Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces Strategic Missile Forces. Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great: description, history and interesting facts. Military Academy named after. Peter the Great: history of creation and reform

The Strategic Missile Forces Military Academy, named after Peter the Great, has been considered one of the most prestigious for many decades. In domestic education, this university is elevated to the rank of not only an authoritative military educational institution, but also a research center that is actively and successfully engaged in developments in the field of technical sciences.

What made the school famous?

Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great has a long and interesting history, many state awards and famous graduates, of whom the whole country can rightfully be proud.

After the implementation of reforms in the field of military education, the academy included two military institutes in the cities of Rostov-on-Don and Serpukhov. At the moment, the latter is a branch of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces. In the article, we will briefly look at the history of the creation and reform of each institution, the faculties that currently operate on the basis of this university, and also remember the famous personalities who were associated with this institute.

Military Academy named after. Peter the Great: history of creation and reform

This educational institution has existed for about two centuries. Of course, during this time the academy underwent numerous changes, reforms and received different names. Today it is believed that the prototype of the academy was the Artillery School with officer classes opened in St. Petersburg in December 1820. A little later, in 1845, it was given the name Mikhailovskoye, in honor of Prince Mikhail Pavlovich who founded it. Another 10 years later, this institution was called the Mikhailovsky Artillery Academy, and after the revolution in 1919, the common prefix Red Army was added to the name.

In 1926, the university was renamed the Military Academy named after. F. Dzerzhinsky, and in 1934 the institution was called the Artillery Academy of the Red Army named after. Dzerzhinsky.

Since 1938, the academy has been located in the capital, in the building of the Imperial Orphanage. There she remained until the outbreak of World War II.

From 1941 to 1944, the university was temporarily stationed in Samarkand. After the war, the academy was returned to Moscow. An additional missile weapons department appeared within its walls, which had no analogues not only in the USSR, but throughout the world.

The university also begins active and successful training of qualified rocket engineers. Since 1953, the educational institution has already been called the Artillery Engineering Academy named after. Dzerzhinsky. On New Year's Eve 1960, it was included in a new unit of the Military Forces, and it began to bear the name of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Assigning the name that the university still bears today

Throughout the long history of its existence, the educational institution has often changed its main strategic purpose, and the names have changed accordingly. The final name that the university bears to this day was given to it in August 1997. It was then that, in order to revive traditions, the president signed a decree giving the institution the final name “Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great.” The decision to name a military university in honor of this particular statesman was due to the merits of Peter I in the creation of the Russian regular army.

In 1998, the first branch of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces of Peter the Great was opened in Kubinka. It became the former Moscow School of Radio Electronics. And 10 years later, in 2008, 2 more branches were added to the academy. One is located in the city of Serpukhov and the second in Rostov-on-Don. In 2015, the academy was relocated to Balashikha.

State awards

Throughout the history of its existence at different periods of time, the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces has been awarded many state awards:

  • The Order of Lenin was received in 1938 for the training of artillery engineers and commanders;
  • Order of Suvorov, 1st class. received in 1945 for military services to the Fatherland and training highly qualified personnel for the Red Army;
  • received in 1970 for training, for contribution to the development of technology and science.

Training invaluable military personnel

It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of this university and the personnel it trains. The Academy supplied the military sphere with highly qualified specialists for many years, its graduates were especially valued during the Second World War. Further, its graduates became the backbone and base of the officer corps that served the nuclear forces. Largely thanks to their dedication and professionalism, the long-awaited parity in the field of nuclear missile weapons between the United States and the Soviet Union was achieved at one time.

Today, the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great is training officer personnel in engineering and command profiles. Its graduates are able to work on absolutely any modern, even the most complex equipment and in any conditions.

The training of such personnel is carried out at three gradual levels:

  1. Receiving higher specialized military education, within the framework of which cadets receive qualifications as engineers in the specialties of various military profiles (ballistic, mechanical, electronic, chemical, nuclear missile, electrical engineering).
  2. Advanced training of management personnel.
  3. Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.

Scientific work and undeniable contribution to the military sphere

Throughout its history, this university has been engaged not only in training irreplaceable personnel. The Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces has always conducted scientific activities. For a long time, it was an invaluable basis on the basis of which the theory of weapons developed and the development of foundations and standards for the production of missile devices. On the basis of the academy, dozens of the most effective means were developed, designed to defeat and completely destroy the enemy.

The academy staff made a truly invaluable contribution to the development and activation of such components of military excellence as operational art, strategy and, of course, tactics.

The scientific and pedagogical school, successfully functioning on the basis of this academy, is still considered the undisputed leader in the development of operational art and the development of the theory of tactics of the domestic Missile Forces.

Brilliant teachers and talented graduates

Weapons systems that were created on the basis of the scientific work of such academy cadets as F. Petrov and V. Grabin received fame and recognition not only at home, but throughout the world. Among military professionals around the world, the names of Fedorov, Kotin, Mosin and Sudaev are well known. Based on their work, rifle assault rifles, self-propelled artillery mounts and repeating rifles were created, which are rightfully considered one of the best in the world.

Over the entire period of its existence, the Strategic Missile Forces Military Academy has graduated more than 300 laureates of various state awards. Among its cadets there were 128 people who later became Heroes of the Soviet Union, three were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Her students at one time were outstanding generals, infantry and marshals. The Academy can also be proud of its graduates, who later became brilliant military leaders and generals. Among them, Chernyakhovsky, Odintsov and Nedelin should be noted.

Rostov branch

In 2008, the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces was given two branches, one of which was the Rostov Military Institute. The Academy named after. Peter the Great, this institute became a separate entity. This is not surprising, because Rostov University named after. The week was something to be proud of. Despite all its merits and rich history, unfortunately, it has not been functioning since 2011. In 2014, renovation work was actively carried out on its territory. It is difficult to predict what will happen to the university next. Despite this, let us consider the history of the creation of this institution.

In 1937, an artillery school was founded in Rostov. In 1951, the Council of Ministers of the RSS issued a resolution on the creation of the Higher Artillery Engineering School on the basis of this institution. Ten years later, he was given the name M. Nedelin, the commander-in-chief who died heroically while testing a strategic missile at Baikonur.

In 1998, the school received the status of a military institute of missile forces.

Faculties of the Rostov Military Institute

The branch of the Military Academy in Rostov accepted candidates for five faculties:

  • "Missile control systems";
  • "Automated control systems";
  • “Moral and psychological support” (specialty ─ Pedagogy and psychology)
  • “Technical and launch complexes of rockets”;
  • "Radio equipment and metrology."

Famous branch in the Moscow region

Unlike Rostov, the branch of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces in Serpukhov operates successfully to this day. The history of this establishment dates back to 1941. Then the II Moscow Aviation School was opened. After 7 years it was transformed into a military aviation technical school.

In 1962, after an order from the USSR Ministry of Defense, the school began to train command and engineering personnel and was renamed the Serpukhov Higher Command and Engineering School. In 1998, by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, the educational institution received the title of Serpukhov Military Institute of the Russian Federation.

In 2008, in connection with numerous reforms in the field of military education, the university became part of the Military Academy named after. Peter the Great and began to be called its branch in Serpukhov (Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces).

Work not only in the direction of personnel training

The institute's staff actively participated in the creation of the theory of operation and preparation of diverse missile weapons. At one time, they made a huge contribution to the development of military art in the field of the Missile Forces.

At his departments, the most important fundamentals of maneuver tactics for units armed with PGRK were carefully developed.

Faculties of the branch in Serpukhov

Today, on the basis of the branch of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great, five faculties are open for cadets, including:

During their studies, students are provided with everything they need and are paid a decent stipend. Every year, in these areas, the Serpukhov Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces graduates 500 highly professional officers who faithfully and devotedly serve their Fatherland after graduation.

The Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great is one of the oldest higher educational institutions. If you want to devote your life to the Missile Forces, then your path lies through this educational institution.

It is worth noting that since 2015 this academy has been located in the city of Balashikha, not far from Moscow. The academy has existed for almost 200 years and during this period it has repeatedly changed its specifics. You will learn about this and much more by reading this article.

Main historical points

The Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces was created in 1820. Of course, at that time there was no question of any modern missile systems, but even then, in the first years of its existence, the academy played an important role. The officer classes of the Artillery School are the beginning of the great academy. By the way, the first location of this institution is the city of St. Petersburg.

After 35 years, from the date of its foundation, the school was renamed the Mikhailovsky Artillery Academy. After this, the academy changed its name more than once and in 1938 it was for the first time in Moscow, where, unfortunately, due to all the facts known to us, it was not located for long. During military operations against Nazi Germany, the academy was transferred to the city of Samarkand. Only after the end of the war. The academy returned to Moscow again, where it was located until 2015.

During its existence, the academy has acquired many state awards, such as the Order of Lenin, the Order of Suvorov 1st degree and many others. This is not surprising, because over the years the Strategic Missile Forces Academy has largely succeeded in developing many components of military operations: tactics, strategy, as well as operational art.

It is worth noting that a branch of the Strategic Missile Forces Academy has been opened in the city of Serpukhov. The academy building is located near the Oka River, in a very picturesque area. In February 1941, during one of the most difficult years of the Second World War, this branch was created. The official founding date is considered to be February 23. It is on this day that the annual holiday of the Strategic Missile Forces branch is celebrated.

Graduates of the Strategic Missile Forces Academy

Over its 75-year history, the university has trained many missile officers, about 50 of whom eventually became generals. In my opinion, these figures clearly demonstrate the quality of training within the walls of the university.

Recently, an exhibition with the Topol missile system was opened at the branch of the military academy. Colonel Morozov, now the head of the branch, on September 1 at the opening of the academic year, along with parting words to the cadets, opened this exhibition. This exhibition will help you master the technique and prepare worthy masters of your craft.

There are countless famous graduates of the academy, but some of them are worth mentioning separately. Nikolaev Sergei, Stalin Prize laureate, one of many graduates of the academy. With his work, he achieved a lot and contributed to the development of the engineering and technical service. He lived an excellent life, during which he managed to become a professor and write more than 10 scientific papers. The best specialist in the field of optical tank sights in his generation. In general, a well-deserved person!

Popov Petr Mikhailovich is also an outstanding graduate of the Strategic Missile Forces Military Academy. He was awarded the Stalin Prize for creating a new type of gun. It is impossible to count all the worthy people who graduated from the academy, but we can safely say that the academy was and is, to this day, a source of personnel.

Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces in Serpukhov and Balashikha today

Shoigu recently visited the territory of the military academy in Balashikha, where he outlined the paths for its development. After moving to Balashikha, the territory of the military academy was increased 6 times, which undoubtedly affected the quality of training of cadets. According to the further development plan of the academy, a new educational building that meets all modern requirements will be built on its large territory.

Also, sports facilities and a new dormitory will be built. All this cannot but rejoice, because an academy with such a history deserves only the best.

Many young people dream of going to study at the Strategic Missile Forces military academy, but this is not so easy to do. Difficult requirements are put forward for candidate cadets. The applicant's age must be between 16-22 years old, unless he has completed military service. But after the army you are allowed to enroll until you are 24 years old.

It is also necessary to undergo a commission medical examination, have excellent physical shape, a good level of knowledge, as well as a positive reference. If all these points are met, then you can count on being accepted into the ranks of the academy cadets. Feel free to collect your documents and head to the address: Balashikha st. Karbysheva 8 - this is where the academy is based.

Celebrating the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces Academy 2016

December 7, 2016 will mark the 196th anniversary of the founding of the academy. We are getting closer and closer to the grandiose 200th anniversary. For now, let’s briefly recall how the birthday of the Strategic Missile Forces Academy went in 2015.

In 2015, it turned 195 years old and many worthy people wanted to congratulate everyone involved in this academy. Of special note is the congratulations from the Russian cosmonaut representative office on board the ISS.

Surely everyone who saw this congratulation was pleasantly surprised and pleased! Each cadet, as well as graduates of December 7, 2016, will happily celebrate the academy’s birthday. Some were with their families, and some were in training, but several graduates were celebrated right in space. Unbelievable but true.

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Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great

Military Order of Lenin, October Revolution, Suvorov Academy of Strategic Missile Forces
named after Peter the Great
(VA Strategic Missile Forces)

Sleeve badge, 2005.
International name

Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Forces

Year of foundation


Legal address

109074, Moscow, Kitaigorodsky proezd, 9/5


Coordinates: 55°45′00″ N. w. 37°38′11″ E. d. /  55.75° N. w. 37.636389° E. d.(G) (O) (I)55.75 , 37.636389

The Academy building from the Moscow River

The Academy was awarded the Orders of Lenin (1938), Suvorov 1st degree (1945) and the October Revolution (1970).

The Academy for a long period was a center for the development of weapons theory, the development of the fundamentals for the design and production of firearms, missiles, and mine-explosive devices - means of defeating and destroying the enemy. The works of N.V. Maievsky, K.I. Konstantinov, A.V. Gadolin, D.K. Chernov, S.I. Mosin, G.A. Zabudsky, V.N. Ipatiev, M.M. won worldwide fame. Pomortsev, V. M. Trofimov, N. F. Drozdov, D. A. Ventsel, I. P. Grave, M. E. Serebryakova and others.

The Academy, as a leading university, has made a significant contribution to the development of all three components of the art of war: tactics, operational art, and strategy. Her teacher N.V. Medem laid the foundations of the national school in this area, becoming the first professor of strategy and tactics at the Academy of the General Staff. At the academy's departments, together with the country's leading military scientists, the basic principles of the theory of deep offensive operations, artillery offensive, improving methods of fire control and maneuver of ground and anti-aircraft artillery, and methods of its combat use were developed. The Academic Scientific and Pedagogical School has become a recognized leader in the formation and development of the operational art of the Missile Forces - an integral part of the operational art of the Russian Armed Forces, covering the theory and practice of preparing and conducting deterrent and combat operations by Strategic Missile Forces formations. Academy scientists made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of tactics of the Missile Forces, their operational and combat training, and the operation of missile weapons.

No matter what changes the academy underwent, in its engineering component it remained essentially a weapons college in the widest range of this concept. The scientific and pedagogical schools of the academy and their students stood at the origins of rapid-fire rifled artillery, mortars, armored vehicles, automatic small arms, multiple launch rocket systems, aircraft and ship weapons, all types of ammunition and even chemical warfare agents. After the end of World War II, the Academy headed the rocket, space and nuclear areas of weapons development. It has also become a leading center for training officers in the field of automated control systems for troops and weapons.

Within the walls of the academy, a number of military-technical areas were born and developed, which subsequently formed into six independent educational institutions (Leningrad Military Mechanical Institute; military academies: Artillery, Motorization and Mechanization of the Red Army, Chemical Defense, Communications, Air Defense of the Ground Forces), three faculties and five military departments in civilian universities in the country. The academy's scientific and pedagogical schools provided significant assistance in the establishment of 19 military schools.

The Academy operates a Training Center located in the city of Balabanovo, Kaluga Region. A branch of the Central Museum of the Strategic Missile Forces was created on the basis of the center.

Military training

A special distinctive feature of the Academy is the presence of two components in its activities: command and engineering. Their mutual influence provides departments and faculties with theoretical and practical enrichment, an effective educational process and fruitful research work, eliminating the possibility of some being carried away by solving narrow applied problems, others by research very far from the needs of the troops, from the requirements of the art of war.

Today the academy trains military personnel at three levels.

The first level is higher military-special education: during their training, academy cadets acquire the qualifications of an engineer in the specialties of mechanical, electrical, electronic, radio engineering, chemical, ballistic, and mathematical profiles. For the first time in the Russian Armed Forces, a faculty of Orthodox culture has been opened at the academy, where those who wish to receive additional education.

The second level is higher military education: training and advanced training of leading command and engineering personnel at regimental, divisional and army command levels.

The third level is the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel: postgraduate studies - 30 people, doctoral studies - 3 people, competitive studies - 20 - 25 people per year. The Academy is granted the right to consider dissertations for the degree of doctor of military, technical, historical, pedagogical and psychological sciences. More than 50 candidate and 10 - 12 doctoral dissertations are defended per year.

The academy's students became the basis of the officer corps of the strategic forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation. They have decisively contributed to achieving parity in nuclear missile weapons with the United States, the development of advanced technologies, ensuring nuclear safety, preventing environmental disasters, and carrying out conversion.

Already today, the Academy is capable of training officers in fundamentally new and important specialties in modern conditions, such as information warfare, quality management of weapons and military equipment, metrology and standardization of weapons, ecology, military service safety, interspecific systems and means of armed warfare.

Many scientific works of the academy's teaching staff are widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad. Among the books published abroad only in recent decades, it is worth noting the works of A. V. Solodov “Cryptotechnology” (Great Britain) and “Information Theory” (Germany), Yu. G. Fokin “Military Engineering Psychology” (Germany, Hungary) , A. D. Pogorelova “Fundamentals of Orbital Mechanics” (USA), I. I. Goldenblat and N. A. Nikolaenko “Thermal Stresses in Nuclear Reactor Structures” (USA), M. E. Serebryakova “Internal Ballistics” ( USA), V. M. Gavrilova “Optimization of processes in conflict situations” (Japan) and others.

Famous graduates

Having fundamental operational-tactical training, the Mikhailovtsy and Dzerzhintsy, brought up in the spirit of fidelity to duty, became famous in the battles for the freedom and independence of our Motherland. Among them are 193 Knights of the Military Order of St. George, 128 Heroes of the Soviet Union, in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, students of the academy with honor and dignity solved the complex tasks of artillery support for combat operations of troops at the fronts and forged victory in the rear. Among the graduates of the academy, I. A. Flerov is a Hero of the Russian Federation, commander of the first experimental battery of BM-13 (“Katyusha”) rocket launchers, such major military leaders as L. A. Govorov, M. N. Chistyakov, N. D. Yakovlev , Yu. P. Bazhanov, G. F. Odintsov, P. N. Kuleshov, P. G. Shafranov, V. S. Korobchenko, V. I. Khokhlov, Marshal of the Russian Federation I. D. Sergeev, L. G. Kornilov, N.I. Ivanov, I.D. Chernyakhovsky, and other commanders and major military leaders, dozens of marshals and generals.

The Academy was graduated by the Commanders-in-Chief and Commanders of the Missile Forces M. I. Nedelin, K. S. Moskalenko, V. N. Yakovlev, N. E. Solovtsov, A. A. Shvaichenko, S. V. Karakaev, commanders of the Space Forces and heads of the Federal Space agency (Roscosmos) A. G. Karas, A. A. Maksimov, V. L. Ivanov, V. A. Grin, A. N. Perminov, V. A. Popovkin, most of the heads of associations and units of nuclear technical support.

Graduates and staff of the Academy took a direct part in the formation and development of practical astronautics. Nine surface features on the far side of the Moon are named after them.

Among the graduates of one of the oldest educational institutions are full members of the national academies of sciences, academicians V. N. Ipatyev, A. A. Blagonravov, E. V. Zolotov, corresponding members N. V. Maievsky, A. V. Gadolin, N. A. Zabudsky, N. P. Buslenko, S. B. Kormer, R. R. Sadretdinov, L. I. Volkov. The design developments of S. I. Mosin and A. I. Sudaev, V. G. Grabin, I. A. Gorshkov, I. I. Ivanova, M. Ya. Krupchatnikov, Zh. Ya. Kotin, V. I. Rdultovsky, M. F. Vasilyev, V. V. Oranovsky and N. A. Lobanov, V. N. Mikhailovsky and S. M. Nikolaev and others.

623 graduates of the academy were awarded the honorary titles of Hero of Labor, Honored Worker, and laureate of the highest awards.


  • Wikipedia
  • The Academy building from the side of the Moscow River Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great (full name: “Military Academy of the Orders of Lenin, Suvorov and the October Revolution, Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great”) command and... ... Wikipedia

    The Academy building from the side of the Moscow River Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great (full name: “Military Academy of the Orders of Lenin, Suvorov and the October Revolution, Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great”) command and... ... Wikipedia

    Military Academy: Military Academy (Odessa) Military Academy "Louis" Military Academy G.S. Rakovski Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Military Academy of the Imperial Japanese Navy Military Academy ... ... Wikipedia

    The Academy building from the side of the Moscow River Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great (full name: “Military Academy of the Orders of Lenin, Suvorov and the October Revolution, Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great”) command and... ... Wikipedia

    The Academy building from the side of the Moscow River Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great (full name: “Military Academy of the Orders of Lenin, Suvorov and the October Revolution, Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great”) command and... ... Wikipedia

    Middle emblem of the Strategic Missile Forces of Russia Sleeve insignia of the Strategic Missile Forces (1) Sleeve insignia of the Strategic Missile Forces (2) Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) ground component of strategic nuclear forces ... Wikipedia

    The Academy building from the side of the Moscow River Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great (full name: “Military Academy of the Orders of Lenin, Suvorov and the October Revolution, Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great”) command and... ... Wikipedia

The Academy traces its history back to the officer classes of the Artillery School, officially opened on November 25 (December 7, new style) 1820.
Throughout its history, the academy has repeatedly changed its name - from the Mikhailovsky Artillery Academy to the Military Academy named after
F.E. Dzerzhinsky.

Historically, the Imperial Orphanage was located here.
Founded in 1764 on the initiative of the educator I. I. Betsky as a charitable closed educational institution for orphans, foundlings and street children. The largest building in Moscow of the pre-revolutionary period

During the fire of 1812, the Orphanage found itself practically in the center of the fire - Kitay-Gorod was completely burned out to the west and north, and the Yauza part of the city was completely burned to the east. The main building itself was protected from the fire by servants who remained in occupied Moscow under the leadership of I. A. Tutolmin (1752-1815) to care for orphans (there were about 1,125 of them left) and the wounded left in the building.

After the revolution of 1917, the orphanage was liquidated, and the buildings of the Orphanage were occupied by trade union institutions. In the 1920s The premises of the main building were redesigned.

At one time, the Palace of Labor also visited here, in which Ilf and Petrov located the editorial office of the newspaper "Stanok" (prototype - "Gudok").
It was here that Ostap Bender ran away from his wife Gritsatsueva along the long endless corridors in their immortal creation

After the October Revolution, it was transformed into the Baby Protection House and the Institute of Obstetrics, which in 1922 were merged into the Institute of Pediatrics, which later became the Research Institute of Pediatrics, which was located here until 1962.

In the early 1950s, there was a threat of destruction over the building of the Orphanage. Stalin planned to build another high-rise building on this site. Presumably, the architect I. I. Loveiko ensured that instead of a new high-rise building, a second block of buildings was built according to the original design. In the 1960s, Loveiko completed this project. The erected second “square” generally repeats the basic forms of the original

The Academy today is a command and engineering university with a polytechnic profile and a major research center in the field of military science and technology.
Here, professional educational programs of higher professional education are being implemented to train officers in a wide range of knowledge-intensive military-technical specialties, not only for the Strategic Missile Forces, but also for other branches and branches of the Armed Forces, almost all law enforcement agencies.

On the eve of the 52nd anniversary of the creation of the Strategic Missile Forces, celebrated annually on December 17, the press club of the Ministry of Defense kindly invited us to take part in this excursion press tour.

As I said earlier, the academy was formed on the basis of an artillery school, at the main entrance there are also royal ones who participated in battles, etc. defense of Moscow in WWII (EMNIP).

The interior decoration is no less strict than the external forms

However, in some places pompousness fits in very logically, referring us to history and our great commanders.
The Academy has every reason to be proud of the history and achievements of its 25 scientific schools, which are essentially the national treasure of Russia, an important component of domestic and world science

In 1997, “in order to revive the historical traditions of the Russian Army and taking into account the exceptional merits of Peter the Great in creating a regular army,”
By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the academy was renamed the Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great.
Has awards and pennants, unlike the working site (at the time of writing this note)

In the corridors you can find paintings of outstanding military leaders.

One of the places we visited was the Academy's History Museum

Under the leadership of a wonderful person, retired colonel and honored cultural worker Valentin Ivanovich Uglov

A large number of exhibits related to the history of both the academy itself and its graduates, as well as generally devoted to its main topics, are collected here.
Samples and mock-ups of the first combat missiles are presented, which can also be found in

One of the stands is dedicated to the First World War and the Brusilov breakthrough in particular

Of course, details are presented that relate us to Tsiolkovsky and Zander.
The first domestic jet engine (OR-1) ran on compressed air and gasoline and developed a thrust of 145 kg.
Frankly speaking, it looks more like a blowtorch, but you can very well imagine scientific and technological progress over the past 100 years

A lot is devoted to artillery, ammunition and small arms

Personal belongings of Yakov Dzhugashvili and Marshal Nedelin are also presented.

Something is devoted to calculating machines and devices for calculation and firing

I somehow didn’t catch the differences between the R-1 engine and the R-2 presented in Vlasikha

What I noticed as unusual for myself was the nuclear warhead of a 533mm torpedo

The diagrams and layouts of all ICBMs in service look very clear and user-friendly. Truly, it takes a genius to simply do something complex.

Of course, among the exhibits there are developments by academy graduates such as the ASBU (automated combat control system) and command consoles used for OS missile systems (the entire UR-100, R-36 and RT-2 family)

The exhibition, although it occupies a small area, is well organized and very rich; some of the exhibits are simply unique

And with such a wonderful presenter, it’s simply priceless. Demonstration of an experimental laser pistol, specially developed by academy graduates for astronauts and zero-gravity conditions.

Here our visit to the museum ends and we head to one of the academy’s classrooms, where classes on military space topics are held.
All kinds of spacecraft are presented here, but first of all these are reconnaissance satellites

Zenit is the most numerous type of reconnaissance satellite; more than five hundred units have been launched in the history of space flights.
All special equipment (photographic, photo-television, radio reconnaissance) was installed inside the spherical capsule.
The shooting was carried out through multi-glass windows cut into the lid of one of two large-diameter technological hatches.

Initially, the Zenits were equipped with a complex of special equipment, consisting of one SA-20 camera with a focal length of 1 m. one SA-10 camera with a focal length of 0.2 m, Baikal photo-television equipment and Kust-12M equipment for radio reconnaissance. The Baikal and Kust-12M equipment made it possible to transmit information via radio channel within the visibility range of ground receiving points. However, after four successful test flights (Cosmos-4, Cosmos-7, Cosmos-9 and Cosmos-15), it became clear that the phototelevision equipment did not provide the required characteristics and a set of special equipment was installed on subsequent products "Ftor-2R" consisting of three SA-20 and one SA-10 devices, as well as special equipment "Kust-12M". Three SA-20 cameras provided a shooting bandwidth of 180 km. at a flight altitude of 200 km. The stock of film in them ensured the production of 1,500 frames measuring 60 x 60 km (the total area to be filmed was 5.4 million sq. km.). To expand the survey capabilities of the vehicle, the vehicle's control system provided quick turns at specified angles to survey areas lying to the side of the flight path. Upon completion of the orbital flight, cameras with film were delivered to the SA on Earth.

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The next device developed at OKB-1 was Zenit-4 (11F69) equipped with a set of special equipment “Ftor-4” (a camera with a focal length of 3 m). The spacecraft (spacecraft) had a corrective propulsion system (CPS). At this point, OKB-1 completed work on the creation of reconnaissance satellites. Since 1964 this work was continued by branch No. 3 of OKB-1. The first launch took place on May 18, 1964. from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. June 12, 1965 The Zenit-4 spacecraft was put into service.
The development of the Zenit-4M device (11F691) began in accordance with the decision of the military-industrial complex dated December 19, 1967. The spacecraft was equipped with Fluorine-6 ​​equipment. The first launch of the Zenit-4M spacecraft was carried out on October 31, 1968. from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. In 1970 The Zenit-4M detailed photographic reconnaissance spacecraft, named "Rotor", was put into service. It was supposed to replace the Zenit-4 satellites. For the period from 1968 to 1973. 56 spacecraft launches were carried out; one launch ended in a launch vehicle accident. In 1971-1973. the number of launches ranged from 8 to 13 per year.

Once in orbit, this capsule was connected to a service module containing batteries, electronics, attitude control systems, fuel tanks and rocket engines. The control system of the Vostok ship ensured its orientation only before descent. Photography required a constant three-axis orientation of the device with fairly high accuracy. The Zenit was controlled not only by one-time commands issued from ground points in the visibility zone, but also by a daily work program laid on board using a command-software radio line with a sufficiently high throughput.

To ensure the secrecy of special equipment and information, an emergency detonation system for the APO-2 facility was installed. Unlike previously used means of detonation, it had to have a more complex logic that would make it possible to determine whether the device lands on its own or someone else’s territory.

There is no natural convection in orbit, so it has to be created artificially using various fans, thanks to their work heat exchange and mixing of air in the compartment occurs

Externally, Zenit differs little from Vostok, but significant changes have taken place inside. The Vostok's traffic control system (MCS) ensured its orientation only before descent. Photography required a constant three-axis orientation of the device with fairly high accuracy (an orientation error of more than one degree led to an unacceptable deterioration in image quality). The Zenit was controlled not only by one-time commands issued from ground points in the visibility zone, but also by a daily program placed on board using a command-program radio link. The thermal control system was significantly improved and provided a narrow range of temperature fluctuations and the rate of its change (the permissible deviation is less than 1 degree, and the rate of temperature change is less than 0.1 degree/hour) necessary for photographic equipment. An emergency detonation system for the APO-2 object was installed, which had a more complex control logic that made it possible to determine whether the device was landing on its own or someone else’s territory. The braking propulsion system and a small part of the systems were borrowed without changes. All special equipment was installed inside the spherical descent vehicle (DS). The optical axes of the cameras were perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the spacecraft. The total length of the spacecraft in orbit is about 5 m and the total mass is between 4600 kg and 6300 kg

Orientation system cylinders used to adjust the apparatus in space

Liquid-fuel engine of the braking unit; now powder engines are used for these purposes.

Each connector and connection contains a label indicating the person responsible.

Design of the Zenit-2 spacecraft

1 photographic equipment;
2 antenna of special radio equipment;
3 power supply system;
4 instrument compartment;
5 software radio line antenna;
6 control system equipment for radio engineering and other systems;
7 "Infrared vertical";
8 braking propulsion system;
9 descent vehicle;
10 explosive charge of the emergency detonation (liquidation) system of the object;
11 equipment for control, landing, radio and other systems;
12 orientation system cylinders;
13 solar orientation sensor;
14 blinds of the thermal control system;
15 antenna for telemetry systems;
16 antennas of the "Signal" system.

Intelligence is needed not only for the green men of a potential enemy on this planet, but also for the probable green men on the nearest planets of the solar system. For this purpose, devices were built and missions were sent to the Moon and Venus.

This is what it looks like on board the lander

The Military Academy of the Orders of Lenin, the October Revolution and Suvorov Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great is a command and polytechnic higher military educational institution of the Strategic Missile Forces of Russia, a large research center in the field of military and technical science.

Military Orders of Lenin, October Revolution and Suvorov Academy of Strategic Missile Forces
named after Peter the Great
(VA Strategic Missile Forces)
International name Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Forces
Year of foundation 1820
Type state
boss Lieutenant General Siver Sergei Viktorovich
Location Russia Russia: Moscow region
Legal address postal: Karbysheva street, house No. 8, Balashikha city, Moscow region, 143900.

The Academy was awarded the Orders of Lenin (1938), Suvorov 1st degree (1945) and the October Revolution (1970).

The Academy for a long period was a center for the development of weapons theory, the development of the fundamentals for the design and production of firearms, missiles, and mine-explosive devices - means of defeating and destroying the enemy. The works of N.V. Maievsky, K.I. Konstantinov, A.V. Gadolin, D.K. Chernov, S.I. Mosin, G.A. Zabudsky, V.N. Ipatiev, M.M. won worldwide fame. Pomortsev, V. M. Trofimov, N. F. Drozdov, D. A. Ventsel, I. P. Grave, M. E. Serebryakova and others.

The Academy, as a leading university, has made a significant contribution to the development of all three components of the art of war: tactics, operational art, and strategy. Her teacher N.V. Medem laid the foundations of the national school in this area, becoming the first professor of strategy and tactics at the Academy of the General Staff. At the academy's departments, together with the country's leading military scientists, the basic principles of the theory of deep offensive operations, artillery offensive, improving methods of fire control and maneuver of ground and anti-aircraft artillery, and methods of its combat use were developed. The Academic Scientific and Pedagogical School has become a recognized leader in the formation and development of the operational art of the Missile Forces - an integral part of the operational art of the Russian Armed Forces, covering the theory and practice of preparing and conducting deterrent and combat operations by Strategic Missile Forces formations. Academy scientists made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of tactics of the Missile Forces, their operational and combat training, and the operation of missile weapons.

No matter what changes the academy underwent, in its engineering component it remained essentially a weapons college in the widest range of this concept. The scientific and pedagogical schools of the academy and their students stood at the origins of rapid-fire rifled artillery, mortars, armored vehicles, automatic small arms, multiple launch rocket systems, aircraft and ship weapons, all types of ammunition and even chemical warfare agents. After the end of World War II, the Academy headed the rocket, space and nuclear areas of weapons development. It has also become a leading center for training officers in the field of automated control systems for troops and weapons.

Within the walls of the academy, a number of military-technical areas were born and developed, which subsequently formed into six independent educational institutions (Leningrad Military Mechanical Institute; military academies: Artillery, Motorization and Mechanization of the Red Army, Chemical Defense, Communications, Air Defense of the Ground Forces), three faculties and five military departments in civilian universities in the country. The academy's scientific and pedagogical schools provided significant assistance in the establishment of 19 military schools.

The Academy operates a Training Center located in the city of Balabanovo, Kaluga Region. A branch of the Central Museum of the Strategic Missile Forces was created on the basis of the center.

The Academy reports to the Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation.

Military training

A special distinctive feature of the Academy is the presence of two components in its activities: command and engineering. Their mutual influence provides departments and faculties with theoretical and practical enrichment, an effective educational process and fruitful research work, eliminating the possibility of some being carried away by solving narrow applied problems, others by research very far from the needs of the troops, from the requirements of the art of war.

Today the academy trains military personnel at three levels.

The first level is higher military-special education: during their training, academy cadets acquire the qualifications of an engineer in the specialties of mechanical, electrical, electronic, radio engineering, chemical, ballistic, and mathematical profiles. For the first time in the Russian Armed Forces, a faculty of Orthodox culture has been opened at the academy, where those who wish to receive additional education.

The second level is higher military education: training and advanced training of leading command and engineering personnel at regimental, divisional and army command levels.

The third level is the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel: postgraduate studies - 30 people, doctoral studies - 3 people, competitive studies - 20 - 25 people per year. The Academy is granted the right to consider dissertations for the degree of doctor of military, technical, historical, pedagogical and psychological sciences. More than 50 candidate and 10 - 12 doctoral dissertations are defended per year.

The Academy maintains and operates productively more than 20 military-special scientific schools, covering with their activities the main areas of research in the interests of ensuring the development of the Russian Armed Forces, primarily the Strategic Missile Forces and KV, improving weapons and military equipment, methods of their use, maintaining the combat readiness of troops and the modern level of the educational process, as well as the implementation of the conversion of military production.

The academy's students became the basis of the officer corps of the strategic forces of the USSR and Russia. They have decisively contributed to achieving parity in nuclear missile weapons with the United States, the development of advanced technologies, ensuring nuclear safety, preventing environmental disasters, and carrying out conversion.

Already today, the Academy is capable of training officers in fundamentally new and important specialties in modern conditions, such as information warfare, quality management of weapons and military equipment, metrology and standardization of weapons, ecology, military service safety, interspecific systems and means of armed warfare.

Many scientific works of the academy's teaching staff are widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad. Among the books published abroad only in recent decades, it is worth noting the works of A. V. Solodov “Cryptotechnology” (Great Britain) and “Information Theory” (Germany), Yu. G. Fokin “Military Engineering Psychology” (Germany, Hungary) , A. D. Pogorelova “Fundamentals of Orbital Mechanics” (USA), I. I. Goldenblat and N. A. Nikolaenko “Thermal Stresses in Nuclear Reactor Structures” (USA), M. E. Serebryakova “Internal Ballistics” (USA) , V. M. Gavrilova “Optimization of processes in conflict situations” (Japan) and others.

Famous graduates

Famous teachers