Journal of workplace training in word. Keeping a log of workplace training. Storage location for the briefing log at the workplace

The state pays special attention to issues of labor safety in the legal relationship between employer and employee. And this is understandable - no one is insured against accidents, official or personal negligence, which can lead to irreversible consequences.

To avoid such a possibility, the legislator obliges the employer to organize a multi-stage occupational safety and health (occupational safety and health) system and conduct training with staff, which, according to their purpose, is divided into several types, one of which is training conducted directly at the workplace. We will tell you in what format initial and periodic instructions in the workplace should be carried out and where their implementation is recorded.

Procedure for employee training

The responsibility to train personnel in the basics of safety during work, according to the general rule outlined by the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, rests with the employer. The training procedure was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1/29 of January 13, 2003.

The main training tool in this system is briefings, the conduct of which is recorded in the “Instructions Logbook”. Each type of briefing conducted at the workplace (initial, repeated, unscheduled, targeted) is recorded in a single Logbook form. The journal is maintained for the entire enterprise or separately for each division.

Clause 6.1 of GOST establishes that training of workers in the basics and skills of safe work in the workplace is carried out by the employer or third-party training organizations. As a rule, the following are eligible to conduct such instruction:

  • OT engineer;
  • the head of the structural unit in which the employee is employed (or already works).

The authority to train personnel in the basics of occupational safety is established by an internal act - an order or directive of the manager. Incl. The head of a structural unit or other qualified specialist is assigned the following responsibilities:

  • fill out the “Workplace Instruction Registration Log” after conducting training sessions with employees;
  • monitor compliance with the frequency of repeated briefings;
  • warning of the admission of personnel who have not been instructed in the unit to perform official duties.

After the employee has studied the instructions and materials on occupational safety developed for his position, information about this is entered into the “Journal of registration of workplace training” of this unit, and is certified by the signatures of the instructor and the instructee.

Workplace induction log: standardized form

  • it is created and maintained exclusively on paper;
  • the magazine must be stitched, numbered, and sealed in the prescribed manner;
  • information is entered into the “Journal of Instruction at the Workplace” by hand, and only by a person whose authority is approved by the order of the enterprise;
  • Each entry must be confirmed by the personal signatures of the person being instructed and the person instructing.

Download logbook for workplace training ( and also see an example of filling) below.

Sample logbook for workplace training 2019: contents and filling details

Considering the importance of studying the basics of safety while personnel perform their job duties, and the correct maintenance of accounting forms, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation recommends that the OSH service have a sample indicating what is included in the contents of the document and how to correctly fill out the “Workplace Instruction Registration Log.”

Work with the document begins with filling out the title page. It must indicate:

  • name of the organization in full spelling;
  • name of the structural unit;
  • information about the maintenance period.

The information block of the Journal should reflect the following data:

  • about the date of the briefing (column 1);
  • information about the person being instructed - full name (in full spelling), year of birth, position held (groups 2 - 4);
  • the type of instruction provided (indicated by the wording “introductory at the workplace”, for subsequent annual training - “repeated at the workplace”) (column 5);
  • reasons for conducting (relevant for unscheduled briefings caused by emerging circumstances) (column 6);
  • information about the instructing person - position, full name (column 7)
  • signatures – of the instructed (gr. 9) and instructing (gr. 8);
  • additional information about on-the-job training (gr. 10 – 12).

On-the-job training log (sample)

In domestic labor relations, the labor protection system occupies a special place. The main goal of this institute is the effective implementation of the right of every employee to safe work. One of the mechanisms for achieving this task is appropriate training of employees, the fact of completion of which is reflected in the logbook for registering on-the-job training.

Occupational Safety and Health

According to the general rule established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the enterprise is obliged to train its employees in safe work. The main means of achieving this goal are instructions.

The responsible person must make an entry in the workplace training log about all facts of employee training.

It is important to note that the company does not have the right to allow persons into the workplace who have not been instructed in safety precautions when performing their job duties.

You should also pay attention to the regulatory framework for the Occupational Safety and Health Training Procedure, developed by the Russian Ministry of Labor together with the Russian Ministry of Education in Resolution No. 1/29 dated January 13, 2003.

The following persons have the right to provide training in safe working conditions, as well as the reflection of these circumstances in the appropriate forms:

  • occupational safety engineer;
  • another employee vested with such right by order of the head of the organization.

Safety magazine

The current system of domestic regulations in the field of labor protection directly prescribes the obligation of enterprises to record in the appropriate journals the actual conduct of employee briefings.

This reflection is the only appropriate and acceptable evidence of the enterprise’s fulfillment of its obligations to train workers in safety precautions.

Clause 6.1 of GOST 12.0.004-2015 determines that training in safe working conditions is carried out, as a rule, in the workplace.

The same GOST approved the official form of the workplace briefing logbook. You can download it from the link or using the Consultant Plus SPS.

Official safety log form

Please note the following before filling out this form:

  • entries must be made by hand, since each sheet contains data on the training of several employees;
  • all entries must be confirmed by the signatures of the training participants.

It should be noted that Rosstandart, which approved the above-mentioned GOST, did not develop a sample workplace briefing log.

Considering the high degree of importance of the availability and correct maintenance of the described form, the absence of an example of the formation of a journal can lead not only to errors in its design, but also to fines provided for by domestic legislation.

To fill this gap and minimize possible errors, we provide a sample log of workplace training.

Sample of filling out a safety log

The described document begins with a cover designed to display information about the enterprise and its structural division. The design of this part of the journal ends with an indication of the period for its maintenance. The display of other information on this page is not required by law.

The following pages of the safety training log are used to record specific training information, as follows:

  • dates of instruction;
  • Full name of the student and instructor;
  • year of birth of the employee;
  • his profession and position;
  • the type of instruction and the reasons for its implementation;
  • signatures of participants;
  • information about the employee's internship.

All necessary sections are reflected in the sample safety journal provided.

The employer should stitch and number such a log.

Every company needs to keep a log of workplace training. Any enterprise must comply with occupational health and safety regulations, so employees must be regularly instructed on this issue.

Employee training can be:

  • primary;
  • at work;
  • repeated;
  • unscheduled.

For each specific case of training with one of the employees, it is very important to enter information about this in this journal.

The person responsible for filling out the journal is appointed by the head of the organization. His job description states that his area of ​​responsibility includes the safety of this document. Most often, this part of the work is delegated to a labor protection engineer.

When one of the employees conducts the briefing, he takes it from the person in charge, enters the data and gives it back.

The data in the document is entered by the person who instructed the employee.

Rules for filling out the briefing log

The briefing log includes a cover page and a table on sheets.

The title page should include:

  • Name of the organization;
  • Full name of the person responsible for storage;
  • the position of this person;
  • the time period for which data is entered.

The table contains data for each briefing conducted (on a separate line). The date of the training, the initiator of the training and the person who listened to the training are indicated. Opposite each entry there are two signatures: the one who conducted the instruction and the one for whom it was organized.

Types of instruction

Primary This is called the briefing that is given to a newly arrived employee.

If an employee’s position requires him to listen to instructions several times, then he is called repeated.

There are situations when there is a need unscheduled provide instructions (for example, he starts working on new equipment).

Each page of the magazine must have a number. The journal must be bound and endorsed with a seal.

The team's awareness of labor safety rules must be regularly inspected. A commission is being organized for these purposes. Members of the commission are appointed by order of the head of the organization.

On-the-job training log- a document that must be completed in a timely manner by the company’s personnel department. Why it is needed and what its structure should be, we will tell you in our article.

How is the workplace briefing log used?

The document in question is used by firms to account for all types of briefings provided for by GOST 12.0.004-90, except for introductory briefings, i.e., for the purpose of accounting for initial, repeated, and unscheduled briefings. A different log is used to reflect the introductory briefings carried out.

In addition, information about internships is recorded in the log of initial, repeated and unscheduled briefings. The log must be kept in the HR records for 10 years.

Is the workplace training log form approved?

A sample of the workplace briefing logbook recommended for use is contained in Appendix 6 to GOST 12.0.004-90. It is highly desirable that the form that the enterprise uses in practice (fully consistent with the recommended one or slightly modified) is the same for all its departments.

Structure of the workplace briefing log

The document in question states:

  • name of the enterprise;
  • the dates of each briefing;
  • Full name of the specialist who is undergoing instruction, his year of birth, profession or specialization;
  • specific type of instruction;
  • reasons for initiating unscheduled briefing;
  • Full name of the instructing specialist, his position;
  • information about the number of shifts during the internship.

Upon completion of each briefing, the log is signed by the instructed employee and the instructor (or the employee who completed the internship and the one who tested his knowledge).

Where to download a form and a sample of the workplace briefing registration log

You can download the form, as well as a completed sample of the workplace briefing log, using the resources of our website.

Download the on-the-job training log form.

The responsibilities of the enterprise management also include the need to develop and timely fill out a logbook for registering workplace training. The form is regulated by the requirements of GOST 12.0.004-90. The document is developed as close as possible to this template. The form is used to record various types of instruction. At the end of the article you can download a sample document.

The journal contains a table, in the top line of which the names of 12 columns are entered. Depending on the specifics of the enterprise's activities, you can add additional columns. However, it is preferable to use the form that is defined in Appendix 6 to GOST 12.0.004-90.

The workplace briefing log is filled out according to several basic rules.

  1. All sheets must be laced.
  2. Each page of the magazine is numbered.
  3. Each page is certified by the signature of the head.
  4. The journal form is the same for all divisions of the company.

Entries are entered into the form in chronological order. For each briefing conducted, the date, full name and position of the instructed persons and teachers, and personal signatures of the participants are indicated.

An authorized employee will be responsible for storing the log. On the days of the briefing, he hands over the document to the heads of departments at their site, and then picks it up. If, due to some circumstances, the employee was unable to complete the training on the allotted day, he will complete it immediately after returning to work. In this case, the actual date is entered into the table.

To record which briefings the log is used

The document is used to record all types of training. An exception to filling out the on-the-job training log is the introductory course. It is recorded in another document.

Induction training is carried out upon hiring. It is carried out according to a special program approved by the head.

Important! The period of storage of the journal in the register of the personnel department is at least 5 years.

Let's consider the types of instructions that are recorded in this form.

  1. Primary. It is taken by newly arrived employees who need to familiarize themselves with the requirements and safety precautions specifically for their workplace. Sometimes additional internship is required to pass the test.
  2. Repeated. It is carried out at least once every six months. During the course, the employee is provided with information about recent innovations, and is also reminded of the basic requirements and safety rules.
  3. Unscheduled. Such training is carried out in cases where new equipment has been purchased and installed. Another possible reason is an accident at work or a similar event.

Additionally, targeted instruction is sometimes provided. This course is required for employees hired for specific work. Also, targeted training is needed for employees to obtain special admission or permission to perform a certain type of work. A separate form is provided for this.

All of the listed types of briefing - primary, repeated, unscheduled - are recorded in this journal.

How to properly design a title page

Regardless of whether the on-the-job training log form is used, drawn up strictly in accordance with GOST, or the sample has been adjusted, it is drawn up in the same way.

The title page should indicate:

  • full name of the organization;
  • designation of the structural unit;
  • start date of document maintenance.

A line for the end date is left on the title page. When the log ends, the corresponding number is indicated in this field.

Filling out individual pages

Marks on the pages of the journal are made in chronological order. In this case, it is possible to both sequentially indicate all types and distribute them into blocks (1-5 sheets - primary, 6-10 sheets - repeated, and so on).

Important! The entry is made by the person responsible for conducting the initial briefing (or other type).

The document contains the following information in the columns:

  1. Date of training.
  2. Full name of the employee being instructed.
  3. His details: position and profession.
  4. Course name.
  5. Type of instruction.
  6. For unscheduled - the reason for the event.
  7. Teacher details - name and position.
  8. Personal signature of the instructed employee.
  9. Personal signature of the teacher.
  10. During the internship: number of shifts/days.
  11. Signature of the person who completed the internship.
  12. Confirmation of admission to work and signature of the authorized employee.

An internship is not always required. It lasts for 2-14 shifts. When passing it, marks for classes are entered daily. At the end, a record of permission to perform the work is made.

Who is appointed responsible for the magazine?

Notes in the log book are made by the person who conducted the instruction. The company has two options:

  1. Entrust the processing to one full-time employee or a group of people. Fixed by signing an order.
  2. Use the services of organizations specializing in labor protection measures and invite workers. This can be documented under a service agreement.

Most often, training is carried out by senior employees of the enterprise who have undergone preliminary training. As a rule, they undergo such training at least once every three years. Sometimes the responsibility to conduct initial briefing is assigned to the manager.

An employee of the human resources department, chief engineer, clerk or other responsible employee may be responsible for storing the document. All instructions and requirements are reflected in local regulations.

The briefing registration log is filled out in accordance with GOST requirements. The document contains information about all courses conducted, with the exception of introductory courses. The columns reflect the full name of the person being instructed and the teacher, the date of the lecture and the results of the internship. The document is completed by the employee who conducted the training. All entries are made in chronological order; they can be made either sequentially or distributed in blocks depending on the type. Samples of the workplace briefing log can be downloaded from the link below.