How to write the minutes of a parent meeting. Minutes form for parent-teacher meetings at school. Sample solutions for parent meetings

3 "A" class

Minutes of parent meeting No. 1

Date: 02.10. 2013Time: 18 00 o'clock - 19.30 o'clock Present: 26 people


    Report of the board of trustees for the current period. Organization of additional paid educational services provided at the MAOU “Lyceum of the Humanities” and making voluntary donations. On the organization of extracurricular employment for students of grade 3 “a” of MAOU “LGN”. On vaccination of students against influenza. About organizing hot meals.


On the first question Kurganova E.A., a member of the lyceum’s board of trustees, spoke, and announced the report of the lyceum’s board of trustees for the current period. For the new academic year, methodological literature and computer equipment were purchased, the heating system was repaired on its own, actions were taken to organize fire safety, and routine repairs of classrooms were carried out. Kurganova E.A. suggested

Voting results: “for” -26 people, “against” ____ people, “abstained” ___ people.

Solution to the first question: Approve the report of the board of trustees for the current period.

On the second question spoke, class teacher Antipova I.V., who said that the lyceum provides additional paid educational services in accordance with the approved tariffs of the administration of the municipal formation "City of Saratov". She introduced them to the list of services and offered parents a choice of concluding agreements on the provision of additional paid educational services. The class teacher also reported on possible voluntary donations and the procedure for drawing up a donation agreement for the development of the lyceum.

Solution to the second question:

On the third question spoke, class teacher Antipova I.V. She introduced parents to the work schedule of clubs and sports sections that will operate in the 2013-2014 academic year at the lyceum. She noted that 4 circles: “Rhythmics”, “Rhetoric”, “Project Workshop” and “Country Studies” are defined by the basic curriculum in accordance with the new Federal State Educational Standard of NEO. The remaining clubs: “Vocal”, “Mini Football”, “Chess”, “Basketball”, “Tennis” are financed from extra-budgetary funds. Inna Viktorovna brought to the attention of parents the information that each child has an insert in their diary with a list of proposed clubs and their work schedule, so that parents can plan their child’s activities outside of school hours.

Solution to the third question: Please take note of the information from the class teacher. Each parent should think about which clubs his child will attend and inform the curator of his decision by October 204, 2013.

On the fourth question Nurse M.G. Remiga spoke and informed parents about the need to prevent influenza. She spoke about the rules of vaccination, gave a brief description of the drug “Grippol”, and said that vaccination would be carried out free of charge.

Please take note of the medical professional's information. Within a week, inform the class teacher about your decision in writing.

On the fifth question The class teacher, I.V. Antipova, spoke and talked about how hot meals would be organized at MAOU “LGN” in the 2013-2014 academic year. Students are offered breakfast after the first lesson (65 rubles), lunch after the fourth lesson (115 rubles). The class teacher introduced the parents to the weekly menu and listened to the wishes and requests of the parents.

Solution to the fifth question: Please take note of the information from the class teacher.


1. Approve the report of the board of trustees for the current period.

2. Take into account the information about the organization of additional paid educational services provided at the MAOU “Lyceum of the Humanities” and making voluntary donations.

3. Each parent should think about which clubs their child will attend and report their decision to the curator by October 4, 2013.

4. Take note of the medical professional’s information. Within a week, inform the class teacher in writing about your decision to vaccinate your child.

5. Provide children with the opportunity to receive adequate nutrition within the walls of the lyceum. Pay for meals in advance.

Secretary:______________/ Antipova I.V./

3 "A" class

Minutes of parent meeting No. 2

Date: 30.10. 2013Time: 18 00 o'clock - 19.30 o'clock Present: 24 people


    Child suicide.

    Results of the first quarter, analysis of test results, general recommendations for improving the quality of knowledge.

    Prevention of crimes against property.


On the first question class teacher Antipova I.V. spoke, she familiarized parents with the statistics of child suicide in the country. Russia occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of the number of child suicides. The average teen suicide rate is more than three times the global rate.

About 830,000 Russian citizens have committed suicide over the past two decades. Since the early 90s, the rate of teen suicide has almost doubled. Similar indicators in other countries are significantly lower, and in countries such as Jamaica, Haiti and Egypt, their percentage is almost reduced to zero. According to psychologists, the main cause of childhood suicide is depression. It affects up to 70% of mentally traumatized children.

Inna Viktorovna gave advice on how to maintain a trusting relationship with a child. She noted that it is very important to talk with children, take an interest in their affairs and respond to all problems. Inna Viktorovna advised parents to study the social circle of their children, including on social networks. And also monitor and review the sites your child accesses. If possible, install a filter on your computer.

Solution to the first question: Please take note of the information from the class teacher. Strengthen control over children. Study the child’s social circle and look at the sites he accesses. If you have any problems, contact the curator or the lyceum administration.

On the second question Antipova I.V. spoke, she noted that the program material planned for the first quarter had been completed in full. All students in the class mastered the course material, but to varying degrees. According to the results of the 1st quarter, the quality of knowledge was 69%, and academic performance was 100%. This is the average result for the lyceum. Inna Viktorovna noted the guys who finished the quarter with “excellent” marks. Then a detailed analysis of the errors made in tests in mathematics and the Russian language was given, and general recommendations for the future were given. Inna Viktorovna invited the parents of Dima Gnevshev, Matvey Shmelev, Dima Cherepkov, Masha Mikhailova to stay after the meeting for individual consultation.

Solution to the second question: Please take note of the information from the class teacher.

On the third question, a word took Senyuta V.M. -deputy security director. He focused the attention of parents on the fact that children bring expensive equipment and expensive things to the lyceum. The administration of the lyceum warns parents and informs them of the ban on wearing expensive equipment in the lyceum.


  1. Study the child’s social circle and look at the sites he accesses.

    Increase control over homework completion.

3 "A" class

Minutes of parent meeting No. 3

Date: 12.18. 2013Time: 18 00 o'clock - 19.00 o'clock Present: 25 people


    Conversation on the topic “Tolerance is part of human moral culture”

    Responsibility of minors for committing offenses, as well as parents for improper performance of their duties.

    Familiarization with the provisions on intermediate (transfer) certification.

    Measures to ensure the safety of children at MAOU "LGN" during the preparation and holding of the New Year holidays, ensuring the safety of children during the winter holidays.


On the first question listened to class teacher I.V. Antipova. At the beginning of her speech, she identified the problem that would become the subject of discussion: “How to raise a tolerant person?”

As Inna Viktorovna noted, tolerance is a fairly new concept. This is a person’s value-based attitude towards people, tolerance for other people’s opinions, beliefs, and behavior. To raise a child to be tolerant, it is necessary to take into account that children are a mirror of the relationships and characters of their parents. Therefore, first you need to treat your child with tolerance. First of all, don't offend him. Secondly, listen to his opinion and take it into account; thirdly, be able to forgive offenses and ask for forgiveness from the child. Fourthly, be able to negotiate without quarrels and conflicts. Fifthly, you cannot humiliate the child’s dignity - ignore him, show disrespect for his hobbies, etc. Sixthly, you should not force your child to do what you want. The main method of teaching tolerance is by example, shared activities with parents, conversations, etc.

Next, the class teacher conducted the test “Are you trying to understand your child?” At the end of testing, parents were familiarized with the interpretation of the results. Then the Chinese parable “The Good Family” was presented to the attention of those gathered. At the end of the listening session there was a discussion.

At the end of the conversation, Inna Viktorovna noted that a tolerant position cannot be formed quickly; it requires considerable time. This process never ends and this allows us to hope for success.

Solution to the first question: Please take note of the information from the class teacher.

On the second question Deputy Director for Educational Work A.A. Abrashin spoke. He noted that P A person’s behavior in society is regulated by various norms - primarily moral and legal. Failure to comply or violation of the requirements of these norms entails the need to answer to society and the law. An adult has full responsibility. What is the scope of responsibility for minors? What are children under 18 years of age responsible for? In his speech, Andrei Aleksandrovich highlighted these issues and spoke about the types of responsibility of a minor, as well as parents. At the end of his speech, the speaker noted that inMuch of how children behave, what path they choose, depends on the parents’ position in matters of upbringing. Guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation on Education, the Charter of the Lyceum, I recalled the responsibilities of parents in raising the younger generation.

Solution to the second question: Please take note of the information.

On the third question The class teacher I.V. Antipova spoke, she introduced the audience to the regulations on the intermediate (transfer) certification of students of MAOU "LGN" in the current academic year. Inna Viktorovna noted that students who have mastered the curriculum in all subjects of the curriculum are allowed to take part in the intermediate certification. The decision to admit students to transfer certification is made by the lyceum’s pedagogical council. The form of intermediate control in the current academic year is a test in the form of the Unified State Exam.Test task– establish the level of mastery of key skills that allow successful progress in mastering educational material at the next stage of training.

The test contained 11 tasks, divided into three parts. Part 1 – tasks 1-8, involve choosing the only correct answer from four proposed ones.

Part 2 - tasks 9, 10, they require solving and recording the answer. Part 3 – task 11 is a task of increased complexity. The tests were assessed using a five-point system. Task 11 is assessed separately and only with a mark of “5” for correct completion.

Antipova I.V. informed parents that they can familiarize themselves with the regulations on transfer certification and an example of test work on the lyceum’s website at:

Solution to the third question: Please take note of the information from the class teacher. Ensure control over the preparation of children for the final transfer certification.

On the fourth question spoke, class teacher Antipova I.V. In connection with the approaching New Year holidays and in order to prevent accidents during the winter holidays, Antipova I.V. Conducted safety training. She recalled the dangers of using pyrotechnic products, as well as open fire. She spoke about the importance of following traffic rules and rules of behavior in public places with large crowds of people, as well as behavior on ice. I brought to the attention of parents the order of the director of the lyceum, O.V. Surovova, to prevent the use of “sparklers” and pyrotechnics in the lyceum building and on its territory, and also gave instructions to parents toincreased vigilance during the winter holidays.

Solution to the fourth question:


      Every parent should pay attention to protecting the life and health of their children. Regularly carry out preventive measures aimed at protecting and strengthening the health of students, preventing and preventing childhood injuries.

      Take personal control and personal responsibility for the safety of children during the winter holidays.

3. Strengthen control over children.

    Form an initiative group consisting of: Kononova N.S., Kurganova E.A., Nikolaeva O.P., which will deal with organizational issues related to preparations for the New Year

Secretary:___________ Antipova I.V.

Minutes of parent meeting No. 4

Date: 19.02. 2014Time: 18 00 o'clock - 19.00 o'clock Present: 26 people


    “Aggressive children. Causes and consequences of children's aggression."

    Parents' concern for the physical development and health of the child. TB in physical education lessons.

    Introduction of an electronic diary


On the first question heard the speech of Antipova I.V. “Aggressive children. Causes and consequences of children's aggression." According to the speaker, in most cases, children's aggression is an absolutely natural thing. The problem is not in children's aggressiveness itself, but rather in the ways in which it is expressed.

During her speech, Inna Viktorovna invited parents to discuss the question “How to help a child learn to cope with aggressive impulses without causing them to become a serious problem?”

In the process of active discussion of the problem, those gathered developed several rules for the behavior of adults with aggressive children.

1. It is important that the family has clear rules and the same requirements for the child from all the adults around him.

2. Any games with rules are very useful for learning to control your behavior.

3. Reinforce desired behaviorbabyattention and positive attitude. Parents often react emotionally to shortcomingsbaby, but the advantages are not highlighted at all. Every achievement, even the smallest one, needs to be

4. And most importantly, an example in conflict situations. Younger schoolchildren have highly developed imitation; they copy the behavior of adults and each other. If parents have not learned to cope with their aggression, they have nothing to teach their children.

Solution to the first question: take note of the information. INThe rules of behavior developed by the parent team should be used in raising children.

On the second question physical education teacher D.M. Urazlin spoke. At the beginning of his speech, he noted thatthe health and physical condition of school-age children today causeserious concern. Among school graduates, only every fiveyou can be considered healthy. During the period of schooling, the number of children with neuropsychic abnormalities and neurodevelopmental disordersincreases 4 times, myopia increases 10 times, about 25-30%children entering 1st grade have certain deviations instate of health, and among school graduates 70-80% are notYou can't call them absolutely healthy. And tothen, as not fathers and mothers, grandfathersand grandmothers canprovide children with a balanced diet, introduce them to sports,protect from bad habits, teach hygiene rules.

Denis Mikhailovich spoke about the benefits of physical education and the dangers of physical inactivity. So, in his opinion, to maintain normal motor activity, a schoolchildmust take 23-30 thousand steps daily. For a child to develop normally, he mustengage in any physical activity for at least twohours. The speaker introduced parents to the approximate daily routine of a junior schoolchild and talked aboutToHow to reduce the time spent preparing homework and how to better spend your weekends.

Denis Mikhailovich told his parents about how physical education lessons are held at the lyceum. He emphasized that the main distinctive feature of the subject “Physical Education” is the priority of health. And the principle “Do no harm to yourself and help others” is put in first place. This principle applies to all physical education lessons.

Not often, but it still happens that students get injured during physical education lessons. As a rule, this happens through the fault of the students themselves, who do not follow the teacher’s instructions, being inattentive.

The physical education teacher spoke about the requirements for students in physical education lessons in terms of compliance with safety precautions.

Solution to the second question: take note of the information.To promote the physical development of a child through nurturing a love of sports. Conduct an explanatory conversation with the child on strict adherence to safety precautions in physical education lessons. Ensure control over attendance at physical education lessons and sports sections.

On the third question I.V. Antipova took the floor. In her opinion, it is now impossible to imagine our life without the Internet. Almost every schoolchild knows what it is and knows how to use it skillfully. Now many schools, including the lyceum, successfully use electronic testing and various educational computer programs. And the next step towards the introduction of information technology into the educational process is the introduction of an electronic diary.

Inna Viktorovna focused on the advantages of an electronic diary.

An electronic diary allows you to quickly convey information regarding the educational process to students or their parents, who, in turn, will be able to quickly get answers to their questions.

Anywhere in the world, wherever you are, with access to the Internet, you can always be aware of your child’s progress, monitor his homework and their results.

It's impossible to lose him

Your child’s electronic diary, presented on the portal “dnevnik . ru ", unlike its paper counterpart, is always available, provides more information in a visual and understandable form:

- extracts of all grades with comments from the teacher
- student rating
- accurate data on attendance of each lesson
- lesson topics
- information about homework and the time required to complete it.
Decision on the third question Oapprove the implementation of the “Electronic Diary” project at the MAOU “Lyceum of the Humanities.” Ensure the transfer of personal data to the project moderator for registration on the site.


1. With the help of special literature, expand knowledge about the causes of aggressiveness in children. On the way to overcoming childhood aggression, seek help from specialists.

2. Conduct an explanatory conversation with your child on observing safety precautions in physical education lessons. Ensure control over attendance at physical education lessons and sports sections.

3. O approve the implementation of the “Electronic Diary” project at the MAOU “Lyceum of the Humanities.”

Secretary:___________ Antipova I.V.

Minutes of parent meeting No. 5

Date: 19.03. 2014Time: 18 00 o'clock - 19.00 o'clock Present: 26 people


1. Analysis of the performance of students in grade 3 “a”, preparation for transfer certification.

2. Safety instructions during spring break.

3. Summer health company.


On the first question Antipova I.V. spoke. At the beginning of her speech, she noted that, despite the cancellation of classes due to cold weather, the program material planned for III quarter, completed completely. The results of tests and tests indicate a good level of mastery of educational material by the majority of students. Inna Viktorovna noted that the third quarter saw the peak incidence of ARVI and influenza. In this regard, some children have a gap in knowledge. The class teacher recommended that students Kurganov N., Nikolaev I., Mikhailova M., Gnevshev D. independently, or by attending additional classes during the holidays, eliminate gaps in knowledge.

The next point of the speech was the issue of preparation for transfer certification. Inna Viktorovna reminded parents that at the beginning of May children will write a final paper in mathematics and the Russian language in the form of a test. The tests are designed in such a way that they show the level of development of educational skills - to perceive and carry out an educational task, to control and correct one’s own actions as the task progresses. A demo version of test tasks can be found on the websitewww. lgn . saredu . ru

Solution to the first question: provide children with the opportunity to eliminate gaps in knowledge, organize repetition and reinforcement of educational material during the spring break.

On the second question Senyuta V.M., Deputy Director for Security, spoke. He reminded parents that during the holidays, all responsibility for the life and health of children falls on the parents or those in their stead. Vladimir Miroslavovich gave instructions on TB during the spring break. Highlights of the speech:

Do not walk along buildings - snow and icicles may fall;

Do not approach bodies of water with melting ice, do not ride on ice floes;

Observe traffic rules;

When using roller skates, scooters, remember that the roadway is not intended for their use, ride on the sidewalk;

When hiking in the forest, be sure to wear a hat and long sleeves to avoid bites from ticks and other insects.

Solution to the second question: provide With children's compliance with safety rules during spring break.

On the third question spoke, class teacher Antipova I.V. She informed the parents about the organization of a summer health campaign in the city of Saratov. In 2014, it is planned to organize recreation in day camps at schools, in country camps in the Saratov region, etc. spa treatment.

Regarding the organization of sanatorium-resort treatment, you must contact the Committee for Social Support of the Population of Saratov (Rakhova St., 168. Tel. 44-11-22, 43-25-83). According to the class teacher, any parent can receive a voucher for a child, regardless of place of work and total family income, as vouchers are received by the Committee for Social Support of the Population and in order of priority. Vouchers for children registered at a dispensary and in need of sanatorium-resort treatment are provided free of charge.

If parents want to send their child on vacation to a country camp, then all the information about this can be found on the website: http: www. Saratovmer. ru (section “Summer Wellness Company” or by phone 29-65-15.

Parents should worry about their children's rest in advance.

Solution to the third question: Take the class teacher's information into account.


1. Organize repetition and consolidation of educational material during spring break.

2. Responsibility for the life and health of children during the spring break should be assigned to parents or persons replacing them. Ensure children have a safe and fruitful holiday during the holidays.

3. Work on the issue of organizing summer holidays for children.

Secretary:___________ Antipova I.V.

Minutes of parent meeting No. 6

Date: 14.05. 2014Time: 18 00 o'clock - 19.00 o'clock Present: 26 people


    Report of the Lyceum Board of Trustees.

    Results of transfer certification.

  1. Selecting the course module “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics.”

    Safety instructions during the summer holidays.


On the first question Novichenko O.V., a member of the class parent committee, spoke. She brought information from the meeting of the lyceum’s board of trustees to the attention of parents. She announced the report of the board of trustees for the current period.

Solution to the first question: approve the report of the Lyceum Board of Trustees for the 2013-2014 academic year.

On the second question heard Antipova I.V., curator 3 "a" class. She told the audience that in accordance with the lyceum’s work plan, grade 3 “a” passed thetranslation certification of students. It was carried out in the form of the Unified State Exam. 45 minutes were allotted to complete the work. The work consisted of three parts containing 14 tasks.

Part one contained 10 tasks (A1-A10). For each task, four answer options were given, of which only one was correct.

Part two consisted of 2-3 tasks (B1-B3). Each task required an answer in the form of a word (Russian language) or a number, a numerical expression (mathematics).

Part three included 1-2 tasks (C1-C2). The answer provided for an expanded form.

All children took part in the certification. In mathematics, students showed a quality of knowledge of -96%, in the Russian language -77%.

Inna Viktorovna told what knowledge and academic skills were tested in each subject.

I brought to the attention of parents the decision of the Ministry of Education of primary school teachers that all children who received grades below “4” on the transfer certification will receive individual assignments for the summer and will come for re-certification on August 20.

Solution to the second question: take note of the information. Parents of Gnevsheva D., Shmeleva M., Nikolaeva I., Mikhailova M., establish control over the implementation of individual tasks during the summer holidays. Ensures students' attendance for recertification.

On the third question heard from Mikheeva V.G., head teacher of primary school. She introduced the parents to the fax from the city education committee addressed to MAOU LGN. From this fax it follows in accordance with the letter from the Ministry of Education of the Saratov regiondated 05/08/14 No. 2349 to carry out activities to select the course module “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” for the 2014-2015 academic year. The right to choose rests with the parents (legal representatives) of 3rd grade students in general education institutions.

Veronika Gennadievna read out the list of proposed modules and asked parents to decide and vote for one of them. The following modules were presented to choose from: foundations of Orthodox culture, foundations of Islamic culture, foundations of Buddhist culture, foundations of Jewish culture, foundations of world religious cultures, foundations of secular ethics.

After a short discussion, the parents made their choice. This was the module “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”.

Solution to the third question: Approve the introduction of the module “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures” into the curriculum for the 2014-2015 academic year.

On the fourth question Senyuta V.M., Deputy Director for Security, spoke. He reminded his parents thatIn the summer, with the start of the holidays, our children face increased danger on the roads, near bodies of water, in the forest, on playgrounds, in the garden, and in courtyards.ThisThis is facilitated by the weather, summer trips and the curiosity of children, the availability of free time, and most importantly the lack of proper control from adults.

In order for children to be rested, healthy and alive, it is necessary to remember a number of rules and conditions when organizing their holidays with parents, relatives, and friends:

Develop personal safety skills in children;

Have individual conversations with your children, explaining important rules that, if followed, will help save lives;

Solve the problem of children's free time;

Remember! In the late evening and at night (from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. local time), children and adolescents are legally prohibited from appearing on the street unaccompanied by adults;

Always be aware of where and with whom your child is, control where your children are;

Do not allow talking to strangers.

Explain to children that under no circumstances should they get into a car with strangers;

Convince your child that no matter what happened, you should know about the incident, do not get angry under any circumstances, always take his side. Explain that some facts should never be kept secret, even if they have promised to keep them secret;

In addition to being fun, swimming and playing on the water pose a threat to the life and health of children. When a child is in the water, do not take your eyes off him, do not be distracted - sometimes a minute can turn into a tragedy;

Be sure to explain to children that they should not swim alone or dive in an unfamiliar place;

An adult who looks after bathing children must be able to swim, provide first aid, and master the techniques of performing artificial respiration and chest compressions;

To avoid becoming a victim or perpetrator of a traffic accident, teach children the rules of the road, teach them to be extremely careful on the road and in public transport;

Be careful and follow all safety requirements when you are with children on a playground or sports ground, or on a hike;

Learn with your children the rules of riding bicycles, ATVs, scooters, mopeds, and motorcycles.

Remember! Children under 14 years of age are prohibited from driving a bicycle on highways and equivalent roads, and children under 16 years of age are prohibited from driving a scooter (moped, ATV).

Be extremely careful with fire. Draw children's attention to the most common cases of fires due to careless handling of fire: children playing pranks with fire; unextinguished coals, slag, ash, fires; unextinguished cigarette butts, matches; burning of garbage by owners of dachas and garden plots on the edges of the forest; burning grass, short circuit, operation of electrical devices, household appliances, stoves.

Remember that by nature children are carefree and trusting. Children's attention can be distracted. Therefore, the more often you remind your child of simple rules of behavior, the more likely it is that he will remember them and apply them. You must remind them regularly.

Vladimir Miroslavovich reminded those gathered that during the holidays, all responsibility for the life and health of children rests with the parents or their substitutes.

Solution to the fourth question: provide With children's compliance with safety rules during the summer holidays.


1. Approve the report of the Lyceum Board of Trustees for the 2013-2014 academic year.

2. Parents of Gnevsheva D., Shmeleva M., Nikolaeva I., Mikhailova M., organize systematic classes for children to eliminate gaps in knowledge during the summer holidays.

3. Approve the introduction of the module “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures” into the lyceum curriculum for the 2014-2015 academic year.

4. Assign responsibility for the life and health of children during the summer holidays to parents or their substitutes.

Secretary:___________ Antipova I.V.

Galina Grigorenko
How to properly draw up the minutes of a parent meeting

Dear Colleagues! Over many years of working as a senior teacher, I encountered such problem: some teachers have difficulty writing minutes of the parent meeting. Therefore, to solve this problem, I created a reminder for educators that helps them correct execution of the minutes of the parent meeting. If it helps someone, I will be very happy.

Memo for teachers

"How correctly draw up the minutes of the parent meeting

1. Notebooks protocols must be carried out from the enrollment of children to their release to school.

2. Protocols start with an analysis of the implementation of the previous decisions meetings.

3. Composition parental committee to choose an odd number parents.

4. Mandatory after LISTENED:, it should say SPEAKING.

5. Write resolutions for each issue or at the end protocol.

6. Chairman meetings-educator, but not parent.

7. Maintain a registration sheet for those present at parents meeting.

8. Text of the teacher’s speech (report) attached /specify number of sheets/

As an example, I offer one minutes of parent meeting conducted in the senior group.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 23

municipal formation Temryuk district

Protocol No. 2. from 02/18/2013

Parents' meeting senior group MBDOU DS KV No. 23 within the framework of the project "We're learning Healthy food»

Target: increased participation parents in instilling in children the habit of eating healthy foods.

Tasks: improve children's health; promote their harmonious physical development; enrich teaching experience parents on the topic of the meeting; coordinate the actions of teachers and parents on the issue of healthy nutrition for children; demonstrate unity in approaches and demands; promote the formation of healthy eating habits in the family; strengthen cooperation between family and teaching staff.

There are 20 people present.

Chairman: Berezhnaya N. N.

Secretary - Samoilova I. A.


Subject: “Implementation of a unified approach to organizing healthy nutrition for children”.

1. Opening speech by the head of Berezhnaya N.N.

2. Consultation with senior nurse Dmitrieva S.S.

3. Feedback parents.

4. Discussion of the memo for parents"You should know this"

5. View a presentation about the project implementation "We're learning Healthy food» .

6. Summing up meetings.

1. LISTENED: Head of the preschool educational institution Berezhnaya N.N.

“Good evening, dear parents! We are glad that you are present at our meeting dedicated to the problem of child nutrition.

All parents They want to create the best conditions for the baby for a successful start in life. And it makes sense to start with baby food, because, as they say wise: "He is what he eats".

But before we begin, let's say hello to each other. ( Parents greet neighbors right and left).

You know, you didn’t just say hello, you gave each other a piece of health because you said "Hello!""I wish you good health".

That correct Nutrition is the key to health, as each of us knows. However, unfortunately, few people can answer affirmatively questions: « Are you eating right?, « Right Are you feeding your child? What kid would voluntarily give up chocolate and chips in favor of oatmeal? How to get kids interested in questions proper nutrition? How to teach to love stewed vegetables, dairy dishes and jelly? How to prepare various healthy dishes and drinks? Let's look for answers to these questions together.

A problem that kindergarten teachers often face is non-compliance with children’s nutritional regime at home. Children often come to breakfast late, having had something to eat at home, or they come to the group with candy or gingerbread in their hands. In the evening, picking up the children from kindergarten, parents pamper them with sweets, forgetting that dinner is waiting at home. Based on this

It can be concluded that work on educating children’s nutritional culture must begin with adults. And now the floor is given to the head nurse of our kindergarten, Svetlana Sergeevna Dmitrieva.


The head nurse of the preschool educational institution Dmitrieva S.S., who introduced parents with the principles of organizing competent nutrition for preschool children.

During the consultation, issues of nutrition for children in a preschool institution are addressed (variety of menus, calorie content, compliance with standards for basic foods, etc., nutrition of children in the family (compliance with diet, eating healthy foods, the effect of sweets on reducing children's immunity and increasing morbidity and so on.).


head Berezhnaya N.N., who asked questions for the purpose of feedback parents next content:

Is it necessary to ask your child what to cook for him, for example, for breakfast? (Yes, we make it clear to the child that in matters concerning him, he himself has right to choose. He makes decisions that determine his daily life. From behavior parents he must draw this clear conclusion.)

Often mothers show increased interest in the nutrition of their children and thereby complicate matters. It will be better if the mother, in accordance with the doctor’s advice, begins to prepare tasty and healthy food for the child and trusts his appetite.

What to do if a child eats poorly and slowly? (Perhaps this is his usual appetite and pace of eating. There is no need to push or insist that the child eats everything. While eating, encourage and praise the child. Show children how to eat carefully, use cutlery, napkins, help them.)

4. LISTENED: Grigorenko G.P. - senior teacher of a preschool educational institution, who proposed a memo for discussion for parents“You should know this!”

(Parents take turns reading the paragraphs of the memo and expressing their opinion.)

Forming healthy eating habits begins in early childhood.

The process of children eating healthy foods is based on meaningfulness, positive emotions, and arbitrariness of actions.

The following are available to children of primary and secondary preschool age: representation: in order not to get sick, you need to eat healthy foods; healthy foods - vegetables, fruits, milk, juices, bread, fish, meat; exist "important" products and "not very important", "useful" And "not very useful".

Developing interest in children helps them quickly become accustomed to eating healthy foods.

Organization process correct Children's nutrition is based on the use of the play method.

Desire is important parents lead a healthy lifestyle (own food, positive example of an adult.

It is necessary to unite the efforts of teachers and parents in achieving the goals (coherence in actions, unity in approaches and requirements).

5. LISTENED: Grigorenko G.P., who brought to the attention parents information about, that from 02/04/2013 to 02/15/2013. activities were held in the kindergarten as part of the project "We're learning Healthy food» and suggested parents watch the presentation.

PERFORMED: Chairman parent committee Buzina M. A., who on behalf of everyone parents thanked the teaching staff for the events that take place in the kindergarten with the aim of strengthening the health of children from a very early age.

Gupalo Yu. A., who noted that it is very important to show unity in approaches and requirements in matters of child nutrition. By working together, we can effectively create healthy eating habits. Yulia Anatolyevna thanked for the interesting content meetings.

6. Summing up meetings.


6.1. Take note of the information about correct and healthy nutrition for preschool children.

6.2. Through the joint efforts of the kindergarten and the family, instilling in children the habit of eating a variety of healthy foods.

At the end meetings for parents was suggested look:

Exhibition of crafts from vegetables and fruits;

Albums-presentations of teachers within the framework of the project "We're learning Healthy food» ;

Album "Interesting decoration of children's dishes» .

Chairman: ___Berezhnaya N.N.

Secretary___Samoilova I. A.

Appendix to parent meeting No. 2 from 18.02.2013

Appendix No. 1.

Questionnaire for parents"Meals in the family".

Dear parents! We will be very grateful if you answer the questions in our questionnaire.

1. Do you discuss issues? proper nutrition?

2. What is your idea of ​​the nutritional value of foods?

3. Do you think there is a relationship between nutrition and health? And which one?

4. How do you choose products?

5. How do you feel about "fast" food - hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza?

6. Do you know about your child’s tastes?

7. How many types of baked goods does your baby know?

8. Do you tell your child about the beneficial properties of foods?

9. What vitamins do you tell your baby about?

10. Do you get acquainted with the menu in kindergarten every day?

12. What would you like to know about proper nutrition?

Appendix No. 2.

Memo 1. Five rules of proper nutrition.

Rule 1. Food should be simple, tasty and healthy.

Rule 2. The mood while eating should be good.

Rule 3. The child has right on your own habits, tastes, claims.

Rule 4. The child has right know everything about your health.

Rule 5. There are no bad products - only bad cooks.

Appendix No. 3.

Memo 2. How not to feed a child. Seven Great and Mandatory "NOT"

1. Don't force.

2. Don't impose.

3. Don't please.

4. Don't rush.

5. Don't be distracted.

6. Don't indulge, but understand.

7. Do not worry or disturb.

Appendix No. 4.

We need to teach children:

Participate in setting and cleaning the table;

Wash your hands thoroughly before eating;

Chew food with your mouth closed;

Eating on your own;

Use a spoon correctly, fork, knife;

When getting up from the table, check your place to see if it is clean enough, and if necessary, clean it yourself;

After finishing the meal, thank those who prepared it and set the table.


Minutes of the parent meeting in grade 6 “B”.

Present:____________________ people.

Meeting agenda:

  1. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________


Parent meeting decision:


Chairman of the Parents Committee__________________________________________________________

Secretary of the Parents Committee_______________________________________________



Form (template) of the minutes of the parent meeting: we draw it up correctly

Discuss the article (there are already 14 comments)

A protocol is a document that records the progress of the discussion of the agenda items and the decisions made.

Preparation of minutes of the meeting

Of course, the minutes of the parent meeting itself need to be drawn up during the meeting, but given that the class teacher does not have a personal secretary, it is worth preparing a simple template in advance (possibly on school letterhead), which will have empty fields to fill out. This template can be made once and used for several years. It is also suitable for a kindergarten meeting. in both primary and secondary schools.

What should be in the protocol?

The minutes of parent meetings may be required by higher-level organizations and various “bodies”; it should be drawn up according to certain rules. The meeting minutes template should contain:

  • Name of the congregation and school (at the top of the document). For example, “MBOU secondary school No. 18 in Kirov. Minutes of the parent meeting following the results of the second quarter.”
  • Date and time of the event.
  • List of participants. You can make a blank numbered list for parents to write their names before the meeting begins, or you can write a list of all parents in the class and leave a space for signature. If other teachers, a medical worker, or representatives of the administration take part in the meeting, then their names and positions also need to be written down.
  • Agenda.
  • List of speakers. incl. The class teacher must be indicated.
  • Decisions made. If there were several issues on the agenda, then you need to write a solution for each.
  • Signature of the meeting secretary. It can be the class teacher, the chairman of the parent committee, or simply anyone present at the meeting.

How to record that parents are familiar with the information?

If, by order of the school administration, the class teacher must convey some information to parents or conduct instruction (traffic rules, influenza, ticks, etc.), you can draw up attachments to the minutes of the parent meeting “Familiarization sheet with ...”, “Instruction ... ", where each parent must leave a signature. Strictly speaking, the school cannot oblige parents to sign, but sometimes it is better to “play it safe” and prepare applications.

If “extortions” are discussed at the meeting?

Many class teachers indicate in the minutes of the meeting the facts of collecting funds (for excursions, for meals and, worse, for repairs, cleaning the school and stationery) - this is such a double game of the leaders: at school you cannot take money from parents for anything. but at the same time, the class teacher is forced to do this because he was “told to.” Please note that if the “authorities” we talked about above request your protocols, they will see 25 signatures indicating that the money was collected. At the same time, you will not have a single written order or instruction from the school administration about the need to collect funds from parents, and it is you, the class teacher, who will be the “initiator” and you will be responsible. To avoid this, we recommend not recording financial issues in the protocols or maintaining separate protocols only for financial issues.

Where can I get a sample of the minutes of the parent meeting?

Where to store all the protocols?

In some institutions, protocols are asked to be handed over immediately to the head teachers, in others they are kept by the class teacher. One way or another, we recommend that you make a copy of the protocol and keep it at home for several years.

We hope our information will help you easily complete the minutes of the parent meeting. What items do you include in the protocol form?

Minutes of parent meetings at school

Time flies at great speed, and now your child has already become a schoolchild. In addition to helping with homework, you will need to attend parent-teacher conferences periodically. Of course, this cannot be called a duty, but this is precisely the way the school interacts with every parent. But for your child’s class teacher, holding parent-teacher meetings is already a direct responsibility.

During each such event at school, it is necessary to draw up minutes of the parent meeting. This document records everything that is discussed and the decisions made by the parents. The writing and execution of the minutes of the parent meeting is also the responsibility of the class teacher. However, in practice, the head of the parent committee or one of its members is often responsible for keeping minutes. And this is quite logical, because several dozen parents who have found time to visit the school do not have to wait until the teacher fills out all the columns of the protocol. That is why information on how to fill out the minutes of a parent meeting will be useful to every parent.

Necessary protocol details

Let us immediately note that the form of the minutes of the parent meeting can be arbitrary, but its presence in general is a necessity. The fact is that this document is filled out not so much for parents and teachers (after all, they are present and know what we are talking about), but for higher regulatory authorities. For this reason, before drawing up the minutes of the parent meeting, you should familiarize yourself with the list of columns and fields. There are many examples of minutes of parent meetings, but all properly executed documents must include the following:

  • school name and/or number
  • time of the meeting
  • participants (names of parents, teachers, administration representatives, health workers, etc.)
  • agenda (who spoke, what was discussed, decisions made during the discussion)
  • signature of the secretary (teacher or parent).

The best option is to make a parent meeting protocol form once with all the necessary columns and fields, leaving them blank, and print it out in several copies. During the next such event, all that remains is to enter information about those present and the issues discussed. Below are examples of template protocols that you can use.

Sometimes at parent meetings, the administration instructs the class teacher to familiarize those present with certain information. For example, a routine briefing about an upcoming flu epidemic. Collecting signatures on one piece of paper is not very convenient, because the protocol for the parent meeting, made in advance, does not provide for this. In such cases, you can print out an addendum sheet to the protocol, where parents can leave their signatures.

It is no secret that the material support of our schools is, to put it mildly, insufficient. From time to time, parents are forced to hand over certain amounts for repairs, purchase of educational materials and other expenses. And it is the class teacher who reports this, and not of his own free will. It is better to discuss issues related to collecting money before the secretary begins to take minutes of the parent meeting, because, according to the law, this cannot be done! If such a protocol gets to higher authorities, it will be not the management of the educational institution that gave the order that will have to answer, but the class teacher who initiated the “extortions.” It is his signature that will appear on the document. To avoid such cases, it is not recommended to record discussions of financial issues.

Template) Minutes of parent meeting

Where each parent must sign. Strictly speaking, but sometimes it is better, the school cannot oblige parents to sign. It can be the class teacher, the chairman of the parent committee, or simply anyone present at the meeting. In some institutions, protocols are asked to be handed over immediately to the head teachers, in others they are kept by the class teacher. You can make a blank numbered list for parents, or you can write a list of all parents in the class and leave a signature space for them to write their names before the meeting begins. It’s impossible to go on vacation and just relax. Thanks for the sample protocol. To avoid this, we recommend not recording financial issues in the protocols or maintaining separate protocols only for financial issues. Everything said in the article is true, we face this every day. I have already adopted this template myself. This template can be made once and used for several years. I always improve my educational level through self-education. One way or another, we recommend that you make a copy of the protocol and keep it at home for several years. I will definitely recommend it to my colleagues at school. And you will be responsible. Of course, taking into account that the minutes of the parent meeting itself must be drawn up during the meeting, but that the class teacher does not have a personal secretary with empty fields to fill out, it is worth preparing a simple template in advance on school letterhead. The parent meeting is the main way of interaction between parents and the school, and is responsible for this interaction. It is also suitable for. I have a lot of experience, but my colleagues’ materials are always interesting and useful. This is a double game of management: at school you cannot take money from parents for anything, but at the same time the class teacher is forced to do this because he. About which we spoke above, that the money was collected, they will see 25 signatures and request your protocols indicating this. And as a result, the entire vacation is work. The same responsibility is to draw up minutes of the meeting. It greatly simplifies the holding of parent meetings in terms of registration. Many class teachers indicate in the minutes of the meeting the facts of collecting funds for excursions, or worse, for repairs, school cleaning and stationery, for food, etc. If, by order of the school administration, the class teacher must convey some information to parents or provide instructions on traffic rules, influenza, ticks, etc., you can draw up appendices to the minutes of the parent meeting. And what points do you include in the protocol form? We hope our information will help you easily complete the minutes of the parent meeting. Form template for the minutes of the parent meeting: formatting it correctly - class management - teaching - education, upbringing and training - community of mutual assistance for teachers, teachers' council. If other teachers take part in the meeting, then their names and positions also need to be written down, a medical worker, and representatives of the administration.

Minutes of parent meeting (3rd grade)

Date: 02.10. 2013

Time: 18:00 - 19:30

Present: 26 people


Report of the board of trustees for the current period.

Organization of additional paid educational services provided at the MAOU “Lyceum of the Humanities” and making voluntary donations.

On the first question Kurganova E.A., a member of the lyceum’s board of trustees, spoke, and announced the report of the lyceum’s board of trustees for the current period. For the new academic year, methodological literature and computer equipment were purchased, the heating system was repaired on its own, actions were taken to organize fire safety, and routine repairs of classrooms were carried out. Kurganova E.A. proposed to approve the report of the board of trustees for the current period.

Decision on the first issue: Approve the report of the board of trustees for the current period.

On the second question spoke, class teacher Antipova I.V. which reported that the lyceum provides additional paid educational services in accordance with the approved tariffs of the administration of the municipal formation "City of Saratov". She introduced them to the list of services and offered parents a choice of concluding agreements on the provision of additional paid educational services. The class teacher also reported on possible voluntary donations and the procedure for drawing up a donation agreement for the development of the lyceum.

Decision on the second question: Take the information from the class teacher into account.

On the third question spoke, class teacher Antipova I.V. She introduced parents to the work schedule of clubs and sports sections that will operate in the 2013-2014 academic year at the lyceum. She noted that 4 circles: “Rhythmics”, “Rhetoric”, “Project Workshop” and “Country Studies” are defined by the basic curriculum in accordance with the new Federal State Educational Standard of NEO. The remaining clubs: “Vocal”, “Mini Football”, “Chess”, “Basketball”, “Tennis” are financed from extra-budgetary funds. Inna Viktorovna brought to the attention of parents the information that each child has an insert in their diary with a list of proposed clubs and their work schedule, so that parents can plan their child’s activities outside of school hours.

Decision on the third question: Take the information from the class teacher into account. Each parent should think about which clubs his child will attend and inform the curator of his decision by October 204, 2013.

On the fourth question Nurse M.G. Remiga spoke and informed parents about the need to prevent influenza. She spoke about the rules of vaccination, gave a brief description of the drug “Grippol”, and said that vaccination would be carried out free of charge.

Decision on the fourth question: Take the information of the medical worker into account. Within a week, inform the class teacher about your decision in writing.

On the fifth question The class teacher, I.V. Antipova, spoke. she spoke about how hot meals will be organized at MAOU “LGN” in the 2013-2014 academic year. Students are offered breakfast after the first lesson (65 rubles), lunch after the fourth lesson (115 rubles). The class teacher introduced the parents to the weekly menu and listened to the wishes and requests of the parents.

Decision on the fifth question: Take the information from the class teacher into account.


1. Approve the report of the board of trustees for the current period.

2. Take into account the information about the organization of additional paid educational services provided at the MAOU “Lyceum of the Humanities” and making voluntary donations.

3. Each parent should think about which clubs their child will attend and report their decision to the curator by October 4, 2013.

4. Take note of the medical professional’s information. Within a week, inform the class teacher in writing about your decision to vaccinate your child.

5. Provide children with the opportunity to receive adequate nutrition within the walls of the lyceum. Pay for meals in advance.

Time flies at great speed, and now your child has already become a schoolchild. In addition to helping with homework, you will need to attend parent-teacher conferences periodically. Of course, this cannot be called a duty, but this is precisely the way the school interacts with every parent. But for your child’s class teacher, holding parent-teacher meetings is already a direct responsibility.

During each such event at school, it is necessary to draw up minutes of the parent meeting. This document records everything that is discussed and the decisions made by the parents. The writing and execution of the minutes of the parent meeting is also the responsibility of the class teacher. However, in practice, minutes are often taken by the head or one of its members. And this is quite logical, because several dozen parents who have found time to visit the school do not have to wait until the teacher fills out all the columns of the protocol. That is why information on how to fill out the minutes of a parent meeting will be useful to every parent.

Necessary protocol details

Let us immediately note that the form of the minutes of the parent meeting can be arbitrary, but its presence in general is a necessity. The fact is that this document is filled out not so much for parents and teachers (after all, they are present and know what we are talking about), but for higher regulatory authorities. For this reason, before drawing up the minutes of the parent meeting, you should familiarize yourself with the list of columns and fields. There are many examples of minutes of parent meetings, but all properly executed documents must include the following:

  • name and/or number of school;
  • time of the meeting;
  • participants (names of parents, teachers, administration representatives, health workers, etc.);
  • agenda (who spoke, what was discussed, decisions made during the discussion);
  • signature of the secretary (teacher or parent).

The best option is to make a parent meeting protocol form once with all the necessary columns and fields, leaving them blank, and print it out in several copies. During the next such event, all that remains is to enter information about those present and the issues discussed. Below are examples of template protocols that you can use.

Sometimes at parent meetings, the administration instructs the class teacher to familiarize those present with certain information. For example, a routine briefing about an upcoming flu epidemic. Collecting signatures on one piece of paper is not very convenient, because the protocol for the parent meeting, made in advance, does not provide for this. In such cases, you can print out an addendum sheet to the protocol, where parents can leave their signatures.

Important nuances

It is no secret that the material support of our schools is, to put it mildly, insufficient. From time to time, parents are forced to pay for repairs, purchase of educational materials and other expenses. And it is the class teacher who reports this, and not of his own free will. It is better to discuss issues related to collecting money before the secretary begins to take minutes of the parent meeting, because, according to the law, this cannot be done! If such a protocol gets to higher authorities, it will be not the management of the educational institution that gave the order that will have to answer, but the class teacher who initiated the “extortions.” It is his signature that will appear on the document. To avoid such cases, it is not recommended to record discussions of financial issues.

The results of the parent meeting must be documented. A template has been developed for this. This form will be useful to organizers of such events, including class teachers. The document is filled out by a representative of the parent committee selected by the secretary. The following describes the design procedure, and at the end of the article you can download a sample.

The minutes of the parent meeting do not have an approved form. However, it must contain some mandatory points, since representatives of supervisory authorities may request it for verification.

A form is drawn up according to the following plan.

  1. Beginning - name indicating school and class.
  2. Date and number of parents attending the event.
  3. Topic of discussion.
  4. Agenda (item by item).
  5. Suggestions heard and a list of participants who spoke (including the class teacher).
  6. Resolutions adopted for each of the issues raised.
  7. Date of.
  8. Signature of the secretary (who can be either the class teacher or one of the parents).
  9. Notes on parents present. You can leave numbered lines in which each participant will put their full name. Another option is to print the parents' details and leave space for a signature.

In addition to the class teacher, other teachers, as well as medical staff or administration workers, may be present at the meeting. Their details (full name, position) must also be indicated.

The document is being prepared approximately according to this plan. Its main purpose is to record the proposals made and indicate the decisions made.

Features of preparation and storage of completed forms

A simple form of minutes of a school-wide parent meeting should be prepared by the class teacher before the event. When compiling, you can use the school form. The document should indicate the main points and leave fields to fill out.

Important! The minutes should be written at the time of the parent meeting.

It is not at all necessary to prepare a new template for each event. It is enough to create the form once and then use it in the future. It is worth noting that a simple form is suitable for both the minutes of a school-wide parent meeting and a meeting in kindergarten.

Regarding storage, there are no uniform rules here either. As an option:

  • the completed form remains with the class teacher;
  • The sheet is handed over to the head teacher.

In any case, it is advisable to make a copy of the document and save it for several years.

Discussion of special topics

In some cases, class teachers undertake to convey certain information to the parents of students. As an example, this could be instruction on following traffic rules or using protective measures during an epidemic.

To record the transfer of information, you can draw up an appendix to the minutes of the parent meeting at school. Title it “Familiarization Sheet...” or something similar. The form leaves space for the signature of the participants.

Regarding financial matters, they are not included in the general minutes of parent meetings. A separate statement is prepared for them.

Thus, creating the form is not at all difficult. The class teacher should prepare a sheet of paper with blank lines to fill out in advance. The document itself is drawn up directly during the event. It contains information about all persons present, including parents, teachers and health workers. Next, you can download a sample template that can be used in both elementary school and kindergarten.