Queen of Pentacles in combination with others. Queen of Pentacles about the current situation. In combination with the Major Arcana

The third suit of the tarot deck, coins or pentacles, is responsible for material well-being, business, and social status. The coins belonged to traders and merchants. They formed the basic laws of international trade and belonged to the middle class. Later, they became a separate class of society.

In its modern meaning, Pentacles are a sign of business, corporate banks, companies, commercial interests and international relations. For people, this is a card of businessmen and entrepreneurs, or those who can help the fortuneteller in financial matters.

Numerological meaning of lady

The Queen of Coins' number is thirteen. Symbol of change and renewal. It provides a warning to use authority wisely when it comes to one's own interests. If the situation is favorable, the lasso promises a new life after the black streak.

When the alignment is unfavorable, the Queen of Pentacles speaks of delays, obstacles, averting forces that do not depend on the questioner.

Description of the map

The lasso shows a woman in expensive clothes, with and without a crown. She sits on a throne, or leans on it, depending on the author of the deck. In the right hand is a coin. There is blooming nature around the lady. In some decks, the image is supplemented with details, for example, a scepter. The picture shows a hare - a symbol of intuition, rebirth, and feminine wisdom.

Inner meaning

The sacred meaning of the lasso is interpreted from an upright position. A wise, calm woman, she knows how to distribute and increase income. She is smart and reasonable. In layouts for the situation, it shows the ability to overcome difficulties thanks to intelligence and wisdom, about a period of comfort and calm.


The Queen of Pentacles is an arcanum that belongs to the element of earth. For the fortuneteller, he advises not to forget about your life and interests. When there is too much help to others, it is taken for granted and ceases to be valued. Think about what is important to you now. Others are able to cope with problems on their own.

Arcana personality

In the upright position, the Queen of Pentacles tarot represents a young woman. She is smart and calm. Has creative abilities. Loves expensive and beautiful things, but knows how to manage finances. Practical with a strong will and business acumen. I am inclined to teach and educate. Loves charity. Knows how to care, sensual and passionate. The Queen of Dinarii knows how to be a businesswoman at work and a caring mother and wife at home.

Inverted position

The inverted Queen of Pentacles tarot shows an overly self-confident woman, scandalous, explosive. Deceitful and selfish, strive for profit. She likes to talk about her own achievements, she is used to commanding and can be annoying. Such a girl does not like to take care of herself and the house, and spends money thoughtlessly. Reversed Queen of Denarii - mistrust, fears and suspicions.

Psychological aspect of the arcana

The Queen of Petacles lives with worries about tomorrow. Her confidence is unable to raise stocks and savings. He does not know how to be content with little and find joy here and now.

General interpretation

When upright, the Queen of Pentacles symbolizes a way out of a painful past. The process was long, but it brought results. A sign of abundance, recognition, especially for those involved in creativity and art, patience and wisdom.

Reversed position

The reversed Queen of Coins speaks of a stop in business and development. A person is stuck in the past, life has stopped, talents are undiscovered. The fortuneteller cannot or does not want to start a new stage of life because of the fears and doubts that control him.

Love and marriage

In love and relationship readings, the Queen of Denarii in the upright position shows that disagreements and quarrels have come to an end. Partners enjoy each other's company. In relationships there is trust, warmth, a sense of calm and security, devotion, fidelity. For an unmarried couple, the appearance of a lasso is a sign that both partners are ready to start a family.

In an inverted position, the lasso is interpreted as excessive care, turning into importunity, self-doubt, complexes, and jealousy. The inverted Queen of Pentacles tarot shows resentment due to lack of attention to a partner (even if it is not justified), mood swings, quarrels over trifles. With the Wheel of Fortune lasso - the partner is delaying the proposal to formalize the relationship; with the Five of Cups - the partners deny an imminent separation, the relationship is at an impasse.


The direct position of the Queen of Coins in matters of health shows good health, the ability to give birth to a child, and the ability to withstand stress.

In the inverted position of the Queen of Pentacles tarot - anxiety, stress, psychological tension and internal constraint. The fortuneteller lives in anticipation of tests of strength, trials, and troubles.

Finance and career

in matters related to the professional sphere, the Queen of Pentacles speaks of a responsible employee who implements complex projects. He has enough patience to move towards his goal step by step. A sign of creative thinking and an unconventional approach to problem solving. The Queen of Denarii does not pursue ambitions; she values ​​stability and reliability. They do not apply for leadership positions, but if desired, they could take this position. Often the Queen of Coins shows the masters of the profession.

Upside down

The reversed Queen of Pentacles Tarot shows a person who is not out of place. He is reluctant to perform work duties, shifts responsibility and is lazy. The person does not know how to work methodically, there is no motivation for development and career growth. The combination of an inverted Queen with the World is interpreted as an overestimation of capabilities and self-confidence.

Card of the day

The Queen of Denarii warns to calmly do what is planned. Work towards long-term goals, it will take patience. Don't allow other people to interfere and manipulate. It is possible to meet with your mother or another close woman who will give wise advice. Listen to him.

Combinations with other arcana

Let's look at how the Queen of Pentacles changes in combination with other tarot arcana:

Arcana Description
With the Priestess Common sense, experience.
With the Hierophant Everything goes as it should, smoothly without jerks. In readings for relationships and love, the combination speaks of marriage.
With Lovers Pleasure and joy from work.
With Chariot Take control of the situation to get the desired result.
With death Forethought
With a star The ability to set goals and achieve them.
Reversed Queen of Denarii + Hermit Impracticality leading to poverty and debt.
Reversed Tarot Queen of Pentacles + Devil Excessive suspicion, unreasonable fears, distrust of the partner.
With the Moon Tense psychological state, stress. Uncertainty, fears. The fortuneteller lives in illusion.
With Tower Reckless material expenses.
With Peace Career advancement.
With 9 of Wands Focus on business, don't worry about other people's problems.
With 10 of Wands The fortuneteller has taken on too many responsibilities. Doing them will lead to fatigue.
With the Queen of Wands Obtaining a position related to art, floristry, landscape design.
With the King of Wands Difficult relationships in a couple, unnecessary for both
With Five of Cups Issues related to inheritance.
With the Six of Cups Improving your financial situation.
With the Eight of Cups The fortuneteller has the ability to achieve the goal.
With Ace of Swords Circumstances can destroy a stable state of affairs.
With the Knight of Swords Chaos in the life of a fortuneteller.
With Three of Coins Well-coordinated teamwork.
With 10 Coins A happy family.
With the Knight of Coins Successful sale, good work result.

There is a card in the tarot deck called the Queen of Pentacles.

The card depicts a dark-haired, mature woman in rich attire, seated on an elaborate throne surrounded by flowers and greenery. A hare sits at her feet. The object she holds in her lap is called a pentacle.

Disk pentacle is a symbol that can be described as material well-being. The elements associated with this card are water and earth.

General value

The Queen of Pentacles card, also called the Queen of Coins Tarot, can have the following meanings: vitality, a realistic outlook on life, prudence, experience, thoroughness, practicality and fertility.

The Queen of Denarii is a woman:

  • mature;
  • confident in her abilities;
  • sensitive;
  • wise.

She is both a good mother and an excellent leader. It can be considered a catalyst to achieving financial independence, as well as an overall improvement in living standards. For the Queen of Coins Tarot, the meanings in the layout are positive.

If the card refers to the person asking, then he is usually down-to-earth and characterized by having great success in business. Such people try to realize their many talents and improve, as well as take care of home and family.

The Queen of Coins is a symbol of orderliness in life. It symbolizes love for nature, extraordinary creative abilities, the desire to create and develop. The benefactor never needs anything and does not depend on anyone. She is accustomed to the prosperity and abundance that she can provide herself. The lady depicted on the card cannot be expected to act frivolously or recklessly. She treats any task thoroughly and seriously, persistently overcoming difficulties. It is characterized by maximum development of its own potential.

If the card represents a woman, then this is a financially independent, accomplished and recognized person in her field. She stands firmly on her feet, is wise and experienced, because she has achieved everything through her own labor. With the ability to manage significant sums, she is not wasteful and will not waste money. She loves good food and clothes, and material goods in general, but she does not own them. If she devotes time to her appearance, then even in old age she will be pleasant to look at.

However, if a woman does not strive for harmony, then these advantages can play a cruel joke on her. Such people desperately achieve what they want, they want to get maximum results and pleasures. But often, due to a lack of sense of proportion, satiety sets in. What she receives does not bring satisfaction, but, on the contrary, upsets her, shaking her internal balance. As a result, this can cause more serious consequences in the form of melancholy or disappointment.

Description of the inverted symbol

The properties of the described symbol in an inverted position are directly opposite. This card means problems with finances and health, as well as failures in business. It can indicate mistrust, feelings of fear, envy, revenge, jealousy or outright malice.

Unlike the normal state, the Queen of Pentacles inverted is a short-sighted, insecure, physically and morally weak woman. In addition, she is too mercantile and petty. An inverted card is extremely suspicious, but does not inspire confidence. She can also be described as a greedy person, prone to conflicts and scandals, who obsessively demonstrates her position in society and financial superiority. This woman tries as hard as possible to concentrate all attention on herself and manipulate others for her own benefit.

Schedule for work

The described symbol represents a huge number of professions. But there is one property that is inherent in this card, regardless of the type of activity. Lady Dinariev is not prone to laziness and is active in any work if the reward for her work is appropriate. The Lady of Coins values ​​herself quite highly and will not simply work like that.

The card patronizes cultivation and gardening. It also includes professions related to physical health and its development. Everything related to management and finance comes under the influence of this card. At the same time, the Lady of Pentacles has excellent aesthetic qualities; she is able to make everything look presentable.

The Lady of Dinariev in a work chart symbolizes a person who, thanks to his own determination, perseverance and invested efforts, receives a generous reward for his work.

The inverted symbol describes:

  • large financial losses;
  • stagnation in development;
  • regression and degradation.

A person who is unsure of his actions, lazy and unwilling to take responsibility for what is happening is the personification of the inverted Queen of Denarii.

Role in love and relationships

The upright position of the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card has a positive meaning in relationships: it can indicate fidelity, devotion, warmth, joy from feelings and from life. If relations between partners were strained, then this card may mean reconciliation and coming to a compromise. The Lady of Dinariev is also interpreted as evidence of the partners’ readiness to start a family.

In an inverted state, the Lady of Pentacles speaks of problems in her personal life. This could be overprotectiveness, suspicion, resentment, indecision or irritation. If the reversed Queen of Coins during a relationship reading indicates a person, then usually this person is the owner. Such a person can show obsessive, “unhealthy” love, wanting to possess the object of his desire entirely. Sometimes such people begin to cajole their partner in exchange for affection.

The meaning in the scenario for the situation

The appearance of the presented card in the layout of the situation is generally positive, one might even say luck. It means that the person correctly assessed the situation and, relying on his intellect, dealt with it competently without undue haste and fuss. This can also symbolize the emergence of a strong and determined woman. She will provide help, but not morally, but thanks to her own finances and position. In difficult times, she will become a strong and reliable ally.

In the case of the reversed Queen of Pentacles, we can say that the results of this situation will be disappointing.

The reason for this can be seen in the maps adjacent to it..

The blame for this state of affairs lies with the person asking. The situation may develop negatively and not due to incorrect actions, but on the contrary, due to inaction. Perhaps at the moment the person has no one to ask for help or advice. Therefore, a person is confused at the moment of truth.

Someone else is to blame . And this man, having great financial resources and serious connections, tries to interfere with the plans of the questioner.

In both cases, the reversed Queen of Denarii may indicate that financial costs may be required to get out of the situation.

Combination of the Queen of Pentacles with other cards

Depending on, which cards are in the layout with the Queen of Coins, the meaning may be different.

If she is next to the Major Arcana, then they are able to increase her strength and focus attention on her:

Combined with other cards Queen of Pentacles can be interpreted as a meeting with a person who will have an active influence on your future.

3 of Pentacles Tarot

There is another interesting card called 3 of Pentacles. Like the Queen of Coins, this card is positive. It means a highly qualified person, a professional in his field. It also means a desire to gain new experience and improve in one’s craft.

Reversed 3 denarii in means lack of talent, lack of experience and performing monotonous work.

In combination with the described card, the 3 of Pentacles only enhances the positive meaning of the first card.

Attention, TODAY only!

Be patient and persevering to carry out your plans.

Don't become a busybody and a hoarder.

Card of the day
Don't listen to anyone, don't let anyone manipulate you today. Calmly and consistently do what you planned earlier. You know that good wine matures for years. So, do not forget about your long-term plans, and cultivate your vineyard patiently and diligently so that it will one day produce a rich harvest. It is possible, however, that today you will meet a kind woman with a big maternal heart, and this meeting will play a certain role in your destiny. Listen to her advice.

Reversed card
An ignorant or reckless woman. A spender and fortune hunter. Predator. Suspicious woman. Rival in business and love. Hostility. Evil. Greed. Commercialism. False prosperity. State of uncertainty. Mistrust. Overprotectiveness. Gluttony. Financial difficulties. Fictitious marriage.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Queen sits in a beautiful garden and looks at the pentacle. She is a loving and gentle woman, a good teacher, smart, gifted and self-confident. She is hardworking and values ​​comfort. She has a materialistic outlook on life, but she is generous towards people.

The card says there is a chance to achieve something truly valuable, or you may meet someone who can help you get there. In addition, the card warns you against a greedy or distrustful person. Generally speaking, the Queen of Pentacles is a generous and noble woman who can provide you with emotional support or useful connections, or money, or help you find a way to earn it. Her independence, independence and optimism are simply amazing. This card also hints at the manifestation of these qualities in your own personality.

Questions to ask yourself if you draw the Queen of Pentacles
  • Do you like to take care of people and look after them?
  • Are you being taken care of like a mother?
  • Are you happy with the way you are treated at home?
  • Are you generous?
Key Ideas
See the strength in yourself. What do you succeed in? It can be big or small - the size doesn't matter. Build yourself up. You may have weaknesses and shortcomings - we all do - but you are capable of changing for the better. Forget about false modesty. Look for strength in yourself, find it and admire it. Believe in yourself and in the magic of life.
Fortune telling in half a minute
Georgina gave birth to a child, and she herself is still a schoolgirl. What to do next? The card is positive. Georgina will face challenges more severe than she can imagine, and at times she will regret that she could not wait until she was older and more aware of the world, but her relationship with her child will be perfect and joyful for both.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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The Queen's serenity reflects her belief in herself.

The luxury of her clothing and surroundings indicates well-being and prosperity.

Wealth. Generosity. Self confidence.

The Queen of Pentacles is a practical, creative, skillful, trustworthy, warm-hearted and sensitive person. She loves all the good things in life and is willing to work hard to achieve them. She is at the same time a secular woman and a loving wife and mother. Traditionally, the Queen of Pentacles (or the Queen of Coins in the Medieval Scapini Tarot) is depicted standing or sitting in a serene pose, often surrounded by beautiful nature. She is in complete harmony with the world around her and is immersed in the joys of earthly life. She enjoys life in its many forms.

The Queen of Coins represents a noble and respected woman or reliability, wisdom, prudence and wealth.

The card usually shows a richly dressed mature woman, crowned or not. In many decks, the Queen is depicted standing and leaning on a luxurious chair or throne.

Like the King, she holds the coin in her right Hand, showing it to the viewer; She herself looks at the coin and is completely absorbed in this spectacle.

If the Queen is sitting, she holds the coin with both hands and contemplates it, as if she sees images inside. Sometimes she holds a scepter in her left hand.

The Queen is often depicted smiling; she feels confident in this role, and her facial expression is kind or pleasant. Note, however, that in most decks the Queen focuses all her attention on the coin.

Inner meaning
A noble and respected woman, known for her generous nature, but not one to be fooled or bypassed. She is respected for her money, but money does not rule her. She is a wise and prudent ruler who sets an example for others on how to best use and distribute real wealth. Like the King, she is educated, intelligent and possesses greatness of soul, for which she has earned respect and admiration among both her peers and her subjects.

If this card does not represent a specific person, then it describes a situation of orderliness and comfort, which stems not only from wealth, but also from the ability to wisely manage money.

This card also represents hope and the ability and awareness of one's ability to overcome obstacles through wisdom and prudence.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: a kind and generous woman, an attentive ruler (or, in modern terms, a manager), possessing both reason and intuition. Like the King, she can be favorable or indifferent to the Questioner. She is attractive and knows how to persuade; she knows how to achieve her goal. If this card does not represent a specific person, it symbolizes reliability, wisdom, prudence, wealth and even abundance.

Reversed or negative: a suspicious woman who does not trust anyone around her and is not trustworthy. Annoying, trying to control the situation at any cost.

If this card does not represent a specific person, then it symbolizes suspicion, fear, even evil. A suspicious situation in which the Questioner does not know who to trust or whether to trust anyone at all.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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The Queen of Pentacles is the embodiment of hospitality, a beautiful life and material well-being. She is pragmatic about resource conservation and has an interest in business, nature, animals, home management, interior and landscape design. Often this card represents material prosperity.

The Queen of Pentacles symbolizes in you - or in someone you know - a concern with issues of economic stability, physical growth and well-being. You can take care of your body, food, land, property, or enjoy comfort and social prestige. You are generous and always ready to help.

People around you can count on you for food, comfort, care, treatment and even secretarial services. Often you pay other people's bills. You are practical and well savvy in business and corporate management. Perhaps you are rich and enjoy luxury and abundance. You can engage in any arts and crafts, write songs, create beautiful and useful material objects, or provide services.

Your sensuality, for all its openness and naturalness, always has a somewhat maternal tint. By using your impeccable common sense, you are literally helping the earth to bloom and bear fruit. You can help preserve something that is of great value not only to you personally, but to the entire human community as a whole. Maybe you're just making sure everything looks nice and works well. You are very principled and therefore can ensure that standards are followed and make people's lives more beautiful. Duty comes first for you, and therefore you devote a lot of energy to maintaining stability and security or improving living conditions. As a mother, this queen wants her children to be provided with everything on the physical plane and to feel complete self-confidence.

Traditional meanings: dark-haired woman, wealthy heiress, courtesan, nouveau riche. Severe, but generous, liberal, magnanimous. Economic freedom, safety, security. Abundance, wealth, luxury. Confident, calm. Brave, daring. Frank, sincere. Prosperous. High social status.

Reversed Queen of Pentacles
The reversed Queen of Pentacles is not a homebody at all and can't stand the countryside. She doesn’t know how to cook, doesn’t like to tinker in the garden and leaves everyone to do their own thing. You or someone you know is unwilling or unable to take care of yourself or your environment. You look untidy, and your home is a terrible mess. You refuse to care for others or act as a mother or caregiver. You may have financial difficulties, you are squandering resources or, conversely, accumulating some unnecessary junk. You may feel like your efforts are never enough, food or supplies are running low, and those around you are not getting what they need. Confusion and indecision are likely precisely at those moments when you need to act decisively and collectedly. On the other hand, you may be an avid housekeeping fanatic, obsessed with eating right and exercising, or downright possessive of those you love.

You are jealous of what you own and value security and status very much, and therefore, if someone threatens to deprive you of all this, you can be very vindictive and attempt to regain what you have lost at any cost. At the other end of this card's meaning spectrum, you may be incredibly shy and self-deprecating. Behind such reactions is usually a fear of need and deprivation. Perhaps you desperately need a sense of security and self-worth that you never had. You feel helpless and in need of care and protection or do not take enough time for yourself. Your body can betray you by getting sick or injured. Sexuality can become greatly devalued or become merely a means of exchange. Without strong principles, you may feel unable to make decisions. Or, on the contrary, you may reject stability along with family values ​​and go in search of a more carefree life full of adventure.

In terms of health, this card is associated with digestion and nutrition, as well as general concern for the health and well-being of the physical body. Increased sensitivity to environmental pollution is likely. If this is a mother and housewife, her home is in chaos and disorder, the children are not fed and are running around like crazy. However, this does not mean at all that they lack love. On the other hand, this queen can overly control the lives of her household, placing undue importance on appearances, appearances, and possessions.

From a shamanic and magical perspective, she guides people through rites of passage and represents the head of the community. This queen is also very skilled in the so-called kitchen magic.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: deterioration of health. Angry suspicious woman. Doubts, mistrust, infidelity. Betrayal. Depravity, impermanence, uncertainty. Disagreements. Revenge. Evil. Horror, fear, apprehension. Shyness. Hesitant, indecisive, doubtful. Confused. Lack of attention to one's own debt. Adventurer.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
This woman is as wise as she is rich, as respected as she is noble.
Description of the card and its internal meaning
There is a luxurious armchair in a wonderful flowering garden. A richly dressed woman sits in it and looks at the pentacle, holding it in both hands. She is so absorbed in this activity that it seems as if she sees some images inside this coin. On the woman's head is a crown decorated with precious stones. The Queen is depicted smiling; she feels confident in this role.

This is a wise and prudent ruler who, by her own example, demonstrates to others how to best use and distribute wealth. She is generous, but she is not the type of gullible person who can be fooled. This woman is respected not so much for her social position as for her intelligence and greatness of soul.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - N, number - 13,
Correspondence to the zodiac sign - Capricorn,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 46 hexagram (“Striving forward”).
Card meaning
Straight position
The Queen of Coins Arcana describes a wise woman who has a lot of money. In the real world, she may hold some responsible position. She is attractive, has well-developed intuition, generosity of soul, and the gift of persuasion.

If this Arcanum does not personify a specific person, it symbolizes reliability, wisdom, prudence, wealth, abundance of all goods, security and freedom, good position in society.

Inverted position
In this case, the Queen of Pentacles would describe a woman who seeks to command, who is accustomed to trusting no one and, in turn, is not trustworthy. This is an annoying person who tries to impose her opinion on everyone.

If the card describes the situation, then the Questioner should prepare for trouble: they will no longer trust him, the course of events will slow down, material losses and financial instability await him.

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Queen of Pentacles - has creative inclinations, is prudent, calm, wise, practical, values ​​material well-being, reliable, independent. With an abundance of such qualities, she has another, no less valuable - modesty. Unlike the Queen of Wands, her efforts are aimed primarily at the business sphere, and then at the family.

Inverted - feels confused and lacking self-confidence. Her talents are wasted. Experiences constant hesitation and indecision.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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QUEEN Queen (Lady) - her face indicates a mysterious woman whose qualities can be united in the idea of ​​greatness of soul; she also has a serious mind. The Queen contemplates her symbol and can see other worlds.

Straight position:
wealth, generosity, splendor, protection (security), privileges.

Reverse position:
evil, suspicion, uncertainty, fear, mistrust.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning:
The Moon in Taurus as a symbol of a sober view of things, fruitful work and family closeness.
The Queen of Denarii, personifying the feminine side of the earth element, means sobriety, kindness, reliability, realism, hard work, fertility and fruitful work, sincerity and sensual joys. She has a natural instinct and love for the land, which is most clearly manifested in the image of a peasant woman. In addition, she has a “light hand” in relation to material values, as is reminiscent of the rudely good-natured image of the canteen - Mother Courage from the play of the same name by B. Brecht. She is also a caring mother of many children, a talented actress or artist, or simply a sensual person who gets true pleasure from the simplest joys of life. But this also requires moderation, otherwise the above-mentioned positive qualities will turn into disappointment or inertia, laziness, and a thirst for pure pleasure.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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The Queen of Pentacles usually symbolizes a woman (but not always), prosperous and possessing substantial property. This is a morally healthy person who enjoys his position, but at the same time has not lost the ability to enjoy life’s pleasures. The Queen of Pentacles often symbolizes luxury and extreme comfort. She is noble. This card is associated with such concepts as reliability, free behavior, free expression of one’s thoughts, majesty, dignity, good deeds (which the Queen can shower). In principle, the Queen of Pentacles can mean a person who is rich, but who has not lost his mercy and is therefore prone to philanthropy.

Straight position:
Astrological equivalents: Taurus, Jupiter in Taurus Second House.
A woman who brings into the world what fills her. This could be a nursing mother, a woman maintaining a house. In a broader sense - the Motherland, some area where you feel at home (or philosophy, a circle of people where you feel good). The card can also symbolize everything related to soil cultivation and gardening. Ability to express oneself in a form.

Inverted position:
Astrological equivalents: Taurus (exalted Moon), Cancer (fallen Mars).
The inverted Queen of Pentacles symbolizes a person who buys “dead souls”: his prosperity is exaggerated. This is a fraudster. The inverted Queen of Pentacles can mean a suspicious person, rather irresponsible, insidious, prone to intrigue. It is dangerous to trust her - she may let you down.
Sometimes the Queen of Pentacles (inverted) symbolizes a person with a complex, a type of hysteric (although this can be a male representative), who is terribly afraid of failure and therefore completely devoid of spontaneity in his actions.
If the card means an action.
A. Straight card
The process begun by the situation personified by the KING of Pentacles is further developed in the situation associated with the Queen of Pentacles. The started process has already passed the inception stage and is now in a state of filling, drawing material from the environment for its formation.
B. Reversed card
The process that could have been initiated by the King of Pentacles never took off. The situation was not fully exploited. At the same time, the possibility of the birth of the process, the possibility of “conception,” has not yet been exhausted, so you should carefully study the situation represented by subsequent cards, and, if necessary, take advantage of it.

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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Otherwise Sibyl, Lady or Lady of Pentacles.
The Queen of Denarii represents external and internal wealth. This is a person reaping the fruits of his labors: an artist who has achieved recognition, a scientist who has made an important discovery. If the card corresponds to a woman, then she is also a wonderful mother and housewife: it is not for nothing that the Queen depicted on the card is surrounded by a blooming garden.
In the layout, it usually means events: upright - cheerful, favorable (wedding, anniversary, housewarming), inverted - rather sad.

Financial well-being, stability, fertility and confidence - this is what the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card represents.

When appearing in fortune telling, it foretells success in all endeavors and the implementation of plans. To obtain an accurate prediction, the meaning of this card in the layout should be analyzed taking into account its position (straight or inverted) and combination with other cards lying nearby. What message does the Queen bring to the fortuneteller, what events does she foretell?

Description of the map

The Queen of Pentacles symbolizes a woman of power, wealth and prosperity. In fortune telling, it can also indicate a person’s high social status, his authority, comfort and material values. This card is associated with such concepts as reliability, stability, freedom, self-esteem, greatness and generosity.

Despite the fact that the card emphasizes a person’s material well-being, it does not at all speak of an obsession with money, greed and the desire to get rich by all means. It denotes a person who thinks not only about the financial sphere, but also about spiritual development. This card combines both earthly concerns and sublime desires.

Meaning in upright and inverted position

Cards are usually interpreted depending on the position in which they lay in fortune telling. A card in an inverted position gives the opposite meaning of the same symbol in an upright position.

If the straight Queen of Pentacles appears in the reading, then you don’t have to worry about your future - all your plans are being implemented, current problems will be resolved, no one or nothing will disturb your peace of mind. In fortune telling, this card may indicate the help of an influential and wealthy woman.

She personifies a kind and generous woman who can give good advice, offer a profitable business or help financially. If the meaning of this card in the layout does not personify a person, then it indicates wisdom, prosperity, wealth and success in a career.

When reversed, the Queen of Pentacles symbolizes material difficulties, losses, unnecessary expenses, theft and obstacles. In the future, this card promises instability in all areas of life. She calls not to make hasty decisions and not to commit rash actions.

It’s not worth starting new projects and actively pursuing your goals just yet.. This is an extremely bad time for beginnings, purchases, transactions, interviews and business meetings.

If in the scenario it represents a person, then this is a stupid and mercantile woman. She is too fixated on material values, there is little spiritual in her. Often the reversed Queen of Pentacles indicates an older woman who may cause financial problems. It is dangerous to trust her - she is unreliable, she can deceive and betray.

If you are telling fortunes about yourself, then the Queen of Pentacles that appears may indicate your inner state. She says that at the moment you feel insecure in your own abilities, which is why financial failures and conflicts with others occur.

In layouts

Sometimes the Queen of Pentacles in fortune telling gives advice and encourages you to follow certain principles. This card advises you to take care of yourself and your health. You need to get rid of negative thoughts in order to feel lighter and freer. She encourages you not to be afraid of your feelings and emotions.

In the layout, this card shows the onset of a favorable period for achieving your goals.. If the card is reversed, it has the opposite meaning. The interpretation of the Queen of Pentacles also depends on the purpose of the layout and the question of the fortuneteller.

For relationships

If your question concerns family relationships and communication with friends, then the Queen of Pentacles that appears in fortune telling predicts the onset of a favorable period in the personal sphere.

If relations with family members are strained, quarrels and misunderstandings constantly arise, then everything will work out. Peace and tranquility will come to the family. Also, this card in a relationship reading may indicate help from loved ones.

To work

The situation at work and business will improve. All that is required of you now is perseverance, hard work, a practical approach to business, and the use of your experience and ingenuity. The Queen of Pentacles encourages you to solve any problem that arises using an unconventional approach and creativity.

In a career reading, it can also indicate stability, reliability and prosperity. The card advises solving problems as they arise and not rushing into decisions. Let everything take its course.

For love

In fortune telling for love, it foreshadows the beginning of a favorable period for establishing a personal life. If the question concerns family relationships between spouses, then the Queen of Pentacles foreshadows strengthening family ties and tranquility. For lonely hearts, it promises a quick meeting with a soulmate.

It can also mean that a person is ready to start a family. This is a good time for him to get married and have children.

To your health

In fortune telling about health, it indicates strong immunity and longevity.. If the alignment is associated with a sick loved one, then the Queen of Pentacles in this case is a symbol of a speedy recovery.

This is a very favorable card for those who are fighting for their lives and health.. In an inverted position, it indicates skin diseases, as well as ailments associated with the legs. Rheumatism and gout may occur.

Card of the day

In fortune telling, the Queen of Pentacles encourages you to trust only yourself. Do not listen to other people's advice and try not to give in to provocations. You can be manipulated. On this day you will meet a wise woman whose advice or help will help you achieve your goals.

This meeting can significantly affect your future destiny. Don't fuss, try to solve problems as they arise. It's better not to rush into decisions.

Combination with other cards

To find out the exact meaning of the Queen of Pentacles, pay attention to the neighboring cards. What does it mean in combination with other Tarot symbols?

  • Jester– you lack practicality.
  • Mage– think through your actions to the smallest detail.
  • High Priestess- show common sense.
  • Empress– avoid unnecessary expenses.
  • Hierophant– use your knowledge and experience, get useful information.
  • Emperor– show reasonableness in all household matters.
  • Lovers– reliable and stable relationships.
  • Chariot– make an effort to solve current problems.
  • Force– start to control the situation, take everything into your own hands.
  • Hermit- ruin, poverty, expenses.
  • Wheel of Fortune– new opportunities are opening up before you, don’t miss the chance.
  • Justice- get what you deserve.
  • Hanged– meaninglessness.
  • Death– be careful, show foresight.
  • Moderation– put things in order in your head and affairs.
  • Devil- greed, negligence.
  • Tower– expenses, difficult financial situation.
  • Star– your dreams can come true.
  • Moon– losses, the likelihood that everything in life will turn upside down.
  • Sun– luck, creative potential, fame and recognition.
  • Court– new opportunities, revelation of abilities.
  • World– career growth, success in business.

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Queen of Pentacles – Minor Arcana

From an astrological perspective, the Queen of Pentacles corresponds to the Moon in the constellation Taurus, which symbolizes a sober, prudent view of what is happening, family well-being and fruitful work.

Other names for Queen of Pentacles: Queen of Pentacles, Queen of Denarii, Queen of Coins, Queen of Denarii, Queen of Coins.

Brief description of Arcana: Strong, self-sufficient, respectable woman; Reasonableness, Order.

Description of the Queen of Pentacles

In the classic Tarot, the Queen of Pentacles is a wealthy, confident woman sitting on a throne. She clutches a coin in her hands, surrounded by gorgeous nature. In some decks, the lady’s power is indicated not only by the throne, but also by another symbol of power - the scepter, which she holds in her hand, free of the coin.

The Age of Aquarius Tarot depicts a sedate matron in royal robes. On her chest on a golden chain hangs a symbol of her power and wealth - a huge pentacle. Behind the lady's throne a flowering landscape is visible.

The sacred meaning of the Queen of Pentacles

The deeper meaning lies in the details that accompany the young woman depicted on the Arcana. We see that the Lady is wearing rich clothes, indicating her wealth. She sits on a throne, which symbolizes the presence of some kind of power - over people and even over nature, for she has comprehended and realized a lot in her life. She went through pain and learned mercy.

The Lady holds the Denarius securely in her hands, but this is not a sign of greed, but only an indicator of prudence, since the Lady values ​​​​not the coin itself, but the work as a result of which she received her wealth. She may well part with her money, but only in the name of someone who really needs it at the moment.

Around the Lady we see a luxurious landscape - flowering fields. The Lady herself seems to smell like spring. This is not a random feeling. The Lady of Pentacles has comprehended the main thing - harmony with nature, therefore nature generously bestows her with its fruits. In this case, the Lady symbolizes fertility. She has a young body with a huge supply of vitality, she is kind and beneficent.

This is a woman-mother, but not fixated on her family, but striving for its general prosperity.

Mythological correspondence of the Queen of Pentacles

In mythology, this card will help you understand the myth about the earthly hobbies of Zeus - Io, Callista, Europa, Leda, Ganymede, Aegus, Danae. These inhabitants of the earth were singled out by Zeus, recognized as special and bestowed with various privileges.

The meaning of the straight Queen of Pentacles in the layout

The Queen of Pentacles is a picture card, and in the deck they primarily symbolize people. This is a self-confident, self-sufficient and prosperous woman, which, depending on the situation, characterizes either the person himself or someone from his environment.

The presence of such a lady in a person’s life brings positive aspects for him: the woman will patronize, help, do good, provide support, and not only material. Thanks to its wide capabilities, a person will be able to solve all his problems, including financial ones. Such a woman never betrays, because she is kind to those who are drawn to her with their souls.

The appearance of this Arcana in the layout speaks of many positive aspects. The card means abundance, but it did not suddenly fall on your head. The person received it as a result of efforts and work in this direction. The Arcanum indicates that a person finds pleasure in all the everyday things that he has to deal with.

Traditionally, the Arcanum symbolizes prudence, reliability, life wisdom, experience, and wealth in all forms, including mental wealth.

The Arcanum is also responsible for creativity, but only that which can manifest itself in the physical world is the architecture of anything, including the architecture of relationships. This is a creative Arcanum, and it always speaks of the fruitfulness manifested in the material.

The meaning of the reversed Queen of Pentacles in the reading

The inverted Queen of Pentacles denotes, first of all, the personality of either a woman or a man with the same manifestations. The card can mean both the person for whom the layout is being made and the presence of a woman in his environment.

This is a very suspicious (sometimes to the point of mania) woman who trusts absolutely no one, but she herself is not very trustworthy from those around her. She does not want to take responsibility for what is happening and will do everything possible to shift it onto a person and harm his financial well-being, success, or the solution of a specific task. From such a madam you can expect trickery, fraudulent actions, intrigue and gossip, and all this can lead to serious losses.

Arkan says that all actions do not lend themselves to any logic, they are spontaneous, not coordinated, and most often, they lack common sense. This can lead to adverse consequences that will be manifested in the material world, primarily related to finances.

The danger of this card is that a person under its influence is not confident in himself, is afraid to make a decision and has a tendency to use someone else’s opinion, but it may not always carry a positive message, which subsequently causes a lot of problems.

In the material world, the inverted Queen of Pentacles means loss, lack of development, or even to some extent degradation, so it cannot be called favorable.


In professional activities, the Lady of Pentacles promises excellent advancement, which is justified by high responsibility, a strong-willed character and a desire to move forward, a willingness to boldly take on new projects, without regard to their complexity. If a Magician (I Arcanum) falls nearby, then we can talk about thoughtfulness, and if Temperance (XIV Arcanum), then about prudence.

Business expects success because there is sufficient patience and desire to pursue strictly set goals, systematically, calmly, using reason, logic, as well as extensive connections, business acumen and good opportunities.

If the alignment is made for the employee, then we can talk about a high level of skill, originality of thinking, a creative approach to solving problems set by management, and insight. Such a person is not ambitious, because one of his character traits is modesty. This is a wonderful performer, somewhat of a workaholic. He could easily achieve a high position, but he never sets this as his goal. Such people are promoted up the career ladder only on the initiative of higher management.

In a team, such an employee will provide assistance to colleagues and will willingly take patronage over juniors. He will take care of comfort and try to make sure that no one is dissatisfied.

When reversed, the Queen of Pentacles speaks of the deplorable state of business. This is due to the fact that a person is too lazy to engage in it and does not take responsibility for either the financial situation in the company or the atmosphere in the team. If he has partners, then he will quickly place responsibility on them, and then there is an opportunity to stay afloat, but if there are no such people, then the business will sooner or later come to complete collapse, especially if there are unfavorable Arcana nearby in the scenario.

Very often, problems in business arise due to the fact that a person entered into it not of his own free will, but on someone else’s advice. He lacks motivation. Another problem that this Arcanum opens up is fraudulent methods of doing business by the person himself or his partner.

If we are talking about an employee in a team, then he has groundless ambitions, while he himself does not want to do anything. It’s easier for him to find someone to blame for his problems (one of the team members) and blame everything on him, at any cost, even with dishonest conversations, “far-fetched” facts, gossip and slander. Such a person is not restrained in his statements and can easily offend, thereby incurring a negative attitude from the team.

Direction of self-development

The lesson of the Queen of Pentacles leads a person to benefactors and piety, the ability to accept gifts and give to those in need. Here you should understand how important it is to be able to take care of your neighbors in order to open your heart to pure light.

The Reversed Lady indicates shortcomings that interfere with the path of self-development. You should work through them as soon as possible, otherwise you can lose a lot.

Personal relationships

In relationship scenarios, the Queen of Pentacles shows a strong, reliable union that does not need anyone’s help. These are self-sufficient people who are comfortable with each other. They are not burdened with housekeeping because they have enough money to solve any problems. This union is based not only on sensuality, but also on material ties, but here they serve rather as an accompanying character. If the Ace of Cups is nearby in the layout, then we can talk about the presence of romance.

If the Queen of Pentacles falls on one of the partners, then we are talking about a faithful person who shows himself to be very cordial and enjoys sensual pleasures. The Lady of Pentacles will take care of her partner, help and support in everything, without reproaching even in case of serious failures. Given her good financial position, she will willingly sponsor her partner’s ideas and use her extensive connections to help him. Such a Lady is an easy prey for gigolos and kept women, as well as for people who want to receive everything on a silver platter. Those people who are actively looking for a mate need to be careful about this.

Some tarot readers consider the Queen of Pentacles as a sign that a person is ready to propose marriage, but here you need to look at neighboring cards. It may well be that this is only an internal mood, since Arkan himself does not speak at all about actions, although he concerns the material, visible manifestations of his thoughts.

An inverted Queen of Pentacles that falls on an alliance indicates conflict, and most often due to the inability to manage a joint budget by one of the partners or too high demands for savings on the part of the other. Also, problems may arise here due to lack of self-confidence, for example, of an intimate nature.

If we are talking about one of the partners, then this is an insecure person who doubts the feelings of the other partner, feels resentment, and at the same time finds fault with himself. He does not show enough attention and suffers from frequent mood swings. This person does not know how to manage money correctly, can let you down at any moment, and tries to play a dishonest game in order to gain material wealth.

Personality characteristics

The Arcanum describes, first of all, a woman, but if the alignment is made for a man, then in this case he will have all the traits inherent in a woman of the Queen of Pentacles.

Everything in this woman’s life is in order, systematized and harmonious. The Lady of Pentacles clearly understands her place in society and takes it without violating boundaries. She will always respect her elders and maintain the distance that the other person requires from her. The Lady of Pentacles will treat those of lower status with favor, although sometimes, depending on the mood, she may express disdain. What she doesn't like about the social ladder is equality. If a person of equal importance is next to her, then she will strive to surpass him in at least something, for example, with initiative. She can take control without fear of responsibility. In this regard, it is quite successful.

She is efficient, talented, resourceful, and knows how to perfectly concentrate on assigned tasks, which makes her successful in any field.

With others whom he does not know well, he prefers to communicate politely and correctly. Men in this case are helpful, attentive and gallant. But men with this patroness also exhibit harshness, a tendency to read morals and even physically punish.

The Lady of Pentacles is distinguished by her reliability, loyalty to her preferences and affections. Friends, loved ones and relatives can always count on her help. Sometimes this woman can be inflexible, conservative and sometimes intractable, but this is explained by the fact that she is very thorough, she needs time to change her usual point of view. The chaos drives her crazy. It is difficult for her to choose something if there are several options; she prefers clear certainty.

There are huge differences in the characteristics of men and women according to this Arcanum in mood. If a woman is more often cheerful, cheerful, vigorously expressing emotions, then men are characterized by some gloominess, tension and even dissatisfaction. In one thing they are the same - they simply cannot digest screams, other people’s tears, hysterics. In this case, they will begin to educate, although after all they may make concessions.

These are people with a unique sense of humor that not everyone can understand.

The Lady of Pentacles never reveals her inner essence, because she is very vulnerable, with a subtle mental organization. To protect herself from pain, she demonstrates restraint and sometimes even looks tense.

He does not like surprises, so he always plans everything correctly and does not allow himself to deviate from his own schedule. All this makes her life measured, calm and safe. She plans not only for the immediate future, but also for a much longer period. Sometimes she can answer the question without hesitation about what she will do after retirement, even if she is now only some forty years old. And as a rule, this is more or less accurate.

Despite the fact that the Lady of Pentacles is most often not constrained by funds, he is very thrifty and economical, likes to control income and expenses, not only his own, but also those of his partners, children, and spouse. She must be sure that she has something for a rainy day, and she always has enough of this “something”. If help is required from her, then it is quite logical to justify it, but in no case should you lie. She does not accept lies.

This lady prefers comfort, but if there is a need to endure some kind of hardship, she will easily accept the situation. She tries to keep herself in shape (men even obsess over this), she is clean, and neat in her clothes. Prefers a strict style in accordance with his status, but without pretentiousness, since there is modesty in it.

A good housewife, caring mother and wife.

An inverted Arcana shows a completely irresponsible person. This woman is far from order and it is completely useless to point it out to her: she will find a lot of excuses for herself, because her rhetoric is very good. There is no need to demand responsibility from her. She simply never wants to take it upon herself.

These are people with a weak will, wasteful, and sometimes even their last money is used.

The Lady of Pentacles in reverse is very suspicious and treats the people around her with caution and distrust. In no case can she be trusted either. She is subject to frequent mood swings, does not care what and how she says to people, and never feels guilty for her hurtful words.

She is used to achieving everything at any cost, so methods that are not entirely legal or correct may be used. She can betray and suddenly change her mind. By the way, anyone can influence the opinion of the inverted Queen of Pentacles. She likes to listen to people and do what they say - again a matter of responsibility.

She is an intriguer and a gossip.

Layout for the situation

In layouts for the situation, the Queen of Pentacles indicates its favorable development, even successful. Now everything is going orderly, orderly, correct, calm and without fuss. The person approached the resolution of the situation with due prudence, wisdom and prudence. He curbs his feelings and emotions and relies completely on his intellect.

The Lady of Pentacles also says that a strong-willed woman may appear nearby who can help resolve the situation. She will provide not only psychological support, but will also solve problems financially and with the help of her many connections. This is a successful patron who will surround you with care.

In an inverted position, the Queen of Pentacles indicates that the situation will take an undesirable path, and depending on the neighboring cards in the layout, two main reasons can be identified.

The first reason lies in the person himself and his approach to resolving the situation. At the moment, it is difficult to find a way out due to the fact that there is no one to trust, nowhere to ask for help. Because of this, a person may experience fear, which makes the situation even worse.

The second reason could be an influential and wealthy person who has impressive connections and is trying in every possible way to prevent the implementation of her plans. It will be extremely difficult to compete with such a special person, so you must initially be prepared for failure.

Resolving the situation may require financial costs.


The Queen of Pentacles symbolizes good health, since a person pays great attention to the condition of his body, trains a lot and lives according to a schedule: healthy sleep, proper nutrition, physical activity.

Inverted, the Arcanum indicates a flabby body, lack of tone, and, as a result, fatigue. In addition, the chaotic nature of life affects health: a person goes to bed at the wrong time, eats when he has to and does not worry about the quality of food.

Card of the day

On this day, you need to strictly follow your schedule, which it is advisable to create right in the morning. You don’t need to listen to anyone’s advice, unless it’s a wise, strong woman who will help. Everything on this day will go without a hitch, and at the end of the day there will be a feeling of deep satisfaction with the tasks completed.

Inverted, the Arcanum indicates chaos during the day, an inability to correctly distribute forces, which will lead to failure in completing tasks. The danger may be posed by some influential woman who does not have very good emotions towards the person.

Card of the Year

A year of prosperity, abundance, prosperity. There may be a very good assistant nearby or even a patron - a woman with high income and extensive connections.

An inverted card promises a year of losses, fears, and financial troubles. You may encounter fraud. You need to be wary of an influential woman who will put a spoke in your wheels.

Arcana Council

The Lady of Pentacles recommends feeling your strength and acting decisively. The main thing is to set goals correctly and plan every step correctly. As a result, you can count on success. You can also get outside help. This will be a woman who will happily surround you with care.