Job profile for lead retail technologist. Job description of leading process engineer. I. General provisions

Typical sample


___________________________________ (initials, surname)
(name of organization, pre- ________________________
acceptance, etc., its organizational (director or other official)
legal form) official person, authorized
what must be asserted
nal instructions)
" " ____________ 20__

Job description
senior process engineer
chief technologist department
(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)

" " ______________ 20__ N_________

This job description was developed and approved by
basis employment contract With __________________________________________
(name of the position of the person for whom
______________________________________________________________ and in accordance with
this job description has been compiled)
provisions of the Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulatory
acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.

I. General provisions

1.1. A senior process engineer belongs to the specialist category.
1.2. A person is appointed to the position of senior process engineer
having a higher technical education and work experience in a position
a process engineer for at least _________ years.
1.3. Appointment to the position of senior process engineer and
exemption from it is carried out by order of the head of the enterprise according to
presentation of the chief technologist.
1.4. The senior process engineer is guided in his work by:
regulations on the department of the chief technologist and this job description
instructions and reports to the head of the technology bureau, and when
independent work - directly to the chief technologist.
1.5. A senior process engineer should know:
- a unified system of technological preparation of production;
- standards, technical specifications and other regulatory and guidance
materials on design, development and design of technological
- the design of the product or the composition of the product on which
a technological process or production mode is being developed;
- specifications of the designed object and requirements for
- technology of production of products manufactured by the enterprise;
- main technological equipment of the enterprise and its principles
- methods of conducting patent research;
- basic requirements for labor organization during design
technological processes and equipment;
- basics of economics, organization of labor and production;
- basics of labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
- labor protection rules and regulations.
1.6. During the absence of a senior process engineer (vacation,
illness, etc.) his duties are performed by a person appointed by order
head of the enterprise. This person acquires the corresponding rights and
bears responsibility for the proper execution of the duties assigned to him
1.7. ______________________________________________________________.

II. Job responsibilities

The senior process engineer is responsible for:
2.1. Check the drawings of the products, assemblies, and parts assigned to it
on manufacturability.
2.2. Develop technological processes and production
instructions for the manufacture of products, assemblies, parts.
2.3. Participate in the preparation of equipment placement plans,
technical equipment and organization of workplaces.
2.4. Participate in the development of technically sound time standards,
calculate material cost standards.
2.5. Develop technological instructions, route maps,
maps of the technical level and quality of products and other technological
2.6. Make changes to technical documentation in connection with
adjustment of technological processes and production modes.
2.7. Prepare assignments for the relevant design bureau for
design of equipment and tools.
2.8. Monitor compliance with technological standards in production
process and in cases of deviations report to the head of the bureau (chief
2.9. Participate in patent research.
2.10. Participate in the implementation of new technological processes.
2.11. Provide conclusions on rationalization proposals and
promote the implementation of accepted proposals into production.
2.12. Study advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field
applications new technology in this industry.
2.13. Participate in work to improve product quality and
production certification.
2.14. Issue tasks and exercise control and management of work
performers subordinate to him.
2.15. Study information about the technology and product market.

III. Rights

The senior process engineer has the right:
3.1. Monitor compliance with technological discipline and
report to the head of the bureau about all violations.
3.2. Require the chief designer's department to change the design
parts, components, systems if they are not technologically advanced.
3.3. Demand that the production of parts, assemblies, and products be stopped if they
are produced with deviations from technical specifications as a result
non-compliance with the technological process.
3.4. Make proposals for improving work related to
responsibilities provided for in this job description.

IV. Responsibility

The senior process engineer is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of their duties
duties provided for in this job description, in
within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For those committed in the course of carrying out their activities
offenses - within the limits determined by administrative, criminal and
civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For causing material damage- within the limits specified
labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with ________________
document number and date)

Head of structural unit (initials, surname)

" " _____________ 20__


Head of the legal department

(initials, surname)

" " ________________ 20__

I have read the instructions: (initials, surname)

Send proposals to management regarding the activities of the enterprise and improvement of its work. 2. Obtain the necessary information to perform your job duties. 3. Make independent decisions within your competence. 4. Demand that management create normal conditions for the execution of their powers and the safety of material assets and documents. 5. Fail to perform your job duties if there is a danger to life or health. 6. Sign documents within your competence. 7. Receive information about the decisions of the enterprise management regarding the work of the process engineer. 8. Report to your immediate superior about identified shortcomings in the operation of the enterprise. Make proposals for their elimination. 9. Enter into communication with the personnel of the structural divisions of the enterprise on work issues. 10.

Job Descriptions

Rights The leading process engineer has the right to: 4.1 Providing him with the working conditions necessary to perform his job duties. 4.2 Use of benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and provided for in the collective agreement. 4.3 Making rationalization proposals to improve technology. 4.4 Consultation with management on issues directly related to his responsibilities. 5 Service relationships 5.1 The employee coordinates technological documentation with the head of the technological support department, the head of the technical and technical center or his deputies, the manufacturing workshop, the energy department, the mechanics department, the industrial safety and security department environment, with quality control management, if necessary with the chief engineer.

Vacancies found: 2,758 Average salary: RUB 59,055 Leading process engineer from RUB 61,000, Full-time, from 1 to 3 years Responsibilities: Control of technological discipline; Writing TK, MK, QC; Marriage analysis; Product quality control; Development of T3 for the design of technological equipment.


Full description Russian electronics, Moscow - hh: 7 hours ago Leading process engineer from RUB 70,000, Full-time, from 3 to 6 years Responsibilities: Development and implementation of technological processes. Drawing up plans for equipment placement, organizing workplaces, calculating production capacities and... Full description Air-conditioning, Moscow, Kuntsevskaya - hh: 7 hours ago Leading process engineer Full-time, from 6 years Responsibilities: 1.

Coordination of design documentation, Gerber files for printed circuit boards. File reconciliation printed circuit boards with the Customer. 2.

Job description of leading process engineer


Labor protection and safety rules, fire safety and industrial sanitation, internal labor regulations of the enterprise.4.10. Fundamentals of labor legislation. 5. Responsibility of the leading process engineer: 5.1.

For fulfilling the duties assigned to him by these instructions.5.2. For the level of development, poor quality and untimely release of design documentation.5.3.

For compliance with internal regulations, labor and performance discipline.5.4. For compliance with safety regulations, labor protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation.5.5.
For the proper performance of their duties by design engineers and technicians. The job description of the leading process engineer has been developed in accordance with.

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Performs individual official assignments from his immediate superior. Must know: Resolutions, instructions, orders, methodological and regulatory materials on technological preparation of production.

The design of products or the composition of the product for which the technological process is designed. Technology of production of the enterprise's products. Prospects for technical development of the enterprise.

Systems and methods for designing technological processes and production modes. Main technological equipment and principles of its operation.

Specifications requirements and economic indicators the best domestic and foreign technologies similar to those being designed. Typical technological processes and production modes.

Technical requirements for raw materials, materials, finished products. Standards and technical conditions. Standards for the consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy.

Job Description for Process Engineer

General provisions 1. The process engineer belongs to the “specialists” category. 2. The process engineer reports directly to the chief technologist.

3. During the absence of a process engineer, his responsibility, rights, and functional duties are transferred to another official appointed in the prescribed manner. 4. The appointment or dismissal of a process engineer is made by order general director enterprises on the recommendation of the chief technologist.

5. A person who has higher education, without work experience in a similar position or with secondary specialized education and at least one year of experience in similar work. 6.

You can download the job description for a leading process engineer for free. Job responsibilities of the leading process engineer I approve (Last name, initials) (name of the organization, its organizational and legal form) (director; other person authorized to approve the job description) 00.00.201_g.

m.p. JOB DESCRIPTION FOR LEADING ENGINEER TECHNOLOGIST (name of institution) 00.00.201_g. No. 00 1. General provisions 1.1. This job description establishes the responsibilities, rights and job responsibilities of the leading process engineer (hereinafter referred to as the “enterprise”). Name of the institution 1.2. The leading process engineer is appointed, transferred and dismissed from his position by order of the chairman of the board on the recommendation of the head of the technical department. 2.

Job description of process engineer (technologist)

Participates in the development of technically sound time (production) standards, linear and network graphs, in testing product designs for manufacturability, calculates material cost standards (consumption rates of raw materials, semi-finished products, materials, tools, process fuel, energy), economic efficiency designed technological processes. 5. Develops technological standards, instructions, assembly diagrams, route maps, maps of the technical level and quality of products and other technological documentation, makes changes to technical documentation in connection with the adjustment of technological processes and production modes.

6. Coordinates the developed documentation with the divisions of the enterprise. 7.
Job responsibilities Develops, using design automation tools, and implements advanced technological processes, types of equipment and technological equipment, automation and mechanization equipment, optimal production modes for the products manufactured by the enterprise and all types of work of varying complexity, ensuring the production of competitive products and the reduction of material and labor costs for its production. Establishes the order of work and the operational route for processing parts and assembling products. Draws up plans for the placement of equipment, technical equipment and organization of workplaces, calculates production capacity and equipment load.

Work as a leading process engineer in Moscow

Analyze the causes of defects and low-quality products, take part in the development of measures to eliminate them, as well as in considering incoming complaints about the products manufactured by the enterprise. 2.12. Participate in the preparation of requests for equipment. 2.13.

Consider rationalization proposals and give conclusions about the advisability of their use in enterprise conditions. 2.14. Calculate material consumption rates for products. 2.15.

Develop measures aimed at reducing material consumption. 2.16. Calculate the economic efficiency of technological process design. 2.17.

Participate in the development of time (production) standards and in checking products for technological accuracy. 2.18. Provide guidance and control over the work of process engineers of categories I, II and III and technologists as directed by the head of the technical department or his deputy.

Rights The leading process engineer has the right to: 4.1 Providing him with the working conditions necessary to perform his job duties. 4.2 Use of benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and provided for in the collective agreement. 4.3 Making rationalization proposals to improve technology. 4.4 Consultation with management on issues directly related to his responsibilities. 5 Service relationships 5.1 The employee coordinates technological documentation with the head of the technological support department, the head of the technical and technical center or his deputies, the manufacturing workshop, the energy department, the mechanics department, the industrial safety and environmental protection department, the quality control department, and, if necessary, the chief engineer.

Job Descriptions

Job responsibilities The leading process engineer is required to: 2.1. Develop and implement technological processes and production modes for complex types of work. 2.2. Establish an operational route for the passage of products (parts, assemblies). 2.3.Draw up plans for the placement of equipment, technical equipment and organization of workplaces, calculate production capacity and equipment load. 2.4.Develop methods of technical control and testing methods for products. 2.5.Develop technological standards, route maps, instructions and other technological documentation. 2.6. Coordinate the developed documentation with the workshops and departments of the enterprise, make your own changes to the technical documentation in connection with changes and adjustments to the developed technological processes and production modes.

Maintains and maintains in working order a list of regulatory and technical documentation of the molding shop used in production reinforced concrete products regulating product quality indicators, testing and control methods, technological processes. 17. Ensures the availability, safety and compliance with the requirements of official regulatory and technical documentation, documents of the integrated management system.

Ensures the correct maintenance, storage and maintenance of records ( executive documentation, journals, acts, certificates, etc.) related to the activities of the leading process engineer.

Job description of leading process engineer

Compose technical specifications for the design of fixtures, equipment and special tools provided for by the developed technology. 2.8.Take part in experimental work on the development of new technological processes, as well as plans for new technology, technical progress and monitor their implementation. 2.9. Monitor compliance with technological discipline in the workshops and correct operation technological equipment. 2.10.Participate in the implementation of measures aimed at reducing costs, reducing labor intensity, and also increasing labor productivity. 2.11. Analyze the causes of defects and low-quality products, take part in the development of measures to eliminate them, as well as in considering incoming complaints about the products manufactured by the enterprise. 2.12.Participate in drawing up requests for equipment.

Obliged to observe state, official and commercial secrets during the performance of official duties. 13. Complies with applicable health and safety requirements.

III. Rights The leading engineer has the right: 1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the institute’s management concerning its activities. 2. Request personally or on behalf of the institute’s management from heads of departments and specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.

3. Participate in the work of a temporary creative team in agreement with the head of the laboratory. 4. Present scientific works for publication and apply for a copyright certificate of invention or discovery.
5. Offer proactive research and methodological work in the prescribed manner. 6.

Job Description for Process Engineer

Ensures the quality of products produced by the workshop in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation and PSMK 8.2.4 - 5. 5. Participates in experimental work on the development of new types of products, technological processes and the use of new materials.
6. Monitors the technically correct operation and maintenance of molding equipment that is on the balance sheet of the workshop. 7. Ensures the safety, accounting and timely repair of molding equipment of molding shop No. 2 in accordance with PSMK 7.5.1 - 5.

Ensures the availability of fixtures, equipment and special tools required by the technology. 9. Participates in the work on managing non-conforming products in accordance with PSMC 8.3 “Management of non-conforming products”.

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Participates in the development of technically sound time (production) standards, linear and network graphs, in testing product designs for manufacturability, calculates material cost standards (consumption rates for raw materials, semi-finished products, materials, tools, process fuel, energy), and the economic efficiency of the designed technological processes. Develops technological standards, instructions, assembly diagrams, route maps, maps of the technical level and quality of products and other technological documentation, makes changes to technical documentation in connection with the adjustment of technological processes and production modes.

Coordinates the developed documentation with the departments of the enterprise.

In his activities, the technologist is guided by: - ​​the legislation of the Russian Federation, - the Charter of the organization, - orders and instructions of the employees to whom he is subordinate according to this instruction, - this job description, - the internal labor regulations of the organization. 6. The technologist reports directly to the chief technologist. 7. During the absence of a technologist (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him. 2. Job responsibilities of the technologist Technologist: 1.

Draw up plans for the placement of equipment, technical equipment and organization of workplaces. 2.4 Develop technical specifications for the design of special equipment, tools, devices provided for by the technology. 2.5 Calculate technically sound time standards. 2.6 Make changes to technological documentation in connection with adjustments to design documentation and technological processes. 2.7 Develop and coordinate technological requirements for the manufacture of special-purpose products. 2.8 Develop methods for technical control and testing of products. 2.9 Comply with the requirements of the relevant quality management system documentation. 2.10 Implement technological control compliance with technological discipline in the workshops and proper operation of technological equipment.

Job Descriptions

Ensures the development and implementation of corrective and preventive measures based on the results of internal and external audit of the integrated management system (QMS, EMS, OSMS, SSO), when identifying inconsistencies related to the activities of molding shop No. 2 18. Controls the execution of operations for moving forms of reinforced concrete products using specialized SAP ERP programs in accordance with operational instructions. 19. Participates in technical training and advanced training of personnel in molding shop No. 2, organizes work to develop mentoring.

20. Participates in carrying out activities to bring existing technological processes into compliance with environmental protection requirements. 21.

Job description of leading process engineer

III category: higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty acquired during the training period, or work experience in engineering positions without a qualification category. -technologist: higher professional (technical) education without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and work experience in the position of category I technologist for at least 3 years or other positions filled by specialists with secondary education vocational education, at least 5 years.) 3. The technologist is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization. 4.


The leading process engineer has the right: 3.1. Require that workshops and sections of the plant strictly adhere to the technological process in the manufacture of products.3.2. Participate in developing technology for the manufacture of new and existing structures and products.3.3. Demand from the head of the workshop, area, proper operation of equipment and accessories, and careful handling of tools. 3.4.

Make necessary changes to the current technological documentation in accordance with the established procedure. 3.5. Monitor the execution of orders for the manufacture of tools and equipment.3.6. With the knowledge of the executive director or chief engineer, stop sections or individual workplaces that grossly violate the approved technological process, and submit proposals to the plant management to bring to disciplinary action persons who systematically violate the technological process.
Only with the knowledge of the executive director or chief engineer, stop sections or individual workplaces that grossly violate the approved technological process, and submit proposals to the plant management to bring to disciplinary action persons who systematically violate the technological process. 3.4. Make the necessary changes to the current technological documentation in the prescribed manner. 3.5. Require that workshops and sections of the plant strictly adhere to the technological process during the manufacturing process. 3.6.Take part in developing the technology for manufacturing new and existing products and structures. 4. Responsibility The leading process engineer is responsible for: 4.1. Fulfilling the duties assigned to him by these instructions. 4.2. Level of development, poor quality and untimely release of design documentation.
Consider rationalization proposals and give conclusions about the advisability of their use in enterprise conditions. 2.14. Calculate material consumption rates for products. 2.15. Develop measures aimed at reducing material consumption. 2.16.Calculate the economic efficiency of designing technological processes. 2.17.Participate in the development of time (production) standards and in checking products for technological accuracy. 2.18. Manage the work and supervise process engineers of categories I, II and III and technologists as directed by the head of the technical department or his deputy. 2.19. The leading process engineer should know.

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Develops, using design automation tools, and introduces progressive technological processes, types of equipment and technological equipment, automation and mechanization tools, optimal production modes for the products manufactured by the enterprise and all types of work of varying complexity, ensuring the production of competitive products and the reduction of material and labor costs for its production. 2. Establishes the order of work and the operational route for processing parts and assembling products. 3. Draws up plans for the placement of equipment, technical equipment and organization of workplaces, calculates production capacity and equipment load.

Technologist job description

Participates in the development of technically sound time (production) standards, linear and network graphs, in testing product designs for manufacturability, calculates material cost standards (consumption rates for raw materials, semi-finished products, materials, tools, process fuel, energy), and the economic efficiency of the designed technological processes. 5. Develops technological standards, instructions, assembly diagrams, route maps, maps of the technical level and quality of products and other technological documentation, makes changes to technical documentation in connection with the adjustment of technological processes and production modes. 6. Coordinates the developed documentation with the divisions of the enterprise.

Qualification requirements A person with a higher technical education and professional experience in engineering, technical and management positions in the relevant industry profile of the enterprise for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of leading process engineer. Additional education/certification The leading process engineer undergoes certification in labor protection and industrial safety once every 3 years. Responsibilities/functions 1. Provides general management of the activities of subordinate personnel of the workshop, coordinates and directs their activities. 2. Plans the production of molding shop No. 2 products of a given nomenclature, in accordance with the “Nomenclature calendar schedules for the production of reinforced concrete products.” 3. Ensures compliance with product production technology in accordance with approved technological maps and PSMK 8.2.4 – 5. 4.

Job Description for Leading Technologist

General provisions 1.1. The leading process engineer reports to the head of the technical department, and in his absence, to his deputy.1.2. The leading process engineer is appointed, moved and dismissed by order of the chairman of the board on the recommendation of the head of the technical department. 2. Responsibilities of the leading process engineer The leading process engineer is obliged to: 2.1.


Develop and implement technological processes and production modes for complex types of work.2.2. Establish an operational route for the passage of products (parts, assemblies). 2.3. Draw up plans for the placement of equipment, technical equipment and organization of workplaces, calculate production capacity and equipment load.2.4.

Develop methods for technical control and testing of products.2.5. Develop technological standards, instructions, route maps and other technological documentation.2.6.

Job responsibilities The leading process engineer is required to: 2.1. Develop and implement technological processes and production modes for complex types of work. 2.2. Establish an operational route for the passage of products (parts, assemblies). 2.3.Draw up plans for the placement of equipment, technical equipment and organization of workplaces, calculate production capacity and equipment load. 2.4.Develop methods of technical control and testing methods for products. 2.5.Develop technological standards, route maps, instructions and other technological documentation. 2.6. Coordinate the developed documentation with the workshops and departments of the enterprise, make your own changes to the technical documentation in connection with changes and adjustments to the developed technological processes and production modes.

Job Descriptions

Full description Special Projects and Systems, Moscow - hh: 7 hours ago Leading process engineer Full-time, from 3 to 6 years Responsibilities: Responsibilities: analysis of technological information, planning of production activities (drawing up a production program), development and control... Full description of NBS, Moscow - hh: 7 hours ago Leading engineer/technological designer from RUB 100,000, Full-time, from 3 to 6 years Experience in shipbuilding is required Responsibilities: - Organization of timely provision of documentation development for the repair of major orders; — Organization of contract... Full description Branch of Shipyard Nerpa JSC CS Zvezdochka, Moscow - hh: 7 hours ago Leading process engineer Full-time, from 3 to 6 years, Commercial Responsibilities: Ensuring standardization and manufacturability of assembly production, incl.

Consider rationalization proposals and give conclusions about the advisability of their use in enterprise conditions. 2.14. Calculate material consumption rates for products. 2.15. Develop measures aimed at reducing material consumption. 2.16.Calculate the economic efficiency of designing technological processes. 2.17.Participate in the development of time (production) standards and in checking products for technological accuracy. 2.18. Manage the work and supervise process engineers of categories I, II and III and technologists as directed by the head of the technical department or his deputy. 2.19. The leading process engineer should know.

Job description of leading process engineer

Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties. 6. Other rights established by current labor legislation. 4. Responsibility of the process engineer The process engineer is responsible in the following cases: 1.

For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 3.

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Participates in the preparation of patent and license passports, applications for inventions and industrial designs. Considers rationalization proposals for improving production technology and gives conclusions on the advisability of their use at the enterprise.

Job Description for Process Engineer

A leading process engineer is appointed and dismissed from his position by order of the General Director of OJSC "Company" (hereinafter referred to as the enterprise) on the recommendation of the head of the technological support department or the head of the design and technology center. 1.5 In case of temporary absence (due to illness, etc.), the duties of the leading process engineer, by order of the head of the technological support department or the head of the CTC, are performed by another process engineer with mandatory familiarization with this job description. 1.6 The leading process engineer may be appointed by order of the head of the department as the leader of a group of process engineers to perform certain assigned tasks.
Job responsibilities: development and verification of TKP, presentations, articles, technical reports, technical specifications, design proposals, commissioning programs analysis of TKP, TK, PD development of technological... Full description Energopromservice-Khimvodopodgotovka, Moscow - 6 hours ago Leading process engineer on paint and varnish materials Commercial Job responsibilities: — Technological preparation of painting, washing and cleaning of aircraft. Requirements: — Experience working with paints and varnishes from 2 years; — Knowledge of technological... Full description, Moscow - 6 hours ago Leading process engineer for machining and welding 50,000 rub. Job responsibilities: - development, implementation and support of technological processes of machining and welding for complex types of work.

Job description of process engineer (technologist)

The process engineer is guided in his activities by:

  • internal labor regulations, other governing acts of the enterprise;
  • orders, instructions from management;
  • this job description;
  • Charter of the enterprise;
  • legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. Job responsibilities of a process engineer A process engineer performs the following job responsibilities: 1. Contributes to the production of competitive products, reducing labor and material costs for production.

Develops and implements technological processes, equipment, mechanization and automation means. Establishes optimal production modes. 3. Develops reasonable standards for the time required to complete operations.

4. Calculates the economic efficiency of technological processes, standards for the consumption of materials, tools, fuel, and energy. 5.
Draw up technical specifications for the design of devices, equipment and special tools provided for by the developed technology. 2.8.Take part in experimental work on the development of new technological processes, as well as plans for new technology, technical progress and monitor their implementation. 2.9. Monitor compliance with technological discipline in the workshops and correct operation of technological equipment. 2.10.Participate in the implementation of measures aimed at reducing costs, reducing labor intensity, and also increasing labor productivity. 2.11. Analyze the causes of defects and low-quality products, take part in the development of measures to eliminate them, as well as in considering incoming complaints about the products manufactured by the enterprise. 2.12.Participate in drawing up requests for equipment.

Work as a leading process engineer in Moscow

  • standard technological processes;
  • requirements for the quality of products and materials;
  • state standards;
  • technical characteristics, economic indicators of technologies;
  • indicators of defects, ways to prevent and eliminate them;
  • basics of automated control systems;
  • basics of labor organization in the design of technological processes;
  • standards for consumption of materials, raw materials, energy;
  • means of communications, computer technology;
  • requirements for the preparation of reporting and technical documentation;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • basics of economics, labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • labor protection rules, safety standards, industrial sanitation, fire protection;
  • norms business communication, etiquette.