Chalcedony: deposits, properties, types and applications. Ornamental stone chalcedony A variety of quartz and chalcedony

Chalcedony- a translucent mineral, a cryptocrystalline fine-fiber variety of quartz. Translucent or translucent at the edges, the color is very different, often from white to honey-yellow. Forms spherulites, spherulitic crusts, pseudostalactites or continuous massive formations. Banded chalcedony, consisting of layers differing in shade, transparency and density, is called agate. Since ancient times, multi-layer relief art images have been carved from homogeneous or parallel-striped sections of agate.

See also:


The structure of chalcedony is a hidden syngony that "walks" from trigonal to agregate. This makes the stone in its own way universal, but at the same time very multidirectional. The syngony is trigonal, where, depending on the location of the fibers, their parallelism and perpendicularity, as well as aggregate compression, different coordination of molecules occurs, which creates a variety of geometric complexes inside.

The crystal structure of chalcedony, as well as other polymorphic modifications of quartz, is characterized by the feature that the Si 4+ ion is always in a quadruple environment of O 2- ions located at the vertices of the tetrahedron. Each vertex of such a tetrahedron simultaneously serves as a vertex of another adjacent tetrahedron. Thus, the crystal lattices of these minerals consist, as it were, of frameworks of tetrahedra linked to each other. The method of linkage in all modifications is the same (through the vertices of the tetrahedra), but the orientation and general symmetry in their arrangement are different. In general, the packing of oxygen ions is not dense: there are “voids” between the tetrahedra in the frameworks. In low-temperature modifications, they are small in size, and in high-temperature, more "loose" modifications, they are larger.


The color of chalcedony is always rather pale; usually there are stones of gray, grayish-blue, milky-blue, pale blue, grayish-green, greenish-blue, yellowish or pale yellowish-brown shades, and also grayish-white to light milky-white and almost colorless. Much less common are chalcedony that are intense or dark bluish-green or yellow, as well as pinkish or reddish in color. Often there is a bluish tint in reflected light and a pale reddish-brown tint in thick sections in transmitted light, which are due to an optical phenomenon called Tyndall scattering. This phenomenon is also observed in flint, blue quartz and opal. The blue color of some chalcedony may disappear when ignited.

The color of chalcedony is mostly uniform or only slightly varies from layer to layer. As the banding becomes more distinct, especially with the appearance of interlayers of brown and reddish-brown color, usually interspersed with interlayers of less transparent milky white or white chalcedony, the chalcedony gradually changes into a variety called agate, although the boundary between these two isolated varieties is uncertain. . Other varieties of chalcedony also arise due to staining with various impurities. Brown and reddish stones colored with dispersed iron oxides include varieties called sardera and carnelian, and partially banded agates. The green variety - chrysoprase - is colored with an admixture of nickel.

Chalcedony has no trait. Glass luster. Chalcedony is well polished and becomes slightly waxy or matte.
Chalcedony tends to be translucent to clear or hazy; moreover, individual layers of chalcedony in one sample often differ in degree of transparency. The hardness of chalcedony varies somewhat; it is less than that of coarse quartz, and is usually 6.5. The density of chalcedony is 2.57-2.64, and its fluctuations depend on the amount and composition of impurities, porosity and water content. Cleavage is absent. The fracture is uneven or conchoidal. Chalcedony easily splits in the direction transverse to the banding and parallel to the elongation of the fibers; in this case, an uneven or splintery fracture is formed with a rather well-defined waxy sheen. You can get a break and parallel to the layering.

Chalcedony is characterized by greater or lesser porosity, and isolated pores, or, more often, the thinnest tubes and filamentous voids, are located parallel to the fibrous. The amount of porosity varies in different layers or zones and is minimal in white or milky layers. Some stones stick to the tongue or take up water quickly, sometimes with a faint hissing sound or bubbling on the wet surface.

Alkaline solutions easily remove large amounts of silica from chalcedony and its varieties. This served as a justification for the hypothesis, first expressed in 1833, that chalcedony contains opal in the spaces between the quartz fibers, which is easily leached (the opal is completely soluble in alkaline solutions). Individual layers of chalcedony have different and characteristic resistance to dissolution. Layers with a relatively low refractive index dissolve faster. It was found that in hot water or steam, these differences are less pronounced. The high ability of chalcedonic silica to chemically react with alkalis causes deterioration of concrete made on the basis of Portland cement with a filler of flint or siliceous rock.


Chalcedony forms dense masses, sintered forms, nodules, crusts, fill voids. Chalcedony occurs in the form of crusts with an irregularly rounded, kidney-shaped or warty surface. It also forms sinter masses in cavities, stalactites, gradually turning into cluster-like and irregular sheet-like accumulations. Chalcedony is also observed in the form of separate kidney-shaped, irregular or rounded nodules, formed either by nodules or as a result of weathering of rocks in which there were cavities filled with chalcedony. Sometimes it composes slag-like mars, as well as small veinlets or cement in rocks.

Usually, chalcedony composes geodes and fills amygdaloidal voids in altered basic igneous rocks; these inclusions of chalcedony are often hollow and may contain liquid that has become occluded during crystallization. Chalcedony often forms inlaid pseudomorphs after other minerals, especially calcite and fluorite, and also replaces these and other minerals and fossil shells. The term “chalcedonic silica” has a broader meaning than chalcedony, which refers mainly to crustification formations and products of void filling, represented by any fine-grained variety of quartz with a fibrous microstructure. This term is applied to solid and nodular formations of primary sedimentary or diagenetic origin, including siliceous rocks and cherts, as well as accumulations that arose by replacing limestone and other rocks.

In chalcedony, a more or less clearly distinguishable banding is visible, parallel to the outer surface of the formations or the walls of the execution cavity. This banding is not always visible to the naked eye, but it can be detected under a microscope in thin sections oriented perpendicular to the outer surface of chalcedony clusters, or it can be revealed by staining and etching.


Chalcedony occurs in a variety of geological settings, but in general it can be considered to be deposited at relatively low temperatures and pressures. Common chalcedony, light in color and not markedly banded, is deposited during the last stages of hydrothermal activity or is the product of alteration of felsic and basic igneous rocks, tuffs and breccias. The formation of chalcedony is mainly associated with the hydrothermal process that accompanies volcanic activity. Chalcedony and its varieties - agate, carnelian, etc. - stand out in the cracks and voids of solidified lavas, are found in the form of tonsils in many effusive rocks.

It also forms in near-surface hypogene hydrothermal veins and in zones of weathering and circulation of meteoric waters. Especially common is chalcedony in the form of crusts, veins, and products of filling cavities in altered basic outflowing rocks. Chalcedony is found here along with zeolites, carbonates, chlorites and celadonite-type alteration products. Due to their chemical resistance and strength, fine-grained varieties of quartz also form detrital or residual deposits. Many industrially important deposits of chalcedony and its varieties are of this type.
Chalcedony of exogenous origin is represented by flint nodules in sedimentary rocks.


Colored chalcedony - jewelry and ornamental stones. Samples of chalcedony with pronounced stalactite-like and kidney-shaped forms have a collection value. Geodes have decorative value, the central cavities of which are filled with brushes of well-formed, pure amethyst crystals. Flywheels are jewelry, ornamental and collection material.

Chalcedony is still one of the favorite ornamental stones, the most popular material for all kinds of women's and men's jewelry, from romantic beads to strict cufflinks. A variety of colors and sufficient affordability makes it an excellent basis for creating figurines, vases, dishes, mosaics, furniture inlay, interior details. Tiles from some varieties of chalcedony are used to line the walls of wet rooms, countertops, sinks, picture frames and mirrors are cut out of chalcedony. Ribbon chalcedony onyx is an excellent material for stained-glass windows and lampshades.

Used as an ornamental stone in jewelry and inlays, in ancient times it was quite highly valued, the first mention of chalcedony products is in the Bible. Since ancient times, multi-layer relief artistic images (Glyptics) have been carved from parallel-striped sections of agate. Homogeneous chalcedony is used to make "agate" mortars for grinding hard materials, it is used in precision instrumentation (supporting prisms of weights). Napoleon had a chalcedony ring, the poet J. Byron had two such rings, A. S. Pushkin had two of these rings.

Chalcedony (eng. Chalcedony) - SiO 2


Strunz (8th edition) 4/D.01-10
Nickel-Strunz (10th edition) 4.DA.05
Dana (7th edition)
Dana (8th edition)
Hey's CIM Ref. 7.8.1

Chalcedony stone is the most famous ornamental mineral. Differs in a rich color palette and reasonable price. It has strong magical and healing properties. Suitable for almost everyone, but you need to be able to choose the right type of stone so that the talisman brings good luck, not harm.

Chalcedony stone in history

The mineral gained great popularity in ancient Greece. The Greeks treated chalcedony with special reverence. For the sake of copies with a mineral, they could launch large-scale battles. The richest city in chalcedony was Chalcedon, near the Sea of ​​Marmara. Minerals of almost all colors were mined there. At the same time, all the stones were the same in structure and properties, which is why they were united by a single word - chalcedony.


Such famous personalities as A. S. Pushkin, J. Byron, Napoleon wore rings with chalcedony.

Chalcedony has been used as a jewelry stone since ancient Greek times due to its ease of working. It is also popular as a material for wall decoration, home furniture, utensils, making mosaics and figurines.

Mineral deposits

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In nature, the mineral is found in the voids of rocks. It forms amygdules and geodes in andesites, basalts, volcanic tuffs.

Semi-precious stone is mined in different parts of the world. It is being developed on an industrial scale in Brazil, the USA, Madagascar, India, Uruguay, and Russia. The long-standing processing center for high-quality chalcedony is located in Germany and there are several deposits there. Many stones on the international market come from Poland, the Czech Republic, Sri Lanka.

Chemical and physical properties of chalcedony

Chalcedony belongs to the group of quartzes. Its chemical formula is SiO2, while the mineral may also contain impurities of aluminum, iron, magnesium, etc. The physical properties determine the value of the stone and the features of use.

  • Chalcedony can be of any color, but only natural, natural.


White and yellow chalcedony are the most common types. They are mined in large volumes, so the prices for such stones are lower than for specimens of other colors.

  • Hardness on the Mohs scale - 6.5-7.
  • The density of the stone is 2.58-2.64 g / cm³.
  • The stone is translucent or opaque.
  • Luster is waxy or dull.
  • The fracture is conchoidal.
  • Not afraid of acid.
  • Cleavage - no.

Varieties of Chalcedony

There are a lot of types of chalcedony and they differ mostly in color.

  • Carnelian - red chalcedony, has a strong, active energy.
  • Chrysoprase is a light green mineral.
  • Matorolite or mtorolite is a stone with an admixture of chromium, in color like grass.
  • Sapphirine is a blue chalcedony.
  • Heliotrope - dark green chalcedony with rich scarlet dots or stripes, opaque.
  • Agate - striped chalcedony (can be of different tones).
  • Lincurium is a yellow stone.

These are not all varieties of the mineral, but the most common.

The magical properties of chalcedony

Many talismans and amulets made of chalcedony are sold in the market and in shops. But what are the magical properties of the mineral?

  • This is a symbol of love. The talisman will awaken feelings and will accompany family well-being.
  • Chalcedony patronizes travelers and sailors. It should be worn during a long trip to make the road easier.


Uruguayan and Brazilian chalcedony are most valued by jewelers.

  • In Mongolia, chalcedony is a stone of joy. He calms the raging feelings and gives peace, silence, peace, uplifting. It is believed that this effect is achieved by the presence of water and air in the stone.
  • The mineral calms and brings clarity to thoughts. It strengthens the human spirit, helps to achieve balance.

The healing power of the stone

The healing properties of the mineral were used in ancient China. When used correctly, it can cure skin diseases, hypertension, fever, migraine. But keep in mind that the healing power of the mineral depends on its type.

  • Onyx heals the kidneys and liver.
  • Chrysoprase helps to cure weather sensitivity.
  • Carnelian can stop bleeding.
  • Agate helps with pain and treats diseases of the throat.

Moreover, any variety of the mineral can treat a variety of malfunctions in the nervous system.

Who is suitable for Chalcedony stone according to the zodiac sign

Depending on the variety of chalcedony, it may suit a certain sign of the zodiac circle.

  • Chalcedony is favorable to Aquarius, so this sign can acquire any type of mineral for itself.
  • Libra, Virgo can rely on the healing and magical power of white and pink chalcedony.
  • The black mineral is recommended to Scorpio.
  • Sagittarius will be helped in new endeavors by carnelian or heliotrope.
  • Cancers and Pisces also do not hurt to purchase a heliotrope stone, it will bring them peace of mind. Chrysoprase is also suitable for them.
  • Taurus can wear such a variety of chalcedony as plasma. She will pacify anger, give peace and quiet.
  • Lions and Aries will suit chrysoprase jewelry. It will bring good luck in business and relieve anxiety.
  • Gemini and Capricorns become more restrained when wearing chalcedony. The mineral helps to make the right decisions, not to go astray.

How to distinguish real chalcedony from a fake

Chalcedony is classified as an affordable mineral, it is inexpensive, and yet there are fakes. Most often they are made of glass, pressed chips, plastic. How to distinguish real chalcedony?

  • If there are several stones in the product at once, they should have a different pattern, shape. There are no identical chalcedony, all natural minerals are unique!
  • A light stone indicates that it is plastic. This mineral is heavy, though not very heavy.


Chalcedony is able to calm nerves, pacify anger or ease resentment.

  • Chalcedony can only partially shine through.
  • If the color of the stone is not natural, then it is a fake. Chalcedony can be of different colors, but they are all natural, natural.
  • Any natural stone does not heat up quickly in the hands, unlike glass. Only by holding it in the palms for a long time, you can feel that it begins to take over the warmth of the hands.

Mineral care

Chalcedony can last for many years or deteriorate after a couple of outings - it all depends on how you care for it.

  1. The stone is hard and not every mineral can scratch it, but special jewelry bags for jewelry are used for storage.
  2. At home, during washing, cleaning, in contact with any chemicals, it is better to remove stone jewelry.
  3. Although chalcedony is hard, it is also fragile. It must be protected from impact.

To clean the mineral, you need to rinse it under running water (not hot) and wipe it with a soft cloth. Such a simple procedure will remove excess dirt and return the mineral to its former shine.

The chalcedony stone unites a large group of stones, many of which are widely known in our time. The stone has an amazing structure and can be colored in a variety of shades, so it can be used in a variety of jewelry.

Description and meaning of the stone

The name "chalcedony" does not belong to one specific stone, but combines several varieties of precious and semi-precious stones with an opaque and translucent structure.

Fiber stones are variations of quartz and vary in color, pattern, texture, and inclusions, yet remain similar in chemical composition and physical properties.

The mineral got its name in honor of the place in Asia Minor, where it was previously mined. Chalcedony is a bluish sapphirine, and bright green, and blood red carnelian. The mineral is used to create jewelry and various crafts: caskets, figurines, mosaics. Chalcedony has amazing healing and magical properties, which is why it is of great importance to many connoisseurs. It symbolizes complete harmony, peace and balance.

History of origin and deposit

Chalcedony was mined by people already in biblical times. In the New Testament, there are the first mentions of an amazing stone. The records of John the Theologian say that chalcedony was one of the components of the wall of the heavenly city of Jerusalem.

In ancient times, stone was used to make dishes, weapons, clothing and statues. Seals and rings made of this mineral were very popular.

In the manuscripts of ancient scientists and healers, there are descriptions of the healing properties of chalcedony, which was used to treat diseases. During the Middle Ages, interest in stone increased. Each fashionista had earrings and a chalcedony necklace in her jewelry box. It has gained wide popularity as an ornamental stone. In the twentieth century, the mineral became a favorite jewelry treasure of the Russian intelligentsia.

Chalcedony is mainly mined in the United States of America, Scotland, Canada, Uruguay, India and Madagascar. They are engaged in the extraction of jewelry in Russia on the territory of Eastern Siberia and Chukotka.

Physical properties

All stones belonging to the chalcedony group are united by the following physical properties:

  • hardness - 6.5 - 7 units;
  • density - 2.6 g / cm3;
  • impurities: iron, water, magnesium, calcium, aluminum;
  • gloss: waxy, soft;
  • fragile;
  • fracture: shelly-conchoidal, conchoidal;
  • translucent;
  • cleavage is absent;
  • resists the effects of acids;
  • form of secretions: similar to stalagmites and stalactites, reniform, geodes, crusts.

Varieties and colors

Depending on the type of stone, chalcedony can be painted in a variety of colors: reddish, brown, emerald, white, honey, bluish and ocher shades.

The chalcedony group includes many stones, many of which have long been familiar to humans:

Silica called "chrysoprase"

Consists of chalcedony and quartz, characterized by a fine crystalline structure. Due to the high content of nickel, the stone is painted in a rich green color. It is often found in natural deposits.

The well-known agate

Consists of dense bands of purple, blue or light blue. The saturation and brightness of shades is determined by the degree of quartz ingrowth.

It is distinguished by a peculiar pattern, similar to curls, with a granular quartz structure. The color of the stones varies from light yellow to rich gold.

bluish sapphire stone

Especially appreciated in jewelry art due to its delicate translucency. As a result of the refraction of color in chalcedony, the stone acquires a natural color;

With a porous and indefinite composition, it is also called milk opal for its snow-white hue. The stone is rare.


The structure resembles natural moss, after which the mineral got its name. There are many impurities in these stones: iron, manganese and nickel. Flywheels of various colors are found in the deposits: from cold steel color to milky white.

Translucent endrigus

Consisting of lutecin, chalcedony and quartz, it is used to make jewelry due to its unusual structure of light color.

The color of the stone called "mtorolite"

Varies from light green to emerald green. The stone looks exactly like this due to the presence of chromium oxide.

Red carnelian (carnelian)

It is a well-known variety of chalcedony. Sometimes there are striped inclusions in the structure. Iron oxide gives the color to the stone.

Chalcedonic onyx

Consisting of quartz and chalcedony, it has a striped structure of reddish color.

magical properties

Esotericists and astrologers attach great importance to chalcedony. It is believed that the mineral is charged with strong energy, so it helps to find a solution in very difficult situations.

The gem helps people who are tired of life's problems and feel a breakdown and depression.

With the help of the mineral, you can get rid of longing, unreasonable anxiety and melancholic mood. You want to perk up and actively take up the achievement of new goals.

Chalcedony pacifies aggressive people, calming and reducing the level of anger. The mineral helps to achieve balance and harmony, equalizing the flows of vital energies.

Chalcedony is considered a feminine stone. They help to find a soul mate, therefore they are especially popular with the female half of the population.

Jewelry with a mineral makes a woman a noble beauty, gives her confidence and attractiveness. There is a belief that chalcedony is able to prolong youth.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of the mineral have been known to mankind since ancient times. He is credited with a healing effect on human souls, thanks to which he is used to normalize mental health.

Lithotherapists identify a number of diseases that chalcedony helps to cope with: it relieves nervous breakdown, normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle, and helps eliminate depressive mood. It is recommended to resort to the effects of chalcedony in case of nervous exhaustion.

It is believed that the gem helps with diseases of the eyes, bones, problems with the circulatory system, spleen and gallbladder.

Who suits the zodiac sign and name?

Chalcedony suits any sign of the zodiac. Taurus and Libra should wear jewelry made of light chalcedony: pink, white, blue. Virgins stones of green and yellow shades are suitable, and Capricorn astrologers attribute the beneficial effect of dark gems.

With the help of dark stones, Capricorns will gain lasting financial well-being. Virgo learn to communicate with others and improve health.

patronize Scorpions black chalcedony. For Streltsov suitable for all types of chalcedony. Chrysoprase is recommended to wear Aquarius.

He saves from dangers and gives strong patronage. Raku chalcedony will help maintain strong family relationships. Women born under this sign will be charmed by a piece of jewelry with a gem.

Gemini the stone will make you more serious and make you focus on important tasks. Golden types of chalcedony will help lion get a promotion at work. Aries and Pisces can wear jewelry from.

Chalcedony is advised to be worn by people with names: Raisa, Valeria, Irina, Karina, Lyubov, Inga, Ksenia, George, Bogdan and Alexander.

Talismans and amulets

Chalcedony is considered the patron saint of scientists and sailors, so people of this profession try to have jewelry made from this stone.

Even in ancient times, sailors took chalcedony with them to protect the ship from storms, bad weather and shipwrecks. In Babylon and Assyria, chalcedony was given the shape of a cylinder and inscribed on it with the theme of mythology or religion, turning the mineral into a talisman.

Chalcedony helps students in their studies, he directs researchers and wanderers to the right path. In principle, it opens up new horizons for its owner, so it is important to have such an amulet. The talisman from will protect the child from injuries and falls, protect from.

Chalcedony Jewelry

Jewelers make various decorations from chalcedony. The range includes rings, earrings, necklaces, brooches, bracelets, pendants.

The translucent structure makes the products elegant and mysterious. Also, the mineral has gained great popularity among the masters of fine work, because with its elegant appearance it is inexpensive. Decoration can be worn on an important holiday, or you can just wear it in everyday life.

Other uses of the stone

Chalcedony is used to make many other things besides jewelry and ornaments. They make cute souvenirs from it: key chains, amulets and figurines.

Household items made of chalcedony decorate apartments. Gems are used to make dishes, flowerpots and even lampshades with floor lamps. The stones become part of the facing tiles, which are laid out, for example, in the bathroom.

Patterns and pictures of stained-glass windows and mosaics are made from chalcedony. Minerals trim frames for paintings and mirrors. They even make countertops and sinks from solid rocks.

The gem is used to make unusual items: laboratory mortars and supports on which precision instruments are fixed. The stones of this group are even used to make objects for ritual events.


Chalcedony is available to the average person, the price of a 2 cm stone is 500 rubles. The cost may vary slightly depending on the region and type of stone.


The chalcedony group includes hard stones that resist most chemicals, including acids.

It is necessary to protect from the above influences and sudden changes in temperature, as well as from hot steam. It is not recommended to wear jewelry with chalcedony during sports and serious physical exertion. For storing chalcedony, it is recommended to allocate a separate box or bag so that they are not damaged by harder gems.

It is advised to clean the stones with soapy water and a cotton pad.

Artificial chalcedony: how to distinguish a real stone from a fake?

When buying, be sure to ask the seller for a certificate confirming that the stone belongs to the chalcedony group. A fake can be distinguished by its appearance. Artificial stones are mostly made from plastic or glass. Plastic fakes are warm and quite light. In glass specimens, you can find bubbles and inclusions that do not have color, which are not inherent in natural gems.

Chalcedony is the common name for minerals that are a variety of quartz. All of them have an original fine-fiber structure. In addition, all these stones have the same healing and magical properties. They differ only in color.

Even modern science cannot determine exactly how chalcedony is formed. However, already many years ago it began to be used as an ornament and a talisman. In addition, with its help, bas-reliefs of buildings were created.

The stone was named after the ancient Greek city of Chalcedon. It was there that its deposits were discovered. The inhabitants of Ancient Greece began to make jewelry with this stone and export them. Residents of other countries bought them with great pleasure. This is how the stone became famous.

As already mentioned, chalcedony is the general name for minerals. Here are its types:

The magical properties of chalcedony

The main significance of this amulet is that it provides its owner with powerful protection. He protects from the evil eye, damage, curses, slander and gossip. The stone is able to protect against any negativity that is directed against the owner. In addition, it provides protection for a person on the road. That is why chalcedony is the most popular mineral among travelers.

In ancient Greece, every sailor took it with him on a voyage. Among the Mongols, the mineral was also very popular. They used it to protect against evil forces and evil sorcery. In our time, the stone has not lost its popularity and its value has not changed.

Chalcedony is very popular among women. This is not surprising, since it helps to attract the attention of the opposite sex. In addition, the stone enhances the attractiveness of women and helps to find their love.

The mineral also protects peace and tranquility in the family. In addition, it enhances libido. If you put the mineral under the pillow, it normalizes sleep. In addition, he will drive away nightmares and grant prophetic dreams.

With the help of chalcedony, you can get rid of negative character traits and enhance positive traits. The stone "extinguishes" anger and reduces the level of aggression. In addition, the stone bestows wisdom, calms, sharpens the mind and improves memory.

Chalcedony helps to get through a difficult period of life easier. He gives strength to endure all trials and overcome them with honor.

The healing properties of the stone

Medicinal properties have been attributed to these stones since ancient times. First of all, they have a positive effect on the nervous system. They help to cope with depressive conditions, give calmness and relieve mood swings. Thanks to such stones, a person becomes calmer, less likely to show aggression towards others. This has a positive effect on his psyche, as well as on communication with other people.

Chalcedony improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, it normalizes blood pressure, which is especially important for people suffering from hypertension or hypotension.

A bracelet with chalcedony helps to cope with some pathologies of the endocrine system. In addition, it normalizes hormonal levels. This is especially true for teenagers during puberty. Thanks to the normalization of the hormonal background, they will forget about such problems as a sharp change in mood, acne and depression.

Who suits chalcedony according to the zodiac sign

According to astrologers, chalcedony suits all signs of the zodiac. However, it suits one perfectly, and for other zodiac signs, its properties are not fully manifested.

Compatibility of chalcedony with the sign of the zodiac. Table 1.

The zodiac sign Sagittarius immediately "finds a common language" with chalcedony. They are energetically perfect for each other. The stone gives Sagittarius powerful protection, helps to cope with negative emotions and gives self-confidence. Thanks to this mineral, representatives of this zodiac sign can achieve all their goals and overcome any obstacle that arises in their path.

Chalcedony is perfect for Cancer too. He will give the representatives of this zodiac sign strong protection, and will also help to achieve success in love. In addition, the stone will help create a strong family and will protect it from quarrels, disagreements and betrayals.

Gemini, this stone gives balance. In addition, chalcedony will help the representatives of this zodiac sign to focus on one thing and not waste money on trifles.

Lions are best to choose a stone of orange tones. It will help to reveal hidden talents and "cool" their ardor.

Capricorns will suit multi-colored varieties of chalcedony. Such stones will help them solve financial problems and improve their financial situation.

This type of chalcedony, like heliotrope, is perfect for Aries. It will help to cope with negative emotions and strengthen positive character traits.

Virgos are best to choose stones of yellow and green shades. They will positively affect their health and emotional state. Taurus and Libra will suit pink, white and blue chalcedony.

The rest of the signs of the zodiac can wear this stone as a decoration. It will not show any magical properties.

Chalcedony is a strong amulet that can provide a person from evil forces. The main thing is to wear it closer to the body, try not to show it to others and believe in its magical properties.

Chalcedony is one of the minerals that strikes with a variety of varieties, each of which is named after its own name. Since ancient times, this stone has become a real find for masters of different directions. The stunning works that have survived to this day have become priceless examples of ancient art. Of course, the magical and healing abilities of the gem cannot be ignored.

History and origins

A translucent quartz mineral with an unimaginably rich palette of colors was discovered by the ancient Greeks on the coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara, in the city of Chalcedon. The nugget was named after the place where it was discovered.

This find was a real breakthrough for the ancient people, since no one could compare with the Greeks in the skill of stone processing. However, it so happened that all the precious minerals were brought from other countries, and many of the stones became the cause of strife and wars.

And then nature revealed its riches to the Greeks. The found deposits of chalcedony marked the beginning of a new direction in jewelry art - glyptic (the art of carving on colored and precious stones). Ancient Greek masters created incredible carvings with figures of people, animals, birds, various scenes from the life of the people.

Such relief figures were called gems, images on convex stone cabochons were called cameos, and carved seals were called intaglios.

This is interesting! Chalcedony is mentioned in many ancient religious scriptures. So, in the Revelation of John the Theologian, chalcedony is described as a stone that adorns the third of the twelve existing foundations of the walls of New Jerusalem - the heavenly city.

By the will of fate, Chalcedon was ruined by the barbarians, who wiped the city off the face of the Earth. The fall of the ancient world took away the art of ancient masters, and the popularity of chalcedony sunk into oblivion for many centuries.

The era of Classicism revived interest in the mineral. Excavations of the ruins of ancient cities delighted archaeologists with amazing finds of magnificent gems, which at that time were of unimaginable historical value. Representatives of the upper classes started a fashion to decorate their tiaras, brooches and necklaces with such figures, emphasizing their position in society.

Over time, interest in such finds only increased. The kings of Europe collected entire collections of works of ancient art. The Hermitage was famous for several thousand copies of antique cameos (carved with an image executed in relief) made by ancient craftsmen.

Chalcedony has been popular with many historically famous people. Napoleon and Byron wore chalcedony rings, and Pushkin owned two such jewelry at once. Maximilian Voloshin was fond of collecting various types of minerals found on the Crimean coast, and frequent guests who visited his dacha took copies of this collection with them.

Among the friends who accepted such a gift were Alexei Tolstoy, Nikolai Gumilyov, Alexander Grin, Marina Tsvetaeva, Andrei Bely and Osip Mandelstam.

Place of Birth

Chalcedony is a variety, which, in turn, is one of the most common minerals. Chalcedony is formed due to the process of crystallization of volcanic rocks at temperatures from 700 to 1000 ° C or through hydrothermal exposure.

Germany is famous for the oldest deposit. In addition to this country, the mineral is mined in the following territories:

  • Russia (Primorye, Eastern Siberia, Moscow region).
  • Brazil.
  • Islands of Madagascar.
  • India.
  • Australia.
  • Uruguay.
  • Italy.
  • Czech Republic.
  • Poland.
  • Scotland.

Also, there are mining sites in Ukraine and the Transcaucasus.

Physical properties

Chalcedony is similar in its physicochemical properties to quartz, representing cryptocrystalline transparent minerals of white-yellow hues. The stone owes its diverse color palette to impurities, as well as to the geological processes under which it is formed. However, despite dozens of independent subspecies, all nuggets have the same characteristics.

Density2.58-2.64 g/cm³
Refractive index1,530-1,539
kinkIrregular, less often shelly.
ShineWax or matte.
TransparencyCloudy, translucent.
ColorBlueish, yellowish and grey.

Varieties and colors

To date, mineralogy has more than a hundred varieties of chalcedony, each of which is named after its own name, emphasizing the individuality of the gem.


Mineral of reddish hues, which got its color due to the admixture of small particles. The name of the stone is of ancient Greek origin. In Latin, the nugget is called "carnelian", which translates as "dogwood berry". There are specimens of red-brown, yellow-red and red-pink flowers. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight leads to a loss of color saturation - brown shades turn pale, becoming orange.

Carnelian also has its own variety -. This mineral is highly valued by master carvers, who create amazing products from it. The stone is red-black, orange-red or white-brown. The ancient Egyptians revered this gem as a symbol of Isis, the Egyptian mother goddess.


This is a layered mineral, in which stripes (ribbons) of different colors are pronounced. Nature presents brown-red specimens or gems with alternating white and multi-colored stripes - black, pink, brown, yellow, red.


Brownish-red or reddish-brown mineral, similar to carnelian, but differing in hue. The ancient manuscripts of the scientist Pliny describe the technique of artificially obtaining sarders by annealing light varieties of chalcedony, as well as by boiling a light mineral in a honey solution.


This mineral is valued by jewelers for its unusual greenish or green-blue hue, formed due to the admixture of nickel. The masters have their own varietal classification of chrysoprase, on which the value and cost of the gem depends:

  • The highest grade is a nugget of saturated uniform emerald color, occasionally with small impurities. In this case, the mineral should be translucent up to 5 cm.
  • The first grade is an apple-green stone, translucent up to 2 cm thick with small opaque areas.
  • The third grade is an ornamental mineral of a pale bluish-green or yellow-green hue with spots, dendrites, impurities, and areas of different transparency.

Chrysoprase was discovered only in the Renaissance. Today, the mineral is considered rare.

Heliotrope (Blood Jasper)

An exotic dark green nugget with bright red (bloody) spots. Mentions of this gem stretch from antiquity. Pliny wrote about heliotrope, and medieval writings mention the inclusions of the mineral as the blood of Christ.

The nugget was once used to make utensils for religious ceremonies. Today, this mineral is revered by jewelers and collectors. Men's rings are decorated with heliotrope, and cameos are carved from the mineral.


A variety of chalcedony, characterized by delicate shades of blue. Under the influence of temperatures, the mineral, alas, loses the beauty of color, turns pale, fades away.


This is a layered or patterned chalcedony of different density and transparency. This variety is an independent mineral, which is classified into many separate subspecies, including:

There is also iridescent chalcedony, a mineral with an amazing effect of a metallic iridescent glow in yellow, green and blue.

Medicinal properties

Given the variety of varieties of the mineral, it is worth noting that any of its properties differ according to the names of the nuggets. Although there are a couple of features that unite all chalcedony without exception.

This is interesting: Ancient manuscripts from many countries of the world contain information about what healing properties of chalcedony our ancestors used. The stone was used for a feverish condition, as well as for skin diseases.

And with chalcedony powder, one of the medieval doctors cured dysentery. Today, Islamists make toothpicks from the mineral of yellow and orange shades. These oral hygiene items are said to strengthen gums and whiten teeth.

Modern herbal medicine describes such healing abilities of different types of gem:

  • has a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys, taking care of the health of these organs.
  • helps to establish the normal functioning of the organs of the cardiovascular system.
  • Sarder perfectly heals wounds, ulcers, restores damaged skin, and also fights infertility.
  • - assistant for weather-dependent people. In order to treat such diseases, water charged with a mineral is used (a liquid with a piece of gem should be infused for 5 hours in sunlight).
  • relieves toothache, stops bleeding, provides a general comfortable state of the body, gives freshness to the skin.
  • Sapphirine helps hypotensive patients by increasing blood pressure, and also normalizes the work of the heart.
  • has an antitussive effect, eliminates toothache.

Absolutely all types of stone help to calm the nervous system, restoring healthy sleep, relieving depressive states, therefore, wearing such jewelry is recommended, first of all, to emotionally unstable people. It is worth noting that the stone also needs rest, so it is better to take breaks and not wear the mineral all the time.

The magic of chalcedony

Since ancient times, the mineral has been known as a “love, joyful” stone. Women used the power of the gem to attract their soulmate, because men did not remain indifferent, succumbing to the magic of chalcedony. And the positive energy of a nugget is able to drive away longing, sad thoughts, melancholic mood from a person. Travelers, especially sailors, took the chalcedony talisman on their way, believing that it would return them home.

The magical power of the mineral is closely related to its healing properties. Stones of bright colors are stronger with energy force, each shade is responsible for certain traits of the owner's character:

  • Orange gems enhance the owner's acting abilities, awaken talents, and make a person look more attractive.
  • Purple tint develops willpower.
  • Red is the color of movement, energy, protection.
  • The green stone will develop patience, lead a person to self-sufficiency.
  • Blue gems suppress anger and anger, streamline thoughts.
  • The black mineral is a symbol of birth and death.
  • Brown chalcedony will give balance, bring stability to life.
  • Purple is a stone of magic.

The magical properties of the mineral are strong, but not everyone will be able to feel this power. It is necessary to have the nobility of the soul, bright thoughts, in order to know the magic of chalcedony.

An unprocessed piece of a mineral is suitable for family people, which will become a talisman of love, happiness, harmony of intimate relationships.

Compatibility with other stones

Chalcedony is a stone of the earth element. Therefore, the neighborhood of earthly brethren is not alien to him. The mineral also behaves friendly with the stones of Air. However, it is worth remembering that such a bright, individual gem should still be worn separately from other jewelry.

Combining chalcedony with other multi-colored minerals is not the best idea, even from the point of view of style, and not astrology. If the chosen stone is compatible with your character, it will certainly establish the necessary relationship and let this relationship not be burdened with unnecessary neighborhood.

Jewelry with a mineral

Chalcedony is considered an ornamental stone. All types of gems are beautiful in their own way, common in nature and, accordingly, very affordable. Beautiful inexpensive jewelry is made from chalcedony. If we talk about jewelry made of silver or gold, then the price will be an order of magnitude higher:

  • The price of a silver ring starts from 5 thousand rubles, while a gold one can cost 3-5 times more, depending on the accompanying inserts. If we are talking about an elite piece of jewelry with a rare type of agate, such as moss, then the price can reach 100 thousand or more.
  • Silver earrings can be purchased from 3 thousand rubles, gold, respectively, is more expensive.
  • A silver pendant is estimated at 2,000 rubles, but can reach 20,000.
  • Bracelets start from 5 thousand for silver.

As for simple beads and bracelets made of chalcedony cabochons, then the price starts from 300 rubles for a bracelet and from 500 rubles for beads. The main thing is to be able to distinguish a natural mineral from plastic or glass.

How to distinguish natural chalcedony from a fake?

Of course, there is no need to fake an affordable gem, however, when it comes to more expensive varieties, there is a risk of stumbling upon glass or plastic. There are several ways to find out:

  1. Natural chalcedony is always heavier than fakes.
  2. A natural mineral will remain cold if you hold it in your palms, but glass or plastic will quickly absorb the warmth of your hands.
  3. A true mineral is endowed with uneven color, defects and inclusions.
  4. A fake always looks unnatural, having a bright, unnatural color.

You can also find such a scam as simple chalcedony colored with iron nitrate, passing off as a rarer and more expensive carnelian. Splitting this stone, you can see the truth - the color paints over a maximum of 2 mm of cabochon thickness.

How to wear and care?

The owner must determine the time for the purchase on his own, guided by his inner instinct. Chalcedony is unpretentious to dates, lunar phases or days of the week. The main thing is to establish the necessary connection with the mineral.

It is important to know that the mineral used as a talisman must be worn close to the body, without exposing it to others.

You need to wear jewelry and take care of it carefully, adhering to a few simple rules:

  • The product must be removed before any physical exertion, in order to avoid mechanical damage, as well as before contact with household chemicals or sudden changes in temperature. Any of the factors is harmful to the mineral.
  • Chalcedony should be stored separately or wrapped in a soft cloth so that other stones do not scratch it.
  • It is better to clean the mineral with a soft cloth and mild soapy water.

Sapphirines and chrysoprase are especially sensitive to the sun. To avoid color loss, it is better not to expose them to long-term exposure to rays.

Name Compatibility

Chalcedony, in its holistic concept, not divided into subspecies, patronizes the owners of various names, among which the fair sex predominates:

  • Valeria. For her, the mineral will become a real talisman of love and harmony in family relationships.
  • Inga. A girl with an unusual name and the same character. For her, chalcedony will become a protection against negativity, an assistant in overcoming difficulties, as well as a source of energy and spiritual growth.
  • Irina. The gem will bring joy to her life, attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  • Ksenia. Chalcedony will help this girl cope with longing, love life and gain a desire to search for love.
  • Oksana. The mineral will drive away gloomy thoughts from her, teaching her to enjoy life.
  • Sergey. A nugget will help this man pacify a storm of emotions, endowing the owner with the qualities he needs - patience, courage, wisdom.

Men with other names will also find a patron in chalcedony, but each of them should take a closer look at a certain variety of it.

Chalcedony and zodiac signs

Astrologers unanimously attribute this mineral to the category of universal stones. The gem will not harm any of the signs of the Zodiac, however, for some, the nugget will reveal all the abilities, while for others it will become only an ornament.

(“+++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility

The "favorites" of chalcedony are representatives of such constellations:

  • Sagittarius. Here is the ideal energy compatibility. The mineral gives the owner self-confidence, protects from the negativity of their own emotions, helping to achieve any goals.
  • Cancer. For this family, the gem prepares success in love affairs. The stone will contribute to the creation of a strong and friendly family, protecting the spouses in the future from betrayal and conflict.
  • Gemini will become more balanced, more restrained with a chalcedony talisman. In addition, the nugget will help the owner focus on achieving one significant goal, without being distracted by secondary matters.

Another group of zodiac signs should pay attention to certain types of stone:

  • Aries. Representatives of this constellation are most suitable for heliotrope. This mineral will enhance the best qualities, driving away negative emotions.
  • Capricorn. Multi-colored minerals will help to cope with material difficulties, improve the financial situation.
  • A lion. Orange gems will unleash the hidden abilities of Lions, while at the same time pacifying the natural ardor of emotions a little.
  • Virgo. Green and yellow varieties of the stone have a beneficial effect on the emotional and physical health of the representatives of this constellation.

Libra and fit chalcedony blue, pink and white tones. Other signs of the Zodiac can only count on a beautiful decoration, since the magical properties of the mineral will not be revealed to them.


Chalcedony has become an amazing find of mankind. This mineral allowed ancient people to use its unusual properties, as well as to create products of indescribable beauty. Until today, craftsmen create beautiful jewelry, decor items, finishing materials for furniture and premises from the gem. And those who believe in the special magical power of this nugget gain incredible protection from malice, envy, and greed.

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