GBPOU "Kurgan State College". Kurgan State University: faculties, address, correspondence department and reviews FGOU SPO Kurgan State College

Kurgan State University is the largest university in the Trans-Ural region. More than 8,000 students study at ten faculties at KSU, and enrollment is underway for dozens of different specialties.

The history of the university begins in 1995, when two Kurgan institutes merged - mechanical engineering and pedagogical. This merger has led to a variety of areas: KSU trains specialists in the field of economics, information technology, electronic and computer technology, natural and human sciences, law, automation and control systems.

The university is located in the center of Kurgan. It consists of 11 academic buildings, spacious classrooms, laboratories and workshops with the necessary equipment, a large sports base, dormitories, and a scientific library with more than a million books. KSU has its own botanical garden, palace of culture, youth and leisure center with a cinema and concert hall. The university organizes major city events: the open city festival “Theater Crossroads”, the festival of student creativity.

8 scientific schools in different areas have been formed at KSU. Students participate in the scientific life of the university from their first years. They conduct research, speak at conferences, and win competitions.

The university has a strong system of student self-government. Student councils operate in each faculty. And the primary trade union organization of KSU students is the largest in the region.

There is a young voter club “Citizen”. There are sports sections for any choice: volleyball, table tennis, basketball, aerobics, judo, track and field and weightlifting. In 1999, the Headquarters of student teams was created. It forms teaching, construction, cleaning, service teams and a team of guides

Freshmen receive an academic scholarship in their first semester. The university supports children from low-income families: social scholarships and financial assistance. Nonresident students are provided with affordable dormitories: the cost of a month's accommodation is comparable to the price of one movie ticket.

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Welcome to the website of GBPOU "Kurgan State College"

GBPOU "Kurgan State College" is the largest and most prestigious professional educational organization in the Kurgan region, which enrolls 2,060 students in 21 secondary vocational education programs.

The college positions itself as an innovative educational organization that promptly responds to modern demands of the regional labor market and society and provides high-quality training for graduates in accordance with advanced technologies and international standards.

Kurgan State College has developed a system of social partnership: 11 basic enterprises and more than 50 permanent social partners are actively involved in all stages of the educational process. With the support of employers, a modern material and technical base has been created that makes it possible to achieve current goals to achieve a new level of quality in training specialists for the economy of the Kurgan region.

In order to improve the practical training of future specialists and ensure that their competencies meet the requirements of the regional labor market, part of the training sessions are conducted in real production conditions with the involvement of enterprise specialists.

Educational work at Kurgan State College is based on the principles of student self-government. The college student council took 1st place in the regional review-competition of student self-government “Step towards”.

A large number of creative associations and sports sections make it possible to organize students’ free time in an interesting way and provide assistance in their creative self-realization.

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GBPOU "Kurgan State College"

Director of the Kurgan State College - Tatyana Anatolyevna Skok, an honorary worker of secondary vocational education, was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

The college was created on September 10, 1956 under the name Kurgan Construction College, since 2008 - Kurgan State College.

The college has a modern material and technical base:

  • two educational buildings,
  • training and production workshops,
  • geodetic training ground,
  • autodrome,
  • four training and production sites,
  • 19 computer classes,
  • 30 classrooms equipped with multimedia equipment,
  • two sports and recreation complexes,
  • two libraries with reading rooms,
  • two student dormitories,
  • several hotel rooms,
  • assembly halls with a total capacity of 600 people,
  • two dining rooms with cafeterias and buffets for 400 seats.
A modern complex of conference hall equipment was put into operation. The college's publishing base is equipped with a full-cycle printing house and is ready to produce almost the entire range of printed products using modern, innovative new equipment.

College students are paid a state scholarship based on the results of the summer and winter examination sessions.

The Government of the Russian Federation scholarship is paid annually to one college student who has achieved outstanding success in educational and scientific activities in accordance with the provisions approved by the President of the Russian Federation;

A personal scholarship from the Government of the Kurgan Region is paid to college students in the amount of 2,000 rubles, established by state authorities and local governments.

Students are paid personal scholarships from employers in the amount of 1000-1500 rubles. Increased state academic scholarships are paid based on the results of examination sessions, depending on success in studies and scientific activities. Students who finish the semester with “excellence” receive an increase of up to 100%, for “good” and “excellent” a 50% increase, for “good” 25% of the academic scholarship.

GBPOU "Kurgan State College" is an innovative educational institution: three times participant and twice, in 2007 and 2009, winner of the All-Russian competition of innovative educational programs within the framework of the PNP "Education"; winner of the All-Russian competition for the selection of educational institutions of vocational education for the creation and implementation of an applied bachelor's degree program (2010).

Since 2009, the college has been a regional experimental platform for the problem of “Comprehensive support for the professional development of youth in a college setting.” As part of the implementation of this project, much attention is paid to professional self-determination, the social development of young people, helping graduates find work and adapt to the workplace. This made it possible to reduce the number of unemployed graduates from 3% in 2008 to 1% in 2015. Competition for admission to college in three years has grown from 1.5 people to 4 people per place.

The college is an active participant in regional social projects. A design studio has been created on the basis of the college as a sociocultural center in the field of architecture and urban planning.

GBPOU "Kurgan State College" is the only one in the region that annually for four years participates in international and all-Russian exhibitions to summarize and disseminate innovative pedagogical experience. He is the organizer and participant of the regional interdepartmental forum “Integration in the development of the social sphere.”

On the basis of the college there is a research and production center, where research work of students and teachers is successfully carried out on the implementation of the PNP “Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex”, work is carried out within the framework of the targeted regional program “Development and support of small businesses in the Kurgan region”.

Kurgan State University is a young institution of higher education. However, this does not mean that KSU is inexperienced in training personnel. The university adopted half a century of traditions, scientific schools and the necessary knowledge from educational organizations that previously existed in Kurgan. and thanks to this he reached significant heights in his development.

General information about the university

A classical university began its work in Kurgan in 1995. It was named Kurgan State University. The basis for its formation was 2 educational organizations, because it was thanks to their merger that a new educational institution appeared. We are talking about mechanical and pedagogical institutes. The first was created in 1960, and the second in 1955.

Kurgan State University has been training personnel in a wide range of different specialties for 22 years. The university is considered the leading educational organization in the Trans-Ural region. About 10 thousand students study there. Periodically, research is conducted here and scientific conferences are organized.

The university has several buildings located at different addresses. All classrooms and laboratories they contain are equipped in accordance with state standards. Over the past few years, the university has been able to modernize the educational base of technical faculties, equip classrooms and the library with modern computer equipment.

Kurgan State University: faculties

An educational organization consists of many small and large divisions. The most important of them are faculties, because they are the ones who organize the educational process and are responsible for its quality. These structural units satisfy applicants with a wide variety of interests. There are currently 10 faculties:

  • information technology and mathematics;
  • natural sciences;
  • technological;
  • historical;
  • philological;
  • transport systems;
  • legal;
  • pedagogical;
  • economic;
  • valeology, sports and psychology.

Full-time department

One of the forms of education offered by Kurgan State University is full-time. It is similar to studying at school - students visit the educational institution every day, listen to and take notes on lectures, and do homework. Students are allowed to be absent only for valid reasons that can be documented. It is also worth noting that not only traditional teaching methods are used in full-time education at Kurgan State University. Multimedia textbooks and information resources are actively used, and distance learning technologies are being developed.

Full-time study includes more than 40 areas of undergraduate study and 7 specialties. They belong to different areas, ranging from mechanical engineering to state and municipal administration. Full-time enrollment is carried out in 2 waves. All deadlines for accepting documents are informed to applicants in advance - published on the official website. The admissions committee advises applicants to enroll full-time in the first wave. The fact is that in the conditions of the second wave, competition increases. The number of vacancies decreases and, as a rule, the passing score increases.

Kurgan State University: correspondence department

Kurgan State University still has a correspondence course. It also has several dozen areas of undergraduate training. In addition to them, 3 specialties are offered. The correspondence course differs from the full-time course in that students attend several classes per semester. Students study all material at home. This form is suitable for those people who have a job or family.

Admission conditions for the correspondence department are almost the same as for the full-time department. Only the application submission dates differ. When applying for budget places, applicants can bring documents in early August. Documents are accepted for paid places almost until the end of October.

Part-time and part-time education

Part-time and distance learning is in demand among applicants entering Kurgan State University. It was specially created for those people who did not pass the competitive selection for the free places available in the full-time department. The full-time/correspondence form has the following advantages:

  1. Some believe that distance learning is ineffective, because students study the material on their own and cannot often communicate with the teacher. On a full-time basis, everything is completely different. Students have more opportunities to communicate with the teacher. The quality of the part-time and part-time form is practically no different from the full-time form.
  2. On a part-time basis, you can obtain higher education at an affordable price. It is worth providing clarifying information here. Full-time students pay from 80 to 140 thousand rubles per year, depending on their specialty. For full-time and part-time courses, the cost of studying is reduced by almost 2 times.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kurgan State University" reports that the part-time and part-time form has several differences. Firstly, studies last six months longer compared to full-time studies. Secondly, when young men enter here, they do not receive a deferment from military service.