Methods for purifying water from oil. Restoring the body with structured tap water. Reasons for getting oil into the well

VLGOLETIE.RU. Checked on myself. Membrane water filter

Here we will consider an equally simple, but more economical way of obtaining structured water using a fine water filter on a track membrane, which simultaneously filters and structures the water passed through it.

The track membrane is an invention of Russian scientists from the world famous Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. It is the fine water filters that are used by the UN and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent to provide high-quality drinking water to the population of those regions that have suffered from environmental disasters and man-made accidents. A fine filter on a track membrane has been used more than once to obtain safe drinking water literally from sewage and puddles.

It should be mentioned here that the track membrane was originally developed for the artificial kidney apparatus, and only then found wide application as a fine water filter.

So what is a filter for purifying and structuring water on a track membrane called "Snowflake"? This is what we will find out now. So...

1 - The set of the "Snowflake" fine water filter includes: a filter element (membrane filter) located between two plastic covers; drain tube with a lock for fixing; foam rubber cloth for washing the track membrane and operating instructions for the filter for cleaning and structuring water with a guarantee.

2 - The “Snowflake” fine water filter in disassembled form consists of: a non-separable filter element with a tube put on the fitting with a lock for fixing and two plastic covers.

1 - The track membrane of a fine water filter, in essence, resembles a fine mosquito net installed on windows to protect it from flies, mosquitoes, small midges, bees and other larger flying and crawling animals. The mesh also protects against falling leaves, poplar fluff, dirt and dust. Freely passing air with aromas dissolved in it, the mesh retains light debris, dust, dirt and all potential carriers of infections that can greatly harm a healthy, and even more so weakened, human body.

2 - A filter for fine water purification on a track membrane, like a mosquito net, having microscopic holes with a diameter of 0.4 microns with a density of up to 300-400 million per square centimeter, passes only water molecules with useful microelements dissolved in them. And all undesirable impurities in the form of lead, mercury, strontium, heavy metals, radionuclides, chlorine compounds, 2- and 3-valent iron are 80-100% unable to pass through the smallest pores of the track membrane ...
All bacteria (E. coli, Vibrio cholerae, plague strain, botulism bacillus, tubercle bacillus, etc.) are 100% retained on the surface of the filter element and washed off with plain water, because they, like flies, through a mosquito net, do not able to pass through the microscopic holes of the track membrane of the fine water filter.

Water before the filter and water after the filter!

(Photographs of microscopic images of the structure of water provided by the manufacturer)

1 - The first photo shows that before passing through the track membranes, the water had a disturbed structure.

2 - In the second photo, we see a completely different picture, showing that the water, having passed through the filter, was structured in a certain way and its structure took the form of a snowflake.

Video material about the filter on track membranes

Find out where and how a fine water filter is produced, what it is, what benefits it brings to a living organism.

Preparing to use a membrane water filter

Before using the track membrane filter, it must be prepared for initial use. To do this, perform the following actions:

1 - Put the drain tube with a lock onto the fitting, first, lowering one end into hot water for a few seconds in order to use less effort when connecting.

3 - Wipe the surface of the filter element from both sides under the jet warm water using a wiping material (foam rubber). If there is no warm water "at hand", you can do with cold, in extreme cases, do not wipe at all. In the latter case, it is better not to use the first 2-3 liters of water passed through the filter.

4 - After flushing, put the covers back in place.

Practical application of the fine water filter

1 - We take a saucepan or other container, for example, a glass jar.

2 - We fill it with untreated water (tap or any other).

3 - We lower the fine water filter into it, as shown in the photo or diagram.

4 - By lightly sucking the free end of the tube, we accelerate the flow of water into the inside of the membrane filter.

5 - We lower the free end of the tube into a container for clean water, for example, a bottle for food.

6 - We use the filtered water for drinking, preparing the first or aunt's dishes.

This method of obtaining pure structured water turned out to be more economical due to the fact that a fine water filter, unlike a conventional filter with a replaceable cartridge, can work for several years and does not require replacing the filter element. And this is already a significant saving. If, with proper use of a membrane filter, it can last for several years, then a simple calculation can be made: one cartridge of an ordinary filter for a family of three is designed for one month of use and costs an average of 220-250 rubles. We multiply this amount by 12 months and get about 2640-3000 rubles per year. And the cost of a fine water filter, which in addition structures it, is about 990 rubles. Obviously, in less than six months of use, it will fully pay for itself in comparison with an ordinary household filter, and then it will already save your finances, because you do not need to change the filter element, it can last two to three years or more, if used correctly.

And as in one of the TV commercials: “If over time you find that your TV has lost its former brightness - just wipe the dust off the screen”. So in our case, I think it would be appropriate to say: "If over time you find that your filter has decreased performance - just wash off the accumulated dirt from the filter element."

If the water you want to pass through the filter is more or less pure, then before flushing, you can use the filter much longer than if it had, for example, a yellowish color and a characteristic reserve. In the latter case, the filter for fine water purification should be rinsed more often. But in any case, you will understand this in the filtering process.

The result of using a fine water filter

1 - Condition of the membrane filter before use.

2 - Condition of the filter after filtering tap water for a month.

The result speaks for itself - this dirt could get into our body.

I think that every sane visitor to the site will draw the appropriate conclusions for himself: what kind of water to use and how to clean it from harmful impurities and pathogenic bacteria ...

The advantages of a membrane filter for fine water purification, in my opinion, are:

  • Purification from impurities and simultaneous structuring of water;

  • Mobility - the ability to take out of town, on vacation, on business trips, travel, etc.;

  • No need for a fixed connection;

  • The ability to use any available containers (plastic bottles, pots, cans, etc.);

  • Lack of replaceable cassettes (the filter element is easily washed under running water);
  • Low end cost compared to conventional filters.

The disadvantages, in my opinion, include only:

  • Low productivity (about 10 liters per day).

Since the structure of water passed through a fine filter is practically close to the structure of the cell, which in turn leads to a decrease in the body's energy expenditures for its structuring, this circumstance contributes to a faster and better absorption of water into our body and saturation of cellular structures with it.

As you know, the advantages of structured water are the following properties:

  • Structured water boils faster than ordinary water from the plumbing system;

  • Structured water practically does not form scale on the walls of a container, for example, a kettle, which indicates the absence in its structure of impurities that enter the body with ordinary tap water and, together with free radicals, form, for example, stones in the kidneys and bile ducts, and also other harmful compounds;

  • Structured water is absorbed faster and better by our body, which, as you know, is largely composed of cellular water;

  • Structured water is a universal solvent due to the correct cluster structure;

  • Plants watered with structured water are distinguished by active growth and greater splendor than those watered, even with settled water (tested on indoor plants). Another example is the active growth of plants after rain, and not artificial irrigation, because rainwater is a natural structured liquid.

The disadvantages include only:

  • Lack of flaws.

Attention! Here is a simple and cheap, and therefore more affordable way of obtaining structured water at home - a method in which water passed through a fine filter is purified and structured at the same time.

Other information confirming the practical application of the tips will be posted as soon as the material is ready.

The main task of any treatment plant is to reduce the concentration of harmful impurities to the limits of the permissible norm. There are specific methods for removing impurities for each area of ​​the industry. They usually involve several steps and involve careful selection of multi-piece equipment. A theoretical knowledge base in physics and chemistry is also essential in plant design.

Among other issues within the competence of the specialists of the company "Water Center" - purification of waste water from concentrated oil impurities of enterprises of fat-and-oil and food industries. Employees of the company have been dealing with water treatment issues for more than seven years. Thanks to extensive practical experience, we will be able to find the best option for any customer, taking into account the specifics of a particular production.

  • Important aspects of effluent treatment from emulsified fat.
    New technologies and improvement of production cycles for the treatment of greasy wastewater.
  • How to start cleaning waste water from dyes in the textile industry?
    Stages of treatment of incoming waste with modern treatment plants on the production line.
  • Introducing ultraviolet chlorination from wastewater.
    Overview of treatment plants for the main measures for the extraction of contaminants.
  • Machine-building enterprises are the main source of oil-containing wastes. The design of treatment facilities for oily wastewater from fatty and oily effluents depends on many factors, including the concentration of contaminants. Low concentration discharges are the result of washing and lubricating metal parts with machine oils. To extract them from the structure of water, methods of ozonation and coagulation are used.

    The principle of wastewater treatment in the oil and fat industry

    For discharges with a high degree of pollution, the treatment of oil sludge emulsion wastewater by an electrocoagulator or coagulation with aluminum sulfate is not suitable due to its economic impracticality. In the first case, excessive adhesion of resinous substances to the electrodes occurs, and in the second, too much of the reagent is consumed. Therefore, it is recommended to consistently use separate installations for the treatment of oily and storm water for discharges of various concentrations.

    For primary treatment, a mechanical method is used - compact installations for the treatment of oily and storm drains (oil catchers) are mounted, and one of the coagulation methods is used to isolate dissolved impurities.

    High concentration discharges can contain up to 50 g of process oils per liter of water. The main sources of these contaminants are used cutting fluids (coolant) in machine-building industries. In small business - waste from car services. At such enterprises, it is recommended to pre-treat the oil-containing effluent with an oil catcher in the sewer network. Sump-oil catchers perform a double task - they help clean waste liquids from oils and oil products that rise to the upper layer, and separate solid impurities that settle to the bottom. After preliminary settling, the liquid passes through a polyurethane filter to purify waste water from oil and enters the electrolysis or ion exchange plants. The measures following the separation of the oil components depend on the further use of the obtained components.

    When treating wastewater from oils, filters accumulate a large amount of waste materials, including organic ones, which provoke active growth of bacteria. If the number of bacteria is more than 100 million per 1 ml, then the product cannot be regenerated. In order to avoid decomposition processes, decontamination of filters or the use of other systems for separating oils, such as double flotation units, is recommended. Wastewater treatment containing vegetable oil with the help of this technique, it occurs as efficiently as possible and without loss of quality of the processed material.

    We offer site visitors this information sent to us by the author (contacts - at the end of the article).

    We offer unconventional methods of restoring the human body using regular, structured tap water.

    Links from the book "The Secret Code of Water": in the 1990s, a number of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, Armenian scientific teams developed methods for structuring water and recording a variety of technologies into this structure, in which the direct or indirect use of properties was common torsion fields. The resulting waters had stable healing properties of mineral waters, remaining, from the point of view of classical chemistry, simple drinking water. However, the retail price of 1 liter of water structured in this way can currently go up to $ 100.

    How to reduce the cost of structured water and give it the qualities of healing water? This issue was addressed by our Center of the CDSG - Center for the Development of Creative Genius... We have created SV -Synchronizers of time, the action of which is based on the work of torsion fields. Moreover, we have learned to transfer these torsion fields to any material carriers.

    For ease of use, we took ordinary CD disks, and just put ordinary tap water on them. A three-liter jar is ready for use in 15 minutes, you can also put the discs near the bath, or under it, and while the water is collected, the water is structured. Moreover, this disk works forever, without time limits.

    The results we've gotten are overwhelming. For six months, a 45-year-old woman, just by taking 1 glass a day, recovered from uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. She suffered for 6 years, was constantly treated and was under the supervision of a doctor. On one distillate, which is structured on disks, a 50-year-old man, while on a voyage, in the equator zone, recovered from hypertension in 130 days. A 4.5-year-old child was diagnosed with adenoids, an operation was required, within 5 days with the help of taking baths and drinking water, stopped snoring at night, sleep was restored, the adenoids were forgotten. A purulent sore throat in a 14-year-old girl was cured in 4 days, only taking water and a bath. In children, from the intake of our water, their creativity, activity increases, an interest in learning and knowledge is shown. Children and adults stopped getting sick only by taking our structured water. Also discs-sv restore harmony in family relationships, develop male and female sensuality, relieve chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, special discs have been created to increase mental abilities, enhance concentration, correct behavior of restless children, as well as to restore all systems and organs of the body. And many many others.

    Also created for athletes, so as not to get tired during training and competition, and quickly restore the body after heavy exertion. Easy-to-reach insoles have been created so as not to get tired during long hikes. With the help of sv we have learned to remove heavy metals from the body, to restore the lymphatic system. And all this is ordinary tap water, structured in St. No spring water can replace it. Taking this water, we noticed that we stopped accumulating static electricity, despite the fact that we were wearing synthetic clothes.

    In our center, an experiment was also carried out to increase the fish catch. The experiment was carried out in the Mauritanian zone, the husband of an employee of our center was given St., he also took structured water. The principle of the formation of the leader's fish and the principle of energy-informational traces were used here. As a result, the catch was 158%, which is a record catch in the entire history of the trawl fleet. Nearby, 3 foreign vessels and 3 Russian vessels were fishing. In one day, the vessel (large freezer trawler) on which the sv were, lifted 50 tons of fish on board, vessels that were sailing in a parallel course caught up to 8 tons of fish.

    We confirm all these facts with the help of the GDV device compact of Professor K.G. Korotkov, who received a gold medal in Tomsk. The pioneer in the discovery of the aura in Russia was Professor K. Korotkov, who works at the St. Petersburg Institute of Precise Mechanics and Optics. What is this device, what is the principle of the device: we take information about the physical fields distributed around the fingers. When an electromagnetic pulse is applied to a finger, then under its influence the body emits a stream of photons and electrons, which we register with an optical system and analyze on a computer. And from this picture in 10 - 15 minutes we get all the information about a person: his psyche, body, state of organs.

    We have applied to many authorities in the city of Murmansk with our technologies, but the bureaucratic world is still unshakable. We hope that our structured, ingenious water will make its way into life, help many people increase their life potential, restore health, because everyone knows that water wears away a stone. We wish you the best in your fundamental research. We are interested in your feedback and opinions, cooperation is possible.


    In our Center for the Development of Creative Genius, we have created SV - Time Synchronizers, which are structured by the method of transferring and modeling natural torsion fields.
    With the help of these SVs, we carried out an experiment on plant breeding, using the art of socionics and bioenergyinformationics.

    At the moment, socionics is not a science, and for the most part is the art of applying theoretical developments in the observation, analysis and interpretation of the behavior of real people. Many psychologists do not recognize socionics as a scientific discipline, although in some universities the corresponding special courses are introduced, journals are published. In addition, socionics is included in some textbooks for universities and textbooks on psychology. In socionics, all people, without exception, are divided into: logicians and ethics, intuition and sensorics, extroverts and introverts, rationalists and irrational. The socionic type determines the methods of receiving and processing information, a person's capabilities when interacting with the surrounding reality, and in particular when dealing with people, his strengths and weaknesses. In total, 16 types of informational metabolism (socionic types) are considered in socionics.

    Socionic Quadra

    Sociotypes that are among themselves in identical, dual, mirror and activation relationships form a quadra. All types of quadra completely overlap the main personal aspects, making communication within the quadra as comfortable and non-conflicting as possible.

    1 square "alpha" Don Quixote, Dumas, Hugo, Robespierre (innovators)
    2 squares "beta" Hamlet, Maxim Gorky, Zhukov, Yesenin (conservatives)
    3 squares "scale" Jack London, Dreiser, Napoleon, Balzac (reformers, speakers 0
    4 squares "delta" Stirlitz, Dostoevsky, Huxley, Gabin (pragmatists, humanists)

    We examined socionic types from the point of view of chakra structures.

    It literally nearly buried us. With the help of the GDV compact device of Professor Korotkov, we observed a sharp drop in energy in the field of the immune system, nervous system, cerebral. The chakras were very small, and the field was like a "chipped hedgehog". Such a sharp drop in energy was observed in everyone who was in this room.

    What I would like to note is that such selection is not the creation of genetically modified products, but the identification of a set of those qualities of products that are most needed by people. If someone remembers, bread in Siberia and in many other cities of Russia could be preserved long time, was delicious, golden in color, filled with strength. In our time, bread is sour, there is no energy in it, put a glass of milk or water next to the bread, it will take away the last energy. And taste this milk or water. Russia is a country with great potential, it deserves high-quality, energy-rich bread, as well as other useful energy-rich products.

    President of the Center for the Development of Creative Genius and his scientific director
    Valery Gennadievich Oshchepkov,
    Contact Information - [email protected]
    Murmansk, phone: 8921-274-74-33 Alla

    We cleanse the body with water

    Let's remember once again that we are all almost 70% water. And water, in fact, is the foundation of wellness. And here it is important to understand that water not only "cleanses" the body, but also saturates it with everything it needs. The lion's share of vital substances comes to the organs with liquids, the basis of which is water. Therefore, it is so important that water saturates the body in the right amount. The best way make up for the lack of fluid in the body and protect it from dehydration - drink water. In addition, drinking solves our main task - the task of purification. We drink, water saturates organs and tissues and at the same time flushes out of them all the accumulated "garbage" and removes it during natural excretory processes.

    Test. Does your body have enough water

    The amount of water contained in the body correlates with the vital forces. Here's one way to check if you have enough water in your body. Place your finger in the middle of your palm. Hold it like this for ten seconds. As soon as you release it, the skin will immediately straighten and return to its original state. This means that you have enough water in your body. If the skin does not straighten right away or there is a dent in the palm of your hand for one or two seconds, this means that the body is sending you unambiguous signals. Drink a glass of clean water immediately.

    Here's another little test. Want to know that you are drinking enough water and that dehydration does not threaten your body? Then try to honestly answer the questions of such a short test:

    1. Do you feel tired in the morning even if you slept well?

    2. Do you sleep badly, wake up often?

    3. Do you feel constant, irresistible fatigue?

    4. Are you not very hardy physically?

    5. Do you have frequent mood swings or irritability?

    6. Do you often catch cold?

    7. Do you suffer from allergies?

    8. Do you often feel stressed or on the verge of breaking down?

    9. Do you often have constipation?

    10. Do you often have back or shoulder pain?

    11. Do you have weight problems?

    12. Are you a big fan of sweets, soda, alcohol?

    If you answered yes to four or more questions, you are dehydrated despite your beliefs about wellness! So your body is asking for water. Listen to him!

    This text is an introductory fragment.

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    You will need

    • - freezer,
    • - several containers,
    • - household water filter,
    • - Activated carbon,
    • - rubber tube.


    The simplest and most accessible method in everyday life is freezing. This method was used even in the deep. It consists in the following: the container is cooled to sub-zero temperatures until the water freezes. Do it in modern conditions easiest by placing it in the freezer. The oil temperature is generally well below the freezing point of water. After a while, the water will turn into ice, and the oil will remain liquid. It can be easily drained into a separate dish, and the surface of the ice can be gently wiped with a dry cloth to remove oil residues.

    Another simple method is filtering. Any household filter is suitable for this. True, to begin with, you will need to drain most of the oil so as not to subject the filter mixture to too much load. After the oil is drained, pass the water through the filter. It will come out already without an oil film.

    A more complicated way is absorption. It consists in the fact that a special substance (the so-called absorbing agent) is placed in a container with oil and oil, which absorbs foreign impurities, leaving only water. The most readily available of these substances is the usual activated one. True, you will need quite a lot of it: take from three to one relative to the available volume of oil. Place all this in an airtight container and shake vigorously for a long time. You can visually evaluate the end of the process. Change the dishes several times if necessary, as some of the oil will inevitably remain on the walls. It may take several agent boot cycles. But on the way out you will get clean water without any impurities.

    Finally, you can do it quite simply. Take a long rubber tube. One end of it must be lowered into a container with water and oil (for convenience, it can be fixed with tape), the other - into a bowl located half a meter below this container. Attention: the upper end of the tube must be at the very bottom of the filled container. Prepare two more containers in advance: for oil and for an intermediate substance. Then everything happens in much the same way as in the process of draining fuel from the gas tank. Suck in air from the lower end of the tube and lower it into a prepared dish. Water will start to drain immediately. The process must be carefully monitored, and when almost all of the water from the upper container has drained out, quickly transfer the tube to the container for the intermediate substance. After waiting for the oil to pour out of the tube, substitute the dish intended for oil. If you do everything quickly and correctly, the volume of the intermediate substance will be very small, and the water and oil, as required, will be poured into two different containers.