Open appeal. Open appeal from G.A. Zyuganov to the President of the Russian Federation, Supreme Commander-in-Chief V.V. Putin and the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation S.K. Shoigu. Complaints to the President of the Russian Federation


Dear Ella Alexandrovna! You at the meeting on December 5, 2014 with President V.V. Putin said that we are all united by the desire to adequately respond to the requests that people have, to the requests of those people who turn to you with complaints, requests, demands, demanding the restoration of their violated rights. One thing unites, the most important thing - a request for an honest and respectful attitude on the part of the state towards them as individuals. This is probably most importantly, both from the state and from human rights activists. That is, this is mutual honesty, mutual responsibility, mutual, say, the ability to find a common language to solve people's problems. That’s exactly how, Ella Alexandrovna, your words were published.

According to my appeal addressed to you with a request, and not with demands and not only my requests, but also in the appeal on February 17, 2014, by the chairman of the “Civic Assistance” committee S.A. Gannushkina with a request to take appropriate measures to consider the appeal of lawyer M.E. Shiryalin, who defends the violated rights of my son, in responses throughout 2014, I received a disrespectful attitude from officials of the apparatus of the Human Rights Commissioner of the Russian Federation not only towards me, but also towards to everyone who contacted you to protect the rights of my son.

At the time of contacting the RF HRC, the defense in the ordered criminal case had exhausted all methods of judicial appeal against the court verdict passed against my son, provided for by the RF Criminal Procedure Code, in connection with which it became necessary, through public organizations, to contact the RF HRC with a request to take measures to reversal of an unjust sentence against an innocent person with provided evidence my son’s non-involvement in crimes due to new circumstances.

I receive a response from the deputy head of the department E.A. Bobkova. Despite the fact that the appeal specifically stated that all judicial authorities were used, except Ch. 49 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation (new or newly discovered circumstances), in response from 30.04.2014 g E.A. Bobkova suggests appealing court decisions within the deadline until January 01, 2014 and that's it!!!

This is what we received from E.A. Bobkova “RESPECT” for the representative by proxy, for the human rights activist, for the lawyer in her response to our appeals based on documents.

On July 15, 2014, I addressed you with an open letter, where I indicated: “Ella Alexandrovna, it was public organizations that helped me and are helping to protect the rights of my son. And people like E.A. Bobkova from the HRC apparatus, receiving salaries from the budget, violate the Laws of Russia in the same way as law enforcement officials, from whom I received similar answers.”

Despite what was stated in the address of the Chairman of the Civic Assistance Committee, S.A. Gannushkina. : “As of today, the defense has exhausted all methods of judicial appeal against the court verdict passed against A.V. Fedorovsky, provided for by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, which forces us to turn to you with a request to take measures to cancel the unfair verdict,” I received on October 23, 2014 response from the head of the department protection of human rights in criminal proceedings HRC I.S. Ivanova. In his response, I.S. Ivanov indicated that taking any measures on the applicants’ complaint received for the authorized is not mandatory, and the right to initiate proceedings in view of new and newly discovered circumstances belongs to the prosecutor and that my son has the right to file a petition independently or with the help of a lawyer. Further I.S. Ivanov indicated that it is currently not possible to take other measures within the competence of the HRC in the Russian Federation.

Please explain to me: How can we understand that one of the main tasks in accordance with Law No. 1-FZ of February 26, 1997 “On the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation” is the restoration of violated human rights; consideration of complaints and appeals about violations of human and civil rights and freedoms and taking measures to restore them?

And, how to understand Part 3, Part 4 of Art. 29 of this Law, that the authorized person has the right apply to the court or prosecutor's office with a request to verify a decision, court sentence, ruling or order of a court or a judge's decision that has entered into legal force; present your reasons to the official , which has the right to make protests, as well as to be present at the judicial hearing of the case in the manner of supervision. consideration of complaints against decisions or actions (inaction) of state bodies, local governments, officials, civil servants?!!

How do we understand that the main functions of the Commissioner for Human Rights include: studying and analyzing information about violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens, summarizing the results of consideration of complaints?!!

Who will analyze complaints if these complaints are not studied, but simply replies are sent indicating the articles of the Laws. But the applicants themselves can read the Laws, but cannot force officials to comply with these Laws, therefore they turn to the HRC apparatus for help, with the hope that with the participation of the Commissioner it will be possible to demand the implementation of the Laws of Russia.

After receiving a response dated October 23, 2014, I no longer contacted the Russian Human Rights Commissioner, but suddenly I received another letter dated December 25, 2014, signed by the deputy head of the department protection of human rights in criminal proceedings E.V. Rysakova. In his letter to E.V. Rysakova suddenly informs you that a response was sent to you on October 23, 2014 and there are no grounds for making a different decision. It’s not clear where E.V. came from. Rysakova decided to give me another answer to a non-existent appeal?

Ella Aleksandrovna, on March 24, 2014, in an interview with an ITAR-TASS correspondent, you said: “My direct function is to consider specific complaints of specific citizens.” By my own example, unfortunately, I was convinced of the exact opposite.

I ask you to think about how many innocent people are in prison, who will restore their rights, who will protect these innocent people??? Who, Ella Alexandrovna???

I am forced to declare, I believe that you, Ella Alexandrovna, do not fulfill this oath: “I swear to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to conscientiously fulfill my duties, guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the voice of conscience” and you, I believe, do not even are able to demand the fulfillment of their direct duties from officials of the apparatus of the Human Rights Commissioner of the Russian Federation.

To the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

Chairman of United Russia D.A. Medvedev


Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich and Dmitry Anatolyevich!

Residents of the small village of Amzya, located in the north-west of the Republic of Bashkortostan, are contacting you. On October 15, 2016, in Amza, the Komsomol Club was barbarously destroyed - a cultural and historical relic of the village, the only public building of the post-war era on the territory of the Neftekamsk city, the cinema and concert hall of which had unique acoustics.

The program for relocating village residents from dilapidated housing - this refers to the third stage of the Targeted Program (2013-2017) - was supposed to be a joyful and pleasant event in the life of several dozen Amzin families. As a result, all residents of the village received a nightmare that continues to this day. The chairman of the NGO "People's Front Region" for the Republic of Belarus V.I. Zakharov tells in detail about the history of immigrants from dilapidated housing, endless trials and other moments of this nightmare. in his letter No. 77 dated October 7, 2016. in your name, Vladimir Vladimirovich! (The letter posted on the Internet is attached - Appendix 1).
The apartment buildings made of sandwich panels (8 pieces) built for the “resettlers” turned out to be unsuitable for living (by court decision), but the administration of the Neftekamsk municipality took them onto the balance sheet of the city (!!!). People had to be resettled, the money had been “appropriated” (most of it had disappeared in an unknown direction), but there was NO housing suitable for living.
And when at the end of September 2016 the news spread throughout the village that the Club had been sold for demolition and that housing for “displaced people” would be built in its place, none of the Amzin residents doubted that this nonsense could become a reality. Immediately under the appeal to the head of the administration of Neftekamsk Davletov R.M. The invitation to the village meeting, scheduled for October 3, 2016, was signed by representatives of the rural intelligentsia who understood the significance of the building for the village. (In Amsa, in addition to the secondary school for 1000 students, there is a children's art school with music and art departments and other municipal institutions).

The invitation bears a note from the secretary of the chapter. adm. GO Neftekamsk dated September 29, 2016, indicating that it was received by the addressee.

Instead of listening to the opinion of village residents - and according to Federal Law 131 Chapter 1 Part 1 Clause 2 on local self-government, we have declared equal rights with the administrator. GO Neftekamsk! – the administrative resource of pressure on the employees of municipal organizations who signed this invitation was immediately used. Was sent to the gathering from the adm. GO Neftekamsk acting deputy Ch. adm. for construction - he is also the chief architect of the city - Nuriev R.Sh., and the buyer of the building and land plot, individual entrepreneur A.G. Zaripov, was given ownership documents right on the day of the meeting (October 3, 2016). At the gathering 10/3/2016 Nuriev R.Sh. assures residents that there will be no demolition (there is a video recording). And the next day HE issues written permission for demolition to the owner of the building.
Residents of Amzi began vigil at the Komsomol Club in order to prevent demolition. The beginning work of dismantling the roof was, with the help of the police, twice stopped by protesters. The initiative group continued to try to “reach out” to the prosecutor’s office and officials of the Neftekamsk city administration. On October 8, another gathering of village residents was held.
However, as time has shown, the administration used the two weeks of our opposition to the demolition of the Club building only to document the transaction (building, land) in the cadastral register and transfer the land from cultural use to land for housing construction. The officials closed themselves off from the people, as if in a bunker: they did not answer calls, did not respond to requests for a meeting.
During these two weeks, deputies visited us, we went to the prosecutor's office, all local TV channels and the republican (VGTRK) made reports from the scene, the collection of signatures against the demolition began (and in a short time 417 residents of Amzi signed the signature sheets - and that was just the beginning!), but nothing helped us defend the building and the square: the Komsomol Club was barbarically destroyed.
It was not just some old club that was destroyed - and not a dangerous building at all, as officials tried to present it in order to justify this act of vandalism! Club named after Komsomol was a capital monumental structure of “Stalinist” construction: the cultural and historical center of the village of Amzya was turned into ruins. If we imagine what happened on the scale of Russia, then this is equivalent to the fact that the Kremlin was demolished, Red Square was built up, and the citizens of Russia were left with Alexander Park with the tomb of the unknown soldier and were told: you are provided with culture - you have the Bolshoi Theater!
We make this comparison so that our tragedy is understandable to people living in big cities. Our cultural and historical center was created gradually. The labor and soul of every generation of Amzin residents was invested in its creation. There is enough evidence of the building's historicity (although it was not listed in the OKN register), and we are ready to provide it immediately.
Two five-story buildings, hastily erected on the site of the destruction of the Club named after. The Komsomol for “immigrants”, which dominates the village, reminds of the violation of the feelings and memory of the Amzin residents that took place here, of the violence against the history of the village. Every time you look up from the ground, you see these buildings. Not everyone can endure this, because they cut them alive. The unbearability of this pain forces the villagers not only to avoid this place, but also to move further away from our village.

The prosecutor's office confirmed all the facts of violation of laws found and provided by the initiative group. We are not specialists in the field of law, so we are sure that there will be more than one offense! But no one was punished, although we provided the prosecutor’s office with articles of the laws of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, on the basis of which, in our opinion, Ch. architect Nuriev R.Sh., who issued demolition permits without any reason; Ch. adm. Davletov R.M., who signed the documents for the auction, where the double forgery is visible even to us - ordinary village residents; deputy chief adm. for construction V.A. Aleksiyants, with the knowledge or on whose instructions R.Sh. Nuriev acted, performing his duties at the specified time. In his responses to our appeals about the illegality of the demolition, Aleksiyants V.A. found more and more non-existent reasons to justify the demolition of the Club: from the supposed disrepair of the building (never officially established by anyone) to “moral obsolescence” (a concept generally inapplicable to this situation).

We address you, Dmitry Anatolyevich, as the Chairman of the United Russia party! We ask you to take a closer look at the members of United Russia - officials of the administration of the city of Neftekamsk - who wiped their feet on their reference book: The Federal Law on Local Self-Government. The formation of a site for sale, where the only area of ​​the village was taken, as well as the development of this territory took place without public hearings (there is confirmation from the prosecutor’s office - Appendix 2). But it is at public hearings - with the participation of interested parties - at the local level that all interests are settled and conflict situations are resolved.

We are turning to you, Vladimir Vladimirovich! Admin team GO Neftekamsk still manages to lie and mislead the leadership of the Republic of Bashkortostan - both regarding the demolition of the Club named after. Komsomol and the sale of the only area of ​​the village, and regarding the illegal construction of the site of destruction. Letter from the Government Office dated June 2, 2017. No. 2-G-760-2-G-3482-GO signed by O.I. Gorbunova (Appendix 3) confirms our words.

1. Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, the whole world thanked you for saving Palmyra from the barbarians, but no one defended our Amzin Palmyra. Just look (!!!) what officials are doing inside the country... We ask you, help us restore historical justice - return Amsa to the cultural and historical center. This year's celebration of Victory Day showed that residents, instead of traditionally holding the holiday in the central square of the village, had to huddle along “back streets and alleys.” Are we living in our own country?

2. Newly built houses for “displaced people” on the site of the destruction of the Club named after. Komsomol using money borrowed by the administration on credit does not meet the requirements for the construction of residential buildings on our soils, which is further aggravated by the flooding zone of the Nizhnekamsk reservoir (we are currently in correspondence on this issue with the State Committee of the Republic of Belarus for Housing and Construction Supervision). And they are going to settle people (“displaced people”) in them, without thinking about the possible tragic consequences! We ask you to help the village residents stop this nightmare that has been going on for several years and finally resettle the village residents from dilapidated housing, while making a “Solomon” decision: let those who built houses recognized by the court as unfit for habitation, who stubbornly proved the possibility of living in these houses of people, forced people to move into them, they themselves will move into these dummies of housing, popularly nicknamed “Zolotukhin cardboard boxes.” And people, tormented by litigation and other delights of the ongoing “relocation” from dilapidated and dilapidated housing, will move into their houses.

3. Can the admin team? GO Neftekamsk, for which not only there are no words: history, architecture, culture, but there is also no reference book for any administration - the Federal Law on Local Self-Government, can officials who openly lie, not even embarrassed by video cameras, continue their activities? ? After all, when selling the only area of ​​the village into private ownership and issuing a building permit, no public hearings were held, and, therefore, an act of violence was committed against the village residents (“... resolving... issues of local importance based on the interests of the population, taking into account historical and other local traditions” - quote from Federal Law 131 chapter In our opinion, the adm. team. GO Neftekamsk is only capable of piling problems for people one on top of another, and this “quality” is inherited from one administration to another - like continuity of power, regardless of the people replacing each other there. Thus, through the efforts of the previous administration, most of the money intended for resettlement from dilapidated housing disappeared. The current administration, in order to cover up this theft, is illegally demolishing the Club named after. Komsomol, takes out a loan for the construction of houses in its place for “immigrants” and, in order to repay this loan, forces people from the DNT “Cuba” and “Golden Sands” to pay again for land already purchased from scammers (with the permission of the same administration!) and buy (!!!) houses built with one’s own hands. Members of the DNT “Cuba” and “Golden Sands” are now planning to go on a hunger strike in protest.

We ask you to report the unsuitability of these officials to the leadership of the Republic of Bashkortostan, since we cannot reach them.

4. We are of little interest in how money is obtained out of thin air during the construction of housing for “displaced people” - “extraction” of money wasted by the previous administration - whether by hollow walls of houses being built, or by transferring cheap cultural land to expensive land for housing development; to whom, how and where did this money go... But we hope that with your help, Vladimir Vladimirovich, the prosecutor’s office will finally become interested in this moment in the life of the local administration.

5. Every village, even the smallest one, has its own, dear to every resident, small cultural and historical center, where the main square is, as a rule, according to documents, a piece of the street, and the most important public building is not declared a UNESCO cultural heritage. And, as a rule, this is the best place in the village. As the “small” (but not for us!) tragedy of our village made clear, any barbarian who comes to the administration with money can destroy it. And no one can resist this: neither the media, nor deputies, nor the prosecutor’s office. The destruction of Russia began from within. We ask you to take emergency measures to prevent the upcoming, even more terrible barbarity. After all, if officials were able to do this in our village - and no one was punished - then this is possible in any other part of the Russian Federation.

We are ordinary simple women, accustomed by our essence, intended for us by God, to patiently endure the hardships of life, we cannot come to terms with the loss of the cultural and historical relic of our native village - the Club named after. Komsomol - and the loss of the spiritual connection between generations that existed in the cultural and historical center of the village, which was founded by still living WWII veterans. What happens in young and ardent hearts? Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, at least someone needs to think about this!?

We will send appendices 1, 2, 3 upon request.

Initiative group "Against the demolition of the Komsomol Club"

Total 9 signatures

Madam Vasilyeva, Anton Valerievich Redikultsev, a teacher at a secondary school in the village of Kalgi, Trans-Baikal Territory, is addressing you. After many days of painful thoughts, I decided to express my opinion on what was happening. I will not try on the guise of excessive courtesy and I will not bother myself with the search for elegant words. I will express everything that has been boiling in my soul for a long time. And I think it’s not just me. I hope that the majority of the teaching community will support my appeal, albeit quietly, even if only to themselves. Here time and circumstances dictate.

Recently, I, like many of my colleagues, have witnessed many statements regarding the growing well-being of Russian teachers. Yes, I will talk about it. Realizing that the slogan about the nobility and self-denial of our profession, which is shabby and has somewhat lost its luster in our difficult capitalist times, is being actively promoted at the right time and in the right place, I will try to move away from this hypocritical demagoguery and show by my example that for me there is truth, what is fiction? I don’t dare tell you or give you advice. But I consider it my civic duty to lift the slightly blinkered eyelids of our bureaucrats.

With enviable regularity, recently the media has been reporting that the salary of a Russian teacher is conquering more and more heights. So you just recently announced the amount of 33.2 thousand rubles, designating it as average. As long as I have been working at school (and I have been working for almost 22 years), my higher education in the humanities is apparently not enough to understand the depth and versatility of this mystical concept - “average salary”.

Why mystical? Because this amount is inaccessible to the vast majority of my colleagues, and in some incomprehensible way completely different numbers are displayed in the calculations. And even if someone is the happy owner of a winning ticket, then in terms of the level of workload, degree of workload and volume of work performed, he is unlikely to meet the criteria of that very “average” value. Because, if I understand correctly, the average salary should at least somehow correlate with the corresponding workload, the same average.

But, as personal experience of working and communicating with colleagues shows, there is no correspondence in this case. Take our team, for example. The indicated amount, of course, is present in the calculations of my colleagues. There are those who can boast of an amount of nearly four dozen. But, I repeat, this in no way corresponds to the notorious “average” workload. They practically live at school.

I won't look far for examples. I'll tell you about myself.

22 years of experience. Higher education. I teach three wonderful subjects at school. The lesson load is 23 hours. In addition to this, I teach a sports section, six hours a week. Plus checking notebooks. Plus working with correction specialists. Plus office management. Moreover, a significant (in percentage terms, of course) addition to our miserable salaries comes from rural payments and the northern coefficient.

So, after listing all these budgetary regalia, what do I get out of it? And I have a modest 24 thousand in hand. This is despite my far from average workload and rural ones. Can you imagine what I would have had working in a city school? No more than 18, or even 16 thousand.

Therefore, Ms. Vasilyeva, you will forgive me, but listening to your aspirations about the growing well-being of the Russian teacher is becoming more and more difficult every time. I do not take into account that the very fact of such a salary, which does not even reach the level of 600 dollars, is shameful and sad. I will also refrain from making comparisons in the style of “but they are there”, so as not to be branded a Russophobe among the public who is easy to draw conclusions.

Of course, your rhetoric is not difficult to understand. To me, a mere mortal, two options come to mind for such a discrepancy between your bureaucratic fantasies and the harsh reality into which this state plunges us with enviable consistency.

The first option is that you are simply not aware of what is happening in the country. Then a very unpleasant conclusion arises either about your incompetence or about sabotage on the part of those who supply you with such misinformation.

The second option is that you simply play a role, without going beyond your role, creating a false picture of general well-being for an outside observer, talking about average salaries, but modestly keeping silent about the median, voicing amounts, but just as modestly keeping silent about the corresponding amount of work load, talking about an increase in nominal amounts in teachers’ calculations, without noticing the prolonged decline in real incomes of the population.

Then you can quite naturally be suspected of elementary hypocrisy. But I think this doesn’t scare you much, because our attitude towards you is unlikely to be conveyed to you in all its rich palette due to non-functional feedback.

To be honest, another medical assumption suggests itself - chronic dizziness from success. But I'm not a doctor. And not a politician. That's why I don't insist.

Let's get back to the numbers and facts. You've probably heard the legend called "May Decrees"? There are persistent rumors among budget servants that, in accordance with them, teachers’ salaries should now be an order of magnitude higher. In addition, Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation directly indicates the timely provision of an increase in the level of real wages. So, taking into account all of the above, with a salary increase there should be a synergistic effect. And if we take into account the fact, shameful for the Great, Immense and Rising from its knees, that the bulk of the earnings of a poor Russian teacher goes to paying off tariff payments and purchasing products (at least 80%), then, starting from 2014, in our printouts wages (sorry, pay, of course) should display numbers that are at least 60-80% higher than the humiliating amount we have now.

Of course, I, as a conscious and responsible modern citizen of my country, must understand that your bright and principled impulses to increase the well-being and prestige of the teaching profession are opposed by the whole world - from the State Department to the Fifth Column and from Barack Obama to Angela Merkel - but, if you take into account some facts from real life, more and more often vague doubts creep into me that not everything is so simple.

Forgive me for my meticulousness and, perhaps, some suspicion, but I will allow myself to plunge into the mothballs of my budget memories in order to acquaint you and your colleagues with the thorns that the financial well-being of the Russian teacher in which you visited us from time to time had to wade through trying to convince.

So, the 5-year history of my existence in facts and figures

year 2014.

I have been working in schools for less than 20 years. The workload at school is 26 hours. Additionally, I have a 15-hour workload at a sports school as a trainer-teacher. The school salary is 24 thousand. As a coach, I receive 8,500. In total, 32,500 is my earnings at the end of those notorious fat years, which, in my humble opinion, were ensured by the external environment, that is, high oil prices.

But the political turbulence around our country, created by well-known events, which I will not evaluate here, in order to somehow work up to the same meager retirement pension, even then began to lead to disappointing thoughts. You didn’t need to be Nostradamus to understand that in Russia everything will be as it is said in one folk wisdom: “Beat your own so that strangers will be afraid.” The consequences were not long in coming.


Transition to a new wage system. I don’t know what caused all these upheavals around the teacher remuneration system, but the end result was as briefly and succinctly described in another phrase: “We wanted it to be better, but it turned out as always.” However, whether they wanted it better is an open question.

As a result, since January 2015, we, together, under a silent and patient “I approve,” which our smaller brothers, who usually move in herds and covered with warm curly wool, would probably envy, signed up to the new terms of the employment contract.

As a result, I lost about 4 thousand rubles in wages. Some are even luckier. Someone lost 6-8 thousand.

And since September 2015, my wealth, already against the backdrop of shamelessly shifting prices and tariffs upward, has steadily begun to creep in the opposite direction, just as shamelessly and cynically conflicting with the chronically positive Russian statistics and hysterical enthusiasm about our tremendous successes in external and internal geopolitical and economic arenas.

At the Youth Sports School, where I continued to regularly fulfill my coaching and teaching duties, there was also a certain shift. In which direction, I think it’s easy to guess. The cost-saving workload was reduced to 12 hours.

As a result, by the end of 2015 my monthly remuneration was about 26-27 thousand rubles. Who knew that this trend would only intensify. You can, of course, take into account the fact that my workload was also decreasing. But we are talking about the real content of wages, about how much an hour worked at school costs, and what I, as a law-abiding citizen and a specialist with a higher education, can afford with the money earned for this hour. The May decrees proudly marched past us with an imperturbable air. Unfortunately, the rise in prices for goods and services, unlike the decrees, did not pass us by.


Stimulus payments are disappearing from view forever. Let’s say, they weren’t particularly stimulating at the time of their presence, but still there was a definite chance to get a piece of the pie with the shameful sharing of incentive points. Now they are depriving me of this too.

Plus, I think there’s still something here. The team became more united again. But in monetary terms, my colleagues and I lost from 2 to 6 thousand rubles.

Benefits are being cut. In particular, they are reducing the amount of refund for housing and communal services.

And on the horizon, another brainchild of our caring government looms more and more clearly - the optimization of everything. This happiness did not pass us by either.

And in September 2016, our children's and youth sports school fell under the optimization rink and was liquidated as a separate educational organization. Now it has been transferred to the head of our secondary school, and now we are proudly called teachers of additional education. The requirements for the level of sports training, as you might guess, have decreased, and they clearly made it clear to us that we should moderate our ambitions.

Rates were brutally cut, workloads were reduced by two to two and a half times. Now, while performing all the same duties, in the now former sports school, now proudly called Hall No. 2, I receive 4,300 rubles.

Do you know what is especially outrageous about this situation? Against the backdrop of flamboyant statements about the importance of a specialist’s professional growth and the need for personal initiative in the workplace, the system’s complete and absolute indifference and cynical ignorance of local successes are revealed. I don’t think there’s any need to explain how this hurts one’s hands and professional pride. And, believe me, the stage of resentment has already passed and this attitude is already beginning to cause angry indignation.

I'll give you my example. Over the past 4 years, thanks to the fact that I, like that same frog in milk, try to kick my legs, positive changes in terms of sports continue to occur at the local level: I am expanding the gym, looking for sponsors to purchase equipment, annually carrying out repairs at my own expense and At my own expense, I hold competitions at the local level, annually I bring prize-winners and winners of regional-level competitions, I have already graduated more than a dozen dischargers, there is also a Candidate of Masters, I myself compete in competitions and in December 2017 fulfilled the Master of Sports standard in powerlifting, I improve my gym, I do the design (I draw art on the wall), I run my own YouTube channel, I created a sports website. And for all this, I get 4 times less as a coach than a technical technician at school.

In no way am I belittling the work of those who monitor the cleanliness of the premises, but, excuse me, it’s difficult to call this state of affairs adequate. Perhaps the officials sitting in high offices were overwhelmed by good intentions when launching this optimization skating rink in the country. Perhaps it is appropriate here to recall the saying about the good tsar and the evil boyars, who on the ground do everything differently from what was originally intended. Maybe. But the thought persistently comes to mind that the fish, after all, rots from the head.

Let me sum it up. By the fall of 2016, my salary was 22 thousand rubles. By this time, food prices had risen by at least 40-50%, compared with 2014; the increase in tariffs was also not long in coming. The ghost of the May decrees continued to persistently wander somewhere in the distance, not wanting to come closer. In the local media, hints about the abolition of regional coefficients are increasingly heard. Going to the store to borrow groceries is becoming something commonplace. Local businessmen, apparently, were more aware of the true state of affairs among the population, unlike you and your colleagues in warm and spacious offices, Mrs. Vasilyeva.


We can draw some deplorable conclusions. So, in nominal terms, my monthly remuneration has decreased by 10 thousand rubles over three and a half years. In percentage terms - minus 30 percent. Let us add here, of course, the fall in real wages against the backdrop of jumping prices and tariffs.

Let me remind you unobtrusively that, even if we take into account the average salary of a Russian teacher that you announced, the bulk of this salary goes to precisely what has recently risen very noticeably in ruble equivalent: food and tariffs. As a conclusion, losses in real content should be added to the loss in nominal terms.

What do we get as a result? And at the end we have that, while fulfilling all the same professional duties, acquiring certain experience and work experience, improving in my profession, passing on my experience, achieving some intermediate goals, I am becoming poorer and poorer from year to year.

Based on the figures given above, I can say with full confidence that over the past 3-4 years I have become poorer by at least 40%. And believe me, this is not an exception to the rule. This is the rule.


This year, our naive pedagogical electorate, who in no way wants to learn from their own mistakes, always stepping on the rake of your promises, was slightly cheered up by rumors of a salary increase of 4%.

But, as often happens, just when we wanted to once again live happily and comfortably, we were dumbfounded by yet another piece of news. It turns out that those who do not fall under another ritual - the May Decrees - will be subject to the rite of promotion.

But the whole bitter comedy of the situation lies in the fact that your government has so cleverly learned to tack and maneuver in the stormy sea of ​​the economic crisis, steering the state galley, that the overwhelming majority of public sector employees have happily avoided a collision with these signs of prosperity that cannot begin in any way. This time too, the reaction to the news was only an uncertain rustle of voices and quiet chuckles from my colleagues. No indignation, no angry exclamations, no fist on the table. Well, we are not French teachers, not Mexican, and certainly not Norwegian during the Second World War. The galley floats on, and nothing can or wants to rock it. Well, how can you not admire us, Mrs. Vasilyeva, right?

This is how an ordinary Russian teacher lives, or rather survives. A teacher who has forgotten or is silent about professional pride, about civic consciousness, about his constitutional rights. A teacher who, instead of being a leader in the education of the younger generation, a model of free thinking, an example of a citizen who can and knows how to defend his rights, has turned into a weak-willed creature, a silent victim of your state pharisaism.

Whom will a poor and humiliated teacher educate? Give answer. But no one has canceled the principle of downward adaptation of the population. Therefore, someone is content with the existing state of affairs and is afraid of losing what they have. Some people adapted and came to terms with it. Some people have settled quite comfortably behind their more money-spending spouse. Some are satisfied with a government handout in the form of an even more miserable pension. Some people hold on to their subsidiary plots and vegetable gardens. And some are simply indifferent, because “they value themselves more.”

I am responsible for every word spoken in this appeal, Mrs. Vasilyeva. I won’t lie, but something tells me that if before the presidential elections the state is unable to patch up its holes and cover up its shame, then after March 2018, when the pre-election buffoonery and the open secret (who will take the helm?) will be opened, there will not be enough material to patch the holes.

So two eternal sacramental Russian questions arise: who is to blame and what to do? It seems to me that you are not able to give us an answer to these questions. After all, to do this you need to at least a little distract from the feeling of your own superiority and exclusivity, come down from your state Olympus and hear people. And not just once or twice a year on some forum. And hear it all the time. But this requires a couple more qualities - courage and honor.

But I, as a citizen of my country, as a representative of the education system repeatedly humiliated by you, a simple teacher who sees the situation from the inside, take the liberty of denying you and your bureaucratic brethren these fundamental human qualities. Because no matter what you say, no matter how you hide behind your charming speeches, no matter how vigorous activity you imitate, one conclusion suggests itself. If state employees in general and teachers in particular become poor year after year, if year after year the citizens of the country feel more and more disenfranchised and disadvantaged, then this means only one thing - this is the “party line”, this is the essence of state policy. And nothing else. I really don’t want to make assumptions about your complete lack of professionalism. Otherwise it becomes scary. For the education system. For the country. For the future.

Although it's already scary.

In the life of every person, a situation may arise when, in order to resolve a controversial issue or in order to combat injustice and arbitrariness of local officials, the only authority that can help restore violated rights remains the President of the Russian Federation.

A lot of people, faced with injustice and gross violations of their civil rights and freedoms on the ground, do not dare to contact a higher authority with an official request. This is due either to mistrust, fear or simply laziness. In fact, write to V.V. Putin. not only possible, but also necessary.

It is also necessary to signal violations and excesses of local officials, which, unfortunately, are becoming commonplace, because it is thanks to such letters that the highest government bodies can restore order in the regions and restore the violated rights of their citizens.

Some people are stopped by their lack of knowledge of how to correctly write a letter to the President. Nowadays, everyone without exception can turn to Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich. And this is very easy to do thanks to the achievements of modern information technology. The President of Russia can be contacted through the official website of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Letter to Putin V.V. You can also write it in the usual way on paper and bring it yourself to the reception of the Presidential Administration. Make sure that it is registered and an incoming number is assigned to your letter.

You can also send a letter by mail to:

10132, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Ilyinka, 23

Be sure to clearly indicate the return address on the envelope, otherwise the letter will not be accepted for consideration.

How to write a letter to V.V. Putin via the Internet

One of the ways to write a letter to the President of the Russian Federation is his official website. Anyone wishing to contact the President can take advantage of this opportunity by going to the special “Appeals” section at and sending an email directly to V.V. Putin or his Administration.

The minimum requirement for writing a letter to the President is to have your own email address. If you don't have an email account yet, follow the link to read more about how to create one.

You need an email address not only to send your letter to Vladimir Putin, but also to receive a response to your appeal. You should also receive notifications about the stage of consideration of your question, who is reviewing your letter and other important information.

Of course, when registering you must indicate your real data(last name, first name and patronymic). It is advisable to link your address to your mobile phone number for security purposes.

At your request, a response to your request can be sent to your postal address. In this case, you do not need to create an email account.

Before writing a letter, you need to carefully read the terms of contacting the President. You will also need to fill out the attached form.

The length of the email should not exceed 2 thousand characters. You can check the number of characters in the “Statistics” section in Microsoft Word. Therefore, try to briefly state the facts of the appeal and at the end write what decision you are seeking from the local authorities that violated your rights.

Documents or materials in txt, doc, rtf, xls, pps, ppt, pdf, jpg, bmp, png, tif, pcx, mp3, wma, avi, mp4, mkv, wmv, mov or flv format can be attached to the letter. Files must not be archived; the size of the attached file must not exceed 5 MB.

Complaints to the President of the Russian Federation

Complaints to the President of the Russian Federation about the actions or inaction of an official are sent to a specially designated address:

When writing a letter, remember that a letter will not be accepted for consideration if:

  1. it contains obscene words or offensive expressions;
  2. the text is written in Russian, but typed in Latin script;
  3. the text is entirely in capital letters;
  4. the text runs as a continuous canvas without breaks into separate sentences;
  5. the postal or email address specified in the application form is incomplete or unreliable;
  6. the appeal is addressed to other government bodies, and not to the President of the Russian Federation or the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation” letters from citizens are considered within thirty calendar days from the date of application. Within 30 days, an official response will be sent to your email and postal addresses specified in the questionnaire.

Also keep in mind that citizens’ appeals are not considered personally by Vladimir Putin, but by a specially appointed service. The President is simply physically unable to personally consider and respond to all the letters and complaints that are sent to him in the thousands every day.

Depending on whose competence the issue under consideration is, the letter may be forwarded to the appropriate authorities, of which the author of the letter will be notified.

If you are going to write to the President to appeal the court decision, then you should keep in mind that the judicial power in the Russian Federation does not depend on the legislative and executive powers. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, any interference in the activities of the judiciary is prohibited.

All information provided by you when filling out the questionnaire is stored in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data.

Upon registration, a Personal Account of the author of the appeal is automatically created, in which he can track the progress of consideration of his appeal or request. If necessary, you can use a special link to go to the corresponding website of the government agency that is considering your application.

In October 2013, a mobile version of the website of the President of the Russian Federation was introduced, allowing you to access mobile devices and PDA: When you enter the specified site from a mobile phone or PDA, the mobile version of the site loads automatically.

This service may not be available on older phone models or on certain mobile operators.

The requirements for the content and volume of the request are the same as for requests through the site on a personal computer.

If even after this your issue is not resolved, you can contact the President of Russia with an open letter.

Open letters to the President of the Russian Federation

If citizens' appeals on the official website of the President are available only to those officials who are directly involved in their consideration, then Open Letters are posted on the Internet in the public domain and everyone can read it and, if desired, support the author and leave comments. You can publish an open letter on your personal blog, on your social network page or on this website.

In such cases, public opinion can become a guarantee that government officials will pay due attention to the problem raised in your open appeal and take an appropriate decision.

If you don’t know how to write an open letter to the President, you can first read already published letters on the Internet. Hundreds of open letters have been published on our website; you can use them as a sample letter to V.V. Putin.