King of denarii tarot meaning in relationships. King of Pentacles - tarot combination. Positive and negative impact of the card on income

Straight position

In a character reading, the card is interpreted as a designation of an intelligent and friendly person. He has achieved success in life, achieved a lot, and has a wealth of life experience. Such a person is wise and brave, decisive even in the most difficult situations.

To achieve your goals you will have to be more practical and persistent; success will not come just like that. There will be success in business only if you focus all your attention on this, and personal concerns will cease to interest you.

Listen to your own subconscious, the card symbolizes excellent instinct and flair. Be patient, the problems you are currently trying to overcome will soon end. Joy will appear in life, share it with loved ones.

You will be able to work perfectly in one team, where you will be respected, listened to, and followed recommendations. The fortuneteller will feel like part of one well-coordinated mechanism, this will undoubtedly bring moral satisfaction.

Warmth and harmony will be felt in the soul, the friendly union will be strong, and the marital union will be fueled by true love, in addition, by physical pleasure and passion. However, if there is no sense of security, you will experience jealousy.

Inverted position

In a character reading, the inverted King of Pentacles denotes a pragmatic, calculating, stubborn, self-confident and mercantile person. In addition, he is mean and insensitive.

Perhaps you will soon be overtaken by a feeling of anxiety and uncertainty due to stupid superstition. You will be completely preoccupied with financial matters and obsessed with work.

Do not commit dishonest acts, it will only harm you. The lasso may indicate that there are instigators around. You have a bad financial reputation in society.

King of Pentacles: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Straight position

The card speaks of a reliable and permanent relationship in which there is sexual attraction between partners. The card recommends to forget about frivolity, tune in to the serious course of affairs, learn to accept responsibility for a loved one, for your own actions and words. It is these qualities that are required for the union to be strong and durable. The appearance of a card indicates that you can fully cope with such a task.

Jealousy indicates the seriousness of the partner’s intentions and initiative. This is not total control, but the situation can still be problematic.

Inverted position

The King of Pentacles says that these relationships have nothing in common; the partners have different ideas about life, different interests, and different sexual temperaments. Perhaps you have a feeling that your partner is demanding the impossible from you, finding fault with little things.

Jealousy manifests itself in extreme forms: constant showdowns, quarrels, surveillance, chronic suspicion and mistrust.

The one who is jealous, is a dictator in a relationship, may well limit the freedom of his beloved, taking him as his property. This is fundamentally wrong; it is important for the fortuneteller to understand that it is worth talking about this urgently. If the dialogue does not bring the desired result, a compromise will not be found, it is better to break off the relationship.

King of Pentacles: Meaning in Situation and Question

Straight position

Arkan says that if a fortuneteller has his own business, then it will prosper and bear good fruit. Stability is present at the moment, and will be in the future.

In everyday life, you will definitely receive a promotion at work, an increase in salary. All matters will soon be resolved perfectly. If you need financial advice, you'll soon get it.

Inverted position

In a reading of the character of a certain person, such traits as rudeness, meanness, stinginess and lack of honor emerge. Success should not be measured in the amount of money; it cannot buy many important things: health, love, friendship.

To avoid major problems, cancel all cases that you wanted to resolve illegally. Do not be straightforward, your words and criticism can greatly shock the people around you, such behavior is not at all beneficial.

King of Pentacles: Card of the Day Meaning

Today seems like it was created to sum up the results of our work. If the results are good, be happy for yourself. There may be a need to take on a new business, do not deny yourself this desire.

Save what you have acquired, because it was achieved through backbreaking labor over a long period of time, and you can spend it all in a few minutes.

Life is not a vicious circle of problems. You shouldn’t constantly create questions out of the blue and think about how to solve them. Allow yourself to rest from time to time so as not to harm your own health.

Devote more time to family and hobbies. Even passive pastime during the day off is also relaxation, do not limit yourself to this.

King of Pentacles: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

"naked king"

Ace of Wands

interesting solid project; major business proposal; project investment

solid means to start

King of Wands

financial foresight

Queen of Wands

harmonious conduct of business


solid investment, solid profit

Knight of Wands



financial director

Page of Wands

bringing the project to perfection

donations to church, center

Two of Wands

consideration of the case from the point of view of financial solvency; financial forecast


serious choice

Three of Wands

encouraging financial results


financial confusion

Four of Wands

acquisition of real estate; valuable gift; profitable project

curb temptation

Five of Wands


become poor, go broke

Six of Wands

financial genius

game of roulette

Seven of Wands

In the interpretation of the meanings of Tarot cards, the suit of Pentacles symbolizes a person’s material values ​​and pleasures, as well as a practical approach to any business. Astrologically, Pentacles correspond to the earthly signs of the zodiac - Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus.

Of course, the main figure among the Minor Arcana of Pentacles is the King - he personifies power and strength, as well as material dominance.

This card denotes material well-being and stable income. All investments will pay off, bets will work out and winnings in lotteries and bets will not take long to arrive. But you need to carefully manage this money - count it, try to invest it, make a major purchase.

In the professional sphere, the King of Pentacles predicts a promotion, good luck in business, receiving a bonus or other material reward. Any deal or professional endeavor will be successful.

The King of Pentacles is a born businessman, businessman, trader, smart and decent boss and leader. But innovation is alien to such a person - he follows proven paths, without experimenting or taking risks.

Map may advise you to be more practical in business, to keep track of your money.

The King of Pentacles patronizes everyone who works in industry, agriculture, has their own business, as well as financiers, bankers, brokers, realtors, jewelers and traders.

In the personal realm, the King of Pentacles represents a serious, mature relationship where everyone knows what they want. Often partners get together at an advanced age, or the man is much older than his chosen one. Such relationships are built on loyalty, trust and respect for each other.

Despite the reliability and stability of love relationships, they are still not devoid of passion - the King of Pentacles is not used to denying himself sensual pleasures, he is jealous and has an possessive instinct. He demands a lot from his partner, but also gives her his all.

Such a man is not used to talking about love; he believes that his actions and actions will say everything for him. With such a partner, a woman will not only be behind a stone wall, but will also be able to develop as a person.

Family and the presence of children are also important for the King of Pentacle. It is for their protection and well-being that he will show all his business skills.

The card indicates that you need to grow up, take relationships seriously and like an adult, and think about creating a new unit of society.

The card indicates good health, a successful treatment result, and no relapses. May predict a holiday in a sanatorium, preventive health measures.

The King of Pentacles in a negative position indicates diseases of the genital organs, age-related diseases, disruption of the physical functions of the body, as well as a weakening of the immune system.

The King of Pentacles is a serious, successful man who shows his talent in all areas of life. He has a certain intuition, a flair that allows him to succeed. The King of Pentacles will never know need, money itself flows into his hands.

Outwardly, such a man can be described as a dark-haired man of average height. His physique is strong, because he loves to play sports and active recreation. He is always gloomy and silent, he gives the impression of a tough and indifferent person, but this is not so - the man hides all his emotions inside, but this does not mean at all that he does not experience them.

A wonderful family man whose main values ​​are children and home. He will love his children and indulge all their whims. Despite his passionate nature, he remains faithful to his wife. A wonderful lover.

He loves culture and art, tries to patronize creative people, sponsor schools and clubs, and be a philanthropist.

He only lets selected people into his inner circle, That’s why he has few friends, but all of them have been tested by time and life’s hardships.

  • With the Jester- an obvious lie is presented as the truth, a stupid situation, getting into trouble; Alzheimer's disease.
  • With the Magician– impressive capital for starting your own business or other endeavor, a high position.
  • With the High Priestess– sponsoring education and children's creativity.
  • With the Empress- profit from investing money in any business or enterprise.
  • With the Emperor– the position of financier or financial director, the person currently managing money, creating a financial situation, improving social status.
  • With the Hierophant– a large donation to the church or science, fanaticism, intolerance to other points of view.
  • With Lovers– you have to make a difficult choice, trade.
  • With Chariot– confusion with funds, government activities.
  • With Strength– suppression of one’s desires, overcoming weaknesses and temptations, suicide, addiction to pleasure.
  • With the Hermit– loss of profit, betrayal of partners, destruction of business.
  • With Fortune– luck, a risky business, a fateful chance for success.
  • With Justice– Conducting all cases legally, defending your interests in court.
  • With the Hanged Man– loss of capital, unsuccessful investments, decline in business, enemy.
  • With Death- a radical change in affairs, either for the worse or for the better: poverty or wealth.
  • With Moderation– small profit, income equal to expenses; the more effort put into an event, the more benefits it will bring; prostration.
  • With the Devil– money fraud, the pursuit of easy money ending in failure, an enemy pretending to be a friend, danger on the road.
  • With Tower- ruin, loss of social status, disappointment in one’s business.
  • With the Star– a chance to gain wealth, career growth, inheritance.
  • With the Moon– black bookkeeping, money laundering, questionable financial transactions, business on the verge of failure, ambiguous money situation; blood loss.
  • With the Sun- wealth, promotion, worthy award or bonus, recognition of merit, sponsorship.
  • With the Court– promoting business to a new level, long-term business brings profit, innovation in the enterprise.
  • With Peace– international connections, expansion of the campaign, big profits, business trips abroad.
    • With Ace of Wands– long-term project, big profits, weight in society.
  • With the Two of Wands– consideration of the problem from two points of view, objectivity, financial predictions.
  • With the Three of Wands- good prospects, look to the future, stable situation, preservation of capital.
  • With the Four of Wands– profit, financial well-being, gift, acquisition of property, major purchase.
  • With the Five of Wands– difficulties, negligence, quarrels, gossip, production problems.
  • With the Six of Wands– a brilliant idea, a financial monster, a surge of interest in work, the emergence of a talent or gift.
  • With the Seven of Wands– competition, an attempt to limit the sphere of influence, pressure from outside.
  • With the Eight of Wands– new perspectives, an influx of ideas, the opening of projects, far-reaching plans, young blood.
  • With the Nine of Wands– check, control, revision, supervision, tense situation.
  • With the Ten of Wands- bankruptcy, living beyond one's means, wastefulness.
  • With the Page of Wands– perfectionism, inspiration, getting things done, training, advanced training.
  • With the Knight of Wands– risky projects, adventures, the appearance of a charming but suspicious person around.
  • With the Queen of Wands- thriftiness, decency, stability, wise management of affairs.

    The reversed card of the King of Pentacles denotes financial collapse, theft, fraud, deception with money, shortages, and the collapse of a business plan. The instability of the questioner’s position leads to doubts and squabbles; a person cannot control the situation in his hands, he does not know what to do, he doubts himself and those around him.

    Frauds, risky rash moves - all these are the consequences of fears and doubts. In addition, this means the emergence of a competitor - cunning and unprincipled, who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal.

    If we talk about the personal sphere, then the position of the card indicates adultery, substitution of values, unbridled lust and mutual reproaches. Divorce, family destruction, loss of a child. Rape and harassment, horny colleagues, a vicious office romance.

    In personal characteristics, the inverted King of Pentacles is a greedy, greedy for power and money, a cunning and ruthless person, all of whose thoughts are saturated with lust and profit. Such a person takes out all his complexes and unsatisfied desires on those around him, poisoning their lives. Often presented in the image of a selfish and despotic old man, sighing over his wealth or, if there is no wealth, envying others.

    The card advises you to be careful with money, not to trust large sums of money to anyone, and to communicate carefully with management and colleagues.

  • The suit of Pentacles, Coins or Denarii in a deck of ancient Tarot cards protects the Earth element. The King of Coins is responsible for the material sphere of life, career, purchases and the like. Often this card in layouts personifies a man. The meaning of the King of Denarii depends on the issue of alignment and combinations with other Tarot arcana.

    The King of Pentacles rules over the Earth element.

    General Meaning of the King of Pentacles

    The King of Pentacles card is responsible for such human qualities as leadership, enterprise, and readiness to help with advice at any time. The King's personality is not hostile; he is disposed favorably towards the person asking the question or is indifferent. The Lord of Coins appears in a reading to inspire action. Modern interpreters describe the meaning of the King of Pentacles Tarot card as follows:

    1. The questioner’s desire to possess money, real estate and other valuable property.
    2. Finding a stable job and career growth.
    3. Gaining useful experience and new perspectives.
    4. Management position.
    5. Valuable purchases.
    6. It's time to start something new, the situation is suitable and stable.
    7. Meeting with a person who will provide moral or material assistance.
    8. Finding a stable male partner (in business or in personal life).

    King of Pentacles - you may soon find a stable love partner

    The King of Pentacles Tarot often acts as a significator of a wealthy man, father, husband, mentor or boss. This is a card of stability and success, but it encourages you to adequately assess the situation and your abilities, not take unnecessary risks and play it safe.

    The meaning of a reversed card

    The King of Pentacles reversed is hostile. It carries the energy of danger, greed and deceit. Interpretations of the card in the reverse position:

    • unstable life and financial situation;
    • a meeting with a dangerous and dishonest competitor, an old enemy, a corrupt official;
    • dirty and illegal transactions, financial fraud;
    • loss of reputation, bankruptcy;
    • constant feeling of danger, anxiety;
    • envy, jealousy, betrayal of a partner, betrayal of a friend.

    The inverted Lord of Pentacles personifies a stingy person with a lot of complexes, a loser embittered by the whole world, or a grumpy old man.

    If the alignment gave an inverted King of Coins, this may signal mental anxiety; the questioner does not see prospects or does not want to see them. It is worth thinking about your behavior and becoming the master of the situation.

    King of Pentacles and personal relationships

    Such a King has a positive meaning in matters of love and gives hope for a stable relationship. Partners in these relationships have equal rights, help each other develop, their love is strong and absolute. They are confident in the future.

    For single women, the King of Pentacles in an upright position and surrounded by positive cards promises a meeting with a wealthy man. He will be jealous, but not very passionate in the relationship. The king has conservative views on women and values ​​loyalty and trust. I am ready to do a lot for the sake of my life partner, but I will not forgive deception and betrayal. You can entrust such a man with any secret, counting on understanding. It will give confidence and inspiration. The King has a developed paternal instinct and has a great desire to have a child.

    King of Pentacles and health issues

    In health readings, the Lord of Coins has a positive meaning. Your health will improve and your treatment will be successful.

    An inverted card can signal infertility, impotence, the threat of miscarriage in pregnant women, and developmental pathologies in the fetus. There is no need to panic, fortune telling is only a warning of danger, and not a 100% guarantee of it.

    Also, the inverted King indicates age-related diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

    Lord of Pentacles and financial issues

    The main meaning of the King is directly related to the material side of life. The card portends a stable financial situation. King's Interpretations:

    The King of Pentacles portends success in business

    • business prosperity;
    • making a large profit;
    • winning;
    • bonus;
    • good deal.

    All material issues require strict control and evaluation. You need to be able to manage resources. If you have interesting ideas, now is the time to turn them into reality. Prospects should also not be missed. Sometimes greed, the desire to take possession of everything immediately blinds the eyes and leads to undesirable consequences and problems. You can take risks only after assessing the situation, otherwise you can lose property and reputation.

    The reversed Tarot card King of Pentacles in financial layouts does not predict anything good. Loss of money, unsuccessful transactions, thefts are expected, and there is a risk of becoming a victim of financial fraud.

    King of Pentacles combined with the Major Arcana

    The Lord of the Denarii in combination with the Major Arcana has such interpretations.

    The first ten Major Arcana

    • Jester. Starting a career, low-profit business, unjustified risks.
    • Mag. Start-up capital.
    • High Priestess. Participation in charity, receiving charitable assistance, investing in education and science.
    • Empress. Large investments will bring good profits, the efforts will be worth it.
    • Emperor. Position in finance, meeting with a person who works as a finance specialist.
    • Hierophant. Church donations.
    • Lovers. Situation of choice. You will have to choose between family and career. It could also be a financial choice. It is very important to think everything over so you don’t regret it later.
    • Chariot. Unclear and unstable financial situation.
    • Force. It is necessary to suppress greed and thirst for power.
    • Hermit. Poverty, ruin.

    Second Ten Major Arcana

    King of Pentacles combined with Wheel of Fortune - casino game

    • Wheel of Fortune. Casino game.
    • Justice. You will have to defend your authority and protect your reputation.
    • Hangman. Monetary losses, unjustified material investments.
    • Death. A sharp change in financial situation and social status.
    • Moderation. Expenses rise along with income; without decent investments, you cannot make a profit.
    • Devil. Participation in financial fraud as an organizer or victim.
    • Tower. Bankruptcy, dismissal, loss of business, illness.
    • Star. Prospects for career growth and wealth.
    • Moon. Illegal financial transactions, black accounting.
    • Sun. Growth, business expansion, prosperity, stability.

    The last two cards of the Major Arcana

    • Court. Making a profit from long-term cooperation, new prospects.
    • World. Promotion, expansion of business and spheres of influence.

    Interpretations of card combinations with the Lord of Coins vary slightly in classical and modern books.

    King of Pentacles combined with the Minor Arcana

    The Minor Arcana complement each other. Some cards make the King of Coins mean negative to the querent. In combination with the arcana of the suit of Wands, the King of Pentacles Tarot has the following interpretations:

    The first seven of the Minor Arcana

    1. Ace – a new project, prospects for cooperation and major investments.
    2. Two – the need for financial analysis.
    3. Three – stabilization of the financial situation.
    4. Four – buying real estate, receiving an inheritance, a valuable gift and profit.
    5. Five – receiving complaints from employees or family members.
    6. Six – loss of fortune, senseless spending.
    7. Seven – competition, limitation of spheres of influence.

    Second Seven of the Minor Arcana

    1. Eighth – receiving a grant, concluding a contract.
    2. Nine is a new experience.
    3. Ten - expenses will increase significantly.
    4. Page – successful completion of work.
    5. A knight is a risky decision or action.
    6. The Queen is a good leader.
    7. King – financial forecast, new cooperation.

    The King of Pentacles is a card of financial success, leadership and stability. But they are not given for free, but are the result of hard work and skillful leadership. Luck is an unreliable friend; you can only rely on your own experience and strength.

    Tarot cards today are a very popular magical attribute that allows you to shed light on the details of your future. But, if you want to get the most detailed prediction, you need to thoroughly study the meaning of each lasso. In this material we take a detailed look at the King of Pentacles card with all its characteristics.

    In a straight position

    1. An intelligent and peace-loving person who has achieved success in life knows how to behave in a difficult situation.
    2. The card indicates practicality and perseverance.
    3. A person easily conducts business negotiations, but at the same time, attention to the personal sphere decreases.
    4. He has good instincts, intuition, and patience.
    5. Loves to have fun.
    6. Such a person lives in a real, not illusory world, and is distinguished by mathematical insight.
    7. Loves nature.
    8. Makes a career easy.
    9. Material wealth is very important, the card indicates a dark-haired man.
    10. It is possible to receive an inheritance or winnings.

    In reverse position

    1. The personality is distinguished by pragmatism, prudence, stubbornness, self-confidence, and meanness.
    2. Believes superstitions and may suffer from paranoia.
    3. Relationships without feelings.
    4. He worries a lot about finances and is obsessed with his career.
    5. May act dishonestly and incite others to do bad things.
    6. The lasso also indicates anger, vices, various deformities and a bad financial reputation.

    King of Pentacles combination with other arcana

    • With the lasso “Jester” - “naked king”.
    • With the “Magician” lasso - serious capital.
    • With the lasso “High Priestess” - a person who sponsors the field of education.
    • With the lasso “Empress” - receiving material benefits.
    • With the lasso “Emperor” - points to the financial director.
    • With the Hierophant lasso - charitable donations.
    • With the lasso “Lovers” - the need to make a difficult choice.
    • With the “Chariot” lasso - difficulties with finances.
    • With the lasso “Strength” - cope with temptation.
    • With the “Hermit” lasso - losses.
    • With the "Wheel of Fortune" lasso - gambling.
    • With the lasso “Justice” - defending your position.
    • With the Hanged Man lasso - material losses.
    • With the lasso “Death” - a change in the financial situation.
    • With the lasso “Moderation” - the appearance of expenses.
    • With the lasso “Devil” - fraud with money.
    • With the Tower lasso - losses in different areas of life.
    • With the Star lasso - hope for career advancement.
    • With the “Moon” lasso - indicates the presence of fraud.
    • With the “Sun” lasso, you will achieve recognition in life.
    • With the lasso “Court” - a project that will bring profit.
    • With the lasso “Peace” - the sphere of influence is expanding, achieving success.

    Knowing all the designations and characteristics of the King of Pentacles lasso, as well as the features of its combination with other cards, you can easily perform the correct layout and find out the right solution for the current situation.

    The meaning of the card in various layouts

    ✚ "One card" layout

    General value

    Willpower will be required.


    Relationships are built on mutual respect, but not love.


    The main problem is salt deposition, which can cause diseases.


    The period is favorable for finding partners and sponsors.

    link >>>

    ✚ For the future

    A positive card that does not have a clear meaning. There will be no drastic changes in your life, but you will receive an excellent basis for the development of your future, because any future requires success, harmony, peace of mind and reliable support. Without these parts it will not be possible to fully achieve success in any field of activity. Your partner completely allows you to trust him because he is a loyal person.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ On relationships

    The King of Pentacles speaks of a man’s readiness in a relationship to start a family. Girls can feel safe next to this person and be confident that the marriage will be successful. A man is ready not only to propose, but to build a full-fledged family, that is, have children, live happily ever after. If you are not yet in a relationship, then the card may promise the opportunity to enter into one with a person who is reliable and self-confident. This confidence does not seem excessive, it is moderate and completely justified, you can trust this person.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ For today

    Strength, safety, competence and perspective. Success in business and increased material well-being await you. Your body is recovering; The card indicates excess salt in the body. Ahead are strong relationships built on respect for each other; there is no romance. You are a very ambitious and responsible person, distinguished by special wisdom. Don't be idle and don't forget to enjoy life!

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ For tomorrow

    Represents spiritual strength, firmness, steadfastness. The King of Pentacles is a card that denotes a man with business acumen, very rational, capable of exact sciences, and also very earthly, not inclined to talk about feelings.

    Tomorrow the questioner will encounter such a person and, moreover, the whole day will pass under the sign of the King of Pentacles. The card often signifies a husband, father, or boss, so be prepared to spend most of your day with one of these.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ What does he think about me

    You have a wonderful partner that many women dream of. He will protect, feed, give love and tenderness, endless care. Try to keep this wonderful man close to you. With him you will be a very happy woman.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ On request

    He will become more firm in his intentions. It's good to show assertiveness and character sometimes. Your persistent spirit will help you overcome all obstacles on the path to your dream. Forget about sentimentality for a while, stop being soft. Instill in yourself such qualities as pragmatism and efficiency.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ On the situation

    The likelihood of concluding a contract and establishing mutually beneficial cooperation. The situation could have been influenced by the presence of a strong leader around him. At the same time, you are characterized by cold calculation and an intellectual approach to solving problems.

    An upswing in business is expected, a period of reliability and self-confidence, and an increase in well-being. Practical outside assistance will be provided. Perhaps you are being hindered by excessive pragmatism and a lack of sincere emotions. However, do not remain idle, but work on strengthening your position!

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ For the betrothed

    Relationships built on respect and equality of partners are what the King of Coins arcana speaks of. Such love most often does without violent changes, but this does not mean its absence at all. Such relationships are strong and indestructible, and the halves feel as loved as possible. Marriage will either happen immediately or never happen, because young people love each other. It all depends on their beliefs.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    He is domineering and cruel, seeks profit and honors, his reward is loneliness.

    The card describes an influential rich man, despised by everyone for his selfishness, money-grubbing and bad character. Anyone who goes ahead, destroying other people's plans, inevitably turns out to be a loser: unloved, forgotten and abandoned.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ On the King

    Most likely, a married man will appear in your life, who, nevertheless, will help in some material matters, and will simply be a faithful and reliable friend for you. If you have a happy family, then you need to show maximum gentleness, patience, femininity and support your spouse. He works hard, he is a disciplined man with many responsibilities on his shoulders. Become a reliable support for him, maintain comfort.

    A full description of the map is available at link >>>

    ✚ For treason

    Such a union promises to be successful. There is little room for romance here, but there is a strong and happy future ahead.

    A full description of the map is available at


    King of Denarii in combination with other Tarot cards

    With the card "Jester" - "naked king".
    With the “Magician” card you have solid funds for getting started.
    With the “High Priestess” card - philanthropist; contribution to education.
    With the “Empress” card you get a solid return on a solid investment.
    With the "Emperor" card - financial director.
    With the “Hierophant” card - donations to the church and center.
    With the “Lovers” card it’s a serious choice.
    With the Chariot card there is financial confusion.
    With the “Strength” card - curb temptation.
    With the Hermit card - become poor, go broke.
    Play roulette with the Wheel of Fortune card.
    With the “Justice” card - to defend your authority.
    With the Hanged Man card - financial losses; investments that do not yield returns.
    With the “Death” card, the financial situation will change radically.
    With the “Moderation” card - by income and expenses.
    With the “Devil” card - financial fraud.
    With the “Tower” card - ruin; loss of health, position.
    With the “Star” card there is hope to get rich and advance in your career.
    With the “Moon” card - dark things; fake financial transactions.
    With the “Sun” card - recognition of merit; prosperity.
    With the “Sud” card, long-term financial projects bring profit.
    With the “World” card - expansion of the sphere of influence; success of the financial project.

    From other sources:
    V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

    King of Denarii (Pentacles, Coins) upright with the Major Arcana

    Magician pr and per - Favorite of the gods. Successful businessman, leader, politician. High ranking lawyer
    Priestess - Ceremonial Magic
    Empress - Light, goodness, beauty, wealth
    Emperor - Conception. Luck. The ability to make a fortune
    Priest - His own business / Confident person
    Lovers - Burnt hucksterism, profits, deals
    Chariot - Charm, sophistication. Merit to the Fatherland, Order of Victory
    Justice - No pie in the sky
    Hermit pr and per - Jealousy taking dangerous forms
    Wheel of Fortune - An unexpected smile of fate, material prosperity and spiritual growth
    Strength - Suicidal, prone to deviations of all kinds. Substance abuse
    Hanged Man - Executioner
    Death - Poverty, poverty, but this is not a vice, and, moreover, temporary
    Moderation - Despondency, but everything will work out, you need to be able to wait
    Devil - Departure to nirvana, danger to life. Heroin. Road robbery, fights, bruises
    Tower - Financial collapses, financial arrests (Interpol), deprivation of money
    Star - "Giacomo Casanova". A Delightful Gift
    Moon - Vice, opening of veins, danger of blood loss
    Sun - Patronage in the best traditions
    Court - Reliability, confidence, security
    Peace - Self-esteem, boasting, boasting. The danger of doing the wrong thing
    Jester - Alzheimer's disease

    King of Denarii (Pentacles, Coins) in an upright position with the Minor Arcana

    5 of Swords - Theft
    2 of Swords - Slander
    7 of Swords - Betrayal
    6 of Swords (trans) - Danger of death on a harmless journey

    King of Denarii (Pentacles, Coins) Reversed with Major Arcana

    Star - Homosexuality is possible