Fats for cooking, confectionery and baking industries. Fats for cooking, confectionery and baking industries Cooking fat: composition

Appendix 3

Appendix 3

Appendix 3

Appendix 3

Appendix 3

TU 10.10739-88*

* Specifications mentioned here and further in the text are the author’s development. For more information please follow the link. - Database manufacturer's note.

5. The validity period was lifted according to Protocol N 5-94 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-12-94)

6. REPUBLICATION. December 2009

This standard applies to fats for the culinary, confectionery and baking industries, which are various mixtures of fats.



1.1. Depending on their purpose, fats are divided into types: culinary, confectionery, and baking. Depending on the type, the names of fat indicated in Table 1 are established.

Table 1

Type of fat




"Vegetable lard"








For waffle and cooling fillings

For chocolate products, candies and food concentrates





2.1. Characteristics

2.1.1. Fats must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological regulations and recipes approved in the prescribed manner.

2.1.2. In terms of organoleptic indicators, fats must meet the requirements specified in Table 2.

table 2

Characteristics of fats




new indicator

"Fryer", "Vegetable lard", "Prima", "New"

"Ukrainian", "Belarusian", "Eastern", "Margaguselin"

for chocolate products, candies and food concentrates

and cooling fillings

Taste and smell

Pure taste with a characteristic taste of added animal fat, without extraneous taste; "Margaguselin" is characterized by the taste of fried onions

Pure taste characteristic of depersonalized fat, without foreign taste or odor

When introducing flavoring -
torov - pronounced aroma, causing
flavored with injected

White to light yellow

From white to light yellow. A grayish or creamy tint is allowed when using cottonseed oil.

From white to light yellow. Grayish or creamy shades are allowed when using lard made from cottonseed and soybean oils

White to cream

From light
yellow to yellow

Uniform throughout the mass

Consistency at 18 °C

Homogeneous, hard, plastic or pasty

Homogeneous, hard. Plastic allowed

Homogeneous, hard, prickly

Homogeneous, mobile


Transparent when molten


1. For uncongealed confectionery and baking fats, the “Color” and “Consistency” indicators must be:

"Color" - from light yellow to light brown;

"Consistency" - homogeneous, mobile.

2. The consistency of liquid baking fat is determined at a temperature of 16 °C.

2.1.3. In terms of physical and chemical parameters, fats must meet the requirements specified in Table 3.

Table 3

Indicator name

Norm for fats





"Lard vegetable-

ka", "Prima"

“Ukrainian”, “Belarusian”, “Eastern”, “Margaguselin”

for chocolate products, candies and food concentrates

for waffle and cooling fillings


Mass fraction of fat, %, not less

Mass fraction of moisture and volatile substances, %,
no more

Acid number, mg KOH/g, no more

Melting point, °C

Based on salomas -
no higher than 17;
based on transester-
defined fats - 17-27

Pour point, °C

Not lower than 29

At least 21

Not lower than 30

Not higher than 15

Hardness according to Kaminsky, g/cm

At 15 °C: not less than 550

At 15 °C: 150-250

At 20 °C: not less than 850

Mass fraction of nickel, million (mg/kg)


1. The hardness of confectionery fat intended for food concentrates is allowed to be at least 450 g/cm.

2. It is allowed to increase the melting point of cooking fats “Ukrainian”, “Belarusian” and “Vostochny” to 38 °C when they are manufactured with the addition of animal fats in an amount of 20% or more, as well as with the introduction of palm stearin and lard using palm oil.

3. By agreement with the consumer, the melting temperature for confectionery fat for chocolate products is allowed to be 35-37 °C.

2.1.4. Energy and nutritional values ​​are given in Appendix 2.

2.1.5. Residues of pesticides in fats should not exceed the maximum permissible levels approved by the Ministry of Health (see Appendix 1).

2.1.6. The temperature of unfrozen confectionery fats and liquid baking fat when poured into tank trucks should not exceed 55 °C.

2.2. Requirements to raw materials

2.2.1. The following raw materials are used for the production of cooking fats:

sunflower oil according to GOST 1129*;
GOST R 52465-2005 (hereinafter).

GOST 1128;

GOST 7825 * and unrefined soybean oil according to the current NTD;
GOST R 53510-2009

corn oil according to GOST 8808;

rapeseed oil according to GOST 8988 *, hydrated rapeseed oil;
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST R 53457-2009 is valid, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

peanut oil according to GOST 7981;

palm oil and other edible vegetable oils suitable after processing for the production of fats;

palm stearin;

cotton palmitine;

interesterified fat grades 1 and 2;

unrefined lard for the margarine industry, grades 1 and 2;

refined lard for the margarine industry, grades 1 and 2;

rendered edible animal fats of the highest grade (beef, pork, lamb) according to GOST 25292;

dried onions (for “Margaguselina”) according to GOST 7587*.
* GOST R 52622-2006 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Allowed input:

antioxidants approved by the USSR Ministry of Health;

vitamin A - highly concentrated preparations (concentrations not lower than 300,000 IU per 1 g of preparation) according to the State Pharmacopoeia and other vitamins in quantities approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

2.2.2. For the production of confectionery fats, the following raw materials are used: For confectionery fat for chocolate products, candies and food concentrates:

unrefined lard for the margarine industry, grade 3;

refined deodorized lard for the margarine industry, grade 3; The following raw materials are used for confectionery fat for waffle and cooling fillings:

unrefined lard for the margarine industry, grade 1;

refined deodorized lard for the margarine industry, grade 1;

coconut oil according to GOST 10766 or palm kernel oil;

It is allowed to introduce antioxidants approved by the USSR Ministry of Health. The following raw materials are used for solid confectionery fat:

interesterified fat;

It is allowed to introduce antioxidants approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

2.2.3. The following raw materials are used for the production of liquid baking fat:

Vegetable oils suitable for processing into food products:

sunflower oil according to GOST 1129;

Refined soybean oil according to GOST 7825;

Refined cottonseed oil according to GOST 1128;

corn oil according to GOST 8808;

rapeseed oil according to GOST 8988, hydrated rapeseed oil;

peanut oil according to GOST 7981;

unrefined lard for the margarine industry, grades 1 and 3;

refined deodorized lard for the margarine industry, grades 1 and 3;

interesterified fat grade 1;

food phosphatide concentrate;

emulsifier MHD.

It is allowed to introduce flavorings approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

2.2.4. All vegetable oils, cotton palmitine, palm stearin, interesterified fat and lard must first be subjected to complete refining, including deodorization, and have the taste of impersonal fat without foreign odors and tastes and meet the requirements of the USSR Ministry of Health for permissible levels of pesticide contamination provided for deodorized food oils (see Appendix 1).

2.3. Package

2.3.1. Cooking fats are produced packaged and unpackaged.

2.3.2. Confectionery and baking fats are produced in bulk form.

2.3.3. Cooking fats are packaged in the form of bars with a net weight of 200 to 500 g, wrapped in parchment according to GOST 1341, parchment weighing 1 m (50 ± 3) g and laminated foil.

It is allowed, by agreement with the consumer, to pack fats in metal cans for canning in accordance with GOST 5981 with subsequent sealing, with a net weight of 500 to 7500 g. It is allowed to use cans made of tinplate with electrolytic tinning EZhK - in accordance with GOST 13345.

2.3.4. Packaged cooking fats are packaged in:

non-dismountable plank boxes according to GOST 10131 N 2;

wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 13358 (fats packaged in metal cans) N 8, 13, 17;

plywood boxes according to GOST 10131 N 7;

GOST 13511;

boxes made of corrugated cardboard according to GOST 13516 (fats packaged in metal cans) N 1, 8, 9, 30, 31, 32, 39, 41, 49;

boxes made of container cardboard according to GOST 13515;

Imported cardboard boxes.

The net weight of fats must be the same in all boxes of a given batch and range from 10 to 22 kg.

For local sales, it is allowed to pack fats in polymer reusable boxes for the meat and dairy industries and in packaging equipment in accordance with GOST 24831.

2.3.5. Unpackaged fats are packaged in:

the boxes indicated above, with the exception of boxes made of corrugated cardboard in accordance with GOST 13516;

wooden barrels according to GOST 8777;

plywood stamped barrels according to TU 10.10739;

plywood drums according to GOST 9338;

cardboard wound drums according to GOST 17065.

The net weight of fats must be the same in all packaging units of a given batch and be:

when packed in board, plywood and cardboard boxes from 10 to 22 kg;

when packed in drums and barrels no more than 50 kg.

By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to pack fats for industrial processing into barrels with a net weight of up to 100 kg.

2.3.6. The permissible deviations in the net mass of a packaging unit of fat are, in percentage, no more than:

±1.5 - from 200 to 250 g inclusive;

±1.0 - St. 250 to 10000 g inclusive;

±0.5 - St. 10000 to 100000 g incl.

2.3.7. Before packing bulk fats, boxes, drums and barrels must be lined with parchment in accordance with GOST 1341, parchment and sub-parchment weighing 1 m (50±3) g or polymer films (polyvinyl chloride "Poviden" grade U-1; polyethylene-cellophane grades PC-2 and PC-4, polyethylene for packaging food products in accordance with GOST 10354 and other polymer films approved by the Ministry of Health for contact with fats) or an insert bag made of polymer materials approved by the Ministry of Health for contact with fats must be placed in the specified container.

Boxes made of corrugated cardboard for packaging bulk fats can be supplemented with liners in accordance with GOST 9142, the type of connection of valves and pasting of cardboard boxes is carried out in accordance with GOST 9142.

2.3.8. Unfrozen confectionery fats and liquid fats are packaged in steel barrels in accordance with GOST 13950, in flasks in accordance with GOST 5037, as well as in wooden barrels in accordance with GOST 8777 with a net weight of no more than 50 kg, with a net weight of up to 100 kg - as agreed with the consumer.

Wooden barrels must have an insert bag made of polymer materials approved by the USSR Ministry of Health for contact with fats.

2.3.9. The use of returnable wooden containers is allowed.

2.3.10. When transported by water or mixed modes of transport, fats must be packed in planks, plywood boxes, barrels and drums.

2.3.11. Fats intended for the Far North and equivalent areas must be packaged and transported in accordance with GOST 15846.

2.4. Marking

2.4.1. Consumer containers of cooking fats must be marked with:

trademark, name of the manufacturer and its subordination;

Name of product;

net weight;

temperature and shelf life;

energy value of 100 g of product - 897 kcal;

The markings on the parchment or foil of each bar and on the label of each jar are applied with a special quick-drying paint, previously tested to ensure that there is no imprint on the inner surface of the parchment and on the surface of the fat.

It is allowed to mark the date of fat production with a clear composter or any other method that ensures its clear indication.

The label must be artistically designed.

2.4.2. Each packaging unit containing fat is additionally marked with a label characterizing the product:

trademark, name of the manufacturer, its address and subordination;

Name of product;

content of antioxidant and vitamin A (in case of input);

net weight of a packaging unit;

net weight and number of packing units for packaged fat;

net weight for bulk fat;

production date (day, month, year);

batch number and (or) serial number of the packaging unit;

temperature and shelf life;

designation of this standard.

The marking is applied typographically on a paper label or using a clear stamp directly on the end of the cardboard box.

It is permissible to affix the production date, batch number, and packaging unit number on a paper label with a clear stamp or a clear stamp.

2.4.3. Marking of transport containers is carried out in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of the handling sign “Keep away from sunlight”.


3.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 976 *.
* GOST R 52179-2003 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter).

3.2. The indicators “Residual amount of pesticides” and “Mass fraction of nickel” are determined by the manufacturer periodically, at least once a month.

If unsatisfactory results of periodic tests are obtained, they are transferred to acceptance tests until positive results are obtained in three batches in a row.


4.1. Sampling of fats and methods for determining organoleptic indicators, mass fraction of fat, moisture and volatile substances, melting point, pour point, hardness - according to GOST 976.

4.2. Determination of acid number - according to GOST 5476*.
* GOST R 52110-2003 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

4.3. Determination of the mass fraction of nickel - according to Appendix 3.

4.4. Determination of residual amounts of pesticides - according to methods approved by the Ministry of Health.


5.1. Fats are transported by all modes of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for the relevant mode of transport.

Unfrozen and liquid fats are transported in assigned specialized railway tanks and tank trucks in accordance with GOST 9218.

It is allowed to transport fats in open vehicles by motor transport with the obligatory covering of them with a clean tarpaulin or other materials.

Transportation of fats in packages must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21650, GOST 22477 and GOST 23285.

5.2. Fats should be stored in warehouses or refrigerators at temperatures from minus 20 to plus 15 ° C (solid confectionery fat - from minus 20 to plus 20 ° C), constant circulation and air flow and relative air humidity not exceeding 80%. It is not allowed to store fats in general warehouses along with products that have a strong specific odor.

5.3. Boxes, drums and barrels with fats during storage must be stacked using mechanized palletizing; for non-mechanized installations - on slats or gratings (pods) in stacks with gaps between the stacks for free air circulation at a distance of 0.5 m from the walls.

When storing fats in corrugated cardboard boxes on pallets, no more than 5 boxes should be stacked in height, the height of the stack should be no more than 10 boxes (two pallets); with non-mechanized laying in no more than 6 tiers.


6.1. The manufacturer guarantees that fats comply with the requirements of this standard subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

6.2. The guaranteed shelf life of culinary and confectionery fats shipped in frozen form from the date of manufacture is indicated in Table 4.

Table 4

Guaranteed shelf life, months

Storage temperature, °C

Cooking fats, as well as confectionery fat for waffle and cooling fillings

Confectionery fat for chocolate products, sweets and food concentrates

Solid confectionery fat

From minus 20 to 0

St. 1 to 4 inclusive.

Note. When adding antioxidants, the shelf life increases by 1.5 times.

The guaranteed shelf life from the date of manufacture of unfrozen confectionery fats for chocolate products, sweets and food concentrates, as well as for wafer and refreshing fillings at temperatures up to 40 °C is 5 days, liquid baking fat at a temperature of 15-20 °C is 10 days.

APPENDIX 1 (for reference). Maximum permissible levels of pesticides in fats for direct food consumption and for use in the confectionery and baking industries


Table 5

Pesticide name

Maximum permissible levels,
million (mg/kg)

Hexachlorocyclohexane - HCH (sum of isomers)

Heptachlor - GPC (heptachlor epoxide)

DDT (sum of isomers and metabolites)

APPENDIX 2 (for reference)


The energy value of all types of culinary, confectionery and baking fats (with a mass fraction of fat of at least 99.7%) is 897 kcal per 100 g of product.

Nutritional value of 100 g of fat - 99.7 g.

APPENDIX 3 (mandatory). Determination of the mass fraction of nickel using the colorimetric method


The method is intended for the determination of nickel in culinary, confectionery and baking fats in factory laboratories and during scientific research.

The range of measured values ​​of the mass fraction of nickel is 0.5-20 million (mg/kg).

The method is based on the formation of a soluble, reddish-brown complex when nickel reacts with dimethylglyoxime in the presence of oxidizing agents in an alkaline medium.

1. Sampling - according to GOST 976 *.
* GOST R 52179-2003 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. Equipment, reagents

Equal-arm laboratory scales in accordance with GOST 24104 *, 2nd accuracy class and the highest weighing limit of 200 g and 3rd accuracy class scales with the highest weighing limit of 500 g or other scales with similar metrological characteristics.
________________Photocolorimeter FEK, KFK-2 or similar, having a light filter with an effective wavelength of (540±10) nm. Sulfuric acid according to GOST 4328, aqueous solution with a mass fraction of 5%.

Ammonium persulfate according to GOST 20478, aqueous solution with a mass fraction of 3%.

Dimethylglyoxime according to GOST 5828, solution with a mass fraction of 1% in an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide with a mass fraction of 5%.

3. Preparation for the test

3.1. Construction of a calibration graph

3.1.1. Preparation of the basic standard solution

Dissolve 4.7860 g of nickel sulfate in double-distilled water in a 1000 ml volumetric flask, mix, add 1 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid and adjust the volume of the solution with water to the mark. The solution contains 1 mg/cm of nickel and can be stored in an airtight container for up to 1 year.

3.1.2. Preparation of intermediate standard solution

An intermediate standard solution with a nickel concentration of 10 μg/cm is prepared by diluting the main standard solution with bidistilled water in a ratio of 1:100. The solution is prepared before use.

3.1.3. Preparation of standard solutions for constructing a calibration curve

Standard solutions for constructing a calibration curve are prepared as follows.

0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 cm of the intermediate standard solution are taken using a burette into 50 cm volumetric flasks. To each flask add 2 cm of Rochelle salt solution, 5 cm of sodium hydroxide solution, 2 cm of ammonium persulfate solution and 2 cm of a solution of dimethylglyoxime in a 5% solution of sodium hydroxide, the volume of the solution in a volumetric flask is adjusted to the mark with double-distilled water.

The concentrations of the prepared standard nickel solutions will be, respectively: 0.0; 0.2; 0.4; 0.8; 1.2; 1.6 and 2.0 μg/cm. The optical densities of standard solutions should be measured 10 minutes after the appearance of color on a photocolorimeter at = (540 ± 10) nm in relation to a control sample, for the preparation of which all the specified reagents are used, with the exception of nickel salts. The optical density of standard solutions is measured at solution layer thicknesses of 1.2 and 5 cm.

Based on the obtained optical density values, calibration graphs are constructed for each cuvette thickness, plotting the optical density values ​​on the ordinate axis, and the concentration of the nickel solution in μg/cm along the abscissa axis.

A calibration curve is constructed for each type of device and checked when using a new batch of reagents and after repairing the device by determining the optical density of three or four standard solutions of a certain concentration.

3.2. Sample mineralization

A sample of fat of 1-5 g, weighed with the result recorded to the fourth decimal place, is placed in a quartz or porcelain cup or crucible and burned on an electric stove until the emission of smoke stops. Then it is placed in a muffle furnace at a temperature of about 400 ° C with the muffle door open until the smoke stops. Then close the muffle door and increase the temperature to 450-500 °C. Mineralization is continued under these conditions for 5-6 hours until gray ash is obtained. The cup or crucible with ash is removed from the electric furnace, cooled to room temperature and the gray ash is moistened with 0.5-1.0 cm of nitric acid. Then the acid is evaporated to dryness on an electric stove with low heat and the cup with the sample is again placed in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 450-500 ° C and kept for 1 hour. Mineralization is considered complete when the ash becomes white or slightly colored, without charred particles. If there are charred particles, repeat the treatment of the ash with a solution of nitric acid.

4. Conducting the test

1 cm of hydrochloric acid solution and 6 cm of bidistilled water are added to the dry sediment, completely dissolving the ash.

The solution is transferred quantitatively into a 25 cm volumetric flask, washing off the remaining solution in the crucible with bidistilled water into the volumetric flask. Then, 2 cm of Rochelle salt, 5 cm of sodium hydroxide, 2 cm of ammonium persulfate and 2 cm of dimethylglyoxime are successively added to the resulting solution. The volume of the solution is adjusted to 25 cm with bidistilled water.

Measurement of the optical density of samples is carried out under the same conditions as standard solutions.

5. Processing of results

The mass fraction of nickel () in million (mg/kg) is calculated using the formula

where is the concentration of nickel solution in the test solution, found from the calibration curve, μg/cm;

- volume of the analyzed solution, cm;

- mass of fat taken for testing, g.

Calculations are carried out to the second decimal place, followed by rounding the result to the first decimal place.

The permissible relative discrepancy between the results of two parallel determinations in the range of 0.5-2.0 mg/kg is no more than 30%, in the range of 2.0-20.0 mg/kg - no more than 15% (relative).

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Margarines, fats for cooking, confectionery
and baking industry: Sat. GOST. -
M.: Standartinform, 2010

Many products contain cooking oil. What is it? Essentially, it is an anhydrous mixture of various fats of animal and vegetable origin, as well as lard. Such a substance is capable of melting at temperatures above 60 °C. What kind of cooking oil is there? Margarine does not fall into this category. Although it is often confused with cooking fat. It is not right. After all, margarine is an aqueous mixture of fats.

How the product came about

Cooking fat was first produced back in Soviet times. Food industry specialists were faced with the task of creating a cheaper product. As a result of the work carried out, many combinations of various fats were created that could replace rendered fats of animal origin.

Initially, new products were not in great demand among USSR citizens. After all, their taste and aroma were not so attractive. Therefore, new compounds were gradually introduced into the food industry. The product was used in canteens and also in places of mass production. In conditions of crisis, the new cooking oil was nevertheless recognized by the citizens of the USSR and took its place of honor among its more expensive analogues.

cooking oil

How does cooking fat differ from other varieties of this product? First of all, organoleptic properties:

  1. The taste corresponds to the type of product, without impurities, pure.
  2. Nice smell.
  3. The color of the product can be white or yellow.
  4. The consistency is ointment-like, dense and without impurities.
  5. When melted, cooking fat becomes transparent.

This product is sold exclusively in briquettes, wrapped in or packaged in special bags.

Types of cooking fat

Cooking fat can consist of many components. At the moment there are several varieties of it:

  1. Deep frying product. It is made only from lard of plant origin. The main purpose is deep-frying food. Whale oil is often added to this fat.
  2. Vegetable lard. This product is made from vegetable oils.
  3. "Belorussian". Made from
  4. "Ukrainian". In its production, pork fat is taken as the basis.
  5. "Oriental". The main component of the product is lamb fat.
  6. Margaguselin. The basis is taken to have the taste of fried onions. It is worth noting that marnanuseline is the only product that contains fragrance.

Cooking fat: composition

What is included in such mixtures? According to GOST, the product may contain components such as:

  • sunflower oil;
  • soy;
  • cotton;
  • rapeseed;
  • Palm;
  • peanut;
  • salomas;
  • palmitine;
  • stearin;
  • animal fats;
  • vitamin A;
  • antioxidant;
  • dried onions.

It is worth noting that all fats are deodorized and refined before mixing. In other words, the components become depersonalized and become odorless. The product is usually stored at temperatures from -25 °C to +16 °C. The room should be well ventilated, dark and dry.

Is the product useful?

Does it bring culinary? The effect of a given product on the human body depends on its chemical composition, which is determined by the recipe. All cooking fats are healthy to some extent and should be present in every person's diet. It should be noted that such products are absorbed by 96%. It is for this reason that they are considered irreplaceable sources of energy.

Cooking fats are rich in vitamins D, K, A, E. In addition, this product contains components that actively participate in the construction of body cells. Thanks to them, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic, the condition of the hair and blood clotting are significantly improved, and the effects of toxins are neutralized.

As numerous studies show, for the normal functioning of the adult body, approximately 20 grams of fat per day are required. Thanks to these components, beta-carotene and cooking oil are better absorbed. Also, cooking oil has a positive effect on the health and beauty of the female body.

Harm from cooking fats

Despite the benefits of such compounds, they should not be abused. After all, excessive consumption of fat leads to the development of various diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as obesity. Good digestibility of the product has not only a positive, but also a negative side. When you abuse cooking fats, the body receives a large number of unnecessary calories. In addition, a product that was not prepared in accordance with GOST can lead to the development of cancer. Therefore, you need to choose cooking oil correctly.

GOST 25292-2017




Food-grade rendered animal fats. Specifications

MKS 67.120.10

Date of introduction 2019-01-01



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, updating and cancellation "

Information about the standard

1DEVELOPED by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry named after V.M. Gorbatov" (FGBNU "VNIIMPim.V.M.Gorbatov")

2INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated September 25, 2017 N 103-P)

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 10, 2017 N 1391-st, the interstate standard GOST 25292-2017 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2019.

5INstead of GOST25292-82

Information on changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". The corresponding information, notice and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost. ru)

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to edible rendered animal fats (beef, lamb, pork, horse, bone and combined fats) (hereinafter referred to as edible rendered animal fats) intended for use in the production of food products, sale in trade and public catering networks.

2Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any type during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 745-2014 Aluminum foil for packaging. Technical specifications

GOST 1341-97 Vegetable parchment. Specifications

GOST 5717.1-2014 Glass containers for canned food products. General technical conditions

GOST 5717.2-2003 Glass jars for canned food. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST 5981-2011 Metal cans and lids for canned food. Technical conditions

GOST 8285-91 Rendered animal fats. Acceptance rules and test methods

GOST 8777-80 Wooden aspic and dry barrels. Technical specifications

GOST 10131-93 Boxes made of wood and wood materials for products from the food industry, agriculture and matches. Specifications

GOST 11254-85 Rendered animal fats and feed flour of animal origin. Methods for determining antioxidants

GOST 13358-84 Wooden boxes for canned food. Specifications

GOST 13513-86* Corrugated cardboard boxes for meat and dairy products. Specifications

GOST 13515-91* Boxes made of container flat glued cardboard for butter and margarine. Specifications

GOST 13516-86* Corrugated cardboard boxes for canned food, preserves and food liquids. Specifications
*GOST R54463-2011 “Containers made of cardboard and combined materials for food products. Technical conditions” is in force in the Russian Federation.

GOST 13534-2015 Canned meat and meat-containing products. Packaging, labeling and transportation

GOST EN14083-2013 Food products. Determination of trace elements. Determination of lead, cadmium, chromium and molybdenum using atomic absorption spectrometry with atomization in a graphite furnace and preliminary mineralization of the sample at elevated pressure

GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 15846-2002 Products sent to the Far North and similar areas. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 16147-88 Bone. Specifications

GOST 17065-94 Cardboard winding drums. Specifications

GOST 19360-74 Film liner bags. General technical conditions

GOST 21650-76 Means of fastening packaged cargo in transport packages. General requirements

GOST24597-81 Packages of packaged piece goods. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST25951-83 Polyethylene shrink film. Technical specifications

GOST26663-85 Transport packages. Formation using packaging means. General technical requirements

GOST 26927-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining mercury

GOST 26928-86 Food products. Iron determination method

GOST 26929-94 Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation. Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements

GOST26930-86 Raw materials and food products. Arsenic determination method

GOST26931-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining copper

GOST 26932-86 Raw materials and food products. Lead determination methods

GOST 26933-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining cadmium

GOST 30178-96 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determining toxic elements

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Methodology for determining toxic elements using the atomic emission method

GOST 31266-2004 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determination of arsenic

GOST 31628-2012 Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic

GOST 31671-2012 Food products. Determination of trace elements. Preparation of samples using the mineralization method at elevated pressure

GOST 33746-2016 Polymer reusable boxes. General technical conditions

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the release of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then the use of this standard should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3Technical requirements

3.1 General requirements

3.1.1 Edible rendered animal fats, depending on the raw materials processed and the quality of the product, are divided into types and grades: beef, lamb, pork, horse, bone, prefabricated (not divided into grades).

3.1.2 Edible rendered animal fats must comply with the requirements of this standard and must be manufactured according to technological instructions * in compliance with the requirements or established by regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.
*As a standard technological instruction, the instruction for the production of edible rendered animal fats, approved by the V.M. Gorbatov VNIIMP, can be used.


3.2.1 In terms of organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators, edible rendered animal fats must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Name of indicator










Color at temperature 15°C-20°C

White. Pale is allowed
blue tint

Characteristics and value of the indicator for edible rendered animal fats







From pale yellow to yellow

From white to pale yellow

White. A yellowish or grayish tint is allowed

GOST 28414-89

Group H61



General technical conditions

Fats for cookery, confectionary and
bakery General specifications

Valid from 01/01/91
until 01.01.96*
* Validity limit removed
according to Protocol No. 5-94 of the Interstate Council
on standardization, metrology and certification
(IUS N 11-12, 1994). - Note.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the All-Union Industrial Association of the Margarine Industry "Soyuzmargarinprom"


A.V. Stetsenko, Ph.D. tech. sciences; A.B. Belova, Ph.D. tech. sciences; A.A. Begunov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; M.A.Velikorostova, N.M.Kuznetsova, I.N.Medvedeva, F.B.Estrina

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards dated December 27, 1989 N 4171

3. The date of the first inspection is 1994.

Inspection frequency - 5 years



Item number, application

GOST 976-81*

3.1 and 4.1, Appendix 3

GOST R 52179-2003

GOST 1341-84

Appendix 3

Appendix 3

Appendix 3

Appendix 3

Appendix 3

Appendix 3

GOST 5037-78*

* GOST 5037-97 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, hereinafter in the text. - Note.

GOST 5476-80*

* GOST R 52110-2003 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, hereinafter in the text. - Note.

GOST 5828-77

Appendix 3

Appendix 3

GOST 5958-79

Appendix 3

* GOST 7328-2001 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, hereinafter in the text. - Note.

GOST 7981-68

GOST 8808-73*

* GOST 8808-2000 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, hereinafter in the text. - Note.

* GOST 8988-2002 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, hereinafter in the text. - Note.

Appendix 3

GOST 13360-84

Appendix 3

* GOST 15846-2002 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, hereinafter in the text. - Note.

Appendix 3

GOST 20292-74

Appendix 3

GOST 21929-76

GOST 22477-77

Appendix 3

* GOST 24104-2001 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, hereinafter in the text. - Note.

GOST 25292-82

Appendix 3

This standard applies to fats for the culinary, confectionery and baking industries, which are various mixtures of fats.


1.1. Depending on their purpose, fats are divided into types: culinary, confectionery, and baking. Depending on the type, the names of fat indicated in Table 1 are established.

Table 1

Type of fat




"Vegetable lard"








For waffle and cooling fillings

For chocolate products, candies and food concentrates





2.1. Characteristics

2.1.1. Fats must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological regulations and recipes approved in the prescribed manner.

2.1.2. In terms of organoleptic indicators, fats must meet the requirements specified in Table 2.

table 2

Indicator name

Characteristics of fats




"Fryer", "Vegetable lard", "Prima", "New"

"Ukrainian", "Belarusian", "Eastern", "Margaguselin"

for chocolate products, candies and food concentrates

Taste and smell

Pure taste with a characteristic taste of added animal fat, without extraneous taste; "Margaguselin" is characterized by the taste of fried onions

Pure taste characteristic of depersonalized fat, without foreign taste or odor

When adding flavorings - a pronounced aroma caused by the introduced flavoring

White to light yellow

From white to light yellow. A grayish or creamy tint is allowed when using lard made from cottonseed oil.

From white to light yellow. Grayish or creamy shades are allowed when using lard from cottonseed and soybean oils

White to cream

Light yellow to yellow

Uniform throughout the mass

Consistency at 18 °C

Homogeneous, hard, plastic or pasty

Homogeneous, hard. Plastic allowed

Homogeneous, hard, prickly

Homogeneous, mobile


Transparent when molten


1. For uncongealed confectionery and baking fats, the “Color” and “Consistency” indicators must be:

"Color" - from light yellow to light brown;

"Consistency" - homogeneous, mobile.

2. The consistency of liquid baking fat is determined at a temperature of 16 °C.

2.1.3. In terms of physical and chemical parameters, fats must meet the requirements specified in Table 3.

Table 3

Indicator name

Norm for fats





"Vegetable lard"

"New", "Prima"

“Ukrainian”, “Belarusian”, “Eastern”, “Margaguselin”

for chocolate products, candies and food concentrates

for waffle and cooling fillings


Mass fraction of fat, %, not less

Mass fraction of moisture and volatile substances, %, no more

Acid number, mg KOH/g, no more

Melting point, °C

Based on salomas - no higher than 17; based on transester-
defined fats 17-27

Pour point, °C

Not lower than 29

At least 21

Not lower than 30

Not higher than 15

Hardness according to Kaminsky, g/cm

At 15 °C: not less than 550

At 15 °C: 150-250

At 20 °C: not less than 850

Mass fraction of nickel, million (mg/kg)


1. The hardness of confectionery fat intended for food concentrates is allowed to be at least 450 g/cm.

2. It is allowed to increase the melting point of cooking fats “Ukrainian”, “Belarusian” and “Vostochny” to 38 °C when they are manufactured with the addition of animal fats in an amount of 20% or more, as well as with the introduction of palm stearin and lard using palm oil.

3. By agreement with the consumer, the melting temperature for confectionery fat for chocolate products is allowed to be 35-37 °C.

2.1.4. Energy and nutritional values ​​are given in Appendix 2.

2.1.5. The residual amount of pesticides in fats should not exceed the maximum permissible levels approved by the USSR Ministry of Health (see Appendix 1).

2.1.6. The temperature of unfrozen confectionery fats and liquid baking fat when poured into tank trucks should not exceed 55 °C.

2.2. Requirements for raw materials

2.2.1. The following raw materials are used for the production of cooking fats:

Vegetable oils suitable for processing into food products:

GOST 1128;

GOST 7825 and unrefined soybean oil according to the current NTD;

Allowed input:

Antioxidants approved by the USSR Ministry of Health;

Vitamin A - highly concentrated preparations (concentrations not lower than 300,000 IU per 1 g of preparation) according to the State Pharmacopoeia and other vitamins in quantities approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

2.2.2. For the production of confectionery fats, the following raw materials are used: For confectionery fat for chocolate products, sweets and food concentrates:

Unrefined salomas for the margarine industry, grade 3;

Refined deodorized salomas for the margarine industry, grade 3;

It is allowed to introduce antioxidants approved by the USSR Ministry of Health. The following raw materials are used for confectionery fat for waffle and cooling fillings:

Unrefined salomas for the margarine industry, grade 1;

Refined deodorized salomas for the margarine industry, grade 1;

Refined soybean oil according to GOST 7825;

Refined cottonseed oil according to GOST 1128;

2.3.4. Packaged cooking fats are packaged in:

Non-separable plank boxes according to GOST 13360 N 2;

GOST 13511;

Boxes made of corrugated cardboard in accordance with GOST 13516 (fats packaged in metal cans) N 1, 8, 9, 30, 31, 32, 39, 41, 49;

Boxes made of container cardboard according to GOST 13515;

Imported cardboard boxes.

The net weight of fats must be the same in all boxes of a given batch and range from 10 to 22 kg.

For local sales, it is allowed to pack fats in polymer reusable boxes for the meat and dairy industries and in packaging equipment in accordance with GOST 24831.

2.3.5. Unpackaged fats are packaged in:

The boxes listed above, with the exception of boxes made of corrugated cardboard in accordance with GOST 13516;

Stamped plywood barrels in accordance with GOST 5958;

Cardboard winding drums according to GOST 17065.

The net weight of fats must be the same in all packaging units of a given batch and be:

When packed in board, plywood and cardboard boxes from 10 to 22 kg;

When packed in drums and barrels no more than 50 kg.

By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to pack fats for industrial processing into barrels with a net weight of up to 100 kg.

2.3.6. The permissible deviations in the net mass of a packaging unit of fat are, in percentage, no more than:

±1.5 from 200 to 250 g incl.

±1.0 light 250 to 10000 g incl.

±0.5 light 10000 to 100000 g incl.

2.3.7. Before packing bulk fats, boxes, drums and barrels must be lined with parchment in accordance with GOST 1341, parchment and sub-parchment weighing 1 m (50±3) g or polymer films (polyvinyl chloride "Poviden" grade U-1; polyethylene-cellophane, grade PTs-2 and PC-4, polyethylene for packaging food products in accordance with GOST 10354 and other polymer films approved by the USSR Ministry of Health for contact with fats) or an insert bag made of polymer materials approved by the Ministry of Health for contact with fats must be placed in the specified container.

Boxes made of corrugated cardboard for packaging bulk fats can be supplemented with liners in accordance with GOST 9142, the type of connection of valves and pasting of cardboard boxes is carried out in accordance with GOST 9142.

2.3.8. Unfrozen confectionery fats and liquid fats are packaged in steel barrels in accordance with GOST 13950, in flasks in accordance with GOST 5037, as well as in wooden barrels in accordance with GOST 8777 with a net weight of no more than 50 kg, with a net weight of up to 100 kg - as agreed with the consumer.

Wooden barrels must have an insert bag made of polymer materials approved by the USSR Ministry of Health for contact with fats.

2.3.9. The use of returnable wooden containers is allowed.

2.3.10. When transported by water or mixed modes of transport, fats must be packed in planks, plywood boxes, barrels and drums.

2.3.11. Fats intended for the Far North and equivalent regions must be packaged and transported in accordance with GOST 15846.

2.4. Marking

2.4.1. Consumer containers of cooking fats must be marked with:

Trademark, name of the manufacturer and its subordination;

Name of product;

Net weight;

Temperature and shelf life;

The energy value of 100 g of product is 897 kcal;

The markings on the parchment or foil of each bar and on the label of each jar are applied with a special quick-drying paint, previously tested to ensure that there is no imprint on the inner surface of the parchment and on the surface of the fat.

It is allowed to mark the date of fat production with a clear composter or any other method that ensures its clear indication.

The label must be artistically designed.

2.4.2. Each packaging unit containing fat is additionally marked with a label characterizing the product:

Trademark, name of the manufacturer, its address and subordination;

Name of product;

Net weight of a packaging unit;

Net weight and number of packing units for packaged fat;

Net weight for bulk fat;

Production date (day, month, year);

Batch number and (or) serial number of the packaging unit;

Temperature and shelf life;

Designation of this standard.

The marking is applied typographically on a paper label or using a clear stamp directly on the end of the cardboard box.

It is permissible to affix the production date, batch number, and packaging unit number on a paper label with a clear stamp or a clear stamp.

2.4.3. Marking of transport containers is carried out in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of a manipulation sign “Afraid of heating”.


3.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 976.

3.2. The indicators “Residual amount of pesticides” and “Mass fraction of nickel” are determined periodically by the manufacturer at least once a month.

If the results of periodic tests are unsatisfactory, they are transferred to acceptance tests until positive results are obtained for three batches in a row.


4.1. Sampling of fats and methods for determining organoleptic parameters, mass fraction of fat, moisture and volatile substances, melting point, pour point, hardness - according to GOST 976.

4.2. Determination of acid number - according to GOST 5476.

4.3. Determination of the mass fraction of nickel - according to Appendix 3.

4.4. Determination of residual amounts of pesticides - according to methods approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.


5.1. Fats are transported by all modes of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for the relevant mode of transport.

Unfrozen and liquid fats are transported in assigned specialized railway tanks and tank trucks in accordance with GOST 9218.

It is allowed to transport fats in open vehicles by motor transport with the obligatory covering of them with a clean tarpaulin or other materials.

Transportation of fats in packages must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21650, GOST 21929, GOST 22477 and GOST 23285.

5.2. Fats should be stored in warehouses or refrigerators at temperatures from minus 20 to plus 15 ° C (solid confectionery fat - from minus 20 to plus 20 ° C), constant circulation and air flow and relative air humidity not exceeding 80%. It is not allowed to store fats in general warehouses along with products that have a strong specific odor.

5.3. Boxes, drums and barrels with fats during storage must be stacked using mechanized palletizing; for non-mechanized installations - on slats or gratings (pods) in stacks with gaps between the stacks for free air circulation at a distance of 0.5 m from the walls.

When storing fats in corrugated cardboard boxes on pallets, no more than 5 boxes should be stacked in height, the height of the stack should be no more than 10 boxes (two pallets); with non-mechanized laying in no more than 6 tiers.


6.1. The manufacturer guarantees that fats comply with the requirements of this standard subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

6.2. The guaranteed shelf life of culinary and confectionery fats shipped in frozen form from the date of manufacture is indicated in Table 4.

Table 4

Guaranteed shelf life, months

Storage temperature, °C

Cooking fats, as well as confectionery fat for waffle and cooling fillings

Confectionery fat for chocolate products, sweets and food concentrates

Solid confectionery fat

From minus 20 to 0

St. 1 to 4 inclusive.

Note. When adding antioxidants, the shelf life increases by 1.5 times.

The guaranteed shelf life from the date of manufacture of unfrozen confectionery fats for chocolate products, sweets and food concentrates, as well as for wafer and refreshing fillings at temperatures up to 40 °C is 5 days, liquid baking fat at a temperature of 15-20 °C is 10 days.


pesticide content in fats for direct food consumption and for use in the confectionery and baking industry

Table 5

Pesticide name

Maximum permissible levels,
million (mg/kg)

Hexachlorocyclohexane - HCH (sum of isomers)

Heptachlor - GPC (heptachlor epoxide)

DDT (sum of isomers and metabolites)


The energy value of all types of culinary, confectionery and baking fats (with a mass fraction of fat of at least 99.7%) is 897 kcal per 100 g of product.

Nutritional value of 100 g of fat - 99.7 g.



The method is intended for the determination of nickel in culinary, confectionery and baking fats in factory laboratories and during scientific research.

The range of measured values ​​of the mass fraction of nickel is 0.5-20 million (mg/kg).

The method is based on the formation of a soluble, reddish-brown complex by the interaction of nickel with dimethylglyoxime in the presence of oxidizing agents in an alkaline medium.

1. Sampling - according to GOST 976.

2. Equipment, reagents

Equal-arm laboratory scales in accordance with GOST 24104, 2nd accuracy class and the highest weighing limit of 200 g and 3rd accuracy class scales with the highest weighing limit of 500 g or other scales with similar metrological characteristics.

Weights of the 2nd accuracy class according to GOST 7328.

Volumetric flasks 2-25-2, 2-50-2, 2-100-2, 2-500-2, 2-1000-2 according to GOST 1770.

Pipettes 4-1-0.01, 5-1-0.01, 4-2-0.02, 5-2-0.02, 6-5-0.05, 7-5-0.05 according to GOST 20292.

Dissolve 4.7860 g of nickel sulfate in double-distilled water in a 1000 ml volumetric flask, mix, add 1 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid and adjust the volume of the solution with water to the mark. The solution contains 1 mg/cm of nickel and can be stored in an airtight container for up to 1 year.

3.1.2. Preparation of intermediate standard solution

An intermediate standard solution with a nickel concentration of 10 μg/cm is prepared by diluting the main standard solution with bidistilled water in a ratio of 1:100. The solution is prepared before use.

3.1.3. Preparation of standard solutions for constructing a calibration curve

Standard solutions for constructing a calibration curve are prepared as follows.

0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 cm of the intermediate standard solution are taken using a burette into 50 cm volumetric flasks. To each flask add 2 cm of Rochelle salt solution, 5 cm of sodium hydroxide solution, 2 cm of ammonium persulfate solution and 2 cm of a solution of dimethylglyoxime in a 5% solution of sodium hydroxide, the volume of the solution in a volumetric flask is adjusted to the mark with double-distilled water.

The concentrations of the prepared standard nickel solutions will be, respectively: 0.0; 0.2; 0.4; 0.8; 1.2; 1.6 and 2.0 μg/cm. The optical densities of standard solutions should be measured 10 minutes after the appearance of color on a photocolorimeter at = (540 ± 10) nm in relation to a control sample, for the preparation of which all the specified reagents are used, with the exception of nickel salts. The optical density of standard solutions is measured at solution layer thicknesses of 1.2 and 5 cm.

Based on the obtained optical density values, calibration graphs are constructed for each cuvette thickness, plotting the optical density values ​​on the ordinate axis, and the concentration of the nickel solution in μg/cm along the abscissa axis.

A calibration curve is constructed for each type of device and checked when using a new batch of reagents and after repairing the device by determining the optical density of three or four standard solutions of a certain concentration.

3.2. Sample mineralization

A sample of fat of 1-5 g, weighed with the result recorded to the fourth decimal place, is placed in a quartz or porcelain cup or crucible and burned on an electric stove until the emission of smoke stops. Then it is placed in a muffle furnace at a temperature of about 400 ° C with the muffle door open until the smoke stops. Then close the muffle door and increase the temperature to 450-500 °C. Mineralization is continued under these conditions for 5-6 hours until gray ash is obtained. The cup or crucible with ash is removed from the electric furnace, cooled to room temperature and the gray ash is moistened with 0.5-1.0 cm of nitric acid. Then the acid is evaporated to dryness on an electric stove with low heat and the cup with the sample is again placed in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 450-500 ° C and kept for 1 hour. Mineralization is considered complete when the ash becomes white or slightly colored, without charred particles. If there are charred particles, repeat the treatment of ash with nitric acid solutions.

where is the concentration of nickel solution in the test solution, found from the calibration curve, μg/cm;

Volume of the analyzed solution, cm;

Mass of fat taken for testing, g.

Calculations are carried out to the second decimal place, followed by rounding the result to the first decimal place.

The permissible relative discrepancy between the results of two parallel determinations in the range of 0.5-2.0 mg/kg is no more than 30%, in the range of 2.0-20.0 mg/kg - no more than 15% (relative).

The text of the document is verified according to:
official publication
M.: Standards Publishing House, 1990

Put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 10, 2017 N 1391-st

Interstate standard GOST 25292-2017


Food-grade rendered animal fats. Specifications

MKS 67.120.10

Instead of GOST 25292-82


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption , updates and cancellations"

Standard information

1 Developed by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry named after V.M. Gorbatov" (FGBNU "VNIIMP named after V.M. Gorbatov")

2 Introduced by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated September 25, 2017 N 103-P)

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 10, 2017 N 1391-st, the interstate standard GOST 25292-2017 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2019.

5 Instead of GOST 25292-82

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to edible rendered animal fats (beef, lamb, pork, horse, bone and combined fats) (hereinafter referred to as edible rendered animal fats) intended for use in the production of food products, sale in trade and public relations.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any type during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 745-2014 Aluminum foil for packaging. Specifications

GOST 1341-97 Vegetable parchment. Specifications

GOST 5717.1-2014 Glass containers for canned food products. General technical conditions

GOST 5717.2-2003 Glass jars for canned food. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST 5981-2011 Metal cans and lids for canned food. Specifications

GOST 8285-91 Rendered animal fats. Acceptance rules and test methods

GOST 8777-80 Wooden jellied and dry barrels. Specifications

GOST 10131-93 Boxes made of wood and wood materials for products from the food industry, agriculture and matches. Specifications

GOST 11254-85 Rendered animal fats and feed flour of animal origin. Methods for determining antioxidants

GOST 13358-84 Wooden boxes for canned food. Specifications

GOST 13513-86* Corrugated cardboard boxes for meat and dairy products. Specifications

GOST 13515-91*Boxes made of container flat glued cardboard for butter and margarine. Specifications

GOST 13516-86* Corrugated cardboard boxes for canned food, preserves and food liquids. Specifications

* In the Russian Federation, GOST R 54463-2011 “Containers made of cardboard and combined materials for food products. Technical conditions” is in force.

GOST 13534-2015 Canned meat and meat-containing products. Packaging, labeling and transportation

GOST EN 14083-2013 Food products. Determination of trace elements. Determination of lead, cadmium, chromium and molybdenum using atomic absorption spectrometry with atomization in a graphite furnace with preliminary mineralization of the sample at elevated pressure

GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 15846-2002 Products sent to the Far North and equivalent areas. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 16147-88 Bone. Specifications

GOST 17065-94 Cardboard wound drums. Specifications

GOST 19360-74 Film liner bags. General technical conditions

GOST 21650-76 Means for fastening packaged cargo in transport packages. General requirements

GOST 24597-81 Packages of packaged piece goods. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene shrink film. Specifications

GOST 26663-85 Transport packages. Formation using packaging tools. General technical requirements

GOST 26927-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining mercury

GOST 26928-86 Food products. Iron determination method

GOST 26929-94 Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements

GOST 26930-86 Raw materials and food products. Arsenic determination method

GOST 26931-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining copper

GOST 26932-86 Raw materials and food products. Lead determination methods

GOST 26933-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining cadmium

GOST 30178-96 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determining toxic elements

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Methodology for determining toxic elements using the atomic emission method

GOST 31266-2004 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determination of arsenic

GOST 31628-2012 Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic

GOST 31671-2012 Food products. Determination of trace elements. Sample preparation using mineralization at elevated pressure

GOST 33746-2016 Polymer reversible boxes. General technical conditions

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Technical requirements

3.1 General requirements

3.1.1 Edible rendered animal fats, depending on the raw materials processed and the quality of the product, are divided into types and grades: beef, lamb, pork, horse, bone, prefabricated (not divided into grades).

3.1.2 Edible rendered animal fats must comply with the requirements of this standard and must be manufactured according to technological instructions* in compliance with the requirements, or established by regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.


* The instructions for the production of edible rendered animal fats, approved by the V.M. Gorbatov VNIIMP, can be used as a standard technological instruction.

3.2 Characteristics

3.2.1 In terms of organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators, edible rendered animal fats must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Indicator name

Characteristics and significance of the indicator for edible rendered animal fats







first class


first class


first class


first class


first class

Color at temperature 15 °C - 20 °C

Pale yellow to yellow

White to pale yellow

White. Pale blue tint allowed

White. A yellowish or grayish tint is allowed


Yellow-orange. Grayish tint allowed

From white to yellow

From white to yellow. Grayish tint allowed

White to dark yellow

Greenish tint allowed

Grayish tint allowed

Smell and taste

Characteristic for this type of fat rendered from fresh raw materials

Characteristic of animal fat. Roasted smell and taste, greaves are allowed

Without a stranger

Without a stranger

Pleasantly crispy is allowed

Without a stranger

Pleasantly crispy is allowed

Without a stranger

Pleasantly crispy is allowed

Without a stranger

Pleasantly crispy is allowed

Transparency when molten


Cloudiness is acceptable

Transparency in photoelectrocolorimeter scale units, no more

Consistency at 15 °C - 20 °C

Dense or hard

Dense or hard. For fat tail fat, ointment-like

Pasty, grainy or dense

Pasty or dense

Liquid, pasty or thick

Mass fraction of moisture, %, no more

Acid number, mg KOH/g, no more

Mass fraction of antioxidants, %, no more

3.2.3 Edible rendered animal fats intended for long-term storage (more than 1 month) may be produced with butylated hydroxytoluene (E321), butylated hydroxyanisole (E320) or other antioxidants that meet the requirements, as well as the requirements of regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard .

3.2.4 When using antioxidants together, their total amount in edible rendered animal fat should not exceed the norm specified in Table 1.

3.3 Requirements for raw materials and materials

3.3.1 For the production of edible rendered animal fats, the following is used:

Raw fat of slaughtered animals;

Food bone according to GOST 16147;


3.3.2 For the production of combined edible rendered animal fat, it is allowed to use fat obtained during the cooking of raw meat, offal, as well as in the production of pork, beef and lamb products.

3.3.3 Raw materials of animal origin used in the production of edible rendered animal fats must be obtained from healthy animals, in slaughter and carcass cutting shops, offal, intestinal shops of meat processing plants, canning and meat processing plants, and cold storage facilities.

3.3.4 Raw materials of animal origin used in the production of edible rendered animal fats must comply with the requirements and, or requirements of regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

3.3.5 The use of raw fat from uncastrated adult males of all types of slaughter (productive) animals is not allowed: flesh fat from the skins of boars, raw fat of changed color, removed from canned intestines and twice frozen.

3.4 Marking

3.4.1 Labeling of consumer packaging - according to, or regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard, indicating the following additional information:

Type of edible rendered animal fat and its grade (for prefabricated fat - without specifying the grade);

Symbols of this standard.

Information on the nutritional value of 100 g of edible rendered animal fat is given in Appendix A.

3.4.2 Marking of metal and glass jars, cups made of polymer and combined materials - in accordance with GOST 13534.

3.4.3 Marking of transport packaging - according to GOST 14192 or regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

3.4.4 Labeling of edible rendered animal fats sent to the Far North and equivalent areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

3.5 Packaging

3.5.1 Consumer and transport packaging, packaging materials and fastening agents must comply with the requirements or regulations in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard, and must ensure the safety and quality of edible rendered animal fats during transportation and storage throughout the shelf life.

3.5.2 Edible rendered animal fats are produced packaged.

3.5.3 Use as packaging for edible rendered animal fats intended for industrial processing.

Jellied barrels - according to GOST 8777;

Cardboard winding drums - according to GOST 17065;

Plywood boxes - according to GOST 10131;

Boxes made of corrugated cardboard - according to GOST 13513;

Cardboard boxes - according to GOST 13515.

3.5.4 Before filling with edible rendered fat, barrels, boxes and drums must be filled with liner bags made of polymer film materials in accordance with GOST 19360, or they must be lined on the inside with parchment in accordance with GOST 1341 or polymer materials that meet the requirements or regulations , valid in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

3.5.5 The following is used as consumer packaging for edible rendered animal fats intended for sale:

Parchment - according to GOST 1341, packaged in packs;

Aluminum foil - according to GOST 745. Packaging in packs;

Cups made of polymer and combined materials that meet the requirements or regulations in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard;

Metal cans - according to GOST 5981;

Glass jars - according to GOST 5717.1, GOST 5717.2.

It is allowed to use packaging with similar safety and quality characteristics that meets the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

3.5.6 Packs and cups with edible rendered animal fat are packed in cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13515, and glass and metal cans with edible rendered animal fat - in plank boxes in accordance with GOST 13358 or corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13516.

3.5.7 Edible rendered animal fats in consumer packaging are placed in transport packaging - corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13513, GOST 13516, shrink film in accordance with GOST 25951 or reusable polymer boxes in accordance with GOST 33746.

3.5.8 Each unit of transport packaging contains edible rendered animal fats of the same type, the same production date and the same type of consumer packaging.

3.5.9 The net weight of edible rendered animal fats in one consumer packaging unit must correspond to the nominal weight indicated in the product labeling in the consumer packaging, taking into account permissible deviations.

The limits of permissible negative deviations of the net weight of one packaging unit from the nominal one are in accordance with GOST 8.579.

3.5.10 Packaging of edible rendered animal fats sent to the Far North and equivalent areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

4 Acceptance rules

4.1 Acceptance of edible rendered animal fats is carried out in accordance with this standard.

4.2 Edible rendered animal fats are taken in batches. A batch is considered to be a certain amount of fat of the same type, identically packaged, produced (manufactured) by one manufacturer in a certain period of time, accompanied by shipping documentation that ensures the traceability of edible rendered animal fat.

4.3 Indicators of the mass fraction of moisture, acid number, organoleptic indicators are determined in each batch, as well as at the request of the regulatory organization or consumer.

4.4 The manufacturer determines transparency in photoelectrocolorimeter scale units and the mass fraction of antioxidants only in the event of disagreement, as well as at the request of a regulatory organization or consumer.

4.5 The procedure and frequency of monitoring the content of toxic elements is established by the product manufacturer in the production control program.

4.6 Monitoring of dioxin content is carried out in cases of deterioration of the environmental situation associated with accidents, man-made and natural disasters leading to the formation and release of dioxins into the environment, in the case of a reasonable assumption of their possible presence in food raw materials.

4.7 If unsatisfactory results are obtained for at least one of the quality indicators, repeat tests are carried out on a double sample taken from the same batch. If unsatisfactory results are received again, the batch will not be accepted.

5 Control methods

5.1 Sampling and preparation for testing - in accordance with GOST 8285.

5.2 Sample preparation and mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements (including trace elements) - according to GOST 26929, GOST 31671.

5.3 Determination of acid number - according to GOST 8285.

5.4 Determination of the mass fraction of moisture - according to GOST 8285.

5.5 Determination of the mass fraction of antioxidants (E320, E321) - according to GOST 11254.

5.6 Determination of toxic elements:

Mercury - according to GOST 26927;

Iron - according to GOST 26928, GOST 30178;

Arsenic - according to GOST 26930, GOST 30538, GOST 31266, GOST 31628;

Copper - according to GOST 26931;

Lead - according to GOST 26932, GOST 30178, GOST 30538, GOST EN 14083;

Cadmium - according to GOST 26933, GOST 30178, GOST 30538, GOST EN 14083.

5.7 Determination of organoleptic characteristics (taste, smell, consistency, color, transparency) - according to GOST 8285.

5.8 Determination of dioxins and antioxidants (except for E320 and E321) - according to regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

6 Transportation and storage

6.1 Edible rendered animal fats are transported by all means of transport in accordance with the rules of cargo transportation. They are transported in packaged form in accordance with GOST 26663. Fastening means in transport packages in accordance with GOST 21650 with the main parameters and dimensions in accordance with GOST 24597.

6.2 Transportation of edible rendered animal fats sent to the regions of the Far North and similar areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

6.3 Edible rendered animal fats are stored in compliance with the regimes and recommended shelf life established in Table 2.

table 2

Type of food rendered animal world

Not higher than 25

From minus 5 to minus 8

From minus 12 and below

Beef, lamb, pork in boxes or barrels and cardboard winding drums

Bone, horse in boxes or barrels and cardboard winding drums

Prefabricated in barrels and cardboard winding drums

Beef, lamb, pork:

in metal cans

in glass jars

in other consumer packaging (packs, cups)

Edible rendered animal fats with antioxidants:

in boxes, barrels and cardboard coiled drums

in consumer packaging (packs, cups)

6.4 It is allowed to store edible rendered animal fats in storage containers in compliance with the regimes specified in Table 3.

Table 3

Type of edible rendered fat

Beef lamb

Pork, bone, horse

Beef, lamb

Pork, bone, horse

Beef, lamb, pork, bone, horse

From minus 5 to minus 8

6.5 The shelf life is set by the manufacturer depending on the packaging materials used and storage conditions in the manner established by regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

Appendix A

Information details
about the nutritional value of 100 g of edible rendered animal fat*

A.1 Information on the limit values ​​of nutritional value indicators for 100 g of edible rendered fat is given in Table A.1.

Table A.1

* The nutritional value of edible rendered fat, established by the manufacturer and indicated in the labeling, must ensure the standards given in Table A.1.
