“Dream Interpretation of the Dying dreamed about why the Dying is seen in a dream. Seeing a person die in a dream

Negative dreams bring mental anxiety and bad feelings. What is dreamed may not always come true. So what can be said about a dream in which you die. Let's find out why we dream of dying in a dream?

Dreams are often terrifying. Sometimes you dream about a terrible death, of someone or yourself. Little things and dream plots will help decipher the future.

Dream interpretation

Miller's Dream Book

They saw themselves dead? Be responsible. Things require your attention and activity. Actions must be pure and kind.

Did you dream that you were waiting for the moment of death? Your laziness is the main enemy of you and your family. It's time to take action.

We wanted to die ourselves, we thought about it? You are surrounded by injustice and grief, tired of opposing society and troubles. Raise your nose higher. Good luck is coming your way. Happiness will take over your heart and mind in the near future.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dreaming about your own death to problems in the started business. Don't rely on someone, he can beat you up and take credit for himself. It doesn't hurt to be vigilant.

Freud's Dream Book

If you died during the entire dream, then remember that your view of the world is wrong. Dark colors because you want to see them so much. Put aside pessimistic attitudes, take care of yourself, what you love.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Did you die yourself or someone else? Soon there will be fun, happiness and peace.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

If you died yourself, then to success in business.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

They themselves died- health or healing and longevity. Someone died - news.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

If there was death, then your life will be long and your health will be excellent. Someone else's death dreams of news, profit and longevity.

Azar's Dream Book

Die in a dream- be healthy and happy. All wishes will come true.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskina

Death in a dream symbolizes upcoming longevity. Health will also be fine. Saw a dying man? Receive a letter or news. They will make you happy. They themselves died - they completed all their affairs successfully.

Similar dreams promise monetary wealth. Funeral after death predict the patronage of a good person. You will not worry about the future.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Similar: agonizing, dying, fading, dying, dying, dying, dying, dying, leaving, ending, bending, ending, suffocating, Falling, disappearing, stopping, reaching, agonizing, leaning back, drying up

Dying in Modern dream book:

Dying - profit

Interpretation in Miller's Dream Book Dying sleep:

  • Wild animals that die before your eyes in a dream promise you a happy deliverance from the adverse influence on you.
  • A dream in which you see the death throes of domestic animals is unfavorable.
  • Seeing a dying person in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune approaching from the direction from which you least expected it.
  • If you dream that you are dying - a warning to you: neglecting your business responsibilities. You are harming the cause and yourself. In addition, illness awaits you.
  • The image of a dying creature is the most vivid impression for our awakening consciousness: returning from this dream to our life duties, we will with great force feel the joy or sorrow of the event ahead of us and see it from a different, new side for us. This new point of view, inspired by a bad dream, will help us to gather ourselves and face the inevitable with calm determination.
  • Why do you dream about the Dying Man? Azar's Dream Book?

  • the agony of a dying person - to longevity, happiness, health and wealth
  • dying father - misfortune, shame
  • dying mother - sadness and anxiety
  • dying relatives - rich inheritance
  • Dreams bring us both happy and sad moments. In some of them we see our past, in some we see our present.

    Why do you dream of a dying person? How to interpret such a dream?

    Why does a dying person dream - basic interpretation

    The death of a person is a rather sad moment for his relatives. In some countries, death is revered as an opportunity for the human soul to pass from one incarnation to another. But why do you dream of a dying person?

    A dying person often dreams of troubles and illnesses, but it is worth interpreting the dream as a whole in order to grasp its entire hidden meaning:

    Do you know the person who dies in your dream;

    What is the cause of death of a person;

    Does he die in your arms;

    What emotions accompany your dream.

    A dying person in your home - such a dream always foretells troubles and troubles that strangers will bring into your home. If you see a dream in which you wake up in the morning and a dying person you don’t know is in your home, such a dream promises you a lot of trouble from strangers who envy you.

    These can be both colleagues and your old acquaintances who are haunted by your success. The dream book advises only one thing - to achieve everything quietly and modestly. Do not let anyone else know about your plans.

    Seeing a woman you don’t know die in your apartment - you will fail in your personal life. Soon you will be disappointed in the opposite sex. You will lose your femininity and charm. The dream book also advises taking a closer look at the dying person, remembering whether her death was painful.

    If the woman in your dream was suffering and moaning, you, like her, will painfully experience loneliness and lack of mutual understanding on the part of strangers and close people. If the woman in your dream died quickly and without suffering, your period of stagnation in your personal life will also pass quickly.

    A dream in which you see children dying is considered unfavorable. If your own children die in a dream, you will be busy with the troubles of raising them, they may become seriously ill. The dream book advises you to prepare in advance for difficulties and foresee the possibility of exacerbation of chronic diseases in children and the possibility of averting this exacerbation from the child.

    If you dream that your child is dying and crying loudly, try to pay special attention to what he says or asks while crying. These will be the names of the request that you will need to fulfill in real life.

    This request may not apply directly to the child, but it will give you a hint as to what you are truly missing. If you have a dream in which your friend dies, you should not immediately sound the alarm and worry about her health. Most likely, you will have to face the fact that she will discuss and judge you behind your back.

    Don't get upset and try to prove to her that you're right. The best way out of the situation is to ignore it for a while. You can find out if she really is spreading rumors about you. If you have a dream in which someone dies in a church, it’s time for you to think about your life.

    You most likely feel a lot of anger and resentment towards the people around you. The dream book warns you against such actions. You need to figure out your true needs. And do not accumulate evil on others.

    If you dream that your mother is dying, you have a lot of unsaid things with her. You blame her for some of your problems and troubles. The dream book advises you to make peace with your mother, otherwise you will experience constant anxiety and fear. It will seem to you that you have no support, that you are completely alone.

    Seeing your father die means losing trust in men. This is a very negative dream. If you feel anxious after it, it means that in reality you will be alarmed because of the behavior of your young man. Perhaps you often worry about the possibility of separation. The dream book warns you against such worries. You should keep your emotions in hand and not worry about fictitious problems.

    A dream in which you die, but at a young age, promises you many memories that can either make you happy or disappoint you. Most likely, you had such a dream as a harbinger of impending significant changes.

    If the dream scares and disturbs you, then the changes will not be for the better. If a dream brings joy and high spirits into your life, you will soon be freed from what has been weighing you down so much. These can be either outdated relationships or relationships from the past. It could be an old debt that you're finally paying off. In any case, the changes will benefit you.

    Why do you dream of a dying person according to Freud’s dream book?

    Freud's dream book interprets a dream about a dying person as a harbinger of a desire to break an old, outdated connection. If a lonely person has such a dream, he will soon get tired of his inner loneliness and go in search of his soulmate.

    If a pregnant woman has such a dream, she should seriously worry about her health. The dream book indicates that stress and overexertion can have a negative impact on the course of the entire pregnancy.

    If you dream of a celebration where the bride dies, you should think about whether you are afraid to take on obligations. Doesn't your existing union weigh you down? Perhaps you would like a more open relationship, or to live for yourself, but circumstances are different. The dream book advises you to understand your true desires and not follow the instructions of society.

    If you dream that you are dying at the hands of a loved one, most likely in reality he will betray you. This betrayal will not necessarily consist of treason. Most likely, you will find out the truth, which will make you disappointed in your chosen one.

    A dream in which you see yourself dying in a hospital promises you disappointment in your friends. You will need moral support, but you won't get it from them. You will be left alone with your grief, and you will have to understand the true value of their friendship.

    Why does a dying person dream according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

    The Esoteric Dream Book says that a dying person is often dreamed of as a harbinger of the dangers that await a person on the path of life. It can be:

    Health problems;

    Failures in business;

    Financial losses;

    Discord in relationships.

    When interpreting a dream, you need to listen to your inner feelings and experiences during sleep. If you have experienced severe anxiety, in reality you will also be very worried about something.

    If you get up after sleep in an absolutely positive mood, there will be troubles, but they will seem insignificant to you. You will quickly deal with problems and get involved in your usual way of life.

    If you like to watch someone die in a dream, you will be a hypocrite in reality. You will want to take revenge on someone for the grief they have caused you. The dream book warns you against such emotions and actions. Try to control yourself.

    Why do you dream of a dying person according to other dream books?

    In Grishina's dream book presents a positive interpretation of a dream about a dying person. So, if you dream that you are dying, pleasant troubles and news await you. You will learn about something very important that will change you.

    Why dream that children are dying - they will live in happiness and prosperity, they will not need anything. If you dream that your lover is dying, you will finally be able to reconcile with him and stop looking for flaws in each other.

    In the Women's Dream Book It is said that if you dream that you are dying, you should expect troubles associated with your professional activities. They will overtake you suddenly and their cause will be a complete stranger to you. It could even be a coincidence.

    If you dream that you are a doctor and are saving a dying person, in reality you will have to worry about someone’s health. Try to give yourself completely to this matter, otherwise disaster may occur. If you dream that a patient is dying in your arms, the responsibilities that you have taken upon yourself are beyond your power to overcome. Try to play it safe, but finish the job you started. Even if the dream seemed sad to you and instilled fear in you, in reality you may encounter the opposite situation, which will turn into joy and happiness for you. Therefore, it is important to interpret dreams correctly.

    Why do you dream of a dying person?

    Modern dream book

    Seeing a dying person in a dream is an alarming sign. This is an omen of danger, and the threat comes from something you trust very much. What gives you joy and gives you strength will soon turn into evil for you. Seeing several people dying in a dream is a sign that you and your loved ones and friends are in danger. If you dream that you are on your deathbed, it means a serious illness or a complete fiasco in some important matter that you really hope for.

    Dream Interpretation 2012

    Dreaming of a dying woman - what does this mean, a symbol of liberation from the burden on the soul and good luck in many endeavors.

    Dream Interpretation of Meridian

    If a relative is close to death in a dream, it means that he misses you, needs your support and participation, and is thinking about you. According to the dream book, a dying person is a symbol of distance, “frozen” relationships. But it can be a harbinger of an outburst of emotions, most often negative, the release of accumulated evil, resentment, and as a result - the beginning of something new.

    If you dream of your mother on her deathbed, this could be a mirror of your mental torment in reality, if your mother really suffers from an illness. If so, then the dream promises a quick recovery and long years. A young girl dreams of a dying mother - what is this for? A young girl dreamed of it - her life will soon change. The reason for this will be pregnancy, marriage or the imminent death of a spouse. For a young man, such a dream also promises serious changes in life.

    A dying father who came in a dream is a messenger of his long and cloudless life. If the father has already died in reality, then seeing the deceased dying in a dream is a reason to visit his grave and go to church; the father’s soul is restless. If on the day you had a dream, you and your parent are in a quarrel, then it’s time to make peace and return harmony to the family. It is you who should initiate the truce.

    Seeing your untimely departed husband dying in a dream means impending changes. The time has come to cleanse yourself of longing and sorrow for him, and open a new page in life. If the husband is struck down by an illness, then such a dream is a good omen. My husband will be well soon.

    A dying lover coming in a dream means an important conversation. You need to forget all the quarrels, reproaches, whims, and talk, there should be no understatement. Such a dream is a reflection of the confusion of the soul, which is restless and wants a happy relationship.

    Seeing a close friend or girlfriend on their deathbed means that big problems will soon fall on their shoulders in reality. You can warn them. This can also be a signal of danger for you, and friends who have been seen in their death throes will come to the rescue.

    Dream book of Veles admirers

    The dream book will tell you why a dying woman dreams. This is a sign of an imminent wedding or a meeting with a new lover. Seeing yourself dying means that life will be long and death will not come for a long time.

    Dream Interpretation of V. Kopalinsky

    To see a deceased person dying in a dream. If in a dream someone is suffering in the death throes, it means that a serious illness will soon await him, this is a warning.

    Ukrainian dream book

    Having seen someone's death in a dream, the dream should be interpreted the other way around - to the long life of that person.

    Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

    According to the dream book, someone dying in a dream is bad news. A dream can come true. But this is in rare cases, more often it is an omen of the end of some important phase of your life and the entry into another.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    The death agony of oneself seen in a dream is a sign of a long prosperous life in love and harmony. This is a sign that you are destined to become the messenger of God in earthly life.

    If you dream of a dying person - what does this mean, if you dreamed of some important world ruler - then this is a significant prophecy. It says that soon a very wise and prudent person will take the reins of power, who will put an end to cruel hostilities and many wars.

    If you dreamed of the agony of a seriously ill person, you will face an ordeal with money. Your peace of mind will be at stake. There is a deal ahead that promises you benefits, but people will suffer because of it. A difficult decision will have to be made.

    Many people who die dream of terrible events, illnesses, deprivations, and terrible epidemics.

    Dream book of fortune tellers

    Seeing a loved one on his deathbed means he will have a long and prosperous life. The death of thousands of people is a sign that the end of the world is not yet near; many more generations will have time to be born and die.

    If you dreamed of the imminent death of some influential ruler, there will be turmoil and unrest. Perhaps a significant world figure will actually die, and the struggle for power will turn into a bloody war.

    A seriously ill person dreams of a dying person as a sign of a joyful event - the imminent discovery of a panacea for HIV infection. This event will revolutionize medicine, many hopeless people will be cured.

    Seeing a terrible and painful death throes in a dream is a bad sign, prophesying an early meeting with an unkind person, possibly a criminal.

    Dream book of esotericists

    The image of a dying person in a dream means a long life for that person. Seeing a deceased person dying means rebirth, spiritual cleansing, and huge changes in life. Such a dream is a symbol that you have been given a chance. If you miss it, there will be trouble, spiritual decline, degradation.

    Vedic dream book

    If a sick person sees himself dying, he will recover quickly.

    Symbolic dream book

    Most often, death throes in a dream are a good sign. Dreams do not relate to the external world; they are individual and subconscious. Dying people dream of the end of sad events in life, foreshadowing new positive emotions.

    Seeing your living parents dying in a dream is a blessing for them, associated with your achievements. But a dream can also carry a negative message - to the “death” of their plans, to dreams that are not destined to come true.

    Wanderer's Dream Book

    Dreaming of a dying child means good health and a long, cloudless life.

    Women's dream book

    A dying woman dreams of ignorance of her rival's plans and the impossibility of stopping her.

    See also: dream book hair


    Surely, only bad thoughts are in your head if you suddenly dreamed of a dying person. But maybe it's not all bad. Therefore, it is worth finding out the opinion of several dream books before drawing conclusions and getting upset prematurely.

    So, Shuvalova’s dream book insists that a person dying in a dream is a projection of his spiritual state, and if you dream that a person is dying, then something inside the dreamer is also slowly dying. Maybe it’s not too late to stop this process and everything will get better again. One of the most popular dream books in the world, Miller's dream book also has an interpretation of a dream about a dying person. As usual, a dying person in a dream foretells misfortune and grief to the dreamer. They will come to that area of ​​​​life in which everything is now quiet and calm.

    Even if you take some measures, trouble will still come. After all, Lady Luck’s patience has run out and now all wrong actions will backfire. Maybe they will be brought by a person who is now considered a friend. A slightly different interpretation is the dreamer’s illness. It is not a fact that this option is more optimistic. If a person dreams that he himself is dying, then he should be careful. This dream comes as a warning. If you neglect your business responsibilities, there will be immediate responses.

    An outbreak and exacerbation of a forgotten disease is also quite possible. There is also a Magic Dream Book. According to him, if you dreamed of a dying person, then this dream is a reaction to worries about the fate of another person. There will be less needless worries, and you will also have fewer bad dreams. According to the Ancient Dream Book, seeing a dying person in a dream is a sign of hope. After all, the man in the dream never died, which means there is hope. Perhaps good news will soon appear to console the dreamer, a glimmer of hope for success in hopeless matters.

    The symbolic dream book also has an interpretation of a dream about a dying person. So, relatives or good friends dying in a dream, who feel well in reality, will live in prosperity and health. But, it is quite possible that the dreamer’s relationship with them will break. Not everything is as smooth and honest as it seemed at first.

    Dream books say that having seen a dream about a dying person, the dreamer will see himself and his life from a new angle. This vivid impression from a dream will force you to return in reality to the serious fulfillment of long-standing promises or requests.

    New events will take on unusual colors for the dreamer. According to the Modern Dream Book, dying in a dream means profit. It doesn't have to be money or inheritance. A stray cat is also a profit. The Wanderer's Dream Book also has interpretations of a dream about a person dying, but not dying in a dream. If a woman had such a dream, then soon her man’s feelings for her will cool down. A break in the relationship is possible. If a man has such a dream, then his affairs will decline, and without hope of improving the situation.

    When you dream that the dreamer himself is dying, but will not die in a dream, then in reality a calm life and prosperity await him. The modern dream book claims that seeing the death throes and torment of a large number of people is a sign of failures that will haunt not only the dreamer, but also his relatives and friends. Also, a dream about one’s own dying insists that it is worth paying increased attention to business and work. There is a real danger to the health of the sleeper. If you dreamed about how an important person in the world, a political figure or a celebrity dies, then it may well be that this dream will turn out to be prophetic. And soon the usual situation in the world may change.

    Epidemics and diseases, environmental degradation and a threat to the well-being of many countries are likely. But, in the end, there will be silence and a truce between warring countries or peoples. Seeing a sick and weak person die in a dream is a sign that in reality the dreamer will face great injustice. A deal that is profitable at first will later turn out to be harmful and a threat to other people whom the dreamer may not know. If you dream of someone dying a painful and difficult death, then war is possible. A completely different question is whether this will be a world war, or the dreamer’s personal battle with his problems.

    It is important that it is quite possible that a person who will be evil to the whole world will appear, who, like Chikatilo, will kill many people before he is discovered. It is possible that the dreamer himself will meet an evil person, or even a maniac.

    You need to be alert, make sure that all your family and friends are safe. Vanga's Dream Book has completely different interpretations. Vanga speaks of a dream in which a loved one dies as one that predicts a long and healthy life for him. And the death throes of many people are a sure sign that the end of the world, which everyone is agitating, will not happen soon; humanity will have a long life and prosperity. There are also interpretations of dreams about people dying a painful and long death on scorched earth.

    Such a dream foreshadows environmental disasters from chemical or bacteriological weapons. It is even possible that the dreamer will witness this catastrophe. In a dream, to see yourself near death, but still alive and in health, means in reality you will be able to avoid a very unpleasant situation. If in a dream a loved one dies from a terrible disease, it means that relationships with this person will soon deteriorate and personal problems will arise that are unlikely to be resolved.

    A serious or fatal illness in a dream is not necessarily a tragic sign. The biblical interpretation of this dream is as follows. Such a dream is nothing more than a warning that you should look differently at the values ​​in your life and reconsider your life position in relation to loved ones. A dream where the dreamer himself dies from an incurable and fatal illness is evidence that in life he committed a very ugly and reckless act. Now he will be tormented by doubts and remorse. It is worth correcting the situation before it worsens irrevocably.

    And a dream in which a sister dies usually foreshadows a waste of money, a decrease in capital. If a businessman has such a dream, ruin and poverty await him. It is worth taking care of the security of your business in the future.

    Everyone sees dreams, many people believe in the interpretation of dreams, but only a few try to understand the meaning of dreams and try to protect themselves from possible troubles and problems. You need to listen to dreams.


    Magic dream book

    Why do you dream of a Dying Person - worrying about another person.

    Ancient dream book

    Why do you dream of a Dying Person? Seeing a dying person in a dream means hope (good news will bring comfort and strength). Seeing the death of your children in a dream means prosperity and family happiness for them.

    Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

    Dream Interpretation Dying - You see a dying person in a dream - misfortune will appear from the side where you do not expect it; if you lock all the doors, it will break into a locked door, it is inevitable. It’s as if you yourself are dying - this dream says that in the hope of the notorious “maybe” you are neglecting your direct responsibilities; for the time being you got away with some things; now the luck has run out; look for the causes of all troubles in your attitude to business; another interpretation of the dream: you will get sick soon. You dream that a pet is dying - the dream foreshadows some unfavorable circumstances for you. You see a dying wild animal - unfavorable circumstances after such a dream will disappear; a ray of hope will lead you on a straight path to success.

    Symbolic dream book

    Dream Interpretation Dying (deceased) relatives and acquaintances in a dream (but living in reality) - They report their well-being, or the rupture (separation) of relations with them. See Add. Death in a dream.

    Why do you dream of a Dying Person - Seeing a dying person in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune approaching from the direction from which you least expected it. If you dream that you are dying, a warning to you: neglecting your business responsibilities. You are harming the cause and yourself. In addition, illness awaits you. Wild animals that die before your eyes in a dream promise you a happy deliverance from the adverse influence on you. A dream in which you see the death throes of domestic animals is unfavorable. The image of a dying creature is the most vivid impression for our awakening consciousness: returning from this dream to our life duties, we will with great force feel the joy or sorrow of the event ahead of us and see it from a different, new side for us. This new point of view, inspired by a bad dream, will help us to gather ourselves and face the inevitable with calm determination.

    Modern dream book

    Why do you dream about the Dying - Profit

    Dream Book of the Wanderer

    Why do you dream of a Dying Man (but not a dead one!) - Seeing - for a woman, a cooling of love feelings for her, for a man - deterioration of affairs, loss of hope. Dying yourself is a prosperous, calm period of life; But! Perish - see Separately.


    Sleep still remains a mystery to scientists who, despite all the development of the field, cannot accurately and confidently say what kind of process it is and why a person sees dreams. Most likely, this will remain a secret, but humanity has learned one thing for sure - dreams don’t just happen - they are either a warning about something or a reflection of a person’s inner state. A dream in which someone dies is by default perceived as an unkind sign, but is this really so?

    Why do dead people dream about living things?

    To begin with, it is worth mentioning that if a living person appears to be dying in a dream, this does not mean at all that he will fall asleep in reality. The percentage of such dreams that would reflect future reality is very low, so you don’t have to worry about this. Much more often, if in a dream a living person appears dead or dying, this indicates a change in your relationship with him. To interpret such a dream more accurately, you need to remember the situation in which the events unfolded. Did everything happen as in reality, or did you wake up and realize the absurdity of your surroundings in the dream, and also compare your real relationship with the “dead”.

    But when interpreting a dream, it is worth taking into account real circumstances. So, for example, if a mother is very worried about her son, and then sees him dead in a dream, or worries about her husband and sees a sad picture in a dream of a similar nature, then this is nothing more than a symbolic reflection of internal anxieties.

    Often the death of a living person symbolizes the end of a certain stage in life, on the eve of change. For example, a mother may dream of her son dying, which means that a new stage is beginning for him or that he himself will change a lot.

    If you dreamed of a living older brother who died, this indicates a serious change in his lifestyle. For married people, such a dream may foreshadow divorce proceedings, but for single representatives, on the contrary, it may promise a quick marriage. If a person who has a strong influence in real life dies in a dream, it means that his influence will soon begin to weaken.

    Why do you dream about a dying grandmother?

    If your grandmother is alive in life, then her death in your dream indicates that in reality she will live for a long time, so you can rest assured. Also, a dream may indicate that your grandmother misses you, she lacks attention, so it wouldn’t hurt to remember her and at least drop in for a cup of tea.

    If a dying grandmother offers you money, in reality this may promise immediate financial difficulties and losses, so you should be more careful in order to get through the difficult period with fewer losses. After such a dream, you should refuse risky offers and scams, and do not make large acquisitions for a while. If the money offered by the grandmother was paper, then the interpretation will be weaker, but small money will be stronger. But if a dying grandmother, on the contrary, asks for money, then this is a very good sign that foreshadows cash receipts, resolution of financial problems, and improved health of all family members.

    If a granny asks for clothes in a dream, you should reconsider your life, take into account the granny’s experience and not make the mistakes that she made. After such a dream, you should not rush to get married and reconsider your lifestyle. If your grandmother cries, it means you should beware of troubles that could happen in the family. If you kissed your grandmother in a dream, be attentive to your own health.

    Why do you dream about a dead grandmother living?

    If you dreamed of a deceased grandmother alive, this may indicate that the dreamer feels guilty about her. If you had a dream shortly after your grandmother’s funeral, then this is associated with a feeling of anxiety and bitterness, so it makes no sense to interpret such a dream.

    If you dreamed about your grandmother being alive, this may indicate imminent changes in life, and for unmarried girls such a dream may promise a quick wedding. Business people dream of a living dead grandmother foretelling the imminent holding of important negotiations that had long been expected, but never happened.

    After a deceased grandmother appears in a dream, you should be more attentive to your affairs and decision-making in real life. Rash actions in the near future can lead to serious damage to the reputation of an entire family. If two dead grandmothers came in a dream, this indicates that the person is under strong spiritual protection. But if your grandmother came with your grandfather in a dream, this may warn of imminent troubles.

    If your grandmother constantly asks for something in a dream, in real life you need to finish previously unfinished tasks that were put off until later.

    If such a dream is observed by an adult man, then according to Freud’s dream book, this personifies the man’s dissatisfaction with the way his life has turned out, he regrets missed opportunities. A young guy has a similar dream when he feels his inadequacy in relation to women. Women dream of a deceased grandmother alive at moments when the former doubts her appearance and herself as a woman in general.

    Why do you dream about a dying mother?

    Very often you dream of a dying mother during periods when in reality you are in a quarrel with her, and you reproach yourself for such an attitude. To smooth out the sensations after sleep, you just need to make peace with your mother and continue to live in a warm relationship with her.

    According to Miller's dream book, if a dying mother dreams of a living mother, in reality this foreshadows her longevity, and if she is sick in life, after such a dream one can expect her recovery. If a woman had such a dream, it means that she will soon find herself in a situation where she will be forced to take responsibility and carry a serious load on her shoulders. The death of a mother in a dream suggests that in reality a person will be deprived of outside support and can only rely on himself.

    The death of a living mother in a dream may indicate that a person devotes little time to those who are dear to him, devoting himself entirely to work. Try to reconsider your schedule and be more with your family and friends.

    If your mother appeared in a dream and named the exact date of her death, remember this. This means that from this moment your mother will have a bright streak in her life, problems will be resolved, illnesses will go away and everything will get better.

    Why do you dream that your mother has died?

    Such a dream often foreshadows a serious change in the relationship with the mother, and the specifics depend on other nuances. For example, if in real life your mother is a domineering woman, puts pressure on you or demands something that you don’t want to do, then such a dream means a quick surprise. As a result of a combination of circumstances, your mother's influence on you will be weakened. If in reality the mother is soft, gentle and kind, then her death in a dream often foreshadows serious changes in the mother’s personal life. For example, unexpectedly for others, she may file for divorce, or get married, or suddenly change her job or appearance.

    According to the interpretation of another dream book, a dream in which the mother died warns of the imminent approach of misfortune, for which you need to prepare in advance. Think about where your weak points are, through which trouble can overtake you, and pull yourself together in advance.

    Why do you dream about your dead mother being alive?

    When interpreting such a dream, it is worth paying attention to the nuances. So, for example, if she speaks to you in an alarming voice, you should expect that your health may weaken. However, such a dream should not be interpreted if a sad waking event with your mother happened recently, or you were thinking about her, because... it's just a game of the subconscious.

    The deceased mother is dreamed of alive because of a guilty conscience. Remember, perhaps you sinned somewhere or committed an act for which you reproach yourself or, on the contrary, you did not consider it so bad as to think about what you did.

    Often a deceased mother is dreamed of alive, foreshadowing upcoming quarrels and breakdowns in relations with one of her closest relatives.

    Why does a dying mother dream about her dead mother?

    If a man has such a dream, then in reality he should expect new prospects, and here it is important not to miss your chance. In other cases, such a dream foreshadows anxiety for your loved ones, which you will have to endure soon. However, these experiences will be unfounded, for far-fetched reasons. But if the mother also cried in a dream, then such a dream warns of major quarrels, scandals, even breaking up the family. But since this acts as a warning, it means that you have the power to correct everything and prevent negative developments.

    Why do you dream about a dead father?

    A dying dad often symbolizes that in reality you communicate little and he lacks your attention. If a girl or woman has such a dream, it warns her from making mistakes in real life. In reality you should be more careful and restrained in your emotions.

    If in reality your father died, but appeared alive in a dream, this suggests that in life you can take on a new project without fear, since success will await you in it. However, if in a dream he called you to follow him, this may promise illness. If your deceased father is alive and talking to you in a dream, remember everything he tells you, this is important in real life and can serve as a hint.

    Women dream of a deceased father as a harbinger of the fact that it will be difficult to avoid trouble. Difficulties are also foreshadowed by a dream in which a living father dies. For a young girl, such a dream may indicate that in real life someone is deceiving her, or that her loved one is lying about something.

    It cannot be ruled out that the dream of a deceased father foretells imminent shame and trouble, so you should be more careful and careful.

    Why do you dream that I died?

    If in a dream a person dies under strange circumstances, then in reality it is worth taking a closer look at your health. But at the same time, if a woman had such a dream, then soon you can expect marriage or a marriage proposal. There is no need to refuse this, because... such a marriage will be successful.

    Some are of the opinion that the date, time and circumstances in a dream can be prophetic and a person can actually end his journey on this earth on the day indicated in the dream. But no one knows how true this conclusion is.

    Such a dream may be symbolic in nature, showing that one personality dies in a person and another is born; perhaps in reality there will be a reassessment of values, views and opinions. Another version has a slightly different meaning, i.e. a person behaves incorrectly in life and he definitely needs to reconsider his attitude towards the world, affairs and environment, so as not to destroy himself and his life.

    If in a dream a person dies from water, then in reality this is a favorable sign that speaks of imminent pleasant changes. If death came from weakness, then there will be happy days ahead that will be remembered for a long time. This is for the emergence of new loyal friends and pleasant acquaintances.

    In general, to die in a dream means to live a long time in reality, so you should not only not worry about such a dream, but also rejoice. According to Loff’s dream book, if a person had such a dream, then this only indicates roughness and problems in the dreamer’s life, to solve which in reality something needs to be changed. If a girl had a dream, then in the future she will have a happy, prosperous life with her beloved.

    If a sick person had such a dream, it means that a complete recovery should be expected soon.

    Why do you dream about a dead dog?

    The death of a dog in a waking dream can warn against betrayal of a loved one. This is especially true for married couples who have been married for a long time. Things may come to a divorce, and a very painful one at that.

    If the dead dog in the dream was black, there is no need to be afraid, because... this promises a quick resolution of all problems. But a deceased light-colored dog warns of possible imminent losses, both financial and career. In some cases, such a dream is interpreted in such a way that there are secret envious people in the dreamer’s life.

    If a person sees a dead dog in a dream and tries with all his might to bring it back to life, this may portend a problem for one of the relatives, and he will need a large sum of money to help.

    If the dreamer observes a dead dog that he owns, this foreshadows a meeting of old friends or relatives with whom contact has long been lost. If there was a pool of blood around the dead dog, then you should expect stress, which will most likely be associated with children or relatives.

      Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

      Dying - Dying person see in dream- hope (good news will bring comfort and strength). The death of your children see in dream- they have prosperity and family happiness. DyingSee in dream dying person- a harbinger of misfortune approaching from the direction from which you least expected it. if you dreaming, what do you you're dying– a warning to you: neglecting your business responsibilities. Read more

      Dream interpretation "dreams"

      A dream in which dies familiar Human, which is currently alive, has several meanings. It all depends on who it is dead in dream to the dreamer. If the dreamer is other than the deceased sees alive of people, then this one dream promises an active holiday, a party or a dinner party, where he will meet new interesting personalities. It's not uncommon when dreaming that's alive Human in dream died.Read completely

    • Dream Interpretation "fb"

      For what dreaming dying Human: Dream book of Gustav Miller. This dream book interprets something similar dream How a harbinger of misfortune that will come from the direction from which it was not expected at all. If the dreamer dreaming, What dies himself, then such a dream warns him that neglect of business and his own health can, in the end, Azar’s Dream Book: dying Human in dream. This collection of interpretations dreams States that dream, in which the dreamer sees own dying mother, portends him severe sadness and anxiety. Read more

      Dream interpretation "sonan"

      Such dream dreaming to accidents. If you dreamed that died Human, who is actually not alive, it means that a conspiracy is being prepared against you. If in dream died your mother, this is a good sign: business awaits you that will bring you profit and harmony in the family. Died in dream Human, which is actually quite healthy, means failure. If you saw in dream, What died your close friend, and at the same time you did not come to his funeral, this means that misfortune awaits you soon. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

      For what dreaming, What died alive. Interpretation dreams. Dream in which you see, How died one of your living acquaintances or relatives means, first of all, the longevity of this person.Dream in which dies one of the relatives says that everything is fine with them, but at the same time foreshadows a conflict with one of them. If in dream died Darling Human, be prepared for the approaching loneliness. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

      When dream that the dreamer himself dies, but not will die in dream, then in reality a calm life and prosperity await him. The modern dream book claims that see death agony and torment of a large number Human- to failures that will haunt not only the dreamer, but also his relatives and friends. Also dream about his own dying he insists that it is worth paying increased attention to business and work. There is a real danger to the health of the sleeper. If you dreamed, How dies important in the world Human...Read completely

      Dream interpretation "junona"

      Dead man in a coffin - dreaming to slight discomfort. See in dream death person, who is alive and well, unfortunately. If you saw in dream, What dies someone who has been dead for a long time - you will lose someone close to you. If you saw in dream own funeral - like this dream predicts illness for you. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "felomena"

      See in dream person, dying a painful death is a harbinger of a nuclear war, which will be started by the future ruler of one of the developed countries of Europe. As a result of this war, the great state will be wiped off the face of the earth, and the survivors People Sooner or later will die a slow, painful death. If you dreamed Human, in a state of clinical death - you will be in the dark for a long time about the plans of your old acquaintances. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

      From Freud's Dream Book: In dream die- you too often allow fears to take over your consciousness, which makes life seem darker and more tragically colored than it really is. Believe me, you shouldn’t take everything so fatally; try to look for the good, rather than the bad, in every event... From Miller’s Dream Book: See in dream dying person- a harbinger of misfortune approaching from the direction from which you least expected it. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

      What does it mean when dreaming Death: Death see in dreamHow who tells you that you you'll die in what year or so at what time, then this means that will die your poverty after so long. See in dream person, dying painful death is a bad omen. Such dream means that in the future there will be Human, which, like Chikatilo, will kill a large number of people, before he is discovered. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "bolshoyvopros"

      And about those who don’t died maybe we just saw the process of death Human will die but he can die not immediately after sleep, and even after 5, 10 or even 15 years. I can tell you for sure that if you dreamed that Human died, and he is actually alive, then this suggests that this Human will live happily ever after. It's bad when you in dream you talk to a spirit that is actually alive. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "psychoscop"

      Dream Interpretation: dream death person- interpretation. Despite the fact that many People think about death of people, as a very sad phenomenon, dream with death person does not foretell anything sad. Of course, it is not excluded that something sad will happen in your life, but still, the chances are quite small. According to the dream book, such a dream can be interpreted in different ways. In the case when you see in dream How dies Human, then soon some life prospects and a new faith will open up before you. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

      See in dream dying person dreaming, what do you you're dying in dream die Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "fb"

      How to decipher a vision in which died alive Human? Dream turns out not to be so bad. In many sources it is interpreted as a harbinger of a change in weather. See deceased close relatives. If dies native Human, and you experience real grief, then you need to rejoice the next morning. Such a dream suggests that your possible worries about this particular person are in vain. Read more

      Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

      Loff's dream book, interpretation sleep - dead Human, relates to various business issues in real life. See or watch the dead in dream prophesies the presence of conflict situations and condemnation by others of the actions or words of the sleeping person person. According to Miller's dream book, dead Human in dream foreshadows the occurrence of situations in the future that are subconsciously associated with the dreamed person. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "felomena"

      See in dream dying person- a sign of trouble coming from where you least expected it. If in dream you're dying you - this means that by neglecting your business responsibilities, you harm not only the business, but also yourself. Health problems are also possible. If in dream before your eyes dies wild animal - you can happily avoid someone’s negative influence on you. Read more

      Dream interpretation "dreams"

      What if dreaming that someone died? If in dream dies Darling Human, then a new stage will begin in his life: he will change jobs, decide to legitimize the relationship, or an heir will be born. If he dies with another woman, then he is cheating, but this will not become known soon. A dream in which die relatives or friends means that in real life they will stop communicating with person, which sees their in dream.Read completely

      Dream interpretation "junona"

      See in dream dying person- a harbinger of misfortune approaching from the direction from which you least expected it. If you dreaming, what do you you're dying- warning to you: neglecting your business responsibilities. You are harming the cause and yourself. In addition, illness awaits you. Wild animals that in dream die before your eyes, they promise you a happy deliverance from the adverse influence on you. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "vseproson"

      Dreaming relatives, long ago dead, - to important family events. See in dream previously deceased relatives or loved ones of people alive and talking to them portends some changes in your life. Often conversations in dream With people which not so long ago died, warn you of a real danger that threatens you. See previously deceased relatives are calm and serene - a sign that you can trust your destiny and not worry about trifles. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "fb"

      How can you see, the answer to the question, what does it mean dream « die in dream“, seems not clear enough, but still more positive than negative. And a few more common interpretations from various sources. Drown (drown) in dream- there will be a happy change. Die from a heart attack in dream- there is great joyful news for you. To be poisoned - there will be great harm from slander and suspicion. Being crushed means harm from bad people of people.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "owoman"

      See Die in dream: Die- If you dreamed that you you're dying, then in reality you tend to succumb too often to fear at the subconscious level, which makes life seem darker and more tragically colored than it actually is. Dying Human dreaming How a harbinger of misfortune. Moreover, it is approaching from the side from which you are not expecting it. Dream about dying a wild animal promises you a happy deliverance from negative influences. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

      What does it mean if dreaming Dead Human: Deceased person see in dream- to a change in weather. Why dreaming Dead Human according to the dream book: Deceased ( dead) - Touching or hugging a dead person - deceive fears, get rid of them in reality; if the deceased calls you, don’t go, if you go with him, it means you’ll get seriously ill or lose yourself, plunge into depression. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

      I dreamed about it dream , I see a little girl I don’t know who is crying and calling for her mother. I follow her and enter an old house, which is very similar to the house I lived in as a child. AND I see there is a woman who hanged herself. She died, and the girl continued to call her. Dream interpretation and meaning dreams by characters sleep. Meaning sleep according to the Dream Book: Find out about death, News of death, Die in dream, Die, Dying Human, Death.Read more

      Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

      For what dreaming, What died close. Interpretation dreams. A dream in which dies close Human, to be interpreted depending on the circumstances sleep. For lovers dream can serve as a warning that betrayal or betrayal of a loved one awaits them person.In addition, you will learn more about what it means see, What died close in dream in Miller's online dream book. Read in full

      Dream interpretation "dreams"

      So what if after sleep Human still feels anxiety, perhaps in a dream about a relative whom the dreamer has not seen for a long time saw, in this way gives a sign that he has problems. It may be worth contacting this relative and asking about his affairs. If in dream Human saw, How die his own children, which means that in reality the dreamer expects quarrels and disputes not only in the family, but also at work. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

      If alive People dream us deceased, sometimes this speaks of our aggression towards him, the jealousy and envy that you experience in reality. In our dream book you can find out not only about what dream dreams about " see alive deceased", but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many others dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means see alive deceased in dream in Miller's online dream book. Read in full

      Dream Interpretation "felomena"

      For what dreaming Dying in dream according to the dream book? Seen someone dying- this indicates that there is an objective threat to you. I dreamed that there was a blind grandmother lying on the sofa, her eyes were closed like those of the blind with eyelids, as if she were a relative of my eldest daughter’s husband, a woman with whom I used to work was sitting at the head of the bed in the laboratory Irina Grigorievna, standing outside the door People and invites you to come up one by one and say goodbye to dying, my turn has come, I go into the room, this grandmother lies like How dies Read completely

      Dream book "name-sonnik"

      See in dream death of the patient person- means that in not so distant times a cure will be found for the plague of the 20th century - AIDS. Thanks to this medicine, a large number of infected of people will be healed, and after some time this deadly disease will be eradicated from our planet. See in dream person, dying a painful death is a bad omen.