What do dreams mean on the eve of a birthday? Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a birthday?

Receiving congratulations in a dream

If you dreamed of being congratulated on your birthday, this means that you lack attention from your loved ones. You crave recognition for your achievements and praise.

Congratulations in a dream promise long life and good health. The details of the dream are of great importance. The circumstances of the plot will help to lift the veil of secrecy in such a dream: who congratulated you on your birthday in the dream, what words were spoken.

Celebrating a birthday in a dream

If at the festive table you see people whom you have not seen in real life for a long time, then this means a quick unexpected meeting with them.

If during the holiday you feel joy and pleasant excitement, then this indicates that you are still very young at heart and expect pleasant changes and surprises from the future.

You feel sad and sad during the holiday - it's time to put things in order. You are unhappy with your life and feel frustrated with yourself. You feel like you haven't achieved enough and feel like a failure.

For someone else's birthday

If you dreamed about someone's birthday, then some very pleasant event awaits you in real life. However, if you dreamed that you were dancing or laughing hard at someone else’s celebration, then you should expect not very good events in the near future. Financial losses and problems at work are possible.

When a birthday is dreamed of illness or even death

There are several birthday dream plots that carry not very favorable meanings.

For example, a dream about how you are present at a birthday party already. Such a dream signifies serious illnesses and troubles. It’s especially bad if at the holiday you realize that you are in the company of those who have also died.

Festive table

The festive table in your dream is also of great importance. If it is simply bursting with various delicacies, then expect a quick profit. There may be a promotion and pleasant events related to the financial side of your life.

Spoiled, stale food on the holiday table means trouble, deception on the part of your environment.

If you feel the taste of spoiled food, then you should pay attention to your health.

Receive gifts in a dream

Gifts in a dream mean financial profit and successful completion of affairs. Pleasant events and unexpected joy await you. The more expensive and beautiful the gifts, the more successful your life will be in the foreseeable future.

A birthday is a celebration that many look forward to with great anticipation, while for others it is not the most joyful day, as a person officially becomes a year older. On the eve of the upcoming holiday, we often have dreams related to this event.

Since ancient times, there have been interpretations of dreams that have helped people understand their dreams, as well as prepare for possible successful or not-so-successful incidents.

Why do you dream about a birthday according to Miller’s dream book?

If an older person dreams of celebrating his birthday, unfortunately, this means that some troubles or disappointments await him ahead. Young guys having such a dream should be prepared for financial difficulties or betrayal from close friends.

Birthday in a dream - interpretation according to Vanga

The interpretation of such a dream according to Vanga is more positive and carries a deeper meaning. Seeing your birthday in a dream means taking the opportunity to start your life on a new page. Such a dream will make you think about your purpose and meaning in life, perhaps you will reconsider your life values ​​and priorities.

If you see yourself drinking champagne on your birthday, it means that misfortune awaits you, the fault of which will only be your overly demanding attitude towards others.

Why do you dream about a birthday according to Freud’s dream book?

If you dream of a name day, where the table is literally bursting with various treats, it means your uncontrollable appetite for sex, which you are no longer able to restrain. If, on the contrary, you see a sparsely laid table at your holiday, this means that you will meet a partner who will not suit you in an intimate relationship.

Why do you dream about a birthday according to David Loff’s dream book?

If you see that everyone you know has forgotten about your long-awaited holiday, this indicates your desire to be very significant in society. If in a dream your friends deliberately ignore all reminders and hints about the upcoming holiday, most likely in reality you feel deprived of attention from your colleagues.

Why do you dream about a birthday according to the English dream book?

Often waking up in the morning, it is difficult for us to remember all the details of the dream. If you have seen your birthday, but a clear picture eludes you, try to reproduce at least the atmosphere of the dream and use the English dream book. If in your dream you were comfortable and joyful, this indicates that you have a light and even slightly frivolous character, which brings only positive moments in life.

If in your dream you felt depressed and uncomfortable, you should think about it - most likely, your desires and dreams were not fulfilled, and you did not achieve what was planned. Perhaps after such a dream you should gather all your strength and begin to complete your tasks.

Why do you dream about a birthday according to Catherine the Great’s dream book?

Celebrating a birthday in a dream foretells you a long life, which, unfortunately, will be filled with unpleasant events. On your journey you will experience a lot of betrayal, envy and anger. If you see someone else’s birthday, then expect a joyful event in the coming days.

Why dream of celebrating a birthday? Dream Interpretation - Happy Birthday

Every detail of a dream can play one role or another in the interpretation. For example, if you are sitting at a table surrounded by friends and family, this indicates your desire to be more secure. If you see yourself celebrating your holiday alone, this speaks of your insecurity.

If you see yourself receiving a greeting card with wishes, this may portend minor difficulties that will be associated with children or pets. If your work colleagues congratulate you in a dream, this promises a bonus or other successes at work.

Why do you dream about your own birthday? Birthday of mother, friend, girlfriend, lover

Most modern dream books consider a birthday dream to be significant. This is because you see your renewal and transition to another stage. By remembering more precisely who was present at your holiday and what gifts were presented to you, you will be able to more accurately unravel the meaning of the dream and upcoming events.

Dreaming about your mother's birthday means that she expects attention from you. If in a dream you celebrate the birthday of a close friend, it means that in reality he is thinking about you. But seeing your soulmate’s birthday in a dream foreshadows a difficult period in a relationship; you should be patient and strong.

Why else do you dream about a birthday?

  • someone else's birthday in a dream - joy and successful completion of affairs;
  • birthday of the deceased, the deceased - it is worth remembering the deceased person;
  • anniversary in a dream (celebrate, congratulate on the anniversary) - pleasant and joyful events;
  • birthday gifts—receiving gifts in a dream means joy and financial gain.

There are people among us who do not like to celebrate their birthday, but most still consider this day their holiday. Gifts, kind words, guests and a birthday cake are wonderful, but what does it mean when we see all this not in reality, but in a dream?

As the Noble Dream Book writes, a birthday in a dream foreshadows many years of cloudless life for the dreamer. This interpretation can be attributed to those dreams in which you dream of a birthday, but you cannot remember any other details.

If you remember whether you celebrated your own or someone else’s holiday, what the atmosphere of the celebration was like, how many guests congratulated the birthday boy, then the dream can be interpreted in more detail. Therefore, turn to your memory, which has retained the details of the vision, and determine the main plot line of your night dreams:

  • Maybe you were invited to a birthday party?
  • Or did you call the guests yourself?
  • Were you among the guests of a friend celebrating his birthday?
  • Or did you accept congratulations in your dream?
  • Did you celebrate a holiday in a noisy company of friends?
  • Or maybe, according to the plot of the dream, we spent this day alone?

If in a dream you were invited to someone else’s birthday, the Modern Dream Book considers this a good sign. The invitation came to you by mail or was colorfully designed on paper - soon you will receive good news about your relatives.

You were offered to take part in the celebration verbally - it means that you are ready to change a lot in your own life, and right now is a very opportune moment for this.

In your night dreams you invited guests to your birthday - pay attention to the mood with which you did this. A joyful, upbeat mood indicates that your optimism is the key to your success in life. If on the eve of the celebration in a dream you felt uncomfortable, then it’s time to complete the things for which you never had enough time - now you can do it quickly and easily.

Away and at home

Why do you dream about a birthday where you, among the guests, congratulate the birthday person and give him a gift? Almost all interpreters write that someone else’s holiday promises joyful events in life.

These events can happen both in your private life and in your professional sphere - you may receive good news regarding work, or you may be invited to an entertainment event with friends.

Why dream about a birthday when you find yourself at the festive table in your home? Madame Hasse's dream book interprets: the meaning of the dream depends on what kind of relationship the dreamer has with this very friend.

If you dreamed of celebrating the name day of a friend with whom your relationship has recently fallen apart, then soon you will have an excellent chance to make peace and understand that the quarrel was just an annoying mistake. If you haven’t quarreled with your friend, but due to various life circumstances you haven’t seen each other for a long time, soon you will have a great opportunity to communicate in person and discuss all the latest news in a warm, friendly atmosphere.

Did you dream about your birthday? As the Dream Book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima writes, your own holiday in a dream means that now is a very good time to start new things. If you wanted to change your image or launch a new project, then, having seen a dream about your name day, you can safely take on the implementation of your plans.

In addition, there is another explanation for why you dream about the day when you receive congratulations on your birthday in a solemn atmosphere. Soon circumstances will arise that at first glance may seem difficult to you, but they will give you a great chance to show your best side. And if you do this, you will accept congratulations and rewards in reality - but for real deeds.

Candles and champagne

Why you dream about a birthday largely depends on how you remember the holiday atmosphere in your dream. If on your holiday you blew out candles and shared them to treat your guests, such a vision portends that the business you are going to carry out together with friends or companions will be successful.

The result of your joint work will please you very much, and the sweet cake divided into several parts means that the profit will be quite substantial and will be fairly divided among everyone who participated in the project.

Why dream about a birthday when, during the celebration at the table, you just can’t blow out the birthday cake or pie? The universal dream book writes that such a vision suggests: you have worked hard lately, and the best reward for you now will be rest - if it is not possible to rest for a long time, you need to take at least a short vacation and relax.

Why dream of a friend’s birthday if you drank wine at the festive table? Someone else's holiday, during which you drink alcohol in your dreams, means that your business will go quite successfully, but you need to be extremely careful and even meticulous in financial matters.

Why do you dream of a sunny day on which you celebrate your triumph? Such a dream speaks of excellent life prospects - especially if all the guests present in your dreams were in a good mood. If for some reason you feel sad in a noisy company, you should not be sad in reality - a new stage in your life is coming, and it will bring you new successes and achievements.

1 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Birthday - Your own - you will reach old age - someone else's - a lot of joy

2 Modern dream book for 365 days by E. Goltsman

Seeing a birthday is a positive dream that foretells good luck for you. But only if in reality you love to celebrate your birthday, it really is a holiday for you and you are not sad that another year of your life has passed. In the morning, waking up after you dreamed about your birthday, imagine that you are celebrating it in a friendly company, you feel cheerful and carefree. And may everything be fine with you.

3 Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Your own birthday - you will reach old age; stranger - a lot of joy.

4 Christian dream book

Birthday - A dream portends good luck only if this holiday does not sadden you in life.

Imagine that you are celebrating a birthday in a friendly company, you feel cheerful and carefree.

5 Dream book alphabetically

Birthday dream meaning:

Having a dream about your birthday, if you are being honored, is a very special occasion; it is a harbinger of future financial difficulties and the treachery of friends.
If another person has a birthday in a dream, this promises you even greater grief.

6 English dream book

Birthday - Everyone has a birthday. It marks the transition from a safe, closed existence in the mother's womb to a delightful but dangerous reality and is the first serious ritual of initiation into life. Many people look forward to celebrating their birthday with gifts and parties.
Dream: Happy anticipation in a dream indicates a young, childlike character who enjoys life. Birthday dread means bitter regret that you haven't accomplished anything in the past year - or in your entire life - and may need to make amends before even more time is wasted.

7 Ladies' dream book

Birthday is important in society. A spoiled birthday is a lack of attention; feel like you don't need anyone.

8 Universal dream book

When we are young, we look forward to every birthday, and then the time comes when we wish birthdays would only come with leap years.
Are you celebrating your birthday in a dream? - how do you feel about this? Are you celebrating achieving a goal or feeling regret: another year has passed and you haven't completed what you set out to do? Who is celebrating your birthday with you? Are you celebrating someone else's birthday? All this will tell you what kind of people you want to share the present moment of your life with.
In your dream, did you blow out the candles on a birthday cake?

Did you do it without difficulty or did you not blow out the candles the first time? - this will determine how you cope with any stage of life: do you feel at ease or are you exhausted? Perhaps the dream means that you want to show yourself as who you really are, because you don’t like feeling out of place.

9 Miller's Dream Book

If a young man dreams of his birthday, this is a sign of future financial difficulties and treachery of friends.
For an elderly person, it promises even greater grief.

10 Esoteric dream book

Birthday is yours for a long life.
Alien - for fun.

11 Modern dream book

Why does a woman dream about her birthday?

A clear and sunny day - Joyful events, cloudy, rainy - depression, adventure

12 Loff's Dream Book

Seeing a birthday in a dream means:

There are two versions of dreams about this event.

First, everyone knows that it’s your birthday. Perhaps you are dreaming of a party or simply congratulating friends (see HOLIDAYS).

The second option is that your birthday is a little overshadowed by the fact that everyone has forgotten about such an important event for you. The latter indicates a desire to increase one’s significance in society. To interpret such a dream, the following elements will be decisive: who you meet, how clearly these people ignore your holiday, how they react to your reminder (or to eloquent non-verbal hints). You probably feel out of place in society; you lack attention from others. If you don’t want to be reminded that it’s your birthday, it means you want the people in your dream to pay more attention to you. If you announced your birthday and people rushed to apologize in response, you may feel that they are playing on the lack of communication with you. If you were given a gift, what kind?

13 Newest dream book

A dream about a birthday is interpreted in the dream book as:

Birthday - to possible damage, the evil eye; if you celebrate your own birthday - to envy; stranger - they wished you ill.

14 Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Happy birthday dream means:

A birthday is a celebration of life. It can also be an anniversary of accomplishment. Look back and see how far you've come.
Celebrate your birthday - a symbol of beginnings. It's never too late to start.

15 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Birthday dream meaning:

Birthday - You see your birthday in a dream - your life will be long; but this does not mean that you will be able to live it easily; you will experience many difficulties, experience the nobility of your enemies and the treachery of your friends. You dream of someone else's birthday - in the coming days you will have some kind of joy.

16 Dream book of the 21st century

What does it mean if a woman dreams of her birthday:

Celebrating your birthday in a dream means long life, and someone else’s birthday means joy.
Receiving an invitation to a name day in a dream means that you have to do what circumstances require of you, even if this is contrary to your wishes.

17 Dream book of the 21st century

What a birthday might mean in a dream:

New beginnings.

18 Home dream book

Birthday in a dream means:

If you see your own birthday in a dream, this is a good sign. The dream suggests that you are important in society and are successful there. Most likely, you have a large number of friends with whom you enjoy spending time, you constantly communicate, they listen to you, and respect you. But if you dreamed that your birthday was ruined by some unpleasant event or incident, then on the contrary, the dream symbolizes that you feel a constant lack of attention, suffer from loneliness and your own lack of demand. The good news is that it is possible that all of this is just a figment of your imagination.

19 Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If a girl dreams of a birthday, it means:

Your own - long life;
stranger - a lot of joy.

20 Miller's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about her birthday?

See Name Day.

21 Dream book of Nina Grishina

Celebrating your birthday means a long, happy life ahead.
Someone else's birthday is an unpleasant meeting, illness or danger to the life of the one whose birthday you saw.

22 Online dream book

According to the dream book, Birthday - warns of a possible psychological attack on you; magical intervention is possible.
If you celebrate yours, you will be burdened by someone else’s well-being, someone’s
You are called for a name day - do what you need, and not what you want.
Try to hint that it is your birthday - in reality you would like to be closer to those you saw in your dream.
You yourself didn’t immediately remember about it - you should accept yourself as you are and your life will improve.
Seeing a dream in which you are at a celebration in honor of your friend's birthday is a good omen.

This means that soon a bright and joyful period will come in your life, perhaps

23 Gypsy dream book

To attend a birthday party means that the next day you will meet your lover and have a good time.

24 American dream book

Birthday - new beginnings.

It so happens that, expecting something in reality, we project our desires into night dreams. Most often this happens on the eve of a holiday, when, for example, when organizing our birthday, we dream of stories about gifts, cake and balloons. But what if no holiday is planned, and in a dream we dashingly dance on our own name days? Why do you dream about this? Dream books will always help you figure it out.

Interpretations from G. Miller

According to a famous psychologist, every fifth dreamer celebrates his birthday in a dream. Why do you dream about this? You can’t answer this right away, because there are a couple of nuances.

For example, if a young boy happened to celebrate his name day in a dream, then this, alas, means betrayal or deceit of close friends. And to see such a thing for a man means the collapse of hopes, Miller’s dream book assures.

Detailed interpretations

Most dream books encourage you to pay attention not only to the main plot, but also to the details. Here are some interesting details that a dreamed birthday “throws up”:

  • dreamed that you were drinking alcohol - to trouble;
  • you see in a dream how toasts are said in your honor - deceitful speeches await you;
  • arranged a banquet on a different date - to unexpected changes;
  • in a dream you don’t know any of the guests - you will become envious.

Preparation as a symbol of indecision

Pastor Loff's dream book offers an interpretation of the dream in which you are preparing to celebrate your birthday and are worried that your loved ones will forget about it. You strive to increase or strengthen the importance of your own person in society.

Why do you have a dream in which you prepare so diligently for your name day that you even write congratulations and posters to yourself? The explanations, the veracity of which Vanga’s dream book assures us, indicate the dreamer’s desire to start life over with a new leaf. But preparing for a celebration and writing a list of desired gifts for guests is a sign of dissatisfaction with yourself and those around you.

Accept congratulations: Personal life with a question mark

Joy and quick changes await those who in a dream celebrated a celebration with a circle of unfamiliar people. But here is how Freud’s dream book sees what the plot in which you celebrate your birthday foreshadows.

Pay attention to the tables: if they are “crowded” with all kinds of dishes, then this speaks of an insatiable “sexual appetite” that will lead you to search for a new lover. But celebrating a poorly organized holiday, and even with half-starved guests, is a signal that you are not satisfied with your sexual partner, and this is ruining your nerves.