An angel has moved in. Fallen angel in the Bible - why do angels become fallen? A sense of your own mission


Angel (ancient Greek “angelos” - “messenger, messenger”, English Angels)- a spiritual, intelligent, sexless and ethereal being, expressing the will of some higher powers or God and possessing superhuman and supernatural capabilities. The Bible calls angels ministering spirits.

Angels, just like people, have a mind and their mind is much more perfect than a human one. Angels are eternal. Most often, angels are depicted as beardless young men, in light deacon's vestments (surplice, orarion, bridle - a symbol of service), with wings behind their backs (a symbol of speed) and with a halo above their heads. However, in visions, angels appeared to people as six-winged (when Angels are not similar to humans in appearance, then their wings are like flowing streams of grace) and in the form of wheels dotted with eyes, and in the form of creatures with four faces on their heads, and as fiery swords rotating, or even in the form of fancy animals (sphinxes, chimeras, centaurs, pegasi, griffins, unicorns, etc.). In scripture they are sometimes called “birds of the air.”

In the series, angels appeared only when the first Seal was broken, which led to the release of Lucifer and the beginning of the Apocalypse. The first angel to appear in the series was Castiel, Dean's guardian angel who pulled Winchester out of hell.


  • In order to walk among people, angels need a shell. Unlike demons, angels call people vessels, and angels need the permission of the vessel. That is, if demons unceremoniously move into people, then angels need human consent for this.
  • As a rule, angels have only one vessel into which they can inhabit. If they move into another person (not their vessel), then the human body begins to decay (apparently due to the incompatibility of the human spirit and the divine power of the angel) - this is exactly what happens with the shell of Lucifer in the tenth episode of the fifth season.
  • The question may arise: why do angels need a human body? It's quite simple: the true appearance of an angel is so pure and divine that it burns out the eyes of both people and demons, and the voice of an angel is so strong that it shatters glass and explodes eardrums. Therefore, in order to communicate with people, angels have to inhabit vessels - believing people.


In order to be an angel, you must have divine grace - a certain substance that gives angels all their powers. Naturally, a person is not able to accept this grace, since it is so powerful that the human body and soul are not able to withstand this power.
Having lost this grace, Anna Milton became mortal and gradually forgot who she was. But if you were an angel, then this will not go away, and Anna began to hear the voices of angels, and subsequently remembered her true origin.
It turns out that an angel can renounce his “grace” and become a mere mortal. Or he may lose grace and also become mortal - an example of the latter can be seen in the episode where Dean finds himself in 2014: Castiel is no longer an angel, he is not able to heal his vessel, but he can still feel some changes around him.


In the society of angels and in general - in Paradise there are their own rules, which must not be transgressed under any circumstances, because the punishment will be death. Or worse - expulsion.
Disobedience, doubt in power or orders “from above” is very scary for angels and archangels, and they all try to unquestioningly obey their “boss”, because they can be regarded as accomplices of Lucifer and overthrown. If the angel begins to doubt, then they can “take him upstairs” and give him natural brain training, after which he does not dare to contradict his commanders. Approximately such an operation was performed with Castiel when he began to doubt the correctness and expediency of orders coming from Heaven.
Of course, angels hate and despise everything associated with demons. For them, all demons come under the same umbrella, so clashes between angels and demons always end in a brutal fight for life and death, because the presence of demons next to angels is an insult to the divine army, and for demons the presence of angels within sight is an encroachment of Paradise on lands of the future Hell.


In Christianity, the host of angels is divided into three classes, or hierarchies, and each hierarchy, in turn, is divided into three faces. Here is the most common classification of angelic faces, which is attributed to Dionysius the Areopagite:

  • First hierarchy: seraphim, cherubim, thrones.

Seraphim absorbed in eternal love for the Lord and reverence for Him. They immediately surround His throne. Seraphim, as representatives of Divine Love, most often have red wings and sometimes hold lit candles in their hands.
know God and worship Him. They, as representatives of Divine Wisdom, are depicted in golden yellow and blue colors. Sometimes they have books in their hands.
support the throne of God and express Divine Justice. They are often depicted in the robes of judges with a rod of power in their hands. They are believed to receive glory directly from God and bestow it on the second hierarchy.

  • Second hierarchy: domination, strength, power.

The second hierarchy consists of dominions, powers and authorities, which are the rulers of the heavenly bodies and elements. They, in turn, shed upon the third hierarchy the light of glory they have received.
Dominations wear crowns, scepters and sometimes orbs as symbols of power. They symbolize the power of the Lord.
Powers they hold in their hands white lilies or sometimes red roses, which are symbols of the Passion of the Lord.
Authorities often dressed in the armor of warriors - conquerors of evil forces.

  • Third hierarchy: principles, archangels, angels.

Through the third hierarchy, contact is made with the created world and with man, for its representatives are the executors of the will of God. In relation to a person started control the destinies of nations, archangels are heavenly warriors, and angels - messengers of God to man. In addition to the listed functions, the host of angels serves as a heavenly choir.


Angels truly have amazing features, are in many ways superior to demons. Of course, demons often bypass angels due to their own cunning and cunning, but that’s not the point now.

  • Angels are capable move in time and space at will.
  • Able move with you in space and time of people- To do this, you need to place your index finger on the person’s forehead.
  • They can mind control a person, causing him to forget or remember, can replace memories for false ones, as well as return memories - all this is done by touching the index and middle fingers to a person’s forehead.
  • Readingthoughts and memories.
  • Own telekinesis.
  • They can heal any disease.
  • They see ghosts, reapers and other evil spirits, as well as signs, which are invisible to mortals.
  • Able exorcise demons, placing his palm on the forehead of the possessed person.
  • Some angels have narrow specialty" - for example, Uriel could burn entire cities and incinerate people.

Do you feel that you are different from others? As if you were “dropped on this planet and are about to be taken home”? It is possible that you too are one of the Earth Angels.

Earth Angels are another definition for those who are called Servants of Light, Indigos, Crystal Children, or some other name that describes a person incarnated for the purpose of helping this world.

This is the first article in a series of materials about Earth Angels.

    • Part 1 - [You are here] - Earth Angels
    • Part 2 -

Each of us was born with a personal task of development and growth. We choose our own direction for our new life, during which we learn some specific lesson in patience, forgiveness or empathy.

But the Earth Angels, in addition to this, carry out a global mission, and it is to serve And help the whole world.

There are traits that are common to all Earth Angels, as well as more specific differences.
Here are examples of some of them.

Almost all Earth Angels from childhood “feel different from others.”

Many Earth Angels at different periods of their lives became objects of cruel jokes and ridicule simply because their appearance, hobbies or behavior did not “fit” into generally accepted standards.

2. Increased sensitivity to other people, chemicals and violence in any form

Earth Angels feel very uncomfortable being in a large crowd of people and being exposed to too much emotional and physical radiation that comes from others.

Most Earth Angels have learned to choose products, cleaning products, detergents, perfumes and cosmetics that are low in chemical additives, as they are often prone to allergies.

Violence in any form has an overwhelming effect on them, be it family quarrels, negative information in the news, or films with scenes of cruelty.

This sometimes irritates others: “You are too sensitive!” Yes, sensitivity is a sacred gift that the Earth Angels bring with them to our planet.

This gift helps them intuitively select those activities where their contribution can be especially valuable. And even if the Earth Angels really wanted to somehow get rid of this trait, they still wouldn’t succeed!

3. A sense of your own mission

Even if the Earth Angel does not yet know exactly what his mission is, he feels that his calling is connected with teaching or healing people.

This is how the Incarnate Angel defines it: “I have always known that my life’s purpose is to educate, heal, serve, that is, to do the work that can help our troubled world. Although I do not know what exactly my task is, I am ready to do my best.”

4. A history of difficult personal relationships

Often, Earth Angels grow up in families with emotionally unstable parents, being abused by them.

As adults, they face betrayal and insults from friends and loved ones. Their partners in marriage or intimate relationships are often unfaithful, dishonest, rude people.

Many Earth Angels are “sent” to broken families in order to act as a healing catalyst in the form of a child. Such kids feel as if they are adopted children in this family, since they have no real closeness with their parents, brothers and sisters, no support from their relatives.

In fact, this is true: physical families are not their spiritual families. Some Earth Angels specifically choose families with difficult internal situations for themselves, so that future difficulties will contribute to their speedy personal growth.

And only a strong desire and willingness to understand and heal these patterns will allow you to get out of the networks of such relationships.

5. Trust of strangers

Complete strangers readily tell them about their problems, sometimes sharing very personal information.

Earth Angels have many stories about how complete strangers turned to them for help and in a conversation they shared details that they usually don’t tell anyone about.
“I don’t know why, but I really trust you,” their interlocutors say.

6. Look younger than their biological age

Perhaps this is because they eat right, exercise and take better care of themselves, or perhaps it is due to their level of spirituality.
In any case, Earth Angels most often seem younger than their years.

The only exception can be the Sages: they turn gray early, and because of their serious facial expressions, they sometimes seem even older than their years.

7. Often, either they themselves or one of their family members suffer from addictions

This could be overeating, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, relationship addiction, or all of the above.

The fact is that some Earth Angels in this way try to “drown out” their dissimilarity from others and the internal need to fulfill a certain life mission.

One Earth Angel described it this way: “When I started using drugs and alcohol, my life became much easier. These substances gave me a feeling of lightness, dulled sensations, and for a while I forgot why I came here. Drugs helped me not to think about the mission. Moreover, it weakened the feeling of one’s own insignificance.”

8. Ringing sounds

Most Earth Angels (though not all) notice that they periodically hear a high-frequency sound. This happens in stressful situations or in moments of sadness.

Many perceive it as an unnecessary irritant, although in fact it is a stream of coded information that comes from the determinants of the Earthly Angels and can help resolve some earthly problems.

In addition, this can be used to convey instructions on how to carry out their mission. Fortunately, Earth Angels can mentally ask Heaven to “lower the volume” or its pitch so that the ringing in the ear does not cause them too much trouble.

* * *

If you have the ability and desire to heal, teach, help other people, and even if at the same time you have your own problems and weaknesses - alcohol abuse, drugs, excess weight, difficulties in your personal life, and the like - it’s quite Maybe that you are an Earth Angel.

And if you are very sensitive and do not tolerate violence, in any form, very probably that you are an Earth Angel!

Despite the fact that all souls came from the same Divine source, the surrounding environment and personal history can seriously change both the physical characteristics and character of each of us.

All our previous lives influence us in approximately the same way. Just as a person’s upbringing and development largely depends on his earthly family, so the “family” from which his Soul came shapes his views, behavior and even the purpose of life.

There is always a beautiful, pure spark of Divine light inside each of us. And this yours the spark of the Servant of Light could spend some time in the divine Higher spheres far from the Earth.

Lives spent among the Angels or on other planets may affect you today. And although your body is the same as other people's, you feel like a foreigner in a foreign country.

Of course, not all of us are Earth Angels. To transition into the New Era of the World, the Lord chooses the brightest flashes of light.

Most people live mainly for their own development, relaxation and pleasure. But even if they sometimes seem ignorant or completely unspiritual, these people are also Divine sparks of life. It’s just that their existence is so far aimed only at satisfying human, earthly needs.

Based on materials from the book “Earthly Angels” by Doreen Virtue

P.S. Perhaps you are an Earth Angel too? 😉 I will be glad to see your response in the comments!

In our previous conversation, we mainly touched on the problems of the seizure of power in the psychocosmos by predatory, selfishly minded forces.

However, in practice, one also encounters the enslavement of consciousness by creatures that are essentially good in the macrocosmic sense, but are quite capable of being very destructive for the microcosm - . Moreover, now we are not talking about the fact that the psychocosmos is beginning to be ruled by its own elementals - “”, but about the “external "invasion - ibbura, with the only difference that the invader is guided not by personal gain, but by certain ideas of the “higher good.”

Often a person, saddened by the situation of universal devouring and the degradation of the manifested universe, especially the qlippotization of ours, himself asks “higher powers” ​​to use him as a “tool in the fight against evil,” and these same forces sometimes respond to his call, turning him into a carrier of their actions .

Not possessing free will, angels cannot act; they enter a vessel ready to receive them and thus manifest themselves in other ways. inaccessible for them the “sublunary” world.

We have already said that a person becomes akin to the serving spirits when he loses the internal conflict, that duality, which for a free being is both the road to the abyss and the stairway to heaven.

Accordingly, the detractor is contained in such a most important concept for a magician as integrity his being. Any person who strives to go beyond the limits of manifestation risks getting an androgyne instead of an integral and instead of creator turn into substrate creativity. A magician who strives to increase the effectiveness of his implementations also runs the risk of losing his internal potential difference and slipping into a service position.

However, for “” people who do not even call upon the “heavenly army”, the danger of such obsession is even more real.

Often religious fanaticism, an uncontrollable desire for “” and “jihads” are the result of such a loss of internal freedom.

The reality is that force often turns into intervention, and help into enslavement. Moreover, this approach is fair for both sides - just as demons strive to provide themselves with food by any means, so angels are ready to sacrifice any means, lives, freedom in their crystalline desire to “protect” the world from ascending encroachments.

And just as for a goetic magician there is always a danger of picking up a “gray” spirit, for a conjurer of elemental spirits there is always a danger of becoming a tool, so there can be a real danger of falling under the power of an angelic entity.

The key to this is that same duality, conflict, which, on the one hand, interferes with purposeful implementation, but on the other hand, provides an incentive for development.

At the same time, that maximum tolerance, which is so necessary for magicians, should not turn into indifference, indifference to other people’s falls, but also

What brazen and categorical nonsense!
I know at least two incarnate angels. I know and communicate with the incarnate Archangel. I woke up and am already communicating with a dozen incarnate Gods. There are embodied dragons, elves, fairies, gnomes. You never know who else. And yes, light entities cannot enter an unclean body. The more spiritual and pure a person is, including the body not desecrated by eating the corpses of living beings, the greater the belief that a being of Light can honor the bodily temple with its presence.
I wanted to write about this in the comments of Elena Larisa, but I was banned there. However, after her...uh... "thoughts" about mercy, which characterize her moral qualities, I think this is normal for her.

Original taken from elenalarisa in Thoughts out loud.

Move-in, move-in. It raises a lot of questions.
Angels do not inhabit people. Never. No matter how wonderful a person is, he cannot be an angel. He is an ordinary, good person. And if he claims otherwise, then he has some form of mental disorder caused by the presence of a parasitic entity. This happens absolutely always 100%. There are no exceptions. This is neither good nor bad. If a person is comfortable, then this is symbiosis. A form of contract. If there is discomfort, measures must be taken and eliminated. But the essence absolutely always consumes the energy of the person and the people around him. Therefore, communicating with such people in everyday life can be difficult. This is an experience gained in practice, therefore for me it is the truth. Maybe it will be useful to you, dear readers.
Now that the question of possessions has arisen, I will still explain why angels cannot and will never inhabit people. They don’t need it and, on the contrary, it’s harmful. Each person is born with a certain purpose. His soul, spirit, and body must be in harmony in order to cope with their tasks. A SOUL lives in everyone's body. There is no place for anyone else there. Neither for entities, nor for anyone else. Entities of course want a body, since this is the only way they can get into the human world. But if a person has everything strong, he will always take care of himself and his soul and will not allow an outsider into it. Moreover, any such tenant is always the displacement of a person’s personality and the replacement of a living soul with an essence. Now about the angels. A guardian angel cannot move in because it has a different function. He should be nearby and not inside. His task is to float freely and help a person. To give signs, or premonitions, to help obtain the necessary knowledge, to pass lessons. You cannot do this while sitting in the body. And the Higher Angels simply CANNOT APPROACH A PERSON. Their vibrations are too high, they will destroy the mortal body. Therefore, people communicate only through the mediation of guardian angels with any higher angels. There can be no talk of entering a body. There will be no body. It will simply dissolve. Demons also do not possess a person, for the same reason. Demons capture the soul with the help of entities that alone possess them. And then, with the help of the entities, demonic forces manipulate the consciousness of people, organizing wars and conflicts. That's the only way too. Therefore, if a person says that an angel has moved into him, this means that a small entity has entered into him, WHICH WANTS TO BE AN ANGEL. She will inspire this thought in a person, since she has such an opportunity. Make a mess. It should be remembered that a person is only strong when he RECOGNIZES HIMSELF AS A HUMAN. Not an angel, not a god, not anyone else. Only the realization that you are a powerful person can make a person LIKE AN ANGEL. Like the Divine we are created. This is affirmed not only by me, but also by all the teachings that people have used since ancient times, except Christianity.
One of the signs of settlement is such a phenomenon as darkness. Due to the fact that a person’s own personality is partially suppressed and replaced by an alien, his mind, the person’s mind is also blocked. This is the reason why a person does not hear those around him. Words change their meaning for him. Therefore, as a rule, the arguments and requests of the people around him cease to reach the person. And a person from the outside seems to everyone to be incompetent to outside points of view. He reacts to words inadequately, often completely distorting and inverting the meaning of what was said. When a person is adequate, he tries to understand what is being said. If a person has an obsession in one form or another, he has his own theory of the creation of his world, convenient only for him. And he strives to drive all the people around him there. Moreover, if people do not want to voluntarily submit, conflicts and quarrels occur. One way or another, the entity receives its energy from everyone who is around the person. This is the main and main sign of obsession. Obsession and fixations that are convenient for one person, but absolutely unacceptable for others. And at the same time, everyone strives to please the possessed, since an alien heavy pressure comes from him, emanating from the essence. We are obsessed alone, but it will be hard for everyone around us. All practitioners know these signs. I’m not opening any America.
If you want this to not happen to you, learn to distinguish between the energies of angels and the action and influence of entities.
Why is it so important to establish and maintain contact with your angel? The one who is near you. and not inside and a figment of fantasy or a product of settlement. Because in this century, which has just begun, various attitudes and manipulations from the outside play a huge role in the formation of personality. Because now many different methods have been invented to confuse people, and very often this turns into a disaster. Society, strangers, and also various factors influence a person, simply killing his personality, suppressing his will, destroying his soul and thereby depriving him of the opportunity to live as he was meant to live. This is a widespread manipulation that occurs day after day. Comparable in scale to aggression. I believe that this is a systematic transformation of people into biomass, so that there would be no feelings, desires, except natural instincts. And those are in a distorted form.
The only thing that cannot be taken away from a person is what is given to us all - the right to choose. It’s impossible to take it away, but to confuse our heads so much that we don’t know what we can do right. That’s what the whole world around us is doing now. Communication with a guardian angel allows us to create in ourselves those personality qualities that contribute to the revelation and flourishing of our true personality and prevent us from being manipulated.
I've been convinced many times. A person begins to see the light from contacts with an angel, sees what needs of his and the needs of his soul are not satisfied, begins to set goals for himself, tries to achieve something in life. And the first thing he encounters is the aggression of consumers and manipulators who are accustomed to using him ignorance to use it, in other words, to sit on his head. convincing him that this will only benefit him.
For this purpose, a huge number of different theories have been invented. All of them are zombie-like in nature. This is beneficial for those who like to use other people's energy. It doesn’t matter what, it could be an entity - a settler, a manipulator - a boss or a selfish friend, or a society that benefits from having people submissive. In fact, people turn into biorobots without the needs of the soul. Angels give creative energy, give us talents, develop our personalities and help our dreams come true. They push us towards our goal. Friendship with a guardian angel is always a movement forward. Never stagnation, never melancholy and despondency. This is perhaps the only protection for many people. Therefore, this topic should develop on a positive wave. That's what we try to do.
Who can be bothered by talking about angels? Probably to those who do not benefit from it. Considering that the information field is available to everyone, I draw conclusions that the poles are different. Someone should be connected to the plus according to information, and someone should be connected to the minus. Those who want to be zombies and those who want development are two different poles. I am writing for those who want to study. And those who are doing well can just pass by. There is always a choice.

6 signs that you are an Earth Angel (and you don’t know it). The main dream of these people is the establishment of universal harmony on Earth, when, finally, the inhabitants of the planet will be able to forget about all their problems. Lightworkers are not able to understand much in the modern world, because they feel like souls who have experienced more than one reincarnation and who have seen better times.

Therefore, they are sent here once again to restore and renew the planet. They came from a world where people lived in complete harmony: with each other, animals and nature. But the earth angels know that we will most likely never be able to return to that way of life, so they just want us to learn to live in harmony with our world now. They want every person in this world to live in joy, happiness, prosperity, while they themselves are some of the most selfless people you will ever meet.

Earth angels want to give everyone else pure, loving energy that will help people find their higher selves in this life. They want to leave all problems and suffering in the past so that we can learn to live in true harmony with the divine. They have only good intentions, but the current state of affairs on Earth often causes them to become despondent.

If you have a feeling that you could be an angel, but are not sure about it, then you should definitely read 6 signs that you are an Earth Angel.

1. You are very sensitive

It is obvious that the earth's angels came here on a great mission, but they will have to pay a great price to save the planet. Sometimes an earth angel feels terribly tired of all the world's problems. And he gets the feeling that all efforts to resolve earthly contradictions are in vain.

Earthly angels may experience quite strong disappointment with the current order of things on Earth and the impossibility of making changes. They do not like large and noisy crowds of people, since meeting with energies hostile to them greatly exhausts them.

Earth angels also have a high sensitivity to violence, hatred and all information that is presented in a negative way in the media. They tend to spend most of their time in their room, thereby protecting themselves from the bustle and influence of the outside world. If this sounds like you, then maybe you're just an earth angel?

2. You love being alone

The lightworker or earth angel enjoys spending time alone to relax and balance their energy. As we have already said, this type of people often feels very overworked by modern civilization, and they need to spend some time alone in order to heal their psychological traumas and prepare for the next meeting with the outside world.

They really love to delve deep into their subconscious, which allows them to put themselves in order. Earth angels know that in order to change the world, you must change yourself, and they work tirelessly to become better people.

3. You devote a lot of energy to caring for others.

Do you feel like you are a sensitive person towards other people and want to help solve their problems? If so, then maybe you are an earth angel. These people are ready to give up everything to help those in need, because they themselves have experienced a lot and would not want anyone else to feel the pain. Lightworkers feel a deep connection with all people around them and simply want to comfort those who need that comfort.

Earthly angels understand how difficult and scary it is when the world around us sometimes shows that we exist almost all the time in a state of uncertainty. No one knows what tomorrow will bring us, but lightworkers are confident that today they can make the world a little better.

They live what is called “right now” and want to change the lives of others for the better as much as possible. Earthly angels understand the fact that people in this life have to “spin like a squirrel in a wheel,” since they themselves had to be in their shoes before.

4. You feel called to achieve a specific goal.

You are free from worldly desires and you do not want to follow a predetermined path in life. You don't like the agendas that are shaped by the society we live in, and you've never felt obligated to follow in other people's footsteps. You want to make your own mark and live by your own rules, and don't like people telling you what to do. You feel called to do something more than what people consider “normal” and you definitely need to fulfill yourself.

Earth angels may feel a strong pull to work in areas where they can really help people: for example, they may work as social workers, psychologists, acupuncturists or massage therapists. They believe that they are endowed with healing powers and want to work in areas where they can find use for their talent.

You may even want to think about starting your own business, which will free you from all the daily grind that comes with any “normal” job.

5. You have strong intuition.

When making decisions in life, you are most likely guided not by logic, but by your emotions and intuition. Earthly angels are capable of feeling very deeply, which is fundamentally different from the correct and logical way of life of representatives of modern society.

Your life is largely concerned with things that appeal to human emotions: art, music, stories and communication with other people. You allow your intuition to guide you through life, and it helps you understand every new step you take.

Earth angels trust their inner voice because they know that the messages they receive come from the Divine. They believe that the Universe brings only good things and people into their lives, and they also know that intuition is the way the Universe talks to them.

They often turn to their spiritual mentors from the subtle world and angels for help, and they can also engage in various spiritual practices.

6. You reject “modern ideals.”

Most lightworkers and earth angels cannot understand the modern world. Why do we spend so much time doing jobs we hate just to afford things we don't need? Why does work come first for people? Why do we continue to pollute our planet, which is our only home? Why do we consume so much and give so little? Why do we need wars and racism?

Why isn't our society becoming more civilized? Lightworkers and earth angels are constantly haunted by these questions, but the answers are usually disappointing, causing them to reject modern society. Many people call them hippies, but they simply understand that caring for the planet and each other is a normal life.

The earthly angels realized that we cannot continue to live in a state of isolation from each other; we simply cannot survive alone. Earthly angels only hope that people can unite and together celebrate the triumph of the real truth - we are talking about our right to love, prosperity, happiness, freedom. We on this Earth have everything to live a full and happy life, but the main obstacle to this is our consciousness. The earth angels are focusing on spreading this ancient wisdom in hopes of awakening people to unite them.

Earth angels love to spend a lot of time in nature, where they feel most comfortable, as if at home. They value nature and everything related to the natural world, and try to stay away from materialism, greed, corporations and anything that promotes division between people.

If these signs match you, then you are most likely a lightworker. You will have a difficult journey ahead, but in the end you will be able to bring a lot of benefit. Whenever you feel lost or upset about anything, just remember your mission. And remember that you came here to live your life, even if it differs from the life that other people consider correct. You were sent here to shine brightly and change this world for the better.
These were 6 signs that you are an Earth Angel.