Bath for etching circuit boards by hand. Bubble bath mixer. PCB holder

Introduction. I do not think I will reveal a big secret if I say that several main factors affect the speed and quality of PCB etching. For example: if the etching process occurs in a solution of ferric chloride at room temperature, then it lasts, as a rule, from 40 minutes. up to 2.5 hours (depending on the saturation of the solution). If the solution is heated, then the etching process itself can be reduced in time by one and a half times. And in general, ideally, the solution itself should be periodically mixed, in which case the process is even faster. These factors directly affect the etching rate. If we talk about the quality of the boards, then this applies primarily to those radio amateurs who transfer the pattern to the textolite using the “laser printer and iron” method. Despite the fact that the toner adheres to the foil quite firmly, if the etching process is delayed in time, then ferric chloride still gets under the toner. In this case, the tracks turn out to be “porous”, which in turn degrades the quality of the board itself and the device as a whole.

Technically, the process of mixing the solution can be carried out in several ways (it all depends on the ingenuity and “sharpening” of the hands), but the most optimal, in my opinion, is the “microbubble bath” method. This is how factory boards are made. The essence of the method is quite simple, but very effective. At the bottom of the tank with ferric chloride is a plastic tube in which holes are punched at regular intervals. The tube is plugged at one end and compressed air is supplied from the other. As a result, air bubbles rising from the bottom of the tank naturally mix the ferric chloride solution, thereby speeding up the pickling process. True, it is not provided for heating the solution, but since the etching process occurs rather quickly (5 - 10 minutes), this option basically does not make sense, the solution is simply preheated and poured into the tank already warm. So, on this introduction, you can complete and proceed directly to the implementation of the plan.

Storage tank. As a reservoir for this design, of course, you can use any convenient container, but I came across cuvettes for developing photographs. They look like this:

A tube. The tube can also be used any convenient one, but it seemed to me the most optimal to use a tube from an ordinary medical dropper, you can buy it at a pharmacy for only 15 rubles. It is glued to the usual glue "Moment Crystal". Holes are made with a sewing needle, in increments of about 1 cm:

Naturally, on the one hand, the tube is pre-muffled, on the other hand, a tip from the same dropper is fixed, for a more convenient connection to the air source (about it a little later):

At this stage, it is still necessary to check the operation of the device itself, simply by pouring water into the container. The fact is that everything depends on the pressure of the compressor, the diameter and pitch of the holes directly dance from it, so you may have to experiment:

Net. Perhaps, this point will seem superfluous to someone. The fact is that it will focus on a grid stretched at a distance of about 1.5 centimeters from the bottom of the tank (the gap between the tube and the blanks of the boards is still necessary). It is not necessary to make a grid at all, to ensure the necessary clearance, you can simply insert 4-6 matches into the holes of the boards (best of all, into those that are designed to mount the board in the device) so that they form racks. You can make a grid, again, in several ways. My method is as follows: from plastic about 1 mm thick, strips are cut about 1.5 centimeters wide and a little less than each side of the tank. The result is two long and two short stripes:

On each strip, cuts are made for half the thickness of the plastic, in increments of one centimeter:

Moreover, they are glued in such a way that the cuts are turned towards the tank wall, and a thin fishing line passes through this cut:

Then between the short ones:

The result should be a net similar to the one stretched on a tennis racket:

Lid. Actually, this could have ended, but when testing this unit with water, one not entirely pleasant feature turned out. The fact is that a working unit sprays very small drops in different directions. Perhaps for someone this will not be a problem, but personally I had a desire to make a cover. According to the size of the cuvette, a blank was cut out of plastic, in which holes were drilled sufficient for ventilation, but insufficient for pollution of the surrounding space:

The cuts on the lid are made due to the fact that a tube comes out on one side, and there is a drain on the other (by the way, it has become much more convenient to drain the solution with the lid closed, there is less chance of spilling it). The lid is ready, it remains to make fasteners for it on the tank. It is not made quite standardly: clips are glued to the cuvette, designed to fasten the coaxial cable:

There are six in total...

...two on each side as lid guides...

... and two more as a stopper with the lid completely closed:

Compressor. Now we can talk about the source of air. The most common is a plastic bottle with a valve, into which air is pumped with a pump. A variant with a car camera is also possible. In my case, an ordinary microcompressor for an AEN-3 aquarium is used as an air source, which has been slightly modified for greater performance:

Actually, the refinement was reduced to the most optimal location of the magnet in the field of the coil (whoever disassembled such devices at least once will understand what is at stake). Through such simple manipulations, it was possible to increase the compressor capacity by about two times, which turned out to be quite enough.

Do-it-yourself printed circuit board fabrication using the laser ironing method and with the help of photoresist seems to be a thing of the past. Today, more and more methods appear that amaze with their sophistication and genius. For example, with the advent and widespread use of 3D printers, it became possible to use these functional devices in the production of printed circuit boards.

An enthusiast named Arvid came up with a way to use a 3D printer as a numerical control (CNC) machine to create circuit board tracks. This method is very simple and does not require any additional equipment other than the 3D printer itself!

A piece of textolite of the required size is first carefully cleaned and then painted over with a regular marker, after which it is placed on the printing platform of a 3D printer, which has an engraver instead of a nozzle. This engraver removes the paint from the places where the copper on the board should be etched. After receiving the drawing, the board is placed in a solution of ferric chloride for some time until the finished state is obtained. G-code for a 3D printer was generated in a special program FlatCAM, designed to create printed circuit boards using CNC machines.

This mechanical etching method is the fastest, cleanest, most productive and cost-effective way to create printed circuit boards for prototyping. The FlatCAM program itself, which greatly facilitates the process, has interesting and useful functions. Using it, for example, you can create not only single-sided, but also double-sided boards thanks to the built-in special algorithmic tool. The program's TCL console provides flexibility for users who want to automate work and implement their own functionality. A convenient FlatCAM viewer allows you to visualize Gerbers, Drill and G-Code files. So you will always know how your 3D printer will work, creating the required printed circuit board. The program can be useful even when the user has several geometric objects, but he wants to get one G-code. In this case, FlatCAM will allow you to combine these geometric objects and generate one job for your improvised CNC machine.

Below is a video of the PCB manufacturing process using a 3D printer.

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A bubble bath for etching printed circuit boards is a fairly common and very convenient device that many radio amateurs know and use. However, the bubble bath has some drawbacks, the solution of which gave birth to a fundamentally new design of the bath for etching printed circuit boards.

Bubble Bath Mixer:

An educated radio amateur knows that for uniform and high-quality (as well as fast) etching of a printed circuit board, the etching solution must be heated and stirred constantly. Heating (ferric chloride, for example) an etching solution speeds up the reaction, and stirring removes the top layer of oxides (this also contributes to the etching speed) and allows you to get a high-quality printed circuit board.

A bubble (this is not a pearl bath or a jacuzzi) bath for etching printed circuit boards can be quite easily made by hand; in the classic version, a compressor and other aquarium personal belongings are used to provide heating and mixing of the etching solution (ferric chloride, for example). But with the classical organization, despite the convenience and efficiency, the bubble bath has quite significant drawbacks. For example, over time, the sprayer becomes clogged, and the bubbles spread at random, respectively, the solution is mixed unevenly. Thus, after much thought about how to refine it, I came up with a rather original, innovative idea, to mix the solution with a mixer. The result exceeded all expectations.

I went the classic way, took pieces of organic glass, marked and cut out all the details of the bubble bath in advance.

Bubble bath details cut out of plexiglass

Then I took dichloroethane and dissolved in it the chips left from cutting the plexiglass, thus obtaining a good and reliable adhesive for plexiglass.

Adhesive for plexiglass

After short, but very painstaking operations, I got a body of a bubble bath with pre-provisioned inlets for a mixer and a heater, I just glued two necks from an ordinary PET bottle.

Ready-made body of the bath for etching of printed circuit boards

The two inlets at the top of the tub are needed to install the mixer and heater, you guessed it, they are pretty easy to make yourself too. You can use an aquarium heater, but you can read how to make a ferric chloride heater.

Pickling Solution Heater

But on the design of the mixer, several important accents should be made. To begin with, you must understand that metal cannot be used, ferric chloride will simply gobble it up, and will not say thank you. Therefore, I used the ampoule from the handle as a shaft, and the piston from the medical syringe as the mixer itself. I installed the shaft on a miniature engine made of sidirom type M25E-4L. I recommend using engines of this type, as it consumes little, spins quickly and is designed for long work. And motors of this kind are very compact, the M25E-4L will even fit into a cork from a PET bottle, so I used two corks as a housing for the motor.

Pickling bath mixer

It is a pleasure to use my version of the PCB etching bath. The solution is primitive, cheap and easy to reproduce and handle. Just screw in the plug with the mixer and the heater, and turn on the device. Due to the fact that there are no bubbles, which means there is no splashing, you will protect your pants from splattering with ferric chloride, and the solution mixes quite quickly and with high quality. Plus, my version is quite durable and very maintainable.

When the mixer is turned on, the mixing of the solution begins due to the vortex flow created by it. Due to mixing, oxides are not only removed from the surface of the printed circuit board, but the liquid is also heated evenly.

Liquid heating distribution before turning on the mixer
Liquid heating distribution after turning on the mixer

PCB holder:

Special attention in the pickling bath should be given to the holder for printed circuit boards, because for convenience it will also come in handy in some other way. For this purpose, I invented a simple design of plexiglass clothespins, and fixed it in the lid.

Clothespin, card holder

The usual clothespin as a holder for printed circuit boards did not suit me, as it had a steel spring, and this does not roll against the aggressive environment of the pickling solution. Thus, I built a clothespin by combining two thin strips of Plexiglas.

Sketch of PCB holder

Such a clothespin is not afraid of either ferric chloride or other weak pickling solutions, since its metal parts are isolated from the external environment, and it is made of plexiglass itself.

This version of the holder holds the boards quite firmly, they are installed and removed quite quickly and simply.

Fixed plate of textolite in the holder.

In short, my version of a bubble bath for etching boards, using a mixer instead of an aquarium compressor, has only one plus, fast, simple, reliable, convenient, high-quality, economical.

My version of the PCB etching bath

I often make printed circuit boards, so I know a lot of subtleties and nuances, and if you are just going to assemble a bath for etching printed circuit boards, then take my word for it, using a mixer instead of a bubbler is much more practical, and such a holder justifies all the efforts spent on its manufacture.

A couple of years ago I made just such a bath for etching printed circuit boards. The idea sat in my head for a long time, but everything rested on the vessel, and now on the Internet on the site I saw the implementation of such a bath and the most important thing was that the vessel was glued on aquarium glass sealant. And there was an excellent thermostat scheme on the site, I didn’t have to waste time inventing my own scheme. I ordered a vessel from a person who makes aquariums to order, it cost 200 rubles. In the aquarium store I bought the cheapest compressor for 150 rubles + a tube and all sorts of suction cups for about 100 rubles. The most expensive of all purchases was a heater, I don’t remember exactly, well, something about 400-500 rubles. Parts for the thermostat cost about 150 rubles. For more stability, I made a stand from chipboard on which I fixed the vessel and thermostat (see photo). Gathered everything together, tested, and was completely delighted. The first board was etched in 3 minutes!!! On a fresh solution of ferric chloride, the process is very fast, and on a two-year solution, about 20 minutes :-). Moreover, in this solution, I etched about 30-40 boards of different sizes. And he still would have worked, but at the bottom there was already a sediment 15 mm thick. that began to clog the air outlet tube. I decided to replace the solution, and at the same time take a photo.

Thermostat, housing from baby nipples 🙂

There is no air diffuser in the photo, since I made a homemade one from a plastic tube in which I drilled about a dozen holes with a diameter of 1 mm., But due to deposits, it became clogged and I threw it away, I will make a new one. Something like this ... Or can you tell me how to make a cover that is comfortable?

I do not think I will reveal a big secret if I say that several main factors affect the speed and quality of PCB etching. For example: if the etching process occurs in a solution of ferric chloride at room temperature, then it lasts, as a rule, from 40 minutes. up to 2.5 hours (depending on the saturation of the solution). If the solution is heated, then the etching process itself can be reduced in time by one and a half times. And in general, ideally, the solution itself should be periodically mixed, in which case the process is even faster. These factors directly affect the etching rate. If we talk about the quality of the boards, then this applies primarily to those radio amateurs who transfer the pattern to the textolite using the “laser printer and iron” method. Despite the fact that the toner adheres to the foil quite firmly, if the etching process is delayed in time, then ferric chloride still gets under the toner. In this case, the tracks turn out to be “porous”, which in turn degrades the quality of the board itself and the device as a whole.

Technically, the process of mixing the solution can be carried out in several ways (it all depends on the ingenuity and “sharpening” of the hands), but the most optimal, in my opinion, is the “microbubble bath” method. This is how factory boards are made. The essence of the method is quite simple, but very effective. At the bottom of the tank with ferric chloride is a plastic tube in which holes are punched at regular intervals. The tube is plugged at one end and compressed air is supplied from the other. As a result, air bubbles rising from the bottom of the tank naturally mix the ferric chloride solution, thereby speeding up the pickling process. True, it is not provided for heating the solution, but since the etching process occurs rather quickly (5 - 10 minutes), this option basically does not make sense, the solution is simply preheated and poured into the tank already warm. So, on this introduction, you can complete and proceed directly to the implementation of the plan.

Storage tank. As a reservoir for this design, of course, you can use any convenient container, but I came across cuvettes for developing photographs. They look like this:

A tube. The tube can also be used any convenient one, but it seemed to me the most optimal to use a tube from an ordinary medical dropper, you can buy it at a pharmacy for only 15 rubles. It is glued to the usual glue "Moment Crystal". Holes are made with a sewing needle, in increments of about 1 cm:

Naturally, on the one hand, the tube is pre-muffled, on the other hand, a tip from the same dropper is fixed, for a more convenient connection to the air source (about it a little later):

At this stage, it is still necessary to check the operation of the device itself, simply by pouring water into the container. The fact is that everything depends on the pressure of the compressor, the diameter and pitch of the holes directly dance from it, so you may have to experiment:

Net. Perhaps, this point will seem superfluous to someone. The fact is that it will focus on a grid stretched at a distance of about 1.5 centimeters from the bottom of the tank (the gap between the tube and the blanks of the boards is still necessary). It is not necessary to make a grid at all, to ensure the necessary clearance, you can simply insert 4-6 matches into the holes of the boards (best of all, into those that are designed to mount the board in the device) so that they form racks. You can make a grid, again, in several ways. My method is as follows: from plastic about 1 mm thick, strips are cut about 1.5 centimeters wide and a little less than each side of the tank. The result is two long and two short stripes:

On each strip, cuts are made for half the thickness of the plastic, in increments of one centimeter:

Moreover, they are glued in such a way that the cuts are turned towards the tank wall, and a thin fishing line passes through this cut:

Then between the short ones:

The result should be a net similar to the one stretched on a tennis racket:

Lid. Actually, this could have ended, but when testing this unit with water, one not entirely pleasant feature turned out. The fact is that a working unit sprays very small drops in different directions. Perhaps for someone this will not be a problem, but personally I had a desire to make a cover. According to the size of the cuvette, a blank was cut out of plastic, in which holes were drilled sufficient for ventilation, but insufficient for pollution of the surrounding space:

The cuts on the lid are made due to the fact that a tube comes out on one side, and there is a drain on the other (by the way, it has become much more convenient to drain the solution with the lid closed, there is less chance of spilling it). The lid is ready, it remains to make fasteners for it on the tank. It is not made quite standardly: clips are glued to the cuvette, designed to fasten the coaxial cable:

There are six in total...

...two on each side as lid guides...

... and two more as a stopper with the lid completely closed:

Compressor. Now we can talk about the source of air. The most common is a plastic bottle with a valve, into which air is pumped with a pump. A variant with a car camera is also possible. In my case, an ordinary microcompressor for an AEN-3 aquarium is used as an air source, which has been slightly modified for greater performance:

Actually, the refinement was reduced to the most optimal location of the magnet in the field of the coil (whoever disassembled such devices at least once will understand what is at stake). Through such simple manipulations, it was possible to increase the compressor capacity by about two times, which turned out to be quite enough.

Thus, as a result of all the work, a simple unit appeared ...

... which, nevertheless, increased the quality and speed of manufactured devices by several times.

P.S. Perhaps, a lot of things in this design will seem superfluous to someone, because instead of a grid you can use matches, instead of a lid - a piece of plywood or an old magazine (only not in radio electronics, it’s already a matter of principle), and instead of a compressor, your own lungs are quite suitable, that's all the above comfort at work will not add exactly. However, this is just my purely personal opinion, and if all of the above is useful to someone, then I can say with full confidence that I fulfilled my goal one hundred percent.

Best regards, Electronic Affairs Master