Chebureks “Crimean. Crimean chebureks such as they sell in Crimea: a secret recipe from the best chefs Correct dough for Crimean chebureks

Crimean chebureks

The recipe is incredibly simple and brilliantly delicious.

The dough turns out tender and at the same time crispy, you might think that Crimean chebureks are made from puff pastry, but this is not so. The dough is actually the most common one: flour, vegetable oil, water, salt. The original recipe uses lamb, but I used minced pork and beef.
yield - 14 chebureks
pasty dough:
3 tbsp. flour
1 tbsp. water
0.5 tsp salt
3-4 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 tbsp. spoon of vodka
1 teaspoon sugar

filling for chebureks:
500 g minced meat
2 large onions
salt and black pepper to taste
50 ml water
fresh cilantro, parsley and dill (optional)

Cooking method
First, prepare the pasty dough, sift the flour and add water, salt, vodka, sugar and vegetable oil. Knead the dough until smooth, it should be quite stiff. Let the dough rest for 20-30 minutes.

This time we will make the filling for the chebureks. Finely chop or grind the onion, add to the minced meat, salt and pepper, add finely chopped herbs. If the filling turns out very dry, be sure to add water.

Divide the dough into equal pieces. Roll out the dough very thinly into circles with a diameter of 15 cm. Place a tablespoon of filling on one half of the rolled dough. We wet one half of the flatbread with water, where the minced meat is. The water will help mold the cake tightly in half. Cover the filling with the other half of the rolled out dough and use a special wheel to create a jagged edge.

Fry the Crimean chebureks in a large amount of hot oil for 2 minutes on each side. The most important thing is that the cheburek should not come into contact with the bottom of the vessel in which it is cooked.

Place the pasties on a paper towel to remove excess fat. Cover the pasties with a bowl for 1 minute and serve.

Chebureks puff up during frying and seem huge, but they are very thin and you can’t get enough of them alone. I want more, and more, and more.
Tip: fry the chebureki one at a time in a small but deep saucepan, as the oil splashes. It will be much cleaner in the kitchen :-)

Source with my additions.

Not everyone knows how to fry chebureks perfectly in Crimean style. Prepare a real recipe for Crimean chebureks with onions and peppers.


2. Egg yolk – 1 pc.

3. Water - 3/4 tbsp.

4. Minced meat (any, to your taste) – 500g.

5. Onions – 4 pcs. medium size

6. Vegetable oil – 150ml. (1/3 tbsp for dough, the rest for frying)

7. Ground black pepper – 2 pinches

8. Salt – 1 tsp. (half - into dough, half - into minced meat)

Cooking method:

1. Take the prepared egg. Separate the yolk from it into a glass. We don't need protein. Add water to the glass with the yolk to make 3/4 glass.

2. Add half a teaspoon of salt to the same glass. Mix thoroughly until the salt dissolves and a homogeneous mass is formed.

3. Sift into a bowl. To it add a mixture of yolk, water and salt from a glass. Stir everything with a fork.

4. It should turn out approximately as shown in the photo.

5. Add a third of a glass to the bowl. Let's start kneading the dough. In order for the dough to be airy, you do not need to knead it for a long time.

6. The result is a rather tight dough, which we remove from the bowl, wrap in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

7. Now we have time to prepare the minced meat. Peel the onions and wash them. After this, set 1 onion aside. We cut it into small cubes. We pass the remaining onions together with the meat through a meat grinder.

Add salt, pepper and a couple of tablespoons of water to the minced meat for juiciness. Stir well until smooth. If desired, you can add some other spices to it that will highlight the taste of the meat.

8. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and cut it into approximately equal pieces. You should get 10-12 parts. At the same time, the cut clearly shows that the dough is somewhat similar to puff pastry.

9. Take a piece of dough, roll it into a thin pancake, on one side of which we will place the minced meat.

10. Fold the dough pancake in half and pinch the edges well. If desired, you can trim the edge with a curly knife - the cheburek turns out more beautiful.

11. Heat in a frying pan and fry the pasties until bright golden brown on both sides. To prevent them from burning, the heat on the stove should be medium.

12. Place the pasties on paper napkins to drain excess fat. Chebureks in Crimean step-by-step recipe with photos are completely ready, you can invite your household to the table!

Additional Information:

Even at home, following a step-by-step recipe with photos, you can easily and quickly prepare perfect Crimean-style chebureks, which are distinguished by juicy meat and crunchy in the mouth.

We hope you enjoy our recipe. Try to cook with your soul and good mood - then everything will work out for you!

One of the most common dishes in the territory of the former USSR were chebureks. The Crimean ones were especially famous. Like now, for example, real Italian pizza is trending. Everything there was delicious: the crispy dough of deep-fried chebureks and the meat filling with broth. They couldn’t be removed even from a man’s palm, so you could eat one of them, or at most two. The name “cheburek” comes from the Turkish “burek” or “borek”, which means “pie”. Classic Crimean chebureks have the shape of a semicircle; their size does not even fit on a man’s palm. The filling of traditional baked goods is meat. It can be different: from lamb to chicken. Chebureks must be prepared deep-fried.

We cook Crimean chebureks at home

In Crimean-style chebureks, the main thing is to follow the basic principles of preparation, so that the result is crispy dough and juicy filling. How to achieve this? There are a few rules to follow:

  • To prepare these baked goods, puff pastry is now being used more and more often. But this is not at all necessary. Regular dumpling dough will be bubbly and crunchy if prepared correctly. If you don’t have time or you don’t know how to cook at all, then use puff pastry. The best one is store-bought. It is easy to roll out, and the pies with it will turn out crispy.
  • For cheburek dough you will need: flour, salt, water and vegetable oil or margarine. The dough is always made without yeast.
  • Many will be surprised, but real chebureks do not contain as much meat as it seems. They are deep-fried for only 3-4 minutes, so the thick layer of filling simply won’t cook through.
  • Do not forget that in good minced meat the amount of onion should be at least a quarter of the total volume. It is better if it is about a third.
  • To make the minced meat tasty, broth is added to it. If there is no broth, you need to add cold water. What do you think it was like at production? Water plus minced meat, and that’s what the broth was made of.
  • In order for minced meat to be “correct” it must contain fat. Its quantity should be from 10 to 20. Real chebureks used to be prepared only with lamb, where fat tail was used as fat. In Soviet public catering they used beef and pork or only pork, which was cheaper than beef.
  • Delicious chebureki, tasty and juicy, are obtained when the minced meat sits for some time in a cool place, for example, in the refrigerator. It is better to make the filling in advance, at least a day in advance. But if you don’t have time, you can replace the proofing by thoroughly kneading the minced meat like dough.
  • For ease of preparation, you need to prepare a plate or lid in advance, which will serve as a “pattern” for cutting out the dough. Its diameter should not exceed the diameter of the frying pan.
  • You need to fasten the sides together very carefully. Even a tightly molded cheburek opens up in oil. To prevent this from happening, the edges must be additionally secured with a fork. It is not only reliable, but also beautiful.
  • Chebureks fry very quickly, so they need to be molded in advance and placed in one plate, sprinkled with a small amount of flour.
  • Before dipping them into hot fat, shake off excess flour. The less flour gets into the deep fryer, the less it will “burn”. This means you won’t have to change the oil often.
  • You must first place the pasties on a napkin so that it absorbs excess fat.
  • There are many recipes that contain other fillings instead of meat, but calling them Crimean chebureks is a stretch. Rather, they are deep-fried pies.
  • The classic recipe for Crimean pasties with meat can be improved by adding hot pepper, garlic or finely chopped herbs to taste.

Crimean chebureks cannot be called a super healthy dish, but once a month you can please your family and friends with this yummy dish. One or two chebureks will replace a whole lunch. Below there are several recipes for those who want to cook them like in cheburechka.

Dough for Crimean chebureks recipe

To get the correct recipe for Crimean chebureks made from puff pastry, you need to spend half an hour kneading it. The result is a fairly stiff dough, but not like homemade noodles. Required ingredients: flour, butter, salt, water. Whether or not to add an egg is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

To prepare the correct dough for chebureks, you will need:

  • flour - 4 cups;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • refined oil - 1/3-1/2 cup;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

Making dough for home is very simple. The principle of its preparation is simple: first, the dough is kneaded without oil (flour, salt, water). It is very cool, it even resembles a crumb. It needs to be folded and pressed down again. This takes about 10 minutes. Then vegetable oil is mixed into the dough. The result is a moderately stiff, smooth dough. It needs to be wrapped in film and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Recipe for Crimean chebureks with chicken

This recipe makes crispy, very tasty pasties. What is important is that by following the technology, baked goods with meat filling are very inexpensive.

Test components:

  1. flour - 2.5 cups;
  2. vegetable oil for dough - 1/3 cup;
  3. 1 egg yolk;
  4. water - ½ cup;
  5. salt.

Ingredients for filling:

  • chicken fillet - 400-500 g;
  • onion - 1-2 onions;
  • broth - 1/3 cup;
  • black pepper;
  • salt.

For deep frying you will need at least a glass of oil.

Chebureks in Crimean style - step-by-step recipe:

  • Since the filling must sit for at least 12 hours, we make it first. To obtain a juicy filling, the meat is not minced, but chopped very finely. If we are talking about chicken meat, then it is best to take meat from the thighs, as there is more fat.
  • Finely chop the onion or grind it in a blender.
  • Now you need to combine the meat, onion, salt and black pepper. Broth is poured into the minced meat.
  • Now you need to put the minced meat in the refrigerator.
  • Prepare the dough according to the above recipe, only at the stage of combining water and flour, add the yolk. The dough turns out smooth and dense: what is needed for Crimean chebureks. We put it in film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Visit Crimea and not try chebureks? Well, it’s the same as not swimming in the sea - why go? You can hardly find the classic ones - on ice water, stuffed with young lamb - these days, but all the others are a dime a dozen! And with vegetables, and with cheese, and with fillings in various combinations. Well, if it’s not close to the Crimea, as it is to a vacation, but you want to crunch on delicious pasties - arm yourself with food and get to work, they are not that complicated - Crimean pasties.

Crimean chebureks - general principles of preparation

The main feature of Crimean chebureks is the thin dough, layered on the inside and bubbly on the outside, with a soft golden color. To achieve this result, eggs, vegetable oil, butter margarine, and vodka are added to it. It is kneaded in different ways, varying the temperature of the mixed products.

Classic Crimean chebureks are filled with low-fat minced meat or chicken. To make the products juicy, add a lot of onions to the filling and add water. The onion is chopped in a meat grinder or chopped very finely. For half a kilo of minced meat, it is customary to add about 120 ml of cool, pre-boiled water. The meat filling should be slightly runny.

The filling for Crimean chebureks can be not only meat. They are often prepared with cheese and tomatoes, other juicy vegetables, or several fillings are combined. For example: minced meat, fried mushrooms and cheese.

The dough for chebureks is rolled out into small circles, slightly thicker than a paper sheet, and crescent-shaped products are molded from them. Particular attention is paid to seams and filling; there should not be a lot of it.

Crimean chebureks are fried in a large volume of calcined vegetable oil. To prevent scorch marks from forming on the sides, semi-finished products must “float” freely in the thickness of the hot fat and not touch the bottom of the pan.

A simple recipe for Crimean chebureks with meat from dough in ice water


Three full glasses (250 ml) of flour;

One egg;

A third of a glass of refined oil;

Half a spoon of fine salt;

3/4 cup of drinking water.

For the filling:

Half a kilo of lean, preferably mixed, minced meat;

Four large heads of bitter onions;

Salt and black, coarsely ground pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully break the egg, separate the white, and pour the yolk into a 250 ml glass. Add ice water so that about three-quarters of a glass comes out. If the liquid is warm, the dough will not turn out flaky. Add salt and stir until its crystals are completely dissolved. It is advisable to use fine salt; after dissolution, it does not give a dark sediment.

2. Sift all the flour into a wide bowl, pour in the yolk, loosened in water, and stir with a fork. Add vegetable oil and knead into a tight dough that does not stick to your hands.

3. Form it into a ball, wrap it in film and place it in the refrigerator. Minimum cooling time is half an hour.

4. Grind three onions together with the minced meat in a meat grinder, chop the remaining ones into small slices and add them to the minced meat.

5. Add a little salt, about half a teaspoon, pepper to your taste. For juiciness, pour a couple of tablespoons of water or milk into the meat mass and stir.

6. Divide the refrigerated dough into twelve equal-sized pieces. Roll each into a thin, but not transparent, pancake. Place the minced meat on one half, cover it with the free edge and bring the edges together tightly, pressing them lightly with the tines of a fork.

7. Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan without skimping. Crimean chebureks are fried in large quantities. Place the frying pan on high heat and wait until the oil stops crackling.

8. Reduce the heat to medium and fry the pasties in hot oil on both sides until a bright golden color appears.

Crispy Crimean chebureks with vegetables from dough in boiling water


Fresh, large egg;

A teaspoon of sugar;

Rock salt – 0.5 tsp;

300 ml of cool, but not ice water;

Large spoon of unflavored vodka;

Half a kilo of white flour;

Two tablespoons of unfragrant oil.


Small-sized tomatoes, for example, “Cherry” varieties - 6 pcs.;

One bell pepper;

A small head of bitter onion;

Two teaspoons of light soy sauce;

To taste – spicy, mild spices.

Cooking method:

1. Sift all the flour and boil the water.

2. Pour 100 grams of flour into a small bowl, pour 200 ml of boiling water into it and mix vigorously. You should get a fluffy dough with a mushy consistency.

3. In another bowl, add vodka, vegetable oil to 300 grams of flour, break the egg. First dissolve salt in the remaining hot water, then sugar and pour into flour, mix.

4. Combine both types of prepared dough together in a large bowl, add the remaining flour and knead well, slowly. The dough turns out obedient, does not stick to dishes and hands, and does not require adding flour when kneading on the table.

5. Cover the bowl of dough with cling film and let it rest on the counter.

6. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices. Cut the peeled pepper in half and chop it into cross strips, cut the onion into thin half rings.

7. Mix the vegetables, add some spices or ground pepper and season the filling with soy sauce.

8. Divide the rested dough into 20 balls, place them in a bowl and be sure to cover so as not to dry out.

9. On a table dusted with flour, roll out the balls one by one in a circle until the thickness of a paper sheet. Place the vegetable filling on half of the resulting circle, leaving space around the edge so that you can seal it tightly, and cover with the free half. Gently press down the top layer of dough with your hands to release all the air and press the edge of the pasty tightly.

10. Pour about a glass of oil into a thick-walled frying pan of small diameter and heat it well over intense heat. Then reduce the heat to medium and fry the pasties until golden brown, first on one side and then on the other.

Crimean chebureks with cheese: recipe from choux pastry


Wheat flour – 650 gr.;

One egg;

40 ml of vodka or alcohol diluted 1:2 with water;

A full glass of water (250 ml);

Unflavored sunflower oil – 35 ml;

Easy-to-melt hard cheese for filling – 150 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the water into a small saucepan. Add a little salt, pour in vegetable oil and put on low heat.

2. When the liquid boils, remove the pan from the stove and stir half of the sifted flour into the liquid. Break an egg into the slightly cooled choux pastry, pour in vodka, stir and gradually add the remaining flour. You may need less, depending on the thickness of the dough. It should be steep, but not tight.

3. Let the choux pastry rest in a warm place for at least half an hour. Then cut it into small balls. Having rolled each into a thin circle, form the pasties, sprinkling one half with finely grated cheese when modeling.

4. Fry as usual chebureks, in a sufficient amount of hot oil. Place finished products on disposable towels to absorb excess fat.

Juicy Crimean chebureks with minced meat and herbs made from dough without eggs, on margarine


One glass of drinking water;

125 gr. quality margarine;

Three glasses (approximately 500 g) of wheat flour;

Rock salt – 1/2 tsp.


Half a kilo of any lean minced meat;

Two medium onions;

Young dill greens – 40 gr., or to taste;

Ground pepper, other spices are possible.

Cooking method:

1. In a bowl of suitable size, mix flour and salt. Pour in cold water, mix vigorously with a fork until the dough comes together in lumps.

2. Dissolve the margarine over medium heat, bring to a boil and pour it in a thin stream into the prepared lumpy dough, knead. Then place it on the table, adding flour if necessary, and knead it well with your hands. Form into a ball and refrigerate for an hour and a half. The chilled dough will be elastic and easy to roll out.

3. Finely chop the peeled onion and add it to the minced meat. Add spices, finely chopped dill, add salt to your taste. Pour in half a glass of cold boiled water and mix thoroughly. In this case, the minced meat should be slightly runny. Water makes the meat filling more juicy and speeds up its cooking. Cover the bowl of minced meat with a lid and temporarily refrigerate.

4. After about an hour and a half, remove the containers with dough and minced meat from the refrigerator and fashion classic pasties, shaped like a crescent. The specified quantity of products yields at least sixteen pieces.

5. Fry the workpieces on both sides, dipping them into a large volume of hot vegetable oil, setting the heat a little less than medium.

Crimean chebureks stuffed with chicken, mushrooms and cheese – “Special”


Any cheburek dough prepared according to the above recipes.

For the filling:

Half a kilo of chilled chicken fillet;

Large onion;

Two large tomatoes;

120 ml cold water;

200 gr. fresh champignons;

One and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil;

Hard melting cheese – 200 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Add finely chopped onion to the minced meat. Season with pepper to your taste, add a little salt, add water and stir.

2. Cut the champignons washed with cold water into small slices. Place the mushrooms in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil. The filling should be juicy, so do not fry the mushrooms too much. Warm them for a couple of minutes after the moisture has evaporated, over medium heat and remove from the stove, cool.

3. Grind the cheese on a medium grater. Roll out homemade pastry dough into thin circles. First put minced chicken on half of each, fried mushrooms on it and sprinkle shredded cheese on top.

4. Cover the filling with the opposite part of the dough, sealing the edges tightly. When forming pasties, lay the blanks on a table sprinkled with flour. When all the products are ready, fry them one by one in a frying pan, following the principle common to all recipes - a large amount of very hot oil.

Crimean chebureks without meat with tomatoes and cheese


A portion of homemade dough for chebureks

For the filling:

150 gr. hard cheese;

Three small tomatoes;

Dried ground basil, dry garlic and black pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the dough for pasties using one of the recipes described above.

2. Wash the tomatoes, dry and cut into thin half rings. For chebureks, it is better to take meaty varieties of tomatoes.

3. Grate the hard, melting cheese for the filling on a medium grater. Add dried garlic and ground basil. Season everything with a little ground pepper and stir.

4. Place a couple of tomato slices on the dough rolled out into thin circles, sprinkle them with shredded cheese and shape the pieces, slightly bending them into a crescent shape. Seal the free edges tightly, otherwise all the juice will leak out during frying.

5. Fry meatless chebureks, like classic ones, by dipping the pieces into hot oil. Please note that it will take less time to fry. As soon as one side has a delicate golden crust, turn the cheburek over and fry its lower side in the same way.

Crimean chebureks - cooking tricks and useful tips

Having trouble rolling out the dough into a neat circle? Roll it out into a large layer and cut out circles of the desired diameter from it, using plates or saucers of different diameters as a stencil.

To prevent the seams from unraveling, run a fork over them, pressing lightly with the tines. Do not press hard, otherwise you will cut through the edge of the product.

To save oil, use deep, small-diameter frying pans and fry items one at a time.

Crimean chebureks with cheese filling should preferably be served piping hot, without waiting for the cheese to harden. Do not fry a lot of chebureki with cheese at once, freeze excess semi-finished products. Frozen semi-finished products do not require complete defrosting before frying; they only need to be thawed slightly.

Delicious pasties! There is so much happiness in this word. I immediately remember the tender juicy filling, appetizing meat, the incredible smell of this wonderful product, as well as the crispy, flaky crust. How delicious they are and how you want to take another bite! One of these delicious types of chebureks is the Crimean ones - the most delicious chebureks in the world. They immediately bring to mind thoughts of distant Crimea, relaxation, walks in the fresh air, even if we prepare them at home.

Cooking time: 60 minutes

Servings: 4–5

Calorie content: 190 kcal per 100 grams

The peculiarity of such chebureks is that they can be eaten both hot and cold. True, they almost never have time to cool down, as they fly apart in a couple of minutes, immediately, hot, straight from the frying pan. That's because the recipe is wonderful, delicious, soft and so crispy and so easy to use at home. Just lick your fingers!

  • 3 cups flour;
  • 3/4 cup water;
  • 1 chicken egg yolk;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt.

A set of products for preparing the filling

  • 500 grams of minced meat;
  • 4 medium onions;
  • 2 pinches of ground black pepper;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt.


  1. We prepare our delicious pasties at home, starting with the dough. It is very easy to make, you just need to take an egg, break it and separate the white from the yolk. The white can be used in some other recipe, but we will need the yolk. Separate it into a separate glass, then pour the required amount of water and you’re done.
  2. Now stir the yolk in water and add salt. Mix everything thoroughly again so that there is not a single crystal of salt at the bottom, this is the recipe.
  3. Now take a large bowl into which you need to sift the flour. You can do this not just once, but several times, so the dough will turn out even fluffier. After the flour has been sifted into it, you need to pour it into the water with the yolk.
  4. When all the ingredients for the dough, except the butter, are collected together, we begin to slowly knead it.
  5. We prepare the dough, as soon as there is practically no free flour left, add butter and continue kneading until we form a ball of puff pastry, from which we later prepare pasties.
  6. We cover the dough with polyethylene or simple cling film. Place in the refrigerator for about half an hour so that the dough can fully cook and rest a little. The recipe is very simple. While the dough is resting, let’s get to the meat and prepare a delicious filling.
  7. We prepare the minced meat as follows: take the onion and grind it in a meat grinder. By the way, it is ideal to do this when the minced meat itself is being prepared, then it will be even more convenient, but if it is not possible to grind the onion together with the meat, then grind the onion separately. Leave one onion to cut into cubes, it will be juicier.
  8. Take the dough out of the refrigerator and cut into small pieces. There will be visible layers on each cut, which indicates that the dough turned out great.
  9. Using a rolling pin, roll each piece into a thin flat cake and place the filling on one side. We wrap our cheburek and secure the edges in any convenient way.
  10. To make the pasties even more beautiful and appetizing, the edges can be cut off with a curly knife.
  11. Fry Crimean chebureks in a frying pan with hot oil. First we wait for one side to brown, and then the other. It is advisable to remove hot pasties onto a napkin so that all unnecessary and excess fat can drain from them. Chebureks can be served hot immediately. Very tasty, great recipe.

The correct recipe for Crimean chebureks is the best recipe that can be found on the Internet and which can be made at home. Of course, you don’t have to bother and buy pasties in a store or the nearest bakery, but will they be as tasty as homemade? When you make it yourself, you can choose the perfect filling and the best ingredients. Only then will Crimean chebureks be truly tasty and almost like real ones, from distant Crimea, but made at home. None of your family members will refuse such a treat. Just lick your fingers. Be sure to remember this recipe.

Cook deliciously and enjoy your meal!