Where can you publish your stories for money? Selling a story for real money - is this possible in the modern Internet? Lulu Publishing Terms

How to publish and sell your book? Having nothing but a book and talent.

This manual was compiled by me based on personal experience. It reflects the situation in book publishing in Russia today as accurately and honestly as possible. This guide will help shorten the path that every book takes to reach the book counter. And it will help you avoid practical mistakes, which almost everyone does.

I wrote my “Crazy Tales” several years ago and, like every author, I wanted my book to be published “as it should be”: with the payment of copyright royalties (fees). I will tell you about the typical mistakes of authors, using my own example. So:

At first, I bombarded the e-mails of the Book Publishing Giants (Ast and Eksmo) with letters, then sent my manuscripts in printed form to smaller publishing houses.
The point is that in book publishing editors are sitting there, overloaded with work: just go to the Gigant website in the “vacancies” section to understand that a literary editor has a lot of responsibilities, but he is paid little. And therefore, every editor tries by all legal means to increase his salary and avoid a number of responsibilities. The editor receives a manuscript (synopsis and first chapters) from an Unknown author, downloads it and directly from the desktop deletes it into the trash, after opening it for the title/last name of the author. And puts a tick in the report: Petya Pupkin and his novel “Ibn Pup” do not satisfy goals of the publishing house for the following reasons... And finding a reason is the same as finding a criminal article for a person.
In Russia, 10 novels are created every day, EVERY day! Not to mention small forms: stories, poems, etc. Can you imagine the situation?)
That is, the chance that your manuscript will be noticed is 0.000. And the beautiful tales about how the editor found D. Rowling’s manuscript “Harry Potter” in the basket, read it, and persuaded her to read it, and then publish it. College is a fairy tale. For such suckers as novice authors. Such tales are specially created in the depths of publishing houses.
And even if this were true, then we should not look up to such exceptions, but rather look to the Situation as a Whole.

I uploaded my novels - in parallel with the newsletter - to my blog and to the website “Prose. RU". This can and should be done, but you don’t need to complete it completely, but 2-3 chapters. And this is not necessary for the mythical hope that publishers will notice the manuscript - but this is necessary for positioning oneself as an author. Plus, they will write reviews for you, which means you will have the opportunity to see your mistakes from the outside. The Internet is full of idiots/graphomaniacs, and 90% of the reviews are written by them. Separate the wheat from the chaff. In addition, reviews of such freaks will help you break up faster with sensitive skin. Sensitive skin is not necessary for a good writer, because you will never please everyone anyway!

Nowadays, only large printed forms are in demand - novels. Stories, short stories, poems, short stories, collections of articles - not a single publisher will publish them! Only novels! The volume of the novel should be at least 10–12 author's pages. Therefore, if you are determined to follow the path to the end, then such a trip will be successful only when you have at least one full-fledged novel! Otherwise, you can publish books at your own expense. I note that this category of authors will ALSO receive useful information if they continue reading this.

This is 40,000 characters, including spaces. Open the “Tools” tool in Word, there is a “Statistics” button. After this button is pressed, everything will become clear from the number of author sheets, even to a stupid person.

Do not start looking for a publisher when the manuscript is not yet completely ready. You may miss your CHANCE to be published without intermediaries, which sometimes happens to a beginning author. This happened to me with Babenko V.T. – General Director of the book publishing house “36.6”. There was a creative meeting between the authors and Vitaly Timofeevich, in the store "Biblio Globus". The authors mainly asked questions about their publication in His publishing house. Briefly describing your formats and genres. Babenko is a straightforward man, and he directly answered “no” to everyone. When I took the floor, I didn’t ask Babenko to publish me, but asked: “Are publishers interested in such and such a topic?” Babenko jumped up, while I sat down, handing over the microphone. He gave me his business card and asked me to send him the novel immediately. At that moment, the novel was written, but was not in a state where it could be published. There were no chapter titles, there were only 8 author's pages, there was no CONCEPT of the book. And Babenko fell silent. That is, here I missed my chance, hastening to send a half-baked – from the point of view of publishing a book – work. Something similar can happen to anyone.

Never submit a manuscript without literary editing. As for me personally, I took into account the experience with Babenko and asked for an acquaintance with literary editor Inna Kovalenko, who edited two of my novels. She is not a literary editor by profession, but she has taste and natural flair - and this is the main thing. As a rule, Prof. Editors have neither, but are considered professionals. But let’s not talk about sad things... It’s true that Inna liked the novels, otherwise it would be unknown whether she would have taken up the editorial job. And now we have an agreement with her, where I prescribed very good interest rates for her and the terms for receiving these interests + her title “literary editor” rules in all reprints. Important! – so that your manuscript grabs the literary editor by the balls, then he/she will lay down bones to make the manuscript successful!
In addition to the editor, you can also hire a proofreader to proofread typos and missing commas. Or you don’t have to hire. If you write competently and have completely read the manuscript at least 2 times FROM and TO – after editing. I gave up proofreading. As well as after the services of a technical editor, who already proofreads the layout.

Preferably, by the time the manuscript falls into the hands of an agent and/or a miracle happens and the publisher is interested in you (see “About Babenko”) - you should not just give the manuscript, but give the manuscript with the CONCEPT.

The concept is a detailed synopsis, illustrations or their sketches, cover layout, Marketing Idea of ​​the Publication (the main thing!). There is no point in going into more detail, since each book has an individual approach.

This is the publication of your work in the Collection of various authors. Such a publication is a creative funeral for the author. The saddest thing is that authors often mistake a funeral for a christening. Such collections are published by Proza.Ru and many publishing houses I know. I was thinking about such a collection, even at a price of 500 rubles = 1 page, as the same “Proza.Ru” offers (that’s crazy money, D. Kravchuk is very greedy). But my friend Arthur Kangin, editor-in-chief of a publishing house in the capital, interrupted my thoughts.

You read and saw yourself in these mistakes. Or they realized that such mistakes are disastrous for the author in terms of loss of time and nerves. Let's move on: the book is written and proofread. You can wait for the right opportunity: that is, a meeting in real life with a publisher or agent. But this is problematic and time-consuming, especially for provincials. Therefore, after writing a book, it must be presented in at least 20 copies. You can, of course, do without a presentation, but this is the very case when you don’t need to do it. And do not spare your average monthly salary for 1 month. In any case, I did just that, and I was right.


This process is called “Prepress”.

  1. TO START, decide on the format of the book, the format of the cover, ask the layout designer to count the number of pages of the book by the number of author's sheets. When I started looking for a layout designer, I didn’t know anything: what book formats there are, prices for layout, and what a “prepress” is in general. I posted advertisements on the Internet looking for a layout designer. And only one layout designer counted the number of pages and suggested the format of the book. I wrote clearly how much it would cost, why it would cost so much. Nina, we worked with her. Other potential layout designers asked idiotic questions, asking me for information that I could not give due to incompetence in the prepress. Or perhaps they were simply inflating the price of their services.

So, you sent the layout designer 200 pages of text in Word format, he wrote back the price, the number of pages in the book, the approximate time of work, and plus a couple of test pages (in PDF format) in a special “printed” font.


  1. TEXT LAYOUT. It includes the actual layout + possible insertion of illustrations into a text file. I have two color illustrations in the book, one on each title: I have 2 fairy tales in one book, which are separated from each other by titles.
    My book has 300 pages, in a format of 135x190 mm. Mm is the width and height of the book, this is the so-called. “Euro-format” (A5-trimmed), very popular now in book publishing, although - oddly enough - they rarely publish in it, despite for popularity. More often the A5 format is larger in width/height and bulky.

However, the insertion of a picture into a PDF file with a manuscript can be done by a layout designer, or perhaps by a publishing house. But a better layout designer, simply cheaper and less nerves for the author.

PRICE per layout page varies from 100 to 50 rubles. It is very expensive! Nina does it cheaper, and her work is of very high quality. For the layout of my book, I paid an order of magnitude less than what the most Moscow minimalists asked for.

And a certain publisher Timofey Androsov asked for another 300–500 rubles for each insert of an illustration or photograph described above. Whereas Nina did the pasting at the regular rate of a regular page.

  1. BOOK COVER. It is done by a cover designer or simply a designer. You can offer him the design yourself. Fortunately, this publication is at your own expense.
    When a book is published by a “real” publisher, the cover design can change, and change even when the audience likes it and the publisher. The laws of marketing live differently from novels. But it’s important: the cover should be such that it’s PLEASANT to pick it up, you WANT to pick it up! Olga, based on my design, which I painted in WORDS (I can’t draw at all), made 4 variants of the cover. I approved the first one. Olga could have made 15 design options based on one idea - but this wasn't needed.
    For making a cover layout they ask for 4–10,000 rubles. Olga is an order of magnitude smaller, but a top-class specialist.
  2. ILLUSTRATIONS or PHOTOS. In the case of photos, everything is quite simple: you send the photos to the layout designer indicating the place in the book where they should be pasted - and that’s it.
    But preferably real illustrations, original ones! Author's pictures always win over photos! And there is also a nuance: when you enter into an agreement with a “real” publisher, it is very good if the style of the pictures already has a visual appearance. Because, as a rule, in a publishing house, in-house artists draw according to templates. There's nothing wrong with templates except the templates themselves. The template may be charming, cute, you want to stroke it and look at it, but there is no zest of authorship! You can’t quite explain it in words, but when you come across it, you understand it. Lyudmila made pictures for me. And she made illustrations for me for little money, in relation to the pictures AS TO the work. For clarification: a minimum of one not very complex illustration costs $250. And Lyudmila, before my order, made illustrations for the book “The Lord of the Rings”, and did not care about my pictures. That is, I repeat: IT IS IMPORTANT that people like your work, that they Help you. And just because you pay them doesn’t mean they DO NOT help you!
  3. FONT. The font for a book is no less important than the content of the book itself! Regular fonts from Word are not suitable for a book. The layout designer will offer you two dozen fonts, and you will choose one. The font largely depends on the genre of the novel: mysticism is one thing, melodrama is another, etc. In my book I have the Avante font, size number 9. I approved this font first. I also brought my own design to the layout (as well as to the cover). Not because it became cheaper, but I just remembered that the circulation was for presentation! And there may not be a second chance to make a good impression!

TOTAL: My layout, 2 Color illustrations and Color cover cost me 3 times cheaper than the Moscow average.

You need to know that layout is done once. And even if the 20 copies you publish are not enough for a presentation, then there is always the possibility of printing another twenty without paying for layout.
And it should be noted that I am omitting the nuances of layout - this is not the point here.

This is the process that follows the prepress. The author needs to find a printing house, or better yet, a printing house with publishing status. Why is it better? Because the publishing house assigns an ISBN to your book, but the printing house simply does not have such authority.
And this is a process that does not require any mental effort from you, unlike layout and design, where you have to constantly keep your finger on the pulse. You simply send the layout and cover layout to the printing house, having previously agreed on the price for each copy.

Publishing a book in a small edition increases the cost of printing significantly. Printing houses, of which there are a huge number on the Internet, offer such services under the heading “publishing books from 1 copy.” Printing one copy costs from 900 to 2,500 rubles. Purely print - I repeat! – without prepress! The specific price depends on whether the cover is soft or hard, the type of paper, the coating and color of the cover, the presence or absence of embossing, illustrations.

Timofey Androsov, whom I already mentioned, asked for about 900 rubles purely for printing one book, provided that the cover was NOT colored and soft! The Litkon publishing house asks from 1,000 to 2,500 rubles for printing 1 copy.

I found a publishing house that published my presentation edition of 100 copies (2 color inserts, 80 mg/m2 paper, color soft cover + ISBN, BBK) for a little over 20,000 rubles. I was offered exactly the same price for printing in the provinces, but it’s still better to print where you live, unlike layout. And I live in Moscow.

ISBN is an individual book number in the international classification system, that is, a passport. It is given (usually sold) by the publishing house where the book is published. However, an ISBN can be purchased by the author himself at the Book Chamber by paying a state fee. KP in Moscow, no branches. You can go to the KP website and find out about the mechanism for obtaining these numbers. But it’s still better to buy an ISBN from the publisher that technically publishes your book for your money. As a rule, ISBNs are purchased by publishers in advance and in batches. Buying an ISBN in Moscow costs 3–5,000 rubles. In the provinces you can get it for a thousand, and in some places in Moscow you can. Someone else's publishing house will not give you an ISBN, only the one who publishes the number gives you!

LBC is an indicator of the section in which the book should be located in the library. To make it easy to find. Given for free, assigned in 10 minutes. Although some bastards in Moscow manage to demand money for the BBK. LBC is given once.

It’s the same with UDC in terms of how free it is and how easy it is to assign it. It should be on popular science literature, on artistic publication is not necessary, although some authors even put UDC on the artwork purely for show off.

It gives the right to include the book in an international database; the book is included in the author’s personal bibliography. If the author wants to appear in reference books, then without an ISBN such figuration is problematic. To obtain lit. bonuses, the presence of an ISBN is also important. You won’t be accepted into the Writers’ Union either, although there are as many rules as there are such unions. And without an ISBN, a book cannot be sold through a retail chain (only by the author himself). The main thing, perhaps, is that without an ISBN the book looks “homemade”. When publishing 20 copies, you can look askance at such a “homemade” product, or you can ignore it.

The ISBN begins to work only after 16 copies of the book are sent to the Book Chamber, where the book is registered as actually existing, and the text is not stolen by the author. Books are sent FROM the author's circulation! That is, if you want to get an ISBN, then be prepared to give away 16 copies from your small edition.

We talked to my lit/agent about ISBN in presentation circulation. She said that it is better to have an ISBN than not to have one. BUT! – the most important thing is the text of the book, and everything else is details!
I personally think that 16 copies are 16 copies, but it’s better to give them to the CP if possible!
In any case, after the author has entered into an agreement with the Giant to publish his book, he is given a new ISBN, because publishers do not like other people's ISBNs.

We need to find a lit/agent. But we don’t have an institute of lit/agents. There are rare literary agents, and they work with novice authors for an exorbitantly large percentage of the agent's fee from the author. Royalty. And in general, you will be very lucky if you come across such an agent. For example, I almost came across a certain Oleg Trubnikov, who asked for 30% of my royalties for his services. And when I reproached Trubnikov for greed, he replied that 30% is the usual rate. And it is true.

Lit/agent who works with me and has “sold authors” bigger and heavier than Trubnikov - she doesn’t break 30% of the royalty. Although, without a doubt, she also has an individual approach to everyone.


  1. If you want to publish your book in a presentation edition - for sale to Gigant (Ast or Eksmo) or for yourself - then we can discuss this. This discussion concerns both Muscovites and the provinces.
    Based on the text of the book, it is clear: you need to publish the book for yourself and your family, or you can get the presentation to a “real” publishing house. In the latter case, be prepared to create a book concept.
  2. If you want to publish a book in a presentation edition of 20 copies, then it will cost you about 15,000 rubles + you will have the layout left, and you can reprint the edition at any time at a price of 250–300 rubles = 1 copy.

If in general, according to the situation: For 15,000 you will be offered to do the layout. Illustrations/inserts – separate money. And printing will cost another 15–20,000 rubles. And this is frivolous and greedy.

  1. These publishing prices are based on the criteria of my book. If your book is smaller or larger, or there is a contrast in size in terms of pictures and/or cover, then the price varies. Maybe a little, but it varies.

In the midst of a crisis in our open spaces, it’s time to introduce you to a list of sites that pay authors at least $50 per post or article (well, where else will they pay you that much?).

The list features sites that specialize in a variety of areas of life, from parenting and knitting to business and writing, so there's something for everyone. Some sites indicate the amount they are willing to pay authors, while we learned about other sites from the words of freelancers.

Preliminary preparation

Before you start randomly visiting the sites below, carefully read the descriptions and study the posts published previously. The competition here is quite high. Make sure you have a fresh topic or can put a new spin on a subject that has already been written about.

If you want to learn about how to create a successful guest post follow this link or this link.

So, here is the list itself!

10 sites in the category "business, career and finance"

1. B. Michelle Pippin pays $50-$150 for articles about business.

31. Bitch Magazine's website pays for large newspaper articles about pop culture. The amount of payment varies, please discuss this with your editor.

32. BlogHer pays $50 per post on various lifestyle topics. This site is part of the SheKnows family of sites, which also includes StyleCaster, DrinksMixer and DailyMakeover.

33. Cultures and Cuisines pays $200 per article.

34. The Daily Beast reportedly pays $250 or more. The site lists an email address that rarely responds, so you'll have to work a little harder to find someone to contact about the article.

35. Dame reportedly pays $200 for essays. They accept eyewitness accounts and other articles.

36. Dorkly pays $75 for long articles about Batman, Marvel, Pokemon and other weird topics.

37. END/PAIN - a new site that launched only this year. He pays $250.

38. Expatics for American expats. This is another site where you will need to negotiate payment in advance.

39. Fund Your Life Overseas pays $75 for articles about business ideas that generate income for foreigners.

40. Gawker Media reportedly pays $250 for eyewitness accounts and feature stories on its sites, which include Deadspin, Jezebel and others. They prefer detailed articles. They have recently shut down some sites and are planning to focus on politics, so make sure you find a site that is working.

41. getAbstract reportedly pays $300 for long (2000-4000 words) book reviews.

42. Gothamist pays $50 to $150 for eyewitness stories about events in New York.

43. HowlRound pays $50 for blog posts about theater management and marketing, producing and writing plays.

44. The International Wine Accessories blog pays $50 or more for articles.

45. Pay for The Daily Dot's online magazine The Kernel varies, so be prepared. For an article of 1000-2000 words they can pay $350.

46. ​​Knitty pays $75-$100 for articles about knitting.

47. Listverse pays $100 for long (1500 words) articles on various topics.

48. The Mix from the online publication Hearst (including Country Living, Bazaar, Esquire, Popular Mechanics and others) pays $50-100 for articles.

49. The New York Observer pays $100 for posts about politics and culture for "representatives of the metropolis with sophisticated tastes."

50. OZY pays freelancers, but the rate varies.

51. Paste pays $50 for articles on various topics.

52. Penny Hoarder talks about saving ideas. You will need to discuss payment with the editor.

53. Playboy.com pays up to $350 per article, depending on the topic.

54. Pretty Designs talks about fashion and beauty. You will have to negotiate the cost of each post.

55. PsychCentral talks about mental health. The site does not provide the amount of payment, but according to readers, they pay well for articles.

56. Refinery29 reportedly pays $75 for slideshows, articles and essays on various topics. You can find article topics on their home page.

57. Salon pays $100-200 for essays and eyewitness accounts, even very long ones.

58. Saveur is offering $150 for “amazing food and travel stories.”

59. The Salt (NPR's food blog) reportedly pays around $200.

60. Smithsonian Magazine Online pays experienced freelancers about $600 for eyewitness accounts.

61. Pays $200 for articles about databases.

67. Graphic Design School blog pays $100-200 for articles and training videos about Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and open source design tools.

68. Indeni pays $50-200 for posts about Check Point security systems, F5 load balancer or Palo Alto network security systems.

69. Linode pays $250 for articles on Linux, Socket.io, NoSQL databases, game servers, Open Change, and Web RTC.

70. SlickWP pays $100 for posts about WordPress and the Genesis Theme software package.

71. Treehouse pays $100-200 for posts about web design and development.

72. Tuts+ pays $100 for educational videos on various technologies, including web design and flash memory. Tuts used to run 16 different blogs, including Freelance Switch, but now everything is consolidated into one site that includes design, game development, photography and more.

73. WordCandy pays 6 cents per word for articles posted by someone else. Articles about WordPress will appear on the largest WordPress blogs, such as wpmudev.

74. WPHub pays $100-200 for posts about web design trends, best coding, and other WordPress related topics.


75. Funds for Writers pays $50 for newsletter articles on how to make money as a writer.

76. Make a Living Writing. Yes, this blog also pays $75 for each post on a free topic, as well as $100 for posts on topics specified by the editors.

77. WOW! Women on Writing pays $50-$150.

78. The Write Life pays for certain posts - you will need to negotiate the payment amount.

79. Writer's Weekly pays $60 for articles related to writing.

Have you already tried writing to these sites? Or maybe you found some more? Be sure to let us know in the comments.

And so you wrote something that you called a “story” and you had a completely crazy idea to sell your story. And sell, as we all understand, for money. What can Runet offer you to implement your idea?

1. One hundred websites of one hundred idiots who also know how to dream. And they dream of dragging you onto some content exchange as their referral. These comrades will convince you that thousands of webmasters are just waiting for you to put your story up for sale so that they can immediately buy it.

The reasoning of such referral hunters is quite understandable: you post a story, another, a third, you see that it’s not selling, try to write an article, a second, another... and you’ll see, you’ll turn out to be an excellent copywriter, who will bring you money every month. who brought him to the content exchange received substantial commissions.

There is no need to believe the promises of those who “share secrets” about where to sell the story and to whom to sell the story. Even though they almost showed you the right path. But more on that later.

3. But you still say, “I want to sell a story!!!” and... you find yourself on the sites and blogs of idiots and romantics from literature, who themselves have not sold a single story, have never published a single manuscript of their own, have tried all the free methods that supposedly allow you to become a modern Internet literary star, and now willingly share with you richest experience.

So, let’s end here, or let’s try to figure it out, is there at least a small opportunity to realize what was planned for those who admit it only to their closest friends, and what’s possible only to themselves - I dream of selling a story? Let's try to figure it out.

Early 90s. During the book boom, only those who could not write did not become a writer. I just couldn’t do it, I didn’t know the letters. The rest were asked not to write. And as soon as you wrote a story that really deserved attention, it was immediately taken away by some publishing house, of which there were several hundred in Moscow alone in those days. If the story was sensible, it was “hammered” into some thematic collection and sold, giving you 12 copyright copies of the book stipulated by the contract and a small royalty. If the story (as they said then) felt potential, then five or six literary slaves expanded it into a novel within a week, and it was published as a separate book under paperback or hard cover. Your royalties were again small. And instead of you, the book was signed with the name of some author invented by the publishing house itself.

But those days are gone...

And they were replaced by “Samizdat”...

I can’t even imagine if this literary dump exists today; I haven’t been there for 5, if not 8 years.

But if I already remembered it, then I’ll remind you that after the end of the literary boom, “Samizdat” declared itself as a site that representatives of various publishing houses surf in search of interesting manuscripts and original authors. There was even a list of a dozen authors who were allegedly found in samizdat.

It all ended in nothing:

I have not met anyone who could sell a story through the Samizdat website;

Today (the day this article was written) the site was visited by 8,000 fans and literature lovers.

Hey ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry, but you're lost in time!!!

And about Samizdat. I always had a question for those who published there: I don’t understand, isn’t it easier to immediately send the manuscript to all publishing houses? Why instead take a roundabout route, posting the story in an unknown place (and for many, this was the answer to “where to sell the story?”). And then wait for no one knows what or who (and here comes the question “Who should I sell the story to?” You can just as easily stick the sheets of the manuscript on the nearest fence. What if some publisher, passing by, starts reading, and then...

So the story is ready. Then it must be sent to the editor. It's best to do this in person. To do this, you need to find out the address of the editorial office and go straight there. There you need to find a person involved in the selection of works of art and hand him your creation, preferably in electronic form (on a signed (!) floppy disk (CD) - you can say goodbye to the floppy disk (CD) ;)) and in paper (printed) form. Be sure to include your coordinates on the floppy disk, on the printout, and in the file!
If for one reason or another you cannot visit the editorial office, send your creation by mail. Electronic or regular “envelope” (see below for a number of addresses). The editors of some magazines, in principle, do not work with texts sent by e-mail, but there are not many of them (I can only remember Science and Life). The rest make full use of the modern capabilities of paperless information technologies (magazines “Technology-Youth”, “Star Road”, “Threshold”, etc.). But, IMHO, an email is more likely to get lost or go unnoticed than a traditional letter in a stamped envelope. Make your own choice, but I personally use email.
The message is formatted in any form. The main thing is that it should not be long. For example:

“Hello! I am sending you my fantastic story “A storm covers the sky with darkness...” (Word97 format, file readplease.doc, packaged WINZIP). I would be glad if you find it possible to publish it in your publication. Previously, my stories were published in the magazine " Playbay" and in the small-circulation collection "Ecumenical Cackle". Please confirm receipt of this letter. Sincerely, me. My coordinates: city street, apt. phone, e-mail"

Important: The story you submit must be “clean.” Magazines only take texts that have not been published anywhere before. And try to avoid a situation where two journals want to publish the same text at the same time. You will have to explain yourself to them.
Also important: In the subject of the email, be sure to indicate what you are sending.

All! Text sent! How much to wait?
Perhaps a week. Maybe a month. Or they may even remember in six months.
Therefore, try to remind yourself occasionally. Calls or emails. For example like this:

"Hello! On such and such a day of such and such a month I sent you a letter with the story “A storm covers the sky with darkness...”. Please let me know your decision about the possibility of publication, so that if the story does not suit you, I would had the opportunity to propose it to other publications. Sincerely, me again."

And try not to bother people with daily calls and letters. And if they ignore you, well, that means it’s not fate. Send the text further. Maybe you'll have better luck elsewhere.
And wait. Wait...

And so...
Hooray! They took the text! You have received a letter:

“Dear! We liked your story. If you don’t mind, we would like to publish it in the third issue of our magazine. But there is a comment - is it possible to replace the name of the main character? It seems to us that “Diablo” is not the best name for a Catholic priest. .."

Well. It's up to you whether to agree to the edit or not. If this is your first publication, then most likely you agree to everything. And yet, no one is stopping you from trying to defend your point of view:

"Dear Mr. Editor! I chose the name Diablo for the priest to show his dual nature..."

Who knows, maybe the editor will agree with you?

And, I remind you, try not to interfere with people’s work. Be brief, like President Putin.

Hip, hip, hooray! We agreed on the corrections, changed the name, but kept the name. A month later the story came out - you ran to the kiosk in the morning, bought a fresh issue of the publication that had just come from the printing house, right there on the street, found your name in the table of contents, opened the page with the story, and admired the design. I want to sing, brag, I can’t wait to show someone: “here, it’s me! It’s me who was published!”...
It's okay, it will pass with time.

What's next?
Next, you can receive an author's copy and, possibly, a fee.
The author's copy is received free of charge. Some publications can send it by mail ("Chemistry and Life" - at their own expense, "Threshold" - at yours). For some you will have to come in person (“Technology-Youth”). The same applies to fees. “Chemistry and Life”, “If” can send you the money due by transfer, but in order to receive royalties from “Technology-Youth” you will have to personally visit the editorial office. It’s better to call the accounting department first and make an appointment. It should be noted that royalties are usually paid over time, and not immediately after publication. The amount of the fee is usually small - four hundred rubles for a medium-sized story. But this is money earned by writing! That's where their real value lies!..

For any creative person - an artist, a musician, or a poet - the recognition and attention of others is important. At first these are performances and screenings of works in front of friends and family, but then the circle of spectators inevitably needs to be expanded. What resources allow poets to publish their works?


Open yours using the “Account” link. Among the links on the right, find the address “Management” - “Works” - “Add”. Insert the text of a previously written work from the file, enter the title. Add an illustration in the box below the text of the piece if you wish. Click the "Publish Artwork" button.

Less popular is the Art World resource. After registering there, find a link under your nickname with the word “Poems” and follow it. At the top of the new page, click the “Add Artwork” button.

Enter the name of the cycle if the work is not single. Enter its name, insert text. Leave a comment if you like. Check the box next to the option “I agree with the terms of the agreement.” Click on the “Publish” button.

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  • Poems.ru

Poetic creativity is one of the most accessible forms of art, so there are a lot of poets in the Internet environment, especially among young users. To post modern poetry for free, a whole galaxy of literary sites have been developed, which not only publish and popularize authors for free, but also often protect their copyrights to their works.


The most popular site for posting poetry is .ru. To publish, register there, indicating your real name and . Then open your page and in the "Manage Page" menu, click the "Add" command. Enter the title of the work and the text in the appropriate fields.

Another site about poetry is “The World of Your Creativity.” On the main page of the resource, titles and names of authors of newly added works, reviews, as well as other information are published. Literary competitions with prizes are regularly held. After registration, click on the “Poems” button in the menu on the right. Then click the "Add Artwork" button. Enter the title and text of the work in the appropriate fields, and you can optionally briefly describe its history.

Another option for posting poetry is creating a personal blog. Many authors publish their poems on free blogging platforms and gain great popularity as online authors.


  • Art world

Poems differ from prose works by the presence of frequent line breaks. When posting poems on the site, you should leave a single space between lines and a double space between stanzas, for example, quatrains.


Make sure that the poem you are going to post on the site was created by you personally or that you have the right to make it available to the public (under a contract, a free license, or because it has entered the public domain).

When posting poems on a website, it is convenient to use the HTML tag

Place it before a piece of text, and after it place a closing tag
. The poem will be displayed in a monospace font (if there is one in the site visitor’s OS), while multiple spaces and line breaks will be displayed on the screen without any modification, for example:

I wrote poetry yesterday 
I want to show them to the world.
Instead of a quill pen
I decided to take the keyboard.

I am happy about the success for a reason.
I sit and look and I can’t tear myself away
Eye from the screen. Beauty!
Now I’ll invite all my friends.

If you are happy with the need to edit the text of the poem itself in order to place tags on each line, format it like this:

And then my friends came to me.

And they say: “What!

Aren't you, poet, ashamed?

Looking at the monitor?

Then I pressed F5 -

Take a look at the comments

And I read with surprise

Short comment: “TERRIBLE!”

Tag here

Placed before the line immediately following double spacing, and the tag
- before the line immediately following the single. The font in a poem laid out in this way, unlike the previous case, does not change in any way. Closing both tags is desirable, but not required.

If your site uses the content management system (CMS) MediaWiki or similar, use the tag to post poems Closing it is mandatory. It works the same way as a tag

In HTML, but does not affect the appearance of the font.  For example:

I then sat for two hours,
Despondently lowering his eyes,
And I looked at my poems,
And a tear flowed down my cheek.

The reader booed the poems,
The poems were not accepted by friends.
And I was sad and thought:
Am I really mediocre?

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  • post your poem


Publishers are quite reluctant to work with short literary works (essays, novellas, short stories), so be prepared for the fact that at first your work will not be in demand. Don't despair if you receive several refusals in a row. Fiction and short stories can be published in specialized literature magazines, so try to contact their editors and submit your creation.

Before going to the editorial office of a specialized magazine, be sure to make sure that your work in its genre corresponds to the topic of the publication. In Russia, there are several literary magazines that publish genre and everyday prose, for example, Neva. If you are interested in creating historical or contemporary prose, be sure to pay attention to the editors of this magazine.

If your specialty is fantasy or science fiction, consider visiting the publishing houses of popular science magazines, such as Science and Life or Ural Pathfinder. When mixing the fantasy genre with cyber-punk, it makes sense to pay attention to computer magazines that are happy to publish such stories.

You can contact the publisher via email or telephone. If it has its own website, find on it the manuscript selection department or the contact details of the executive secretary. You can go the other way and present your own story in person, but before that you definitely need to print it out and put an electronic copy of it on a flash drive. In the printout and in the electronic file, you must indicate your contacts: last name, first name, patronymic, address, contact phone number and email.

When you give your manuscript to the editor, ask how much time he plans to spend reading it. Try to get his contact number and ask when you can inquire about the fate of your story. If you decide to send your work by email, contact the editor the next day to find out if he received it. On average, the reading period for stories is 3-4 months, then, if the editor likes your creation, he will contact you.

To publish your works on the Odnoklassniki.ru website, go to the “Groups” section. Enter the word “Poetry” into the search bar. Now you see a huge list of thematic groups, by joining which you can publish your work.

To publish your works on VKontakte, log in to your page. In the "My Groups" section, which is located to the left of your main photo, you can see a search bar. Enter the key phrase: “Poems.” You will see a list of groups that match your request. By logging into any public page, you can add your work there by attaching a picture, signature, audio and even video. However, this action is only possible if the group wall is open. If only its administrators can post posts in a community, in the upper left corner of the wall you may notice the inscription “Suggest news”. Click on it and publish your poem in the window that opens. If the administration of the group considers it worthy, it will definitely appear on the wall.

The social network Vkontakte has many public pages dedicated specifically to the publication of poems. These include groups such as “Fall Up”, “Tea with the Taste of a Communal Apartment”, “Pesh.com”, “Nefrit Poems” and many others.

Publishing poems on other resources

If you do not want to limit yourself to publishing your poems on social networks, you can visit other Internet portals that are relevant to the topics that interest you. You can post your poems on the websites “Stihi.ru”, “Fanfiction”, etc.

In addition, many popular print publications now publish works written by their readers. In order to be among them, use any search engine. In the search bar you need to write the name of the newspaper or magazine. You will see the official website of this publishing house. This is where you can find an email address to which you can send your poems and wait for them to be published. However, this method does not always bring results, since the editors of a magazine or newspaper may ignore your work or find it boring.

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