The daytime “cuckoo” and the nocturnal “cuckoo” - who wins? (Natalia Barskaya, astrologer) - Tatyana Zanadvorova - LiveJournal. Donald Trump: astrological forecast (Natalia Barskaya, astrologer) Natalia Barskaya astrologer there is nothing to replace astrology with LJ

Good evening!

The week is winding down, tomorrow is Thursday. The Sun is in Libra, the Moon will pass through the sign of Aquarius and less than half of Pisces in three days. There is nothing special to add to yesterday's horoscope. Times are normal now, the level of accidents and injuries does not go beyond the statistical average.

From now until about mid-November, it is not a war or even a military operation, but several short and striking episodes of force are quite likely. It won't be quiet.

I repeat - several productive episodes, on various occasions and until about mid-November. But the second half of November... there, the further into the forest)

If nothing interferes again, I’ll write the promised annual report this weekend.

On the planet as a whole, the period is normal.

According to zodiac signs

There is a chance to win an argument or quarrel, and not with your own hands, but only by watching your opponent make the wrong decision or make a mistake. The weekend will fly by with pleasure.

Taurus expected more at the end of the week, but they also liked modest results. Moreover, something so exciting is planned for the weekend that everything else will be on the sidelines.

There is enough strength, and if Gemini is not too lazy to apply it, the end of the working week will bring noticeable results in their career, business, and finances. And then rest. And personal life calls.

Whoever is not bored at the end of the week is Cancer. There are a lot of nice people around them who convey goodwill and gratitude towards them.

a lion
Nothing special, but not worth the hassle. Otherwise, you can unwittingly harm yourself, becoming like that same hornless and at the same time lively cow.

The week was hectic, nervous, sometimes successful, sometimes not so much. The end of the week will be the same, the remaining working days of which will fly by with a plus sign, smoothly turning into minus - on Saturday.

Libra has plans that don’t have much time left to implement, so it’s better not to neglect working time at the end of the week and not postpone anything until later. Otherwise you may lose your chance.

And now it’s not boring, but next time it will be even more interesting. The only note is that Scorpios should not neglect rest, so as not to approach the new work week looking like a squeezed lemon.

Some small and seemingly forgotten sins may surface, which will cause awkwardness in relationships with people who are pleasant and useful to Sagittarius. Just in case... to be cunning and deceive in small things is also more expensive for yourself.

Lately, different things have happened. And with different results. All that’s left to do is wait until next week, when the positive will outweigh everything else. In the meantime... rest and rest again.

With or without reason, someone is trying to unbalance Aquarius just to simply make Aquarius angry, to take out their own bad mood on Aquarius. And therefore there is no “peace process”. At the slightest sign of imposed disagreement, you should immediately step aside.

The end of the working week is ordinary, with ordinary worries and usual communication. But the weekend will be bright and with pleasant results in the form of compliments or gifts.

Scorpio by Sun, astrologer and journalist by profession, engineer by education, by state of mind and way of life - a Muscovite, I live a couple of hours drive from any of the biblical deserts.

In Israel since December 1990. Soon after the Gulf War, I began writing about astrology for the newspaper Novosti Nedeli, and for the last twenty years I have been writing for Vesti. For 15 years, she was a regular guest, first in one and then in two weekly radio programs of the state Russian-language radio station REKA. She has always been a frequent guest on all Russian-language television channels in Israel. From autumn 2008 to summer 2013 was the author and presenter of a daily astrological column on the Israeli Russian-language TV channel “Israel Plus”.

For several years she wrote for the Forverst newspaper (USA, New York). Once a week, and sometimes more often (also for several years) she was a regular guest of Narodnaya Volna radio (USA, New York)

During the Russian August coup, she was not afraid to publish a forecast that spoke of the futility of the coup attempt. She wrote that the observed action was nothing more than a farce and a theatrical performance that was about to end.
Next was the year 1995. Israel. In her September forecast for Rosh Hashanah (New Year according to the Jewish calendar), she wrote that in November something would happen that would completely change all political guidelines. (Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated in November 1995). That as a result of the upcoming event, the participants in the peace negotiations will not be the same people whom we identify with these negotiations.
In 1996, she stubbornly insisted that Netanyahu would become prime minister. She insisted, contrary to survey data, which bravuraly asserted the opposite.
Further. She foresaw Yeltsin's victory over Zyuganov, the violent death of Yasser Arafat, Ariel Sharon's illness, the troubles of Moshe Katsav, the likelihood of the Second Lebanon War and the timing of its end.

In the last few years

The likelihood and timing of the start of a pan-Arab revolution (“Arab Spring”).

Release of Gilad Shalit.

Pardoning Khodorkovsky.

Retention (also contrary to polls) of Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister of Israel.

And much more.

The likelihood of current Syrian events.

Do I often make mistakes? It happens sometimes.

So, I bring to the attention of readers the column “What the Stars Say.”


The Sun will continue to move through Sagittarius during this period. The moon will finish moving through Virgo, pass through the signs of Libra and Scorpio, and on the eve of the new moon, the rather aged crescent moon will begin to move through Sagittarius. We'll talk about the new moon next time.

Venus! Until Sunday she will be in Libra, and then she will move through Scorpio. That's all. There are no other significant events in the Zodiac yet, and this suggests that the most ordinary and calm week lies ahead.

In world politics, Syria, Turkey and Russia remain pain points, but here, at least in the next day or two, the situation should remain no higher than the existing level of aggression. Further, the conflict may escalate. And it will most likely happen, most likely in the period from December 6 to 8. On Tuesday-Wednesday this could somehow affect Israel.

The rest of the period is normal. I hope I haven’t missed anything, but no particularly serious weather, natural or other incidents are predicted on the planet during this period. And it is not necessary)

According to zodiac signs


There are many plans, but not enough ways to implement them. As a result, a conflict of interests may arise in which Aries will not know which cases to tackle first; what is important and what can be classified as secondary. It is advisable to decide on this at the very beginning of the period, so as not to get even more confused over time.


In general, the week is quite decent, which does not mean that it can be lived carelessly. The middle of the week, for example, looks both nervous and energetic at the same time. Taurus will have to run a lot in order to achieve good results. The main focus of the week seems to be the sphere of finance, although there is also a lot of interesting things in personal life (at the beginning of the period).


Maybe in some signs there is hassle, but not here. Geminis handle things so well that from the outside it may seem like they are just lucky. Whether this is true or not... One thing can be said almost with certainty: Gemini deserved the upcoming prizes, and did not win them.

It's kind of a hectic weekend here. Whether Cancers themselves tend to argue with their loved ones, or whether they themselves provoke increased quarrelsomeness and conflict in relationships, it is better not to bring matters to the point of real confrontation. The remaining days of the period look quiet and calm.

A normal, good week, when, it seems, nothing special happens, but life just goes on as usual. Leos are happy with how planned things are going, and those around them are happy with Leos. True, his personal life is somewhat boring, but it’s a matter of time.


Thursday and the first half of Friday are interesting, when troubles in the business sphere may first arise, which very soon can turn out to be of considerable benefit for Virgos. Financial issues will also be of concern, but not for long. The remaining days of the period will seem simple and routine.


The general mood is quite decent, especially since the trends towards overcoming the problems that worried us at the end of November are taking on more and more concrete forms. Confidence in yourself and your capabilities will grow stronger, and by the end of the period, unexpected help will come; at a minimum, Libra will receive practical advice from somewhere.


The middle of the week is interesting, and especially those few days when the Moon and Venus move hand in hand through this sign. This position of the celestial bodies says a lot, but the main thing is that it is simply good. And what exactly good things can happen to Scorpios is a purely individual question. To each his own.


The beginning of the period is not the most favorable, but over time the weather in this sign will become so clear that by the end of the week it will be possible to talk about the probability of winning. Whether at work or literally in the lottery, Sagittarius may at the end of the period receive something that can more likely be attributed to something that fell from the sky than to something earned by back-breaking labor.


What's not here? And the ups and downs of mood. Both the threat of trouble and the likelihood of success - in these seven days Capricorns can experience as many events as they sometimes have not experienced in a month. But the main focus now will be work, money, advancement in everything related to career and business.


Now is the time when... what is good for Aquarius is not so good for the rest of the population of the Zodiac. Only Aquarius should not pay attention to this, because his task is to go forward and not look back. And the fact that those around you grumble and show their dissatisfaction in every way will be forgotten. But Aquarius will remain in the black.


There have been problems recently, yes. But they were left behind, which Pisces not only doesn’t want to notice, they are afraid to believe it. And in vain. The coming period, for example, promises Pisces well-being, calm and predictability in the most significant matters. First of all, what has been said concerns relationships with others; including romantic partners.

If you would like to receive individual advice from Natalia Barskaya, send messages to [email protected]

In “The Cuckoo” is daytime and “Cuckoo” is nocturnal - who wins? (Natalia Barskaya, astrologer)

“No woman has achieved such great fame in her life as Lilith.” (Laurence Gardner, English writer)

The main character of the Zodiac this week will be not only the real planet Mars, which was discussed in these notes last week, but also a hypothetical planet called the Black Moon or Lilith.

And again these May 21 and 22! During this period, several important zodiac events will occur simultaneously. This is the transition of the Sun from Taurus to the sign of Gemini, the return of the speed of Mercury to a stationary state, the full moon, the opposition of the Sun with Mars and the transition of the Black Moon from Libra to Scorpio. In religion and mythology, the Black Moon is named Lilith.

“I won’t lie down,” Lilith said.
“I won’t lie under you, only on top,” Adam answered.

The first woman, the first wife of Adam, she soon after her creation began to quarrel with her husband over sexual position. Having not achieved what she wanted, Lilith ran away from him. Adam then married Eve, and Lilith, freed from the bonds of marriage, went into all serious troubles, settling on the shores of the Red Sea. They say she is still alive and, like thousands of years ago, has a lot of lovers.

But is this the only reason why mythology treats Adam’s first wife so negatively? It would seem that the woman did not want to live with her conservative husband, and that’s why she ran away. But not everything is so simple, for Lilith was not an ordinary woman. She became the first to demand equal rights with a man, for which she was not forgiven. Still.

Some sources claim that Lilith was actually created equal to Adam. As they say, “from the same cloth.” Perhaps it was so, judge for yourself. The word "adam" (man) comes from the Hebrew "adamah" (dust, ashes, earth), but nowhere is it said that this word refers only to a man. Perhaps a woman is also a person?

Among the ancients one can also find the assumption that Lilith was created before Adam, which deals an additional blow to male chauvinism. In short, options are possible. Someone says that Lilith was not created by the Almighty at all, but, being a clot of some cosmic energy, arose from primordial chaos. There is also an opinion that she was given to Adam almost as a slave, but from the very beginning she demanded freedom and equality for herself.

Be that as it may, Lilith’s image has not been good for thousands of years. It turns out that a man can marry several times, but a woman must live her whole life with the same man? As in the story of Adam’s first marriage... There lived many thousands of years ago a good guy who, when he was still young, married unsuccessfully. No one mentions how unsuccessful the marriage of the first woman on Earth turned out to be.

Moreover, for her rebellion against male chauvinism, Lilith was expelled. Although she actually ran away on her own. The myth of her expulsion may have been invented to make it easier for Adam to survive the humiliation. They say that they later sent messengers for her and asked her to return, but Lilith refused. After her divorce, the rebel settled in a place that Jewish mythology associates with dark and demonic forces. On the shores of the Red Sea.

They say that she was very pretty, that red-haired Lilith, who had a lot of lovers, whom, according to legend, she seduced not only in reality, but also in their dreams.

A paradoxical embodiment of light and darkness at the same time, a femme fatale... In the Middle Ages, witches, black magicians and ladies of easy virtue were called by her name. A demonic person who tempts men, in astrology she is responsible for unrealized sexual fantasies, shadow corners of the human soul and negative life experiences. In karmic astrology, the Black Moon indicates the amount of evil committed by the soul in past incarnations. And here Lilith has a lot in common with the South Node of the Moon, which is also not a real, but a hypothetical planet.

Like the South Node of the Moon, the Black Moon is present in any horoscope, and in each it is manifested differently. But not always negative. A generalized manifestation of the Black Moon can be called its ability to highlight what a person would like to hide about himself. And in a patriarchal society, Lilith is endowed with a full range of those qualities that are strictly suppressed in a woman.

In general, we can say that Lilith personifies a woman who is aware of her strength. Understanding how dependent a man is on the woman he lives with. A woman who has a strong Black Moon in her horoscope is confident in her strength over a man. She knows the exact meaning of the popular saying that “the night cuckoo will always cuckoo the day cuckoo.” Lilith will not argue during the day; she will achieve her goal and show her power over a man at night.

In a man's horoscope, Lilith shows areas where he is forced to wage secret wars. Lilith also indicates the presence or absence of problems between men and women; sexual problems including.

The Black Moon will be strong today and in the coming months. Very strong. For from the sign of Libra, where she behaved quietly and almost modestly, Lilith goes to Scorpio - the sign that controls sexual energy, a riot of feelings, the struggle for freedom and equality in personal relationships, as well as for love in that incarnation where a person is a part nature.

All? Has Friar left? Eared.

I remember on the eve of the elections many people asked: What – Hillary? She answered that logically, yes, but according to the horoscope... Trump!

I was sure of this because I know Clinton’s horoscope well. I celebrate my birthday on the same day as her. She could not become President either eight years ago or now. She couldn't win and Trump couldn't lose.

Trump's horoscope is a champion. With such an arrow in the astrological chart... a person, if he sets a goal, will definitely achieve it. The danger lies elsewhere. For someone like Trump, achieving a goal is also losing it. And in this context, the main thing is to unravel what goals he set for himself, having received enormous power into his hands. Let's talk about this.

Donald Trump was born on the day of an eclipse of the Sun, and his inauguration occurred on the day the Sun came to signify the eclipse of the Moon. If the Sun in the horoscope of a state represents power, then the Moon represents the people. The influence of eclipses is felt throughout the entire path of the Sun through the sign in which the eclipses occur. It is important that the Sun on the day of the inauguration was at the entrance to the sign, i.e. in its first (karmic) degree.

Briefly speaking? It will be difficult for him. Very hard. Harder than many US Presidents. Throughout his cadence, he will constantly receive from his people (from the Moon) such spokes in the wheels that no one has received before him. And it’s worth stopping here for a while.

Have we forgotten? After all, he himself was born on the day of the eclipse. So should he be afraid of difficulties? Astrology teaches us that success is not the absence of problems, but the ability to overcome them. And judging by his horoscope, Trump had so many problems in life that there were exactly two ways of development. Either break down, drink too much, smoke and transform into a dejected and weak-willed person, or become so angry with life that steeplechase competitions become a routine thing done on autopilot. He no longer notices them, these obstacles. He runs and runs. He has already reached the position of President of the United States. And it will be seen there. Judging by his horoscope, one thing can be said: he will not stop.

By the way, who said that Trump is a womanizer? Judging by the horoscope, nothing like that. Women understand what I'm talking about... Trump is a show-off! But in fact, he is a monogamous man and a family man. And he is terribly patriarchal in everything that concerns home and family. Yes, with his eyes he loves those who trump in terms of modern standards of beauty for women. But even more, he loves to create around himself the myth of irresistibility and enormous male demand. But he knows everything about himself. And he remembers what a shy guy he was in his youth. With age, Trump, of course, learned to disguise this masculine complex of his, but he did not overcome it. In short, he is a very ordinary guy and, like a man, quite complex, which is compensated by throwing dust in women’s eyes. In everyday life, he is a domineering person, conservative to the point of patriarchy, grumpy and (periodically) scandalous on the topic of “who is the boss of the house.” But... this is none of our business, let his wife worry about this.

The main thing is what kind of President he will be. And he will be neither good nor bad. Trump will be an interesting President. While he sits in the Oval Office, he will be a huge target for criticism, various accusations and even hatred. As soon as it goes away, it will become a myth. And over time, he will be remembered as the best and beloved.

And he is not joking at all when he says that he will try to return the United States to its former greatness. He'll actually... try. Here are just these two eclipses - the solar one on the birthday and the lunar one, the countdown for which was given on the day of the inauguration. Oh, how many sticks Trump will get in his wheels, this has already been mentioned above. But there is no doubt that his main goal is the welfare and prosperity of US citizens.

As a person inclined towards house-building, he is not really too concerned about foreign policy. This man, having become President, will begin to heal, teach and enrich his family, which has chosen him as head for the next four years. Trump associates himself with the image of his father, who in turn associates him with the role of leader and President of the United States.

He is also a kind and very caring person, but not for everyone. If he loves, then with full dedication. If he stops loving, then to the point of complete indifference and even cynicism. If he doesn’t love and has never loved, then with ridicule and mockery. He will have approximately the same attitude towards the states with which the United States will have to deal.

Yes, he is a man of emotional extremes, which is not the most suitable trait for a person with enormous power. But, alas... Presidents of the United States, like parents, are not elected. Presidents are appointed. Whoever the US appoints for us is the master.

This time we got a sincere, eccentric and notorious good-natured man who does not know how and does not like to lie. And most importantly, this time the chair was occupied by a US citizen who knows how to overcome obstacles like cracking nuts.

And God grant him... to extinguish and correct everything that his predecessor (I don’t want to remember that name) destroyed, set on fire and spoiled.

Good night!

Tuesday. Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Leo. There are several objects in a borderline position at once. Mercury, in preparation for its transition into the sign of Sagittarius, has approached its border with Scorpio, and Venus, in reverse (retrograde) motion, also being in Scorpio, will approach its border with the sign of Libra. In this way, both boundaries of the sign will be emphasized, i.e. its first and last (30th) degrees.

At the same time, the already heated dispute between Venus and Uranus, which has recently had someone to argue with even without Venus, will intensify.

In general, the time is such when every day there is a new zodiac turn. First one thing, then another. And so on until about the middle, maximum, until the end of November.

October 30 and 31, for example, may surprise you with water-related natural phenomena and incidents. Stock markets have been in a fever for almost the entire month of October, and the next two days will be no exception.

According to zodiac signs

It will not be boring. Someone will tell Aries something, offer something, ask for something. Communication will be through the roof, and communication will not be empty, but constructive.

Maximum attention to detail. Ideally, you should sit in the shadows for a couple of days, so as not to end up in an awkward position through your own fault.

Gemini's behavior is like playing with fire. But it will be better if you don’t take unnecessary risks, so that over time you won’t have to blame yourself.

Not as bright as it was recently, but still not bad. Not only financial transactions and agreements are successful, but also ordinary purchases.

a lion
It is better to wait a few days with matters that raise doubts. The simplest of everyday tasks are welcome - primarily those that do not require monetary transactions.

The day is calm, ordinary, not much memorable. There are thoughts about making new plans, but they are not fully formed. Not enough information.

The intuition of the representatives of the sign does not deceive. It seems that one of these days, pleasant changes, surprises, and the fruits of long-standing efforts will actually await them. But not tomorrow, we'll have to wait.

The day is bright, but not in all cases with a plus sign. Scorpios can succeed in their careers and social fulfillment, but they should be careful in all sorts of clerical work.

Sagittarius will cope with the confusion, but there will be a lot of hassle. There is no point in rescheduling your plans; you will have to do several things at the same time.

Things are going as usual. And it’s stable here to such an extent that Capricorns can relax and allow themselves to let some things take their course.

Interesting information can come from all sides, in some cases looking like ordinary gossip. But there will also be a lot of benefits.

Another simple and positive day promising good results. You don't have to make any special efforts. Things will go on their own, like clockwork. The only problem is small, everyday things.