marriage is unlikely to be happy and will only bring you disappointment in the future, because you won’t be nice by force. A A love spell is a forcible attachment of a person to oneself through various magical actions. Never confuse a love spell with love. Love is given from above, and there is no way to force it. A love spell suppresses a person’s will and instills in him false feelings that have nothing to do with love. This is akin to a disease that you yourself provoked.

And, if it is not treated, there are two options, depending on the person’s immunity: either he heals himself and at one fine moment realizes that he does not love you, and never loved you, and goes in search of his happiness. Or the disease worsens and develops complications: depression, unwillingness to live, addiction to alcohol, etc. It is unlikely that such a character as a husband will resemble the man of your dreams. Plus, you should always remember that there is another injured party - the one from whom you stole him, with whom he could be happy.

Many ladies, in the case of a strong immunity of their husband, who at one point realized that there are no feelings and never had, try at all costs to keep him near them, making new love spells. As a result of constant attacks, his so-called immunity will weaken, and you will get an incomprehensible creature that destroys his and your life. So you shouldn’t forcefully tie what you think is your soul mate to you. If his destiny is to be with you, he will be without any magical interventions and will not get away from you. And if not, you will simply ruin his life and still will not be happy. And even if you sinned once by tying him to yourself, well, the demon led him astray, do not aggravate the situation. If a person wants to leave, let him go, let him go his own way, find his happiness and give it to the one for whom he is intended.

  1. Negative programming.

For example, Can fortune telling lead to the fact that subsequently the desired man never appears?

Fortune telling is just one of the auxiliary tools for obtaining information, but your belief in what was predicted can launch an unwanted program, and you will go in the wrong direction just because you are tuned in to it.

The future has key points that cannot be changed, these are tests that God gives us for our own improvement, but basically our tomorrow depends on ourselves, our actions and thoughts today and always has many options for development.

  1. Fright.

Fright - uh then a strong short-term energetic and mental shock. Called so-called "shock" effect. By analogy with how an electrical system, which is designed to operate on the same parameters of current and voltage, receives a shock - an overload in the form of a much higher voltage, so in case of fear, the psyche, the nerve centers of the central nervous system, and energy centers receive a shock.

Fright is much more difficult to bear for a child's weak psyche. Therefore, fear received in childhood can have an impact on the life of an adult. Because when scared, a mental block is formed on the principle of a conditioned reflex (the dog no longer barks, but the child is still afraid of it), as well as an energy block that feeds fear and tension in a person.

Such blocks are most often formed in Anahata - the heart center, which is responsible for the balance of emotions, and in Muladhara - in the root center, where the energy of fear can “settle”.

So, when the heart center is blocked, it is difficult to show feelings, show and accept love. And with a block in the muladhara chakra, a person without any particular reason may experience a feeling of instability, anxiety - mainly in relation to the future, there are causeless fears, melancholy, depression, fatigue, irritability, weakness, and a “lack of strength” is observed.

  1. Evil eye, damage, negativity.

This is an energetic blow to the human energy body. Often unconscious, “non-special”.

The basis for the evil eye is emotions of a “peak” scale - strong aggression, envy, jealousy, hatred. Yes, and from “overpraising” and admiration you can also get the evil eye.

The evil eye of mild to moderate severity can be compared to food poisoning, which can go away on its own if you simply “lie down.” But it can pass faster if you cleanse yourself of the resulting negativity. A severe evil eye can “get stuck” in a person’s energy, like a splinter, which will “fester” for a long time and bring discomfort and a severe evil eye without cleaning, or will take a very long time to come away, or will get stuck.

Severe damage can “grow” into a generic negative.

  1. Karma. What is karmic loneliness?

At birth, we receive certain karmic tasks, and some even karmic blocks that need to be overcome in this life.

Based on the laws of karma, we do not come into this world by chance., but in order to fulfill his mission, which must be accomplished by each individual person. Even if we do not intend to come into contact with the people around us, fate will still sooner or later confront us with such a person with whom we need to go through work. Every person we encounter today appears in our lives in order to correct past karmic mistakes.

Karma of loneliness is given to a person so that the person plunges into deeper self-knowledge and analysis of those situations that were done incorrectly in a past life and in past incarnations.

As a rule, if a person is rejected here and now and does not have successful stable personal relationships, this means that he needs to look for other ways to establish relationships with people around him. And only through self-development can you change your destiny and adjust your karma, and then loneliness will turn into another form, which will give a person a prosperous partner and a comfortable relationship.

Causes of karmic loneliness

Now we will look at some of the reasons that lead to karmic loneliness.

Perhaps in your last incarnation you created an idol for yourself and ended up with nothing.

Or, conversely, you could become an object of admiration who rudely rejected attempts to establish a normal relationship with him.

You may have set the bar too high for the social status of your fans and, thereby, cut off the slightest possibility of contact with people of lower social status.

Some in past experience were in constant search of true love, without ever finding their ideal.

Others did not know how to love at all, and for some, the only object of love and adoration was himself.

Someone in a past life, in the name of serving ideals, moved away from worldly affairs and devoted himself to God.

Someone was afraid of responsibility for another person and could not become a support for their loved one.

Someone did not find the strength to search for a new soul mate after the death of their partner, feeling attached to their dead love.

Someone left behind children for whom the person sacrificed his personal life.

All these people have common components - this is the karma of loneliness, which continues in subsequent incarnations. As a result of this, a person cannot meet a couple and remains alone, for knowledge and introspection, until full awareness of what is happening is achieved.

  1. Ancestral curse.

Damnation is a hard thing. But, fortunately, rare. The heavier the negative, the less common it is.

What is a curse? If we draw parallels with the “normal” world, then a curse can be compared to a genetic disease that “fails” at the genetic level, and you can’t do anything about it, live as best you can, live as best you can.

And the curse also fails. But at the level of fate. By investing in a person’s destiny those distortions or violations that a priori should not exist there. Another person intervened in the destiny of a person, which God “prescribed” for him, and broke and distorted it.

The curse falls not only on one person, but on his descendants too. This is the case when children are responsible for their fathers. More precisely, they are not responsible for them, but suffer along with them. Why? The fate of a person, well, whatever one may say, in one percentage or another, is still connected with the fate of his parents... at least in the sense that a person was born precisely to these fathers and mothers, which gives him a starting point for moving through life.

Just as genetics is transmitted, as accumulated positive-negative karma is transmitted, so is a “failure” in the form of a curse transmitted. In the same form, in an enhanced or weakened version - this is a separate conversation.

A curse is when several generations are stuck on approximately the same problems.

As examples, all men become drunkards; all generations are in poverty, although they struggle and try; all women sooner or later become widows; in the family the percentage of cancer, or schizophrenia, or birth pathologies is greater than the average level; all men die after reaching a certain age; Getting married happens with great, great difficulty, and everyone in the marriage as one “howls with happiness”... And other “déjà vu”.

Ancestral curse This is often caused by the fact that one of the ancestors committed a number of very serious offenses. For this, he was cursed by the people affected by these actions directly through magical rites or the power of their own hatred. The ancestral curse passes from generation to generation, over many generations. In one case, the curse is fulfilled by all representatives of a given clan, in others, the curse is transmitted either through the male or female line.

In many cases, a family curse does not allow a person to realize himself in life: to make a brilliant career or open his own business. Does not allow you to get married; prevents you from conceiving or having a child; forces you to abuse alcohol; leads to health problems that are inexplicable from the point of view of conventional medicine; invariably turns away successful events in life, attracts troubles and misfortunes.

If there is a family curse in your family, then the most inexplicable things can happen in life. A series of similar events occur, repeating themselves in the same family from generation to generation. Usually these are diseases, early violent death, suicidal tendencies, conflicts between close relatives, early death generational curse is the result of executing a specific program. This program is designed to block the energy channels responsible for successfully attracting men and interacting with the opposite sex.

If your personal life is not going well, I advise you first of all to reconsider your views on life, your manner of communicating with others, and your ideas about your future partner. Perhaps your demands and ideals are too high. After all, we often build barriers for ourselves and through our actions we delay that long-awaited meeting! Yes, magic or energy practices with the help of an experienced master can help open roads or remove induced negativity, if any. But I still recommend starting with yourself, your thoughts and actions.

And, in conclusion, do not be afraid and try on the entire list of negative programs.

Perhaps in the near future you will meet your prince and have a long, happy life of joy.

You are already many years old. There are many friends, many meetings and farewells, but there is no love, there is no such person whom I would like to keep, without whom life is unthinkable. You divorced your husband, you have two children in your arms, all your efforts are aimed at their well-being, but you are a living person, and you want personal happiness. You understand that the happiness of your children largely depends on whether their mother is happy.

You are no longer young, life has turned out, perhaps not exactly as you dreamed. I really want tenderness, mutual understanding, a kind, affectionate word, the warmth of the person next to me. You have not used up the reserve of love, spiritual generosity, care that you want to give and be happy because someone needs you.

Let's try to overcome the karma of loneliness.

Let's try to give our impulse of love, expectation, thirst for happiness into space. When giving, let us think that we are sending it to a soul in tune with us, which could gratefully accept our generous energetic gift.

If you feel that the desire to overcome loneliness is very strong in you, do the following energetic work aimed at attracting the soul that is also looking for you in space.

1 . Try to imagine the person you would like to see next to you. You don’t need to imagine his face, figure, clothes, you don’t need to think about how many hard coins he has in his pocket, whether he has a car, an apartment or his own store in the city center.

Try it feel in the presented image kindred spirit, try to catch his breath and feel how close it is to you. It must be a vibration sensation, which is so consonant with yours that their common melody is harmonious and already inseparable into two separate parts.

2 . Imagine this breath, this vibration standing in front of you behind the left shoulder(for women) or located slightly in front of the right shoulder(for a man). Try to mentally talk to him (or her). Tell us how you feel and how you would like to see your life in the near future. Imagine what they say to you.

You will be surprised to discover that the answer you imagine cannot be changed at will. The vibration you created has a character, it cannot be changed without changing the vibration itself. You can even consult with your friend, each time being pleasantly surprised at how well he understands you.

3 . Your fictitious energy vibration, your dream, your new friend is already giving you a state of harmony. And now, when you go on a visit, to a disco, to the theater, to a concert, both at home and on the street, feel this harmony in yourself, try not to lose it.

According to the energetic law of Correspondence, you will attract a vibration to yourself that will be very, very similar to the one that is your bright dream.

When carrying out energy work, you must follow the following rules.

1 . The focus on the presentation process should not be excessive. The energy with which you work should be a light dream, a bright hope, a transparent daydream. There should be no tension or heaviness in the head. There should be as much light and quiet joy in your thoughts and feelings as possible.

2 . You must certainly free your soul from mercantile and pragmatic tasks. Even if you are tired of living in squalor and poverty, do not imagine a prince with a fat wallet. The wallet may outweigh your dreams, and then the prince will suddenly turn into, for example, a pimp. And you will be surprised to find in it exactly the vibration that you wanted.

If you want to escape poverty through marriage, do not imagine a lot of money, it always ends badly. Imagine a soul that is harmonious to you, imagine that together you sound wonderful and the melody of your life is so good that all other favorable factors are simply added to it. Easy and unobtrusive. Attached, but does not become the central theme of your dreams! " Together we will be fine! "That's your feeling.

3 . Try not to invent a new vibration every time depending on your mood, but you can also imagine the same person of your dreams in different moods. If you are confused in your thoughts and desires, it means that you have not yet understood yourself, have not understood what you need, and then your work is premature, it can only interfere with the natural course of events in your life.

4 . Do not tell anyone that you are doing such energy work. This is a very subtle vibration, if someone knows about it, another vibration (energy) is involuntarily turned on, and it is unknown what effect it will have on your work.

5 . And finally, there is no need to doubt whether you will or will not be able to realize what you want. Treat your work as pleasure, as your little pleasant secret, a pink dream that helps you live. And what the result will be is left to the discretion of the Higher Powers.

It’s good if you accompany all your work with prayer to God. Your state should be quiet and bright, your prayer should be humble.

  • Lord, I thank You for everything that has been given to me in life (I can list it, mentioning both the joyful and successful, and the sad, treating troubles as trials). I apparently deserved everything bad, everything good was given to me as a priceless gift.
  • I thank You, Lord.
  • How I would like to meet love in life. So that he (she) is in tune with me, so that he (can) give happiness to her (him), and he (she) - to me. So that there is mutual understanding and respect between us, so that our love brings harmony to this beautiful world.
  • If only I am worthy (worthy) of such love, I ask you to allow me, Lord, to meet her (him), because I want to love and give joy to a loved one (because I want to have children and give them joy, etc.).

A state of humility before the Higher powers, humility of one’s pride (which is a manifestation of dissatisfaction with life) - this is what a person usually needs to acquire before “taking off the crown of celibacy.” Neutralizing the various negative energies present in your field is a good thing, but it will not bring anything if the inner work is not done. With competent internal work you can overcome any negatives. " Seek and ye shall find ", Jesus said, referring to the search for harmony within oneself.


People often become lonely if someone betrayed them when they were young. If the first love ended in betrayal by one of the parties, then the victim then suffers for a long time because of this and worries. And again, a dangerous program is laid in the subconscious - you can’t trust anyone. This program constantly releases negative energy around itself. And those around you feel it on an intuitive level. As a result, the person gives up as if in a cloud of negative energy, and other people, sensing this program, try to avoid it.

An eternally dissatisfied person, offended by the whole world, can eventually become lonely. Because of his blackness, other people do not see all his advantages; he becomes, as it were, invisible to others.
This is precisely what explains why beautiful, smart girls do not attract the attention of men. Men are simply confused by the energy of these girls. On the contrary, if everything is in order with a girl’s energy – she is a cheerful and open person, then waves of charm and kindness flow from her in all directions. Such a girl will never be lonely.

Some become lonely after losing a loved one. They are very accustomed to him, accustomed to his energy, and it is difficult for them to get used to a different energy, to a person with a different character, different habits.

People become lonely due to the fault of their mother. If in childhood a child wanted to open up to his mother, but she rudely pushed him away, then after such stress most people close themselves off for a long time. It is later difficult for such people to start a family, because they suspect everyone of something bad and do not fully trust anyone.

Often lonely people lead very passive lives. Usually they are always dissatisfied with everything and easily find a thousand excuses for themselves, but they are always ready to blame others for all their grievances. It is very difficult for them to agree that no one is to blame for their loneliness; they themselves made this choice. These people cannot love another person. They have been accustomed since childhood and expect that someone from the outside will come to them and solve all their problems, someone else will arrange their personal life for them.
A lover of solitude is amazed at how people who constantly spend time in noisy company manage not to go crazy. In turn, a sociable person is surprised at how the recluse manages to maintain his sanity.
A lover of solitude may, due to circumstances, find himself in the midst of a crowd of people for a long time, but if he manages to concentrate, he will quickly adapt, and nothing terrible will happen. Most likely, the company will not accept him, but if he is a Person, then he will be taken into account.
Otherwise, things turn out for those who are afraid of people and flee from them into loneliness. Forced communication with people increases his fears and hidden anger, which provokes aggressiveness in others. A person becomes a target for malicious attacks and as a result falls ill.

Causes of loneliness from past lives

“The cruelest loneliness is the loneliness of the heart”

What people encounter on their way is predetermined by their expectations and inner sense of self. A negative attitude towards yourself causes derogatory attitudes towards you from others.
Disappointment and resentment as a subconscious memory of an unsuccessful experience in a past incarnation can also lead to loneliness. The frozen Aura of a person will become a shell that reflects all the radiations of love coming from the outside. Consciously he will strive for love, and subconsciously he will avoid love relationships. Only after the Soul realizes that it has become a hostage to its own fears, and, as accurately as possible, determines what fears it, will it regain the ability to love and accept love without fear.
Perhaps you were too dependent (“Following the path of spiritual development means simply being yourself”) or overly demanding of others in past lives. In a past life you could have taken a vow of celibacy (see Crown of Celibacy), it can remain in force in this life, and the “Aura of untouchability” will remain around you. Negative charge, negativism, contempt for the voice of the flesh will be perceived on a subconscious level by your partner, and this will push him away from you.

One man, after the death of his wife, began to complain of tinnitus. For him, this was an unconscious excuse to stop communicating with people. Imperceptibly, little by little, a painful feeling of loneliness began to creep in. When, as a result of the healing effect, he returned to the past, to the situation in which he could get rid of his hearing problems, it suddenly became clear that it was an unbearable burden for him to find a topic and start a conversation. This task filled him with sacred horror. When the wife was alive, it was she who took the “reins of government” into her own hands and maintained contacts with others, and her husband was satisfied with the passive role of being present during the conversation... As a result of regression, many lives were discovered when he found himself cut off from the collective and removed himself from the need for himself make decisions, make choices, because “he felt safer that way.” What was this man guilty of? He himself voluntarily doomed himself to being excluded from the process of communication and to loneliness, which calmed him down, protecting him from new exciting impressions. In his current life, the karmic meaning of his meeting with his future wife was that she would help him open up to the world, overcome his painful stuckness in the role of a passive contemplator. And indeed, thanks to his wife, the joys of communication were revealed to him, although he himself rarely joined in the general conversation, fearing that he would be considered uninteresting. The death of his wife “shook” him, a decisive moment came: he had to choose - either allow “everything to return to normal,” that is, come to the usual isolation from people, or move forward. Realizing that he was being sucked into a pool of inertia, he dared to make an attempt. Having renewed his acquaintances, he was surprised to find that people remembered him, that they missed him. And this gave him confidence.


Loneliness is killing me
Even though friends around you laugh,
It's like everyone here forgets about me,
I would like to fall asleep and wake up

In a world where friends would really need me
Where they really need my communication,
And now I feel like I'm stomping through puddles
In a world where there is no sun and no fun,

Where Love is just a fairy tale
Friendship is only when they need something,
Sometimes I get very scared
Very sad... cold... and empty...

Anyone who intends to live a happy life alone must find inner balance. Otherwise, he won't succeed. Balance is acquired through the ability to understand the opposite sex. Begin to comprehend it through comprehension of the feminine and masculine energy in your own soul. See Connecting with Masculine and Feminine Energies.

Women's loneliness

Your Soul chooses loneliness so that you can change yourself for the better. In other words, a woman is given time to reveal some of her feminine qualities. This explains the loneliness of many wonderful women - they have a higher bar set before them, and some of them do not want to overcome it.
The first thing you need to gain when you are alone is a sense of self-sufficiency! You need to feel a state of inner freedom, which can reveal the amazing qualities of a woman. In such a state, a woman can do ANYTHING! But it’s not easy to get into this state; there are a lot of different complexes inside and conventions outside.
The attitude of women towards compulsory marriage is already unfreedom. Optimal state: “I want to reveal myself as much as possible, all my deepest qualities.” The implementation of this task will lead a woman through life in the way that this particular Soul needs. Having realized this, remove doubts that you cannot create a couple, and make the most of your alone time to discover yourself. This applies to both appearance and soul. Look lovingly at your body and find opportunities to become healthier, younger and more attractive. There are always reserves here! Take care of your posture, gait, movement... Particular attention to clothing: from underwear to headwear. Learn to live, bringing beauty to the World. Take loneliness as an important stage given to you to discover yourself, your femininity. And use this time for its intended purpose. Be sure that your desire for development and constant movement will definitely bear fruit! Remove the super desire to start a family - it greatly interferes with the creation of a couple. Tune in to reveal your qualities, and the more fully you sound, the faster and “higher quality” you will receive a gift!

Excessive requirements

“Whoever is looking for a friend without a flaw is doomed to remain alone.”

One of the reasons for failures in your personal life may be excessive demands on a potential chosen one in the present.

Karma prescribes to develop the missing qualities in oneself, and not to look for someone who could fill the qualities that he lacks. If a person lacks love, then he himself must set an example of love at every opportunity. The soul must give, radiate love, using the slightest opportunity for this.
A person is not concerned about giving happiness to another, but about his own happiness - this is an inappropriate basis for a serious relationship.

Don't expect perfection, and don't ask for it, and don't demand it. Love ordinary people. There is nothing wrong with ordinary people. Ordinary people are extraordinary. Every person is so unique. Respect this uniqueness.

Fear of loneliness

Self-knowledge is possible only in deep solitude

Being lonely, a person must find within himself the source of gaining the power of life.

Learn to appreciate the precious opportunity to be alone with yourself. Your Consciousness is given the opportunity to look deeper into yourself.

Usually everything we know about ourselves is just the opinion of others. They say, “You are good,” and we think we are good. They say, “You are beautiful,” and we think we are beautiful. They say, "You're bad," or ugly... no matter what people say about us, we keep accumulating it. This becomes our self-identity. This is completely false, because no one else can know you - no one can know who you are except you, yourself. All they know about you is only certain aspects, and this knowledge is very superficial. They cannot penetrate your center. Even a loved one cannot penetrate into the very core of your being. There you are completely alone, and only there will you come to yourself, the way you really are.

People live their whole lives believing what others say, depending on others. This is why people are so afraid of the opinions of others. If they think you're bad, you become bad. If they judge you, you begin to judge yourself. If they say you are a sinner, you start to feel guilty. Because you have to depend on their opinions, you constantly have to adapt to their ideas; otherwise they will change their minds. This creates slavery, a very subtle slavery. If you want to be known as good, worthy, beautiful, intelligent, then you must give in, constantly compromise with the people on whom you depend.

When you depend on others, you are afraid to go into loneliness - because the moment you start moving into loneliness, you begin to be afraid of losing yourself, which you have created from the opinions of others. When you move towards self-knowledge, before this happens, you must discard all ideas about “you” imposed by others. There will be a gap and there will be a kind of emptiness. You will be completely lost because everything you know no longer matters, and what matters you don’t yet know. Christian mystics call this the "dark night of the soul." It must be passed, and once you have passed it, dawn comes. The sun rises and man recognizes himself for the first time. The first ray of sunshine, and it is realized. The first birdsong in the morning, and he reached.

By saying "lonely" you show desire for another; you lack something else. The word “lonely” indicates that you are not happy with yourself, that loneliness hurts you, that this loneliness is boring, that you would like to get out of the state of loneliness. You condemned loneliness.
"Loneliness" means that there is no other. You lack something else, your eyes are focused on this lack, absence.

"One" means the presence of yourself, you are so full of yourself, you are completely in yourself, you don’t need another. “Alone” is enough of yourself. Loneliness is when something is missing; loneliness is a gap: where there was another, or where you would like it to be. Loneliness is a wound. “Alone” is flowering. You are so happy to be with yourself; you have everything.
The "I" always feels lonely. That's why the "I" is always looking for society, a club, a movie, this and that. “I” is always looking for another, because without another it simply does not exist. The other one is absolutely necessary.

The “I” will disappear and you will no longer be able to be alone. You exist in God, you exist in the Cosmos, you exist in existence itself. The sun, stars, moon move in you. Trees, clouds are in you. Rivers and oceans flow within you. You have become whole. There is no loneliness in the Whole.

Loneliness is always dependent. This is slavery, a wound, a thorn in the heart. "One" is flowering, fulfillment, achieving a goal, returning home. Loneliness is a type of illness. "One" is sanity. "One" is wholeness. Loneliness is something from the world of illness, tension, suffering, unhappiness.

Isolation and separation cause feelings of loneliness and helplessness, a feeling of being small and weak in a huge, hostile world. A person who is one with everything is happy and healthy. Diseases do not need to come to reason with him. The only thing he needs is to remain himself, to remain an individual.

Those who have learned to communicate with themselves, to listen to themselves, are never alone. He always stays with his closest friend - himself.

The constant presence of people increases the fear of being alone. The child needs to sleep in his own bed, fall asleep at the appropriate time without strangers and wake up on his own. It is possible to lull a child in your arms only in exceptional cases. A calm bedtime story, in which the child sees sleep as a friend, resonates with the child’s soul from the very first days of life, if the mother read fairy tales during pregnancy. Especially if she read them both to herself and to her unborn child. When a child is put to bed, and he begins to scream at the top of his lungs, driving away the remnants of sleep, this indicates that the baby is afraid to be left alone.

Parental fear of loneliness is passed on to the child. A baby who constantly clings to his mother’s hem already demands company. The mother is afraid that the child is scared, and a vicious circle of fears arises. The mother is afraid that the child is afraid, and the child is afraid that the mother is afraid.

Children need peace, while parents, fearing loneliness, want to be in company. They are supported by modern public opinion, which approves of parents who carry their babies with them everywhere - even traveling around the world. Their rightness is confirmed by the fact that the child likes it, because in such cases he behaves calmly. But they don’t understand that a child is calm when the parents are at peace. They do not know that a person without peace of mind cannot be himself.
Communication with oneself develops a person, i.e. personality, communication with others develops the body, i.e. face.
A healthy child does not take time - he gives time. He knows how to be alone and knows how to be himself. The day will come when a child, having developed sufficiently in communication with himself, gives a sign that he now needs company.

A MAN copes with his life BY HIMSELF.
AN EXEMPLARY man copes with his life ALONE

An adult is one who does not need parents. An adult is one who is happy in his solitude - his solitude is a song, a celebration. An adult is someone who can be happy with himself. He is completely free from the seal of his parents. Only such a person feels gratitude towards his parents. Only such a person can forgive his parents. He feels compassion and love for them, he feels it very strongly because they also suffered in the same way. He is not angry, and will do everything to help his parents move towards the same fullness of loneliness, the same height of loneliness.

Releasing Fears

Imagine that you have a prison cell in your soul. This is the Chamber of Fear. A prisoner is sitting in a cell. His name is Problem. Imagine that you throw the door of a room wide open and say to the prisoner:

"You are free. Forgive me for not giving you freedom until now. Forgive me for raising you as you are. From now on you are free!"
Look, the prisoner gets up and heads towards the door - the call of freedom is irresistible. Look how he steps over the threshold, how his whole appearance changes when he is free. Straightens his back, holds his head high, straightens his chest, breathes easily, his eyes glow. A man walks along the road and feels that the earth gives him warmth. Exactly to him. Flowers bloom, birds sing - and this is also for him. The feeling of loneliness disappears.
Forgive yourself for not being able to release your problem sooner. Forgive so that you can feel that your soul has become lighter and your head has cleared. You will see that not only your well-being has changed, but also your relationships with people. Forgiving yourself is the most important element of the forgiveness process. He who has forgiven himself is able to forgive others. Otherwise, forgiveness becomes an empty rant from a good person.

Release every day your fear of not being loved, as well as the fear of loneliness. And you will be surprised to discover that loneliness is not scary at all. The oppressive feeling of loneliness will imperceptibly be replaced by a feeling of unity with people.

Become an individual.
Look at loneliness as a gift of fate. Love your solitude. As soon as you love your loneliness, they will begin to encroach on it from all sides. And it will leave you.
Give unconditionally - and you will know what love is.

ABOUT! who crossed the path of disasters and ruin,
He knows why the soul and thought are in us
Drawn to the quiet forests of solitude,
Why does the midnight, silent hour love.
So, I'm not alone here; here is everything that the heart breathes,
The hopes of youth, the dreams of the heart,
He sees everything in an image, he hears everything here in a voice,
And catches the cute airy features!
Solitude for the heart is not a desert:
It will populate the wild forest with dreams;
And in the wilds the fantasy goddess brings him together
Secret dates and secret conversations.
The desert is not the limit for inspired thoughts:
Here I, invisible, see everything above the ground;
An intimate participant in all aerial life,
I share my existence, I do not live by myself.
My soul merges with the endless azure,
With golden stars, poetry of heaven!
I’m talking to you, eternal artist of the world!
And with a wondrous book of divine miracles!
Gnedich Nikolai Ivanovich

Belief in the existence of Higher Worlds and the presence in them of highly developed Personalities, many times superior to man in all respects, opens up prospects for endless progression and aspiration to new heights of development into more Perfect Worlds.

Faith does not allow a person to feel lonely and useless, for it reveals true knowledge about the construction of the universe, the Hierarchies of God, where every creature is valuable to God, since it is His part.
The close relationship of all Creatures with each other and interdependence do not allow you to feel lonely and unnecessary.

We are all a loving family, we are all luminous beings who came out of one common Divine home. We all love each other deep down. The ego of each of us plays games of enmity and hatred, forgetting about love - but love has not disappeared anywhere, it cannot disappear.
We all love each other and the connection between us never breaks. Even when we are alone, we can feel like part of a loving family. We are all brothers and sisters, and no illusions of enmity can destroy what binds us forever - the light of Divine love that is always with us.

Affirmation to help you find unity with all people

I am the Divine Spirit experiencing life in a human body. I am a part of the whole - a single Divine family. I am never alone, for I am embodied on Earth as part of the Divine family called humanity and in a group of Souls closely related to me.
I feel a spiritual connection with souls close to me and like-minded people, regardless of whether we know each other or not, whether we are dating or not. No one and nothing can interrupt this connection, no one and nothing can deprive me of the support of my Divine family.
I constantly feel the love and support of other people, near and far. This invisible spiritual thread connects us and does not allow us to feel alone. I know that I am not alone, even in solitude. I call on my like-minded people and closely related souls to manifest themselves in my material reality - for the sake of co-creation, cooperation, for the love and light of God, which will fill our lives thanks to this meeting.
Everything I do is for my highest good and the highest good of all humanity. I am part of a harmonious orchestra where my melody joins the overall magnificent sound. We people are a beautiful, majestic Divine family, where everyone is unique, and everyone rightfully occupies their unique place. I am part of the whole, a beautiful, majestic Whole, and I am happy to be a unique Divine note in the magnificent Divine orchestra. I am fulfilling my destiny, I work for the sake of earthly Paradise together with other people, and I am happy to be who I am.